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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all.

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Age : 30
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyThu 07 Oct 2010, 2:33 am

You make first post, you create scenery and all. ;D
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Age : 31
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyWed 03 Nov 2010, 11:52 am

Day Time:

Night Time:

Landscape: Uluru has an enormous presence in the flat outback landscape, being almost 350m high, 9km around the base, and perhaps two thirds lying beneath the surface. Uluru changes colour at sunrise and sunset, becoming at one point an amazingly vibrant red colour.

Sitting around the Mountain that was flat on top Mizuki sat and waited for someone to arrive so she could fight them, she was not like a normal girl even though she was beautiful for a thirteen year old she still wanted to kill people like the rest of her clan was known for. Even though she was sitting in the Sand at the bottom of the Mountain she started to move her hand in the sand to move it around and make drawings of pretty animals and then watch as she made other animals and used her clan trait to move the sand to attack the animals she made. The day before she had gotten to this place she was walking around the area and noticed it was surrounded by Sand and deserts, that was to her advantage she guessed not really caring about it, meditating is what she did as she waited because she could sense chakra but she also kept her Sand carrier beside her encase she needed to force the top of and attack. As she opened her eyes she noticed a vulture was staring at her as if to say "when you going to die?" she just looked at it and then moved her hand forcing the sand to throw up and smack the bird right in the head, being stunned the bird shook its head and wondered what the hell had just happened. Before it could say anything the Sand struck again hitting it and knocking it down enclosing on its legs, it tried to fly away but it got nowhere because the sand was enclosed like Steel on its legs. "Hm when are you going to die bird?" Mizuki said with a laugh as she closed her hand forcing the Sand to crush the birds legs, as she opened her hand the sand let go revealing blood from the bird pouring out onto the ground. Letting the bird fly away with difficulty Mizuki looked away as she hated to do what she just did but, a strange part of her liked doing it, with the Sand now spread out in 100 meter radius Mizuki was ready for any one who tried to find her.

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Age : 30
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyWed 03 Nov 2010, 12:45 pm

She had been informed by lord Mizukage to follow a particular female genin as she departed from Kirigakure no Sato and travelled via boat to Suna. She hadn't been informed as to why exactly she had to follow this particular Genin, Mizuki, her name was; but orders are orders and she had to keep to them. She remembered Arashii's final words as she departed his fortress. "If she plays up, kill her." These words seemed to ring in her mind. It wasn't in her nature to be violent, brutal and cutthroat, as she was in many aspects a pacifist: care-free and good-willed. But.. Arashii's wish was her command. She didn't have a relationship with Arashii, she was more of an older sister to Arashii. Which is why if Arashii stated this girl needed to be watched, despite her age of 13, she still needed to be watched and possible .. neutralized.

So here she was, having gotten into higher ground at an earlier stage in the afternoon she was simply keeping track of her target. All was fine and her mission as far was more then successful, but it was this new nature which sparked her inquisition. A vulture, simply minding its own business was made ridiculed by having its leg crushed in sand. The pain and cry dispelled from the helpless animal just tipped her over the edge. For the past 3 days she had been suffering from fatigue and with no action from this .. minor for the past 3 days made her question the point in this mission. But now this animal to be tortured out of ...enjoyment, now that was enough for her to confront this child.

Jumping down from her perch up on the top of the sacred rock and sliding down its face, Ahora kept poised and focused. She knew what she needed to do and wasn't afraid to meet this genin head on. She slid until her feet touched the soft sand below. Unusual, she thought, as she was sure that this surface was more rocky when she had arrived, however she dismissed the thought almost as soon as it appeared. Taking several steps forward Ahora straighted up her back, promoted her elegance and spoke with determination, "why would a Kiri genin be out in a place like this? You know you're far from home and you aren't assigned to a mission, so what could possibly drive you out here?"
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Age : 31
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyThu 04 Nov 2010, 1:07 pm

