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Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary]

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Age : 34
Posts : 591

Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Vide
PostSubject: Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] EmptyWed 27 Apr 2011, 11:15 am

So this is just a preliminary. I need to know if I am on the right track before I go further....

Clan Name: Kansei
Location: Everywhere
Signature Traits:

All Kansei shinobi are born with green eyes. To hide their clan affiliation, it is not unusual for them to cover their eyes with goggles or glasses.

Photographic Memory:
All Kansei clan members are born with an average intelligence, but they do have a photographic memory. Though this does not make them inherently smarter (Memorizing is not the same as understanding), it does allow them to recall almost 95% of things they have seen.

Doll Makers
Kansei clan members always carry an assortment of dolls and almost constantly make their own special dolls. These dolls may hang from belts, act as backpacks, or exist in almost any other manner. All Kansei clan members use these dolls as the basis of their traps and secret jutsu. They do not use puppetry, but rather Fuuinjutsu to instill temporary life into their dolls. Beyond Fuuinjutsu, the clan is devoted to a number of secret techniques with the dolls.

Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Sensory: Kansei clan members have the unique bloodline ability to completely identify and memorize chakra frequencies of individuals. Each individual’s chakra is unique and using that fact and their ability to sense chakra to identify threats and lay unique and personalized traps for the individuals. Though the clan ability is not as strong as some other sensory clans and abilities, the way they utilize chakra frequencies more than makes up for their lack of range.

Ability Notes:

Clan Jutsu:

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Big Sean
Kumo Nin
Big Sean

Age : 31
Posts : 208

Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] EmptyThu 28 Apr 2011, 4:03 am

Quote :
Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Sensory: Kansei clan members have the unique bloodline ability to completely identify and memorize chakra frequencies of individuals. Each individual’s chakra is unique and using that fact and their ability to sense chakra to identify threats and lay unique and personalized traps for the individuals. Though the clan ability is not as strong as some other sensory clans and abilities, the way they utilize chakra frequencies more than makes up for their lack of range.

This actually isn't much of a Kekkei Genkai at all since relatively any ninja can become a sensor type with the proper early training. Basically, what I'm getting from this is that the clan would simply be a secret clan jutsu type (Such as the Nara clan) instead of a Kekkei Genkai type.
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Age : 34
Posts : 591

Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] EmptyThu 28 Apr 2011, 4:39 am

The KKG is important because the identification and memorization of chakra frequencies is kinda needed to preform the more complex jutsu.... However, if you think I don't need that as a KKG I might well reform my clan to work the voodoo stuff as the KKG.
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Posts : 2032

Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] EmptySat 04 Jun 2011, 11:33 am

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Kansei [Voodoo Clan, Preliminary] Vide
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