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Sweet Disposition. [P]

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The Boss

Age : 30
Posts : 8965

Sweet Disposition. [P] Vide
PostSubject: Sweet Disposition. [P] Sweet Disposition. [P] EmptyFri 06 Aug 2010, 1:54 pm

Sweet Disposition.
Nakamura, Arashii
Hyuuga, Demo
Sousakara, Ahora

Sweet Disposition. [P] Tears10

It had almost been an entire week since the Mizukage of Kirigakure no Sato, Arashii Nakamura, had sent out his messengers to a village each. Kumogakure no Sato, Sunagakure no Sato and Konohagakure no Sato. The point of this was to gather the four Kages for a Summit, hosted by the Mizukage in a neutral country, which ended up being the Land of Tea. Sairento, the messenger he had sent to Sunagakure had already returned, but not before Kiiro, the messenger he had sent to Kumogakure. However, Hayai, the messenger he had sent to Konohagakure, hadn’t returned yet. Which concerned Arashii for a few reasons, he wondered if the Hokage and the shinobi of the leaf acted in a hostile nature towards his messenger, or perhaps Hayai had been ambushed by some Rogue Ninja on the way. Whatever the scenario, it was unsettling. Arashii would have to see how it all panned out, he knew that the Kazekage and Raikage had received their messages and the invitation, which was in weapon form, a kunai to be exact and with days passing by, almost blending together, it was time for Arashii to prepare for his journey to Tea County and begin the Kage Summit. Over the last few days, Arashii was going through many files, which had information on all the Jounin of Kirigakure no Sato. Arashii was permitting each Kage to bring two escorts, so they’re trip to the Land of Tea was a bit safer for all of them. He already was bringing along his good friend, Ahora. But he had that spare spot and there were a few names that he was throwing into the air. Saigo Kouzetsu, a Kenjutsu master like Arashii, was one option. Hatake, Marcus was another. However, he couldn’t go past Hyuuga, Demo. The abilities that come with the Byakugan were just too much to turn a blind eye too. He eventually made the decision to bring Demo and Ahora. Ahora’s seals would come in handy if something happened and Demo’s Byakugan would predict any possible threat due to chakra flow in the room. However, he would have to make some adjustments, if he just entered the room with a Hyuuga, the other Kages would be very suspicious of the Mizukage and his associates and if they did plan to ambush them with some sort of attack, they would be much more resourceful, knowing that he had a Hyuuga with an active Byakugan standing right behind him.

Arashii was in his own house when he began preparing himself. He slipped into a plate of light armour, just in case something was to happen, putting a black top over the top of it. Strapping on his shinobi pack to his right leg, which was stocked up with senbon, smoke bombs, explosive pouches and the special kunai he was to take to the meeting. He then grabbed out his two small sealing scrolls and stuck them into little holsters that sat on the right hip of his utility belt. The scrolls were host to fifty katana’s, twenty-five in each. Arashii then attached his Maraikou blade, which sat firmly in its holster, onto his right hip above the sealing scrolls. Finally placing his Mizukage robe over the top of it all. He was completely dressed, only leaving his face and head to dress, which would be covered with a light blue bandanna, to cover his mouth and nose and the traditional Kage hat, Mizukage style. Tying the bandanna around the back of his head and placing the hat on top of his messy hair, only his eyes could be seen. Arashii was ready, it would take almost a day and a half to travel across the ocean and then another day to actually reach the location. Arashii set out to meet his two escorts at the Village Entrance and from there they would continue their journey. Arashii moved to the balcony of the top floor of his mansion. He shut the door and leapt off the balcony, jumping from roof to roof, quickly approaching the Village Entrance, he’d hope that Demo and Ahora would be there waiting for him when he arrived.
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Posts : 372

Sweet Disposition. [P] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Disposition. [P] Sweet Disposition. [P] EmptySat 07 Aug 2010, 12:33 am

The morning sun peaked through the blinds of the small apartment, causing quite a stir in the room. Once the rays of slim light touched Demo's face, warming it, he awoke from his sleep. His white eyes pierced the remaining darkened areas in his room. His eyes roamed the room as he dreaded getting out of bed. That was when he found the letter laying on his floor, which, had been slipped under his door. With a quick swift of his arm, he sprang out of bed, tackling the letter.

