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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone)

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Age : 31
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyTue 13 Jul 2010, 2:15 pm

Quote :
Mission Title: Solidifying Ties
Mission Location: Kumo - Iron Country
Mission Participants: Kinu, Tailbone, Leviathan
Mission Rank: B
Mission Objective: The Raikage wants a genin squad to travel to the Iron Country and hand over a hand-written letter by Riku to the Iron Country leader. This letter is a declaration of unity between the two countries and will formally solidify Kumo's control over the country. It needs to be signed by the Iron Country leader and then taken back to the Raikage personally. There is expected to be no conflict from the formal Iron Country delegates, but there has been knowledge of some angst towards Kumo's control over the country by disgruntled citizens, so be on alert. The letter is to be picked up from the administration desk in the Raikage Tower and taken immediately.
Mission Time Limit: Two Weeks

Karamu woke up early by a knocking at the door, he opened the door and was handed a letter, he thanked the ninja and then went to read it and have some breakfast. While having some cereal he learnt that he was to join with two other genin and take a letter to the Iron country to make unity between the nations, the group were to get the letter signed by the of the Iron country leader and then bring it back to Kumo. He sighed, about time he had a decent mission. He noticed that it mentioned there was some unhappiness about the union so that they must be careful. Karamu got washed and changed, gathered the supplies he would need and then he headed out.

He raced through the village despite having plenty of time, he figured that he should get there early because if the other genin think the same and he takes his time, he will be holding up the mission and he would not want that on something this important. He watched as the sun was rising, it was always beautiful to watch at this time of day and it filled him with hope and confidence that the mission would go fine.

He arrived at the Raikage tower and went to the Administration desk, he was the first to arrive, that or he just had not noticed his teammates. He walked up to the administration desk and talked to the female behind the desk "Hello, My name is Karamu Tomasu and I am here about the letter to be taken to Iron country and back that will secure unity." She handed him the letter and he went sat on a chair waiting for the other two, if they asked about the letter, they would be pointed to him so he had no doubt his teammates would find him. He looked forward to this, it would be challenging as it was a B-rank mission and he had not faced a challenge in some time.
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyTue 24 Aug 2010, 11:35 pm

Koma was confused. His mind was a boggle of mixed feelings. He felt excitement at having his first missions and it being a B-Ranked mission at that, but then he felt fear... What if he didn't make it back alive. He always shrugged his shoulders to that question, it was better not to even think about it. The B-Rank Mission was the big kicker. He just guessed that the higher ranking ninja were busy doing other mission, especially after the destruction of the Konoha, they'd be extremely busy. What ever the reason, he knew it was his duty to this, no matter how much he didn't want to. As he walked casually towards the Raikage's Tower he stuck his hands in his pockets, a slight hunch forming in his back and a grimace that made itself plain on his face. He wasn't in a rush, and that much was obvious. The only thing he actually carried on him that he counted as being prepared was his pair of gloves, strapped to his hip, while any kunai or shuriken seemed invisible. The boy wondered if he should be proud that the Raikage thought to give him such a high-ranked mission, or was he finding a way to kill him off quick. Supposedly it was supposed to be a diplomatic mission, and those rarely worked out.

Joining on this mission, Koma realized, were two other Genin. Both of whom he had never seen or met before. Maybe they would make a good team, but then again, maybe they wouldn't. He just hoped they wouldn't get in his way. This mission was frowned upon by his parents, they thought it was dangerous even though he had continually told them how safe it should be. Though he was still unsure of himself. Koma brushed a stray lock of snow white hair out of the way of his sunglasses. Aware of how strange he looked with them on, even though it was a cloudy day. He still couldn't believe that he had been ordered on the mission in the beginning of the day, he at least hoped he would be able to get a quick nap in first instead of just being thrown to his death. He glared up at the Raikage Tower that seemed to have just rose up in front of him, his frown flattened out as he opened the door. He didn't want to seem depressed on the first day, he'd save that after he got to meet his teammates.

