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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed)

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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyTue 04 Jan 2011, 1:45 am

No i'm waiting for response to what I responded so things can handled one thing at a time, hence why I said i'd deal with the rest later and I'm right here people.
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Age : 27
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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyTue 04 Jan 2011, 2:05 am

Ehh, I'll just leave this to Adam.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyTue 04 Jan 2011, 3:04 am

Fine with me, come get some Stratus D<
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Age : 29
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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyWed 05 Jan 2011, 10:42 pm

I would really prefer someone else to check it, but if Adam really wants to I guess I can't stop him.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyThu 06 Jan 2011, 4:23 am

Y wrote:


Quote :
Name: Poison Expulsion
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: -
Element: None
Description: The user expels a body of poison the user possesses in the form most appropriate for the type of poison. This jutsu can take the form of a shower of solid needles that cover a 25ft cone, a liquid bullet of poison that is 15ft in diameter, or a fog of gaseous poison that covers a 35ft area up to 3ft high. This jutsu also consumes an amount of chakra equal to the rank of the poison being expelled.

This jutsu covers a 35ft area? James' only poison is 30ft at gaseous level so how can it extend another five metres. Perhaps you should fit this to his poison accordingly.

Quote :

Name: Surgical Wire
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user expels a wire from their hand out of seemingly nowhere, forming it through a restructuring of bodily chemicals making a surgical wire made of chitin, making it biodegradable and not harmful to anyone sewn up with it since the material actually speeds up the closing of wounds.
Bastardized: This created surgical wire is as tough as a normal metal wire, and thus it can easily be converted over to combat usage with the same use as metal wires though this jutsu enables the creation of wire even when normal wire is inaccessible or the time to withdraw it cannot be afforded.

Perhaps I read this wrong but this sounds more like a piece of equipment, not a technique.

Quote :

Name: Chakra Chitin
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user places a hand to a wound, causing the creation of chitin over a wound that closes the wound. Though this seems to be little different from many other Eijutsu, chitin naturally speeds up the healing of wounds in humans, along with being much tougher than scar tissue. Thus the wound is more adequately protected than simple bandaging.

This seems like the type of technique that should be multiple ranks as certain amounts of chakra should be used depending on how much severe or how deep the wound is. Please specify.

Quote :

Name: Seventh Sense
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user directs a very small, but controlled and regulated, amount of chakra to their skin, making use of the natural electric shock that the body causes when viewed by another person, allowing for the 'someone is looking at me' knowledge many people have. This jutsu translates this into a nervous system shock, which causes a minor headpain, enabling the user to know they're being watched though they are ignorant of who or what it is, where it is, or any other details.

For chakra to be able to have an electric shock effect it would have to be Raiton Chakra. James does not have Raiton as an element, please remove.

Quote :

Name: Autohypnosis
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user induces their own hypnotism, though they are not subject to command from outside persons or forces, and is able to recall information through the subconscious mind that they would otherwise be ignorant of. This takes only a moment to perform, but can only be used to recall a single scene, with ridiculously precise details of that scene down to things like the speed of the wind at the time or the number of people in the background, along with their faces.

How can this be resisted, does it require eye contact for example? I don't think you should be allowed to move from your position during this technique and must hold a handsign the whole time for it to take effect, though I don't necessarily see this as medical. bump it to C-rank please.

Quote :

Name: Shaman's Scream
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A medical technique originally used by shamans in order to call themselves back to their bodies after meditation, this jutsu induces a great amount of pain by fooling the nervous system with chakra into believing the body were on fire, in acid, or similarly great pains. This can be used to aid in Kai'ing Genjutsu, allowing use of the pain method even while trapped in Genjutsu.

Bump to C-rank. Does this give you instant recognition of the Genjutsu you would be trapped in?

Quote :

Name: Cellular Heightening
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user looks at a target on an opponents body and directs chakra from their body to an opponents to cause the body in that part to 'speed up' harmful effects the user is aware are taking place there. This increases the effects of whatever is occurring as if it were one post ahead, but cannot be used more than once in on the same effect, though reapplying the effect enables another use. Commonly used to speed up poisons, but sometimes used to hamper opponents whose jutsu have side-effects.

B-rank please.

Quote :

Name: Skin Shield
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D-C
Element: None
Description: Though the body naturally is capable of hardening skin that is repeatedly damaged by friction, through the creation of calluses, this jutsu increases the normal time period of a second, though the created calluses are not permanent. These calluses are able to defend against standard shinobi weapons and have them glance off a specified area of skin (the whole body may be covered for a C Rank amount of chakra), causing no damage.

