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A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea)

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea) Vide
PostSubject: A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea) A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea) EmptyTue 10 Aug 2010, 9:56 pm

A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea

Mr Purple, the Kazekage’s current TSOKR aide de camp, hurried after his master, striding in the way only a seasoned Nin could trying to catch up with Howl’s energetic skipping not that he had time to notice that and many other things. Mr Purple had seen peculiar people in his time and the Kage was certainly the oddest but his workload seemed never ending and as such he never bothered to give it much thought, rumours and curiosity where to him the preserve of the lazy and the feckless and not something he had time to indulge. Finally catching the spirited Kage he saluted, straightening up and presented the items he had been carrying with a certain reverence.

    Your hat and robes of office my lord

Mr Purple had expected his master to be thankful but as ever the man continued to be infuriatingly unpredictable. Far from reaching out for them Lord Ichushiro stared at him in the curious bemused manner of some one accosted by another who doesn’t speak their language

    Yah ze are indeed. Vhat of dem

Mr Purple took a moment to consider how best to explain what was expected to a man to whom petty formalities were as binding as soggy paper and whom took insinuations that he might have forgotten something rather poorly. Finally finding the words he replied:

    I was wondering if you would like them for the formal summit. To better insure others recognise you and avoid any potential confusion my lord. I doubt it is required but it might perhaps be of some assistance to some of the more visually impaired Kage

Mr Purple knew the reasons was weak as he said them but how do you tell a man who more willing listen to his own cat then most men that his own choice of garb was rather inappropriate. The Kage eyed him with the eyes of one who sees the lie and wonders if to make offence of it before staring out the window and gauging the strength of the sun.

    I am imagine ze can cope but perhapss some shade would not be amiss

To Mr Purple’s relief he picked up the white hat of office and placed it on his silken flowing locks where it clashed horribly with the rest of his garish ensemble but what else could he expect. Realising this was perhaps the best he was going to achieve he moved on to the more important matter of security.

    My Lord it’s had come to attention of TSOKR close protection unit you mean to travel with but one escort and meet another at Tea. Commander White is concerned such a small escort would not be appropriate if not due to foreign enemies then internal ones. The latest briefings of the ministry of internal harmony appear to suggest a surge in rebel support of late. Given this it can hardly be expected of you to come with so few escorts and as such he wishes to set aside a dozen to see you safely there and back

The Kazekage didn’t bother to stop or turn but continue towards the forts exit replying in that emotionless and rather unnerving tone of his opinion on the matter:

    While Commandant Vhite's intent iss unterstantable hiss concernss are not. To haff more den two escortss vill display veakness vhere none can be afforted. The machinations of ze rebelss are not of concern in thiss matter und most certainly not hiss. If I recall Commandant Vhite und hiss colleagues vere instructed to monitor de War-Game’s I suggest ze do so. Shoult I learn they intent to guart or indeet even shadow me I vill be most diseppointed.

    Perhaps I could suggest a replacement escort then there are many suitable TSOKR operatives stationed…

This time he realised he had gone too far as the Kage span silently on his heel and gave him the full toothy grin that meant his finite patience was evaporating with quite exceptional speed

    Really now Herr Purple I thought you voult know better then give suggestionss I clearly ditn’t ask for. Do you think my actionss so rash and thoughtless ass to neet to veary me vith your never ending questioning

    My lord I was only seeing if...

Howl, having no patience for excuses, cut him off

    You coult convince me dat mien actions are somehow misguidet. Can you remind me Herr Purple vhat precisely is rule one?

Mr Purple gulped and replied

    The Kage is always right

    How very observant of you. I should like to take ze moment to point out its not guide one, or option to possibly consiter one or indeet maybe, possibly do it next veek one but rule one. I expect you to have learnet this by next time ve meet. Is dis unterstand

    Perfectly My Lord

Excellent and with that the Kage turned and left the sound of his footsteps fading into the distance

Mr Purple bowed low till he was out of site before striding determinedly towards the make shift high command and nodded to a ministry of Harmony aide who appreciated and saluted.

Find out everything there is to know about Senju Isamu. Who he is? What he likes? What time he visits the toilet. Everything

As the aid nodded and turned away he began to wonder about why him. That the Kage hadn’t explained his choice was to be expected, it would be worrying if he did but he wasn’t aware there was any connection between the two. The choice was not the expect one and you always needed to be on your toes when the Kage was being especially cryptic, since chaos usually followed in its wake


On the other side of Fort Hiroshi the Jounin who had caught the TSOKR commander’s attention was being run through the various protocols and regulations that applied in company with the Kage who kept a paranoid state police who believed everyone was out to get him. Fortunately most of the 10 minute lecture of a few dos and several hundred do not’s was coming to an end.