The letter contained information on a mission that not many ninja in the village would ever have the pleasure in doing. Demo was to meet the Mizukage at the gates of Kirigakure, to act as an escort for him to a special meeting known as a Kage Summit. This meeting would be held by the Mizukage, Raikage and Kazekage; the most powerful and well known shinobi in the present world. The power the three had over the greatest of the world's power was a bit frightening, and the three meeting was much more horrifying. However, Demo knew his duty as both a shinobi and as an escort. As soon as he was done reading the letter, he tore it to shreds and placed it in his small fireplace, which he would ignite the day he returned to Kirigakure. With that, he prepared himself for the long, dangerous mission.

It was only moments after reading the letter that Demo's dressers were torn apart, the drawers hanging slightly from their slots, clothes flung all over the place, papers everywhere also. Upon looking for his jounin jacket, Demo had found something that he hardly ever wore, and had no knowledge as to why he had it. In a box, that had been in his closet, Demo had a set of clothing which were all black and would conform to body shape. Seeing as he would need to look more professional, and look as though he was not the one to mess with, he had pulled the clothes from the box and slipped them on. Underneath the chest area of the clothing, was a slim, very slim, plastic plate. The clothes really showed off his body composition, however, his attention was pulled away from this when he saw that there was one last thing in the box. A mask, a black mask with a red question mark bared upon it to be exact. Demo quickly picked it up, and slid it on his face. "This could hide my identity as a Hyuuga...." he thought as he opened his window, climbing out of it, and closing it behind him as he leaped off towards the village entrance.

In under five minutes, Demo had arrived at the gates, and from there he awaited for the Mizukage to arrive with possibly another escort. While waiting, Demo tied his headband around the top of his arm, near his shoulder.
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Age : 30
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Sweet Disposition. [P] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Disposition. [P] Sweet Disposition. [P] EmptySun 08 Aug 2010, 4:09 pm

She didn't exactly know why she had to be insomniac this particular night out of any, but as it would turn out; she was. Tonight would have been the night that she needed the nicest, most filled sleep of her entire life especially as she had the most important mission ahead of her. She had conducted and accomplished many missions in her life, many of them escorts mission but this particular escort mission was that of complete and utter importance to Kirigakure and it's leader Arashii. She along with another shinobi; a Hyuuga, Hyugga Demo were to escort the Mizukage into the land of Tea and act as his primary bodyguards in an extremely important meeting of Kage's. From what she knew, 3 members from each village would attend and would discuss that of the new world. She wasn't all that for politics, but she was keen to meet new people.

Several hours later saw Ahora finish that of her packing and seal it away into a tiny mole-like spec on her flawless skin on the inside of her right knee. Hardly noticeable and utterly useless to anyone but herself, Ahora was prepared for the trip. The night before, Ahora visited Demo's house whilst he slept and slipped the mission-document underneath the doorway for him to awake. Each and every Kiri shinobi should be prepared for anything at all time and she had complete faith that Demo would find the document, read it and do as was assigned. For massive credibility as a respected ninja of Kiri, he would have too. And so, Ahora departed out of the door of her apartment, yes - a door, an object in which ninja rarely use as opposed to a window or a balcony. But, she ventured from her place and casually, without a care in the world walked towards the massive gates of Kirigakure no Sato . She would arrive exactly 1minute later then the expected schedule and would not give a damn, because after all; she was in care of her life.

She arrived at the gates of the village precisely on the time she planned too, late and in the vicinity of the other escort, Hyuuga Demo. She could tell by the way he stood and dressed that he was a serious one, dedicated and devoted to all that was important to him - and in this particular case, the mission. That was a good thing to bring. The only thing which worried Ahora about the upcoming mission was that the Hyuuga may have felt a bit disconnected from the well-established bonds and relationship-of-sorts the Mizukage and Ahora shared. She infinitely hoped it didn't affect his decision making in anyway, but she couldn't be too sure. As she approached the other escort Ahora began speaking in a hypocritical fashion, "BAH! Stupid Arashii, Always late to important things like this... Next time we should escort him right from his bedroom if we want things to go to plan." She said this jokingly but in a completely non-joking manner. This resulted in a subliminal test for the Hyuuga to undertake to see what type of a person he was to Ahora and to "suss" him out, so to speak. She was curious to see how he would react to that statement and stood opposite the Hyuuga in an "I own the place" stance with hands on hips. She loved fooling people around.
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The Boss

