Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptyMon 12 Jul 2010, 2:09 am

Attention all Suna members activity in this thread is mandatory unless otherwise exempted by the kage. Nin are expected to arrive combat ready with the view to travelling on mass to river to take part in a large scale wargame

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend 2561394

You find yourself in monument square awash with the cries of the tired, the shouts of the Jounin and sounds of weapons being sharpened. Per directive 78 the Kage, in his infallible wisdom, has decided to conduct a major field operation. He is eager to test Suna’s operational performance and without a convenient war at hand to do so has decided to fake one. With this in mind, you and all other non-essential Shinobi currently on the duty roster are under orders to attend monument square to sign in for kit checks and general inspection in preparation for shipping out to river where blue and blue war games will take place.

In spite of the energy draining sun that stared hatefully down on this most scorching of villages you find the usually sedate square buzzing with activity, perhaps not surprising given the orders. Largely walled off from public access the broad plaza is now replete with a make shift parade ground, kunai range, armoury and all manner of large military issue campaign tents where doubtless Suna’s more senior Nin where sensibly hiding from the Sun. The parade ground itself was brimming with over a 1000 Shinobi of all shape, gender and skill sweating profusely as the Jounin put them through their steps and segregated them into groups in preparation to leave.

After waiting in the small queue that has formed at the entrance to this makeshift compound you finally get to the front where a haggard chuunin checks you off his clipboard gives you a 24 hour ration pack and tells you to report to the central square in readiness to leave. Equipment is available from the armoury (the usual fair: kunai, wire, exploading tags etc) if needed.

For the purposes of this thread you are only expected to post your arrival. When everyone is assembled I will post again and we will head off to river where the full details of the war games shall be revealed. Feel free to rp with others, restock on equipment (post any basic equipment you would like and the quantity and I will add it to your app if reasonable) or just enjoy exploring the make shift military camp
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptyFri 16 Jul 2010, 3:26 am

In stark contrast with the gentle lie-in the inhabitants had had the pleasure of enjoying the Sunday just gone, the entire town was in uproar at some horrendously early hour the following Monday. Their feared and revered Kazekage Ichushiro had issued an unexpected and immediate order for all shinobi of militant ability to congregate in the Monument Square. From the eager but inexperienced Genin to the hardened yet weary Jounin and above, such trials were received with, at best, mixed feelings. Some apprehensive, others excited but most simply tired as the given deadline for 'check-in' was daybreak. The sun had barely poked its glowing head over the sprawling, sandstone village and yet half of the entire population was mobilizing. For Kasumi Satake, it was especially irksome. A Jounin of Sunagakure no Sato, she was expected to lead by example and possibly take charge of certain tasks upon arrival - she did not know yet what contribution she would be making. Either way, it was an even earlier, brisker start to the day for the high-ranking kunoichi.

Her usual morning ritual of washing, followed by partially dressing, then breakfast and finally fully dressing had been completed in double quick time. All that was left was to gear up and get going. Opening the unassuming door in her bedroom wall, shelves and drawers stocked full of weapons and items revealed themselves in the dim light of dawn. Standard equipment - kunai, shuriken, exploding tags, smoke bombs and wire - were swiftly packed into her larger hip-pouch. Next, her personal tanto. The twin blades needed no pouch and instead latched directly onto her belt, each covered by a small leather sheath. Opening the smaller of the two pouches, she carefully added a small packet of blue pills and a small packet of green pills. One for offense, one for defense, she never went on any combat mission or drill without them.

Only now did she notice that, in her haste, she had forgotten to don her carbon-fibre undershirt. Quickly removing her tighly-fitted jacket she pulled the jerkin around her chest and latched it in place. Not only the undershirt, but her bracer weaponry had been forgotten too - her prized Beruken. Impossibly small and thin, she strapped the two 'veiled blades' to her wrists and pulled her gloves on over the top. Slipping her jacket back over her torso and briefly fiddling with its arrangement for comfort purposes, she scanned the shelves and drawers one last time for any forgotten items. All as it should be, she closed and locked her cache and turned to leave. However, it seemed she would not be allowed to get to the square just yet, as her closest companion Rinji was sat right in front of her. Blocking the way would be an inappropriate description of his actions, his diminutive figure making this a virtual impossibility. The look on his feline face however, suggested he was not letting Kasumi leave right now.

