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Mission: Save the Dango [Complete]

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Konoha Nin

Posts : 811

Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] EmptySun 29 Aug 2010, 5:06 am

Mission Title: Save the Dango
Mission Type: Generic
Mission Location: Kumogakure Main Gates
Shinobi Requirement: Genin, Chuunin, Genin Team (Jounin not necessary) or Chuunin Team
Mission Rank: C
Mission Objective: Dango thieves abound in Kumo and currently the Dango shop is having a hard time getting its stock from the gates to its larder without it being pillaged by off duty academy students and street urchins. You must guard the Dango with your lives and see it arrives safely at its destination. Bonus for completion promised.
Mission Time Limit: 2 weeks
Min Post Count: 3 for solo missions, 2 per person for team missions

A slim wisp of smoke flicked through the air, dancing on invisible currents and fading into the blue of the afternoon sky. Down the main street of Kumogakure strolled a young genin ninja. His hair was as gray and light as the smoke floating from the tip of the cigarette resting in the corner of his mouth. Having graduated from the academy a year ago, he had gone back to his home for some additional training and this was his first mission for the village. A bit challenging for a first time, but he was confident he could handle it alone.
As he approached the main gate of the village, his eyes darted quickly back and forth to the dark alleyways of nearby buildings. The mission reported that a Dango cart was under constant attack from various hoodlums and possibly even academy students. If it were simply street thugs, he wouldn't have a problem dealing with them, but some academy students could be trouble. As it were though, he saw no signs of danger and for the most part, figured that if there would be an attack, it would not be until they were further in the city, away from most of the on duty guards.Reaching the gate, he slumped his back against the massive door and looked towards the sun. It hung rather high but had already begun it's descent across the sky. He estimated that the cart would be at least another hour before arrival and after taking a long breath, exhaled a thick cloud of smoke before sliding down the door and sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Some time later, the clacking of hooves on stone could be heard slowly approaching Morel's location. Opening an eye, he peered into the distance and saw a figure approaching on the horizon. With a yawn and stretch, he pulled himself back to his feet. Cracking his back loudly as he did so. As the figure got closer, he could see it was a horse-drawn cart, it's cargo covered by a thick tarp. Flicking the ashes from his cigarette, he stood ready to greet the driver.

The driver was an old man, his eyes sharp as he analyzed Morel upon his approach. He seemed wary, and was rightfully so. With all the attacks on his cart as of late, anyone from the village would seem like a possible assailant. "I'm Morel, Morel Hakedoro. I'll be your escort today".

"A kid!? That's all they send!? A single freaking kid, I've never been so insulted. Apparently my well being and the state of my business going down the drain is of no concern to your village is it kid? Especially when your village is at fault! I swear, if a single box, no a SINGLE DANGO is stolen this time, I'm cutting off all ties to this village! You hear me!"
The man was furious, his wrinkled face turning deep red and Morel could not help but compare him to a radish. But instead of lashing back at the man like some others with shorter tempers may, Morel merely took a short puff of his cigarette before replying. "I assure you sir, you will not lose one gram of your cargo. I stake my pride as a Kumogakure ninja on it".

"Fat lot of good that'll be" the old man grumbled before snapping the reigns and beginning to move the cart down the street. "Well, what are you standing around for!? Let's see if that "pride" of yours is worth a damn. We have to cover half the village and I want to get this over with and never come back again".

Last edited by Daedalus on Fri 03 Sep 2010, 2:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 811

Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] EmptyTue 31 Aug 2010, 2:57 am

As the cart began to roll down the stone road, Morel quickly jumped, landing atop the stack of crates. Much to the old man's displeasure, his face turning beet red again as he screamed at the young ninja. "Dammit! Get the hell off of my dango's this instant! I'm no taxi service! Now you get down before I call this thing off entirely!". Morel did not argue nor offer any sort of retort. He simply complied and hopped off. He took a quick puff from his smoke, flicking access ashes from it's tip as the old man continued his angry ranting. "The hell did you even go up there for!? Didn't anyone ever teach you any manners!? You don't just go around stomping on someone else's stuff!"

"Sorry" Morel replied quietly. "I was just trying to get a better view of the road ahead. I did not intend to trample upon your cargo. I was inconsiderate". "I- Er.." The old man stammered, completely taken off guard by Morel's calm, mannered tone "W-Well, whatever. Just make sure it doesn't happen again". The man then fell silent and the two continued to travel that way. The only sounds they heard were the chatter of the civilians and the clattering of the horse as it walked along the road.

It was not until about an hour later, when the crowds were beginning to thin that the man brought his cart to a full halt. "It's 'round here" he said quietly, his eyes darting back and forth across the buildings. "Always 'round here those brats appear and ransack my cart". As he spoke, Morel already knew that something was wrong. He could feel the hidden gazes of several dozen eyes upon them, but couldn't pinpoint their locations. "I understand. Just keep your calm and I'll get you through here without harm"

He then took a very deep breath, his cigarette lighting up brightly and shrinking a good 5th of it's remaining length. But he did not exhale. Instead, he merely began walking forward, the old man following closely behind. As they walked, the buildings seemed to narrow around them, their shadows blanketing the street and the civilians seemed to have vanished. "This is the last stretch of road kid, we get through here and it's home free. Not that we're gonna make it though" The old man said with a quiet, cynical tone. Morel simply ignored him though, he could sense they were surrounded. Mostly from the rooftops, some were well hidden but they were clumsy, constantly peeking out to confirm their target's position and thus giving away their own.