Sitting in the sand face down and eyes closed Mizuki was meditating as she found disgust in herself for what she had done to that bird, yet she found happiness in what she did. Looking up at the clouds above she noticed them moving faster then normal and wondered to herself what is going to happen today, before she knew it she closed her eyes again and fell asleep. This was a deep sleep were she could relive all her old memories and figure out where her life went wrong or if it ever did go wrong, she woke up all of a sudden due to her chakra sensing screaming at her telling her a chakra signal was spotted over head. She opened her eyes and looked up to see a women who Mizuki knew as Ahora sensei, a jounin of the village hidden in the mist, what was she doing out here? mizuki asked herself before Ahora started to speak. She started speaking saying why was she so far away from home and left without even being assigned on a mission, "Ahora Sensei, this is my home remember?" she said with a sigh, "well it was once." as she started to stand up and looked around at the place. "You have no business following me." she was now getting aggressive for no reason and before she could even stop herself she had started to move the sand around her to speed off towards Ahora to capture her in its clutches. "Death is a beautiful thing, and we shall experience it together!" she yelled as the sand started to move closer towards the Jounin. "Just because you are a Jounin does not mean this will be a easy fight for you" she said with a slightly insane laugh, with her head cocked to the right she looked slightly demented or demonic but ether way she had a eerie feeling about her.
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Age : 27
Posts : 209

Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptySat 06 Nov 2010, 1:46 am

Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. B539c8541d12e4a10ceb452f5d2cbc031244373376_full
Azien: The Walking Undead

Azien smiled, he had come here on the recommendation of a travel guide in Kumo, Azien had mulipule contacts in the underground. So it was rather simple so smuggle himself out. He had then found another travel agent, who had given him the directions to the ‘Big Rock that everyone must see’ after much getting lost and looking around. Azien had located the big rock. Not much there to speak of apart from one single inescapable fact: It was evey big.
But here he was sitting on some part of the rock, one he had been able to see it (not very hard) but now he had realised that he hadn’t made his way up to the top, he was on the side, it wasn’t and easy climb and Azien decided to make it easier.
His chakra that was always external became sticky allowing Azien to climb up the mountain-side unhindered. Considering his unique form of chakra Azien wondered what sort of effect it would have on a sensor type.
It would moslt likely feel very large and cold. Like a cloud, and not at all like a Ninja’s, it would be alien and unnatural. A part of him smiled at the thought, a horrible evil smile.
Sooner rather than later he made it to the top, and found himself with company, there was a girl who Azien noted, was rather pretty. And then there was a woman, who Azien didn’t care about. Azien was more caring about the words that were coming out of the girls mouth:
Death is a beautiful thing, and we shall experience it together!” The most annoying bit about it was that as she spoke the Sand around her began to rise up and move towards the woman, like a creature rising from the depths "Just because you are a Jounin does not mean this will be a easy fight for you" The laugh she uttered afterwards told Azien straight away that this girl was completely and utterly mad. That horrible sound be-spoke death destruction and crimson liquid spilling from their vassals.
“Not on my watch” Azien murmured to himself. But deep inside of him a part of him wanted to be like her, deadly and dangerous. Not allegiances to anyone save himself, but as the thought rose like a bubble, the face of Kinu also rose. The too opposite emotions battled at the speed of thought, neither won.
He would draw attention to himself by activating him Bloodline, he did so, but charged straight at the Jonin. Azien guessed from the looks of the girl she was barely a Genin like him. So this made it fair. His chakra hardened into several spikes, numbering around six, unless the woman who was also being attack could block them both she was liable to be hurt by these two attacks.
Yet if one looks closely these spikes possessed and unnatural sheen, this was because Azien had charged these lances with his own chakra, and it would be highly likely they would go right through the woman for he had charged them up to their highest level. The spikes themselves were reasonably long at least half a meter and the speed at which he was moving was at his full, suffice to say it was considerable, being a Necromite and having specialized in Taijutsu Azien could move at a rather fast pace for his rank. Given the distance between him and the woman, he would reach her location in a few seconds, enough time to dodge but not to make hand-seals. Unless she was specialized in them.
A part of him was being slightly worrisome about the girl, that laugh she had uttered would mean she wouldn’t hesitate to attack him. Hopefully they could come to an agreement, even if they would fight each other after the Jonin
[561, Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. 287405 I was only going to do 400]
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Age : 30
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptySun 07 Nov 2010, 2:19 pm

Ahora listened to Mizuki, absorbing as much information as she could from the genin whilst piecing it back into the puzzle she had created of Mizuki's life. Ahora was known to have one of the best memories and intellect of Kirigakure, if not the known world and reading up on the file of Mizuki and her life prior to being a shinobi granted her the knowledge to actually understand what she had said. She then continued on to say that Ahora had no business following her, which essentially was true; she didn't. But in reality, being a shinobi was her business, that meant she reported to her boss, Arashii which gave her a job to complete within the business, which involved following Mizuki. So in retrospect, she did have business following her, and Ahora voiced this fact, "Mizuki. A de-facto ninja from the village of Kirigakure is a business of mine. As Jounin, I have a responsibility to hold to my village and to it's leader whom, might I add assigned me to come trail you. So, my business is you. Deal with it." Almost as soon as Ahora said this, Mizuki did exactly that. With a demonic look and two threats, Mizuki looked as though she had the intention to kill. Something which truly wasn't Ahora's business.