"Rin, what on earth do you think you are doing?" The small cat simply coughed and frowned at the kunoichi. "No. It's far too dangerous." The female Jounin stepped forward to walk around the cat and to the door, and for once, Rinji had nothing to say. Instead, he silently padded behind the woman and, just before the door closed behind her, darted outside. Kasumi being too preoccupied with contemplating the day ahead, his actions escaped his mistress' notice and he nimbly made his way onto a low rooftop, keeping his head down and following the Jounin. As for her, Kasumi was indeed busy thinking about what lay before her. She hadn't given it much thought until now, but a village-wide mobilization for military training? It seemed a little unecessary and unwarranted. It led her to suspect something else could be in the offing in the not-too-distant future.

Banishing such thoughts for the time being, the kunoichi reached the square and made a beeline for the currently small queue to check in. One of the very first to arrive it seemed, despite her delays. As it should be Kasumi, lead by example. She silently reminded herself. Submitting her pouches to be checked for quality was not something that pleased the female Jounin however. Indignant that her items would be of anything less than the very highest standard, she handed them over somewhat begrudgingly, looking away nonchalantly as the officials rummaged through her first pouch. "Oh ho. What's this?" She heard from behind her. Turning immediately, Kasumi noted the cause of the Chuunin's comment straight away. Cream-coloured fur with sooty tips, a charcoal necktie and a red cloth worn like a jacket - Rinji had followed her. Sat next to her items to be checked, looking rather proud of himself, the little cat cocked his head at Kasumi. After a moment of silence, the kunoichi sighed resignedly and opened her jacket a little. Immediately, her companion leaped in and found a comfortable position.

"Everything is in order, Kasumi-sama. And here is your ration pack for the day." The young Chuunin announced, placing all her equipment and an extra, dull red package carefully to one side. "I don't even think you'll need to see the armorer..." He added jokingly. Flashing a brief smile in return, the female Jounin quicky reattached and repackaged her gear. A few minutes later, the undershirt and Beruken both needing a good minute or so to re-equip, she turned and headed for the central area, weaving her way around statues and fountains built to make this place appealing to the general public. Just for now, however, they seemed quite unecessary. Reaching the central square allowed Kasumi to finally survey the scene before her. Amongst the ornamental additions to the square, various stalls and stations had been set up to help prepare the shinobi of Sunagakure. The armory looked particularly busy and the kunoichi managed a half-smile at the thought that she, at least, would not need to queue there.

The square was rapidly filling with the village's military force - shinobi of all ranks and ages were streaming in, the line at check in now thrice the size it had been when Kasumi had arrived. Optimistically, she decided to scan the crowds for any familiar faces.
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Age : 35
Posts : 1492

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptySun 18 Jul 2010, 5:05 pm

Reserved for when character is completed and approved (sorry Hugh, Ill get the others rolling shortly)
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptySun 18 Jul 2010, 6:31 pm

Last week was full of excitement and good will. The village's crime rate had decreased by 8% and that was a new record again this year. Crime had been decreasing constantly for a few years now under the rule of the new Kazekage's iron fists. Renjiro and his team had spent a lot of time separately and now this ... a war-game ... what was the Sunagakure council thinking. The world wasn't that active in warfare but Renjiro guessed it was because the Kazekage thought it would be better to test his armies abilities before rather than having them tested in battle.

Every day last week Renjiro was at the genin training areas training his Senju Mokuton jutsus and trying new combinations of them. As he was in the middle of a new combination a group of little hawks came along to the training area dropping off the same letter to everyone. Renjiro took the letter off of the tiny hawk which had landed on Renjiros shoulder. “Thank you little one” he said reaching into his pocket and getting out a bag of wheat seeds. “Here you go” he said opening the bag and placing it on the ground. The hawk jumped onto the ground and started eating. “The miracles of nature” he then laughed.

