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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes]

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Age : 27
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptySat 10 Jul 2010, 6:11 pm

His feet splashed in puddles of mud and water as he ran through the fire country. It was raining very heavy, heavier then Xerxes has ever seen. His short, white hair was blowing back as the wind blew and he picked up speed. This caused his whole face to be revealed to everyone around him, which luckily there was nobody. He continued to try and keep his hood up to hide his face. Not because he was doing anything or wrong, but because of the 'scar' he had. Break could remember it like it was yesterday. The fateful day where it all went wrong. Him and his father were going through their everyday training. Nothing special. Until his father decided to strike him the eye. When the kunai was removed, the eye followed. This limited his power as an uchiha. Having a doujutsu based clan with only one eye is a huge drawback. But that never stopped Break before. So why should it now? Finally, he arrived at an area unlike any other in the forest. There was a circle of trees around him, except a lot of space. Here, the rain was light - a mere drizzle. Xerxes removed his hood and fixed his hair to cover up the bandaged eye. "My opponent has no business to know about this incident.." He said to himself quietly. "Yet..." He added in a whisper. He looked around and smirked. All he could do now, is wait for the suna ninja to arrive.

Word Count;; 252
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Age : 28
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptySat 10 Jul 2010, 6:59 pm

{OOC: Green is narrative, Red is speaking, Blue and Italics are thoughts.}

Initake was bored, so he found himself wandering aimlessly. He was previously in River Country, on a Mission for his Kage, but since that was completed in what he thought to be record time, he figured he would have a few days to screw around. He liked to do that sort of thing, him being lazy and loving to shirk his duties.

As he was running through a place unknown to him, he ran into a tree. And, Initake being himself, having nearly uncontrollable anger issues, he began to flip out. He used his own strength, with not even aid from a jutsu, and he rammed himself forcefully into the tree, knocking it over, propped up against another.

He propelled himself up the trunk, and rocketed himself off of it, leaping nearly forty or so feet in the air. There was a clearing of sorts, kind of large, below him now. There was a boy, with a hooded sweatshirt on, so he figured he'd be the one to screw with , since nature was not one thing to screw with, and Initake knew this the hard way.

He landed behind the boy, still in the forest, but in the low brush, and he kept himself low, low enough to where he could not see him. Unless the boy was deaf, he knew something was there, but he did not know WHAT it was. Turns out it was a Suna Genin, but he would have to find this out the hard way.

Initake took out a kunai from his pouch, and held it in between his middle and index fingers. He released it, purposely above the boy's head, well above it, and as the boy looked to where it went, Initake, being part wolf, due to him being an Inuzuka, charged out of the brush, and tackled the boy.

He rolled over, to the side of the boy, and outstretched a hand, offering him to help him up. Initake was laughing, nearly into hysteria, letting the boy know ti was a joke and that he meant no harm. As of yet.
{OOC: Word Count = 346}

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Age : 27
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptySat 10 Jul 2010, 8:56 pm

In the distance, Break could see trees falling down. "I wonder who that could be." The ninja said to himself. Whoever it was, they were close. So tere was almost no doubt that they would eventually find their way to the genin standing in the clear space. He heard a noise behind him and as a reaction, he turned around and was tackled to the ground. "What the..." Xerxes managed to say and heard laughter to the side of him. Being offered a hand, he grabbed it and pulled himself up with the support. "Thanks..." He said and dusted off his clothing, and sighed at how his pants was covered in mud. "Millys gonna kill me..." He mumbled to himself. Ah, Milly. Breaks guardian ever since the accident. Just to think, if she wasn't his neighbor at the time he would be able to live with his mother. But no. Xerxes looked at the other person. "Youre skin..." He started, just by looking at it and remembering the feeling of it from when he helped Break to his feet. "I find it worthy of being cut by my kunai..." He said, and smirked. Perhaps this was the excitment he was looking for.

