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Seven Years On: The End of the Road

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The Boss

Age : 30
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 08 Feb 2016, 2:13 am

As of February 3rd 2016, this site has been around for seven years. Which means I was fifteen when I started the first Ultimate Shinobi website. This was only about a month after roleplaying on the now closed Naruto Revolution, after jumping into this crazy world of Naruto roleplay, I knew I wanted to make a place of my own, an alternative to all the other places that were out there. This site exploded mere months after being created and we kept it steady for about 5 and a half years.

Personally, I fell out of love with Naruto a long time ago but this site and the people on it just meant too much to me to abandon it but as time continued to pass and everybody was getting older things like work, education, other interests and like in general not only took a hold of my life but numerous other people here that made this place what it was to me. Lacking inspiration at this time the reigns were essentially handed to Trey who did his best for what felt like almost an entire year to keep this place going.

Now here we are, there have been rumours and suggestions over the past 6 month period of this place being revamped or spiritual successors being made. Darius was planning on having a go at getting this place off his feet again a few months ago while he was on holidays from university and that never got past the planning stages. Alex has messages me about a successor site and I've heard things from a few other people, but this was months ago.

I have no knowledge of any ongoing plans to restore or recreate Ultimate Shinobi.

This announcement, if it is not already obvious is to let you know that I'm officially retiring Ultimate Shinobi. I'm not saying this is goodbye forever, because there is always a part of me that misses my administrative duties as well as actually roleplaying on this site with you all. However, I don't have the capabilities at this time to work my magic and reassemble not only the staff team, but the memberbase.

We have an absolutely outstanding run, and I think this place will go down in history and one of the most successful roleplay sites of it's generation. Even if we didn't have the highest member count, the roleplaying quality that came out of this site was exceptional and you should all be proud of yourselves.

If anybody requires anything from me, please feel free to reply in this topic or send me a private message and I'll attempt to get back to you in due time.

Please note, the domain name also expires in 10 days, and will revert back to the original domain we had before we were awarded a .org one. https://ultimateshinobi.darkbb.com

Below I'll be making a post personally thanking the people that have meant so much to me throughout this journey, but please know every contributor here means the world to me, even the ones I've had issues with in the past this place wouldn't be what it was without you all.

Until next time. Seven Years On: The End of the Road 287405

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The Boss

Age : 30
Posts : 8965

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 08 Feb 2016, 3:28 am

Darius: I don't have enough words to let you know how much your efforts mean to me. You were always easy to deal with, even when I wasn't. You were always so creative, even when I wasn't. You were always there for me, even when nobody else was. You're a true friend and I'm so glad we're still in touch. Thanks for everything, Dari. I'd go full homo for you, you sexy bearded man. #DTA

Becky: I had to come back and write yours when I had finished everybody elses. Nobody on here has made a bigger emotional impact on me across this journey than you. I would swoon over you for so many different reasons. Our relationship is a complex thing for me to reflect on because although it was so easy to talk to you sometimes it was so hard to let myself get lost in you. I really have the deepest appreciation for your friendship and I know if we lived closer that you would be one of the most important and frequent people in my life because your company is a pleasure I could never get enough of. I felt stupid around you because your intelligence is just so overwhelming. It brings me a lot of joy that you're as young as you are and you're already making such a difference in the world. Much like Darius, I really don't believe this is the end of our time together and I look forward to the next chapter, how ever long this lull will be. Knowing you're just a couple clicks away on social media is really relieving and I hope we bridge that gap sooner rather than later. Love you to the moon and back.

