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Martial Style Creation Guide/Template

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Martial Style Creation Guide/Template Vide
PostSubject: Martial Style Creation Guide/Template Martial Style Creation Guide/Template EmptySun 17 Jan 2010, 4:03 am

Martial Style Creation Guide/Template

Martial Style Creation Guide

The style below is for the creation of martial styles. Most ninja know basic forms of attack and defense, how to use a kunai, shuriken, senbon, etc. There are those, however, who are much more talented and have their own abilities. These individuals use special martial styles.

Only B+ Rank ninja may create their own style, all others must adopt a style from another person, receiving training under them. Ninja who are not S Rank require a 3000 word topic to develop a style, learning a pre-created style takes only 1500 words.

Martial Style Template

Name: [The name of your style.]
Emphasis: [What type your style uses, out of the various Weaponry types and Taijutsu. Please also list what weapons are used, you may not have more than three per style.]
Requirements: [How does one learn this style, do they need special training or special skills?]
Description: [What does your style emphasis, how does it move, how does it hit, etc. Accurately describe your style's physical, spiritual, or emotional properties that make it unique.]
Natural Jutsu: [A list of jutsu that are able to performed without the use of chakra.]

Quote :
Name: [The name of your jutsu. If you provide a Japanese name, please also provide a translation.]
Rank: [The Rank of your jutsu. Can be anywhere from E to S]
Type: [The type of jutsu, such as Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.]
Element: [The jutsu's element, such as Fire, Water, Wind, etc]
Description: [Provide a minimum of a three line description of your jutsu]

Specialty Jutsu: [A list of jutsu that require some amount of chakra to use.]

Quote :
Name: [The name of your jutsu. If you provide a Japanese name, please also provide a translation.]
Rank: [The Rank of your jutsu. Can be anywhere from E to S]
Type: [The type of jutsu, such as Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.]
Element: [The jutsu's element, such as Fire, Water, Wind, etc]
Description: [Provide a minimum of a three line description of your jutsu]

History: [The history of your styles creation, use, and life throughout the times.]

[b]Name:[/b] [The name of your style.]
[b]Emphasis:[/b] [What type your style uses, out of the various Weaponry types and Taijutsu. Please also list what weapons are used, you may not have more than three per style.]
[b]Requirements:[/b] [How does one learn this style, do they need special training or special skills?]
[b]Description:[/b] [What does your style emphasis, how does it move, how does it hit, etc. Accurately describe your style's physical, spiritual, or emotional properties that make it unique.]
[b]Natural Jutsu:[/b] [A list of jutsu that are able to performed without the use of chakra.]

[quote][b]Name:[/b] [The name of your jutsu. If you provide a Japanese name, please also provide a translation.]
[b]Rank:[/b] [The Rank of your jutsu. Can be anywhere from E to S]
[b]Type:[/b] [The type of jutsu, such as Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.]
[b]Element:[/b] [The jutsu's element, such as Fire, Water, Wind, etc]
[b]Description:[/b] [Provide a minimum of a three line description of your jutsu][/quote]

[b]Specialty Jutsu:[/b] [A list of jutsu that require some amount of chakra to use.]

[quote][b]Name:[/b] [The name of your jutsu. If you provide a Japanese name, please also provide a translation.]
[b]Rank:[/b] [The Rank of your jutsu. Can be anywhere from E to S]
[b]Type:[/b] [The type of jutsu, such as Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.]
[b]Element:[/b] [The jutsu's element, such as Fire, Water, Wind, etc]
[b]Description:[/b] [Provide a minimum of a three line description of your jutsu][/quote]

[b]History:[/b] [The history of your styles creation, use, and life throughout the times.]
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