Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami]

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Age : 30
Posts : 1012

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyThu 03 Apr 2014, 11:45 pm



A single rain droplet made its way down the course of Mokuzai’s arm. Once reaching the fingertip of the male, the liquid dropped into a puddle below his stature.  His right brown orb traced its view to the road ahead; getting the earth mixed with the rain, causing it to have tracks of previous travelers form in the earth. “Still feels like I have my eye closed.” A mutter came from behind the bandages that were wrapped around his lower features. His hand came up, covering his left eye while narrowing his opposite. “Nope, Still blind.” It was going to take a lot of time for him to get used to not having the ability to use his left sight.  It’s not that he hated it; if anything it let his features seem a tad bit more intimidating. Once he lowered his hand, Mokuzai started to move through the road, letting the mud build up underneath his sandals. At least he wasn’t being chased at the moment. Since he got his new attire, he was constantly thinking about potential ninja hunting him down for murder.

It’s all he could think about! He tried his best to move his thoughts elsewhere, but it had no benefit whatsoever. Short gusts of wind came from the storm that formed during the day; blowing his aqua fabric that ran down behind his knees. It took some time to get used to a long haori like this one. He did like that he could switch forehead protectors out from his collar at will. It allowed him to carry on a decent amount of disguises. All he needed to do was to collect other headbands from the villages here. It wouldn’t be as simple as he thought, but it could prove to be a decent hobby to kill time. The black fabric that was tied around his forehead pushed upwards from the wind, causing his bangs to be pushed from his view. There was some benefit to having this on his head now that it showed itself. He was seconds away from ripping it from his head and letting it rest on the road that was underneath him.

Once the gusts stopped, Mokuzai ran his digits through his ebon locks on his crown; letting his right eye catch gaze of a forest lining. Nukenin shouldn’t be traveling on a main road, at least from his perspective. Who knew what he could meet on the road? Hunter ninja, higher ranked ninja that could take him in at any moment or simply kill him; he just didn’t have the time for that sort of distraction! If there was anything on the road, he would be able to see someone coming from 100 meters. It was a little nifty ability that he was so happy to use every once and while, it allowed him to know of the people that were coming to a certain degree. He could make out their chakra capacity, pin point their location, and somewhat see the outline of their body through the chakra networks.

Looking over the forest lining, Mokuzai turned his body so that his chest faced the perimeter of the forest lining. He probably wouldn’t be living at the moment if the ability wasn’t available to him. His eyes blinked softly while looking over the plants, lifting his leg over a large bark of tree that rested on the ground. His body slowly made his way into the forest, covering his body from the sight of the road, letting his appearance be hidden by the shadows of the trees and storm. His steps were light and quick, letting the tips of his boots graze against the earth in a smooth fashion while he ran. His waist was bent, letting his body remain close to the ground so that he could be more agile at the last second. “This traveling thing is getting a little bit overrated.” He was getting to the point of talking to himself when he traveled alone. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but others would probably be questioning why he would be doing that if they were around the male.

Lowering his arms to his side, Mokuzai slowly reduced the speed at which he ran at.  The Kirigakure protector remained at his neck on the collar of his vest. Clenching his jaw, he stopped in the middle of the forest, letting his digits run to the depth of his pockets and pulling out a slit of metal with a Taigakure symbol reside in the middle. Popping off the Kirigakure protector and replacing it with the Etched metal, Mokuzai slipped the previous item into his pocket on his right thigh. “It’s been such a long time..” He patted the headband with his palm, leaning against a tree. The outline appeared on the bandages, causing his cheeks and eyes to squish together.  His back slowly slid down the tree, letting his legs extend out for a few minutes of rest. “Constant moving drains a person. It’s not like I can’t get up and run.. I just gotta have motivation.”

    Tags:Amy+Something about to go down.
    music: NONE
    words: 0849
    notes:Exciting though.
    credits: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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Kaminari Hime
Kaminari Hime

Age : 28
Posts : 37

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptySat 05 Apr 2014, 2:09 pm

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] 2e3e2c32-fa40-46fc-a044-51c8a981d65c_zps2e9cbec1

Don’t hold me up now, I can stand my own ground…

‘Of course it had to start raining.’ A lone, lithe figure made her way through the forests of Hi no Kuni with a very obvious aura of irritation as the rain continued to pour and splatter across her body. It soaked her elaborately styled orange locks, which today were tied up in a high ponytail that had been doubled back and made into a bun with some strands left loose. The weight of the rain coming down made the pale white bun cover become soaked quickly and almost see-through, and eventually Yuzuki huffed a sigh of sheer defeat and removed the bun protector, allowing her luscious locks to fall and spill out in a simple ponytail instead. It wasn’t quite what she wanted, but it would do. At least her hair was left up and out of the way, even if that meant her face was getting a real battering from the terrible weather. Runlets of cold water from the rain dripped down her cheeks from being stuck on her eyelashes beforehand, making it appear as if she had been crying. But as ever, her face which was a constant mask of indifference and no real emotion, said otherwise. ‘I can’t wait to get out of this wretched country and all its sickly sweet camaraderie.’ She thought to herself as she brought her hair over her left shoulder and squeezed the water out as she briefly took shelter beneath a tall tree with large branches, whose leaves were wide and acted as a bit of a refuge for now from the relentless rain. She would have expected this climate from other countries, perhaps like Mizu no Kuni (as well as its creepy mists) and Ame no Kuni, but not from the Fire Country and all its wonderful sunshine coupled with lovely heat. That being said, they had to have rain here sometimes, otherwise the lush forests and farms surrounding the area would have no luck. Even so… that wasn’t to say that she accepted it. She leant her back against the tree trunk and heaved a soft sigh, shaking her head to herself as she reflected on her choice of being here in the first place. Why, when she had all the other places in the shinobi world where her family had made connections?