Age : 30
Posts : 8965

Sweet Disposition. [P] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Disposition. [P] Sweet Disposition. [P] EmptyMon 09 Aug 2010, 8:37 am

The dirt on the roofs flicked back fiercely each time Arashii leapt onto the next rooftop. His speed picked up as he approached the gates, his feet hitting a long extended rooftop allowing him to sprint very quickly before the next jump. He neared the village entrance some more as he swung from a bar that held up a sign over a roof, he liked the enjoyment in traveling across the roof, the free-running was always great experience and it was healthy for the Mizukage to have fun every now and then. Having some fun before such an important moment in his life was just what he needed. He finally was there; sticking to the right of the wall Arashii noticed his comrades still hadn’t seen him. He channelled a portion of chakra to his feet, Arashii shifted to running up the side of the wall, gradually making progress up it until he was actually on top of it; he continued to run across the top, passing two guards, one after the other. Arashii finally was just about above the actual gate, he was slightly to the left. Arashii looked down to see his comrades who were pretty small from the height he was at. Arashii decided it was time to grant them with his presence, he was now stationary. Looking down at them, Arashii stepped off the edge of the top of the wall, down into the village below, he placed his right hand and right foot against the smooth wall as he slid down the side, finally hit the ground a few metres from his escorts. ”Glad you could make it.” he greeted them pleasantly. ”Ahora, Demo; I’m sure you are both aware of your mission, this is deadly serious-“ he paused looking over to Ahora, these were usually the times she’d cut in and make a smartass remark, but he hoped she’d know better this time.

Arashii continued. ”We will be heading to Tea immediately to meet with the other Kages, your number one priority is my safety, my protection.” he stopped once more for what somebody could say was dramatic effect. ”Whether it’s from any Rogues that will be foolish enough to attack us on our journey or whether the meeting takes a wrong turn, you’ll be there to back me up against whatever forces come our way and find me a quick exit.” Arashii let his comrades take it in once more as he took a breath before continuing to debrief them. ”Unfortunately, each other Kage has been granted two escorts each, so if things do go wrong odds won’t be on our side unless it’s an all-out brawl.” Arashii ran his fingers through his hair during the pause as he gave them their one last order. ”At the Summit, you are not required to talk, unless spoken too. Everything about who you are should be anonymous, accept your names. They will be given when pleasantries are exchanged.” Arashii looked at his two escorts, he was satisfied with his decision. ”Any questions before we begin our voyage? My cruiser is waiting at the docks, so make it quick.” Arashii waited for any responses or questions from either Ahora or Demo.

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Posts : 372

Sweet Disposition. [P] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Disposition. [P] Sweet Disposition. [P] EmptyThu 19 Aug 2010, 10:51 am

The Mizukage looked as if he had mysterious motives, that of maybe a thief, or maybe a mastermind. He slid down the wall as he address Ahora and himself. Seeing as he was in the presence of he who led the Village Hidden in the Mist, he took his mask off as he both silently, and respectfully, listened to the Mizukage.

The leader spoke swift, however he also seemed to tint his lecture with respect, yet authority in his voice. The summit they were going to attend would be granted with the presence of the strongest shinobi throughout the world. The Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Hokage were these leaders. However, Demo knew very, very little about them, even his own leader he knew very little about. As he listened to the Mizukage finish his lecture to the both of them, he straightened his posture, readying himself to ask a question. However, in the back of his own mind, Demo questioned the chances they had if they were to be ambushed by the Kages' and their escorts, he questioned as to what would be held in that meeting room, and lastly, he questioned the fate of Kirigakure, and the world.

After about five minutes, maybe ten, the Mizukage asked if they had any questions. Demo quickly spoke, "My Lord, to preserve the fact that you have a Hyuuga member within your escorts, I have treated myself with this mask which will easily hide my eyes from the others. Would this mask be alright? Also, considering the fact I can use the Byakugan, I can tell when a shinobi will begin to use a jutsu, and other important things as well. Is there any specific signal or sign I should give to inform you that a shinobi within the room with using chakra whatsoever?" he asked as he kept his white eyes darted on the brilliant, sharp face of the Mizukage. This mission sure would prove that Kirigakure isn't, a village to mess with.
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