Celene: Adam's Angel, I absolutely adore you and will always cherish our conversations. Waking up on skype to you complimenting the noises I'd make when I sleep was always a highlight but really just your voice in general, I miss it a lot. xx

Nomi: Jodi, I always felt like I was on the brink of becoming your best friend on here and the only reason it never happened was because of poor timing. You were always around when I wasn't and I'll never be able to apologize enough. I've always thought the very best of you and I admire you a lot. I really hope to catch you on skype when I get my PC back because you're somebody I'd love to still hear from. Miguel, you're a lucky (and funny) dude. TEEHEE

Dan: Bruh, you were the first person I ever spoke to on Naruto Revolution. You had a hand in teaching me what the fuck I was doing, and I was so happy you came over to Ultimate Shinobi when I started it and helped Todd and I with everything. You're a class act, and I hope one day we'll catch up for a few bevs.

Vegapunk: Todd, you were with me on day one, my first co-admin and for the first 3 or 4 years, I couldn't have imagined this site without you at my side. Even though your path took your elsewhere, you still popped around and it was always a pleasure to have you around. You made such an impact on this place that so many of the newer members over the years probably wouldn't even recognize. Thanks for everything, brother.

John: You were my inspiration when you were the Site Runner over on Naruto Revolution and the fact that you became one of my peers always made me so giddy. You're such a talented writer, artist and leader and I wish you would give yourself more credit. Miss you buddy. Hope you're doing well.

Amy: Still got you on Facebook, still keep an eye on you. You're an absolute gem, you're the heart of this place and so many people loved you here. Thanks for contributing to this place in such a big way.

Twinnys: Alex and Alex. Puppy, we had some great chats. I remember you talking to me about your life and your family and it was such an eye opening conversation to have and it really made me respect you in such a serious light, when you were always so playful with me before then. Kitty, you were a beaming light of happiness and every time you were on spamming the chatbox with my name and emoticons I couldn't help but have a chuckle. Thanks guys.

Hugh: The Englishmen with the biggest posts and character applications going around. The Original Jashin who would churn out pages of systems in record time. You're workrate at the time was second to none, and your wisdom as a man in his 20's spilling knowledge onto teenagers like Todd, Dan and myself was always a privilege.

Pat: Pattycakes. Making admin on workload alone, single handedly carrying Applications for months, you were a machine. Absolute legend.

Cyanide Candy: Lauren, you little QT. I knew you'd disappear one day because your love for anime expanded way beyond Naruto. Your posts were also so great and I couldn't believe how somebody so young was creating such well written posts. You were like a little sister to me, I know you're still out there somewhere roleplaying so I hope you stumble back upon this post one day and realize how much you meant to me, thanks honey.

Chris: If I don't do one for you I'm sure I'll fucking hear about it somehow. Honestly Chris, I always felt I liked you a lot more than you liked me. We clashed every now and then because we're both as stubborn as each other but I always had a lot of respect for you. You were one of my favourite roleplayers in this sites entire tenure, I'm so envious of your writing abilities. You always made your posts so interesting, so funny and so smart. I don't ever recall roleplaying with you though, which is a real shame. Maybe next time. Wink

Aaron: To me, in your prime you were the ideal moderator. You were just perfect in every way and when we chatted whether on MSN or Skype you were always such fun. Thanks for everything bud.

Matthew: You were the first person that probably became a personal friend to me, when we would talk about our private lives so seriously on MSN but just be absolute clowns with Kadaj in the chatbox. When you left for the army, I was pretty devastated but you popped back up a couple times and it seriously had me losing my mind every time your name would pop up.

Brad: Another Englishmen who made a big impact on me, you practically filled the void that Matthew left when it came to a big brother on the site. Always so funny, but still so smart. You were an asset to this sites staff team and an asset to my time here, thanks man.

Ulkira and Sophie: You two always kept out the chatbox which played a big role here in regards to peoples stock on the site, which is why I think you two are possibly our biggest unsung heros. You were both moderators here at various points and you were both outstanding. Two of the greatest minds when it came to every aspect of staff work, two of the most talented roleplayers we had on the site. Ulkira, I wish I got to know you better considering you were with us since pretty muc the beginning. Sophie, you are absolutely gorgeous, you are so well spoken and I loved our PM exchanges. You were like a pen-pal and I really miss having to take the time out of what was a busy admin schedule to reply to your messages.