She couldn’t answer the question even if she tried. Something had drawn her here, and whatever it was, had made her feel strangely at ease here in spite of her terrible memories of the hidden village within Hi no Kuni itself. Of course she had never strayed towards Konohagakure no Sato; far too many awful memories of her past life lingered there, and she knew that the nobility of the village would recognise her appearance and instantly link her to the Kessho-Fuzuki family. Maybe it was how the atmosphere of the Fire Country was comforting in some way, with its rather placid wildlife (when compared to her home country at least), sunny weather and peaceful ways. She squeezed out the white bun cover she had used for her hair earlier and folded it back up, placing it in a small pocket on the side of her travelling rucksack. Except from that and the umbrella strapped to her lower back, she carried no other belongings. She paused and glanced down at the sturdy umbrella handle, then wrapped her hand around the hooked handle to pull it out of the holster she had created for this item. She had entirely forgotten that the canopy of this umbrella was suitably damaged, and that was why she couldn’t use it to shield her from the rain. Perhaps it would be a good idea to change it to another rain-proof canopy and continue on her way…

Just as she pulled off her rucksack and started rummaging around inside of it for one of said covers that she kept spare for her changeable umbrella, she heard a voice above her. She stopped and her breath caught in the back of her throat as she listened hard to the voice. It was so close… how had she not noticed that there was anyone in the tree that she had decided to take shelter under? After the initial piece of speech that the unknown figure stated (presumably male, due to the tone and pitch of the voice itself), he seemed to continue; talking entirely to himself about something or other and how it had been a long time. His final words intrigued her as he stated that constant moving drained a person, and he needed to find the motivation to continue travelling. Huh… so this stranger seemed to be one of her kind, the variety of shinobi that had no place to return to and thus they travelled the shinobi world alone. A Nukenin, a Missing Ninja. She remained silent, packing up her rucksack again and adjusting it on her back, slowly getting to her feet and directing her attention up to the tree’s branches. The voice sounded relatively close, although she couldn’t be sure of that fact and where in the tree it came from, except from up above her being a definite factor. Her hands started working through seals slowly, assessing the situation and deciding to react at the same time. With the sequence finishing, she extended a hand upwards in the place where she assumed to have heard the stranger’s voice, narrowing her eyes to focus as she cast the jutsu. Immediately after activation, eight needles of pure crystal shot from her palm and darted swiftly in the direction she had launched them. Each one was a vivid, pure orange in colour; courtesy of her own strange chakra quirk when it came to her clan’s jutsu. She heard a few needles impact with the branches and shoot through the leaves, at which point she reacted quickly and spun on her heel, twisting and getting herself to safety behind the tree trunk on the other side that she had launched the attack. She had no idea what kind of strength this individual had, and as such she didn’t wish to present herself until she was confident that she had either wounded her target, or she was capable of fighting him on an even footing.

Jutsu Used:

Chakra Remaining:

I don’t need your help now, you will let me down, down, down…
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Age : 30
Posts : 1012

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptySat 05 Apr 2014, 10:46 pm


The rain started to pour from the sky with increased speed and mass. The tree that Mokuzai rested in allowed him to block most if not all of the rain from the branches and wide leaves. He wasn’t one to complain about rain all that much. If he did, it would only be once or twice with pointless arguments inside his mind that ended him usually taking the rain with no remorse. Why fight something that wouldn’t stop on command? If a ninja was causing this element to happen, that would be a completely different ball game for Mokuzai. A soft breath came from behind the bandages, causing the fabric to softly push forward from the hot air. Resting against his features, the outline of his lower flesh appeared, perking out with utmost grace. The male let his hand grace the top of his crown, running his digits through his ebony locks for a few seconds. The rain did have some sort of benefit at least; it could keep his hair in place instead of it shifting at every moment he had motion.

“Huh?” Nine chakra deposits appeared, with eight moving swiftly towards him. Dipping backwards, three of the crystal shards pierced his upper left shoulder, causing him to drop to the ground on his knees. Cocking his neck, Mokuzai grabbed the shards of crystal, pulling them out his flesh with the maroon liquid quickly following after. His eyes flickered, sensing a lower source of Chakra nearby. “You attack with no reason?” A scoff came from his lips while he slowly stood up with his back straight. The last thing Mokuzai expected was to get jumped without noticing anyone. Quickly stepping a few steps back, Mokuzai started a series of handsigns in front of his waist, causing him to blend into the rock and completely cut his visibility from the individual in a physical matter. From his sensing ability, Mokuzai’s gaze slowly traced over the perimeter, tilting his head before an outline of a woman came up behind the tree. “You fuckin’ hide after you make a hostile movement? What kind of ninja are you? One with no honor, or matter in this God forsaken world?” From what he could tell, this individual had much less chakra than he did, but he could not underestimate her.

Even if they had limited amounts, Mokuzai was sure they could have something hidden that he had no idea about. The only thing he could do now was talk before making a move that wasn’t planned. That’s not how Mokuzai planned attacks and struck people. He would first judge their movements and antics, causing them to move in some sort of manner so he could read their foot work. While still being somewhat limited to the newcomers view, Mokuzai quickly dispose of the hiding jutsu, causing his form to appear in front of the rock. “Come out from behind the tree while you have the chance to give me reason for your attempt of assassination.” He tried his hardest to keep his emotions in control. One of the many things that he struggled with constantly. He knew where the stranger was and he was going to abuse the fact that he knew. “Don’t play games with me. You’re givin’ me some bad vibes and I should warn you that I don’t do so well with bad vibes, man.” He didn’t care if this ninja was from a village, or nukenin like him. He felt disrespected for being attacked from the other being hidden.

“If you come out, I won’t kill you.” The blood ran down his arm didn’t really bother him that much at all. In fact, it only caused his adrenaline to be active, making the pain slowly fade away. His pearl iris glared from the short sun light that broke through the clouds. He wasn’t going to attack again until the other figure stuck. It was not in his code to have no reason for offensive abilities. His right eye quickly struck the ground with its view, looking over the element that struck his shoulder. “Crystal, huh? I ran into a few ninja that used that in Kirigakure and Kusagakure.” He lied slightly about being to Kusagakure, but she didn’t know that. He could bend lies just as well as he could breathe. The emotion quickly dropped from Mokuzai’s features behind the bandages. His voice and tone lowered, getting more serious as the meeting went on. Sure, he was getting aggravated but, he still had some control over his actions.

“Tell you what.” He started to walk forward to the position of the figure, with his hands to his side. “I can be a generous man. Very generous. All you got to let me do is get you back for inflictin’ harm upon me! That’s all I ask you let me do. This will be the only time I ask, honestly. If you decline I will just have to force myself to stop beating your face until it dents and you shit your own teeth! I really don’t want to waste a good body like that, especially one with Crystals.” Mokuzai didn’t care if he was talking to man or woman, child or adult. The results would be the same once he got done “working”. He placed his foot on top of a bark of a dead tree, loosening it from the roots underneath the ground. His digits ran to the depths of his pockets, letting his Takigakure headband shine on the collar of his neck; the line etched through the symbol once light reflected off the metal.

“Do we have a deal, or am I going to have to make my actions speak louder than my words?”