As he began reading the letter his thought went back to his training and words from the Senju elders ‘One day there will be a time in which people will need a leader on the battlefield. That time people will look upon the Senju clan’s members for guidance‘. Renjiro smiled and got up walking towards his house. ‘It’s an early start so I must get to bed early’ he thought as he ran off to his apartment.

It was 11pm and Renjiros alarm went off. RING! RING! RING! It went as he was snoring loudly. “Huh ... What ... oh ... stupid alarm ...” he said as he rolled over and turned the alarm off. He jumped out of bed and towards the wardrobe “Official Senju war gear it is”. He grabbed his Senju embroided gi top and hakamas. He put on armour before putting on his typical outfit and finishing it off with his Sunagakure headband. When he was dressed he made his way out of the apartment, locked it up and jumped towards the general meeting place. He made it there by 11.45pm. It was about time for the war-games to start.

As he landed down by the square he could see hundreds of people already there. He made his way through the mass of ninjas towards the armoury. When he managed to get into it the old scared man said ”Well little one what do you want” “A standard kit with smoke bombs and extra kunai and explosive tags” ”Fine” he hands him a pack of 30 kunais 20 shuriken 20 meters of steel wire, 40 explosive tags and 10 smoke bombs. “Thank you Sir!” ”Sure ... NEXT!”. With that Renjiro walked on and sat down next to the armoury tent. He started unpacking the gear and placing it in his ninja pouch and protected pockets in his gi top. When he was finished he looked around at the masses of people. “Wow there sure is a lot of people here” he said as he headed off into the crowd hoping to find his team mates or his sensei.
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptyTue 20 Jul 2010, 10:24 pm

Initake's dreams had been slightly... strange lately. He had various things happening to he and people he knew, and in very strange ways. For example, one time he was in the administration building, and a giant scorpion would run out and sting him, and he would have to use his abilities in order to defeat the strange dreamland abomination.

Except, this time was different. Suna was ablaze, fire set to everything imaginable, and Initake was the only man left alive within the village. If he had awoken to something like this, he surely would commit suicide, there was no way, even with his strong will and spirit, would be able to stand something like this.

Initake awoke in a flash. He sat up in his bed, breathing quite heavily. He was sweating more than usual, even though it was Summer here in Sunagakure. He sighed, assuring himself that it was only a dream, for everything around him was perfectly aligned and fine.

He got himself out of bed a few moments later, for he liked his rest, and hopped in the shower. At this point, it was about ten in the morning. He had to report to the Monument Square in about two hours or so, for the big event that the Kazekage was planning, the Suna war-games.

Initake had been training quite frequently recently, and he knew he would like the war-games, especially if it would include fighting those of possibly other villages and those of his own village, mostly if they were of higher rank. He liked to compare himself with that of chuunin status, for his power was growing, day by day.

He cleared his mind to nothing but the lukewarm running water that was splashing on his back. He needed his mind to be clear and calm if he was to do anything well. After he was nice and clean, though he was sure his cleanliness wouldn't last long, he jumped out of the shower, clothed himself, and walked through the hallway of his apartment to his kitchen, and he made himself some toast, and a bowl of cereal, to refresh himself for the day's events.

He walked out his front door, and into the smoldering hot Summer day of Sunagakure, and he walked out there at the worst of times, high noon. Sweat beads dropped down his face, and the rest of his body, he felt like he was going to die due to a heat stroke or something like that. He hated the heat, he just liked the city so much that he could not leave.

He walked west, toward Monument Square, to go to the war-games. Many people were roaming the street today, for whenever shinobi had something going on, the ordinary people had to see what they were doing, and be caught in the awe of the shinobi's power.

He passed by many running shinobi on his way there, trying to be some of the first. Regardless if Initake had a low patience level, if it was something beneficial to others besides him, he would wait. And this was beneficial for the whole village.

