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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin]

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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 06 Apr 2010, 2:06 am

Basic Information:

[list]Name: Initake Inuzuka
Secondary Title: Wolfman; Ini
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance:

Initake stands slightly above six feet tall, and weighs slightly over 150 pounds. He is regarded generally skinny, though it does not look it. He does have some ripped abdominal muscles, including a six-pack, jacked arms and legs, broad, muscular shoulders, and a muscular back. He has incredibly long legs, and a somewhat short abdomen, for his incredibly long legs take up most of his body.

With shaggy, medium length black hair, it sometimes goes into his eyes, reducing his vision, so he frequently wears a black bandana. His hair goes to about the bottom of his shoulders in the back, and a little below his eyes, if he straightens it, in the front. He also has blue eyes, a bright, radiant blue, truly a sight to behold. They are somewhat of a darker shade, somewhat of a royal blue. He is usually wide-eyed, and frequently blinks, due to his horrible astigmatism.

Initake, while he is strolling around town, he wears a black hoodie, which is a little too big for him, and he wears the hood over his head, with the strings tightened, so it is hard to see any aspect of his face. He also wears a pure silver necklace given to him by his father, with a wolf on it. Initake says that. besides the red clan symbol on his cheeks, this is what represents him within his clan. He sports khaki pants/shorts, depending on the weather, with a chain on the left side, and full of pockets to hold all of his personal items and such. He wears black combat boots with lime green laces, and he has very large feet, which is all right because no one cares about feet.

When he is in combat, as a human, and not as a wolf (since he is an Inuzuka), he tends to wear light body armor. It is made of chain mail, one of the most sturdy armors around. He spray painted his armor a dark red, nearly a blood red color, and the spaulders attached to it black. He also wears plate leggings when in combat as well. it is just his signature thing.

As an Inuzuka, when he does transform to become a wolf, he is one that is very shaggy looking. He has scruffy, long, silver, white, and gray fur, mainly gray. He has long ears, which are always upright. His snout is fairly long, with a wet/ black nose on it's tip. He has long, strong front and hind legs, with a foot long tail, that, if whipped, could make someone fly nearly ten feet. He trains with it to make it stronger.

Personality: Initake's attitude is so much like his father's, he cannot bare to stand it. He has serious anger management issues, and is lazy. He is the quickest in the crowd to get PO'ed, and always the last to do something he was told to do, so sometimes, being the person he is, he either persuaded (threatened them) them, to do it for him, or payed them off, since he is rich.

People, regardless of knowing of his furious personality, try to be his friend because of his wealth, for he had grown up rich, and this just gives him more grief and sorrow than he already has, since these main four feeling are he feeling that he has always and always will know.

His most common emotion is most likely the one that basically speaks for him all the time. The " I don't give a flying f*ck " mood. He doesn't really care much about anything unless it is life altering, or about himself. He is not self-centered, but that is just the way of his thinking goes.

He is, despite the flaws of his personality, is very honorable. If something is done, such as treason or a broken promise, or something to that affect, he will find it dishonorable and most likely be pissed at you for the time being. He will do anything that a position of authority asks, thought he may not like it or do it right away, so he does procrastinate as well.

Though, he has changed, though not drastically, in his time as a shinobi. He is now a very honorable citizen, and human being as a whole. He may still be the person to fly off the handle, and get pissed quite easily, but, when he does, he at least is aware that he has to keep it in check, and tries to do so, even though it may not work from time to time.

He is now very honorable in the way in which he will do anything for his Kage, in allegiance to his village, and his country as a whole. He is now somewhat friend-oriented as well, he stays loyal to those he cares about, and would never do anything to harm them, whereas, before, he would betray them in a second. Staying this long in one village gets to some people, and, apparently, Initake was one of them.

He is also kind of impulsive. when he gets the feeling that he wants to do something totally out of the blue, and unlike him, he does. He has no regrets or remorse for the things he does, he just does them to satisfy himself and to get it over with.
Catch Phrase:
"You can't be late until you show up"
"Sart off everyday wth a smile and get it over with"

Rank Information:

[list]Rank: Chuunin
Village Affiliation: Sunagakure no Sato - Village Hidden in the Sand

Special Information:

    Character Speciality:
    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity:
    Main: Earth
    Sub: Water
    Special Characteristics: He is generally feared by many people due to his explosive attitude, and therefore, easily "persuades" people.

