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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P

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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 18 Oct 2010, 6:50 pm

As the exams were announced not to long ago within the village. It seems every Kumo Genin just got a sugar high. Everyone was going to do what they can to join the upcoming Chuunin exams. Although the announcement was brief to the village, the village itself, at least the genin, were all in mass hysteria. Wondering, how they will do against another. Kyo, no doubt, thought of this as well. Kyo started to take off his gloves and lowered his surgical mask as he placed them in a bio hazard wastebasket as he exited the room. There his mentor was standing in front of him as he gave him a smile as he spoken.

"Well considering the fact nothing has blown up yet means that the mission was a success. Good job ll take on the rest here. The chuunin exams are coming up you know. I know you been training medically but have you been training outside the grounds of the medical field kyo?"

Kyo looked up at him and nodded as he was taking off his lab jacket and trading it for his black ones. He then placed his fingerless gloves on himself as he then started to walk out the door.
"Yes, i have there is i placed a bulletin to all kumo genin of a spar that is taking place this afternoon near the Kumo academy. There will be an empty training area with just the ground, a few tress, and small shrubs, and some boulders there. Its really natural place for a spar. The clouds itself are in a good distance up in the field, so visibility is not a problem for something like a today. Its not to hot not to cold with just clear winds. This s were my training is going to be at least for today mentor. I must go now i spent to much time here as it is."

As soon as he said that he started to exit the door and then headed out to the kumo academy. As he was walking he was thinking back. Thinking back on how he had to ask the academy instructors about this request. This was not odd for the academy to lend genin a hand for preparation but Kyo proposed that the academy students will take time off to see the match. TO see how a ninja must evolve in himself, and through battle. As he finished his flashback he was now facing the training area. The training area had fences all around its territory. There was one door to the entrance of the training area as kyo stepped through the opening and then walked towards the middle of the area as he noticed something going from the outside of the fences. There were academy students, guided by their chuunin instructor, heading in the background of the area. They were not directly at the gates but close enough to see, and far enough to not get caught within the crossfire of the two shinobi. Kyo then looked back at the training area and waited for his opponent for today to arrive. Hopefully he was phyced up about the chuunin exams as he was.
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 18 Oct 2010, 7:26 pm

Karamu had been fired up from news of the chuunin exams, he had been training non stop but not enough to hurt himself. He wanted to show the village what he was made of and he was not going to disapoint. He had recently checked out a message at the academy inviting any Kumo genin to take part in a spar and Karamu felt it was just what he needed, training alone was good but with another person made it better. He had spent the day jogging in the village until the spar took part, he wanted his body to be warmed up. He had a small snack to replenish his energy and headed off.

He arrived at the academy and went to the training area nearby. As he was approaching he noticed a crowd of students and an instructor sitting outside the fence of the training area, Karamu had not noticed he was going to have a crowd but it was fine as the chuunin exams would have a much larger crowd. He stepped into the area and looked at his opponent, he was called Kyo, he had seen him around once or twice, all he knew was that he was a couple of years older and probably more experienced. Karamu had never faced a genin older than himself, 'This is gonna be different but variety is the spice of life, I think.' Karamu thought to himself as he walked towards Kyo. He did not walk close to Kyo, he just stopped with a good amount of distance between him and Kyo and said "Hello, I'm taking it that you are Kyo and you put up the message for a genin spar, my name is Karamu and I shall be your opponent." He looked at the crowd and then back at Kyo and gave a slight smile, 'He brought them here, he must want to teach the kids a thing or two, how sweet.' Karamu thought as he awaited a response from Kyo.
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 18 Oct 2010, 7:57 pm

Kyo looked at the genin that was his opponent. He was a couple of years younger then him. Then again who wasent. He was not a native in Kumo, he just called this place his own. He would not even be allowed to be called a ninja if his Mentor did not do what he could for him to be called a shinobi. There was one condition for him to join kumo and that was to have the rank of genin and then he must compete in this chuunin exams. He was not told to win but he must take part of these exams. He then noticed his opponent as he got close to him and then gave him his introduction.

