Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post]

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Age : 29
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CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Vide
PostSubject: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013, 5:00 am

Inoshi's Decent

Death Comes Home

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in ligula eget est volutpat molestie. Proin aliquam sem semper dui fermentum sed imperdiet nisl tincidunt. Ut volutpat dictum nisl sit amet fringilla. Ut ultrices lobortis consequat. Etiam laoreet enim sed lorem cursus nec convallis erat sodales. In orci dui, dapibus ac ornare eget, aliquet at mi. Sed mi sapien, feugiat et euismod in, adipiscing quis libero. Mauris risus nisl, convallis vitae venenatis nec, ornare vitae justo. Cras pellentesque vestibulum tortor, convallis placerat urna malesuada sed.

Nunc faucibus posuere nibh ut consequat. Donec eu nunc urna, quis sagittis ligula. Quisque accumsan porttitor elit quis placerat. Phasellus dignissim bibendum sapien, et semper libero egestas sed. Donec lacinia, tortor eget auctor sagittis, nunc neque posuere est, vel interdum justo libero ac ipsum. Integer nec metus vitae dolor venenatis imperdiet vel vel risus. Quisque quis dui massa. Proin fringilla bibendum condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur lectus ut augue bibendum elementum. Vivamus a nulla et odio posuere vehicula nec vitae urna. Praesent tortor est, cursus ultrices consequat ut, pharetra sit amet mauris. Vestibulum suscipit adipiscing nisl eu semper. Quisque scelerisque euismod odio, vel consequat quam faucibus sit amet.

Morbi ut metus sem. Donec consequat nisi metus, eget convallis justo. Phasellus eleifend aliquet condimentum. Sed pharetra aliquet nisi, id bibendum metus hendrerit elementum. Cras a purus dui. Cras aliquet sapien sit amet nunc auctor in luctus libero sollicitudin. Nunc ultrices mollis mi, dignissim convallis lectus euismod ut. Phasellus volutpat nibh dictum neque adipiscing mollis. Ut tincidunt, est non vulputate adipiscing, lectus velit faucibus mi, in pulvinar lacus ante ac lorem. Aenean metus diam, interdum et laoreet at, congue eget diam. Maecenas lobortis vulputate tincidunt. Pellentesque eu risus tortor. Nulla molestie molestie urna nec pellentesque. Duis et nisl et sem ullamcorper rutrum.

In dapibus velit a orci aliquet vel sagittis nisl condimentum. Ut vehicula sapien vel risus porta a sodales elit posuere. Vivamus dignissim imperdiet dapibus. Fusce ornare tempor facilisis. Duis ipsum augue, molestie sit amet porttitor id, eleifend a purus. Nullam ac mauris quam, sit amet cursus eros. Donec tincidunt lobortis ligula, ut gravida justo tincidunt non. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque gravida gravida est, at pretium enim pretium vel. Integer neque odio, eleifend vitae convallis vitae, volutpat aliquet elit. Fusce consectetur fringilla tortor, consectetur vehicula velit pharetra non. Aenean scelerisque, nisi ac semper lobortis, dui justo blandit velit, at aliquet turpis mi sed dolor. Suspendisse iaculis hendrerit nisi, at congue quam porta vel. Sed dui justo, vulputate sit amet mattis tempus, fringilla sit amet urna. Nam semper sem ut nibh sagittis consequat.

In semper lorem et justo sollicitudin in accumsan sem commodo. Aenean libero felis, tristique sit amet interdum ac, pellentesque a nisi. Cras ipsum nunc, dictum vitae blandit in, vestibulum in enim. Sed et ipsum vitae tellus vulputate venenatis quis in purus. Duis consectetur egestas massa, sit amet euismod orci auctor at. Curabitur suscipit porttitor orci, sed pulvinar mi placerat quis. Cras id orci ut turpis auctor luctus in a sapien. Suspendisse sit amet mi sed turpis pulvinar luctus. Cras pharetra turpis sed arcu cursus sagittis. Ut suscipit leo nec velit iaculis in aliquam diam pellentesque. Praesent lorem est, luctus eu accumsan vitae, rutrum eget sem. Integer consectetur pharetra odio, eget rhoncus arcu convallis quis. Ut luctus, nibh ac rutrum porttitor, lorem dolor condimentum mauris, eu imperdiet turpis nisi vel dui. Etiam fringilla dignissim aliquet.

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Age : 29
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CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Vide
PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013, 5:04 am

Hisoka of the Ryoku

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non tortor mi, quis pulvinar sapien. Maecenas vitae lectus ipsum, sed consequat mi. Fusce vitae erat sollicitudin nulla pretium aliquam quis ac dolor. Nullam scelerisque, enim sed laoreet pharetra, risus ligula adipiscing lorem, sit amet condimentum eros ipsum id magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed consequat sodales erat ut commodo. Nulla egestas dapibus dui nec bibendum. Nunc dapibus, ipsum sed ornare euismod, ante augue gravida quam, sit amet luctus purus mi sed mi. Quisque odio quam, feugiat non feugiat quis, viverra at purus. Vivamus lorem neque, suscipit consectetur feugiat eu, pharetra a mauris. Aliquam suscipit nulla sit amet diam eleifend a imperdiet magna varius.

Nam sit amet vestibulum quam. Mauris facilisis mattis ornare. Sed fringilla ornare tortor, id accumsan purus gravida a. Ut fringilla congue tortor rhoncus sollicitudin. Aenean pellentesque semper tempus. Fusce egestas pulvinar lorem ut interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam commodo tristique dolor sit amet condimentum. Cras at libero orci. Donec blandit mattis vulputate.

Cras non sapien turpis, at bibendum felis. Aliquam ullamcorper nisi sit amet tellus interdum porta. Pellentesque ac arcu quis neque venenatis tempor vitae et justo. Aenean quam urna, vehicula a egestas in, condimentum sed neque. Vivamus viverra orci vitae felis condimentum ultricies. Donec at luctus velit. Aenean faucibus cursus dignissim. In pulvinar sodales varius.

Donec porttitor tincidunt nulla. Quisque sit amet eros erat. Suspendisse tincidunt rutrum porta. Sed porttitor est id erat blandit ut eleifend quam fringilla. Aenean vel risus cursus magna ultricies volutpat blandit consectetur risus. Etiam tristique odio ac tortor semper laoreet. Phasellus ultrices ultrices nisl, quis viverra metus feugiat sit amet. Suspendisse felis lacus, pretium nec consectetur sed, consectetur vitae dui. Nunc at est eu quam imperdiet suscipit. Sed blandit auctor lorem sit amet pulvinar. Integer ut lorem in tellus gravida pellentesque. Nam ac tellus id metus volutpat consequat. Quisque porttitor diam pharetra quam iaculis vel feugiat lorem porttitor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non tortor mi, quis pulvinar sapien. Maecenas vitae lectus ipsum, sed consequat mi. Fusce vitae erat sollicitudin nulla pretium aliquam quis ac dolor. Nullam scelerisque, enim sed laoreet pharetra, risus ligula adipiscing lorem, sit amet condimentum eros ipsum id magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed consequat sodales erat ut commodo. Nulla egestas dapibus dui nec bibendum. Nunc dapibus, ipsum sed ornare euismod, ante augue gravida quam, sit amet luctus purus mi sed mi. Quisque odio quam, feugiat non feugiat quis, viverra at purus. Vivamus lorem neque, suscipit consectetur feugiat eu, pharetra a mauris. Aliquam suscipit nulla sit amet diam eleifend a imperdiet magna varius.

Name: Hisoka Ryoku | Rank: Jounin | Position: Council

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Age : 29
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CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Vide
PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyFri 15 Mar 2013, 9:30 pm

<div style="width:400px; margin:0px auto; color:#78241a;  text-transform:uppercase; text-align:right; font-size:38px; font-family:open sans condensed; line-height:98%;"> Izanagi Shishui</div>

<td width="150" valign="top" style="background:#293b53; color:#ddd;border: 1px solid #1b375c; border-right:0px;font-family:arial; font-size:10px; text-align:justify; padding:5px 10px 5px 5px; line-height:98%;">

<div style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bolder; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px; padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:5px;color:#78241a; ">Name:</div>
Izanagi Shisui

<div style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bolder;font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px; padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:15px;color:#78241a;  ">Nickname(s):</div>
Shisui, Izanagi, Iza

<div style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bolder;font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px; padding-bottom:2px; padding-top:15px;color:#78241a;   ">Age:</div>

<div style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bolder;font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px;  padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:15px;color:#78241a;   ">Gender:</div>

<div style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bolder;font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px; padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:15px;color:#78241a;   ">Written By:</div>

<div style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bolder;font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px; padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:15px;color:#78241a;   ">App Coded By:</div>

<td width="500" valign="top" style="background:#eae8e8; border: 1px solid #1b375c; ">
<img src="http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm191/crazyhappybunny/97e564b6-9a39-46d7-a581-d8378a298867.jpg?t=1363376869" />
<div style="background:#1b375c; color:#ddd;  text-transform:uppercase; text-align:center; font-size:8px; font-family:arial;  letter-spacing:3px; line-height:100%; padding:3px;">"Try hard or die trying. That's my ninja way. Don't question it."</div>

<div style="font-family:arial; font-size:10px; color:black; text-align:justify; padding:5px; line-height:98%;">
[center][size=24][font=Georgia][color=#78241a]Shisui, Izanagi.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=20][font=Georgia]THE INFO.[/font][/size][/center]

[b]Name:[/b] Izanagi, Shisui
[b]Nickname:[/b] Shisui, Izanagi, Iza
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Appearance:[/b] Eye Color: Izanagis eyes are rather dark red; they resemble the either burning fire or frozen snow that had settle for a long period of time and add a hint of mystery to him. Regularly an individual from Izanagi would have rather dark eyes, but it was due to his parent’s migration from Kumogakure that he had spent most of his life within the walls made of mist. His eyes at times make people feel really awkward and tense , the distinct color easily differentiates him from a group and makes him rather unique in comparison to others.

Height: Izanagi is clearly taller than most people around him, his around six foot three or four and tends to tower over people smaller than him. His height has a tendency to make him stand out and seem skinny, it over shadows the rest of his body and allows everything to remain in proportion with one another! The height allows his body muscles to keep in perfect size with the arms and shoulder muscles.

Weight: Izanagi is around 90 kilogram although he may not look it. His body seems rather slender and toned due to his training but the weight is simply spread throughout his body which doesn’t make him look as fat as most would think. Similar to his height issue, Izanagis weight is a combination of his current diet and the amount of exercise he does so if he was to skip a day or two of training he would likely put weight on at a rapid pace, however if he was to train more than usual and decrease his intake of food he would likely lose the weight at the similar pace.

Hair: Izanagi has long spiky hair that naturally stands up with out the need for gel. The hair itself seems extremely thick and rather dark blue which contrasts with his blue or red eyes distinguishing him in every manner. Mainly this hair was a trait of his father whos family possessed the same long hair for generations; the origin of the hair is unknown even till this day but regardless it has some perks and can at times frighten to newly introduced individuals. The hair itself tends to act like a land mark to Izanagi as it is the focal of his whole body; it’s perfectly proportioned with both his muscles and head and tends to look rather cool and tidy on regular bases.

Body: Izanagi has a perfect yet body but he wouldn’t go as far as to say that it’s perfect. His body complexion is rather dark from his face to the tips of his toes; this is the simple after effects of the Izanagi heat under which he had resided for many years on end. His body, like his hair tends to build up, he seems rather slender around his abdomen but the further up you get its clear the more muscle is built up to the point of his shoulders where they broaden and spread across to his arms allowing the complete development to be visible.

Arms: Izanagis arms are in perfect balance with the size and shape with the rest of his body, through his attire it’s noticeable that he has muscles but if the area of the shirt was to rip the muscular outline of his arms would clearly become visible to the individuals around him. It wasn’t usual to see someone who was a ninjutsu to have such a built body but in Izanagis ideal he really can’t be bothered to follow the stereotypical ideals of the world.

Attire: Izanagis attire is rather distinct in comparison to the other people in the village. Regularly he wears netting under his attire that reached over his arms and body fully extending towards his elbows. The netting it self seems to be rather blue or even dark black and allows for another layer under his initial shirt. Above the netting, Izanagi wears a t shirt that’s also black and fits perfectly with the design of the netting, the shirt alone reaches about a quarter down his arms and allows the netting to be visible to others! Around his arms he wears gauntlet like items that reach around his hands and fit perfectly between his thumb and rest of hand, these gauntlets have metal plating on them which allows for defence at close quarters but it also leaves a tenth of a gap between the netting! As for his trouser he wears loose ninja pants which allow flexibility and warmth even in the cold of Kirigakure. Around his whaist, Izanagi wears a distinct dark red attachment that’s visible in the image above, on the right side he bares his tool pouch whilst on the left he has several small scrolls attached for sealing purposes. Similar to his gauntlets he wears defensive pads above his shoes which allows him to defend the areas further into close combat, this straps around the back of his calf and keeps it in place nearly all the time.  Finally he wears shinobi shoes that are really comfortable and sown especially for his own feet which makes them that extra bit more comfortable!

[b]Forehead Protector:[/b] Izanagi is rather diverse regarding his forehead protector, usually he finds it extremely uncomfortable and tends to refrain from wearing it however, when it’s absolutely essential for him to wear the forehead protector he usually has it fastened to his right elbow, possibly several centimetres above it. The angle allows people who stand to his right to see the forehead protector but makes it hard for those who are in front of him or to behind!

On several other occasions he has his forehead protector attached to his attire which can be visible in the image above which presents the other area where he bares his forehead protector.
[b]Personality:[/b] Sinister: Izanagi seems rather sinister towards everyone aside from the villagers. He doesn’t and wouldn’t think twice about killing another individual from an opposing village who had posed a threat to both him and the village. This sinister attitude makes him enjoy his dissections and allows him to get the better parts of an individual whilst making them suffer in every possible way to drive them insane prior to killing them.

