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Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye

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Age : 26
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Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye Vide
PostSubject: Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye EmptyFri 06 May 2011, 9:27 pm

Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye Monzaemon_Symbol

Clan Name: Ayatsuri Clan

Location: Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye 18px-Sunagakure_Symbol.svg Sunagakure no Sato

Signature Traits:

Kekkei Genkai: Kugutsugan
Ayatsuri Clan.:.The Puppeteer's Eye Ree-3
The Kugutsugan, or puppeteer eye, has several abilities, all having to do with puppetry. The first and foremost, otherwise the most infamous ability of the eye, is the 'transparent puppeteer' technique. It is claimed that the Ayatsuri clansmen can use chakra strings through vision, but this has not been completely confirmed. Really, they just have have mental control over their puppets, just by sight alone. Because of this, the puppet slots they can control are increased by two, has however many their rank allows can be used on their hands, and two more can be controlled by sight. The two puppets that they control from their eyes are specific, and are usually their patented and favorite ones. These puppets, as well as being patented, also possess the Kugutsugan. Though they do have the same abilities and cannot control other puppets, they serve as a medium for clan techniques.

The second and much lesser known ability of the Ayatsuri clan is the art of on-sight ventriloquism. By the chakra used for controlling the puppets, the user can form a certain link between their own mind and their puppet's control mechanisms. By mixing their thoughts with the linked chakra, the clansmen can control their puppet's mouth for proper movements, and talk through them. This puts no strain on the user's vocal cords whatsoever, and is a very good technique for an injured of mute clansmen. Other than that, this can plainly just be used to creep out an opponent, or for hiding and not revealing oneself to someone.

Though the third ability is not known as well as the first, it is the second most famous art of the clan. This is called none other than the art of chakra stitching, in which different ways of utilizing chakra strings come into affect. This does not necessarily mean the strings must be used solely on puppets, as their are a variety of possibilities that can be considered. Also, straying away from the classic chakra strings, chakra ropes can be utilized for more power, having a larger power to control ratio. The same rule applies for other chakra stitching techniques which affect a certain attribute of the puppet, declining another though. This does not mean that some can not be combined to even it out, but this is impossible until A-Rank or higher is achieved.

Another option of puppeteering as an Ayatsuri clansmen is the combination of chakra stitching and the mental link of the Kugutsugan. This allows for better control and a better flow of the puppets movements, giving it better accuracy. Though it is better and more common for a clansmen to use puppetry, it is not a necessity, as the clan is also slightly known for their Fuuinjutsu. It isn't their strongest point, but it still allows for good techniques from the eye. If a clansmen does not possess Puppetry as their main or sub specialty, they must train for the Kugutsugan later. Along with that, even if they are not puppet masters, clansmen always have superb knowledge of puppetry, and are familiar with clan poisons and puppets.


Clan Jutsu:
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