Remove this, James' character already has another overpowered reinforcement when it comes to his skin, I will not permit more.

Quote :
Name: True Clone
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D-S
Element: None
Description: Though many Ninjutsu create clones out of environmental substances or their own chakra, a medical shinobi is able to create a clone of the real sort, being exactly the same as them but with some notable differences. A true clone has only a minute amount of chakra, a D Rank amount, but its body is able to create chakra, gaining a C Rank amount each post up to the maximum amount (the letter rank this jutsu was utilized at, D Rank clones gain a D Rank amount each post.) This is from their enhanced cells making up for their lack of a spirit to create chakra, though it is quite a bit different and even those who cant detect chakra are aware that it just feels 'off'.

A true clone resembles its creator, being summoned in a puff of smoke or sprouting off the body as desired, and up to three clones may be created using this technique, though they are created one at a time, one per use. When a true clone is struck, they do not fall apart as normal clones, and instead remain every bit as coherent as a human body, requiring similar conditions as a human to destroy. They can use any jutsu the user knows, though they are limited on chakra, and die should they run out of chakra, their bodies falling apart into a 'goop' of tissue when they are slain.

A true clone, though it has all the normal body parts as a human being, cannot have them extracted nor can they be used for the creator's jutsu, since these organs are incredibly unstable due their rapid creation. True clones are highly susceptible to poisons, taking two posts worth of effects each post, or attacks that target their poorly constructed organs and bodily systems. Such attacks destroy them immediately.

Make it A-rank per clone.

Quote :

Name: Bone Clone
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user holds out their hand, bones sprouting from their palm and developing through chakra infused calcium and minerals. The bones, once fully removed, leaves a hole in the palm that must be closed with other techniques or abilities. The jutsu creates a full skeleton of the user's body, a replication of their own internal bones though they may choose to form the skeleton in some other form. The skeleton is simply a normal bone structure but can be used for further jutsu.

Although this technique doesn't appear to actually do much, I read your arguement but your incorrect with how you have partially defended this technique. Kaguya is bone manipulation, not just making it their bones into weaponry that is a specialty trait; their Kekkei Genkai is to manipulate their bones from their body and modify or grow them into anything they can with that bone. This ability is exclusive to the Kaguya clan so you have to remove this. So far if there was one technique I'd make sure was removed it would be this.

Quote :
Name: Organ Replication
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user gathers chakra to one of their organs, internal or external, and begins to replicate it over the course of three posts within their stomach before being able to spit out a perfect facsimile. This enables medical shinobi to have access to organs for their jutsu, though it is a slow process for lower ranking medical shinobi. B Rank shinobi take two posts, A Rank take one, and S Rank shinobi are able to do it nearly instantly.

I have a technique similar to this, it's S-rank, this should be too and it shouldn't be done almost instantly. However, I have a second problem; which is if you receive a fatal wound to your heart, will this allow you to replicate it and replace it? Same question with any other organs.

Quote :

Name: Precision Hairs
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user directs chakra to the hairs all along their body, pushing out chakra from the chakra points closed to it to prevent an excessive waste of energy moving the chakra from place to place. The jutsu increases the ability of the hairs to feel, enabling the ability to pick up on changes in the environment very easily, such as those caused by sound waves or electrical pulses in the air. The jutsu was designed to tamper with sensing techniques, and for a D Rank amount of chakra, the hairs may fool techniques it picks up on, making the user appear to not be present to these techniques.

Such chakra control to such small places, B-rank please. As for the bit I have put in bold, please remove it.

Quote :
Name: Bacterial Bullet
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user gathers chakra to their throat and pulls back before spitting out a bullet of green medical chakra about 6ft in diameter. The sphere travels in a straight path and if it strikes an opponent, begins to corrode their clothing and skin when it strikes, using a collection of stomach dwelling bacteria to imitate the dissolution of digestion externally.

How far can it travel? How many posts does it digest clothing and skin, what is it's effect on armor? Surely it would not be able to corrode armor above it's ranking, meaning only C-rank armor or below would be effected.

Quote :

Name: Demon Flood
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user gathers chakra to their throat, cutting it and causing blood to surge out in a stream that can be fired at opponents. These stream is able to not only deal damage from its force, though this is minimal, it can infect opponents with any illness currently targeting their own blood system, often sending poisons right back at their inflicter. The blood can reach 5 meters and when it pools on the ground form a 1ft deep and 25ft wide pool of blood. The blood can be directed to then scab over, trapping opponents who are in contact with the pool, though it is fairly escape to break free and escape.

