Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Time to Train. ;D [Private]

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Age : 28
Posts : 2538

Time to Train. ;D [Private] Vide
PostSubject: Time to Train. ;D [Private] Time to Train. ;D [Private] EmptySat 29 May 2010, 7:40 pm

The Beginning:

Akimaru slipped under the manhole and into the Merchant's Trail. It was the dead of night, and the area was very quiet. He was walking through the stone tunnels, with water making his feet cold. He was only wearing his sandals. His toes were especially cold. His breathing echoed around the tunnel. The place kind of gave Akimaru the creeps, but he didn't let it affect him to much. His breathing was slightly faster than normal, but he was managing to control it well.

After taking another corner on what seemed like an endless trail of twists and turns with meeting a fellow shinobi every few minutes or so. Akimaru didn't stop to chat, even if he knew the person. He just inclined his head and gave them a smile. He had his mind focused on what he would be doing tonight. Akimaru was on another personal quest to better himself and become a stonger ninja. Akira's face popped into his almost blank mind, and his cheeks reddened.


Knowing he needed to better himself to be stronger than Akira, Akimaru prayed his jutsu he was training today would be successful. He had spent all day laying on his bed thinking of custom justu, their range, usefulness, chakra cost, counter. Basically analysising everything about all his jutsu. He felt he had perfected all of them in his day. But he couldn't sleep, he was too excited to train them. So here he was. Akimaru was ready to train.

Jinsoku Na Kensaku [Rapid Grind]:

Akimaru was stood in the middle of an empty room. There was a grate with water running through silently, apart from the slight dripping from the ceiling onto a random puddle on the floor. The whole room was dank and damp. But he knew he wouldn't be disturbed here. It was evident that other shinobi had trained here before because water was in random places due to suiton jutsu, and the stone walls were chipped and cracked slightly. The air was cold and made Akimaru shiver.

But now was not the time to be shivering. Walking further into the dark room, Akimaru was almost central. But the stream was running through the centre of the room so he stopped short. Not wasting any time, Akimaru began to breathe heavier and psyche himself up for his training. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply through his nose, held his breath for around five seconds then exhaled heavily through his mouth. This method of respiration was calming, soothing and it helped strengthen the metabolism of the person in question.

Now Akimaru was ready, he made a handseal and his shadow clone appeared with a pop which revurberated around the whole room. Like ever, Akimaru didn't need to tell his clone what to do, it just did it. Whilst Akimaru was stood still, eyes closed, his clone did a backflip and landed as elegantly as Akimaru would've done. The shadow clone began charging at Akimaru. It seemed that because his eyes were closed, his hearing was amplified. Timing his defence so precisely, he concentrated chakra to the sole of his right foot and span around rapidly, gaining as much momentum as possible without falling over.

The noise was indescribable. There was a churning as the concrete beneath him was ground up and chunks of it flew everywhere, landing in the stream with splashes and hitting the walls, ceiling and floor with dead clunks. These sounds were hidden behind the churning noise. In order to add more offence to his defensive manouever, Akimaru stuck out his left leg in a kick motion, and felt it make contact with his shadow clone. He heard a pop of it disappearing, even with all of the noise.

It took a few seconds for Akimaru to stop spinning, and he felt a little dizzy when he did. There was literally no need to open his eyes, for he already knew what had happened. When his shadow clone had popped, it passed on to him the knowledge it had gained in it's short life span. Watching the memory again in his mind, Akimaru couldn't help but smile at the success of his own jutsu, which he knew would be quite useful against annoying taijutsu attacks which were often the undoing of him.

Words needed: 150
Words written: 462

Hyōmen Henka [Surface Change]

Feeling a little dizzy from spinning so fast, Akimaru sat on the floor. Despite the fact there was a small stream running through the stone room, areas far away from the stream were incredibly dry earth coated with mud. Akimaru knocked against the ground with his hand. Hardly any noise escaped, not that he had expected any to. The terrain was perfect, so Akimaru decided to check his next jutsu. Standing up and wiping the dirt from his bottom, Akimaru began to form hand seals.

Akimaru had thought up of each elemental variety of Hyōmen Henka, despite the fact he would only be able to utilize 2 out of the 5 because he was restricted by his chakra and what elements he possessed. Concentrating a flooding amount of suiton chakra and surging into the dry earth beneath him, Akimaru watched in joy as the dry earth drank his chakra and rapidly changed texture into mud. It became very sticky and Akimaru had to yank his feet out of it to free himself. As he did, a pain jolted up his ankle and he yelped like a dog.

Sat on the dirty floor again, just out of range of the mud which was now so pumped full of water it was flowing into the stream in the middle of the room, Akimaru nursed his ankle. Upon inspection he knew he had pulled his tendon. It was painful, but he had to continue, nonetheless. His next varient of the jutsu was the earth style, for which in his mind he had imagined using terrain with weak earth. Thinking about where he could find such a place within easy reach, Akimaru looked up at the ceiling.

