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Current Open Clan List

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Current Open Clan List Vide
PostSubject: Current Open Clan List Current Open Clan List EmptySat 13 Feb 2010, 1:12 am

Current Open Clans

Here is a list of clans that members on the site have already made and have listed as "open". This means that they have created the clan for other members on the site to use as well, not only themselves. Though there may still be requirements from the clan owner such as PMing them for acceptance, or your character must be in a certain village etc. These requirements will be added to the clan details below if there are any.

Asagami Clan
Asagami Clan members have a unique doujutsu which lets them 'see' the pain in the target. They also have an affinity with the wind element, and are talented in the art of taijutsu.
RequirementsYou must get Permission from owner via PM. Only 9 spot open.

Asakura Clan
The Asakura Clan members have no kekkei genkai, but contain a good few secret clan techniques revolving chakra made weapon-shaped fighting tools.
Requirements: Ask permission from owner via PM

Ashigaru Clan
A unique clan which has mastered the power of fear, which offers members uniques bonuses in battle. They are talented and adept in physical combat.
Requirements:You must get Permission from owner via PM

Blue Path
A clan which possesses the Morph Element, an insane thirst for knowledge and almost bordering on mental illness. They have the ability to sponge other materials and gain that material's properties for their own use.
Requirements:You must get Permission from owner via PM; 4 positions available (3).

Cauthon Clan
Mind chakras are a set of chakras that allow the character to enter the mind of another and do damage. Once the user has probed into the mind of an opponent he can do a manner of all things to him. It is used in a way that genjutsu is and is strictly genjutsu based.
Requirements: Must have owner's permission via PM

Chi Kitachi
A clan that has the ability to transform into a certain animal, based on the tattoo that they wear
RequirementsYou must get Permission from Caranore

Daosumite Clan
Daosumite clan members possess a special clan ink which they can write out Fuuinjutsu in symbol or glyph form, rather than legible Kanji either on a surface or in the air itself.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Devora Clan
This clan has the ability to desertificate everything around them using this for their advanced Jinton Release.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Fenik Clan
This clan has the bloodline release known as Fenton [Phoenix Release] which allows them to use a unique type of flame to heal wounds, much like that of the mythical phoenix bird.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Hakedoro Clan
The Hakedoro clan possess the ability to create and manipulate smoke. Often they use a medium such as cigarettes or pipes but they are capable of creating smoke from within their bodies and possess powerful lungs.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM, Maximum of 12 members

Hara Clan
The Hara Clan has the ability to manipulate the hair on their body to an abnormal extent. They use this talent for both offensive and defensive purposes. Clan members are also quite efficient with Fuuinjutsu techniques.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Hinote Clan
This clan has the bloodline release known as Enton [Blaze Release]. This allows clan members to produce an extremely powerful flame by combining fire and wind charka.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Hougaku Clan
The members of the Hougaku clan all possess a special aura of augmented chakra in combination with their special 'Pull Chakra', in which they can extend their chakra system in a sphere around themselves. This essencially gives the members dominion or authority over this area, which allows them the ability to manipulation the space within the area in many different and unique ways.
Requirements: Now Closed to the Public

Joushi Clan Members of the Joushi Clan excel in genjutsu making clan members extremely deadly in the art of illusions.
Requirments: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kaihaku Clan
The Kaihaku clan have a doujutsu that which allows them to manipulate metal materials. They're also weapon masters.
Requirments: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kaitou Clan
The Kaitou clan possess the ability to create and manipulate sound and sound particles. They are able to perform sound-integrated techniques of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kakumei Clan
The Kakumei Clan have a special form of chakra called “Hunger Chakra”. It is tangible when expelled from the body as opposed to normal chakra. Whenever Hunger Chakra comes in contact with regular chakra it “devours” the regular chakra, hence its name.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kasui Clan
The Kasui Clan is Kumogakure's sensory masters. They have the inate ability of a doujutsu which has evolved their senses, specifically granting them the ability of Clairvoyance and Clairsentience.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM, Only avaliable to Kumo Nin

Kazura Clan
The Kazura Clan uses condensed form of Fuuton and Katon; able to make explosive effects. They're quite noticeable for their wings.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM[/b]

Kitsuki Clan
The Kitsuki Clan specialize in genjutsu and the Fuuton element. They also have a doujutsu capable of better sight as well as track down other life sources so long as they have seen them before.
Requirments: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kiyo Clan
The Kiyo have no Kekkei Genkai. Though They are incredibly skilled in fishing, and in general creativity and nature.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Konsui Clan
The Konsui Clan has the ability to store their chakra within a seal given at birth and use this to hibernate and preserve their body for long periods of this. They can also produce a protective barrier against suspecting enemies.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kurotsuki Clan
A powerful clan that has the ability to ingest others 'ailments' taking them on themselves to cure targets. This being the foundation of their Toxic Release.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM. High Requirements into this clan

