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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyWed 22 Sep 2010, 9:17 pm

There has been a challenge sent to Blaize Ryuzaki not to long ago. He was told via messenger bird to go along and meet around the outside of Suna. Outside of Suna about 5 meters after walking out and making Suna invisible to the naked eye. The challenge was sent not to long ago. The challenge was read like so, or something that he could remember.
Quote :
“To Mr. Blaize Ryuzaki. I have heard about the missions you have been doing for Suna and your popularity as a shinobi has been growing weather you know it or not. You are to be called one of Suna’s loyal Chuunin even having the title just received not to long ago. I would like to have a challenge. You see hearing is one thing while action is another. Meet me outside Suna’s gates and head to the desert. There walk until Suna is not visible and then walk about 5 meters more. There will be just the two of us and not many distractions like a forest or something. Just clear open territory. Ill be waiting for you soon.
Blaize wanted to know who this person was. He was very interested in finding who this person was. Blaize was prepared with his katana holding at the place were hs belt should be going. Also holding along his scrolls as well. Then his weapon holsters and potassium bombs in his pocket. He was thinking of a plan as he scattered the area. Not to much going on. It had to be around 4 pm the coolness of Suna was starting to show as well as Wind starting to pick up but only to have the sand reach up to your knee caps. Then there were rocks. Only a few rocks were visible and enough to hide your body only for a short time because you would be find out so easily. He wondered when the challenger was coming. And why he wanted to test out his skills. For that he would wait, wait until the person shows up.
Word Count: 345
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyWed 22 Sep 2010, 9:37 pm

Initake sat on the threshold, realyl an imaginary line, of which made Suna visible, and invisible, to the naked eye. He had sent a challenge to a boy by the name of Blaize Ryuzaki not too long ago, and he had been sitting here about this time everyday for the past two days, to wait for the child to show up, just in case the mailing system had been hastened. It hadn't, it still took a while. His bird was not the most intelligent in the world, but it got the job done eventually, and that is all Initake cared about: getting the job done.

He was a bit closer than what he had told the boy, not sitting toward the target of five yards out, he sat o where Suna was but a blur. He was also a bit to the side, so that way, when the boy did arrive on the scene, he could startle him from the behind, make him a bit jumpy, something he would have to get used to fighting Initake.

As he saw the boy approach, he laid in the sand, concealing himself as well as possible, invisible to anything that wasn't specifically looking for him. As Blaize reached the designated position, Initake began to crawl through the grass as discretely as possible, sneaking up behind the boy. When he got to his desired position, about a yard or so behind the boy, he jumped up, being light on his feet, not making even a sound as he landed in the sand once more.

He put his right hand on Blaize's right shoulder, and said, "Looking for me?" He chuckled maniacally afterward, as the boy jumped a mile in the air.

"Only kidding, Blaize, you know that, I'm not the one to do that to people.... normally. I just wanted to scare the shit outta you." He laughed again, this time normally. He rolled his eyes as Blaize's expression didn't change, he thought he was serious. His expression was basically a glare, and nothing more. Initake didn't care, he knew Blaize couldn't keep a straight face for long with him around. Unless he was abnormally pissed, which he seemed, but he knew Blaize too well. Recently he had been in a good mood, and he never had mood swings. Ever.
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyWed 22 Sep 2010, 10:05 pm

Blaize Ryuzaki started to arrive at the scene. He was still waiting for his opponent to show up but nothing has seemed to show. Blaize felt uneasy. I mean he was the challenger not the one who set up this whole spar. The person who sent it was not here. Was he late? How could he be late to his own challenge. >.< i mean he is the one who set it up correct? Ether way the fact remains the person was not here. Blaize then closed his eyes and waiited as he listend to his surroundings. He hers something, somethng faint but then let it go as for the sound of the wind. And it would of been a sound blaize would have let go if the sound stopped just as the wind did. The sound continued. Blaize eyes opened wondering what it was the first thing he thought of was.

"Great, a snaker. We did not even start ths match and already this shinobi wants to play games, why is that? Does he not know much about hiding, or is he just testing me. Ether way he wants me to make the first move. if thats so then...hua"

Blaize then noticed Ini finally snaking out of his hiding place. Blaize then turned around to face him as he quickly placed his hand on his back as he pulled out his katana as he pointed directly at Ini direction. he then stopped and let out a soft sigh as he shaked his head hearing what Ini had to say. He then started to look up as he then spoken.