    Also, his superior intelligence of Bunshinjutsu allows him to have a stronger clone, instead of dissipating in one hit, Seeing as how he knows three Bunshinjutsu, compared to most genin with one.

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

Background Information

Role-Play Sample: Initake walked into the courtyard, with a few people hanging around, here and there. he stood at the Grand Entrance of this famed courtyard, after being allowed admittance inside. he was here for a little party being held by the Kazekage, and he wouldn't miss it for the world. He saw some people he knew, some people he wished to know, and some people he wanted to avoid. So, him being his impulsive self, he then jumps on the fountain, takes off his pants, and begins to dance.

He loved having a good time, and, even if this got him kicked out, he knew it would entertain himself, and many other people, and may even get him some fun afterward. { Wink } He swung his pants in the air like a madman, but he didn't care. It's not like he was drunk, or even hyper. Just bored at that moment in time. And, technically, he wasn't doing anything wrong, if you look at it, so there would be no charges against him should they attempt to arrest him.

When he was tired and out of breath, he waved his hand, yelled thank you to all the people in which were watching him, jumped off of the fountain, put his pants back on, and proceeded toward the front door of the mansion that the party was being held in.

He walked in, and got some compliments on his dance moves, and how they liked the checkerboard pattern of his boxers. he would do nothing but laugh, but some of the witty comments some people came up with angered him, though he kept his anger inside, he wouldn't let that ruin his night.

He sat in a chair, the only one available, seemingly, in the entire mansion, luckily for him it was in the main room, where everyone was. he wasn't much to dance WITH people, so he refrained from doing so, though he did want to get drunk, and do the same as he did outside, though he refrained from this as well. This was to be the night of his life, and no one was going to take that away from him, and alcohol was not going to fuck him up. Not here, not now.

All he wished to do was have a good time, hang out with some of his friends, should he be able to find some of them, and possibly meet the Kazekage for about the third time in his life. He was always busy, and did not have enough time for the outside world.

But, he did meet the Kazekage, though it was after a fight with mansion security, and he was complimented by the kazekage, saying how he liked his enthusiasm for fighting, and he knew it was the Security's fault for starting it, because he wouldn't let him in a room with the upper class people, so he knew it was to bring justice to himself, and for others who may want to do the same as he, so he promoted Initake, for, from this and previous displays, he knew the type of shinobi he was. And he was known for it. And now he was chuunin. He got all he wanted this night, and then some, how could you not be satisfied with something like that happening to you?

Last edited by Master~Ini~ on Wed 22 Sep 2010, 9:21 pm; edited 21 times in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Clan Info Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 13 Apr 2010, 11:20 pm

Clan Name: Inuzaka

Clan Location: Konoha

Clan Traits: This clan has a large infatuation with the dog species. Rarely will a clan member be seen with out their canine companion which all of them have. All of their clan jutsu incorporate the usage of their dogs and could almost be considered another ninja with the level they are utilized at, quite often using the same jutsu as their human master. The dogs are often regular sized puppies, nothing to large from the beginning, and are usually in this stage for the duriation of the time the ninja is a genin, and part of their chunin. When the ninja is about 15, the puppy will go through a giant growth spurt, at least quadrupling in size. These dogs are bred specially and do not age in normal dog years and can live as long as a human. This was done so that a clansmen would not have to constantly replace companions because they often grow very attached to their dogs.

Inuzaka clan members also take on some very dog like characteristics in their body and also in their personality. Typically they are very brash and up front, being very animalistic and instinctual. This can cause them to come off as confrontational. Their canines are sharper then most, resembling that of dogs, and they have increased senses of smell, being able to track like a dog with little effort. They also always have red face paint on, which is the symbol of their clan.

* Must have Taijutsu and Ninjutsu as specialties

Kekkei Genkai: -

Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] 200px-Inuzuka_Symbol.svg

The Inuzuka clan (犬塚一族, Inuzuka Ichizoku) or Inuzuka family (犬塚家, Inuzuka-ke) is known for their use of dogs (some clan members prefer wolves) as fighting companions. Clan members are apparently given their own canine partner or partners when they reach a certain age. Thereafter, the shinobi and his/her dog(s) are practically inseparable. Clan members have distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks, animalistic eyes, and enlarged canine teeth. It would seem that due to the bond between a Inuzuka clan member and their canine partner(s), their chakra is allowed to mix and is shared between them, adding a feral appearance to the human partners, and makes a bond between then that affords them the use of the clan's collaboration-style techniques, such as the Dual Piercing Fang technique.