105/115 cp left.
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Kaminari Hime
Kaminari Hime

Age : 28
Posts : 37

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014, 6:21 pm

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] 2e3e2c32-fa40-46fc-a044-51c8a981d65c_zps2e9cbec1

Don’t hold me up now, I can stand my own ground…

The orange-haired girl felt her body freeze up as she heard a scoff come from the branches above her in the tree. A realisation started to dawn on her; what if this individual was stronger than her, and she was way in over her head right now? She was about to curse when she became aware of the voice taunting and targeting her once more, trying to get a rise out of her. While she had a fiery temper, she wasn’t as easily provoked with trash talking and prompting/ poking in that manner. He taunted her for hiding after making a hostile movement, basically calling her a coward. Heck, she’d readily call herself a coward. Heroes and brave individuals had themselves killed right left and centre, and she wanted to preserve her life, not drastically shorten it. But she could tell that this was a young man that she probably shouldn’t have attacked. How was she supposed to know, saying that? This person could have been a threat to her safety and she had to act, especially since she was classified as a Nukenin. What if he was a spy for Konoha, saw that she had no headband to speak of, and apprehended her? It was self-defence. She started scowling to herself as she stayed behind the tree, her body tense while anticipating what was to come. He demanded for her to come out from behind the tree to tell him why she had tried to assassinate him, and she didn’t like his tone. Not one bit. He continued to chatter utter rubbish about ‘bad vibes’ that he didn’t like, and she could very well have started laughing from the way he sounded. That being said, she wasn’t stupid by any means. If she wanted to stay alive, she should at least cooperate with this individual that was obviously stronger than her. He seemed able to trace her without seeing her properly, so she guessed that he had some form of ability to sense chakra, which put her at a major disadvantage. Then how the hell had he not noticed her beforehand, when she had launched chakra straight at him in effect? Maybe she had caught him off-guard, or he was merely a big talker with good luck at locating people?

He coaxed her further by saying that if she came out of hiding, he wouldn’t kill her. Well that was just hunky-dory. What else would he do if he didn’t kill her? Say that it was all cool now? She highly doubted it. She stayed hidden for now, indigo orbs falling shut as she cursed lowly under her breath. Trust her to get way in over her head with something like this for her mistrusting all human beings. The stranger started chattering again, this time about the crystal that had struck him. He seemed to be bluffing. Yuzuki knew her bloodline well, about the Kessho clan itself and where they originated from, and she was aware that finding a shinobi that had their Crystal bloodline was very unlikely in the very remote Kusagakure. The other village, Kirigakure, was a safer bet, because it was larger and the clan had dispersed a large part of their member base around the Great Villages when the clan first discovered their bloodline ability. She was still considering what he had said about those that used her bloodline when she heard him speak again, as if he was making a deal with her of sorts. He started by saying that he was a generous man, which she truly doubted judging by how he had already reacted to a low-level jutsu barely assaulting him. If he was so tough, why was he so fazed by a D-Rank amount of damage?

She fidgeted in her spot behind the tree, realising that she should probably reveal herself and get this over with. She didn’t like how she would have to do something in return so that he could forgive her and allow her to get on her way, it made her half tempted to just run and try to get away. That being said… that might shorten her life considerably by running and making things worse for herself. Yuzuki eventually took a deep breath and after briefly burying her head into one of her hands, she removed it from her face and stepped out from behind the tree, her lithe and wiry body hardly threatening in any manner. As such, she never tried to be threatening or tough in that way, because it never got her anywhere. People often laughed at her when she tried. So instead she stood there as the rain continued to fall, dripping through her long orange locks which were tied up in a high ponytail at the back of her head, and the cool water dripped over her exposed skin which made her body shiver from the sudden chill. She was wearing her typical outfit, consisting of the cropped oriental-style shirt, the long skirt with stylish and practical slits up her legs to her thighs, a pair of short brown shorts underneath, and a pair of dark brown shinobi sandals. A mulberry-coloured cape was tied at her neck and hung down to rest just above her feet, obviously tailored for the perfect fit. Everything she wore was crafted out of the finest material possible that could be found, and she was proud of that fact. Her trademark strange goggles were present strapped to her forehead, and the parasol she had been trying to change into an umbrella was strapped at her lower back in its strange holster. “I don’t like how you wish to inflict equal damage to me, or whatever it is that you wish to do, when I could merely apologise for trying to live longer and preserve my life, as any other shinobi would try to do.” She shrugged her slight shoulders a little, folding her arms across her more-than-ample chest before her body heaved a sigh and she rolled her eyes.

“As for the Crystal that struck you, it isn’t any ordinary type. Its colour differs from the typical purple pigmentation and is instead vivid orange. Perhaps even more valuable, if you’d like to compare the two.” She slowly held out her palm to demonstrate that she meant him no more harm, started to generate a slow-forming orange rose formed entirely out of solid crystal. It sat in her palm, and she threw it gently so that it bounced in front of her and then rolled to the feet of her potential attacker. Now that she had hopefully got his attention, she took this opportunity to examine his features. He was attired in mostly black, and in a mysterious manner. His hair was dark, black to be precise, like many others that inhabited this world. It seemed that Yuzuki’s exotically coloured hair was indeed a rarity. He had a strange forehead protector at his neck with a line drawn through it, symbolising that he had abandoned his home and was now wandering the world as a lone ranger; a Nukenin, in other words. She tilted her head to the side and spied his injured shoulder, sighing lightly and thinking up a plan that could possibly save her whatever he had in store to ‘get even’, looking at him with a deadpan expression on her face. “Look. How about I heal your wound and we can call it quits? I didn’t mean for the strike to actually cause any damage, merely to use it as a means of identifying who it was that talked to themselves so damn loudly while I was trying to pass through.” Her hands started to glow a faint green in colour, letting the young man know that she wasn’t bluffing; she could indeed use the Mystical Palm technique that could heal an individual. While yes, she was a novice, her teacher had called her a bit of a prodigy with the healing and especially detrimental techniques that befitted a Medical Ninja.

I don’t need your help now, you will let me down, down, down…
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Age : 30
Posts : 1012

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptySat 12 Apr 2014, 12:25 am


Mokuzai knew that words were the strongest factor any one had in their skill set. All it takes is some emotion and a few actions of the body and you can act any way someone wants you to. It’s what he learned from Inoshi, at least. He was the man that taught Mokuzai to use this as both an offense, a defense, and to annoy people. Why not have fun with the people that he encounters instead of being a bore fest? It’s not his style to be like a metronome and only tick two ways; Boring and serious. A simple cock of his shoulder came from the blood staining his vest slightly. He didn’t mind it; the pain wasn’t severe at all, honestly. He just likes messing with people when it comes to injuries. The ground slowly started to cave in from the weight of his body, allowing water to fill in the shape of the mud. Nothing like having the two elements you adore at your hand, right! His left eye slowly shut once again, just so he could hide the white eye from the girl so she wouldn’t get a sense of his weakness at the moment.

He still had a few kinks to work out with being blind. It was a whole new way to see the world from his perspective. It’s corny and cliché to say that the world was already dark but, ‘The world was already dark.’ Slowly leaning back against the tree, Mokuzai’s left hand came forth to his hair, brushing back the bangs that continued to stick to his cheek from the moisture of the rain. His right orb shifted towards the tree that he kept his glare tightly sealed on, watching the leg and body of the orange haired woman to come forth. Such a rarity to see someone with locks like hers; from looking over her figure, she couldn’t have been much younger than Mokuzai. His eyes traced up the legs of the girl, moving up to her bare stomach while finally reaching her details. “Apologize? You’re serious right now?” A gut-filled laugh came from his lips once he heard those words come from the girl’s lips.