But then came another cog into Ahora's matters. Another presence, another person...another genin. Wow, it seemed like the "big red rock" was the hub of de-facto Genins as she noticed this one's Hitae-Ate told Ahora that he was from Kumogakure no Sato. And from this he had a lot of intent on Ahora, as was made obvious by the speed he was running at her and the ... 6 spikes which protruded from his body. Now that's surprising, a Kumo Genin who possesses the infamous Kirigakure Kaguya bloodline. However, it wasn't until after that that she noticed the spikes which protruded seemed like Kaguya, but there was something enough to make them separable. Or not.. she added. Not a Kaguya, but something deadly enough for this young one to master. Better not take these two at all lightly. Which is why this makes this all the more fun. she thought to herself as in her mind she had already planned the next steps to this battle.

Watching the sands eventually reach her ankles and the kumo genin rush at her, she had gotten herself into a fairly awkward situation. She was officially up against one close-range user and one mid-long range user, she guessed. The next sequence of events happened untraceable to even her own eyes. It was as if the actions she was about to utilize were as fluid as the blood flowing within her body; in which they actually were. This made the sequence all too deadly ... for the two genin.

The sand was the first to reach the clones ankles. It had grabbed onto her tight and held her fast, trapping her like a statue. Then, the Kumo genin had the open attack with the spikes he had formed. All six of the spikes pierced her torso and held her fast, bringing both the genin and the immobile jounin extremely close. With this, Ahora ordered the clone to grab with one hand onto the torso of the genin and with the other to grab and hold the back of his neck. This meant that both the genin and the jounin were locked, with spikes and arms wrapped and within each other, the two couldn't move. Unfortunate for the genin was that he had thought he had impaled Ahora, whilst instead her simple Colour Clone had sufficed. With it able to take a fair amount more damage then a regular clone and still retain shape, the clone was perfect for the situation. It simply meant it wouldn't go "poof" like a normal clone would, luring the genin into the falsest sense of security his short-life would see.

The next bit happened almost as fast as the first. Utilizing another series of seals and therefore another jutsu with extreme speed meant that the Kumo genin would face a threat as bad as the one he was in now. What once was the colour-clone turned almost instantly into pure white light before a humongous boom, massive flames and almighty smoke bellowed from the body. Like that of an explosive tag, the body of "Ahora the clone" ignited and obliterated her once-impaled body. This explosion would, if complete contact was made like it had been, kill the little genin and obliterate almost every piece of his little body. How unfortunate, Ahora thought, standing well behind Mizuki and watching as the smog and smoke began to slowly clear from the scene. Of course, Ahora wouldn't have been able to perform such a task if it weren't for her Colour Flicker, instantly allowing her to travel through the color of the sand and appearing well out of harms way with a clone in her position. The smoke was beginning to clear, she was well safe and out of the way and curious to see if her combination of techniques had eliminated one of the threats; if not, then that was only a slice of her cake - so to speak.

Jutsu(s) used:


OOC: Look Septimus, seeing as you are a close-range fighter, i decided to exploit it. When you impaled me like you suggested you would, I was granted the ability to grab hold of you so you couldn't Kawirimi no Jutsu (Replacement technique) away. So you can't use that as a fallback or it will be godmodding. I know I should've gone easy on you at least but I really wanted to try those techniques. Good luck trying to survive in any case. ;D
Post order: Mizuki, Septimus, Dan.