Heida: You fell off the map with the rest of the gang right at the end there, but I really hope you're doing alright. I know there was a lot of people on here you were really close with, so I hope you're still kicking around and our paths cross again. Thanks for everything.

Miguel: Miggles, Migman. I often considered you the biggest success story of what this place was trying to accomplish. I remember seeing you on some forum writing two sentences, you were so young and you came over here and adapted to our intermediate-advanced level of roleplaying and absolutely killed it. Your list of accomplishments both in and out of character are outstanding and watching your development first hand makes me feel like a proud dad. Love you Migman.

Trey: Already gave you a mention in the announcement above, seriously at one time you were blacklisted from every being staff again we clashed that bad. You ended up holding this place together in my absence and running the show. If that isn't a testament to how good you were at the technical aspects of this place I don't know what is. Take care of yourself, mate.

Zack and Meghan: Still have you guys on Facebook too, you're so cute together. Zack, you bagged an absolute hottie and you're not so bad yourself. Thanks for being a part of some ambitious moves in Naruto roleplaying history.

Kyle: kyle pls, cile pls. pls cile. Counterstriking or Minecrafting with you and the boys probably are the fondest memories I have with you, which is unfair because you played a big part on here too. Thanks for always being there for me when I needed to take a load off, bro.

Ceos: Bambi! Harry! Babis! Your another example of an ideal member, everything you did just had such a touch of class to me and I really appreciate everything you've done for this place.

Seriously there's just too many to name:

Eric/Kite, Ivan/Rockboy, Uros/Enzo, Keclie/Anna, James/Z, Hage, Shiro, Caranore, Ruka, Soren, Daedalus, Leighton, Tailbone, Locket, Deme/Elder Sage, Trav/BK, Blaize, Sora, Tony, Megan/Phantom Heart, Jace, Faker, Vergil, Alexis, Cross, Flash, Aries, Yondaime, Kadaj, Sean, Ashin, Kris, Rukasu, Wind, TNT, Brett, Brittany, Osaru, Travis, Roxas, Euphoria, Gabe, Drake, Kaira, Mino, Allie, Hoda, K, Hashi, Lark, Jess, Leon, DCP/Kaxi, Shyke, Dameon, Drew.

There's just too many. I'm really sorry if I missed you. There's almost 3,000 users and I was fortunate enough to be on a first name basis with so many of you. Thanks for everything.

Last edited by Adam on Mon 28 Oct 2019, 4:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
Posts : 1797

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 08 Feb 2016, 6:47 am

I already got a replacement US right here bruh, dunno where you've been:
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 1729

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyFri 12 Feb 2016, 6:17 am

About damn time. I'd compose an eulogy, but the cluster-fuck way the place eased into the coffin, already half rotten, killed that little love.

"So long and thanks for the fish."
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Age : 33
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyThu 18 Feb 2016, 9:29 am

The Snake King will Miss you all and I hope that this Naruto Forum universe will stay alive forever, since it is too hard for me to accept the conclusion of this site. Then Let me say this No matter what happens in life, always Believe in Naruto since he Never gave up on anything.
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Age : 30
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyTue 23 Feb 2016, 11:28 pm

Honestly, I think that US did a lot for me - I hated how it ended.