As he got into monument square, it was filled ad swarmed with possibly hundreds of shinobi. he never knew Suna had so many. This was a big event, but he had no idea how big. As Initake got in line, the Sun seemed to beat down even harder on him. He panted frequently. He now regretted not bringing any water.

As he neared the front, a cool breeze swept through. it wasn't cool, just cooler than the hot, humid air. He got to the front of the line. He then presented himself.

"Initake Inuzuka, Sunagakure Genin." This was all he said. He needed no more words. he didn't care to speak much. The chuunin searched through his list, and sent him through.

Initake received his one day ration pack, and he was on his way. He went to the armory, approached the counter of it. " Thirty feet of barbed wire. Fifteen smoke bombs, and forty shuriken and kunai respectively. I know it is quite a large order."

He received his items, and payed the man. Initake was now satisfied and ready to go. He approached central square. When he got there, he ran into the middle, and sat on top of the large water fountain in the middle, above where the water came out. He hated being wet, so he just settled for the cool air that the fountain's water produced. It was quite refreshing. He hoped to see some of his former team, or at least some of his friends or someone he knew. He knew everyone, so that was no object.
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptyWed 28 Jul 2010, 6:23 am

"Ahhh Im going to be late!"

The sound was rushing in his head. Blaize had recived noticed on what was going on a bit earlier then the rest of suna's Shinobi. At least in the case were he was assisned to help out the chuunin in expecting the upcomming shinobi. Blaize was stuck within a general shop were he was trying to get himself on more common medical supplies for the rest of suna. He sent an order in the night before and was waiting on the order a few hours later. After what seems to be like eternity the man that was heading off the shop gave him the case of medical supplies for suna's shinobi. Happly Blaize gave the money and nodded into appriciation. Blaize was now ready to get himself to suna Memorial area.

Now amongst his short travel he was thinking on how all of this came about. It was a few hours before the light of the sun enclosed in suna's territory. It was the sound of a bird clipping its beak to the sound of the window. It took a while to take blaize off of his slumber. He awomkn with slight vision and unknown to what is going on as the bird continues to bang its peak to the window. To that Blaize finally got up wearing sweatpants and a t shirt to open the window to let the bird inside. what was this bird doind here at this time was the main thing on his mind.

Well it did not take long for the bird to accept his invitation. The Bird flew in with what appeared to be two scrolls and a note around them. To which he let go and let it plump on his bed. The bird looked at him for a moment without moving. Blaize looked at the bird and tilted his head as he went along to reach the memo. as that happend the bird chirrped and then flew away from its spot back to the inner suna. Now blaize was alone with his new objective. To what was this objective for he wanted to know. He started to take off the ribbon that connected the memo to the scrolls.

Blaize started to read the memo as the content included:
Quote :

Dear Mr. Ryuzaki:
I hope we did not disturb to much of your slumber but this is of important. In the next few hours there will be a meeting of a grand scale with everyone in the village as the kazekage would like to have a word with everyone. This is something that everyone must be ninja ready for. That means prepare your gear, prepare your rations, set your mind up. Say goodbye to your loves ones and everyone must meet at the memorial square. This is diffrent for you mr. Ryuzaki.

The reason we are letting you know now is because your going to be in a sign in group with your fellow chuunin. The chuunin will help inspect everyones belongings, give out ninja rations and make sure that everyone is ninja ready. This is your chuunin duty but we need something more we have sent an order for basic medical supplys in a nearby shop. The workers should already be starting on the process. We want you to help out with the preperations and meet your chuunin comrads back to help with the preperations. Blaize Ryuzaki you are needed for this don't fail us. Another point you may need to hurry for a mass bird message would be sent out for all of suna's nin and the supply shop could handel so much orders.

P.S we have given you two bird scrolls in past missions you have always request them. this is here to give you your request early.Enjoy.