Last edited by Dan on Tue 09 Nov 2010, 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 31
Posts : 107

Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 1:59 pm

Mizuki was watching as the sand griped the tight of the female Jounin who started to talk saying that a ninja running away from the village was part of her responsibility and it was her business to deal with it, Mizuki watched as another ninja started to speed off the cliff to attack the Jounin, she was thinking what the hell? as this was a remote place. Watching as the ninja stabbed the Jounin in the torso with spikes that looked like Kaguya spikes but were different, ether way Mizuki watched him as he made a fatal mistake, the Jounin was not behind her for some reason and the person in front of her had attacked a clone. Mizuki's Chakra sensing was going off stating she was behind her so Mizuki turned around and made sand at the jounins feet rise up slowly trying to capture her unaware , Using her long range capabilities she was trying to force a distraction. turning her head back at the other ninja she saw the clone destroy itself hopefully the other ninja got out of it. Mizuki could have helped him but that would involve actually working as a team, and Mizuki had better things to do then that like actually keep herself alive.

[best i can do atm :/]
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Age : 27
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyWed 10 Nov 2010, 1:04 pm

As Azien charged towards the Jonin he saw that he was doing the wrong with. Why was he pointlessly attacking her? What was the point of killing each other in battle? A small voice within Azien answered him a tiny black spark that spoke to him ina voice that was both part of Azien and not:
"You want a reason ... for fighting? Why don't you just accept it already, Azien?! You seek out fights. You desire power. Isn't that right,Azien? Everyone who searches for power, without exception, searches for battle! Do you fight in order to become more powerful? Or do you want more power so you can fight? I can't tell you that. The only thing I know for sure is guys like us were born this way! We were born to fight, Azien! Your instincts will keep leading you toward new battles. It's the only way you have. The only way to become stronger. Fight, Azien! If you want the power to control your enemy, take the power the surrounds your bein in your hand and cut them down! That's your only option! That's the road that continues in front of you and remains behind you....Azien!"
The thoughts troubled him, this was what came of being to smart for your own good. Your brain began to talk to you. It whispered truth into your ear. A voice of inescapable reason and logic. Your inner self so to speak.
There was no doubt in Azien's mind as to what his path was now. To fight others and grow stronger, to protect all those who meant anything at all to him. The voice inside of him picked this up and snarled at him again:
"I suppose it is only to be expected. You have my pity. There is no such thing as 'truth' or 'lies' in this world; there never has been. There is only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world take only those 'facts' that are convenient to them, and take them to be the 'truth'. They do so because they know no other way to live. However, for those powerless beings that make up the majority of this world it is those 'facts' that are inconvenient for their own self-affirmation that make up the real 'truth'."
This only served to harden Azien's resolve just as the voice knew it would have. Azien was a work-horse. And needed at got problem to tackle. Being back from the dead Azien had a whole life-time worths of experience about doing that.
Using this as his stand he made his own reply to his 'inner self':
"I had a friend back in my former life. Her desire for a peaceful world that was stronger than anyone's...Her sense of justice that was stronger than anyone's...she chose to fight for her beliefs, but in the end, she died before she could even start. Was she lacking something? Is it not enough to have a strong will in order to fight for peace and justice? In that case, I want strength. I want the strength to help me create peace. If it is not enough to believe in justice, then I will become justice. I will seek out the evils in this world and wipe them out like the clouds in the sky. I swear I will... for justice."
The voice remained silent. It was surprising at how quick things could go by, or in this case how slow. The legs that carried Azien and his spikes had barely gone any where during his conversation, the slow rise and fall of his feet followed by the small eruptions of dust that was a signal to the real world was still there and not some illusion that his mind had created for his own amusement.
But was this world real, some religions said that this world was the door-way to paradise, heaven. And a bunch of other names.
Now a new matter had arisen that drove these storm clouds that had festered inside Azien's head. The spikes he had generated had been used against him. His Death Sense showed him that the person he had punctured was only a Clone, and Azien had seen how the Jonin had escaped near certain death. A technique that was as strange as a shadow to Azien had been performed. The Jonin has 'slipped' through the rock and was now standing behind the other Genin. The second he had been grabbed Azien began to frantically weave hand-signs at a speed that gave away the fact that he could control his body at a far higher degree than most. The spikes that had punctured the Clone vanished within an instant. And from Azien's back where forced to grow a pair of wings that dwarfed Azien, each of them at least 2m long.
The wings where veined and a unwholesome aura came form them, like a giant who had lost both of his hands and placed them on Azien's back.
A double kick to the Clones chest was enough to secure his release, it was almost certain this would connect due to the fact that the Clone was immobile. his hands already a blur his form began to fade and flicker. The area of explosion was likely to be great. But Azien had barely cleared forty meters when the Clone detonated. The explosion was extremely powerful. The wings vanished like mist and smoke into nothingness. The Black Fire returned and Azien once again hardened it to it's highest degree, wrapping around him like a ball covering nearly all of the black flame.
Except the first few centimeters around him where cloth, made to resist the heat, metal conducts heat and if he left it by itself he would be cooked alive, like a roast in a fire.
The explosion tossed Azien and his metal ball a fair distance away.
A few seconds later Azien emerged from the his shell had glanced towards both the Jonin and the girl, he was content to let them make the next few moves. Needless to say Azien had suffered damage from the explosion. As he had bounced along the wall had croaked and then broken, and Azien's arm had been burned and was bleeding at a fast rate.
The blood had a purpose to serve before wrapping it up, he let the blood form into a puddle beneath him. This was an experiment to see if his hunch was correct. Azien had seen her Life-Force 'flow' into the ground, but it hadn't.....it had merged with the top layer.
The black aura around Azien then span itself into a layer of bandages around his bleeding limb. Now it was all up too the girl and the Jonin. He was curious to see how they each would fair against each other. He did guess that this was there business not his. He would continue his fight with the Jonin at a later date but for now he was going to rest and recover.
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Age : 30
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Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. Fight meh yo. Anyone at all. EmptyFri 12 Nov 2010, 2:15 pm