Sounds like Blood Manipulation, which has a clan if I'm not mistaken, which would should be removed.

Quote :
Name: Bodily Repulsion
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: B (-)
Element: None
Description: An Eijutsu that causes a rapid development of antibodies within the bodily systems to counteract whatever foreign substance is within the body. Exposure to a new agent is not effected by this jutsu, but the body will develop a resistance against the same type of agent in later posts. On the third post, the cells will develop the ability to resist any further advancement of the agent within the body, and on the fifth the agent is combated and removed. Further attempts to infect will last only a post before being pushed out of the body, gaining a three post immunity to additional attempts. This justu consumes a B Rank amount of chakra upon its initial use, but afterwards the body continues without chakra aid and this resistance becomes permanent.

Completely immune to poisons? I'm not liking this, once again; techniques at a higher level would be able to overpower this, a fine example would be the poisonous nano bug technique which is A-ranked. Just a note, and you say the resistance becomes permanent. I don't like this, remove it. It shouldn't be permanent.
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Posts : 509

Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptySat 08 Jan 2011, 5:45 pm

Hey, sorry this is a little late but FYI 'Real Clone(s)' or variations of them are too closely matched with my clans KKG. So could that please be removed or have a serious re-work. Thank you.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptySat 08 Jan 2011, 9:59 pm

Stratus wrote:
Y wrote:


Where did I write that in this topic, more importantly does it have to do with the jutsu in question? Stay on topic please.

Poison Expulsion
Quote :

This jutsu covers a 35ft area? James' only poison is 30ft at gaseous level so how can it extend another five metres. Perhaps you should fit this to his poison accordingly.

Note how the jutsu is not written in a singular form, nor is it intended for just one poison, the poison would be modified when used by this technique to match its specs, not whatever is stated. I wouldn't modify this to fit an individual since thats not the point, its a jutsu that actually lets you use a poison you have, simple enough. To avoid further confusion the technique can be modified to the below:

Quote :

Name: Poison Expulsion
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: -
Element: None
Description: The user expels a body of poison the user possesses in the form most appropriate for the type of poison. This jutsu can take the form of a shower of solid needles that cover a 25ft cone, a liquid bullet of poison that is 15ft in diameter, or a fog of gaseous poison that covers a 35ft area up to 3ft high. This jutsu also consumes an amount of chakra equal to the rank of the poison being expelled. This jutsu's perimeters take precedence over any base poison's used for this technique.

Surgical Wire
Quote :

Perhaps I read this wrong but this sounds more like a piece of equipment, not a technique.

You read it wrong then. This justu generates a wire from your body, which is not an equipment item because its created by a jutsu on the spot. You might have missed the things I've highlighted below:

Quote :

Name: Surgical Wire
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user expels a wire from their hand out of seemingly nowhere, forming it through a restructuring of bodily chemicals making a surgical wire made of chitin, making it biodegradable and not harmful to anyone sewn up with it since the material actually speeds up the closing of wounds.
Bastardized: This created surgical wire is as tough as a normal metal wire, and thus it can easily be converted over to combat usage with the same use as metal wires though this jutsu enables the creation of wire even when normal wire is inaccessible or the time to withdraw it cannot be afforded.

Chakra Chitin
Quote :

This seems like the type of technique that should be multiple ranks as certain amounts of chakra should be used depending on how much severe or how deep the wound is. Please specify.

The depth of the wound would be irrelevant concerning the jutsu, this covers only scabbing over blood, hence if somebody's arm's been severed off this jutsu can close the wound and stop the bleeding while enhancing their natural healing abilities (like growing new skin in days rather than weeks.) A deep cut is the same as a shallow one when it comes to a scab, blood clots regardless so long as the target doesn't die, if the nature of the technique required those sorts of details I'd provide them. If you'd like I can modify in this explanation to prevent any additional confusion.

Seventh Sense
Quote :

Name: Seventh Sense
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user directs a very small, but controlled and regulated, amount of chakra to their skin, making use of the natural electric shock that the body causes when viewed by another person, allowing for the 'someone is looking at me' knowledge many people have. This jutsu translates this into a nervous system shock, which causes a minor headpain, enabling the user to know they're being watched though they are ignorant of who or what it is, where it is, or any other details.

Quote :
For chakra to be able to have an electric shock effect it would have to be Raiton Chakra. James does not have Raiton as an element, please remove.