As he gave himself an introduction, kyo smiled some as he then started to bow lightly in respect to him. As he was the one next to speak he then gave his own introduction. "My name is Ryuzaki Kyo. I am glad you took part in this spar Karamu. I want to practice with other shinobi for the chuunin exams. This is the first time I am taking part in the exams and with so many solo mission, i thought this was a great way to meet other shinobi. I brought the academy students here to show what we bring to kumo, what we bring to our home. It is a spar that will help us gain confidence and personal values and that will be with us in the exams. So my new friend are you ready for the spar?"

He said as he started to jump back giving himself a few meters of distance to Karamu. He was known not to show any leeway for any shinobi could be more then meets the eye. Kyo started to take out two kunai and then reached into his pocket as he then took out a small item and put it in his mouth, He then started to twirl his kunai as he stopped and focused a grip on them. He then started to snap his fingers as his arms and legs were engulfed in fire. As that happened he then started to speak."My friend, get ready the spar begins right now!" As he finished his last words he focused some of his chakra in his kunai and threw it in directly at the opponent. It was time to test his reflexes and wondered how the result will come fourth. The academy students looked in awe as the battle was now in full swing.

Last edited by Kyo on Mon 18 Oct 2010, 11:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Including the Ending Spoiler, that and only that i swear)
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Age : 31
Posts : 71

Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 18 Oct 2010, 8:31 pm

Karamu thought that Kyo was very polite, he seemed different to the average ninja, some guys would have started fighting immediately. Karamu was surprised when Kyo's arms and legs burst into flames, that would of been considered unnatural to people who had little knowledge of ninja but it was within the bizzare realm of the ninja world, still instant limb combustion is always a little surprising. He threw a kunai at Karamu after letting him know the fight had started. Karamu pulled out a kunai of his own and deflected the incoming kunai, he caught the kunai and threw it towards Kyo, he did not think it would hit him but Kunai only really worked on slow ninja or in sneak attacks and Kyo did not look slow.

Karamu then jumped back a bit, he would usually rush in and unleash a barrage of kicks and punches but it was a bit more complicated with Kyo being mostly on fire. He had little knowledge of ninjutsu, he knew the basics and that was all, still he figured he should use one or two to show the students that they could be used in battle situations. Without ninjutsu, he was going to have a hard time attacking Kyo without burning himself. He decided to stand back and watch Kyo's fighting style, see if he can see a weakness and figure out a counter attack. He threw another kunai at Kyo with an explosive tag attached, as soon as it was close to Kyo, he triggered the tag and it exploded and there was a noise of shouting outside the area, the students enjoyed the explosion from the look of it. Karamu kept focused on the dust cloud, he could not see Kyo so he jumped back once more and waited for any sign of Kyo so he could attack, this would not be an easy battle.

Jutsu used:

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Posts : 149

Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 18 Oct 2010, 11:38 pm

Kyo Ryuzaki started to look at his results as he saw his opponent not choosing the first option, which is moving away. Instead he took out his own ninja tool, kunai, and used it for his counter and deflecting his own kunai. He smirked as he was about to counter act his opponent but then he noticed something to his surprise, his opponent caught his kunai and was about to use it against him. With his chakra in the kunai he was about to control the movement of the kunai but instead he decided not to and waited and wondered what his plan would have been. As soon as he was thinking of what to do, his opponent decided to throw back the kunai. Kyo eyes widen as he started to take an item from his pocket. It was a small ball, small enough to fit in the end of the kunai. He then started to focus on his chakra as he made the kunai stop in mid air. He was controlling the kunai with the fire chakra that he put on when he threw it. He was going to use it as a small tactic for later on but given what just happened he thought he had to show that using his own things against him was a bad idea.

As that happened, he started to grasp his own kunai in his hands. The chakra he placed earlier in the battle would only last about another minute or so. With that said he started to place the small ball inside of the kunai, a snug and perfect fit. As that happened he was ready to use his kunai at him one more time, this time with a bang. He started to look at his opponent as he then wanted to try playing this game once more. He was about to throw his kunai but his opponent did it first, with that he decided to aim his kunai directly at him. Not only will the two counter each other but a blast would form from his bomb inside of it, causing a huge surprise. With the two of them directing each other the clash of metal sounded. With that he ignited his bomb as his bomb created a huge blast in between them. With that said something was wrong the blast was starting to increase at a high amount. The shockwave itself was pressuring the area. The shockwave started to send Kyo back a few meters and into the ground. Kyo was surprised to see this happened. The bombs were not to be that effective. He started to get up from the ground as he grip his free kunai and started to speak.