Clan Details: Open

Last edited by ΩMeGa on Thu 22 Apr 2010, 6:22 am; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: History {WiP} Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySun 18 Apr 2010, 3:04 am



Initake grew up as the child that everyone wanted to be friends with. And this was so but for only one reason: He was rich. Children always wanted to borrow money and such from him, and he obliged to their requests. When he was about 7, when he obtained REAL friends, he knew that the other children were just using him. And he got sick of it. Fast. He bothered with no one but the friends that he knew he would have for a while.

His life at home was no better. He very seldom saw his father, but his mother was always around, which was not always a good thing. His mother was old, and often needed to be taken care of more than him. Their servants did not like children, so they seldom took care of him, either, but they payed much attention to his always-aging mother, who grew more weary and gray-haired by the day.

His father, being a Jounin, at this point, about 32 years of age, a rather old shinobi, but still definitely physically fit, was never home, for he had a team to take care of, and the whole village to defend, of course, this village being Yukigakure. And when his father was home, he he was barely home for a week or two, then he was sent off on another mission or some sort of thing for the Yukikage.

As he progressed on in his years, he realized, however, that he would not need their moral support, only his own satisfaction, and those he truly cared about, would be the ones to stay with him.

The reason why he was so rich is because his mother, before she had gotten sick, with some sort of disease no one knew how to cure, was a world famous performer. Her income totaled well over the average. Considering Yuki was a poor city, he was maybe average compared to other villages, he wasn't sure, he had never been out of the village before.

He, when his father was around, trained frequently, when he could, nearly mastering basic Bunshinjutsu, such as the regular clone technique, and his Clan Technique, similar to it.

In his earlier years, he tried to hide the fact he knew some of his clan's powers, and his clan in general. Many of his friends and classmates were shinobi in training, and had clans, and bragged about it all the time. He wants to keep his abilities, which he feels superior about, quiet. They will see soon enough.


His academy year were better than the years he had lived before. He was isolated away from many people, except some students, which some he didn't mind, and the teachers. This is when his true ability became known to the public. He had a couple moments where he was on the verge of expulsion due to his anger, nearly killing one of his teachers due to him encouraging him, when Initake took it as an insult. He managed to keep it intact, with an occasional outburst.

He had made a friend who turns out is from the same clan as he. They were not related, so they knew, but they definitely were from the same clan. But they disregarded this fact because they do not teach clan jutsu here at the academy, but the basic jutsus.

These Initake spent countless nights practicing, but for what? He already knew the bunshinjutsu, and Body Flicker came easily to him. Guess you can never have too much practice, right?

Being a shinobi was not as coveted as Initake thought it to be. It was serious, hard work, that was for sure, but he didn't know how grueling and how difficult it would be, especially for a genin. His genin years were not as stunning and jaw-dropping as he would have liked them to be, but they were great nonetheless.

He explored the great deserts or Wind Country, been in the beautiful, lush paradise known as River Country, in which he attempted a mission, which failed, and even had a few great training sessions, spars, in other words. His combat skills lived up to his expectations, for all of his spars either resulted in a draw, or wins, which was amazing for him. then again, he did not face himself against anyone other than a genin.

Otherwise, he spent his time in the village, doing small chores for those who needed it most, and lounged around. He learned many new things along the way, for life is all a learning experience. he was promoted due to a fight with Security in a party thrown by the great Kazekage, which was ironic, because he was speaking of not wanting to be promoted earlier that day to his friend, but he took the promotion easily, it was a no-brainer, and he has no regrets. he just loves being a shinobi. And now, it was time to hone his skills, and take being a shinobi more seriously, and take what he can do, and stretch it to the next level.

And one day, as the Kazekage was planning something special for his inhabitants, Initake and one other shinobi got in a massive spar, well, it was massive while it lasted, which was not for very long. The other shinobi ran out of the Casino's courtyard, off of the premesis, and left the village, so he heard.

After the Kazekage had seen Initae run a shinobi out of a fight that quickly, and the prowess he had shown during the spar itself he kne he liked him.