Loyal: There was only one person he had ever shown loyalty to and that was his father, from there on he had considered being loyal to the Mizukage but it was a feeling that never seemed to stick. He enjoyed serving the man and still shows a certain degree loyalty and would thus help him in any way possible however for him to dedicate his fullest loyalty to the Mizukage his dream of training with him would have to come true first!

Calm and Collective: Izanagi seems rather cool and collective he hardly ever blows off into a rampage and tends to relax and build around a situation in order to generate the best possible outcome along with the lowest amount of moves which makes him rather interesting to go against!

Non-Judgemental: Throughout his life, Izanagi has learned not to judge by appearances and allow peoples strengths and abilities to do the talking. The rank genin, chuunin nor jounin means nothing to him as mostly he tends to spar or witness the individuals abilities before tagging them either strong or weak! This is a characteristic that mainly passed on to him from his mother as she was the least judgmental person ever giving him the same interesting characteristic.

Will to carry on: Izanagi was known to have extremely strong will, watching his parents die before him and not shedding a tear: cut numerous times and not even twitching: if he was to be tortured he would simply smile and refrain from giving any thing away! He trained endlessly to improve the synchronization between his mind and body just so that in any situation he managed to withhold and present the true ability behind his intense will to carry on! He tends to challenge himself, no matter the consequence of an issue he will do it, there’s no might about it, once he sets his mind to it not even being on fire would stop him from accomplishing it! The way he figures, if his iron will was to ever go off track or drop he would die due to a simplistic desire to give up which is why his always focused and on track with his dreams!

Which Side is he on: Mainly through ethics hes alignment is neutral but leading towards chaotic as he really has the tendency to kill but he doesn’t want to give his village a bad name and thus wants to do the killing under cover to decrease the chance of being discovered. At home his regularly rather good in the essence of alignment and helps people in a general manner to improve both foreign and public relations.
[b]Clan:[/b] N/A
[b]Nindō:[/b] Try hard or die trying.

[center][size=20][font=Georgia]THE NINJA.[/font][/size][/center]

[b]Origin:[/b] Land of Lightning
[b]Affiliation:[/b] Kirigakure
[b]Rank:[/b] Genin
[b]Specialties:[/b] Ninjutsu | Fuuinjutsu
[b]Elemental Affinities:[/b] Raiton/Lightning | Katon/Fire
[b]Combat Style:[/b] Strategist: Being a rather unique shinobi he has possession of a great mind he has the ability to derive strategies both before and during a fight. He looks around to familiarize himself with the surroundings and if it doesn’t match the area he was going for he would usually move the opponent purposely in order to fight on his own territory where he would have the upper hand. Similarly he can derive every step to a fight from start to the end without braking a sweat and follow through with the highest degree of accuracy.

[b]Special Characteristics:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] High IQ
[b]Rank:[/b] C
[b]Type:[/b] Mental Based
[b]Physical Requirements:[/b] N/A
[b]Training Requirements:[/b] A 600 word training post is required to gain this special characteristic.
[b]Description:[/b] The ninja innately possesses a high IQ which gives them great practical and analytical prowess. They have vast knowledge in nearly all forms of combat giving them a upper hand when faced with nearly any attack with being able to execute split second counters. With their high IQ the user can determine weak spots in attacks and defenses and can overcome nearly any obstacle. Like the obvious benefits of being very smart, the ninja is well regarded for their great mathematical and thinking abilities.

[center][size=20][font=Georgia]THE BACKGROUND.[/font][/size][/center]
<div style="font-family:arial; font-size:10px; color:black; text-align:justify; padding:5px; line-height:98%;">
Izanagi was born in Kumogakure, he was born with dark brown eyes that began to change from the day of his birth. He was born on the 9th of November and signified something great for their family; coincidentally his mother was born on the same day as him which allowed them both to celebrate alongside one another.  She had rather long beautiful hair that seemed rather dark brown, whilst his father had rather long blue spiky hair which made the two contrast in one way or another but throughout Izanagis child hood his father’s hair grew longer resembling Izanagis current hair style.

At the age of two him and his parents were forced to depart the village and join another where they could spend the rest of their time alongside their son, Izanagi . His name was given to him on behalf of his granddad as he looked like him at the early stages of his life.The man was extremely clever and was sought out as a great lightning shinobi which gave him a rather impressive name yet put his family in danger. He smiled a lot as they moved their whole life to Kirigakure the weather was great and so was the atmosphere alongside the villagers, his father joined for shinobi forest of the village but wasn’t fully acknowledged since he was from the different village. He trained and helped the village in order to gather money which would be used to support his family up until he reached the age of 7 when his father died in a tragic accident on a shinobi mission, the mission was said to had branched out into an unknown village where the squad was murdered by the black ops that bared rather vicious weaponry. His mother wept in sorrow for days on end which lead her to catching a severe illness that promptly took her life too leaving Izanagi with no one but himself for company. He was miserable and rather morbid, for at least a week he simply sat in his room, the outside had no idea of his mother’s death and due to the seclusion at home his mother’s body began to rot rather unexpectedly, the house began to stink to the point that attracted rats and several other creatures to the body, until an member of the shinobi forces of Kirigakure came to his house and discovered the tragic change. They cleaned the house and body then they simply cleared the house out and place Izanagi in an orphanage where he entered a short term coma!

The trauma alone made Izanagi forget everything of his family and prompted him to move to a new, more secluded place to live. For long he lived in a housing estate all on his own, he trained regularly and slowly raised the money he got from the Kirigakure government in order to make a living whilst finding an simple interest in sealing and ninjutsu. Then in his early years he collected scrolls of jutsu in the hopes of perfecting them. He got more and more interested up until they entered him into the shinobi academy at the young age of 9. The life was tough and the only food he seemed to eat was ramen throughout that time, hardly anyone spoke to him due to his cold nature but he indeed showed his skill as a shinobi against others which made him a rather fast competitor for the genin spot among the ranks of the Kirigakure Shinobi.

Being a fast learner and possessing an extreme intelligence quotient , he passed all of the examinations prior to his tenth birthday and became a genin.  He accompanied a team of three people, most of who died prior to ranking up to chuunin which was rather intense but either way, the way Izanagi saw it; survival of the fittest was the key. He then noticed that the higher rank and individual was the more and more fame and abilities they got, not literally it was simply that you got more contact the higher rank you was which was what encouraged him to become a higher ranked shinobi over a shorter period of time but prior to that he would have to train un imaginably to make his sincere dreams come true! He was rather twisted and strategically based, he hated the other people who got in their way but decided to uphold his father legacy to protect the Kirigakure shinobi!

At the age of 14 prior to him hitting puberty he was still young and naïve in comparison to others yet his cold nature stuck with him throughout this time, it wasn’t simple but after fighting another member of the village in a competition and shortly beating him in a matter of minutes, he was recommended for a development scheme and several days later he was accepted and allowed to train alongside an individual who showed him nearly everything. There he gained the ability to train along with others and work on his ninjutsu but he didn’t quite feel up to the standards of the others. He trained whilst performing missions for his village; he performed them to the fullest of accuracy which was when he came across his extremely strategic mind that managed to fit several missions into one simple day! It was great and grand for him as it allow him to skip steps much faster than crawling across them.

At the age of 15 Izanagi had changed, his hair became fluent and his face changed from his younger self to a more serious older version; yet somewhat younger version of his father.  He was delighted but he rarely showed it, instead he kept a smirk as he developed his further and began working on his own unique techniques that were derived solemnly on the jutsu he had previously perfected he aimed to become an excellent shinobi and surpass those before him in every possible manner! He was dedicated and willing to do all it took, he began to aim high and step by step would achieve all of his dreams in life and reach the rank of Kana something he had considered over this period!
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b]
[spoiler=RP Sample]
Zeda yawned as a cold radiant breeze pushed against his face; his red hair brushed side to side along with his captains Haori at which point he sensed a rather strong spiritual pressure. A spiritual pressure that he hadn’t felt in a long time although it was rather easy to distinguish due to the size and strength of it. The atmosphere was rather dull and depressing as the dark gloomy clouds hovered above the morning sky which didn’t particularly put Zeda in the best of moods but the spiritual pressure he had only recently sensed got him hooked.

Without time to spare he turned to face east from his current location at which point he edged his body to the side and vanished into the thin air in order to reach the destination in the least possible time. Throughout the last year or so this man had left everything behind in order to train and hone his true power although he was really strong prior to his departure; Zeda wasn’t aware of his return but even still he was rather exited to see him once again. His eyes looked keen as they analysed the outskirts of karakura in order to determine his precise location throughout the duration of his flash step. Zedas red spiky hair fled back and forth as he rushed towards the designated area, the closer he got to the man’s location the clearer he sensed the spiritual pressure which allowed him to determine the accurate signatures which allowed him to clearly determine the location.

Several moments later, Zedas feet touched the ground as they generated a gust of dust that engulfed his body at which point the greatest vizard of all time stood before him; the man had his back to Zeda but either way the individual would be able to sense the arrival rather clearly and possibly identify this young individual. The distance between the tall man and Zeda was around fifteen feet; Zedas eyes widened as he couldn’t believe what he was looking at, eventually he grinned as he took another step forward at which point he called out to the individual in the hope of catching his attention if he hadn’t already done so, “Welcome back pops; how was your trip?” his eyes flicked from one part of the vizard to another as he awaited a response.

Beyond the horizon some form of storm was growing but eventually Zeda tilted his head upwards in order to analyse the sky that didn’t seem as depressing anymore, at which point Zeda lowered his head and raised his hands from the depths of his pockets. It was good to see Zins return after all the legend of vizard corps and the head of the Yuudeshi family would finally take his place back and defend the Karakura district once again; but in summary Zeda felt some sort of a relief to see this man once again, it was rather a great reunion.

[center][size=20][font=Georgia]FACE CLAIM.[/font][/size][/center]

[b]Character Claim:[/b] Naruto – Madara Uchiha
[b]Source:[/b] Deviantart
[b]Image URL:[/b]
http://madarauchiha1.deviantart.com/art/Madara-Uchiha-93242371<br /><br /></div></td>

Last edited by CleverYamanaka on Wed 22 Jan 2014, 4:54 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Age : 29
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CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Vide
PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyTue 19 Mar 2013, 9:08 am

<div style="width:400px; background-color:0f4383; border-left:15px solid #9DB7AE; border-right:10px solid #0f4383; color:0f4383; font-family:georgia; font-size:20px; font-style:italic; padding:5px 0px 5px 0px">Yanagi, Shikigami</div>

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<div style="color:40484A; font-family:georgia; text-align:center; font-size:11px;  padding:5px; background-color:9DB7AE;">
"Give everything unto death."
<div style="color:9DB7AE; margin:5px; font-family:arial; text-align:justify; font-size:10px;  padding:10px;">[b]The History of Yanagi Shikigami:[/b]


It all began on a cold and misty night, in a country somewhere in the world. A place that didn't need to have a particular name, only to be acknowledged that it did exist. In fact, it had quite a number of people there, of all ages and abilities. But they were not the focus of the story, as this story began with a character rather insignificant to the events surrounding his birth.

In a small hut on the far end of this gathering of people, the cries of an infant resounded into the darkness of the forest. The firstborn of a family had entered the world healthy and unhappy, but was soon to be assured by his mother. Tears were spread all around as those participating were wrapped up in the joy of birth. It was not a common occasion for these sort of proceedings to go down well when you lacked a sanitary environment and much of the needed equipment, but it had happened according to plan. It seemed all was so... [i]perfect[/i]. A perfect that would come to last for quite some time in this child's life.

In the distance, there was an unsettling howl that reverberated across miles of land. One could say it even reached the clouds themselves, and some knew it did. This cry reached the hut, where the adults would be frightened, but the newborn would then calm. As though the natural connection remained before the mind was defiled with knowledge and maturity. A connection that was made up of instinct, and perhaps could even be called savage. But it calmed him, and so the mother whispered to her child a few words it could not recognize.

[color=crimson]"I'll name you... Yanagi. Yes, that's a wonderful name... It's just as perfect as your parents. As perfect as you'll come out to be."[/color]

A soft hand that showed skin without age or flaw caressed the child, and it fidgeted in response. No cries resumed for the rest of that night.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Arc I - A Childhood Lesson]

The pitter-patter of feet could be heard against the hardwood floors of a sturdy, and comfortable home. They continued for a short while until giggles could be heard; soft, delicate bursts of laughter that could be known no better than by the parent of a child. But there was not just one set of laughter to be heard, as a duo of voices made their symphony throughout the structure. They seemed to echo gently against all the frames and posts that offered peace and stability to a family of four.

Soon, the footsteps came to sound once again, and two children ran happily throughout everything their imagination could make for them. The living room was an endless jungle, filled with vines and large rocks to jump and climb on. But soon a tall tree stood in the way, that a young Yanagi ran face first into. This thick, powerful trunk turned into a pair of legs, and another body ran into Yanagi, with both of them making an 'Oof!". A man in his early thirties looked down with a smile at his children, and reached down to lift them both up.

Cheerfully, a small girl cried to him.

[color=cyan]"Hi, Daddy!"[/color]

A chuckle emerged from her father, who slowly turned and began to walk his children to the kitchen. He replied to them both, as to not leave out his son, Yanagi.

[color=red]"Good mornings, kiddos. You've gotta eat your breakfast, you know. You can play when you're done."[/color]

Both children let out a playful sigh, as thought they were disappointed. But both knew they enjoyed a good meal before anything else. Soon, the long strides of an adult brought them into the kitchen, where their mother had already set the table. Making plates as her husband set the children down in their seats, she turned to him with her own smile and offered a greeting.