“This was not good. The blast was not suppose to do that. How did that happened. Was it him, did he alter his kunai as well to increase the bomb’s potentional. That couldent happened, there was no way for him to know I had a bomb there, so could it be?...That he had something waiting for me in there? Good thing that I played the counter game again or else that would not be a good thing. So he has explosives to. I have to make sure to put that into concideration, now our area is covered with smoke.”

Yes smoke with the ground and the aftermath of the explosion. It started to create a huge dust cloud. He started to make a few hand signs as he then made two clones. The left Kyo and the Middle Kyo started to jump into a nearby tree as the last Kyo started to twirl his kunai and waited for the cloud to go by. This explosion was not going to stop him. He kept on moving along. The path of the shinobi made us learn to think on our feet. This was just a prime example. Kyo waited for the path to clear as the two Kyo hidden in the trees looked at the direction of the cloud as well. By short seconds the cloud was now gone and showing his opponent. He started to rush at him once more making this game a close range combat. He held his kunai in check as he started to rush at him preparing to slash at him.
“With this plan he will let his guard down and make me go on to make a real counter attack. This shinobi thinks on his feet two but he is keeping his distance. Could he be feeling my abilities as well or is his type of style not dealing with close range, either way we will find out soon”
Word Count: 776
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyTue 19 Oct 2010, 4:18 pm

Karamu knew this fight was going to be difficult, his opponent seemed more skilled then he showed, he just felt it. He had faced many difficult fights in his life, he was lucky this one did not have to end with someones death, in fact that might not be a good thing to show the students. He remembered the fights he used to be forced into, death fights amongst children, these kids in the village were lucky they did not have to live like that, a weaker heart than Karamu's would have broken and left the person a danger to themselves and others. Karamu was lucky he could move beyond his blood soaked past and give something to the world so that no other children would have to face the pain and suffering he endured. He knew they would grow to become killers but at least it was for the good of Kumo and they would be mentally prepared to face the world they lived in and keep a level of humanity.

Karamu had kept focused while he was thinking on things, he was not about to let his guard down but he had had some reflection time as the smoke cloud took a small time to fade away. The smoke cleared and Kyo was running straight towards him, 'He wants close combat? He will regret that choice, close combat is my speciality.' He decided to rush towards Kyo as well, he did not care if this was foolish, he was sucked into the great atmosphere of a battle between peers to show the next generation the way. He rushed at Kyo and when he was within distance he brought chakra to his fists and began to throw punches at Kyo at a fast speed, around his head and upper chest area. With chakra added his fists would cause more damage, each punch capable of breaking bone or at least landing damage on his opponent, he had to use such powerful punches as he had no ninjutsu to damage people, the only weapon he could rely on was his body. He did feel bad about this as if he landed a punch at the throat or somewhere else soft, he could crush his windpipe or break something but all ninja knew the risks of every fight they entered. He had killed people with his bare hands and did not want to do that to an ally, he hoped there was a medical ninja close by for this spar, for him or Kyo.

Jutsu used:
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Posts : 149

Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyWed 20 Oct 2010, 1:12 am

Kyo Ryuzaki was starting to stare at his opponent and his clones from a distance away. Were was he? He was hiding within the safety of the trees wondering why his opponent wanted to stay a distance away. He wanted to find out. Earlier he placed a clone and ordered the clone to head forward so the two can duke it out. He wondered what his opponent was going to do. Was he going to do another kunai thing? Was he going to attack from a distance? Attack from a close range? There was many options but the option that he had chosen was all too clear.