… Do not join in if the Kage erupts into song. At Summit do not speak unless spoken too. Do not empty pockets in his presence. Do not feed Mr Bigglesworth. Do not pet his Mr Bigglesworth without his consent. Do not stare at him if he is locked in intellectual debate with himself and do not on any accounts pull Mr Bigglesworth’s tail.

Finishing the list he handed him several A4 pages summarising the details before finishing.

For the purpose of the Summit you are primarily going to ensure the Kage’s safety and assist as needed. You must first and foremost ensure no harm comes to him and must risk your own life if necessary for his preservation. We don’t need to remind you of the sensitive and volatile nature of this political discourse and ask that you refrain from doing any action that might reflect poorly on the Kage and Suna as a whole. To this affect you are expect not to speak up unless spoken and only then with the Kage’s consent

By the time the TSOKR operative had finished this, the pair had reached the outer courtyard of Fort Hiroshi where a number of Genin where enjoying themselves while others were being run through basic training. The arrival was a mere moment ahead of the main door opening from the great halls to reveal the shining white coat and hat of the man in question, his baroque clothing flapping in all it’s ostentatious clashing glory with what appear to be a fat Persian cat nestled in his arms. He appeared oblivious at first starring up at the afternoon sun with the awe of toddler before his odd unsettling eyes came to ground and found their mark. The Kage quickly covered the gap between them and with an odd beaming smile said:

Do you like to race Senju-San?

And with excited glee more befitting of a young academy student then a venerable the crazed man turned about and started to run half run and half skip off into distance laughing manically and shouting

The last one to Tea buys lunch
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Age : 28
Posts : 2538

A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea) Vide
PostSubject: Re: A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea) A Hop, Skip and a Race to Tea (River to Tea) EmptyTue 10 Aug 2010, 11:49 pm

Isamu was stood under the never ending harshness of the sun belonging to Suna. It was beating down on his already copper skin, tanning him further, whether he wanted the look or not. Isamu was trying to ignore the beating sun rays as much as possible, and give his full attention to the TSOKR operative. Isamu had only the mental capacity to deduce that this man was a man of his word, and followed orders whilst mixing in his own emotion. His tone of voice varied as he spoke, as if he were afraid the Kazekage would hear something in them, and scold him. Isamu nodded his understanding as the operative came to the end of his unbelievably long list of things not to do whilst escorting Kazekage-sama to the Kage Summit. Isamu was just happy to be going, though he did not show it on his face. His features were grave, his eyes steely on the operative as he listened intently, remembering everything that he was told. He would need them in the near future, he was sure of it. Finally, the operative stopped speaking, sucking in some oxygen he so dearly needed. Whilst he was doing this, he still didn’t stop. He handed Isamu several sheets of A4 paper. Isamu’s eyes trailed down them, simply scanning whilst he was forced to listen to the operative again, whom he was slowly starting to dislike. His eyes were still on the paper, but they were not moving. ” For the purpose of the Summit you are primarily going to ensure the Kage’s safety and assist as needed. You must first and foremost ensure no harm comes to him and must risk your own life if necessary for his preservation. We don’t need to remind you of the sensitive and volatile nature of this political discourse and ask that you refrain from doing any action that might reflect poorly on the Kage and Suna as a whole. To this affect you are expect not to speak up unless spoken and only then with the Kage’s consent.” The operative stopped, again to take a breath. Isamu took advantage of his short break to interject his understanding, once again. This time he made it more literal. ”Hai!”

Isamu was walking alongside the operative as they crossed a courtyard of young Genin whom were playing and training. The shrill sound of laughter drilled into Isamu, and he suppressed an internal shiver. They were in the outer courtyard of Fort Hiroshi. The main double doors of the fort swung open and out strolled Kazekage-sama himself. He was wearing his Kage robe and hat, which was unusual. A Persian cat nestled in his arms; his gaze was fixated on the sky. ”I’m surprised the sun isn’t burning his eyes,” Isamu thought, once again suppressing, this time the feeling to look up. He knew nothing good could come of it. Isamu had his own eyes fixed on Kazekage-sama as he closed the space between them in a short time. His head dropped to the ground, then rose slightly to face Isamu. ”Do you like to race, Senju-san?” he asked, his tone hard to explain. ”Hai, Kazekage-sama!” Isamu answered, dropping rapidly into a bow which had his nose scraping the dirt. Isamu rose in time to see Kazekage-sama’s face of pure ecstasy and glee as he skipped oddly into the distance, out of the village gates. ” The last one to Tea buys lunch!” he called from in front, his voice travelling slowly because there was no wind. Taking him literally, Isamu launched off the ground in a majestic flip, landing beside Kazekage-sama, leaving footprints in the sand. He matched his pace, which for Isamu was a brisk walk. He was completely prepared for his mission, and utterly amused that he would be travelling alone with Kazekage-sama. The man was truly eccentric, and a lot of what he said made Isamu laugh. Isamu did not fear Kazekage-sama, but he deeply respected the man. He was in debt to him, and willing to repay that.
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