[color=crimson]"Good morning, dear. I hope you're hungry, too."[/color]

He nodded as she turned her attention back to the food, clasping his hands together and rubbing them.

[color=red]"Oh, you bet. I couldn't pass up a delicious meal of yours even if I wasn't hungry."[/color]

He took his own seat at the table, sipping from a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Yanagi looked at his father with a pretend look of disgust, as he hated the pulp that came in the juice. It was always such a weird feeling in the mouth that made him gag and have to spit it out. His father only smiled, continuing to stick his tongue out when he was done drinking. But his expression quickly changed as his wife began to set all of their food upon the table.

[color=red]"Ah, Kanashimi, it's perfect. As always."[/color]

He took a deep whiff.

[color=red]"Smells good, too."[/color]

Kanashimi's pale tone took to a slight blush, as he always seemed to compliment her on what she did. But of course, their family was perfect. That was what it was all about.

[color=crimson]"Well, thank you, Kazaru. You know I wouldn't do anything less than perfect for our family."[/color]

After she finished setting the plates, she sat down herself. Kazaru made a last comment before taking a bite of his breakfast. Yanagi paid close attention to their words as he ate, not wanting to miss anything important they might say. This proved to be good for him, considering his father's next words.

[color=red]"You know, our little Iru will be turning five soon. Yanagi's birthday is going to come up soon after that, too."[/color]

If he were a dog, Yanagi would have perked his ears at the subject. His little sister, Iru, also paid close attention. They both knew what they meant, and that was their birthday parties. The day of the year where they got to have fun and get free things. New toys to play with and all the things that could come with it.

[color=crimson]"That's right. I'll have to do some planning ahead of time to make sure it's all [i]perfect[/i]."[/color]

She winked at her children on the last word, but this only upset Yanagi. A question came to his mind which he hadn't considered much before, and he blurted it out in between bites of his meal. It brought quite a glare from both of his parents.

[color=navy]"Why does it have to be perfect? It's always perfect."[/color]

He sat there, with a not so amused expression on his face. The average irrational parent would call him a spoiled brat and spank him for being disrespectful, but his parents weren't sure what to say at first. Questioning the perfection of their family was something that nobody had considered doing. Questioning the perfection of their clan. Kanashimi placed a hand over her mouth and erupted with an expected display of angered thoughts.

[color=crimson]"How could you ask such a thing!? Yanagi!"[/color]

She went to get up, and so did he, as he left his breakfast. Yanagi did not want to be perfect, and he certainly did not want his special day to be perfect. He had heard this word every day of his life since he was born. Even when he did not understand it, it seemed as though he did. Now, in his childhood, he had made the decision to stumble away from 'perfect'. That day was the beginning of a change of mind.

Yanagi stormed out of the room, leaving the meal in silence. Retreating to the safety of his bedroom, he would lie upon his cot in pensive observation of his previous actions. For sure, he would be in trouble now for questioning the ideals of his siblings, but he did not care. At this point in his life, he was developing his character, and his character was not flawless.

Mumbling to a short phrase to himself, Yanagi closed his eyes and attempted to sleep.

[color=navy]"There's no such thing as perfect..."[/color]

But, despite his attempts, he could hear the muffled voices of his parents speaking. They went back and forth for a bit, and soon they fell quiet. With the silence, Yanagi finally fell asleep, only to awake some hours later. The afternoon had yet to mature, and there was a rumbling sound in the distance. The cry of the beast brought about a comment from his father.

[color=red]"That thing just gets closer and closer every year."[/color]

It seemed to pass through one ear and out the other for Yanagi as he rolled over and began to feel restless. One could only sleep so much before having to bring themselves into some form of activity, even if that meant rustling around on the sheets. Comfortable as he was, he could not escape to his dreams once more. Besides, it was the afternoon now, and he would most likely have to deal with the punishment he would receive for his earlier actions.

Storming out of breakfast and questioning a parent were both very bad mannerisms to have, both of which Yanagi did not need to be lectured on to know. But, to his surprise, his rest had not been interrupted by a crazed mother or father. Instead, something now gently opened his door, and a soft voice spoke.


Iru was seeking his attention. Even when he was upset, Yanagi couldn't resist that, and so he rolled over to face his door. Blinking a few times and finally sitting up, Yanagi stretched his arms upwards while replying to his younger sibling. She stood with the door cracked open, dressed as though she had been productive today while Yanagi wasn't.

[color=navy]"Yeah? What's wrong?"[/color]

Yanagi was openly expecting a request to play or do some other sort of activity with her, as they usually did. But rather than the straightforward answer that he usually received, it was something that made him wonder. Waiting a moment before finally speaking to her brother, Iru made a new request that caught Yanagi off guard.

[color=cyan]"Follow me, Yanagi. I gotta show you something!"[/color]

Unsure, Yanagi slipped off of his bed and onto his feet, taking a few paces to his door. He was still basically in his pajamas, consisting of none other than some fine black silk pants and a short sleeved shirt. His family could be considered the equivalent of the space between the upper middle class and the lower upper class, so he had plenty of nice things and a comfortable lifestyle. Not even forced to train as many other kids were.

[color=navy]"Alright. Let's go."[/color]

Iru turned and wandered off towards the living room, disappearing behind a corner as Yanagi walked on a few steps behind her. As he went to turn the corner, something strong and firm grasped the back of his shirt. He could only feel himself being lifted off of the ground and a skip in his heartbeat before realizing it was a setup. Not turning to face the grinning man dangling him by the collar, Yanagi grumbled and listened to his remark.

[color=red]"So I've finally gotten you out of your room, eh? Someone's been pretty lazy today, not to mention this morning. Come on, we're going for a walk."[/color]

Surprisingly, Yanagi was set on the floor, and so he complied as the two walked to put their sandals on. Not even being given the option to change out of his night clothes, Yanagi figured this was going to be some sort of serious punishment. He would find out soon, as after some brief preparations, the two exited their home.

Outside of the abode was the village itself, surrounded by a lush forest that lived a life which could be described no better than voluptuous. The life here never seemed to die, and it was almost as perfect as the people were - in aesthetics. Surely, you wouldn't find any plants capable of doing ninjutsu. That'd just be absurd. But it was beautiful in view, and that view was something many relished in.

But Yanagi and his father were embarking on this brief journey for a different purpose. While it was to enjoy nature, it was to enjoy something a little bit more specific, and to teach a lesson. Taking steps over cobbled pathways and slowly coming to an entrance in the forest, Kazaru lifted his son up and performed a high speed movement. Swiftly, the two would emerge in a new area nearby the village. A small clearing in the woods, with a specific tree being focused upon.

Upon the tree there were some random markings that appeared insignificant to Yanagi then, but they would soon become an important part of his future. With the urge to question now surpassing his will to stay quiet, Yanagi spoke while his father set him down once again.

[color=navy]"What're we doing here? And what's this?"[/color]

Kazaru placed a hand on Yanagi's shoulder and directed his attention to the markings on the tree. The bark was elegantly carved, making the message easy to read even after some years it had been there. Scars the tree decided to keep.

[color=red]"There was once a member of our clan who wasn't too happy with being perfect, either. While his story is a bit too long to tell, and I know you wouldn't understand it, not quite yet, I want to share some of it with you.

He set out on a journey away from all of us that made him quite a respected and disrespected individual among many of our people. His ideals were something that many either lived by or completely rejected; sometimes even fought over if the debate was strong enough.

Here, when he was dying, he wrote out the core of his thoughts and beliefs. We had the honor of it being preserved all this time, for those who wanted to admire it. It says,"[/color]

He took a moment to catch a new breath and clear his throat before continuing.

[color=red]"Give everything unto, for you cannot."[/color]

Yanagi scratched his head and blinked.

[color=navy]"You didn't read all of it."[/color]

[color=red]"I know. The text is indecipherable. That's why people have fought over it, because they have to give it their own meaning."[/color]


[color=red]"I'm going to let you sit and think on this for a little while. It'll be your discipline for acting up this morning. If you figure something out, just call my name."[/color]

Before Yanagi could ask his father to wait, he vanished with another high speed movement. With an outstretched hand attempting to grasp someone no longer there, Yanagi was alone in the small clearing. There were no wildlife around, and this area was particularly devoid of insects, so he found himself a place to sit on a nearby root. Conveniently, it had grown into the form of what could be used as a bench.

[color=navy][i]What am I supposed to get out of this...? Give everything unto blank, for you cannot blank? It doesn't make any sense![/i][/color]

Yanagi huffed impatiently at his own mind, trying to add some sort of meaning to the broken phrases his father had read to him. Yanagi also wondered what this could possibly have to do with his discipline, as it seemed his father wanted to confuse him more than anything else. At this age, what could he figure out? Crossing his arms, Yanagi prematurely called out to his father, who he hoped would come explain.


He appeared next to Yanagi. A nearby tree branch rustled and some leaves fell to the ground. Kazaru had been watching and waiting for some kind of response from his son, seeing that he wasn't entirely ready to understand the concept.

[color=red]"Giving up already, huh?"[/color]

Yanagi nodded, waiting for more.

[color=red]"Think about this. 'You cannot change.' I'm only going to answer the second half for you, so why don't you tell me what you get from this?"[/color]

[color=navy]"I cannot change? Huh? Why not? I change all the time."[/color]

[color=red]"Not like growing, Yanagi. You cannot change who you are, what you're born as. I know you don't like being perfect, as you showed your mother and I. But being perfect is a gift that you were born with, and you're just going to have to deal with it. So, instead of getting frustrated with who you are, make the best of it. Change your character, as you cannot change your blood."[/color]

Yanagi had a somewhat blank expression.

[color=navy]"I don't get it..."[/color]

Kazaru smiled and picked him up once more.

[color=red]"I hadn't expected you to get it from the start. But one day you'll understand."[/color]

He performed a high speed movement, and the clearing was vacant once again.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Arc II - One Day]

[color=red]"Pay close attention, Yanagi. Today, we are going to learn Ninjutsu."[/color]

Yanagi stood at attention, watching his father very closely. But, just as the excitement was about to begin, something interrupted what was going to be Kazaru's most important lesson to teach. Even if the day was early, it was something that could not be ignored - a vibrant, loud cry coming only some tens of miles from the small village in which they lived. A cry that caused Yanagi to clamp his palms over his years, and his father to look back in a sort of stunned awe.

As the sounds passing came to an abrupt end, Kazaru let out a brief chuckle and looked back to his son. He seemed to be content, rather than scared for his life as some people should be when they heard a noise of such level. A beast so large and ferocious emitting its warning could all but phase Kazaru, however.

[color=red]"I guess we'll have to practice another time. Let's hurry home."[/color]

With no objections, Yanagi was gathered up by his sibling and the two vanished in a gust of wind. Time passed, and soon the day grew darker with every resounding of the distant cry.

Within his home, everything seemed to be under a false sense of stillness and security. Yanagi's attention was drawn so far away from the dangers of the outside world that it was as if they had not even existed. The cries, he was reassured, were nothing to be worried about. Monsters did not exist, and it was only a wild animal with deep lungs that could scream so 'wildly' into the day and night.

It was a life which would be taken care of by the powerful men of the village, and with this thought accepted and pushed aside, all worry escaped Yanagi. But little to his knowledge, his parents were the ones upset, the ones involved in all the turmoil. A sudden doom seemed to be stirring within their hearts - a darkness that encroached, and loomed over the village. Darkness only the eyes of adults could witness.

Yanagi retreated to the living room of the household and sat by the chortling fire, watching the smoke rise and the embers fall. Kazaru approached Yanagi from behind and lifted him up, spinning him around a few times before setting him down opposite to the fire. Giggles and laughs emerged from Yanagi, and Kazaru smiled before making a statement.

[color=red]"There's something important you should know, Yanagi. Something I meant to tell you today in our training that got interrupted."[/color]

Yanagi looked up, clueless and curious.

[color=navy]"What's that, Otō-san?[/color]

Immense sound shook the house, nearly tearing it off of its foundation and causing objects to fall all around. In a mere moment, the blaze of the fireplace was snuffed out, and most of the home went dark. Screams emerged from outside the home, and fear was immediately struck into Yanagi's heart. He looked up at his father, unsure of the security he had felt only moments ago.

Yet, amidst it all, Kazaru only looked down with the smile he was giving Yanagi only moments ago. He ignored the fear.

[color=red]"That, my son, is that you should be confident. When you can stand up to any challenge, even the inevitable, you have earned something truly special. Now..."[/color]

Yanagi's mother entered the room and swiftly put Iru into Yanagi's hands, giving Kazaru only a brief look before taking off. Where she went, Yanagi would never know, and as of now, it was not so much a concern as to what was going to happen. Eyes watching his father, Kazaru began to perform a set of hand seals. Hands weaving in and out of forms flawlessly caused a swirling to being around Yanagi and Iru.

Moments later, a ball of compact wind was spiraling around them with extreme precision and control. They were lifted off of the ground, weightless and immune to the pressures they should have been feeling. Even more surprising, the sphere produced so little noise, Yanagi could hear his father speak once again.

[color=red]"You're going to grow up strong, Yanagi. As your father, I've got one more thing to say to you."[/color]

The roars resounded once again, causing the fireplace to crumble to bits, and the house to rock violently. His next words came quickly, but not without the confidence Kazaru continued to exude.

[color=red]"Be perfect any way you want to be, Yanagi. Be strong."[/color]

There was a brief pause of complete silence. Kazaru's smile remained, and the sphere began to pick up in noise and pressure. It slowly became white and powerful rather than clear as it was only moments ago. The smile faded, and Kazaru fell into a stance, before yelling out a name that was difficult for Yanagi to hear. The boy's stomach had dropped, and he had no idea what was happening. Something that may have been better for his age.