Kyru Clan
The Kyru Clan members are advanced weapons users who specialise in the Bow & Arrow. They are renowned around the world as sharpshooters, this image is supported by their unique 'Archery Eye' Doujutsu.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Kyuudousha Clan
The Kyuudousha Clan have quiet the unique doujutsu. It gives the power to collect various information from evidences such as footprints, blood, small cuts on a tree or grass and other things.
Requirements: Incredibly good personalities, no bad or evil. Ask Owner for Permission via PM

Masayume Clan
Members of the Masayume Clan have the ultimate control of the dream world using their unique doujutsu, the Sleepy Eyes.
Requirements: Ask Owner for Permission via PM

Meikiri Clan
Members of the Meikiri clan can manipulate and control forms of mist. They can also utilize blood in the making of mist, known as 'Blood Mist'. Members have become to intune with this ability that have possess an array of deadly traits along with it.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Megami Clan
A powerful clan which is capable of regulating their own temperature by tapping into their emotions. What the clan is best known for is their manipulation and control over Magma.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM, High Entry Requirements.

Metaru Clan
A clan which is known for using self generated magnetic fields to manipulate and control metal. Best Known for the most infamous series of techniques based around Iron Sand.
Requirements: Open, Only available to Suna Nin

Musami Clan
Members of this clan have chakra in an electric form. They have a natural affinity with Raiton and can produce thunder as a form of sound waves. The clan also has a contract with Mosquito. Though the latter is optional.
Requirements: Open, Must ask Z's permission via PM

Naito Clan
This clan posses secret clan techniques mostly concerning kenjuts. The clan also specializes with Katon and Fuuton; a few ninjutsu and summonings, too.
Requirements: Open, Must ask user's permission via PM

Narame Clan
The Narame clan possess the ability to manipulate and control special crystals which they have been bestowed apon birth. This special crystal has special abilities such as absorbing charka from opponents.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Necromite Clan
Members of this clan get a special second chance at at life which offers them unique abilities, ranging from a Necrotic Chakra to a special teir of Doujutsu. All of which offers them great power from the undead.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Nenshou Clan
The Nenshou members have the advanced element of Ash. Not fire!
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM, 1/4

Ookami Clan
A clan of Nin who are as much wolf as human. These half wolfs possess a number of wolf based traits and benefit from increased speed, awareness and have access to range of related weapons
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Oparu Clan
Oparu Clan members possess the doujutsu Kusarisuki (Chain Eyes) which allows members to channel their chakra in chain shapes, giving them access to many deadly techniques.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Shihoin Clan
This clan's doujutsu are dependent on the user. The abilities of this eye are based on advantages strictly for taijutsu. The ability of this eye is the understanding of movement and the speed of eye movement. The main clan ability also lies in Taijutsu. The clan member can take their special white chakra and materialize it around their bodies. This enhances their entire body for hand to hand combat.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Shinobu Clan
Member's of the Shinobu Clan aren't born with normal bodies. Instead, their bodies are made of odd, algae like particles. They also have the ability to take algae out of their system and manipulate it. Because of this, they have the ability to do certain jutsu. The clan members also possess a strange doujutsu.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Shiyounin Clan
The Shiyounin follow the orders of their god and receive divine powers through him. Their god, Hiruko, does not promote violence and thus the clan members are able to inflict heavy damage and effectively 'kill' opponents without physically harming them.
Requirements: Open, But PM required with RP sample and what your goals with a Shiyounin are.

Shokobutsukon Clan
The Shokobutsukon (Shoko) Clan is an offshoot of the Senju clan that utilizes the Plant Element, along with using five different styles, and a variety of special traits.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Shouyuuki Clan
The Shouyuuki Clan are capable of seeing all the human's systems.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Sousakara Clan
The Sousakara clan possess the Kekkei Genkai Shikisōsa, which allows members to utilize several characteristic such as the Irohenkō, Dermis, Doujutsu, Kamiiro and the addition of the Sumiton [Ink] Element; whilst being colour-influence.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM, must be based in Konoha.

Suihou Clan
The Suihou Clan uses the advanced element of bubbles.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Suijouki Clan
The Suijuiki clan possess the advanced element known as Jouton (Steam Release) a combination of both water and fire.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Taru Clan
Members of the Taru clan have the ability to manipulate, control and produce the unique element of tar from their body. The tar can be used to trap the enemy, or hardened to form deadly physical attacks.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Tetsumi Clan
A well-known clan based and originally found in Konohagakure. The Tetsumi Clan specialises in Paper Manipulation. They also have a indepth knowledge of advanced weaponary.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM, preferred Konoha.

Tomoko Clan
The Tomoko Clan can access one's memories and possibly manipulate them with chakra.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM.

Tsuchii Clan
The Tsuchii Clan have the advanced element of 'ray' which are released through a doujutsu.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM.

Waku-Waku Kamonohashi Clan
The Waku-Waku Kamonohashi Clan has the ability to competely transform into the animal Platypus gaining all their physical traits and characteristics.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM.

Yamazaru Clan
A clan which is known for their great fuuinjutsu skills, and lives on Mt Skukyou. They specialise in Animal Sealing techniques and have a bond with the Primate Species.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM

Yazura Clan
Yazura Clan members have a much large chakra reserve than others.
Requirements: Must ask owner's permission via PM
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