Suna Tactical Team

After reading the letter Blaize couldent help but smile into having his bird request in. Along with his ointment, bandages and his ninja gear two more Scrolls has been added with him. This was good. Although something must of been going on for this to happpen so suddenly. Blaize looked at the scrolls layed them there and got up and got ready for the day. It did not take him long to complete his daily rituals for he was on a rush. He was now dressed and ready to go and as soon he left. Although 5 mins in he had to come back for he forgot his black light jacket and the two bird scrolls that was sent to him. His new destination now, was the general shop.

On his way there the crew was already on orders for the kazekage meeting in creation first aid kits and medical supplys. The quickly put Blaize to work on making sure that all the kits contained the neccisary amounts of items that was requested. Blaize found mistakes about every so often but nothing major, maybe a guaze was missing or an ointment but nothing majoy. The workflow went on great for about 2 hours thats when more and more suna shinobi came in for orders and that limited staff for making everything everyone wanted. It took a while but it was worth it. At the end one shop cleark and Blaize finished on the medical kits and it was a warzone in the shop everyone wanted everything it was sheer and utter chaos until the boss calmed everyone with his roar. His way of doing things made sure everyone was calm even if they werent happy about it. It took about 6hrs but Blaize got everything that was requested. And in thinking his flashback he now arrived.

He now arrived at Suna's memorial grounds into were everyone is suppose to meet. It did not take long to find out were the Suna Chuunin were, why? because they inspected blaize thats why. As soon as Blaize gave them the confermation and reasoning why he was late they accepted him and took his case and prepared themselves to hand out the med kits to the shinobi that are in need of them. As now Blaize was dismissed to go on and search for things that he needed.

OOC: Will fix errors and such in the next 24-48hrs of this post
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptyTue 03 Aug 2010, 1:20 am

OOC: All Equipment requested has been added to apps

Tanaka where’s the requisition’s survey? Kazuki have you finished collating the provision requirements yet? And what the hell has happened to Tayuka, if he’s chatting up another Kunochi rather then get the latest in take reports I will have his guts for my bow. And for the love of good Inari cover up, the Kazekage is due any moment and I don’t want to explain to him why all the Kunochi consider a slip of cloth to be a uniform

The humbled and chastised chunnin and Jounin could only mumble feebly as the Jounin Colonel continued to bluster about with the sort of personable touch only achievable by 4 kilos of wired sentex strapped to ones chest. Colonel Ibiki Zatamusi was an old school soldier who was of the view of that there was two ways of doing things in Suna’s military, his way and the wrong way and the fresh face Nin about him were learning to their cost which was the correction one. In spite of his ruthless zeal the organisation of so many Nin on such short notice had resulted in a broadly chaotic mess of problems more numerous then the eyes of the bug-eyed beast of blurge. From clueless Nin who couldn’t do basic calculations to ministry of harmony officials requiring everything being done in triplicate things were simmering just above critical mass and no amount of shouting appeared to be correcting this.

Much to woes of those at central command Col Zatamusi, the Icey Basterd himself who supposed wouldn’t melt in the noon sun was beginning to boil. So it wasn’t surprising when the battle hardened Jounin finally heard the soft footsteps of what he fully suspect was that flee bitten twice damned idiot chuunin Tayuka behind him gently strolling rather then running as instructed he turned fully intending to reduce him to quivering lump of jelly with a bout of intense killing intent. However what the Colonel found himself doing moments later was trying to stare down a rather odd individual dressed in one most ridiculous ensembles ever created looking at him with the inquisitive impression of one who was trying to make sense of foreign instruction manual. From the giant military peaked hat to the multicolour great coat so heavily festooned with medals only a crack pot military dictator would ever countenance it there was a definite impression that this was be no means young foolish Tayuka, not unless he had become lost in a military clown surplus store since he had last seen him. Idiot though he was it was not likely he would have found the time to find quite so many clashing and garish pieces of military uniform in one mere store in any case. As for the real identity of the man he was staring at with barely restrained hostility, the dozen or so TSOKR operatives each clad in black leather trench coats, black peaked caps and sunglasses were probably a better indicator even then the outfit that he might have made a rather major tactical blunder.