“What ninja apologizes? Especially after making the first move? Trying to live longer? You threw crystals at someone just resting from moving around constantly. Why should I even consider listening to your apology?” Mokuzai wasn’t the most social being in the world. He didn’t trust anyone; he almost didn’t even trust his own judgment at times when they became crucial. The girl was just 6 meters away from where he stood, allowing them to stay at a safe distance until he could figure her out. From the glances that he was getting of her attire, he could not spot one headband at all. No mark to show where she stood in allegiance. “How do I not know you’re not a hunter-nin? Hm? You could be on contract to hunt me down just like every other Nuke-nin that graced this planet.” He had the right to be a little on the hostile side, even if she didn’t believe so. Mokuzai was used to constantly being on the move when he needed to, albeit he wasn’t the fastest thing in the world, at least he could hide behind anything and camouflage his body to an extent.

The rose that rolled down at his feet grazed his booth, shining slightly from the rain. “I see.” He didn’t care that the crystal was just a different hue. It still made her one of those crystal users he met in Kirigakure. His eyes shifted from the crystal, letting his left lid open to reveal his white iris, gazing at the girl. His right arm slowly extended upwards, having ebony wood form from his skin. Pulling up his sleeve to tease his wrist to the girl, the ebony wood dropped on the ground, when he kicked the wooden shard towards the girl. “I don’t think that is natural for Mokuton as well.” He didn’t mind showing one of his elements to the girl. She either knew the Senju clan, or she didn’t; it doesn’t matter to him if she knew about it or not.

Letting his sleeve fall back down to his wrist, Mokuzai clenched his jaw at the girl once he saw her hands glow with a mystical light. “Do you take me for some idiot? To allow a person who attacked me out of the blue to come and ‘heal’ me? People who know how to heal something knows how to make it worse as well; it’s not even that much of a piercing wound.” He could deal with the blood and pain running down his arm. He actually wanted it to stay. “Who the fuck attacks someone for merely talking to themselves? I mean. Honestly.” He did find it a bit humorous that the girl did that, but he didn’t want to show it; even though she couldn’t see beneath the bandages that grace his lower features, once he started to smile or laugh, his eyes would narrow and his cheeks would push upwards. His body started to calm down and unloose. No reason to be tight about this little ordeal anymore. He rolled the shoulder with care to show that he wasn’t lying about the strike doing too much damage. Hopefully she should understand that he couldn’t trust anyone when roaming.

If she was in-fact a Nuke-nin like himself, maybe he could get some information out of her with some sly words and well placed actions. He could always get her to the point of interrogation if he needed to, but that was the last thing he wanted to do to her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, at least for the moment. The teasing of her thighs and stomach was more than enough to keep his attention. He didn’t even really get to concentrate on the color of her eyes from the previews of her flesh.

“Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine. Seems like it could be something simple we both could use. I hate talking when I don’t know names.”

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Kaminari Hime
Kaminari Hime

Age : 28
Posts : 37

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014, 11:17 pm

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] 2e3e2c32-fa40-46fc-a044-51c8a981d65c_zps2e9cbec1

Don’t hold me up now, I can stand my own ground…

While she had been speaking, Yuzuki was made aware that the stranger was positively… eying her up, literally. A disgusted look crossed her face as he did so, but she quickly hid it as she realised that he could probably take this to his advantage and ridicule her for it; how she wore such clothing and couldn’t take the looks that came with it. Well, part of the reason why she wore these clothes was because she hardly ever came into human contact, and if she did, it was to grab supplies before melting back into obscurity. It was rather easy, since everyone in her family was announced dead following the rebellion in Yama no Kuni, so she was also assumed to be amongst the dead. Kessho Yuzuki had dropped off the map entirely, with the rest of her family, but Tsubasa Yuzuki was very much alive and well. She planned to keep it that way too. Her arms folded across her chest as she rolled her eyes when he started to chastise her for apologising, asking what kind of shinobi did that, especially when pulling the first move. “Well, what else can I say?” She snapped, before pausing briefly to take a deep breath and then exhale again, deciding that it was not the best course of action to be snappy and sarcastic with him, since he was of a higher skill level than her and would probably hold an upper hand over her. “I mean… I could hardly turn around and say that you deserved it when you were offering up something rather drastic, could I?” She stated in a matter-of-fact manner, knowing that it was so very obvious while her current companion didn’t typically seem to see that whatsoever.

She raised an eyebrow slightly at his comment of whether or not she was a Hunter Nin sent to kill him, as they had done so very often apparently, shaking her head. “Number one, do you see a forehead protector anywhere about my person, let alone one bearing allegiance to Kirigakure? And number two, I don’t even know who you are, so you’re hardly particularly sought-after. That being said… I tend to stay away from humans and news of all types…” She seemed to drift off into a pondering thought towards the end of her statement, speaking the absolute truth. She didn’t know of many shinobi of her own kind, without allegiance to a village, and those that she did know were the most infamous that she would never come across in her wildest of dreams, so it didn’t matter. The most immediate Nukenin that came to mind was Nagase Uriko, a woman whose name resounded the whole shinobi world over; she was the most famous, most dangerous woman outlawed from a village. And as such, Yuzuki was rather glad that she hadn’t come across said individual on her travels from Yama no Kuni. Thus far, all she had met were villagers that she terrorised to get what she wanted, and for the rest of the time she kept the animals in the forests company… and killed any that got too close to her and were dangerous. She kept a watch on him, noticing how he produced some kind of black wood, something she never seen before. She was aware that Mokuton, or Wood, was the advanced element of the infamous Senju clan that she had been forced to meet when she travelled to Konohagakure as a little princess all those years ago, but their jutsu had produced normal coloured tree bark-looking structures. So, granted, she took in the different colour of the stranger’s Kekkei Genkai, but didn’t do much else aside from nod to acknowledge its difference.

The orange-haired girl watched the stranger’s reaction to her palms beginning to glow green, and she held both hands up in a placating gesture, the colour and jutsu fading as quickly as she had started to invoke it. She shrugged her shoulders and let her hands fall to her hips, placing a bit more weight onto her right leg so she leaned a little to the side. “Sheesh, chill out. If I wanted to use my Eijutsu for more destructive means, you’d know about it by now.” She assured him in a sarcastic fashion, but the truth was clear to see in her eyes when she spoke. Her poisons and numerous detrimental jutsu meant that if she wished to kill someone, they’d be dead very soon into a fight if she was successful in implementing her strategies. A smirk touched her lips at his comment about how somebody would attack another person for talking to themselves, rolling her eyes and adjusting her body to lean more to the left this time. “It was pretty annoying while I was trying to navigate.” She told him, a dry laugh leaving her lips as she thought back to the irritating drone she had heard which achieved no other purpose than to give the stranger some company, no doubt.