The moment he stepped inside, his frown appeared back on his face. "Hello, My name is Karamu Tomasu and I am here about the letter to be taken to Iron country and back that will secure unity. Karamu... Tomasu... He had to commit that name to memory, an odd one it was. "I'll assume that you are my teammate, then..." he murmured in a low voice, pushing his shades up the bridge of his nose with a finger he faked a smile. "Unagi, Koma. K-O-M-A. Koma." Looking at the boy, he couldn't truly guess his age, and he just presumed he was older by seeing as how the boy was taller than him, even if it was an insignificant difference. He closed the door behind him, looking at the boy from across the room. Truth be told, he didn't truly know how to address the boy, he wasn't truly a friend yet, more like a co-worker.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyThu 26 Aug 2010, 12:54 am

The Administration Building upheld its name for being the most clean and professional of all the great organizations that Kumogakure had to offer. Like most buildings in the village it was rather immense and crafted in stone, to serve for obvious protection against thunder storms and lightning. Although the great Lightning Rods located at the top of the village mountains served as the magnet for the lightning strikes which occasionally radiated from the sky, on rare occasions sometimes one or two bolts will strike the village without warning. Besides the rough rock structure of the building, the Administration was highly decorated with many streamers and drapes. Some say that the Raikage designed the layout of the building herself, while others say its design was dated during the Ninja Wars. Either way it was the perfect spot which served as the nexus for military operations, and also the spot where annoying Genins complained by their unwanted missions.

Kinu stood behind a large wooden desk that was owned and worked upon by a rather stereotypical secretary woman. She had long black hair that was wrapped in a pony tail and a pair of black horn-rimmed glasses that settle perfectly on her pointy nose. Like most villagers in Kumogakure she was dark skinned and muscular, although still retaining her thin a feminine like feature. She supported her head on her hand with only her elbow to secure her stability. It was obvious that she was rather tired this time in the morning, and having Kinu there didn't help the situation. After being informed about a mission the night before by his father Izaku, Kinu decided to leave extra early the morning after to ensure that he would be the first one to arrive. He was always ready for a mission and eager to prove his masculinity and power to his comrades, even though he always gave the image of a dorky schoolboy at times. He was also informed just recently by the desk lady that another Genin will accomplice him in the mission, creating a trio instead of a duo in which he had thought. The lady casually rolled back from her chair and retrieved a letter from behind her desk, and presented it to Kinu in hopes of him taking it. Kinu kindly denied the letter for now, and told the lady he'll take the letter after he uses the restroom.

While in the bathroom Kinu contemplated the layout of the mission and reminisced about what could happen. He had been to Iron Country before but never for mission like purposes such as this. Looking into the clean mirror above the sink, Kinu fixed the imperfections in his clothing. His red over-sized shirt was rather wrinkly as he forgot to iron it before he left his house as usual. Repetitively he would flatten down the wrinkles with his fingers but only to be retaliated by the wrinkles popping back in place. Giving up he moved on to his short black hair which was spiked and combed downward on his head. Rinsing his fingers with the cool water from the sink, he retained some of its moisture and attacked his head with primal ferocity. His hair flung upwards and shook which caused his neat black spikes to turn into nappy black needles. Although quite messy, his hair actually was cool-looking to his perspective.

Finishing up, Kinu exited the restroom and made his way back to the Administration Desk with the intention of waiting a few more hours for his teammates. He walked casually down the large hallway and subconsciously admired its vacuumed and shampooed carpeting. Before turning the corner, the voice of a young boy became heard to Kinu. ""Hello, My name is Karamu Tomasu and I am here about the letter to be taken to Iron country and back that will secure unity." The young boy said at the to the desk lady. Kinu was still around the corner of the hallway and not yet seen by anyone from the front desk. He peeked around the corner and saw the young boy who he obviously knew was his teammate. He had a long sleeved black shirt that was rather low cut, almost like a V-neck. With that, most of his torso was shown but yet became unglamorous with the scars he had on his chest. But what struck Kinu out was his black jacket with the fur hood, Kinu thought it was quite fashionable. He watched as Karamu made his way to the seat by the wall after being handed the letter. "Wow... that boys kinda ugly..." Kinu thought while making a stink face.

Finally turning the hall to greet his teammate, he was beaten by another young man who just entered the door. Kinu caught glimpse of him as he stepped in, a half-way decent looking boy he looked quite average clothe wise. But why on earth was he wearing shades? It was still early morning and the sun didn't even say hello yet. But in any sense he spoken at a tone similar to that of a ghost. "I'll assume that you are my teammate, then... Unagi, Koma. K-O-M-A. Koma." He said as if everyone in the room was mentally retarded. Kinu including the desk woman rolled their eyes, and released a sigh in conjoined harmony.