He was going to take him on head on. It seems that he did not know it was a clone yet so that was a good thing. As this happened he started to take his kunai and gripped it closely as he placed it in between his teeth. He then started to continue looking as he started to make a close range combo. This was not just a normal one two, this one was precise and showed training with swift movements. Also there was chakra leaking out his body parts of impact. Although it was slight he did get to see it. Once the clone was attacked the clone started to poof into a white smoke. This was his chance, Kyo started to jump out from the trees and with his distance he started to reach into his ninja pocket and taken out three shurken within each of this hands as he then started to take them and throw them at his opponent. As he was throwing them to his opponent he made three hand signs as fire was erupting in front of him as they formed 6 fire looking shurken as they themselves were sent out to his opponent. So this was not only was to take care of the real shurken, but also the fire adaptation of the shurken at him. His main attempt was to take his shurken and hopefully use them as a distraction as the fire shurken would then get him causing him to burn parts of his body. He could of went with a huge jutsu but he wanted to make sure that the shinobi inf ront of him did not have something from his sleves.

“Judging by the attack he made to my clone he must be a close range shinobi. So something like close range combat is something I should avoid, using long range will cause him to use his reflexes and wait for an opening to take him down, I could have done that now but I need to make sure that he is not playing possum as well. Come on let’s see what you have.” This is what he said to himself. As he waited for the results of his attack and wondered how his opponent reacted to the shurken coming out from the poof of white smoke created by his clone earlier.
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Age : 31
Posts : 71

Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyThu 21 Oct 2010, 2:22 pm

Karamu was surprised when his punch went through Kyo, a brief moment of fear as he was scared he had killed Kyo in one punch, he then quickly felt like a fool when the clone dispersed into a poof of white smoke. 'Damnit, I look stupid now but props to him, nice use of clone jutsu.' He could see nothing throught he smoke and he decided to jump back, as he did, shuriken landed in front of him, he felt lucky he had the instincts to jump out of the smoke area, the real Kyo must've been watching from somewhere. As he looked up to look for Kyo, 6 flaming shuriken came flying at him, he leapt out of the way but he was too slow as his jacket went alight in flames, he had avoided 3 of them but his right arm had been struck by three. He quickly threw his jacket off and checked his arm, he had burn marks through his shirt sleeve and across his arm, 'Ow, that hurt and cost me a jacket, oh well, I'll just make it up to him.'

Karamu jumped behind a tree, readied 4 kunai in each hand, each were pre prepared with explosive tags already attached, he then threw them one by one at as many trees in the area as he could, he hit 7 and one kunai missed and landed in the ground near another tree, his right arm had threw the kunai and he knew why he missed, his arm was hurting from the burns and he was impressed he hit with 3 from that arm. Karamu then shouted out "Sorry about this!" and then activated the tags. None of the explosions were not too close to the tree he was hiding behind so he was relatively safe. Everything went white around him and then there was smoke everywhere, his hearing had taking a beating due to the noise. He then felt a fierce pain in his right shoulder, a splinter of wood had went through his shoulder, he held in a yell of pain he was about to let out. He stood up and stumbled further away from the smoke, this may have been slightly over the top for a spar but if Kyo could take this fight he was sure to get stronger, as was Karamu.

Karamu, slightly worried made a clone and then moved away from it as he let it shout out "You okay Kyo?" He wanted to check on Kyo's status but not give himself away. He crouched low, behind the splintered remains of a burning tree. He left his clone where it had shouted and kept an eye on it, he could barely see it through the smoke but he had the idea Kyo would not reply apart from with maybe a shuriken to the face and he wanted to know where Kyo was. He pulled the splinter out and then took his shirt off and carefully wrapped it around the hole in his shoulder, he had stopped it bleeding but he was having difficulty moving his arm. He covered his mouth with his left hand to help him not breath in smoke and made sure he was not near the fire. The last thing he needed was more burns. He just hoped that the chuunin outside with the students did not call this off, it was fun and good training, he would probably have to pay for wrecking the training area and it would take a while to heal his shoulder but he wanted to enjoy this spar first and worry about that stuff later.