She noticed how he started to relax following those few little back-and-forth sessions of sarcastic, biting speech, which assured her that she wasn’t going to get killed, or whatever, any time soon. As long as she didn’t offend the stranger too much, she would be okay. He asked for her name and said that he’d tell her his name in return, at which point she nodded and shrugged her shoulders a little, hands still placed at her hips. “Yuzuki.” She stated crisply, nodding her head a little in a manner that made the water in her bangs run down her face, dripping down onto her body. The entire time, rivulets of rainwater had been dripping down her body, due to how she was currently only halfway under the leafy tree’s canopy to protect herself from the downpour. “And yours?” She asked, pretending to be interested, because really, she didn’t care too much about random strangers she met on her travels. One individual was an exception, someone she had met within Hi no Kuni itself, and someone she was sure to never forget. Heck, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to leave yet because he was always on her mind. He was an exception to her typically misanthrope nature, however.

I don’t need your help now, you will let me down, down, down…
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Age : 30
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The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyWed 16 Apr 2014, 2:17 am


“That’s exactly why I don’t take your word for it. You bare no headband, so I don’t know if you’re a merc, or just a passerby.”

A smirk graced his face once she brought up about not knowing who he was. “I guess that would be a good thing then. Means no one sees me when I’m on the job. If you knew who I was, it only meant that someone caught sight of me and that wouldn’t really do well with my line of work.” That sounded like something any decent assassin would say, right? It did kind of hurt that the girl never heard of Mokuzai, but he could let that go for the moment. The water drenched his coat, and if they both remained in the element for much longer, they both would start paying the effects of some sort of illness. The girl would be able to heal herself; Mokuzai however, wouldn’t be able to do such a feat. Not knowing any sort of medical jutsu was somewhat of a downfall for him. He had no urge to learn such a thing, since it would require him to ask to be taught from someone. He didn’t even know any one, besides this girl, who used such a thing. If he was to hunt, it was to kill. Not to beg someone to teach him something that could make him stronger.

The male nuke-nin leaned back against the tree that brushed his shoulder blades. If the two were going to be social for a few more moments, might as well get a bit comfy! “You’d have to be able to use your arms to do such a thing though. I don’t know much about Medical jutsu, but I do know it requires being a bit near someone, right?” A minor shrug came from his shoulders while pulling his arms in front of his chest. His extensions locked in place when he heard her reasoning for being hostile. “That will get you killed.” His tone changed from the carefree individual that has been apparent throughout this small conversation. “I don’t know if you care about your life, but if you want a quick way out, just do what you did and the ground you hit will be your grave.” Usually, Mokuzai would love to show actions more than words, but during this moment this woman came during a badly timed situation. He was on his way out of The Fire Country. He had been here for as long as he needed to be, and an exit was long overdue. His right orb shot down to the ground to watch the rain droplets bounce off the puddles that they graced. The ripples from the contact was oddly relaxing for the male. He couldn’t pinpoint for what reason it was, but he wasn’t going to complain about the reasoning.

The girl was starting to get a bit less tense, and to Mokuzai that was both calming and sketchy. He didn’t want to get into an unnecessary scuffle that would only add more injuries to his body. From the rotting flesh behind his bandages, the blind left orb, and his right arm still healing from the meeting in Konoha, Mokuzai wasn’t in the greatest shape to start something. He might talk a big game, but he does know his own limits. It’s one thing to talk a big game, but not being able to back it up with some amount of actions? That’s just pure embarrassment. “Odd name.” The simple gesture didn’t really mean anything to Mokuzai. In all honesty, he would forget her name after this meeting was done and over with. He would only remember her name if he had a reason to; which at this point he didn’t. The metal headband on his collar shimmered from the water running down its surface. He could either say his real name, or just come up with some weird name to counter hers. Why not make some social situation a bit more..playful? “Sasha.” He nodded once the words ran past his lips.

He wasn’t necessarily lying when he told her that title. Sasha is a form of his last name, Kyuusaisha. It’s for his mere amusement, and if she chose to not believe it, then so be it. “From Takigakure.” He just threw that in there for a bit more conversation. Since he’s traveled for a few years, there was a chance he could know from where she resides. He’s been to multiple countries, so he could have at least her the name is she was to share it.

Even if it seemed that he was relaxed, Mokuzai was still more attentive than he was before. Talking can turn hostile pretty quickly, especially between two ninja that have no creed, no rules to follow. Someone just like the two wanders could come up at this very moment and force a fight. There was only one way to live out in the shinobi world when you didn’t have a village to call home. They got by from doing contracts, taking out people when needed, getting bad for doing another’s dirty work. It was a nice life with the coin that he earned, he wasn’t going to lie. The thoughts that ran through his head told his body to move and get closer to the girl, but he was ignoring it for as long as he could. He could only hold back his hunter-instincts for a short time-period.

“Yuzuki.” He muttered from behind the bandages. “You tend to stay away from humans? What does that make you? An animal?” The laughter that came from his throat echoed throughout the perimeter. He couldn’t pinpoint why he thought that was hilarious, but it got him to cheer up a bit. “I mean. Animals get tamed from the wild all the time. Just takes a few traps, a few hunters, and leashes. It’ll come around your neck soon enough if you keep avoiding them. I’m sure of it. You remind me a lot of a ninja in Konoha.” Satsune, was her name. The ninja that was one of the few that actually marked Mokuzai with senbon and gashes on his chest. “I’m just sayin’. You keep avoiding, and they eventually come to you.”

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Kaminari Hime
Kaminari Hime

Age : 28
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The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyThu 17 Apr 2014, 10:04 pm

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] 2e3e2c32-fa40-46fc-a044-51c8a981d65c_zps2e9cbec1

Don’t hold me up now, I can stand my own ground…

The more Yuzuki chose to stay and listen to this stranger, the more and more she became… blatantly confused. He was painting himself to be some kind of fearsome assassin, but to say this was the case, he lacked the cold-blooded nature to be one from her experiences. After all, he had nearly lost his temper from the fact that she had attacked him as a precautionary measure. Well okay, she realised that it had been at least a little out of order for her to attack so suddenly. But if he wasn’t talking to himself like he was talking to somebody else, she would have been on her way when she had changed her parasol back into an umbrella. That was the typical thing about April showers, with how they came and went. Today the rain was unrelenting, which wasn’t good news for the ex-pampered princess of the Kessho clan. Her indigo orbs followed the stranger to where he started to lean on the tree which he had been standing in not very long ago, but she made no attempt to make herself more comfortable. She simply stood in the waning cover of the leaves up above to shield her somewhat from the falling rain, her arms folded tight across her chest as she stood with perfect posture that was drilled into her from being a young girl. A small smirk touched her lips at his questions about Medical Jutsu and needing to be close to someone in order to use it, tilting her head to the side which made droplets of water trickle down her face and shift her long orange locks to the leant side. “There’s no need to be close to someone in order to use knowledge of Medical Ninjutsu to cause detriment to somebody.” She told him, shrugging her shoulders in a casual manner, her eyes suddenly darkening. “Not if you’ve been taught properly, anyway.” She thought back to the days where she was taught about the tricky art, relishing in those memories as they proved to be her favourite ones. There was no way she liked thinking about her earlier past, when she was living in the palace back in Yama no Kuni.