As they rounded a corner though, they were immediately met by three boys. They looked to be about 2-3 years younger than Morel, though that did not seem to deter them. The one in the middle was tossing a kunai into the air while the others merely tried to look as tough as possible. Immediately, the old man lost his temper and began to explode in a variety of curses directed at the boys who merely stood there and laughed. "Well old man, you know the drill. Hand over the Dangos and no one gets hurt" Said the one tossing the kunai. At his words, the two boys beside him began walking forward, cracking their knuckles as they did so.

As the boys neared, the old man brought himself back to his senses long enough to start shouting at Morel "Well!? The #$^# you standing around for!? I didn't hire you to sit on your ass! Take care of them already!!". "He's too chicken!" The lead boy taunted at the man's words. "He may be a ninja, but he's just a scared little chicken! He's probably shaking in his boots right now! How about we teach him a lesson". With that, the two boys charged forward towards Morel, screaming their battle cries and leaped. Morel wasted no time and quickly threw up a kick with his left leg, catching one boy in the stomach and knocking him back and to the ground. Leaving him in a coughing heap. Not wasting a moment, he spun on his heel, pulling his head away from the second boy's fist and striking him in the back of the head with the same leg.

With both his bodyguards disabled, the leader looked panicked, his gaze jumping between the two. "Fine!" He suddenly called out "Everyone! Get him! Teach him a lesson now!". In an instant, all the hidden boys sprung from their locations and began to descend upon the cart. "TakoKing". Morel muttered as he exhaled a massive cloud of smoke. The gray matter twisting and curling, blanketing the entire street in a thick veil. A moment later, the screams of the boys could be heard as the smoke began to clear and take the form of a man-sized octopus atop the dango cart. It's tentacles each holding one of the boys in the air. The leader of the gang could only look in horror as the octopus began to knock out the boys one by one, and throwing them to the ground. Morel during this time, was quickly approaching the leader and just as the boy took notice to his presence, was KO'ed by a blow to his stomach.

Name: Smoke Manipulation
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-S
Element: Smoke
Description: The standard form of the clan's Kekkei Genkai. The user will create and exhale thick amounts of smoke and will then give it physical form. The smoke can be manipulated into anything the user wishes, from small animals and items to giant monstrosities. While the smoke can be powerful and deal physical damage, they have the durability of a shadow clone and a single good strike will cause the object to dissipate. The size and duration the smoke can be and last is dependent on the user's rank.
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 811

Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 2:22 am

A couple minutes after the brawl had ended, Morel had gathered the instigators into a group, tying them together with a rope he created from his jutsu, the end of which extended from the cigarette in his mouth. Gripping the rope, he pulled hard and with a loud groan, the boys were lifted in the air for a moment as Morel exhaled another blast of smoke, creating a small cart that the boys landed on. This way, he'd be able to keep them in his sight while the mission was completed, then hand them over to the proper authorities. The old man looked over at the makeshift cart and back towards Morel. "Impressive trick you got there kid" he said before turning away quickly. His tone returning to its usual gruffness. "Anyway! Let's get this over with before anything else happens". The two then began walking once more, carts in tow as they left the alley and stepped into the more open streets.

Arriving in front of the Dango shop, Morel aided with unloading the cart, the owner was ecstatic to finally have a full delivery arrive. It took about twenty minutes to completely unload the cart and put the supplies away. During this time, several of the boys had woken up and were vocally announcing their displeasure with their current situation. Morel ignored them and ensured that the ropes held tight. He didn't want any slipping away, least this situation repeat itself. As he was preparing to head out, he was approached by the old man. "Hey, listen kid, you did a good job, I guess. Anyway, I stick by my word, you got me here with my entire shipment intact. So I'll keep doing business with Kumo. But if this happens again! I swear! Just one more time!". Morel merely nodded in acknowledgment and turned away. Pulling the cart of shouting kids along with him. He would drop them off at the police station where they would receive the proper punishment for their actions.

Mission Complete.

Name: Smoke Manipulation
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-S
Element: Smoke
Description: The standard form of the clan's Kekkei Genkai. The user will create and exhale thick amounts of smoke and will then give it physical form. The smoke can be manipulated into anything the user wishes, from small animals and items to giant monstrosities. While the smoke can be powerful and deal physical damage, they have the durability of a shadow clone and a single good strike will cause the object to dissipate. The size and duration the smoke can be and last is dependent on the user's rank.
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Posts : 730

Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 7:07 am

Mission successful. Well done, Daedalus. Keep up the good work.
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] Mission: Save the Dango [Complete] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 4:47 pm

4 Marks. For consistently posting over the limit expected as well as being an interesting read. Nice Work

4 Marks x 2 (for C rank) = 8 Mission Pts
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