Ooc; yeah, I'm on my itouch so what appears big to me might be like 2 lines on a regular CPU/laptop so cut me some slack on this post

Last edited by ყoυɴɢ вяιтт - вяιтт on Tue 20 Jul 2010, 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 28
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptyMon 12 Jul 2010, 8:14 pm

Initake chuckled after helping the boy up. As the boy thanked him, Initake stared blankly atthe boy as they both had gone into the twilight zone, staring into space, if you will. He shook his head after a few moments, realizing this. He then attempted to generate some conversation between the two. "Hi. Sorry to get you all dirty and such, I was bored. My name is Initake, and yours?"

Awaiting his response, Initake was fiddling with his kunai in his pouch. He was itching for a fight, as he usually was. But, as of right now, he was more than he could ever remember. Considering the temperatures, his mood, the scenery, and already, the battle conditions, he was feeling good about himself. The boy seemed to be the soft type. He liked softies, they go down easier.

"Anyway... we should get a spar in, seeing as how we are both genin. Genin can always use a little practice, can we not?" Awaiting a second response, Initake decided to get comfortable, not be on his feet. He just jumped into a small tree, one that was still standing, and sat on one of the sturdiest branches he could find.

He sat on the branch, scanning the scenery, and wondering how he would use it all to his advantage. All he saw was trees. he had the power to use the fire element, but this amount of trees was just insanity. As he climbed higher in the tree, he could see a lake off in the distance, to the east. And past that, he saw Konoha, and this could be a route of escape, should he even need one. He was itching, and ready. Trees were to the north, and he blinked at the sight of all of them. To the west was Bird Country, seeing still a lot of trees, but a lot of water also, and to the south was the ocean, but before that was a widespread beach. The scenery worked for him, and he just hoped it didn't for his opponent.
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Age : 27
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptyTue 20 Jul 2010, 11:07 pm

"My... name...?" He repeated. "My name is of no importance right now..." He said in a serious tone, the burst out laughing. "HA! I couldn't say that with a straight face." He continued, still laughing. Xerxes found being serious a joke, so he often made fun of mature people. Of course, now he probably looked like an idiot. "Anyway, my name is Xerxes Break Uchiha." He said, a smile on his face from that 'joke' he pulled just a few minutes ago. "Nice to meet you, Initake." Initake. What a weird name. Then again, Xerxes wasn't such a regular name either. "You can call me Break." He said. He didn't really like his first name, as it was not normal. But, neither was he really. He looked up at the sky, and noticed that the rain seemed to stop altogether. Perfect. No rain. Witch means my katon jutsu won't be affected by the water. He thought to himself, and smirked. He had almost forgotten that Initake was there, if it was not for him to speak again. "Spar?" He repeated. Great, so maybe they were thinking alike. "A spar... sounds great!" He said, and began to perform handseals. He was really impatient, and he had wanted to fight this genin ever since he had appeared and tackled Break to the ground. He inhaled deeply, and exhaled a large ball of fire. Katon : Goukakyuu no Jutsu! He thought to himself, as the fireball made its way to the tree in which the genin was in. Hoping to catch him off guard.

Word Count;; 263

Jutsu Used;;

Name: Goukakyuu no Jutsu - Great Fireball Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest, and then immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire, which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames, the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it.
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptyMon 26 Jul 2010, 10:33 pm

initake would easily remember this name. Break, how hard would it be to forget it? Initake studied his body language, to see how much confidence he would have. He seemed to have some, though not as much as Initake would've hoped. Initake was good at reading people's instincts, confidence level, and even they're entire personality, just by studying their body language. he knew Break was going to try to catch him off guard, so Initake never let his guard down.

he saw the giant fireball coming at the tree he was sitting in, but not towards him. He had no worries, he would let it hit the tree. Initake already had a plan for this fight. he would make it seem like he is weaker than he actually is, so his opponent would let their guard down. And the second they did, he would pounce. Kinda like a giant cat. Too bad he was an Inuzuka, otherwise, that simile would've worked perfectly.

The fireball hit near the base of the tree, with enough force to topple it over. initake pretended to lose his balance, but he maintained it. The tree toppled backwards, and nearly into another tree. Initake initiated this part of the plan quickly, quietly, and with as little movement as possible. He scratched himself a lot, covered his whole body in foliage, and pretended to be hurt, laying on the ground, hoping that his opponent would come over to see if he was alright. he stayed sitting in an upright position, with his eyes being able to see anything, except for behind him.