A weaker man might have seized up or even fled at the way the new arrivals eyes seemed to flicker of their own accord and sparkle with the vibrant glee of an insane torturer looking forward to a afternoons light maiming but Col Zatamusi with years of experience and the pragmatism of a solider who has seen it all, and not liked any of it much knew that when your knee deep in shit you had best stop digging. Bring up his right arm so fast it might have been shunshin’ing all of its own he throw a hasty salute while bring his feet together with a snap:


Ibiki could not help but grimace as the rather dysfunctional command centre tried as one to get to its feet and salute Suna’s rather odd supreme leader. Many Nin accidently felled towers of tettering paperwork while some other Nin it appeared were so unused to anything as formal as saluting that coming to attention was akin to a drunk trying to walk in a straight line. Worst of all was Tanaka who had some how got tangled in a scatter piece of Nin wire and had managed barely to get up before falling over with a thump. All in all the whole sorry bunch looked about as effective as academy students attempting to mob a sweet shop. The fact he was in charge and thus responsible for this clear waste of intelligent life made things all the worse.

For a moment the air hung heavy with the silence of individuals who have been caught with the trousers down in the bosses’ office looking at pictures of his fiancée. The Kazekage’s gaze was unblinking, emotionless and altogether rather alarming. The silence was ultimately broken by a scuffling purring sound emanating from a bulge in the Kazekage’s coat. Curiosity was soon replace by disbelief as he reached inside it to stroke the mysterious occupant saying:

Vhose a sleepy veepy kitty katty? You just stay in dere precious daddy doesn’t vant yous getting all hot unt bozered in ze sun. Nien nien nien ve can’t haff dat. Now be gut, daddy’s got to speak to de Colonel

With the same shock of an individual found using the company photocopier to copy images of their bottom only for their boss to ignore the fact and start to perform an irsh river dance across the nearby coffee table not even Colonel Zatasumi was ready for the barrage of questions the Kage came with next

Have the interim reports been filed as requested? Do we have sufficient strength assembled to meet the primary goals? ….

And so they went on with each question piling up behind the last like a jumbo jet waiting for a landing strip in the airspace of a busy international airport. Some questions were soo technical that the Colonel was forced to let the specialists answer them and couldn’t help but try to re-evaluate for the hundredth time what the limitations and rationality lay behind his master mind. It was as though the Kage was directing some form of marionette theatre, tugging on invisible strings, with each member of the command staff oddly knowing when to chip in with this or that key peace of information. In less than 5 minutes the eccentric cat mad Kage had not only seriously confused them but sucked an entire day’s fanatic acquisition of knowledge with the tenacity of a ring leech malnourished from a long winter.

When all was done the kage indicated he was eager to inspect the troops. In spite of himself the idea of getting the kage out of the command centre and busy scaring other people seemed remarkably pleasant and the quick witted colonel was more then happy to oblige.

When the trumpeter let out the call moments later Ibiki positive sighed with relief as he heard the best part of a 1000 milling and slightly bewildered Nin running to get in line as Jounin wailed to form units in preparation for inspection. It was with an unexpectedly light heart that he led his highly confusing and incredibly unnerving leader to meet the Nin waiting outside.

The inspection itself was no less strange then the Kage who did it. The Colonel remembered how the last Kage had expected everything in its place but was careful not to point it out all the while smiling, shaking the occasional hand and sharing greetings. The incumbent Kage it seemed did not consider protocol to apply to him as he walked down line by line, sometimes skipping, sometimes sauntering, one time doing cartwheels only to stop every so often to give someone a hug, share a joke, demand an answer to a riddle and even talk to himself. At one point he ran off to the ration tent when someone told him about the standard dango inside only to reappear feasting on the stuff. There were some especially notable encounters including some very flowery, slightly lewd and rather badly written poem in honour of Kasumi Sastake, the thumb war he had with a genin called Ini who appeared to be winning till he was genjutsued into thinking he had no thumbs and the argument about which was the best brand dango he had with a chuunin by the name of Blaize. All in all the Kazekage’s inspection was not something you could easily explain to others, it was the kind of event you need to see in person and was as unnerving as it was fun for the most part. Finally it came to an end and with the causal saunter of someone who has quite literally all the time in the world the Kage walked to a nearby podium the TSOKR had been hastily erecting in the brief moments before.