No, the Raiton element is irrelevant considering this is about your nervous system which clearly falls into the realm of medical jutsu, your nerves already use electric impulses and its well within the bounds of medic to modify those impulses WITHOUT Raiton. Considering the fact that a canon technique that completely wrecks the electric impulses and switches them around, is NOT on the banned list, and uses the same principle of bodily modification:

Chaotic Mental Collision wrote:

Ranshinshou is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Sannin Tsunade. Changing the chakra in her hand into an electricity, Tsunade can create an electric field to disrupt her targets nervous system. Because the brain and body communicate using electrical impulses, Tsunade can use the field to disrupt her targets ability to move. What results is commands to move one body part being relayed to another, making it near impossible for them to move unless they have high skill and understanding of the body.

And if you'll notice nowhere does it mention any need for the Raiton element and the character in question has never showed a capacity for it, not that its important since modifying the human body and its function is how medical techniques work so regardless of the proofs above it shouldn't be needed. The jutsu isn't shooting lightning bolts its modifying a minute electric bodily function, well within Eijutsu territory. What you're saying is effectively that a medic can't use Fine Affliction Removal because they don't have Suiton and can't manipulate water to draw the liquid out, thats the same line of logic and would be counter to what the site does and has done on multiple occasions.

In short, no, it doesn't need Raiton.

Quote :

How can this be resisted, does it require eye contact for example? I don't think you should be allowed to move from your position during this technique and must hold a handsign the whole time for it to take effect, though I don't necessarily see this as medical. bump it to C-rank please.

Quote :

Name: Autohypnosis
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: The user induces their own hypnotism, though they are not subject to command from outside persons or forces, and is able to recall information through the subconscious mind that they would otherwise be ignorant of. This takes only a moment to perform, but can only be used to recall a single scene, with ridiculously precise details of that scene down to things like the speed of the wind at the time or the number of people in the background, along with their faces.

Why does a self-targeting jutsu need a way to resist it? Autohypnosis puts the user in an unconscious state for a moment to recall a memory with greater detail, and its medical because its an effect on the mind on a very specific level using a specific bodily function. Still want it to be C Rank with that understanding of the technique? Since you seem to have misunderstood it originally.

Shaman Scream
Quote :

Bump to C-rank. Does this give you instant recognition of the Genjutsu you would be trapped in?

In no way does the jutsu imply or state that it allows you to recognize the fact that one is within a Genjutsu, it only allows the user to make effective use of the Pain Kai. Concerning the rank, see note below.

Cellular Heightening
Quote :

B-rank please.

See note below.

Skin Shield
Quote :

Name: Skin Shield
Type: Eijutsu
Rank: D-C
Element: None
Description: Though the body naturally is capable of hardening skin that is repeatedly damaged by friction, through the creation of calluses, this jutsu increases the normal time period of a second, though the created calluses are not permanent. These calluses are able to defend against standard shinobi weapons and have them glance off a specified area of skin (the whole body may be covered for a C Rank amount of chakra), causing no damage.

Quote :
Remove this, James' character already has another overpowered reinforcement when it comes to his skin, I will not permit more.

If somebody's application is overpowered then that would make it your job to actually go and handle it, plus the site has never denied anything on the grounds of the individual character, so thats not usually how things operate, if the concept is sound then you approve it. Of course, that would be assuming that you even read the clan data before posting this because if you did you'd know that this jutsu is actually pointless for his character. I'm sure you're too busy to verify your statements though so I'll help you out there.

Quote :

This skin is tougher then most metals, meaning regular weaponry would simply glance off Kaiku clan members. Depending on the rank of the Kaiku, the skin is harder. Each rank of Kaiku can block weapons that are one rank below them as a passive ability (ex: B-Rank Kaiku can block C-rank weapons.). This is completely passive and costs no chakra since this is just their normal skin.

Kakougan is an A Rank shinobi, therefore according to his clan, his skin naturally can block weapons that are a rank below his own (B Rank) so being able to block standard weapons (E or D Rank) would actually make him weaker, assuming it even worked in the first place, plus it would cost him chakra to have a WEAKER version of something he gets for free. Last time I checked when something is so worthless that you can handle it for free and better, that thing can't be OP, thats not logical in any way.

True Clone
Quote :

Make it A-rank per clone.

Why, you haven't provided any reasoning for this statement and I'd like to know why it should be an A Rank technique.