"Ini If your the one who sent the sparr you must know things like this dosent go well with other shinobi. Prepare yourself Ini this is a spar treat is as the real thing!"

He walked up to him and cought him by the collar and then tossed him over about 5 meters so they have some distance. As that was done he looked over at Ini with his katana out as he then spoken.

"Alright Ini Get serious ill let you have the first move in the desert."

(OOC: Sorry for spelling will fix by next post)
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyTue 28 Sep 2010, 10:06 pm

Initake stared down Blaize as his katana swung in his direction. Apparently he HAD head the sneaking shinobi coming up from behind him, attempting to already utilize the element of surprise. Apparently he could not, at least not yet. He always tries to get some of his humorous side and some of his joking side out of him before returning to his normal, strict, down-to-business sort of thing. So, apparently, this battle was no exception.

He just stared into space as Blaize went on his whole sch-peel about being serious and getting ready for battle and whatnot. He never really listened to constructive criticism, he thought he was fine the way he was. But he didn't really care what people thought of him. He could tell Blaize liked him as a friend, and he thought the same of him, but he knew Blaize got at least just a little irritated every time Initake decided to throw in just a bit of his slightly dry humor. Especially at times like this when people were supposed to be serious. But he was anything but humorous when in battle.

He was all business, and this is what he has to resort to know. All business. He looked to the sky for a brief moment, to see what the weather was like, though he could feel it by his lack of saliva and the fact that his clothing was sticking to his body. It wad the same fucking weather that plagued the forsaken desert everyday. Hot as hell, and humid as fuck. Nothing new, it was never anything new. he would be lucky if it rained, hell, he would be lucky even to see a damned cloud.

As Ini heard Blaize speak his final words, he knew that his little speech was over and it was time to get down to business. He would now use a rather different approach for him. He usually goes on the defensive, which is what is much better for him, because it is what he was used to, but now, now, he would catch his opponent off guard, by being on the offensive. He wouls rush straight at him, but he then realized he wasn't moving. Only thinking.

So, he decided to put his thoughts into action. "You are certainly correct. But, is this serious enough for ya?" He then summoned a clone, spitting image of him, for he clones better than anyone he knows, there would not be one thing on a clone you would find different than he, and they than ran in a pattern somewhat resembling DNA, constantly shifting positions to the left, right, in front of each other, and, therefore, would be even more difficult to detect which was which.

He then took out a small army knife, maybe about ten inches long, and sharp as hell, from his left front pocket, and his clone matched him. He did this as discretely as possible, for he did not want to do anything too dangerous. he was only about a yard or so away from Blaize, so he would be at him before Blaize even knew it. He jabbed his right arm, which was holding the knife forward, to stab Blaize. This would be his first doing. He aimed at Blaize's stomach, and, figuratively, aiming to make it Blaize's last.
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Posts : 509

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyTue 28 Sep 2010, 10:16 pm

L33 suddenly popped up out the ground with a confused expression, muffin in hand he asked them... " Where did i get this muffin? "
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyTue 28 Sep 2010, 10:39 pm

Initake pauses mid-stride, halted in mid-air. "What the fuck? when and how did you get here?" Initake then roflpwned the random dude, took the muffin, ate it, and continued on to pwn Blaize.
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyWed 29 Sep 2010, 3:10 am

Blaize Ryuzaki started to look at Ini. Seeing that he was more then just lacking in energy to fight. It was all fun and games to him. Blaize defiantly respected Ini and trusted him as a comrade. Its just he needs to know when there is a right time and a good time to use his humor. Unfortunately it did not take long for him to know that his words were falling on Deaf ears. Though he did see Ini looking up in the sky, so something was defiantly on his mind. Hopefully the match but you know that could not be the case...or was it. Ini looked at Blaize with a determine look in his eyes.

He started to make a clone that was right next to him. Blaize clenched his katana as he examined the Clone as he thought to himself.
"Alright he has made a clone, no big deal. I know i am not suppose to underestimate him but the clone he made was right in front of him. So the clone may be only used as a decoy to stop me enough for him to pull out a jutsu or a plan that will take some time. Close range combat is not my style but i guess if he needs time i will not allow him to. ...Whats this..there both coming at me."