Little did his opponent know, Initake was storing his Earth Chakra to his hands, readying a giant attack that could quite possibly fossilize his opponent. Initake chuckled slightly, quietly letting out a cough afterward.

Word Count= 297
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Age : 27
Posts : 613

Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptyTue 27 Jul 2010, 7:18 pm

Once the tree fell, there was some smoke from the dirt and from the flames. When some smoke cleared, he saw the other genin in the distance. From what Break saw, he was on the ground. Is he hurt... Xerxes thought to himself. "Hey! You're not done yet, are you?" He hollered to the suna genin. "I was just getting warmed up!" He added, and smirked.Keeping his distance, he pulled two fuma shuriken. He threw one, and the other was following it in its shadow. Break just hoped that Initake didn't spot the second one. "Lets see how he handles that..." Break said to himself. In addition, he performed more handseals for a jutsu. He smirked, and inhaled deeply - focusing solely on his fire element. He exhaled balls of fire, and took out kunai and shuriken to follow up with the fireballs. After all this, Break breathed deeply. He shook his head and smirked. It was obvious now, that his personality had changed from a fool to a serious shinobi. This always seemed to happen when he entered combat. Probably because he likes living, and would like to stay like that for awhile. And his father had given him a lesson on that, one that he'll never forget. How could he? He had the scar to prove it.

Word Count ;; 221

Extras ;; Sorry its not near the minimum count. Like I said in the chatbox, I had a longer post but it vanished. D:

Jutsu Used ;;
Name: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu - Shadow Shuriken Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: --
Description: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing a giant Windmill Shuriken. When throwing the shuriken, the ninja will also throw a second giant shuriken to hide in the shadow of the first. The hidden secondary shuriken can then approach the target without their being aware.

Name: Housenka no Jutsu - Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Housenka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals and then emits a series of small fireballs. The ninja can also hurl a projectile, which is covered in these same flames. To the opponent, the attack appears to be only the balls of flame. Meaning that even if the flames are put out, the projectiles will still converge on the target. The flames can be used to cover different projectiles like shuriken or kunai.

Chakra Reserves ;;
D-Rank Used C-Rank Used
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Age : 28
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptySat 07 Aug 2010, 5:44 am

Initake was not a fool, he knew that Break was going to do something to try to trick him, or just simply do something that would not abide by his plans. So, what Initake did, is just remained where he was.

He did this until he saw what was coming at him. He knew that the shuriken that break threw was the Kage Shuriken no Jutsu, for he did not see him throw a second, and he knew that one shuriken would not do the trick, even for a genin. As he saw a series of small fireballs coming at him as well, for he could barely see the tip of them, appeaing as red, and nothing else, that he knew of, could be red besides a fireball of some sort.

At this point, he released himself from his small trap, and catapulted from the tree trunk, whic was on the perfect angle. He jumped off the trunk of the tree, towards the end, launching himself nearly 20 feet in the air, and then he made a few handseals while in the air.

As little chakra as possible, that's my strategy, do what I can without using great amounts of chakra. Initake told himself. So, all he did was this. After these handseals were complete, he made a few clones, ad then he began shifting positions with these three clones.

One of the clones was low enough to still be hit by one of the thrown projectiles from Break. It was one of the fireballs, for the shuriken had already passed, as well as the kunai and shuriken that followed, and, as of now, only Initake and two other clones remained. {I don't have the exact jutsu, but it is assumed every shinobi that went to the academy, knows the academy jutsu, which i did.}

As they landed on the ground, they formed in a triangle formation. The clones were in the back right and the front. Initake was located in the back left, which was the quickest route of escape, for he saw a small path in the forest, and this would be essential for escape, if need be. They all made the same expression, and it was simple to comprehend what it had meant. Bring it on, boy-o. Initake thought to himself, seeming a bit overconfident.

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Age : 27
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptyFri 13 Aug 2010, 7:28 pm

*Xerxes is basically... dead. Should I still post?*
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Age : 28
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] EmptyFri 13 Aug 2010, 8:18 pm

{OOC: Ummm... we could re-continue the match under the same circumstances, but in a different topic with your new character.}
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Bent & Broken [Initake vs Xerxes] Vide
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