Jutsu used:
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 5:39 am

Kyo Ryuzaki thought that this was not going to be an easy battle. As it wasn’t this was going to be one of the most unique battles of his time here in the village hidden in the leaves. Why is that? Because the shinobi he was facing has not shown any of his abilities. Although the Taijutsu was frightening shown, hs other styles of combat was still hidden. Well then until not Kyo can only think of ideas with the information given. The information given only gives him the abilities that he is good on his toes, not to mention must have some chakra control to his body to enhance the last hit he gave to his clone. That’s right clone. Kyo has spent one of his clones in the decoy attack so he could figure out what was his opponent like. He still had another clone. It was the tree right behind him. That was where the clone would remain, at least for now. The reason it was there is because Kyo jumped down from that spot to use his shuken and flame shuken trick. It seemed to go directly to him, and with no yelling or anything like that he was not sure if the target did its course. It must have, the timing was great on both counts but the only visible flaw is that the only covered about a short area. Either way the battle was still on and thinking about something like this Is irrelevant, at least for now.
As that happened he started to look at his results. The dust from the area had been starting to clear out pretty nicely. The view was now clear enough to see his opponent. Soon enough to see his opponent taking off his jacket as he was then checking his arm for burn marks. He couldent tell how many, but he knew that his tricked worked and the flaming shuruken did its mission. As he was checking his arm he felt that this was an opening for him to take him down. He started to raise his hand and did some hand signs as he then started to open his eyes widen. His opponent instinctively started to raise up behind a tree. He started to grit his teeth. “Grr I was too slow, the jutsu I had prepared was not going to reach him. He is now in hiding from the tree. Wait a minute a tree, heh got him now.”

As he said that chakra started to focus on his legs as it started to raise up and spiral around him. The attack was more used as a defense against the opponent. With the flames around him it would protect him for any incoming attacks. That was not the reason he used the jutsu, it was for to use the offence side and take him down that way, but for now he looked at the tree and wondered what was his plan. Kyo needed to stay away but he needed to be closer. If he was able to jump forward to a nearby tree,his range should be far enough from any incoming attacks but far enough to take him down. Alright plan established, but then.

Then something started to come out from the tree, kunai. Kunai was the ones that were being thrown as it thudded to a a tree that was close to his position. As the kunai of four came along Kyo looked at it as something was attached to the kunai, it was a paper bomb. Was this the one that was used earlier with the kunai that attached his potassium bomb. This was not good. All four of them landed in different directions. As he looked up another three started to escape the position and then started to thud itself on the trees. And then there was another sound that was different from the trees. It landed on the ground, or something else nearby. Kyo then started to focus himself on the tree that the items were escaping. He focused his chakra to his legs as he disappeared from the area and landed about three meters ahead as he landed on the ground and then the top of the spiral started to escape him as it started to focus a dragon’s head. The dragon’s head started to open its mouth as he then herd a loud ‘Sorry” this made him stop the jutsu as he then heard loud bangs coming from all around him. They were bombs with the kunai. He started to feel shockwaves from the enemy. He started to get on the ground as the shockwaves were starting to come from all around. Kyo did a hand sign as he let his spiral out of his body and disperse to the area starting to combat the shockwaves coming from behind him as the resulting shockwaves were reduced then what it should have been. He started to pant as his ears were starting to ring.

Even with the jutsu he made, and his distance the kunai were able to do their business. Now white smoke was starting to escape the outside and then into the air cutting the visibility once again. He started to lay down on the ground as he started to do three hand signs and forced his hand on the ground and thought to himself.
“Cloud summoning jutsu” as that happened more white poofs were expelling in the area. With the white smoke escaping the area, his clouds were slowly escaping into the area as well being camouflaged by the smoke. The mission for this was to keep Kyo safe within white smoke until his hearing starts to come back. The shockwaves were short but his hearing slowly came back hearing a voice, a muffled one by the way but a voice nearby. It was him, it just had to be. He needed to stay hidden but make an attack at the same time. It was a good idea to make another decoy while staying hidden in the smoke. He expelled his flame from his right hand as it traveled in the smoke a few feet right. As he expected were the enemy would be. He then started to focus the flame forward towards him. The reason he did this was because, the enemy could see were the flames were coming from. Thus this would make the enemy focus on that place. Kyo started to take out a scroll with the titles weapons as he started to cluch at it tightly and waited what would happen next. He kept to the ground just in case more weapons would be thrown if his decoy did not do so well.