Ahora simply watched with awe and admiration. She had underestimated the Kumo Genin, something she mentally kicked herself for. She was smarter and more humane then that; she normally wouldn't retaliate with such determination to destroy an opponent like that. She had more sense than that; people in Kirigakure didn't. That's what set her apart and that's what made her seem more supreme than most. She was different, she was brought up with good morals and good understanding; not as a heartless killing machine whose main driving force was their lust for power. No, she had a head.

With this head, she racked her mind as to why she would commit such a sin against her moral handbook. She then looked at the back of Mizuki's head and it clicked; that demonic look the little girl possessed sparked something inside of her. It was the last thing Ahora had seen before the Kumo Genin had attacked her and as a result, made her that more forward and devilish. She regretted doing that and in some aspects felt a sense of sorrow for the kid. With his arm badly burnt, injured and bleeding; she was partly glad that was the extent to his injuries. She wouldn't know what she would do if she murdered the kid straight up like that. Mind you... he did attack her first, but she merely had to defend herself and that was how she reacted. She couldn't do it in cold blood. For the meantime, she would let him regain himself a little while off from the explosive radius.

Ahora noted that within the huge explosive radius there were some speckles of glass, the result of the heat of the fire and the sand mixing. Interesting, she thought; as for her current situation that may just come in handy. She turned her attention to Mizuki and stared at her dead in the eyes before speaking. 'Now, I don't wanna act like your mother but I think it'd be better if you returned to the vil..' her sentence was broken midway as sand engulfed her toes and consumed her feet, making her stick fast. This time, she was legitimately stuck. 'Fuck..' Ahora shouted under her breath as she really was having a horrible day; not nearly being herself. Regardless of what was happening, her mind was racing through possible solutions to get out of this mess.

Whilst the sand was effectively being controlled by chakra, Ahora noted that the basis of it was sand; minute speckles of destroyed rock and other forms of minerals. This, could therefore be exploited with great ease. She noted a gust of wind picking up some specks of sand around the increasing sand. The sand was easily at her shins and continuing to rise, she had to act quickly and did so. Performing four hand-seals directly after each other, Ahora consumed an almighty gust of air before expelling the wind down to her feet and forcing her to shoot up 20meters or so in the air, free of the sand. This, however, was only the basis for her next movements.

She reached the peak of her ascent and performed a somersault up high in the air, using the somersault to perform three seals extremely fast. She then rotated back into perfect position before bringing her finger up to her mouth and expelling a massive fireball down to her opponent. Whilst she had both variations of this technique, she chose to use only the C-rank in hope that the extreme fire would burn her target alive. She told Mizuki to return, Mizuki obeyed and attacked so she had all jurisdiction to retaliate and she wouldn't have a problem destroying a fellow shinobi. Ahora then fell around about 1meter from her aerial position onto a platform-like area of air. She had utilized the Harrier Technique to keep her above the battlefield and in good position. She watched and waited as the grand fireball went hurtling towards Mizuki. She also noted that the Kumo Genin had better retreat to a more safer position if he didn't want to get burnt as well. The fireball was big, and it was ferocious.

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