"Well hello my fellow comrades, its very nice to meet you both..." He greeted with a sarcastic cough that he knew was undetectable. "My name is Kinu Yamazaru, and I guess I'm the last member of this squad. So everyone knows the dealio right?" He said while looking at Karamu. "We take the letter to Iron Country and get it signed by the delegates, sounds easy enough eh?" He said while casually walking pass Unagi and to the door. Kinu grabbed the door knob and opened it with a gentle twist. "Kunoichi first?" He said like a gentlemen.
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Age : 31
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyThu 26 Aug 2010, 9:20 pm

Karamu did not have to wait long before everyone was there, the first one he saw was a white haired kid with sunglasses, that struck him as odd immediately 'Is he blind or something?' he thought to himself before the kid then spoke to him, he spoke his name out slowly and he made sure to let Karamu know he was called Koma 'Did I just get spoken down to by some punk wearing sunglasses in the morning?' Karamu spoke back trying to keep polite, this mission was for the cloud village, "Hello Koma, I am indeed your teammate, my name is Karamu Tomasu and no, I'm not stupid so there is no need to speak slowly." Koma seemed like he could be troublesome so Karamu would have to keep an eye on him.

The second teammate showed up, he looked younger than Koma and he was certainly smaller, it actually shocked Karamu a bit at having a child along for the mission, he had figured it would be teenage genin but he would not hold it against the kid, he was of equal rank so he deserved as much respect as any other genin. The kid spoke and exerted a lot of confidence in his speaking, he said he was called Kinu Yamazaru, Karamu recognized the last name as that of a clan of Kumo, it had something to do with monkeys which could mean he would be cheeky. Karamu nodded at Kinu when he looked at him and asked if everyone knows the mission. He watched as he passed Koma and opened the door and said "Kunoichi first?" of all things. 'He could be fun to be around but Koma made a bad impression immediately with spelling his own name out, I mean, what the hell?' He thought to himself as he walked past Kinu and said to him "Hello Kinu, my name is Karamu Tomasu and hopefully the mission will be as easy as you put it."

Karamu walked outside to the steps in front of the building and turned to talk to the other two and said "Well, first off maybe we should give each other a basic summary of our skills to let each other know our strengths and weaknesses. I'm pretty simple, I only know Taijutsu, I know a few of the more simple ninjutsu but for the most part, I am a close range fighter. Now, how about you Koma?" He sat on the wall next to the steps and awaited a response.
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyFri 27 Aug 2010, 11:59 pm

Koma made a quick surveying glance at Kinu as he walked in. The boy momentarily grabbed his attention, only because of his small size, besides that he was completely normal, run of the mill, pedestrian. He was already turning away when Karamu addressed him, though he was only half listening, "Hello Koma, I am indeed your teammate, my name is Karamu Tomasu and no, I'm not stupid so there is no need to speak slowly." A social faux pas? Hm. It seemed he hadn't started off this relationship on the right foot. But it made no difference to him, he actually expected his teammates not to like him, for various reasons. With a fake smile at Karamu, he turned away and stared at the boy, Kinu as he called himself, that was already walking out of the room. Impatient... He noted, placing his hands back in his pockets. Following behind Karamu, he exited the building. He frowned, as Karamu took the leadership role, and most likely the more dangerous one by taking the letter. Koma was not one for male territorial acts, and so ignored this.

Hopefully, he won't start bossing me around. he thought to himself. He was slightly glad that he was wearing sunglasses, because the moment he stepped foot out of the Raikage's Tower he was stunned by the face of the rising sun. With his head down, he continued walking until he was at the base of the staircase. Koma yawned loudly, behind his sunglasses, the bored look on his face was obvious. It wasn't that he didn't want to be there, it was just not a good experience. Even though it hardly discouraged him from the mission. He just didn't have the same type of enthusiasm as the others. "Well, first off maybe we should give each other a basic summary of our skills to let each other know our strengths and weaknesses. I'm pretty simple, I only know Taijutsu, I know a few of the more simple ninjutsu but for the most part, I am a close range fighter. Now, how about you Koma?" Blinking, he turned his gaze back to Karamu. hearing his name being called.