Howl was happy. The inspection had gone well and with the exception of few notable absentees who would he muttered to himself regret turning up late for this special day. Nether the less there was enough Nin for what he intended and he had been suitably amused though it could be argued that same was true before he had arrived. He smiled as he recalled a wonderous morning spent putting a kiri Nin to the question. He had come claiming of a Kage Summit and bearing a letter with the official seal of the Mizukage. However claiming and actually being were two very diff things and you could never be too sure so things had to be …. done. The screams and europhoric pleadings of the Kiri Nin as he was subjected tickle torture and sexy genjutsu served to prove well enough to its authenticity. The Jounin in question would have to rest at one of the spa’s till he was feeling better of course, tended by the kind ministrations of the pretty maids and health technicians who worked there to ensure he had full recovery. Kiri was too much of unknown as yet to risk directly insulting at this stage especially when everything was looking so promising on the expansion front. His only regret was that he would have little time to enjoy the opening of the wargames what with a summit to attend, but Summits were rare and invaluable opportunities one could ill afford to miss. For now however there was work to do

It was as he concluded these final thoughts on the upcoming summit and stepped on to the podium that he heard a familiar voice in the back of his mind:

Are you quite done yet? I am damn sweltering in here

Dat ist nicht mine fault. As I recall it was yous vho refuset to come out

Of course it’s your fault. Your the one who dropped that dango stick on me while you were torturing the Kiri Nin. It will take days to get my furr in shape again.

But dat was an accident und you can barely zee der sticky patch

Calcifur was a very egotistical cat and they big red blotch on his pristine white furr had made him one very unhappy kitty. After a small barrage of swearing, Howl distinctly heard the sound of paper being torn apart by the vengeful pussycat. So perhaps unsurprisingly when Howl reached in to pluck out his speech he found to his dismay that it had taken the brunt of Calcifer’s irritation. Fishing out what now appear to be something more akin to confetti then a sheet of pristine parchment he sighed and muttered in his mind:

You didn’t haff to do zat, it took hours to write dat speech

It took 2 minutes, try lying to someone who can’t read you mind. Serves you right anyway

Howl considered replying in turn but merely decided to sulk instead as he wandered how to proceed. It was only upon realising that the assembled Shinobi were starting to worry as he had been standing there for over 2 minutes now and hadn’t said a word that Howl decided to wing it

Shinobi of Suna. You have been gathered here today with the purpose of taking your fighting potential and turning your into lethal weapons capable of expanding and defending Suna’s territory. I did have a speech prepared but it appears to have been rather … savagely edited. I will try to read as much as I can since it contains vital information. Please bear with me and listen closely.

Unfurling the paper he started to read it in a loud booming voice:

Lets us see now. All Nin must throw ….. monkeys near the sea.

Wait a second this cant be right. Lets try lower down. Beware …. rampaging … elephant pheromones. Grab the ….. big … throbbing ... solider pills

The gasps, shocked expressions and occasional giggles were more then enough to tell the Kage this wasn’t going down as one of his better speeches. Deciding that this wasn’t going well at all he decided to skip to the bottom and end it quickly:

Remember in the event of being trampled, stabbed, eaten or half drowned to go to the medical centres previously mentioned.

In conclusion all units are to form up to leave for river on the hour. You have been provided with suitable supplies and now you are fully briefed on the dangers you may likely face and what is expected of you should be mentally prepared for the tasks ahead of you. Once there you will receive new instructions. Good Luck one and all. Let’s move out”

And with that he turned off and gave the orders to march
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Age : 37
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Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend EmptyFri 06 Aug 2010, 6:22 pm

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Suna Muster's - All Suna Nin must attend Vide
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