Her eyes rolled a little when he told her that she would get killed for the reason why she had attacked him, knowing that she could have handled herself perfectly well if the situation had turned nastier. She wasn’t above using dirty tricks in a fight, after all, so that instantly put her above most shinobi who had some form of honour to uphold. Not only that, but she was able to utilise three forms of elemental Ninjutsu, plus the specific skill of Medical Ninjutsu which made it clearer about where she could hit to cause the most damage. That, teamed with her natural Acrobatic abilities to dodge most things and thus help her evasiveness, managed to play its part too. From her old Eijutsu teacher she remembered something about the Medical Ninja being the last one to fall on the battlefield, because they should be able to dodge everything and carry on with their healing and/ or fighting.

After giving her name, he said that it was an odd one, something which made her scowl a little. The meaning of her name translated to ‘Superior Moon’, which she restrained herself from educating him in. She doubted that he was the type to care about such things. Her name was uncommon, and thus he called it odd. It didn’t matter to her either way, it only gave her more reason to be spiteful to him whenever he gave his name or other things about himself. When he finally did give her his name, he called himself ‘Sasha’ before adding that he was from Taigakure. Her eyes drifted to the forehead protector he wore around his neck, which gave credit to his story, but she was a natural sceptic. It wasn’t that she would call him out on it, but she would take it with a little pinch of salt. “Sasha, huh?” She questioned, repeating the name out loud and smirking slightly, her head tilting to the other side with her eyebrows raised. “Last I heard, Sasha was a girl’s name.” She stated innocently, appearing thoughtful for a second as if she was actually bothering to give thought to such a thing. Of course she didn’t care. She ultimately forgot everybody she ever interacted with, unless they held some kind of special purpose in her mind. After her rather intent-filled jab at him about his so-called name, he repeated her name out loud before questioning her dislike of humans, asking if that made her animal if that was the case, a ridiculing laugh leaving his lips afterwards.

She looked at him with a frown, obviously not amused by his joke nor finding it funny. She visibly grimaced at the mention of Konoha; such a vile place that literally made her feel sick to the stomach. “Well, I’d rather take my chances than put myself in immediate contact with humans. And I’d rather die than hail from Konoha.” She spat the village’s name, making her disgust more than obvious to the young man who called himself ‘Sasha’. The way that everyone looked out for their fellow man, their kin, or whatever they called each other inside those walls, drove her away from the thought of ever joining any form of village. No, she would remain a wanderer for the rest of her life. It was a blessed existence in truth, having nowhere to answer to and the freedom to travel as one wished. “Hi no Kuni hasn’t changed a bit since I visited many years ago. The wilderness, as ever, is much more charming than any of the fake people that reside inside its beloved village.” She rolled her eyes as memories flooded back to her about the time she had spent here beforehand, when she was a young princess being paraded around in front of people, merely for show. She had been like a pretty porcelain doll, that people were allowed to look at and admire, but when it came to being loved, she was nothing more than a replaceable object. She turned and briefly took a glance over her shoulder, in the direction of the single road leading to and from Konoha. By now, she was well on her way to being out of this country for a long time. The only ever point where she would return… well, that would be if ever she decided to see that boy again. Part of her was saying that she should stay and wait for him, but another larger part was saying that he would catch up to her if he wished to do so.

I don’t need your help now, you will let me down, down, down…
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Age : 30
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The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyThu 17 Apr 2014, 10:53 pm


The male ninja couldn’t pinpoint what it was about this meeting that kept his interest. Moments before, he wanted to rip her throat out from attacking him for no reason. As the conversation went on between the two humans, Mokuzai started to have a little realization of his own mind. He adored being social after being on the road alone for so long.

If he could come up with an excuse to carry conversation for a bit longer than usual, this is where he would take the chance. A simple roll came from his clear orb, letting the interests of medical jutsu go through one ear and out the other. If he wanted to learn more about etijutsu, he knew who and what to look for. No reason to get preached to by someone who was of lesser power. It’s like a prince ruling during a king’s reign. It just wasn’t worth the time to listen about when he knew he could get taught right. A soft tug came from his hands on his collar, letting the fabric show previews of his skin from involuntary keeping his digits wrapped about his cloth. He always held his hands in this position as well keeping his shirt stretched. His collar was a bit too tight for his own good, so why not stretch it out while he had the time?

“Sasha is just a shorter name.” A smile came from behind the bandages, showing the outline of his perky flesh. “It’s mainly for my own amusement to add a bit more relief to a few meetings.” It was a fact that he didn’t like to be serious all the time. Especially during a time of conversation where two people are just merely getting to know each other; even with slight details. “Mokuzai Kyuusaisha.” He quickly brought up from his lips with haste. His name wasn’t that special to him, even though people do wonder why he doesn’t say his surname is ‘Senju’, rather than Kyuusaisha. He even speculated during this time, why he still carries his current last name if his father does nothing but hunt him down. It was a fake memory that his old man used to abuse and get information that he wanted. Maybe it was a good thing to be called Senju. It would probably make him feel like he fit more in this cruel world instead of feeling like a corner puzzle piece that doesn’t fit at all.

“Finally someone else agrees.” He started clapping randomly, letting his right hand tap against the palm of his left. The water on his gloves dispersed on his vest from the force of the impact. “The village system is only for protection. Most of the people that are in those said villages do not deserve the protection that they want.” His right hand reached up, and rubbed the back of his neck, letting some of the water trickle down his spine to cool off his body. “I’ve been inside Konoha, Kirigakure, Takigakure.” A large sigh came from his breath once he started to talk about those instances. “The people are taking protection for granted and I want to show them that. I would rather see the village’s burn and make it a massive grave site than to watch them walk around in their fortresses.” His jaw clenched tightly once he started to express his anger. The one emotion that he truly knew how to show with much ease. The village system should have never existed for free in his opinion. The villages with these ninja academies should have traveled and offered their services for coin, which would earn them a lot of treasure.