"Wha-? Oh... Strengths..." he had to actually think about this question, he never actually concerned himself with mastering Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu, or Genjutsu. Though Taijutsu wore him out too quickly, and Ninjutsu was too complicated with all the handsigns and steps needed to be done, with little result. "Genjutsu," he murmured, "And... yeah." he finished casually. It was obvious that Karamu was speculating what his powers were, he didn't know why though. The kid seemed to be of more interest than him, but maybe it was his 'disrespectful' attitude that made the ninja want to know more about him. No one was that rude without having a true reason as to why. Better to just stay secretive, as always. It wasn't as if he had anything to hide though, but he guessed it was just human nature to react this way when people tried to get into your head, you shut them out.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptySun 29 Aug 2010, 1:24 am

Kinu stood at the entrance area casually holding the door for his fellow teammates. Karamu was the first person out of the two to react to Kinu's generosity. He arisen from his seat and walked across the room to where Kinu was standing to leave. When near Kinu studied him intently as he was about to pass him. One thing he noticed was the odd smell of cereal and a hint of funk. Kinu thought the smell emanated from Karamus hood area which was stitched with fur, seeing as how fur usually hosts awful aroma sometimes. What made it worse was Kinu's heightened sense of smell due to his primate abilities, amplifying the stench to the point where Kinu had to stop breathing in order to get rid of it. Kinu tried very hard to keep his youthful smile consolidated, but occasionally the urge to sneeze got the best of him. As Karamu finally made his way pass to Kinu, he exchanged a few words. "Hello Kinu, my name is Karamu Tomasu and hopefully the mission will be as easy as you put it." Kinu smiled at him and continued to watch as he exited the entrance area and walked down the stairs. "It better be..." Kinu whispered to himself while turning back to Koma. Before he even got a chance to completely turn around Koma was already out the door, trailing Karamu in his path. "That's one weird kid." Kinu thought while waving at the desk lady. She returning with a small wave of her pencil and continued re-writing her documents for the Raikage.

Kinu exited the Administration Building with hopes that this wouldn't be the last time he saw it. Although fretting over such a basic mission such as this was unique to Kinu, there was always that once of doubt every Ninja had. Hopefully Kinu wouldn't have to utilize any Ninjutsu for offensive purposes, although he wouldn't mind it if push comes to shove. But if something does happen, he hoped that these two guys would be able to protect themselves and work as a team. Kinu thought processed was shattered as the intensity of the sun became more potent as the clouds moved out of its way. Kinu hated the heat, and light for that matter. Which was ironic from a person who had a natural affinity for the fire element.

It only took moments before all three of them finally reached the base of the stairs. Kinu looked once again at both Karamu and Koma in anticipation of someone talking. It was also the first time that he noticed that all three of their names started with 'K' which was humorously weird. Koma gave a loud yawn in which Kinu responded by with a irritated glare. Karamu walked over to a wall beside the stairs, which was probably just the outside of the Administration Building. "Well, first off maybe we should give each other a basic summary of our skills to let each other know our strengths and weaknesses. I'm pretty simple, I only know Taijutsu, I know a few of the more simple ninjutsu but for the most part, I am a close range fighter. Now, how about you Koma?" Karamu asked. The question didn't take Kinu by surprise, he actually anticipated it minutes ago. There was a undying conflict on wether he wanted to tell them about himself or not. But seeing as how they were all Cloud Village Ninja, Kinu knew that they were trustworthy. Hopefully.

"Wha-? Oh... Strengths..." Koma said as though he'd been asked a million dollar question. It took him quite some time to answer the question and it appeared to be that Koma was actually double-thinking his words which greatly bothered Kinu. Kinu wasn't very fond of liars and especially those who wear the village sacred headband on their bodies. If in fact that this young boy would lie about his abilities and risk the safety of the group with false information, Kinu would probably beat him to death. "Genjutsu." Koma murmered finally at the group.

Placing his hands together behind his back, Kinu leaned against the bottom step with his foot as support. "I study in Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and some basic Summoning." Kinu said casually while smiling. Thank goodness it wasn't a competition as to who had the better Jutsu between the trio, because from their answers alone Kinu knew their techniques were probably lame. But he reminded himself that this is a Genin sqaud, so his expectations had to be lowered accordingly. Kinu leaped a small distance forward from the step, and landed a few yards in-front of Koma. The sight of stone houses and markets flooded Kinu sight as he faced the village. Both his arms were crossed and both his feet were together. Forming a regular seal with his hand, Kinu turned to Karamu and saw him in his peripheral vision. "Alright, lets move out. I'm sure Madam Raikage wants the mission finished as soon as possible." Kinu said while instantly vanishing. Flickering to a rooftop, Kinu began dashing from rooftop to rooftop and making his way to the dock area. From a normal persons perspective he appeared to be a dancing shadow that moved in the air. He was sure his teammates would follow, but for now he enjoyed his last minutes in the village.