Even with that said the cloud continues to form into the smoke as the smoke would still be there for about a minute or two. As that happened he cut his breathing to make sure he doesn’t give away his position. The counterattack of this has to come soon. Come after the hearing would come back.
Word count:1176
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyTue 26 Oct 2010, 9:00 pm

Karamu had started to crawl around the tree, he knew he was hidden so he could move freely and keeping low helped his visibility keep low and there was less smoke so low to the ground. He went to keep an eye on his clone when flames burst from out of the smoke and destroyed the clone. He could not tell where the flames came from so he did not bother with a counter attack. Things were too quiet, he was having difficulty hearing things but he knew as much as Kyo was waiting for him to make a counter attack, he must've had the same idea. There was pain in his shoulder and he wanted to finish the fight soon but still enjoy it. He was trying to look through the smoke but he could not see anything and it did not help with new white smoke around the area, it seemed like clouds but he was not sure. He managed to crawl outside of the area of smoke, he let himself breathe a little more freely and pulled himself up using the fence, he wondered what the students had made of what had been going on, probably not a lot as the two genin had kept themselves hidden in smoke for most of the spar.

He made sure his shirt was tightly wrapped around his shoulder, he really was hoping there was a medical ninja around now. He wondered where Kyo was, he was probably still hiding in wait or making preparations for facing him. Karamu knew he was at an disadvantage against Kyo as he was fairly injured now and his body was his weapon, he knew it sounded cruel but he sort of hoped Kyo had a level of injury as well so they could perhaps face each other on a more equal ground. He was looking forward to the smoke clearing, he was going to wait for it to clear so that he could see Kyo, no point in fighting in no visibility. He drew a kunai into his left hand, it had no explosive tag attached but he felt it was better like that, he did not like holding explosive weaponry in his hand. His right arm was limp now, he could clench a fist slightly but not move it much. He readied himself and got into a battle stance, ready to react to whatever would happen.
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyFri 29 Oct 2010, 12:31 am

*he started to continue breathing. His breathing started to slowly increase. He started to take out a kunai that was pre-wrapped with wire. He started to push himself up as the clouds were starting to expand around the area. He looked around, nothing but white cloud, for now. He then started to notice that his hearing did not come back. The blast must of taken a toll on his ears. He started to stand there as he closed his eyes as he then started to open and rotate his lower jaw, thus raising his ears and lowering them back down. He did this five more times as his right ear started to pop as his hearing in that ear return, but it did not come back for his left ear. One ear was a disadvantage but it is better than nothing. He started to open his eyes as the blanket of clouds started to disappear around him. The flames around him were now starting to expose himself in the middle of the clouds. He gripped the weapon scroll hard as he started to look around. This was himself trying to find the enemy. Hopefully with this cloud it did not just made him lose the match. The match has been using the nature around them and their skills to change the landscapes to help them. As the vision was cleared he started to look forward were he heard his opponent not to long ago. He wondered if his flames made it to him or not. He could not find anything in that direction that was burned, so he must of done something or the flames must of hit something. He looked to his right hand. The one hand that was not in flames. His left hand and legs were engulfed in flames still via his kkg. Now he wanted to end this match, hiding in clouds and smokes would not make into a good match.

He looked back into the direction of the tree that the kunai’s came out of them. Did he move out of the area? Is he using his last location as a trap? What? With full vision he could not see if there was anything in the tree. Then he scanned the area. Just then he caught his position. He was starting to get up from the ground. He looked at him and tilted his head and thought to himself.
“Did I get him? I can’t see a burn mark, nor did I hear him yell. Something is different about him. I can’t tell what exactly. His appearance it has to do with something. I can’t think too much into it no time. Is this the real him or a clone. There would be some ways to make sure but he had to make sure he would choose the right one. So far he had use multiple jutsu and the use of each of them were starting to take its toll on him. Although he noticed that his opponent did not use as much chakra as he did. So it was a game of wits, to see who drains out first. He smiled as he looked at him once more as he gripped the kunai in his left hand as he started to throw his kunai with wire to him. He started to let his kunai make it halfway as he kept the ending of the wire with his index, middle, and thumb on his left hand as he let his flames travel along the string of the kunai as it started to travel in the kunai’s direction. With this even if he was to move away from this kunai the flames right behind him would cause as a surprise. This was one of the quickest things he could do to think of a new plan. Things had to go swiftly, if things starts to slow down then it would only show weakness. He looked at his hand to see his hands not engulfed in flames anymore. He looked on and watched his reaction to the oncoming kunai.
(ooc: Sorry its sucky, been a looonggg day)
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptySun 31 Oct 2010, 3:43 pm

