Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)

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Age : 26
Posts : 18

Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  EmptyFri 14 Dec 2012, 3:37 am



Name: Uzumaki, Kida
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Standing at 5' 7", Kida is able to place himself within the average height range of people around his age. People would expect him to be much taller though, as he would always tower over his fellow classmates at the academy and both of his parents were really tall. Keeping a good weight has always come easy to Kida. Kida likes to eat a lot, but he somehow never managed to put on any extra weight from all of the food that he would eat. People believe this to be because of the genes that he inherited from his ancestors, but Kida believes it to be because of all of the workouts that he does in his free time. He curently weighs in at 123 lbs, but most of his weight is from muscle. Kida's skin is light and it does not have any scars on it, except for one on his lower abdomen. He always tires his best to keep from getting scratches and will do anything to hide them when he does get them. Kida's hair is a red color, a trait that spans almost completely throughout the Uzumaki clan. Kida used to despise his hair color as he would always get made fun of because of it, but as he progressed through life he changed his mind about this because it indicated that he was a member of the Uzumaki clan, and he was proud of it.

Most commonly, Kida can be seen wearing a standard Konoha shinobi uniform, which he inherited from his father. There are only three modification, which is the flak jacket the sweat shirt, and the color of the outfit. Kida's sweat shirt was replaced by a white T-shirt, Kida completely removed the flak jacket until he ranks up to Chunnin or Jounin, and the color of the outfit was changed to a dark black color. He finishes his main attire with a black headband. Kida also wears a few decorative pieces, which are a cross necklace and a bracelet, both of which he inherited from his father, and a black sweatband on his right wrist. On rare occasions, Kida can be seen wearing a black zip up jacket that has the mark of the Uzumaki clan tattooed onto the back of it, a green T-shirt, baggy black pants black ninja sandals, and his cross necklace, bracelet and sweatband.

When he was a child, Kida was very kind, loving towards his parents and respectful to his fellow clansmen as well as his teachers. He was even very proud of being Mikado Uzumaki's son — famous for being a devoted protector of Konoha, and he desired to emulate him. His original dream was to join the Konoha Anbu Black Ops when he grew up, like his father and as such greatly sought his father's approval and acknowledgement of his abilities. After Mikado's untimely death, Kida's ideals and personality changed drastically and he became cold, indifferent, cruel, cynical, somewhat arrogant, unreasonable and devoted the next six years of his life to avenge his father by hunting down the man who killed his father and kill them. After arriving back at the Academy after his father's death, Kida displayed great indifference to his class-mates as well as others. Feeling superior to all of them, including his teacher, Kida was unwilling to cooperate with any of his class-mates, as he felt they would provide him no aid in furthering his ambition to avenge his father; this attitude affected his grades in the Academy after losing his father, he had the lowest score in cooperation and second lowest in assertiveness. However over time, as he interacted more with his class-mates, he began to see them as somewhat of a family and Kida started to lose some of his hatred, caring more about his friends than his revenge.

After graduating from the Academy, Kida gained back his kind and loving personality back completely. In addition to his former traits that he gained back, Kida also became very strong willed, somewhat independent, and proud. Kida is also very religious, as he takes the time to visit the Memorial Stone whenever he can to mourn his father and other protectors of Konoha who have died in their lines of duty and he prays sometimes as well taht he will have the strength to protect his mother, his friends, and everyone in Konoha. Because of his religous views, however, Kida does not like bloodshed, finding meaningless and he fells that it goes against his gods' wishes. He usually attempts to find solutions other than fighting, but is obliged to fight if the situations pertains to it. Kida will also put his life on the line a million times over for his friends, family, and village, as he one day strives to lead them and become Hokage and as Hokage, Kida strives to bring all of the Shinobi Villages together. Kida likes and dislikes many things, just like many other people. He likes to read, draw, go on long walks, watch water flow, watch birds, watch clouds, and he likes to eat his mother's homemade cooking. Kida dislikes death and sour food.

Clan: Uzumaki
Nindō: "Friendship is my greatest weapon!"


Origin: Konohagakure no Sato
Affiliation: Konohagakure no Sato
Rank: Genin

Elemental Affinities:

Combat Style:
Kida is hailed as a genius, even by the battle-adept Uchiha clan's standards, excelling at all that he does and finding little difficulty in more challenging tasks as seen during his time in the Academy. Scoring the highest in the performance tests and one of the highest in written tests, he easily graduated at the top of his Academy class. He is a highly skilled and capable shinobi that specializes in mid to long-range combat. He is a keen analyst, being able to easily deduce an opponent's strategies and weaknesses soon after a battle begins. His powers and status are well-respected and praised by just about everyone of whom he graduated from the Academy with and even some of his teachers.

Ninjutsu is Kida's strong point, preferring this over any other type of combat. When in battles where he can use Ninjutsu, Kida battles in mid-long range. He does this so that he can react quicker to his enemies' attacks and so that he has more time to conjure up his jutsu. Battling in teams only heightens Kida's performance in Ninjutsu, in which he can use his teammates to help him find and create openings to use his jutsu effectively. Though he almost never uses Taijutsu as a fighting element, Kida has incredible reaction speed against regular users of Taijutsu. He has really good speed and his eyes are really adept, which is an advantage that he has in hand-to-hand combat. Because of his muscular build and strength, Kida is also good at holding his own in hand-to-hand combat for long periods of time. When in Taijutsu battles however, Kida prefers to go all out on his opponents with numerous punches and kicks, in which he sometimes looses focus in the process of doing this.

Special Characteristics:



Birth ARC:


Academy ARC:

RPG Sample:
(This is from a story that I am writing from my English class...)



Academy Jutsu:

Clan Jutsu:

D-Rank Jutsu:

C-Rank Jutsu:

B-Rank Jutsu:

A-Rank Jutsu:

S-Rank Jutsu:



Character Claim: Denzel
Source: Gaia Online & Photobucket
Image URL: http://tinyurl.com/cjt5cwm

Last edited by redninjaguy on Sat 22 Dec 2012, 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 37
Posts : 2201

Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  EmptyFri 21 Dec 2012, 3:48 am

Hey there, this application is looking nice. Just a few pointers.

  • As you are applying for a clan, and such an epic clan as the Uzumaki x) , then I'd like to see a little more personality description. Like one paragraph more. If that doesn't sit well with you, I'm sure we can gradually work something out.

  • I know it's really ... anal to ask of, but could you fix the spacing /non-existent space between Konoha Senpuu and Konoha Kage Buyou?

  • I noticed you don't have any clan jutsu? ( you also have 14 jutsu while you can have 15, just a pointer).

  • You are also missing the faceclaim section on your app. Even if it is art made by you or someone that did it for you, then we need a link to it.

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Age : 26
Posts : 18

Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  EmptySat 22 Dec 2012, 11:01 am

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Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  EmptyMon 24 Dec 2012, 12:39 am

Looks good to me. I also took the liberty of shortening your face claim URL as it was stretching the page
Approved 1/2
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Age : 37
Posts : 2201

Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  EmptyMon 24 Dec 2012, 12:49 am

(2/2) approved. Now you should make your account here
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Kumo Nin

Age : 34
Posts : 1209

Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  EmptyThu 14 Feb 2013, 7:54 pm

Archived due to member request.
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Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin) Uzumaki, Kida (Konoha Genin)  Empty

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