[color=red]"Wind Release: Spiraling Escape Sphere!"[/color]

Kazaru clenched a fist and launched it hard onto the surface of the wind that contained his children. In a single, violent motion the sphere flew away from Kazaru's palm, and he stood up to watch it leave. Yanagi's vision slowly closed in as the pressure became too much. He watched his father stand without an expression, and if only a second later, a shadow made impact with his body at speeds no child could comprehend. Yanagi's eyes closed as his home zoomed away from him, his sister unconscious and hugging his numb form. He was out cold.


The next memory that Yanagi could perceive was a large white room. He lie surrounded by what seemed like clouds, but were really sheets. Knowing little of the world, this seemed like a fleeting dream, soon to be interrupted by a man in uniform tearing it open. Devices were pressed to Yanagi's body, measuring various variables of his condition before the man simply looked him up and down and asked a simple question.

[color=blue]"What is your name?"[/color]


The man waited a moment before making a hand gesture.


Yanagi was stumped as he began to think. Many things were suddenly absent from his mind that he once knew, the thing needed here being his surname. What family was he from? He did not know.

[color=navy]"I... uh..."[/color]

The doctor shook his head, and scribbled some things down on a clipboard-held form. Yanagi rested his head and seemed to pass out once more as the doctor left his bed, leading a small child out of the room. There was some shouting in the hallway that soon came to rest, but it did not bother Yanagi. He was moving on to real dreams - of all the things that he could remember.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Arc III - Graduation Celebration]

A few days had passed since Yanagi's admittance into the hospital. He was given little information as to the events of the previous night as to prevent further trauma, and then shuffled off to begin life in a new and foreign place. His mind was, metaphorically, in shambles after the event. Rather unprepared for a day in a certain place, the inevitable had come, and he was standing among a small group of children in none other than the Kirigakure Ninja Academy.

The first plan of action for the workers of Kirigakure had been to throw Yanagi into a ninja career in order to keep his mind distracted from what may have happened to him. Little did they know, that plan wasn't going to be the most successful one. Class was going to begin as the instructor entered the room, looking over the group of some ten students. He had already memorized their names through reading the paperwork, but meeting them was a different story.

While some of the students had been paying attention to the Sensei's entrance, others were looking over at Yanagi. He was off compared to the rest of the children in the room, mostly for his aesthetics than anything else. Mumbles went around about the fact he looked like royalty, if the children even had a concept of the sovereign at such an age. Not enjoying the attention, Yanagi attempted to remedy his situation by taking a step forward in the crowd.

[color=navy]"Good morning, Sensei."[/color]

The instructor looked down to Yanagi in specific, speaking for the first time.

[color=violet]"Good morning, Yanagi."[/color]

Getting words out of the man had worked in Yanagi's favor, as he continued to speak, drawing the attention of the rest of the students. Yanagi hadn't thought to ask why the man already knew his name, as that was of no importance now.

[color=violet]"Alright, students. As today is your first day in the Kirigakure Academy, we're going to need to assess the basics of being a ninja. After we have done some training, we will continue on with the meet and greet. A wise man once told me it's important to learn who your friends are through combat before speech."[/color]

Some of the children seemed excited about learning new things, or showing off their own skills. The man made a final comment before urging the aspiring ninja to move outside.

[color=violet]"Today, we will learn Ninjutsu..."[/color]

The words struck Yanagi like a brick dropped from the sky. Eyes widened for only a moment, sudden thoughts began to rush back to his mind, and images flew. There he was, standing just as he was a few days ago, right in front of his father. The speech mimicked word for word, he could hear his father speaking in his instructor's place. The children began to cry out in excitement as they moved out of the room, and the cry of the beast resounded in Yanagi's mind. A sound so terrifyingly familiar.

More thoughts flashed through Yanagi's mind, and he remembered his mother from the morning he had acted up. More words emerged from his teacher, which prompted his own unconscious response.

[color=violet]"Remember students, practice makes perfect..."[/color]

Yanagi was now the only one still standing in the room, and the instructor looked down at him.

[color=violet]"Yanagi? It's time to go."[/color]

Yanagi blinked for a moment, and mumbled.

[color=navy]"There's no such thing as perfect."[/color]

The instructor appeared bewildered by the comment, and seemed to take it as an insult towards his advice. There was a second man sitting in the back of the room, who appeared to be observing the students as an assistant instructor. The first looked over to him, making a hand gesture and speaking up to him.

[color=violet]"Sanshu, I'll let you handle this one."[/color]

Sanshu nodded, standing up and walking over to Yanagi. He placed a hand on the child's shoulder and gave him a gentle shake, in which Yanagi turned towards the exit.

[color=darkred]"Let's go, kid. I needed to get you anyway, so we'll talk training later."[/color]

Still seemingly trapped in his own memories, Yanagi simply allowed Sanshu to take the lead. What he didn't know was that Sanshu was to be his foster parent - or foster ninja, rather, in place of the family he once had. Much was lied out ahead of him in his life, and he was only experiencing the beginning of it.


Yanagi's life had become somewhat different since the day he remembered his father's words. While his name was still absent to him, much of his life had returned, and with that the nightmares of the night which caused him to lose everything. From then to the present, days vanished and months lapsed. The hatred towards the 'perfect' grew stronger as the children's opinion of him only grew excessively in that direction. Special treatment, solo training, all things that Yanagi hadn't necessarily wanted, he was given.

But today was the liberation day from the words of the other students as Yanagi went running down the roads of Kirigakure to the home in which he had been living. Alongside his mentor and guardian Sanshu, who had given him most of his training and preparation for the Academy exams. Excelling at levels only the words 'perfect' would earn Yanagi, he had graduated, and it was something that made him happy. The only time 'perfect' was acceptable, because he was leaving it.

Opening the door with headband in hand, Yanagi announced his graduation to a waiting Sanshu. He had already been informed of Yanagi's successes and approval, but he acted surprised anyway to aide the moment. There was more to be earned on this afternoon, however, as Sanshu took a step forward and placed a hand on Yanagi's head, rustling his hair.

[color=red]"Yanagi, the dreams you've been telling me about. I can make them disappear."[/color]

Yanagi paused and followed up on the offer almost immediately.

[color=navy]"You can make the nightmares go away?"[/color]

[color=red]"Yes, would you like that?"[/color]

Yanagi merely nodded, even with his hand still on his head. Sanshu moved two fingers to Yanagi's forehead, and performed a hand seal, causing black marks to spread over Yanagi's forehead and all the way up Sanshu's arm to his own. The marks were a number of seals used in the extraction of information, and while this was highly illegal to perform outside of orders, Sanshu felt obligated as a guardian to help.

[color=red]"This might hurt a bit."[/color]

He changed the hand seal to Tiger, and the marks along their bodies began to glow a purplish black.

[color=red]"Fuinjutsu: Extraction Technique."[/color]

Yanagi's vision blacked nearly immediately and his body became unconscious, but remained standing as if he were awake. Sanshu then wandered into Yanagi's thoughts and began to search for the meaning behind the nightmares he had heard so much about in these recent months. It was not a difficult search as Sanshu learned without effort much of Yanagi's life and his heritage.

[color=red][i]A Shikigami, huh...? That's a surprise. But what happened?[/i][/color]

Further digging showed the answer.

[color=red][i]Here we are...[/i][/color]

Sanshu found himself reliving the important events of Yanagi's life up to the night of the attack. He witnessed his father's departing words, and the darkness that slowly consumed Yanagi until his vision, too, was black. But soon there was an interference in the memory, and Sanshu found himself unable to control it as he originally intended. Instead, now, it seemed he was watching the dream through Yanagi's eyes.

Eyes that slowly opened and looked back on a path of destruction caused by the sphere of wind. Iru lie motionless in his arms, and Yanagi was weak. He lifted her up with all of his strength and looked around the pitch black forest. A darkness blocked out the moon as cries continued to emerge from the distance. Any light that would have brought Yanagi comfort no longer existed, and so he went off of a single thought. To be strong.

Footsteps began to carry him through the dangers of the night, and he wandered without rest until the morning came. The cries of both man and beast carried on in the distance, instilling unforgettable fear into Yanagi's heart. He wondered about his family, those who he had befriended back in his home village, and what would become of it. Never had he experienced such an event, and never would he have been prepared for it. No warning could stop his mind from racing now.

A saving grace met Yanagi in his wandering, as light filtered through the canopies of the trees. A thick mist had arisen in the ascent of the morning sun, again blocking Yanagi's sight. But, even with his vision unable to penetrate nature's wall, he was nearly done with his difficult journey.  Exhausted to the point of collapse, a large entrance suddenly appeared in front of him. Gates to a place he did not recognize that were soon filled with people coming and going around him.

A man dressed in blues and purples approached him with a hand outreached to aide.

[color=grey]"Hey, are you o-"[/color]

Yanagi collapsed into the newcomer, unconscious. The dream was relinquished, and Sanshu reeled back from Yanagi's body. The seal marks vanishing, and now the both of them having experienced the events for the last time, Yanagi collapsed once again.

[color=red]"So that's what happened... Poor kid."[/color]

[spoiler=Arc IV - A Blur]

Ever since Yanagi was capable of remembering the holes in his life, he continued to progress positively into a better person. A strong shinobi capable of much, with an interesting in the cries that once plagued his dreams. His life was a blur when he became a genin, the trials and hardships of being a ninja doing little to create landmarks in his memory. While there was much to remember, he also did so much one could relate the feeling to that of real life. You eventually forget some of the things you've done, just because you've done so much.

One day in particular was important to Yanagi, however. Perhaps around the age of twenty when he had been at the height of his research on bijuu and their powers. Yanagi found little answers about his past, but much about what his future would suddenly become. Sitting in the back of the library surrounded by many stacks of books and a cup of fresh tea, a visage made its way through the halls of books.

Within moments, a man in a dark cloak and a mask approached Yanagi, and interrupted any train of thought he might have had. Ready to defend himself, the man raised a hand, and gestured Yanagi to lower himself back into his seat. The two were in different leagues by appearance, and Yanagi did not want to hurt a superior. This man, whom he did not know, was only a messenger for now.

[color=grey]"Your interest in bijuu has caught the attention of some very influential people in Kirigakure, Yanagi Shikigami. You are demanded to have an audience with them tonight, in order to decide your future."[/color]

Somewhat shocked by the sudden request, Yanagi did not want to deny 'demands' about 'his future'. From here, he entered a long and special relationship with the higher-ups that determined his job, and his skills. Nothing better could have happened to him, but nothing more dangerous, either.

And that is what can be told of the life of Yanagi, whom now rests under the title of Jounin, serving faithfully to the Village Hidden in the Mist; Kirigakure no Sato.

<div style="color:49DB7AE;  margin-top:5px; text-align:center; border-top:4px solid #9DB7AE;font-family:arial; font-size:10px;">


Academy Techniques
[spoiler][b]Name:[/b] Bunshin no Jutsu • Clone Technique
[b]Rank:[/b] E
[b]Type:[/b] Genjutsu
[b]Range:[/b] N/A
[b]Medium:[/b] Optical
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] This technique creates identical clones of the user. However, they hold no actual substance and will disperse upon impact of an attack or contact with an opponent. They cannot disrupt the area around themselves with their movements; won’t kick up dust, crush grass, etc. They are simply optical illusions used to momentarily fool others.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1CP per 5 clones

[b]Name:[/b] Henge no Jutsu • Transformation Technique
[b]Rank:[/b] E
[b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu
[b]Range:[/b] N/A
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] This technique transforms the user’s appearance to that of another object or person. However, it is not a permanent transformation and a mental image of what they are transformed into. Certain aspects of a ninja will not change merely by transformation, these things may include injuries, tool pocket placements etc. The jutsu will dispel should the user be injured. The user does not gain the properties of their transformation (ie. horse like strength), and may only transform into something ranging between 1/2 of their regular size, to 2x their regular size. Thus one cannot transform into large creatures.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1

[b]Name:[/b] Kawarimi no Jutsu • Body Replacement Technique
[b]Rank:[/b] E
[b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu
[b]Range:[/b] 10 meters
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] After performing a tiger seal, this technique allows the user to alter places in a speedy manner with another nearby object. This is done mere seconds before an attack lands, thus making the attacker believe his or her attack was a success. Whatever object was used to alter places will receive the brunt of the enemy’s attack instead.  The object that the user switches with must be preset somewhere else in the thread, meaning that the object must have received specific mention previously in the thread.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 2

[b]Name:[/b] Explosive Tag: Activate
[b]Rank:[/b] E
[b]Type:[/b] Fuuinjutsu
[b]Range:[/b] N/A
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to activate an explosive tag they have planted somewhere. Preferably they should be within close to mid range and visible to the user. You cannot activate another persons explosive tags unless your chakra has been channeled into them beforehand.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1 (per 3 explosive notes)

[b]Name:[/b] Kai • Release
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu
[b]Range:[/b] Close (0m - 5m)
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] By stopping the flow of chakra in their body, and then applying an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the caster's chakra; the user may dispel the effects of a genjutsu. This can also be used on another individual that is stuck in a genjutsu by preforming the necessary hand seal and then touching them, although it consumes half the chakra cost of the Genjutsu.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] Cost of Genjutsu + 2CP

[b]Name:[/b] Nawanuke no Jutsu • Escaping Skill
[b]Rank:[/b] E
[b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu
[b]Range:[/b] N/A
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to free themselves should they be tied up. It is extremely basic.  Using their physical training, the user will twist and contort their body to loosen their bindings, effectively relieving themselves of the tightness of their bindings and slipping through the restraints. This technique can only be used if the user is of equal or higher rank than their captor.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1

[b]Name:[/b] Chozou no Jutsu • Storage Technique
[b]Rank:[/b] E
[b]Type:[/b] Fuuinjutsu, Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Close (0m - 5m)
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] A simple jutsu that allows a ninja to seal or unseal any item, mostly weapons, from scrolls or from their body. After forming the necessary handsigns, the ninja will seal the item into a scroll etc. Scrolls can also be used as ammunition for other weapons or have other seals inside of them, which expands the number of potential tricks a shinobi can use. The items themselves are unaffected by time. Ninjutsu can also be stored in scrolls, to be released when the scroll is opened, but require another person to cast said Ninjutsu; else it cannot be sealed.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1 to seal; 1 to unseal.