Blaize noticed that both him and his clones were coming at him. He knew that he wanted to strike first. This was not like Ini at all but for some reason he chose to go on to offensive then the defensive. Both of them were running in a dna type spiral. He knew he couldn't keep focus on both of them he had to take out them both. The only problem was is the fact that the clone was real or not. No matter the time was not to decide this they were coming in for the attack and blaize had to counter it.

Blaize started to snap his hands as his hands and leggs were engulfed in flames as he then started to turn around his katana in successive motions till the katana it self was turning into a spiral of defense. The blade would be the base of his attack. Ini and his clone were reading for their close range attack this attack will not only block the attack but repel and slash them both when they got close The attack of this would be able to take out the clone and would leave the real Ini behind. He was already focused in the direction to the Ini to the left blocking and countering his attack while he sent the flames that was in his right leg out of his body and into the direction of the second Ini, thus countering him as well. If the Realy ini was near the sword he knew he would get cut marks for the attack. While in the same token if the real Ini was in the way of the fire the fire itself will burn Ini.
When he knew he got the two of them he would stop and stare down at Ini and view the results of his attack.

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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 7:27 am

*Bump* if no post by monday then topic is closed*
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 10:06 pm

Initake wasn't focused much on his plan, because, for the most part, he just improvised. His intelligence and ability to think on his feet would take him from there. He never really had plans, because, when he did, he could not execute them well. This is why it would be hard for him to be anything more than what he is now: A Chuunin. If he was a Jounin, or, one day, even Kazekage, the land would fall, because of his lack of ability to maintain his plans.

However, he broke his cycle, making it obvious to Blaize which one the real Ini was. He summoned another clone, this time, a water-element-based clone, not a normal one. This easily made i apparent to which one Initake really was, so he did not have to keep his plan in tact anymore. He had the two clones still rush in to provide a possible distraction, but, he ordered them, through his mind, to avoid the blade at all costs. Initake, himself, jumped high in the air, blocking all sunlight, casting a humongous shadow over the battlefield.

Initake now, had a developing idea in his mind. He was not going to aim at Blaize, rather close to him, with this jutsu. Exploding Water Colliding Wave, a jutsu he learned recently, would be what he would use. He built up a lot of chakra, to make sure his plan would work, and expended it all about two feet in front of Blaize. This created a giant hole in the ground, not quite the size of a metorite crater, but large enough to create a pond. His chakra he expended proved greatly. Because of the slope of the hole, a giant wave was forced up the slope at great speeds, and hit Blaize's blade, mostly, some of it had seemingly hit Blaize's head.

Obviously, because of the rate Blaize's sword was rotating, it sent bullets of water in every which direction. To prevent him from being by these bullets as such, Initake decided to use the best hiding spot: Underground. He used his Underground Projection Fish Technique, and disappeared underground. Having a keen sense of hearing, him being a dog, he could hear the vibrations from Blaize above, and his heartbeat as well, which was irregular, beating about 1.5X the norm. He like the sound of that. It gave his opponent's a sense of despair.

After a few seconds, he knew Blaize would be looking for him. So, he decided to give him what he wanted. But, before he did so, he built immense amounts of water chakra inside of him. Doing so, if he were to use a jutsu, it would be amazingly powerful. He climbed through the seveeral layers of dirt, and whatever else was down there, and arrived at the surface. He looked to Blaize, being behind him now. "Looking for me?"

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Age : 30
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Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyTue 05 Oct 2010, 11:43 pm

OOC: Ini, you were in mid jab towards blades stomach with a knife when Blaize initiated his attack. In your post, it seems like you are nowhere in the attack when your post left of with the stab. Please edit accordingly, your in a dangerous spot. Also, Water Clones need a source of water to manifest from and it would be impossible to hear his heartbeat from underground; you can't even hear his heart beat above ground.
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptyWed 06 Oct 2010, 10:22 pm

OOC: Point made, Z. Will be fixed soon. Mind has been in the gutter recently. My bad.
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar!, INI VS BLAZE Spar!, INI VS BLAZE EmptySat 09 Oct 2010, 8:31 am

OOC: This is to remind Ini to Please Edit your post and let me know when you have done so
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