“It angers me to see them happy when they do nothing. Shinobi do all the work, and those who are not just sit back and eat.” His fists clenched slightly with his arm rising up to slam the extension into the tree behind him. The noise of the fist making contact with the bark of the tree echoed behind him. “They’ll see. I’m going to invent some kinjutsu..I’m going to be something to deal with, and I will wipe out the village system.” With his attire purely drenched, the outline of the male nukenin’s body started to show through the fabric.

The lab that he went through had nothing to do with his current physique. This is purely Mokuzai’s hard work coming out to benefit him in the end. The previews of his torso, and abdominals shown through his wet cloth that graced his torso; clenching to it much like a child would his mother. He had no other reason to see the villages burn to the ground other than that. Villagers taking Shinobi for granted when in reality if they were to suddenly vanish in a day, each village would not exist by weeks time. Forbidden jutsu was like the ultimate treasure to Mokuzai. Each village had their own kinjutsu that they hid from the public eye. No matter if it was fuuninjtusu, ninjutsu or some sort of other element, Mokuzai was going to figure out how to work with it so he would be able to use it during battle. Even if he couldn’t use it with his own two hands, using a pawn to do his biddings would be a glorious ascent to have.

Another loud sigh graced his lips, letting his body relax against the tree slowly. Just from talking about the villages he got riled up without even thinking twice. He didn’t care what the girl had to say about his behavior or his thoughts on the villages; it wasn’t her calling to take out this system. Mokuzai had a few people in mind that would love to be asked for this sort of contract, one being Akira Tenshi, someone Mokuzai needed to visit here in a few days. He did promise that he would teach how to use a weapon in combat, and Mokuzai was sure that he would still keep his word as long as he kept his own promise he made to Tenshi.

    Tags:Amy+Something about to go down.
    music: NONE
    words: 1014
    credits: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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Kaminari Hime
Kaminari Hime

Age : 28
Posts : 37

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyMon 21 Apr 2014, 1:48 pm

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] 2e3e2c32-fa40-46fc-a044-51c8a981d65c_zps2e9cbec1

Don’t hold me up now, I can stand my own ground…

The orange-haired girl watched her current companion as he rolled his eyes a little when she elaborated on her Medical knowledge, rolling her own indigo orbs in return. Huh, so he wasn’t interested and wasn’t afraid to show as much? She really wasn’t all too keen on this social interaction, and yet above all odds, here she was. Maybe she felt a little guilty for attacking out of the blue, or maybe he was merely more interesting than her consciousness gave him credit for. Whatever the reason, she stayed there, the rain trickling down her clothes and body with her arms folded over her chest. At her jab about ‘Sasha’ being a girl’s name, the strange Nukenin added that it was merely a nickname. He went on to give his full name, which was Kyuusaisha Mokuzai. Now it made sense where his earlier given name came from, but she couldn’t help wondering why he would give a nickname from his surname. That being said, she wasn’t particularly well-versed in the average human’s thought process for nicknames. Some people might choose to give themselves nicknames from their surnames rather than their given names; she wasn’t too sure. She nodded slightly in understanding, deciding not to dwell further on the matter of her thoughts that ‘Sasha’ was still a girl’s name. An odd one at that, but still a feminine name to her mind.

She was surprised when the strange male started clapping his hands and saying that at last, somebody agreed. Her indigo orbs briefly widened as she waited for an explanation of his sudden outburst, tilting her head to the side somewhat attentively as she looked at him. It appeared that ‘Sasha’ despised villages too, the way they were set up, and everyone was given a fair chance of protection. While Yuzuki’s hatred of the village system was rather just a general despising of the nobility that were allowed to reside inside the toughest villages, this youth’s hatred seemed to run deeper than that. He went on about how he would break up the village system by creating a Kinjutsu of some kind, to tear everything apart and therefore wipe out the entire system of the great villages.

Admirable? Perhaps so. But it was reckless and most likely impossible. The ex-princess was aware of how tough these villages were, how many shinobi resided within those walls, and how a singular person could never do it alone. She raised an eyebrow at him slightly, her arms slowly unfolding from her chest to drop at her sides. Her left hand was pressed to the corresponding hip as she walked a little closer to the strange young man, deciding to break the bad news to him. “That sounds like a fine ambition… Sasha…” She paused over his name, and trailed off a little before sighing and shaking her head, holding up her right hand in a nonchalant expression, shrugging her shoulders to boot. “But if you want to do that, you won’t be able to do it alone. The villages, while they’re infuriating, are a part of the shinobi world for a reason. They’re literal powerhouses, with sheer numbers on their side. Even if you did become insanely powerful, you’d really struggle if you didn’t have any numbers on your side to give you back-up.” She told him, hoping that this wasn’t news to the stranger. He should know this by now, surely, if this was his ambition. “In my younger years, I’ve been inside of every great village that is currently around and in the picture in terms of their power. Guards upon guards are always around, always watching, always waiting for an intrusion of any kind. Imagine what they would accomplish if it was practically an invasion that was approaching them.” She turned away a little and walked a couple of steps back into the direction she had come from to move closer to him in the first place, putting some distance back between the two of them. She hoped that this news that she had given to him, this little insight, wouldn’t offend him nor be any particular news to him.

She went back to folding her arms across her chest and considering what she had said for herself. Here she was, a wandering nomad with nobody to really call her friend and definitely not anyone to call her family. She loved this lifestyle, there was no denying that, but sometimes… her overriding human nature that she should be with others of her own kind was somewhat irritating and nagged at her to find some company of some description. Perhaps that was why she was more at ease with this odd male, merely because of her human nature. It was definitely a possibility, one that shouldn’t be ruled out. But joining in with a group when she barely knew someone… plus, the idea of being in a group of any description made her very uneasy. It just wasn’t for her. But she felt as if she owed it to the stranger to give him some advice at least… right? Especially if he hadn’t yet considered it for himself. She absently raised a hand from her chest to start playing with some of the long bangs that were starting to hang down around her face due to the rain pulling them out of the high ponytail. She’d wait for an answer from him and then be on her way, she had decided upon that as of right now. There was no need for her to stick around any longer with this young man who was practically a stranger to her when she could be making headway out of this country, to continue her travels wherever she pleased.

I don’t need your help now, you will let me down, down, down…
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Age : 30
Posts : 1012

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyMon 21 Apr 2014, 11:09 pm


Even with this meeting lasting for a much longer period than he thought it would last, Mokuzai was taking note on how this girl handled her social aspects. For someone who seemed like she was in a rush before hand, the female nukenin seemed to relax slightly; even if a few steps were made between the two humans to add distance. “I know that if I do it alone, the sheer numbers would prove to be a problem.” He shrugged slightly, leaning up off the tree that he relaxed upon throughout this whole social act. “It’s why I haven’t made a move yet; I may talk dumb, or come off as someone who doesn’t know a thing on how villages work, but I know more than any one gives me.” Mokuzai didn’t care how she took this information, she could either believe that this was his true ambitions or let it shrug off her shoulder with the rest of his words. She was the only one that he spoke about it with; not even Akira knew Mokuzai’s true intentions for the village system. His right index finger shot up once she started to talk about the guards knowing what comes at them.