[b]Name:[/b] Suimen Hokou no Waza • Act of Water Surface Walking
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Type:[/b] N/A
[b]Range:[/b] N/A
[b]Element:[/b] NA
[b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to balance themselves on water by focusing a constant and steady stream of chakra to the user’s feet or hands. Because of water’s nature, this requires the user to be quick to adjust the amount of chakra they must emit to their feet in order to maintain a constant balance. Users may also walk, run and “skate” across the water when using this technique.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1 (1 per post)

[b]Name:[/b] Kinobori no Waza • Act of Tree Climbing
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Type:[/b] N/A
[b]Range:[/b] N/A
[b]Element:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to balance themselves on trees and vertical walls by focusing a constant and steady stream of chakra to the user’s feet. Gravity can easy be defined if this technique is mastered, allowing people to even stand upside down. If too much chakra is exerted the user will be pushed away; bark breaking and causing the user to then fall. If not enough chakra is exerted the user will lose their footing and fall.
[b]Chakra Cost:[/b] 1 (1 per post)[/spoiler]


[b]Name:[/b] Jounin Kit
[b]Rank:[/b] A
[b]Quantity:[/b] 1
[b]Contents:[/b] 14 Kunai [14], 24 Shuriken [12], 15 Senbon [5], 20 Makibishi [4], 10 Exploding Notes [10], 6 Exploding Pouches [2], 6 Smoke Pellets [2],  21m String [7], 1 Windmill Shuriken [5], 1 File & Scissor [1].[/spoiler]

[b]Name:[/b] Explosive Kit
[b]Rank:[/b] B
[b]Quantity:[/b] 1
[b]Contents:[/b] 24 Exploding Notes [24], 24 Exploding Pouches [8], 3 Smoke Bombs [9], 2 Explosive Kunai [3], 6 Explosive Senbon [3].[/spoiler]

[b]Name:[/b] Sealing Art Kit
[b]Rank:[/b] C
[b]Quantity:[/b] 1
[b]Contents:[/b] 5 Small Scrolls [10], 4 Medium Scrolls [16], 10cm Ink Capsule [1], 500mL Paint Canister [1], 1 Journal [1], 2 Tipped Pens [1], 1 Brush [1], 3 Ink Pens [3]. Requires Fuuinjutsu.[/spoiler]

Last edited by CleverYamanaka on Wed 22 Jan 2014, 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 24 Oct 2013, 4:20 am

Inoshi Yamanaka

Random coding test. Just practicing, once again.
Kirigakure's Mizukage.
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Age : 29
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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 24 Oct 2013, 4:50 am

Intro to the post. You can write about something, or have a constant quote. I'd suggest the shinobi's nindo.

Post here

You can write something here, if you want.

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Age : 29
Posts : 1688

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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 24 Oct 2013, 5:08 am

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] WithoutAnything-8


CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Face-1
The Face. Inoshi's face is perhaps the most striking part his entire anatomy. Despite having a toned body, his face is the area where most of his emotions and expressions come through. That is to say, Inoshi expresses himself through the various points on his face. The most important part of Inoshi's face, when it comes to expressing himself, are his eyes. Bright blue, like the deep depths of the ocean, Inoshi carries eyes that double as his other weapons. Paired with his shocking intensity, these orbs can become a tool to stab someone down, or back them into a corner. While speaking with some, his eyes will just barely flare open, creating micro-expressions that prove devastating and intimidating. The next important area to note is his mouth, bordered by full lips. Despite this being the area through which he talks, Inoshi is constantly creating various smiles and mouth movements which give off his emotions in clear indicators. Perhaps the most impressive and iconic look is the snake like, almost venomous smile he gives off when intrigued by something, or while planning some kind of vile event. In terms of just bland appearance, however, his face is beautiful. Scary, and completely terrifying, but beautiful nevertheless. Each feature is absolute, sharp, and extreme. Large, expressive eyes lay below flexible and expressive eyebrows. High cheekbones match the line of his razor sharp jaw. His skin is smooth and without blemish; or any kind of facial hair. Despite his age, Inoshi looks to be much younger, often mistaken for a much younger man - some even daring to go as far as to say he looks to be a teenager still; though, for the most part, most would agree that he looks to be in his early twenties.

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Body-1

The Body. While his body is not as important in expressing emotions as his face, Inoshi uses his body in a different, just as important way. Over the years, more and more, Inoshi has added a wild, sexual energy to his appearance, representing the deviant nature always present within him, through mostly dormant until his more experienced years. Cloaking himself in the perfect clothing to accentuate his tall and worked out body, without trying, he makes himself into a honey trap. His anatomy has come a long way on the road of maturity, developing himself into quite the man. Powerful muscles line his body, though they do not take away from his slender appearance. Broad shoulders act as the perfect hangers for whatever clothing he is wearing, with capable arms and a robust chest and stomach. Even so, his skin is smooth and without the touch of age; a hairless chest goes far to feature the tone and deviation of his muscle groups. Long legs complete his look, allowing him to stand taller than most. Beyond that overview, however, there are some key features to pay attention too. Having gone through numerous phases of mentality in his life, Inoshi is a canvas which shows his progression through the ages. When he was younger, in his teenage years of running the Kirigakure council, before his anointment as a Mizukage, he was much more rebellious - much more teenager. On one occasion, Inoshi got his ear pierced, though it was not a superficial body modification - it had a message. In the Yamanaka Clan's history, they were paired with the Nara Clan, as well as the Akimichi Clan members, each wearing a single earring; together, the group would have three earrings, as such. Inoshi's left ear was pierced six times, all up the side, and into the cartilage. The message behind the piercings was something boastful and arrogant: "I do not require such counterparts. I have the ability to become my own, functional team, which is still more accomplished." It is with this arrogance that he leads himself.

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Overview
The Attire. There are many, vastly different styles of clothing that Inoshi wears - each depending on the goal, mission at hand, kind of day, and personal motive. Though, in more general statements, it is good to know and assume that each and every article of clothing the proud Yamanaka owns is made with the utmost quality; as well as some of the most expensive fabrics. He will go a long way to accomplish his look, though time is not really required; he has been known to look much more casual, mostly on days in which he does not have to present himself to others. Though, for the most part, even on these days he comes with the full blown demeanor of superiority. He likes fabrics and clothing which drapes and hangs about him in a robe or cloak's fashion. Though, he does not like wearing a uniform, most of the time - or anything that is stock, and ordinary. It is for this reason that he does not, and did not often wear the traditional robes of the Mizukage. Instead, he wore custom made variations, each with a heavy taste of nobility and royalty. On missions, however, Inoshi has been known to wear the common gear of a shinobi - or while training with himself; though even this happened more when he was younger, and has become less and less a part of his routine. Conceivably, the man's favorite, or at least most worn outfit, is a white cloak like haori and shihakusho variant, as shown below in the picture. Because it is mostly devoid of color, Inoshi often pairs it with a waist band of color, often one of the cooler colors, such as purple of blue: blue matching his eyes, and purple being his favorite color. Other than this, Inoshi is most commonly seen in draping, purple silk and other fine fabrics which he wears in almost seductive ways, just barely allowing himself to grab the sexual attention of others, and corrode their will with his potent presence and wall breaking personality.

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Gin_ou10
The Overview. It is hard to explain Inoshi without making the comparison of something otherworldly, and completely divine. Every curve of his body, turn of muscle tone, the very color itself of his skin seems to ride right along the edge of perfection. Years do not even begin grasp at his physicality, unable to touch him and leaving him as if he was no older than twenty at the latest. No signs of wrinkles, or any kind of aging marks, even facial lines from normal human's emotion are devoid on him. This means that he does not even have noticeable smile lines, laugh lines, or any kinds of lines around his eyes. Despite not looking awkwardly young for his age, his youth is astonishing. Inoshi has medium length hair that falls down to about his shoulders when left untamed; he has been known to, however, pull it back into a neat pony tail, despite its short length, or a sloppy bun while working. Inoshi stands at around six feet tall, weighing one hundred and ninety pounds, all weight that is added through his muscle. While he is lean still, he has a large muscle mass that does not by any means make him look bulky. Below, a small excerpt of Inoshi will be given to more accurately sum him up, taking into account that he is within his mission attire in the excerpt; it is also important to note that this excerpt is taken from his younger days, taking into account that there have been gradual changes to his personality, and thus the way he holds himself.

The Example. Inoshi looked different today. Longer blonde hair was left unkept, and let down, barely touching his shoulders. Ice blue eyes stared and moved along as they followed what they followed. Perfect features, perfect skin, tanned with the effects of sun on his body. And yet, there were no signs of aging, no wrinkles, hardly even any laugh or smile lines. His emotionless face had left him more than perfect. A slender nose, tipped with a slight upward bend, and without flaws or bumps. Lips like flowers themselves, full and yet without looking like oddly proportioned weights on his face that dragged him downwards. A powerful and razor sharp jaw line carved his face's bottom half, and ran parallel with the pronounced cheek bones, high cheek bones, but not alien looking. A muscular, long, and yet thin neck held his head up high, a pompous look spread across his face, as it normally was. Strong lines like a capital V rode down his neck until they centered out in between two collar bones - each pushing forward, and padded by muscle on each side. Purple fabric cut itself in a V that complimented the V in his neck muscles. The V in the shirt was cut low, and allowed the beginning of Inoshi's muscles to be shown. However, what was not shown directly was portrayed with the bumps and lumps of muscle that were shown off within the constrictive form of the tight shirt. Although it was not skin tight, or even close, it was tight enough to reveal his fit, lean, and toned body. The shirt was not the only thing that he wore over his body, however. Over the shirt was vest worn by most Kirigakure jounin operatives that were acting within village official missions. However, Inoshi wore a form that did not have the longer shoulder guards on them, and instead it just cut off like a tank top, allowing his short sleeves to poke through. The vest was unzipped past the limit of the purple V neck, making sure that no skin was hidden where it did not have to be.

Inoshi's head band was wrapped around his forehead, without using the normal shinobi forehead protector - instead it was more like a bandanna that covered the top of his head, and allowed his hair to fall forth in a rugged way about his head. It was slightly bent, or at least positioned so that it was not lined up to be straight forward - instead the head band, metal forehead protector was running more along the side of his forehead, pushed slightly to the left. Black pants clung to his waist, and moved down his legs until midway down his calves, where they were replaced with netting, like fishnets, with another gray cloth under them so as to keep from cold temperatures. On his back was a large pack, at least large by shinobi pouch standards, that contained his weapons, and ninja tools. On his leg, his right thigh, he had a shuriken, kunai, and senbon holster. His shinobi shoes were back, high tops with the zippers slightly unzipped, so as to show the continuation of the netting down to his ankle - but that was covered by the shoes. His legs were long, graceful, lean and slender, and the black of his pants only made them appear to be more so.

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] InoshiCircle-2

Personality: Crazy. Egocentric. Prideful.
So much of Inoshi is always changing. New ideas sprout at every instant. New emotions will rise, and fall. Everything is in a constant state of creation, preservation, and then destruction. Each new goal brings him higher and higher, only to realize that he could be doing more, and so he does. Each individual that enters his space is disregarded as a mere ant that he could step on, or something smaller and even more insignificant. Inoshi is the perfect combination of a thinker and a doer. Not one or the other, but both. His active mind always pushing him to start something, and finish it, and then start something else. This leads to a solitary life style that brings him further and further away from other people, and allows his brain to rev up, and power through whatever is needed of him. Always trapped behind a skeptical lens on life, Inoshi sees the world in whatever color he wishes to see it in, acting as a prelude to his actions, and explaining some of why he does what he does. His inability to see others as people that remain on his level, Inoshi hardly divides his respect to anyone, and instead demands all of their respect from them. With a haughty, low voice he cuts at any individual that leaves an opening for him to do so. Always watching and feeling for someone's insecurities just so that he can exploit them, Inoshi studies people and their reactions to anything he may say, memorizing everything, and placing it in the sectioned off categories that make up files within his mind.

In battle, Inoshi relies on a different kind of power to gain him a win. Instead of wielding a large weapon which he swings around before charging inwards to the fight, Inoshi combats with a different way of doing things entirely. He pulls his power from a tactful presence that casts his opponents into the shadow of their own demise. Letting the opponent beat themselves with their own actions, Inoshi only moves when he needs to, and only strikes when he has fully examined the weakness of his opponent. Comparison, strategy, and wit allows Inoshi to take the lead situation in any scenario with ease. Pulling back, and becoming seemingly less aggressive, Inoshi puts his opponents through a long series of tests, getting them right where he wants them before he can move in with his death strike. Inoshi has no qualms about bloodshed, and is ruled by his own, twisted and malicious laws of when it is and is not right to dispose of someone. Normally, should he deem them useless, or without a purpose, as well as hostile or unintelligent enough to do battle with himself, he will not have a kind of second thought about destroying any last trace of the enemy. However, Inoshi is not so wild to get himself caught up in a lawful situation. Wit, tact, strategy, and bent loyalty places him in the throne, and gives him the scepter with which he can dictate what he wants, when he wants, and how it is to be delivered. And he gets it.