But something is definitely still being worked on. So for anybody who checks this, expect to hear back (or you could message me personally - I do get notifications of PMs but you could also contact me on Skype for better response time).
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Age : 29
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyWed 24 Feb 2016, 7:03 pm

I was so close to not being mentioned, but then I got a line. :') Thanks, Adamy. <3

I wish I got to become friends with so many people on this forum, but that never happened. Thanks for all the fun in chatbox, it really helped in hard times. I regret not being able to keep up, but I do wish what Alex mentioned happens. So long everyone.
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Posts : 1187

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 07 Mar 2016, 3:00 pm

I took this site off my favourites to try not to come back and cut it out of my life. But I decided to check back and I'm happy I did. Even though I don't get a paragraph, thank you Adam. You made a site that was such a huge part of my life. I've told Migz about this goodbye so hopefully he will check it out as well.
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Dari's Angel
Dari's Angel

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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyTue 15 Mar 2016, 12:53 am

Honestly, it scares me to think about the person I'd be if it weren't for this site. My writing came a long way because of this place but so too did a lot of other skills, most notably the way I deal with people, and I feel like every social success I now enjoy is in some part thanks to the crazy nutters here who nurtured me. I will always have fond memories of this place and the people here. Being here felt like being part of a family, and that's something I know I won't forget.
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Posts : 349

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 21 Mar 2016, 8:19 am

Figured I'd pop in to pay my respects. The original US was a home that I loved dearly. When the migration to the new site happened, I couldn't bring myself to stay because I've always been a bit iffy on change. Regardless, Adam was an incredible webmaster and some of the greatest people I've known were met on Ultimate Shinobi.

Here's to the memories. No matter how old or how new.
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Age : 29
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyFri 06 May 2016, 1:14 pm

When I first saw the site's state, I didn't know what to think. At first I was shocked, then sad, then just happy. It had a good run, attracted a lot of really cool people, and hosted a lot of phenomenal story telling. I started Naruto roleplaying when I was in 5th grade on Onegoo (Reborn), then Ingoo (Revolution), and finally here, each of which points were developmental landmarks for me. Thanks for those who've made stories with me, good friends and good people here. Adios, suckuz.

P.S. Thank for the mention Adam, didn't know if I'd make it on there, charmed.
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Age : 30
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyThu 19 May 2016, 2:48 pm

Well, Adam, I must say, my former frienemy, I am truly appreciative for the fact that I made the cut. Much of my erratic behavior and activity had to deal with fallout of conversion therapy I was going through at the end of high school, and although I didn't want to write or talk about that, I poured myself into creating as seemingly realistic interpretations as possible in terms of character emotion and threw a couple tantrums. In retrospect, Adam and Darius, thank you for putting up with it at the time when you had the choice to simply ban me. Being a part of Ultimate Shinobi got me through one of the roughest patches in my life, connected me to highly talented individuals all around the world, and truly helped give me an image of what I would like to do.

When the road ends, go off-road.

I would like to genuinely stay connected with everyone here, for personal and professional reasons as I attempt to build my business empire that will have much to do with the cyber space (which, as I can already attest, many of us are skilled with- because of being here). So, because we are all full fledged shinobi (I thought one joke would be okay), we must have a unified creed to unite us. I would like to keep this thread, and this thread only, consistently alive. Not flourishing, but alive. Just life updates and casual responses to anyone who is willing to make the commitment. Something to show our many countless hours of writing back-and-forth, sleepless nights on skype, etc. did not go to waste. Even if US aggravated you (Trav), I'm sure you're still out there, because it's not like you can forget it. I think about US every damn time a new episode of Naruto airs and I realize how soon that too will come to a close, hell, even just hearing the word "Naruto".

If, over the years, we are able to maintain this thread, I think it would be a really neat testimony to the power of writing. And writing was the one thing that united all of us. So let us continue to write, please; write back to one another. Let it be the black hole in your life to escape to when all else seems bleak, mundane even; another thing that united us years ago.

Nonetheless, if I am ever at a point to do business with any of you, or potentially offer employment, I would very much like to, as we continue on in life.

If you're on FB, LinkedIn, Google Hangouts, or Skype, please send those through my PMs if you ever drop by, assuming I interacted with you.

That was my last hoo-rah! If none of what I said sticks, I understand, just know my good energy shall always be with you guys. Plus, you'll be hearing about me when I get up there.  