“They have sensor and protection ninja scattered throughout every perimeter so they can sense any amount of chakra that come within hundreds of meters of their home. They have to sense the chakra to be alerted. Once you learn to compress it, and can move around without any support from chakra, then, and only then can you get access to the village. By the time they have realized you came inside the perimeter, you could have slaughtered hundreds with numbers.” The true jutsu that Mokuzai wanted to get his hands on was much, much darker than the jutsu he already had in knowledge. He knew the kind of jutsu existed, just the placement of where it is located at is a bit more on the difficult side to obtain. “Since you’ve stayed and talked this out with me, I’ll let you know one thing about the kinjutsu that I have in mind. I’m not sure if you heard of it, I don’t even know the direct name, but I know the ability.”

He brushed his hands together, getting the dirt off his gloves and yawned loudly; stretching his arms upwards to pop his back with the groaning. “How would you like if you faced a shinobi that was supposed be deceased?” He tilted his head to the girl, keeping his left eye closed with the smirk behind his bandages. That’s the only hint that she and any other person who asked about the kinjutsu he mentions would receive. Mokuzai still needed to find out the name, the location of the kinjutsu and actually get it; but the boasting of it could be a little fun for his social situations. Nothing like seeing a Kage attack their own village; but even that could have some back fire on him.

The villages would naturally know their abilities, but does that mean they could stop them? Probably, probably not. He didn’t really know. Just the thought of the power to summon the dead caused goosebumps to form all over his body. If Kinjutsu could get any darker, he would like to see the result of the jutsu.

A sigh graced the male nukenin’s lips again. He made this social event last longer than it should have, especially since this Yuzuki kept talking back with questions and points to his ambitions. He accepted the criticism and the thoughts, but he still had this whole idea in his head. It would take a few months, even a year to get going, but once it starts to initiate, he wouldn’t want to stop until his dying breath came from his body. “Ah. Seems like this conversation has lasted longer than I thought.” He started to walks towards the direction of the girl, only turning to the side slightly so that he would walk past her. He stopped, turning his head to the right to look over his shoulder and speak for a few more moments.

“If you ever happen to mention me; even if I see it very unlikely of you, please refrain to Sasha. I do not want others to know much about me. It would only slow me down and I do not appreciate being stopped short of a very, very strong ambition. If you excuse me, I have to make my way to Kirigakure. I have someone to meet and discuss things with; I’ve been keeping them waiting far more longer than I should have left them.” His voice was calm and soft, almost as soft as the wind and the rain that started to lighten up.

“If you are ever there, be careful of the kage and the mist. You’ll get killed if you don’t know how to travel through the elements. The mist could either be your downfall, or your ally. It’s your choice on how you want it to act.” He turned his head to look straight ahead with his right orb; the girl wasn’t going to become hostile to him again, at least during the remainder of this meeting. He could honestly relax and continue making his way towards the water country.


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Kaminari Hime
Kaminari Hime

Age : 28
Posts : 37

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] EmptyThu 24 Apr 2014, 11:45 pm

The Rain Drops Slowly [p, Kami] 2e3e2c32-fa40-46fc-a044-51c8a981d65c_zps2e9cbec1

Don’t hold me up now, I can stand my own ground…

She had started to wonder why on earth she had stayed to listen to this stranger talk about his ambitions and how he wanted to get rid of the village system put in place, because now that it had started, it didn’t seem to stop. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said anything to contest it and make him talk back to her about his dreams, but it couldn’t be helped now. He told her that he wasn’t stupid despite his very… overly ambitious desires, and she listened as intensely as she could be bothered to. It seemed that he did know his stuff, as he reeled off numerous hitches in having more people assist him in his endeavour, with how sensors could foil his plans unless he could have every one of his comrades repress their chakra somehow. She tilted her head to the side and folded her arms again when he mentioned that he would tell her about the Kinjutsu he had in mind for his plans, saying that he only knew of its abilities and not its name. This in itself piqued some of her interest, and then it was followed by how he made mention of a deceased shinobi. How would she feel about facing one?

Now, that was quite the technique that he was eluding to. Her indigo orbs widened rather noticeably as she made a low whistling sound and nodded slowly. She had to hand it to the guy, he had ambition; that much was for certain. If he was planning on using that technique, which she too had only heard about and didn’t know the name for, he could be in with a decent chance. Bringing the dead back to life… she wasn’t even sure how it worked, and she didn’t really want to know. It was a creepy subject that made her skin crawl slightly, so much so that a visible shiver could be seen running over her body. “Now that is an interesting concept.” She mused aloud, tilting her head to the side as she imagined what kind of destruction could be caused with that technique if the right shinobi were brought back from the dead. There truly were some deceased legends who would be a nightmare on the battlefield, with not many people alive today (if any) that could do anything about them. As she was thinking about all of this, she was interrupted by the strange individual himself pointing out that the length of their conversation had lasted longer than he intended. It was then that he made his excuses and decided to leave her there, which wasn’t a bad thing for her whatsoever. She merely nodded and raised a hand to wave at him as he departed, deciding not to make a move until she was sure he had gone. And besides, she had never got to adjust her umbrella. The more that she thought about it, the more she paid attention to Sasha’s strange warning about Kirigakure and the mist itself; how it could be a great ally and a deadly enemy. She had been to Kirigakure as a child, but couldn’t remember much about the trip because she had been younger than she was when she visited Konohagakure. All she remembered was the rain that fell for the entire time they were there, and the mist that constantly cloaked the village. It was certainly very strange, she had thought, but it didn’t give her a sense of foreboding so much as she didn’t like it due the moisture interfering with her elaborate hairstyles and kimonos at the time.

She sighed softly and unlatched her special umbrella from its holster at her lower back, pulling it out in front of her and fishing around in one of the pouches at her back to find a folded waterproof cover which she hastily covered over the parasol attachment currently in use. It would take too long to detach it and start again, so she might as well make a quick fix to make it possible for her to go out in the rain and keep moving, at her own pace of course, because she didn’t wish to catch up with the young man she had met beforehand. She slowly walked out into the rain after putting up her strange parasol/ umbrella hybrid over her head, walking underneath its broad protection with a straight, expressionless face as she continued to make her way out of Hi no Kuni, aiming to be in another country by tomorrow or the day after if she couldn’t quite make it out today. This place was really getting to her. After all, she had interacted with two more humans than she ever had in the past three or four months; it just wasn’t good for her health.

[Exit/ End Topic/ Submitting for Eval]

I don’t need your help now, you will let me down, down, down…
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