When around other individuals, Inoshi can act in a multitude of ways, depending on the kind of person that he is with. Each of these differences are very different, and leave him extremely hard to predict. Around most people, however, Inoshi is automatically put into a place of scanning, and judging. In a way, Inoshi does what he does through pain of boredom with his own life, wanting to know and understand just how it is that others work, and why they cling to such small desire - why they are led by such whimsical emotions, and unruly, not yet calculated choices. Inoshi, as such, is critical, and without a filter, telling just what he wants to tell without any regard for someone's feelings. In fact, should Inoshi, in any way, provide a filter is a great honor - or a way for him to manipulate his way into or out of a situation that he wants or does not want. Because of this, he has created himself to be a very powerful silver tongue, and allied himself with all of the right active forces to enable his getting what he wants. Around other individuals, however, he can act completely different. Secretly, Inoshi searches for compassion, and a love that was promised by his own mother upon death. He refused that this kind of love could exist until he found it himself - a love and caring for an individual as a friend, teammate, and companion. Inoshi's presence is always full of wit, and one can almost feel the harsh intellect that steams off of his person, however how he chooses to use this intellect is completely versatile. Through passing numerous repeated IQ tests, with the average IQ score of around one hundred and ninety six, sometimes higher, but rarely lower, Inoshi's powerful mind is justified. This just goes to show that Inoshi is above and beyond most of his peers.

Virtue is moral excellence. A virtue is a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice. Vice is a practice or a behavior or habit considered immoral, depraved, or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or merely a bad habit. Synonyms for vice include fault, depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness, and corruption. Inoshi is much to complicated to talk about with the simple, one sided definition of virtue, or vice. Instead, most all of his actions are depicted as an acidic mixture of both. Inoshi holds very few things near and dear to himself, and does not care for much. He does not care about moral conduct, and would much rather act on personal interest, than the interest of others. This is, in part, forced into his list of vices and virtues simply because of the way he views himself - beautiful, untouchable, beyond the mortal level, and without flaw. Because of this, Inoshi thinks that others should not have a say against his word, unless those other individuals are individuals that he has come to respect, in the rare case that this respect is real and genuine. Inoshi does not consider himself loyal to anything, not even his own hidden village, despite his leadership positions that have come and gone in numerous forms. He only sees the village as a way to obtain what he wants, and conduct individuals as he sees fit. As such, he would never actively take up arms against the village, or wish for its down fall, but only because of selfish reasons.

There is an exception to all of this. Beyond all of the cleverly placed lies, and all of the sought out mental torture, Inoshi has one part of him that is completely dedicated and loyal. Upon his mother's death, when Inoshi was young, she told him to find love and someone that can hold that love. She told him that this was the most important thing. Inoshi's pride was a fully ironic character trait to take on, seeing as this made finding others and love that much harder. However over time, he shoved those words into the back of his heart, where they only acted through subconsciousness. Without knowing it, Inoshi spent every waking second of his days trying to find what it was that he would love in someone. These extremely rare things completely change Inoshi's way of being, and allow him to bring what little, pure innocence is within him to the exterior, and to be shown properly. One such example, and the only truly accurate example is that of the young boy named Hisoka, who Inoshi claimed as one of the rare things he could truly hold admiration for. His reasons are without logic, and his logic is without form. Instead, Inoshi has become completely dedicated to this boy, without disregarding himself, or his selfish pride. Because of this, Inoshi becomes even more unpredictable, seeing as he has extremely mixed feelings about his own priority, when compared to the priority of others.

Inoshi leads a lonely life style, full of wondering and full of studying. Inoshi does not go about making friends, or even caring about social interactions beyond those superficial enough to be actually important. Instead, Inoshi spends his time memorizing anything and everything that he can in order to be able to defend in almost any situation. Because of this, Inoshi has read hundreds of books on the architecture of every building within Kirigakure's walls, weather details, numerous sciences, numerous math subjects, geography, and ninja information. He spends his time flipping through book after book, quickly memorizing everything that it has to say with his perfect recall abilities, and photographic memory type. Because of this, he can either be found in the libraries, in the more secret and confidential archives of the Kirigakure ANBU, or actually out at the building's locations, checking out the architecture that caught his interest, instantly forming strategies should he be attacked right in this destination. It is not unheard of for Inoshi to remove himself from these duties and train in the ninja arts, but he is much more content tucked away where no kind of data could be gathered on him, working on developing different meridian confrontations in order to create powerful jutsu - or even jutsu jutsu that are tactical, and serve a specific purpose.

Recently, however, there has been an obsession that has kept Inoshi busy in other areas as well. This area of Inoshi's life is controlled by another boy, a best friend, a teammate, and a companion. This boy's name is Hisoka, a shinobi that has caught Inoshi's interest for whatever reason. This boy now has created a small rift in Inoshi's time frame, and now demands his presence. However, this is not a bad thing, and simply seen as another thing for Inoshi to do in the time that may have been blank before. Over the years, however, this friendship grew into a very meaningful companionship, in which both parties actively support each other emotionally, and live off of each other in a sense. Having gone through so much, and seen many things together, they are inseparable friends and teammates.

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] The_fa13

CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] The_v_10

Birthday: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Astrological_Sign_Libra.svgOctober 27.
Gender: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Gender_Male.svgMale.
Age: 29.
Height: 182.9 cm.
Weight: 86.2 kg.
Blood Type: AB.
Eye Color: Deep Blue.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Body Type: Athletic.

Classification: S Rank.

Affiliation: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Kirigakure_Symbol.svgKirigakure.

Team: Kirigakure Council.
..........Twin Assassins.

Clan: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Yamanaka_Symbol.svgYamanaka Clan.

Ninja Rank: Kage.

Nature Type:

Suiton CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Nature_Icon_Water.svg
Raiton CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg
Fuuton CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg
Academy Grad. Age: 6

  • Inosa Yamanaka (Mother)
  • Shizu Yamanaka (Father)

Personal Nindōs: First. Strive, reach, and grasp for perfection, but never actually grab it, for achieving perfection is the one, immortal flaw.
Second. Every large step forward crushes numerous, small "insects" below. This does not mean, however, that one should never take steps forward.

Trivia: 'Ino' (イノ) comes from inoshishi (猪), meaning 'boar' and coming from the twelfth zodiac sign; ironic, seeing as Inoshi is not a bore on the zodiac. 'Shi' (死) means 'death,' and 'poem'. 'Yamanaka' (山中) means 'among the mountains'. Wild boar are heavily associated with mountains in Japan and are even called the 'whales of the mountains' (山鯨, yamakujira), because of the amount of meat they produce.

Inoshi's family used to own a flower shop, ran by his mother, which cultivated and raised numerous kinds of plants; some of which were exclusive to Yamanaka Clan gardens, and therefore highly valuable. Because of this, Inoshi received botanical teachings from a young age, generally able to define a plant and its properties on command.

Favorite Vegetables:

  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Kale
  • Crimini/Shiitake Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Onion
  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Cod Fish
  • Yams

Favorite Seafood/Seafood Dishes:

  • Sashimi
  • Nigiri Sushi
  • Civiche
  • Tara
  • Ohyo
  • Sake
  • Sardines
  • Scallops
  • Prawns
  • Maguro

Favorite Fruits:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Oranges
  • Peaches

Favorite Beans/Legumes:

  • Black Beans
  • Dried Peas
  • Garbanzo Beans
  • Kidney Beans
  • Lentils
  • Lima Beans
  • Miso
  • Tofu/Tempeh
  • Pinto Beans
  • Soy Beans

Favorite Grains:

  • Barley
  • Brown rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Corn
  • Millet
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Rye
  • Spelt
  • Whole wheat

Favorite Herbs:

  • Basil
  • Black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Chili pepper, dried
  • Cilantro/Coriander seeds
  • Cinnamon, ground
  • Cloves
  • Cumin seeds
  • Dill
  • Ginger

Favorite Sweeteners:

  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup


  • Green tea
  • Soy sauce

Known Aliases:

  • Yotō kokoro (与党心; Literally meaning "Rule of the Mind") is a nickname that is commonly paired with Inoshi of the Yamanaka clan due to many reasons. The first, of course, being the blatant fact that he is the ruler of the Yamanaka clan, and one of the most famed and powerful rulers that the clan has ever seen. Because of this, he has been dubbed by his adversaries as the mater of the mind, or the mind's ruler, seeing as his jutsu easily allow him to do just that; rule the mind of himself and others. Word of this name has spread throughout the village of Kirigakure, and even beyond the walls and into further lands. Even when individuals do not understand the reason for the name, they have most likely heard of it whispered among the lips of those that would wish to remain tucked away from governmental affairs.
  • Misuto no Kōtei (ミストの皇帝; Literally meaning "Emporer of the Mist") is a name that is common among any and all shinobi that know of Kirigakure. This name was given to him by few before he was even recognized officially as the Mizukage of the mist village, and has only become much more common as this recognition became official. This name is used in a similar way to the Mizukage, and it is a name that brings forth an auspicious aura, which is added to the interesting and some what deadly aura that the kage already carries around himself. This nickname is as common as simply calling him the Mizukage of the Bloody Mist.
  • Ketsueki o Hakobu Kare (血液を運ぶ彼; Literally meaning "He Who Carries The Blood") is a name given to Inoshi out of both fear and respect by many in and out of his village. This nickname was given to Inoshi before he became officially elected as the Mizukage, seeing as it was clear that he was the political force within the walls, as opposed to the previous kage. This name is testiment to his will in the government, and his political ways with passing numerous legislature, or letting others fall through. While he runs the perfect government, he does not let Kirigakure's name fall, and upholds the "Bloody Mist" title that has been given to the Mist Village by numerous neighboring lands.
  • Yuki no Seirei (雪の精霊; Literally meaning "The Snow Spirit") is actually a rather humorous nickname that Inoshi has - although it is not actually his nickname, or at least people dont know that it is his nickname. Allow me to explain: when Inoshi is around snow, his normal, twisted, dark, cruel, strategical, and logical side is thrown away temporarily and the polar opposite becomes the case. In this way, he becomes extremely child like, hyper, acts on nothing more than his gut, and gains a very hyper edge. However, the nickname came from the fact that, when it is snowing, Inoshi drops into a prank mode, and pulls pranks across his village, and on anyone that is close to him and lucky/unlucky enough to experience it. However, to this date, it is unknown that Inoshi is the "snow spirit" of the Bloody Mist, and hardly anyone would ever glue the childish prankster identity to someone like Inoshi without having conclusive evidence. Inoshi often hides his appearance in some form or another, and acts like a young, hyper cat after sniffing a substantial amount of cat-nip while it is snowing.
  • Kinpatsu no Hito (金髪の人; Literally meaning "Blondie") is a name that is only mentioned by one person in the entire world safely. That one person is none other than Inoshi's best friend, rival, and teammate Hisoka of the Ryoku. Hisoka first called Inoshi this as an insult, following it up with comments on Inoshi's apparent feminine appearance (due to his long hair at the time, and beautiful features), however it slowly adapted into something more of a very casual nickname that Inoshi has even come to accept as nothing more than a passing comment and friendly gesture. What is more, he would not waste his time trying to get the rambunctious friend to stop calling him that, it simply wouldn't be worth it in the slightest.
  • Nyūōdākingu (ニューオーダーキング; Literally meaning "King of the New Order") is a name Inoshi has given to himself, in dealing with his new creation - the organization and/or group called the Nai'Ouza. However, there is a strong sense of irony present, seeing as the group's name literally means "No Throne" yet the Yamanaka names himself King - a title often paired with a throne. It is unknown to most whether he intends for there to be such irony present, and if it means something deeper than just shallow hypocrisy.

Last edited by CleverYamanaka on Wed 13 Nov 2013, 12:09 pm; edited 32 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 24 Oct 2013, 5:24 am


CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] 291HA5C

Inoshi Yamanaka Of Kirigakure 이렇게 문자를 보내

Where True Power Lies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nunc orci, placerat in imperdiet sed, dignissim quis orci. Maecenas lorem ante, dictum eu blandit sit amet, mollis nec odio. In hac habi tasse platea dictumst. Integer vulputate elementum elementum. Donec porttitor mauris in neque interdum ultricies. Ut imperdiet interdum neque, et sollicitudin nulla egestas id. Integer sodales bibendum hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse ornare, metus ac dapibus blandit, ipsum libero aliquam nunc, non scelerisque ligula purus eu tortor. Donec ut ornare turpis. Sed ultrices, purus et auctor porttitor, arcu sem gravida augue, quis rutrum justo elit at turpis. Phasellus adipiscing lacus non sapien mollis ac tristique turpis ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi.

Aliquam eu quam nisi. Cras at nisl vel ante congue ultricies. Integer aliquet dui nec velit rutrum semper. Morbi eget turpis orci, commodo semper erat. Nunc egestas varius dui, sed fringilla sapien tincidunt volutpat. Integer laoreet posuere sapien, et feugiat magna blandit quis. Aenean mauris ante, pellentesque vitae molestie eu, imperdiet et magna. Quisque nec enim sed purus tincidunt placerat. Nulla ac odio metus. Proin dictum bibendum mi, at pellentesque turpis fringilla vitae. Aenean pharetra, enim quis tempor vestibulum, leo nunc malesuada nisl, condimentum tincidunt quam ligula id purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nunc orci, placerat in imperdiet sed, dignissim quis orci. Maecenas lorem ante, dictum eu blandit sit amet, mollis nec odio. In hac habi tasse platea dictumst. Integer vulputate elementum elementum. Donec porttitor mauris in neque interdum ultricies. Ut imperdiet interdum neque, et sollicitudin nulla egestas id. Integer sodales bibendum hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse ornare, metus ac dapibus blandit, ipsum libero aliquam nunc, non scelerisque ligula purus eu tortor. Donec ut ornare turpis. Sed ultrices, purus et auctor porttitor, arcu sem gravida augue, quis rutrum justo elit at turpis. Phasellus adipiscing lacus non sapien mollis ac tristique turpis ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi.