Now concerning your clan Brad, thats not going to happen because of the order in which things have happened in this case, considered your clan was posted up months before this topic was posted up (still months later even after its last modification) which means that my jutsu came first. If anything you took your clan concept from my jutsu, not vice-versa, so actually I'm not going to remove my jutsu, instead I'm going to bring this to the site's attention via public post.

Quote :
Subject: Kouzetsu Clan Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:44 am

Quote :
Last edited by Y on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:18 pm; edited 5 times in total

Assuming that my true clone was one of the last jutsu I added, which it wasn't but lets pretend that it was so we can use the latest possible date upon which I could've created and posted this jutsu. April 20th. April, May, June, July...so thats three months before you posted your clan concept up, which means that not only did I have ownership of the concept according to the forum's sidebar and license with Creative Commons, but I had it for a substantial bit of time too.

So concerning your clan, it should be unapproved and handled, not my jutsu. I wasn't going to mention it, though I was fully aware of it, because I didn't want to start anymore pointless drama but since you decided to post it up I guess I have to in order to preserve my creative rights. Of course, its not so much your fault as the fault of the site for not catching it before-hand, so its not personal.

Bone Clone
Quote :
So far if there was one technique I'd make sure was removed it would be this.

If you want one, you've got one, I'll get rid of it then.

Organ Replication
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I have a technique similar to this, it's S-rank, this should be too and it shouldn't be done almost instantly. However, I have a second problem; which is if you receive a fatal wound to your heart, will this allow you to replicate it and replace it? Same question with any other organs.

You mean this?

Quote :

Name: Kaishin no Jutsu - Reformation Technique
Rank: E-S
Type: Ninjutsu/Hidden Clan Technique
Element: Suiton
Description: If an appendage is sliced off Arashii or if if he receives a wound he can go use his liquid form to grow back the lost appendage or heal the wound. If it is regrowing an appendage, it does cause Arashii a fair bit of pain, however it only takes about two seconds to regrow it. Arashii cannot regrow his head if it was to be decapitated.

E- Minor cuts and slashes.
D- Burns, mild cuts and slashes, skin regrowth.
C- Broken/Dislocated Bones, Torn Muscles and Tendons, Deep Cuts, Nerve Reconfiguration.
B- Regrown of Fingers/Toes, Intense Deep Cuts, Blood Dosage.
A- Regrowth of Appendages.
S- Regrowth of Multiple Appendages, Near-Fatal Wounds, Organ Healing.

First things first, don't get me started on your application, just don't do it. Secondly, this jutsu is using a blood-line ability to reform water and you're doing it instantly without a medical trait, so if you can do it without a medical speciality instantly at S Rank I think a medical shinobi whose also S Rank could do the same thing. Since only S Rank medics can do that, otherwise it takes time, and unlike your jutsu mine doesn't heal organs within the body, so its nowhere near as overpowered as yours to begin with.

The organ is created in the stomach and then vomited out, so you can replicate any organ you want, your heart, your brain, your liver, it doesn't matter, but since it has to be vomited out of your body the only way to replace your organs would be surgery which can't be done in combat unless I don't understand how surgery functions. If you suffer severe internal damage you're as screwed as anybody else unless you can retreat to a safe place and have somebody replace your organs before you die.

Also, if you still think its too close to your jutsu, then I guess we have a problem and you'll have to remove your jutsu from your app, not me, since I had the concept first. My application was posted up on the 20th of the month before you posted your jutsu up on your app, which was on the 24th of the preceding month, so nearly two months before you ever posted your organ jutsu, mine was up, and according to your Creative Commons license, I own that concept. Doubt me?

Quote :
Subject: Re: Nakamura, Arashii [Mizukage] Mon May 24, 2010 10:55 am
Quote :
Subject: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:25 pm

Quote :
Any creations, posts, and ideas from this site are copyrighted to their respective owners. Therefore, information may not be taken or used without their permission. Failing to abide is plagiarism.
© All Rights Reserved.

So do you want to make a big deal about this?

Precision Hairs
Quote :

Such chakra control to such small places, B-rank please. As for the bit I have put in bold, please remove it.

I'll up the rank to B if the bolded section is kept, otherwise I disagree and believe that its suitable for its rank and if you want to get into that then I'll be more than happy to go into a more detailed explanation of why.

Bacterial Bullet
Quote :

How far can it travel? How many posts does it digest clothing and skin, what is it's effect on armor? Surely it would not be able to corrode armor above it's ranking, meaning only C-rank armor or below would be effected.