Much love and respect

Thank you Adam, Darius, Becky, Chris, John, Amy, Sophie, Eric, Travis, Zach, Miguel, Alex, Trey, Heida, Mugen. Nomi. Celene.  I cherish the very real conversations I had with several of you, and Chris thank you (please send me your skype again)[/i]
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Age : 30
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyTue 24 May 2016, 4:33 am

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Age : 30
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptySun 05 Jun 2016, 12:17 am

My one post has created a stablely small influx of old members, and i must say i am happy. That said, how are those of you still lingering?
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Posts : 757

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyFri 24 Jun 2016, 5:25 am

What happened to this site:
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 358

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyWed 29 Jun 2016, 3:32 am

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Konoha Nin

Age : 32
Posts : 544

Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyThu 07 Jul 2016, 6:32 am

Miss a bunch of the people on here.
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Mugen Kousen
Mugen Kousen

Age : 33
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyThu 11 Aug 2016, 6:26 pm

You got peoples, skype dont you? Send some messages! We'll have a party!
Rock Lee SPINNY Shino!
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Age : 36
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 29 Aug 2016, 12:04 am

Teardrops Crying or Very sad
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Age : 36
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 29 Aug 2016, 12:04 am

Teardrops Crying or Very sad
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Age : 28
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyFri 16 Sep 2016, 2:53 am

Oh this site..

Way back when I joined I was in a dark place in life. Joining this site was a means of escape from what I could not have in real life. I was a bit of a loner at school and the amount of friends I had I could count on one hand. This site has brought me to so many wonderful people. This site showed me that I could make many more friends and that strangers on the internet were not bad Razz.

Writing on here and talking to the people that also frequented these pages were always the highlights of my day back then. I will always remember the memories I made here, bad or good. Just thinking back in the past is bringing tears to my eyes.

A lot of hours spent writing and reading what others have written. A lot of time spent on Skype with two wonderful lads: Adam and Dari.
Yall two I swear, so silly and a joy to be around. I never did forget our times on minecraft or just the call sessions we would have. I dearly miss the both of yall and seeing yall all grown on FB has made me proud!

Adam: I havent forgotten your voice either! I still thinks its lovely years down the road. I'll always adore you and nothing will change that.

Dari: Oh you. You sir helped keep me happy for the years we were close. I will always cherish the time we had together, and the times we spent in calls. However Ralphie will always be the most handsomest of lads! (May he rest peacefully.)

Amy: You've grown to be so beautiful! I see all that you do in Uni and Im so amazed and proud. You are such a hard worker ... if I did all that you do I would be dead on my feet prolly!

Enzo: Always enjoyed our chats and some advice you given to me. I hope you are doing well!

Chris: Much like Adam I have envied your writing. I was always amazed at the quality. I hope you are also doing well and still continue to write in some form.

I believe I joined here when I was 15. I am now 20, and boy have I grown. And thanks to the people here and this site I think I have grown for the better.

I have so much to say, but I have no idea how to put it all down into words. Just know that when ever I think about Ultimate Shinobi my eyes well up faster than you can snap. I will always treasure this place.

I do have Skype and discord if anyone wants to Send me messages through that just send a message and I'll add ya!

Skype: bunnehofdoom
Discord: Celene #1293

Love yall <3
Celene\'s Emote
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Age : 93
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyTue 04 Oct 2016, 6:37 am

Miss you all :c
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Mugen Kousen
Mugen Kousen

Age : 33
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptySun 09 Oct 2016, 11:59 pm

I miss the taste of your bloo-er...I mean tears...uh...No wait! I miss....lamp! I miss lamp.
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Age : 32
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyMon 31 Oct 2016, 7:25 am

Still dropping by it seems
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Konoha Nin

Age : 32
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road EmptyFri 04 Nov 2016, 3:20 am

Everyone does just to see who is still coming around.
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Seven Years On: The End of the Road Vide
PostSubject: Re: Seven Years On: The End of the Road Seven Years On: The End of the Road Empty

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