Aliquam eu quam nisi. Cras at nisl vel ante congue ultricies. Integer aliquet dui nec velit rutrum semper. Morbi eget turpis orci, commodo semper erat. Nunc egestas varius dui, sed fringilla sapien tincidunt volutpat. Integer laoreet posuere sapien, et feugiat magna blandit quis. Aenean mauris ante, pellentesque vitae molestie eu, imperdiet et magna. Quisque nec enim sed purus tincidunt placerat. Nulla ac odio metus. Proin dictum bibendum mi, at pellentesque turpis fringilla vitae. Aenean pharetra, enim quis tempor vestibulum, leo nunc malesuada nisl, condimentum tincidunt quam ligula id purus.

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Last edited by CleverYamanaka on Fri 25 Oct 2013, 4:26 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 29
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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 24 Oct 2013, 5:42 am

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[i][u]The Face.[/u] Inoshi's face is perhaps the most striking part his entire anatomy. Despite having a toned body, his face is the area where most of his emotions and expressions come through. That is to say, Inoshi expresses himself through the various points on his face. The most important part of Inoshi's face, when it comes to expressing himself, are his eyes. Bright blue, like the deep depths of the ocean, Inoshi carries eyes that double as his other weapons. Paired with his shocking intensity, these orbs can become a tool to stab someone down, or back them into a corner. While speaking with some, his eyes will just barely flare open, creating micro-expressions that prove devastating and intimidating. The next important area to note is his mouth, bordered by full lips. Despite this being the area through which he talks, Inoshi is constantly creating various smiles and mouth movements which give off his emotions in clear indicators. Perhaps the most impressive and iconic look is the snake like, almost venomous smile he gives off when intrigued by something, or while planning some kind of vile event. In terms of just bland appearance, however, his face is beautiful. Scary, and completely terrifying, but beautiful nevertheless. Each feature is absolute, sharp, and extreme. Large, expressive eyes lay below flexible and expressive eyebrows. High cheekbones match the line of his razor sharp jaw. His skin is smooth and without blemish; or any kind of facial hair. Despite his age, Inoshi looks to be much younger, often mistaken for a much younger man - some even daring to go as far as to say he looks to be a teenager still; though, for the most part, most would agree that he looks to be in his early twenties.[/i]

[u]The Body.[/u] While his body is not as important in expressing emotions as his face, Inoshi uses his body in a different, just as important way. Over the years, more and more, Inoshi has added a wild, sexual energy to his appearance, representing the deviant nature always present within him, through mostly dormant until his more experienced years. Cloaking himself in the perfect clothing to accentuate his tall and worked out body, without trying, he makes himself into a honey trap. His anatomy has come a long way on the road of maturity, developing himself into quite the man. Powerful muscles line his body, though they do not take away from his slender appearance. Broad shoulders act as the perfect hangers for whatever clothing he is wearing, with capable arms and a robust chest and stomach. Even so, his skin is smooth and without the touch of age; a hairless chest goes far to feature the tone and deviation of his muscle groups. Long legs complete his look, allowing him to stand taller than most. Beyond that overview, however, there are some key features to pay attention too. Having gone through numerous phases of mentality in his life, Inoshi is a canvas which shows his progression through the ages. When he was younger, in his teenage years of running the Kirigakure council, before his anointment as a Mizukage, he was much more rebellious - much more teenager. On one occasion, Inoshi got his ear pierced, though it was not a superficial body modification - it had a message. In the Yamanaka Clan's history, they were paired with the Nara Clan, as well as the Akimichi Clan members, each wearing a single earring; together, the group would have three earrings, as such. Inoshi's left ear was pierced six times, all up the side, and into the cartilage. The message behind the piercings was something boastful and arrogant: "I do not require such counterparts. I have the ability to become my own, functional team, which is still more accomplished." It is with this arrogance that he leads himself.

[i][u]The Attire.[/u] There are many, vastly different styles of clothing that Inoshi wears - each depending on the goal, mission at hand, kind of day, and personal motive. Though, in more general statements, it is good to know and assume that each and every article of clothing the proud Yamanaka owns is made with the utmost quality; as well as some of the most expensive fabrics. He will go a long way to accomplish his look, though time is not really required; he has been known to look much more casual, mostly on days in which he does not have to present himself to others. Though, for the most part, even on these days he comes with the full blown demeanor of superiority. He likes fabrics and clothing which drapes and hangs about him in a robe or cloak's fashion. Though, he does not like wearing a uniform, most of the time - or anything that is stock, and ordinary. It is for this reason that he does not, and did not often wear the traditional robes of the Mizukage. Instead, he wore custom made variations, each with a heavy taste of nobility and royalty. On missions, however, Inoshi has been known to wear the common gear of a shinobi - or while training with himself; though even this happened more when he was younger, and has become less and less a part of his routine. Conceivably, the man's favorite, or at least most worn outfit, is a white cloak like haori and shihakusho variant, as shown below in the picture. Because it is mostly devoid of color, Inoshi often pairs it with a waist band of color, often one of the cooler colors, such as purple of blue: blue matching his eyes, and purple being his favorite color. Other than this, Inoshi is most commonly seen in draping, purple silk and other fine fabrics which he wears in almost seductive ways, just barely allowing himself to grab the sexual attention of others, and corrode their will with his potent presence and wall breaking personality.
[i][u]The Overview.[/u] It is hard to explain Inoshi without making the comparison of something otherworldly, and completely divine. Every curve of his body, turn of muscle tone, the very color itself of his skin seems to ride right along the edge of perfection. Years do not even begin grasp at his physicality, unable to touch him and leaving him as if he was no older than twenty at the latest. No signs of wrinkles, or any kind of aging marks, even facial lines from normal human's emotion are devoid on him. This means that he does not even have noticeable smile lines, laugh lines, or any kinds of lines around his eyes. Despite not looking awkwardly young for his age, his youth is astonishing. Inoshi has medium length hair that falls down to about his shoulders when left untamed; he has been known to, however, pull it back into a neat pony tail, despite its short length, or a sloppy bun while working. Inoshi stands at around six feet tall, weighing one hundred and ninety pounds, all weight that is added through his muscle. While he is lean still, he has a large muscle mass that does not by any means make him look bulky. Below, a small excerpt of Inoshi will be given to more accurately sum him up, taking into account that he is within his mission attire in the excerpt; it is also important to note that this excerpt is taken from his younger days, taking into account that there have been gradual changes to his personality, and thus the way he holds himself.

[u]The Example.[/u] Inoshi looked different today. Longer blonde hair was left unkept, and let down, barely touching his shoulders. Ice blue eyes stared and moved along as they followed what they followed. Perfect features, perfect skin, tanned with the effects of sun on his body. And yet, there were no signs of aging, no wrinkles, hardly even any laugh or smile lines. His emotionless face had left him more than perfect. A slender nose, tipped with a slight upward bend, and without flaws or bumps. Lips like flowers themselves, full and yet without looking like oddly proportioned weights on his face that dragged him downwards. A powerful and razor sharp jaw line carved his face's bottom half, and ran parallel with the pronounced cheek bones, high cheek bones, but not alien looking. A muscular, long, and yet thin neck held his head up high, a pompous look spread across his face, as it normally was. Strong lines like a capital V rode down his neck until they centered out in between two collar bones - each pushing forward, and padded by muscle on each side. Purple fabric cut itself in a V that complimented the V in his neck muscles. The V in the shirt was cut low, and allowed the beginning of Inoshi's muscles to be shown. However, what was not shown directly was portrayed with the bumps and lumps of muscle that were shown off within the constrictive form of the tight shirt. Although it was not skin tight, or even close, it was tight enough to reveal his fit, lean, and toned body. The shirt was not the only thing that he wore over his body, however. Over the shirt was vest worn by most Kirigakure jounin operatives that were acting within village official missions. However, Inoshi wore a form that did not have the longer shoulder guards on them, and instead it just cut off like a tank top, allowing his short sleeves to poke through. The vest was unzipped past the limit of the purple V neck, making sure that no skin was hidden where it did not have to be.

Inoshi's head band was wrapped around his forehead, without using the normal shinobi forehead protector - instead it was more like a bandanna that covered the top of his head, and allowed his hair to fall forth in a rugged way about his head. It was slightly bent, or at least positioned so that it was not lined up to be straight forward - instead the head band, metal forehead protector was running more along the side of his forehead, pushed slightly to the left. Black pants clung to his waist, and moved down his legs until midway down his calves, where they were replaced with netting, like fishnets, with another gray cloth under them so as to keep from cold temperatures. On his back was a large pack, at least large by shinobi pouch standards, that contained his weapons, and ninja tools. On his leg, his right thigh, he had a shuriken, kunai, and senbon holster. His shinobi shoes were back, high tops with the zippers slightly unzipped, so as to show the continuation of the netting down to his ankle - but that was covered by the shoes. His legs were long, graceful, lean and slender, and the black of his pants only made them appear to be more so.[/i]


[b]Personality:[/b] Crazy. Egocentric. Prideful.
So much of Inoshi is always changing. New ideas sprout at every instant. New emotions will rise, and fall. Everything is in a constant state of creation, preservation, and then destruction. Each new goal brings him higher and higher, only to realize that he could be doing more, and so he does. Each individual that enters his space is disregarded as a mere ant that he could step on, or something smaller and even more insignificant. Inoshi is the perfect combination of a thinker and a doer. Not one or the other, but both. His active mind always pushing him to start something, and finish it, and then start something else. This leads to a solitary life style that brings him further and further away from other people, and allows his brain to rev up, and power through whatever is needed of him. Always trapped behind a skeptical lens on life, Inoshi sees the world in whatever color he wishes to see it in, acting as a prelude to his actions, and explaining some of why he does what he does. His inability to see others as people that remain on his level, Inoshi hardly divides his respect to anyone, and instead demands all of their respect from them. With a haughty, low voice he cuts at any individual that leaves an opening for him to do so. Always watching and feeling for someone's insecurities just so that he can exploit them, Inoshi studies people and their reactions to anything he may say, memorizing everything, and placing it in the sectioned off categories that make up files within his mind.

In battle, Inoshi relies on a different kind of power to gain him a win. Instead of wielding a large weapon which he swings around before charging inwards to the fight, Inoshi combats with a different way of doing things entirely. He pulls his power from a tactful presence that casts his opponents into the shadow of their own demise. Letting the opponent beat themselves with their own actions, Inoshi only moves when he needs to, and only strikes when he has fully examined the weakness of his opponent. Comparison, strategy, and wit allows Inoshi to take the lead situation in any scenario with ease. Pulling back, and becoming seemingly less aggressive, Inoshi puts his opponents through a long series of tests, getting them right where he wants them before he can move in with his death strike. Inoshi has no qualms about bloodshed, and is ruled by his own, twisted and malicious laws of when it is and is not right to dispose of someone. Normally, should he deem them useless, or without a purpose, as well as hostile or unintelligent enough to do battle with himself, he will not have a kind of second thought about destroying any last trace of the enemy. However, Inoshi is not so wild to get himself caught up in a lawful situation. Wit, tact, strategy, and bent loyalty places him in the throne, and gives him the scepter with which he can dictate what he wants, when he wants, and how it is to be delivered. And he gets it.

When around other individuals, Inoshi can act in a multitude of ways, depending on the kind of person that he is with. Each of these differences are very different, and leave him extremely hard to predict. Around most people, however, Inoshi is automatically put into a place of scanning, and judging. In a way, Inoshi does what he does through pain of boredom with his own life, wanting to know and understand just how it is that others work, and why they cling to such small desire - why they are led by such whimsical emotions, and unruly, not yet calculated choices. Inoshi, as such, is critical, and without a filter, telling just what he wants to tell without any regard for someone's feelings. In fact, should Inoshi, in any way, provide a filter is a great honor - or a way for him to manipulate his way into or out of a situation that he wants or does not want. Because of this, he has created himself to be a very powerful silver tongue, and allied himself with all of the right active forces to enable his getting what he wants. Around other individuals, however, he can act completely different. Secretly, Inoshi searches for compassion, and a love that was promised by his own mother upon death. He refused that this kind of love could exist until he found it himself - a love and caring for an individual as a friend, teammate, and companion. Inoshi's presence is always full of wit, and one can almost feel the harsh intellect that steams off of his person, however how he chooses to use this intellect is completely versatile. Through passing numerous repeated IQ tests, with the average IQ score of around one hundred and ninety six, sometimes higher, but rarely lower, Inoshi's powerful mind is justified. This just goes to show that Inoshi is above and beyond most of his peers.

Virtue is moral excellence. A virtue is a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice. Vice is a practice or a behavior or habit considered immoral, depraved, or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or merely a bad habit. Synonyms for vice include fault, depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness, and corruption. Inoshi is much to complicated to talk about with the simple, one sided definition of virtue, or vice. Instead, most all of his actions are depicted as an acidic mixture of both. Inoshi holds very few things near and dear to himself, and does not care for much. He does not care about moral conduct, and would much rather act on personal interest, than the interest of others. This is, in part, forced into his list of vices and virtues simply because of the way he views himself - beautiful, untouchable, beyond the mortal level, and without flaw. Because of this, Inoshi thinks that others should not have a say against his word, unless those other individuals are individuals that he has come to respect, in the rare case that this respect is real and genuine. Inoshi does not consider himself loyal to anything, not even his own hidden village, despite his leadership positions that have come and gone in numerous forms. He only sees the village as a way to obtain what he wants, and conduct individuals as he sees fit. As such, he would never actively take up arms against the village, or wish for its down fall, but only because of selfish reasons.

