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The Three Flares

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Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

Age : 29
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The Three Flares Vide
PostSubject: The Three Flares The Three Flares EmptySat 09 Jul 2011, 5:10 pm

Name: Katon: Teijou Furea [Fire Style: Stationary Flare]
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close Range (0m)
Element: Katon
Description: Katon: Honoo is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After performing the Dragon hand seal, the user will reveal their dominant palm hand. Upon doing so, a small scale flame will begin to emit from the users palm which they can then use to light the surrounding area. This technique is commonly used in caves or other dark places. The light emitted is about the same as a torch, yet the way it differs from a torch is that it lights a larger radius, as it is not restricted within a lens. Due to the low level of the technique, the fire is unable to harm anyone unless contact is made with the fire for at least two posts. However, the fire is able to ignite small objects such as paper or twigs. This technique may place the user at a disadvantage at times, for they will be unable to perform any hand seals while the flame is active.
Chakra Cost: 3 [1]

Name: Katon: Ganjou Furea [Fire Style: Strong Flare]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close Range (0m)
Element: Katon
Description: Katon: Ganjou Furea is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After performing the Dragon and Serpent hand seal, the user will reveal their palm that belongs to their dominant hand. Upon doing so, a medium scale flame will begin to emit from the users palm which they can then use to light the surrounding area. The technique is an upgrade of 'Teijou Furea', due to the flame being on a larger scale and also being a higher temperature, thus resulting in a larger scale of light being emitted. Anyone who stays in contact with the flame for one full post will now begin to suffer from the burns. The flame is now also hot enough to ignite clothing and dead pieces of wood and plants. This technique may place the user at a disadvantage at times, for they will be unable to perform any hand seals while the flame is active.
Chakra Cost: 6 [2]

Name: Katon: Daifurea [Fire Style: Great Flare]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close Range (0m)
Element: Katon
Description: Katon: Daifurea is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After performing the Dragon, Serpent and Rat hand seal, the user will reveal their palm that belongs to their dominant hand. Upon doing so a large scale flame will begin to emit from their palm. This technique is the final upgrade to the 'Furea' list. The flames are very hot, with a blue flame being at the centre of the flame, with the traditional orange flames surrounding it. The flame will also be in a pointed cone shape, so that the user is able to also concentrate the light being emitted on a specific location. The flames are actually hot enough to be able to melt metal that has not been laced with chakra, yet it will take some time for the flame to actually do so. Due to the sheer heat of the flames, anyone who comes into physical contact with it, will immediately feel the effects of burning and possibly have their own clothes catch on fire. This technique may place the user at a disadvantage at times, for they will be unable to perform any hand seals while the flame is active. Unlike it's lower level techniques, this flame is often used in offensive movements rather then lighting an area.
Chakra Cost: 11 [3]

Last edited by Suijin on Wed 13 Jul 2011, 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

Age : 29
Posts : 4301

The Three Flares Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Three Flares The Three Flares EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 5:48 pm

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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
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The Three Flares Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Three Flares The Three Flares EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 7:47 pm

You won't be able to utilize the Daifurea technique because it's B-rank and you're a Genin.

The other techniques are approved for training.
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Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

Age : 29
Posts : 4301

The Three Flares Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Three Flares The Three Flares EmptyWed 13 Jul 2011, 1:44 am

Thanks for clarifying that for me Elder!

Training Complete: Lighting the Scene
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

The Three Flares Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Three Flares The Three Flares EmptyWed 13 Jul 2011, 3:15 am

Nice Work | Approved.
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Age : 28
Posts : 796

The Three Flares Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Three Flares The Three Flares EmptyMon 09 Jan 2012, 5:02 am


Due to deceased character.
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The Three Flares Vide
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