It travels the same as any other bullet justu, but I need to revamp this jutsu anyways so I'll modify everything to be more appropriate when I make modifications.

Demon Flood
Quote :
Sounds like Blood Manipulation, which has a clan if I'm not mistaken, which would should be removed.

According to the site's clan info topic, theres no clan currently holding the concept of blood manipulation approved so its fair game unless you can provide a link to a blood clan that was approved and just wasn't added to the clan info topic because its outdated.

Bodily Repulsion
Quote :

Completely immune to poisons? I'm not liking this, once again; techniques at a higher level would be able to overpower this, a fine example would be the poisonous nano bug technique which is A-ranked. Just a note, and you say the resistance becomes permanent. I don't like this, remove it. It shouldn't be permanent.

Also on my revamp list.

NOTE: I don't make edits until they're posted as accepted, so anything that I said I would change, or revamps, or rank modifications, etc. won't be actually done until the concept is approved beyond the rank modifications, basically so I don't have to edit things four or five times.


US Law wrote:

Plagiarism: Everything on Ultimate Shinobi is either property of a member who created it or the site itself or property of Naruto. Stealing custom made things made from members is restricted, you must ask a member for permission before using anything that belongs to them.

Technically, according to the site rules I've been plagiarized. I wouldn't call it that since it doesn't fit the correct definition but hey, I didn't write the site's definition.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyWed 12 Jan 2011, 4:42 pm

I'm just going to archive this now, I have no benefit from moderating, nor do any other of the staff members, we do it for the benefit of members so we do not have to sit here and put up with your blatant insults and cheap attempts to avoid editing what was asked.

Master Exploder wrote:
Stratus wrote:
Y wrote:


Where did I write that in this topic, more importantly does it have to do with the jutsu in question? Stay on topic please.

It was on a post I deleted because it was you once again, being a smartass.

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Age : 34
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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyWed 12 Jan 2011, 6:19 pm

Unarchived because Z has requested these jutsu. Just because Hage is beign a smart ass does not mean the topic needs to end. There is such a thing as requesing another mdoerator/administrator to look over the application and distance yourself from the problem, which would result in being the better person in this situation. I will review the jutsu in question despite my extreme dislike of medical based techniques.

In light of that, any points relating to copyright infringement due to US's Copyright law and plagiarism on the are valid, but since Hage has made no move to act upon those, they will be disregarded and the app will be moderated without those in question. If it comes up again, this post is deleted, or the app is archived again, I have word from Hage he will be pushing that issue, so lets not bring about that scenario because that would cause the apps pointed out above to be unapproved and fixed.
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The Boss

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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyWed 12 Jan 2011, 6:46 pm

These are not Z's jutsu, they are Hage's which means the topic does have to end as they are not Z's property to edit. Another request does not need to be made Caranore because I stand by how I moderated the application, if I'm not mistaken I didn't appear to be too rude or insulting towards any of the contents here and Brad was even more curious and we still get snarled at for doing our jobs? No.

Secondly, regarding the Copyright issue, it seems I may have to construct a proper statement regarding this since people continually are taking things out of context, his plagiarism accusations couldn't be more inaccurate and I guess I'll be working on a proper write up to ensure other members don't attempt to flame with how I have my site copyrighted, thank you.

Regarding the archiving, he should be thankful I don't delete these, the historical archives are their proper location and thus where they should be. If James still wishes to attain jutsu similar to these, or wishes to attain any of these wish Hage's permission to edit them as the staff see fit, then they should be reposted via his account.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyWed 12 Jan 2011, 7:50 pm

Master Exploder wrote:

US Law wrote:

Plagiarism: Everything on Ultimate Shinobi is either property of a member who created it or the site itself or property of Naruto. Stealing custom made things made from members is restricted, you must ask a member for permission before using anything that belongs to them.

Technically, according to the site rules I've been plagiarized. I wouldn't call it that since it doesn't fit the correct definition but hey, I didn't write the site's definition.

I didn't claim plagiarism, I said thats what the site defines it as and even stated I wouldn't call it that because thats something else completely, I claimed intellectual rights which is a factually backed claim supported by your forum rules and sideboard agreement with Creative Commons.
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The Boss

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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyWed 12 Jan 2011, 8:02 pm

I will soon be able to prove you wrong when I write up what our agreement really is. Cheers.
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The Boss

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Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) Twenty-One Eijutsu (Completed) - Page 2 EmptyThu 13 Jan 2011, 3:03 pm

Temporarily Archived until I confer with Caranore, personally.
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