There is an exception to all of this. Beyond all of the cleverly placed lies, and all of the sought out mental torture, Inoshi has one part of him that is completely dedicated and loyal. Upon his mother's death, when Inoshi was young, she told him to find love and someone that can hold that love. She told him that this was the most important thing. Inoshi's pride was a fully ironic character trait to take on, seeing as this made finding others and love that much harder. However over time, he shoved those words into the back of his heart, where they only acted through subconsciousness. Without knowing it, Inoshi spent every waking second of his days trying to find what it was that he would love in someone. These extremely rare things completely change Inoshi's way of being, and allow him to bring what little, pure innocence is within him to the exterior, and to be shown properly. One such example, and the only truly accurate example is that of the young boy named Hisoka, who Inoshi claimed as one of the rare things he could truly hold admiration for. His reasons are without logic, and his logic is without form. Instead, Inoshi has become completely dedicated to this boy, without disregarding himself, or his selfish pride. Because of this, Inoshi becomes even more unpredictable, seeing as he has extremely mixed feelings about his own priority, when compared to the priority of others.

Inoshi leads a lonely life style, full of wondering and full of studying. Inoshi does not go about making friends, or even caring about social interactions beyond those superficial enough to be actually important. Instead, Inoshi spends his time memorizing anything and everything that he can in order to be able to defend in almost any situation. Because of this, Inoshi has read hundreds of books on the architecture of every building within Kirigakure's walls, weather details, numerous sciences, numerous math subjects, geography, and ninja information. He spends his time flipping through book after book, quickly memorizing everything that it has to say with his perfect recall abilities, and photographic memory type. Because of this, he can either be found in the libraries, in the more secret and confidential archives of the Kirigakure ANBU, or actually out at the building's locations, checking out the architecture that caught his interest, instantly forming strategies should he be attacked right in this destination. It is not unheard of for Inoshi to remove himself from these duties and train in the ninja arts, but he is much more content tucked away where no kind of data could be gathered on him, working on developing different meridian confrontations in order to create powerful jutsu - or even jutsu jutsu that are tactical, and serve a specific purpose.

Recently, however, there has been an obsession that has kept Inoshi busy in other areas as well. This area of Inoshi's life is controlled by another boy, a best friend, a teammate, and a companion. This boy's name is Hisoka, a shinobi that has caught Inoshi's interest for whatever reason. This boy now has created a small rift in Inoshi's time frame, and now demands his presence. However, this is not a bad thing, and simply seen as another thing for Inoshi to do in the time that may have been blank before. Over the years, however, this friendship grew into a very meaningful companionship, in which both parties actively support each other emotionally, and live off of each other in a sense. Having gone through so much, and seen many things together, they are inseparable friends and teammates.[/i][/justify]


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[color=#b9b9b9]<b>Birthday:</b> [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100316194415/naruto/images/thumb/5/53/Astrological_Sign_Libra.svg/18px-Astrological_Sign_Libra.svg.png[/img]October 27.
<b>Gender:</b> [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100316202219/naruto/images/thumb/8/83/Gender_Male.svg/18px-Gender_Male.svg.png[/img]Male.
<b>Age:</b> 29.
<b>Height:</b> 182.9 cm.
<b>Weight:</b> 86.2 kg.
<b>Blood Type:</b> AB.
<b>Eye Color:</b> Deep Blue.
<b>Hair Color:</b> Blonde.
<b>Body Type:</b> Athletic.
<br><b>Classification:</b> [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/S-rank]S Rank.[/url]
<br><b>Affiliation:</b> [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090830222757/naruto/images/thumb/e/e5/Kirigakure_Symbol.svg/18px-Kirigakure_Symbol.svg.png[/img][url=http://www.ultimateshinobi.org/f213-kirigakure-village-hidden-in-the-mist]Kirigakure.[/url]
<br><b>Team:</b> [url=http://www.ultimateshinobi.org/t10959-kirigakure-council-page?highlight=council]Kirigakure Council.[/url]
[color=#363636]..........[/color][url=http://www.ultimateshinobi.org/t8840-kaguya-tsurino-kiri-jounin]Twin Assassins.[/url]
<br><b>Clan:</b> [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110330225005/naruto/images/thumb/c/c9/Yamanaka_Symbol.svg/18px-Yamanaka_Symbol.svg.png[/img][url=http://www.ultimateshinobi.darkbb.com/t3151-yamanaka-clan]Yamanaka Clan.[/url]
<br><b>Ninja Rank:</b> [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mizukage]Kage.[/url]
<br><b>Nature Type:</b>

[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release]Suiton[/url] [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012165925/naruto/images/thumb/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Water.svg.png[/img]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release]Raiton[/url] [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021173341/naruto/images/thumb/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg.png[/img]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release]Fuuton[/url] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012163151/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg.png[/img]
<b>Academy Grad. Age:</b> 6
<b>Family:</b>[list][*] Inosa Yamanaka (Mother)
[*] Shizu Yamanaka (Father)[/list]

<b>Personal Nindōs:</b> <i>First.</i> Strive, reach, and grasp for perfection, but never actually grab it, for achieving perfection is the one, immortal flaw.
<i>Second.</i> Every large step forward crushes numerous, small "insects" below. This does not mean, however, that one should never take steps forward.

<b>Trivia:</b> 'Ino' (イノ) comes from inoshishi (猪), meaning 'boar' and coming from the twelfth zodiac sign; ironic, seeing as Inoshi is not a bore on the zodiac. 'Shi' (死) means 'death,' and 'poem'. 'Yamanaka' (山中) means 'among the mountains'. Wild boar are heavily associated with mountains in Japan and are even called the 'whales of the mountains' (山鯨, yamakujira), because of the amount of meat they produce.

Inoshi's family used to own a flower shop, ran by his mother, which cultivated and raised numerous kinds of plants; some of which were exclusive to Yamanaka Clan gardens, and therefore highly valuable. Because of this, Inoshi received botanical teachings from a young age, generally able to define a plant and its properties on command.

<b>Favorite Vegetables:</b>[list][*]Asparagus
[*]Crimini/Shiitake Mushrooms
[*]Cod Fish
<b>Favorite Seafood/Seafood Dishes:</b>[list][*]Sashimi
[*]Nigiri Sushi
<b>Favorite Fruits:</b>[list][*]Apples
<b>Favorite Beans/Legumes:</b>[list][*]Black Beans
[*]Dried Peas
[*]Garbanzo Beans
[*]Kidney Beans
[*]Lima Beans
[*]Pinto Beans
[*]Soy Beans
<b>Favorite Grains:</b>[list][*]Barley
[*]Brown rice
[*]Whole wheat
<b>Favorite Herbs:</b>[list][*]Basil
[*]Black pepper
[*]Cayenne pepper
[*]Chili pepper, dried
[*]Cilantro/Coriander seeds
[*]Cinnamon, ground
[*]Cumin seeds
<b>Favorite Sweeteners:</b>[list][*]Blackstrap molasses
[*]Maple syrup
<b>Other:</b>[list][*]Green tea
[*]Soy sauce
<b>Known Aliases:</b>[list][*] <u>Yotō kokoro</u> (与党心; Literally meaning "Rule of the Mind") is a nickname that is commonly paired with Inoshi of the Yamanaka clan due to many reasons. The first, of course, being the blatant fact that he is the ruler of the Yamanaka clan, and one of the most famed and powerful rulers that the clan has ever seen. Because of this, he has been dubbed by his adversaries as the mater of the mind, or the mind's ruler, seeing as his jutsu easily allow him to do just that; rule the mind of himself and others. Word of this name has spread throughout the village of Kirigakure, and even beyond the walls and into further lands. Even when individuals do not understand the reason for the name, they have most likely heard of it whispered among the lips of those that would wish to remain tucked away from governmental affairs.
[*] <u>Misuto no Kōtei</u> (ミストの皇帝; Literally meaning "Emporer of the Mist") is a name that is common among any and all shinobi that know of Kirigakure. This name was given to him by few before he was even recognized officially as the Mizukage of the mist village, and has only become much more common as this recognition became official. This name is used in a similar way to the Mizukage, and it is a name that brings forth an auspicious aura, which is added to the interesting and some what deadly aura that the kage already carries around himself. This nickname is as common as simply calling him the Mizukage of the Bloody Mist.
[*] <u>Ketsueki o Hakobu Kare</u> (血液を運ぶ彼; Literally meaning "He Who Carries The Blood") is a name given to Inoshi out of both fear and respect by many in and out of his village. This nickname was given to Inoshi before he became officially elected as the Mizukage, seeing as it was clear that he was the political force within the walls, as opposed to the previous kage. This name is testiment to his will in the government, and his political ways with passing numerous legislature, or letting others fall through. While he runs the perfect government, he does not let Kirigakure's name fall, and upholds the "Bloody Mist" title that has been given to the Mist Village by numerous neighboring lands.
[*] <u>Yuki no Seirei</u> (雪の精霊; Literally meaning "The Snow Spirit") is actually a rather humorous nickname that Inoshi has - although it is not actually his nickname, or at least people dont know that it is his nickname. Allow me to explain: when Inoshi is around snow, his normal, twisted, dark, cruel, strategical, and logical side is thrown away temporarily and the polar opposite becomes the case. In this way, he becomes extremely child like, hyper, acts on nothing more than his gut, and gains a very hyper edge. However, the nickname came from the fact that, when it is snowing, Inoshi drops into a prank mode, and pulls pranks across his village, and on anyone that is close to him and lucky/unlucky enough to experience it. However, to this date, it is unknown that Inoshi is the "snow spirit" of the Bloody Mist, and hardly anyone would ever glue the childish prankster identity to someone like Inoshi without having conclusive evidence. Inoshi often hides his appearance in some form or another, and acts like a young, hyper cat after sniffing a substantial amount of cat-nip while it is snowing.
[*] <u>Kinpatsu no Hito</u> (金髪の人; Literally meaning "Blondie") is a name that is only mentioned by one person in the entire world safely. That one person is none other than Inoshi's best friend, rival, and teammate Hisoka of the Ryoku. Hisoka first called Inoshi this as an insult, following it up with comments on Inoshi's apparent feminine appearance (due to his long hair at the time, and beautiful features), however it slowly adapted into something more of a very casual nickname that Inoshi has even come to accept as nothing more than a passing comment and friendly gesture. What is more, he would not waste his time trying to get the rambunctious friend to stop calling him that, it simply wouldn't be worth it in the slightest.
[*] <u>Nyūōdākingu</u> (ニューオーダーキング; Literally meaning "King of the New Order") is a name Inoshi has given to himself, in dealing with his new creation - the organization and/or group called the Nai'Ouza. However, there is a strong sense of irony present, seeing as the group's name literally means "No Throne" yet the Yamanaka names himself King - a title often paired with a throne. It is unknown to most whether he intends for there to be such irony present, and if it means something deeper than just shallow hypocrisy.[/list]

<b>Quotes:</b>[list][*] (To Inosa Yamanaka) "Mommy! You didn't fail me! I love you mommy! Please stop bleeding! W-we we can run away again, and find a more hidden place! Mo-"
[*] (To Inosa's Corpse) "Mommy... you were the best mom. Thank you for what you have given me. Now it is time to return the favor - at least as best I can. I will show you just how great I can become, mommy. I'll prove to you that you raised the best son you could have possibly raised. I'll... I'll prove it..."
[*] It is encouraged that we walk towards perfection, embrace it, let it surround and bind us. But I know better. I know that perfection, in and of itself, does not exist naturally. The inability to become better or improve is perhaps this world's immortal flaw."[/list][/i][/color]
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Age : 29
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The Basics:

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The Mind:

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The Original:

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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 28 Nov 2013, 1:53 am

And as I said it, so it shall happen. As if my plans were limited to the fleeting nature of one life. I am boundless in nature. My abilities wrap miles around yours, and my will is of an indestructible nature. I told you I would return. Here I am.

Shall we begin?

    And as I said it, so it shall happen. As if my plans were limited to the fleeting nature of one life. I am boundless in nature. My abilities wrap miles around yours, and my will is of an indestructible nature. I told you I would return. Here I am.

Kuro of the Ryoku

made by malone at rpgd
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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyThu 28 Nov 2013, 2:22 am

And as I said it, so it shall happen. As if my plans were limited to the fleeting nature of one life. I am boundless in nature. My abilities wrap miles around yours, and my will is of an indestructible nature. I told you I would return. Here I am.

Shall we begin?

    And as I said it, so it shall happen. As if my plans were limited to the fleeting nature of one life. I am boundless in nature. My abilities wrap miles around yours, and my will is of an indestructible nature. I told you I would return. Here I am.

Kuro of the Ryoku

made by malone at rpgd

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Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated


Forehead Protector:


Elemental Affinities:
Combat Style:
Special Characteristics:


Roleplay Sample:


Jutsu, Weaponry, Items etc.


Character Claim:
Image URL:

The Ryoku Clan's Personal Prototype | The Serpentine Queen Of Dealings

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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyWed 22 Jan 2014, 3:47 pm

Your post here!


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PostSubject: Re: CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] EmptyWed 22 Jan 2014, 4:03 pm

Dota of the Kaguya
Beast of Bone

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Kaguya, Dota.


Name: Dota Kaguya

  • Bingo; Unknown to all.
  • Demon of Kirigakure; Known amongst civilians, mostly.

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Forehead Protector: N/A
Clan: Kaguya Clan
Nindō: Do what you want because you want to do it. Never do something because you're told to do it and feel like you're obligated. You're not. Live life the way you want, and don't let anyone tell you how else to do it.

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CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Sum_jo12

  • CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Tumblr_mhpnrv73c71r0h33co2_250
    Sexual Deviant.
  • CleverYamanaka's Posting Templates [Please Dont Post] Tumblr_mhpnrv73c71r0h33co3_250
    Night Liver.
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    Alcoholics & Others.
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Origin: Mizu no Kuni
Affiliation: N/A
Rank: C [Nukenin]

  • Taijutsu
  • Bukijutsu [Main: Close; Sub: Far]

Elemental Affinities:

  • Raiton
  • Doton

Combat Style:
Special Characteristics:


Roleplay Sample:


Jutsu, Weaponry, Items etc.


Character Claim:
Image URL:

The Wild Criminal
The Unknown Victim

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