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Age : 31
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptySun 29 Aug 2010, 3:04 pm

Karamu listened as Koma explained his strengths, well he sort of did. Karamu learned that he was good at genjutsu, no mention of any other skills, just genjutsu. Karamu figured he would just do with that, as he would probably look silly pressing for more information and take it that this guy did not trust his teammates yet or had something against Karamu personally, he figured that could not be correct as he could not remember meeting this ninja before. He just said, with a slight smile, "Good to know." but in his head he was thinking 'Yeah, real good, not very talkative for someone who makes an insult as a first impression.'

Kinu then spoke up, Karamu hoped he would say something with more substance. Kinu said he studied in taijutsu, ninjutsu and summoning. Karamu was impressed, the kid seemed talented, then again, he had not seen him in action yet and hopefully, he would not have to. Kinu then looked at him and said they had better move out and accomplish the mission as soon as possible. Kinu then disappeared momentarily before his eyes adjusted, he was leaping across the rooftops, Karamu then followed as quickly as possible, he regularly did this as exercise and enjoyed the feeling, it was like flying.

He started to think about the mission he was going on, he was heading to another country to hopefully build a connection between the Iron country and the Cloud village and the rest of the Lightning country, that would be good for both places, the Iron would have one of the great nations protecting it and the Lightning would gain a country to trade with and maybe, though not likely, they would teach the cloud ninja some of the samurai techniques. That would be another strange thing, the iron country had no ninja, so they would be a foreign thing to the people and that may be were some of the tension will come from. He feared the angst in the country would have people attack the three of them as they entered and they would have to make sure to not harm anyone too badly as it may look bad. The three of them now knew each others strengths and may be able to use that to form a strategy should the need arise. He looked at his two teammates and realized that this mission was bound to be interesting one way or another, Kinu seemed to be the one easier to get on with and Koma seemed like he did not want to have anything to do with his teammates. Three different personalities together on a B-rank mission, Karamu could not help but have butterflies in his stomach.
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyMon 30 Aug 2010, 1:36 am

'I study in Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and some basic Summoning.' Koma whistled quietly to himself, it was a noise that was almost inaudible, because he didn't even know how to whistle, he was just trying to fill in the awkward silence that fell after Kinu's comment, even though it was a fairly short one. And before he knew it, Kinu had already blasted away, leaping across rooftops. "So impatient.." he murmured, brushing his hair and smiling at Karamu, before he raced off just as fast. He could tell they were pretty fast, he didn't take this fact as a challenge, they had both said they were good at Taijutsu, while he was mediocre at best, "Looks like, I'm the weakest link in the group, he murmured to the air. He was only slightly saddened by this fact, it only meant that he wasn't as great as the other two, it didn't mean he was terrible. With a shrug of his shoulders, he followed them. Slowly.

With their impatience, he was surprised to be paired up with them. Wasn't the Raikage supposed to screen these teams first, to make sure that they were compatible, and didn't kill each other on the first mission. It seemed like a bad choice to send a completely new team that didn't even like each other, into a B-Rank mission, even if it didn't require any sort of fighting, it was still dangerous. Maybe the Raikage was slipping or something. He shouldn't really mind all that much, as long as he got his ryo at the end of the mission he was all good with whatever they threw at him. Koma jogged with his hands in his pockets across the rooftop of some apartment complex, the red tiles making an uneven surface to move across. He didn't want to risk moving too fast and slipping to his death, so he resorted to slow but calculated steps. How do they do it? he thought to himself. He knew he was far behind, but it didn't matter much to him, running too fast would only waste energy for the long trek to come, let his teammates wear themselves out.

With a frown, he wondered if the other three even knew where the Iron Country was. He had forgotten most of his geography lessons ages ago, all he knew was the key places where the Hidden Shinobi Villages lay, the Iron Country was a whole other thing. He leaped off the building he was on, surprised at his own expertise in building hopping. He seemed to only float across the sky before taking off running on the next rooftop. While not as fast as Kinu, he sure had style down. The gate out of Kumogakure was coming up ahead, and Koma smile flattened out, returning to an bored grimace. This wouldn't be his first time out of the village, but it would be his first time going across the Lightning Country alone. He was sure his partners hadn't even planned for the trip yet, but he couldn't act smug, he wasn't even trying to look prepared.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
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Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) Solidifying Ties: The Meeting (Kinu, Leviathan and Tailbone) EmptyWed 01 Sep 2010, 5:20 am

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