When the Kazekage was planning something for the whole village, and even part of Kirigakure, to enjoy, Initake showed his great militaristic strategy for his division for the upcoming "games", he was immediately promoted t o Chuunin, which is what he is now.

Last edited by Master~Ini~ on Sat 28 Aug 2010, 2:17 am; edited 9 times in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: ~Water Ninjutsu~ Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyMon 19 Apr 2010, 12:13 am



Last edited by {.iNi.} on Tue 24 Aug 2010, 10:27 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Doton Ninjutsu Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 20 Apr 2010, 4:13 pm



Last edited by Master~Ini~ on Tue 07 Sep 2010, 11:52 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Inuzuka Clan Jutsu Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 20 Apr 2010, 7:33 pm



Last edited by Master~Ini~ on Fri 27 Aug 2010, 7:14 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyThu 22 Apr 2010, 5:05 am



Last edited by Master~Ini~ on Tue 31 Aug 2010, 9:29 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 35
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyThu 22 Apr 2010, 5:59 am

Hidden Mist has been classified as a Kiri only jutsu. Other than that, looks good. Fix and ill give a second run through
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyThu 22 Apr 2010, 6:01 am

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Age : 35
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyThu 22 Apr 2010, 6:28 am

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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyFri 27 Aug 2010, 6:12 pm


Last edited by Master~Ini~ on Sat 28 Aug 2010, 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySat 28 Aug 2010, 12:20 am

Completion Bump.... even though i am the most recent topic...
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyMon 30 Aug 2010, 3:55 am

bumpity bump bump bump.
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Age : 31
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyMon 30 Aug 2010, 8:59 am

'Stonehenge' ~ Please edit this technique to B-rank. Also, If one is ripped from the ground but is immediately replaced, how would the user even have time to use it to attack someone?

'Splitting Earth Opposite Technique' ~ Since you added in the bit about more chakra makes the trench bigger, you're going to need to include the sizes for each rank.

'Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling' ~ This technique requires a strength that wasn't listed in your Special Characteristics.

'Cherry Blossom Impact' ~ By the technique's own description, it seems to be a Medical jutsu. Now only that, but this is a technique that would yet again require special characteristic that you don't have. Advanced chakra control. I'm gonna go ahead and say remove it.

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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 31 Aug 2010, 9:15 pm

The last two were canon... and will be deleted, since i really don't feel like making majorly confusing edits... and the other two will be edited as well.

And in response to the comment regarding the "Stonehenge" jutsu, they would obviously have to use a different pillar.... if i am interpreting your comment correctly... this is my answer... if not... then could you please re-phrase this?
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Age : 31
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyThu 02 Sep 2010, 9:23 pm

Hmm, I see. Here I thought I was being pretty straight forward. Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] 858484

For Stonehenge, I'm just going to say remove, because the way you've written it makes it sound like an ultimate defense. Also to elaborate you wouldn't have the time to throw a pillar that's ripped out if another pillar just takes it's place, because then the user would be inside the pillars and any offensive attack would be blocked by them.
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 8:43 pm

All righty then.
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 8:44 pm

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Age : 31
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 9:18 pm

Eh, Idk why I didn't think to ask before. Do you have approval for this or the proper amount of mission points?
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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 9:26 pm

I still haven't worked out reading extensively the mission points thing, but I have the approval of Hugh, yes.
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Age : 33
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 9:41 pm

Quote :
Name: Assimilated Tank Rock
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: This jutsu is a copied version of the Akimichi clan's Human Bullet Tank jutsu, the only difference being that the user uses the Assimilate All Creation Technique to fuse with a nearby rock and collect the necessary mass to perform it, instead of creating it themselves. Additionally, using rock powder makes it more damaging, since the resulting human ball is made of a much stronger and heavier material.

You need the Assimilate All Creation Technique to use this one.

So, add that one, or remove this one please.

I just wanted to point that one out before LT gives you the final approval.

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Age : 28
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 07 Sep 2010, 11:49 pm

Will do.
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Age : 30
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyMon 13 Sep 2010, 11:05 pm

You still have WIP in the title
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] EmptyTue 28 Sep 2010, 10:12 pm

Seems good to me. Approved for Update! <3
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Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Inuzuka, Initake [Suna Chuunin] Empty

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