It had cracks all over the place and didn't look in great condition. Rather than being worried the place would cave in, Akimaru concentrated chakra into the soles of his feet and ran up the wall and onto the ceiling. The blood immediately rushed to his head, so he knew he had to be quick. Concentrating chakra, Akimaru pumped it into the earth rapidly and edited it's shape. Large stalactites formed and protruded from the ceiling with loud grinding noises that echoed around the room. Akimaru could edit the terrain to his free will. "Jutsu complete."

Words needed: 200
Words written: 376

Shuriken Chikyū Bōru [Shuriken Earth Ball]:

Akimaru dropped from the ceiling on to the floor and caught his breath. The ceiling was cracked and there were large polelike stalactites of earth protruding so far out some were touching the floor. It was indescribeable. Admiring his handywork, Akimaru thought about Lilium and how wonderful this room would be for her to draw. He knew she loved drawing. He would have to inform her about this jutsu, to see if she liked the effects.

Deciding it was time to destroy his artistic creation, Akimaru decided to test his next jutsu. It was right out of his comfort zone. Akimaru fought in what he liked to call a "tank style". His style heavily revolved around defence and he was best used to support other units in the battlefield. When fighting solo battles he would defend against his opponents attacks, wait for them to tire and then counter at the most precise of moments. This justu would be another to add to his feeble list of counters.

Most nervous about this jutsu, Akimaru was shaking slightly. It required a lot of concentration on his part. Pulling a shuriken from his ninja pouch, Akimaru threw it into the ground with force. He pulled on it, to make sure it was in tight enough. Then he cut off some ninja wire in his pouch, and slowly began to wrap it around the shuriken. He was being careful as this was his first try, but Akimaru intended to train the jutsu so he could speed up this process when in a real battle.

When the wire was tight and secure, Akimaru concentrated his chakra into the earth around the shuriken. It looked quite odd, dull and metallic. Incredibly boring, yet deadly. Akimaru pulled up with his hand in a commanding fashion, and the shuriken rose on a platform of earth. Concentrating his chakra further, Akimaru edited the shape from a platform into a ball. It was difficult and precise work, but it worked.

Cleaning off the ball so it was perfectly round, Akimaru held it in his hand. It was his creation, and it was almost as if he didn't want to let it go. But he reminded himself what this jutsu was designed for. Letting out a yell of frustration which had built up in him because he often bottle up small trivial things and released them in a blast of anger, Akimaru charged at the largest stalactite in the room. He pulled his arm in front of his body at great speed and he heard a crashing as his jutsu collided with the stalactite.

It was hard to tell what had happened. His senses had blurred slightly. There was a clean cut across the palm of his hand and his blood was glistening red. It was painful, but he ignored it as best as possible, despite the odd wince on Akimaru's part. There was an evident clean cut in the stalactite where the shuriken and wire had cut through it. Surrounding it was a crater and debris on the floor. His chakra had reinforced the earth making it stonger. The jutsu certainly lived up to his expectations of being strong. But he had used a lot of chakra for it, it had required a lot of concentration and effort and he had come out with an injury of his own. "Would it be worth it?" Akimaru asked himself.

Words needed: 300
Words written: 562.

Baburuheddochāmu [Bubble Head Charm]:

Deciding not to ponder on such things so late at night and just be happy his jutsu had turned out as well as he had wanted it to for the most part, Akimaru turned onto his final creation of the night. Taking off his ninja sandals and flak-jacket because he didn't want to get them wet, Akimaru approached the stream. He kept his shirt on in case on the off chance someone came by and saw him. He was just as self concious as ever.

The water was ice cold on his feet, but relaxing at the same time. He followed the stream out of the room from the grate at the far end. He had to crouch to fit through, but it was worth it. He had found a small room filled to the brim with water. There was a grate on the opposite side filtering water out, so there was enough room to surface and breathe. At a guess the room was 5ft by 8ft. The water looked incredibly deep and Akimaru could see nothing.

Trusting his gut feeling, Akimaru leapt in. It was cold and his body immediately got goosebumps. The hair all over his body stood on end and his skin screamed at him. But he ignored it. "It's all for a good cause." He told himself repeatedly, "It's all for my nindo." At this point the pain ceased a little, but not completely. He surfaced and took a breath. The air felt warm on his lungs.

This was the time for his final jutsu. Akimaru concentrated a fine veil of suiton chakra between his lips and began to blow out gently. He knew if he blew too hard the bubble would burst. It did the first few times because his breath was shaking so much from the cold. But finally he got the hang of it. Once the bubble was of reasonable size, Akimaru plunged back into the icy depths of the water.

The bubble got smaller as he inhaled, then bigger as he exhaled. Watching it carefully, Akimaru saw how it fit in with his respiratory system. The bubble popped several times and when it did he had to quickly surface and take a breathe. But he could breath, underwater. It wasn't ideal, but it was still a great feature. Akimaru didn't want to push it too far, so he told himself never to use the jutsu for too long. He spent around an hour exploring the small room from every crack in the floor to every bug on the wall. Having fun.

Words needed: 200
Words written: 430.
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