Karamu was breathing a bit more heavily than before, his injuries were beginning to leave their impact on his body and he knew the fight had to end soon, he believed his opponent must be tired as well as he had used a few jutsu now. He looked around as he noticed the smokescreen was clearing and he thought he saw someone, he was going to look closer but a kunai came flying towards him before he could. He instinctively ducked down and leapt sidewards, he then noticed a line of fire coming from the kunai, his opponent was smart, he had added an addition to the kunai to make it a attack and trap but Karamu's instincts had helped him avoid it and left him a clear path as to Kyo's location.

Karamu knew things were only going to get worse from now on so he made sure to be more serious now, no distractions, just him and his opponent looking to defeat the other. He decided to get close to Kyo as he was only a real danger in close combat, he made a hand sign and with a gust of wind and leaves, he was standing in front of Kyo, he drew chakra to his legs and threw a kick towards Kyo's torso, if it hit he knew it would break a rib or two and hopefully stop the fight, but if it failed and Kyo was still within distance, he would throw another kick towards his legs to stop him moving. He was proud of his bodies strength and with chakra added his kicks were devastating. He knew his chakra reserves were close to empty so this was probably his last use of chakra for the fight. He was worried for his and Kyo's health from this fight but as he thought earlier, as long as they did not die, they would be stronger and ready for the exams coming up so he attacked with no regrets, this was for the best of both of them.

Jutsu used:

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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 01 Nov 2010, 1:59 am

Kyo let off a smirk seeing his opponent ducking and out for cover. He thought it would be the perfect time for his flames to take action, but something was not up to par. The avoidance he used was that to tumble and roll away from the situation. It’s a style only certain shinobi would do, due to their reflex nature. He should of guessed this from the start. With his opponent good with close range combat it would be easy best for him to get out the way and out to safety in quickness. Although doing all that in one quick move is what made him able to get out the way. Even so his flames should have enough reach to get him. But he chose not to, the kunai thumped right on the tree trunk that was behind him as he thought to himself. “Well type for plan B”. He then was about to use his flames to get into his direction he then noticed him doing a hand sign. “A counter attack?” His position was now gone from where he was. Kyo eyes widen as he then noticed him right in front of him.
“A body flicker jutsu!?” As that was his last thought he noticed him raising his legs up to his midsection for a kick. Kyo used the flames he had that was swirling around him and focused it on the general direction of impact. With that the two jutsu would collide and then the chakra of each other would balance out, although because of that it would be a normal kick that would still land in kyo’s ribs. Trying to now get out the way of close range combat another kick was now coming to him. He already used his flames to move into the first direction but because of the combo it would not be so easy to do that a second time, especially since he just had a jolt of pain on his side. As the second was coming it hit him in the legs, this time it was chakra enhanced as the quickness of the kick made Kyo succumbed to the his knees. He then looked at him with a slight glare as he then focused the tip of his spiral, the dragon head, as it opened its mouth wide and then started to rise up higher and then start to crash down right on him, burning his body, although Kyo altered the jutsu to only cover his kicking range and the side of the body that used that last kick, basically half of his body was targeted in the use of flames.
Kyo defiantly did not want to know what the result was; he let his flames do his job. With his hand he unrolled the scroll and placed it on the ground. He then focused his other leg and pressed the ground along with his hands and jumped back a few feet, when he did that he held on one side of the scroll as it opened as 10 spikes poofed out from the scroll and were heading on the ground. As that happened he let his flame from his healed leg escape his body as it engulfed a bit of itself into each one of the spikes. As the spikes landed on the ground he landed standing up with a few feet of his opponent and between them were spikes. He put most of his wait on his free legs as it hurt some when he applied pressure to the hurt leg. It wasn’t broken, but because it was chakra enhanced, well let’s just say you got kicked 5 times in the same spot and you have a pain numbing sensation. That is what it feels like. And judging by that it seems that it was going to last a few more moments until he can regain full function. He hoped the full flame of the spiral dragon was enough to burn him and take him down, because it was a spar he made sure the flame only focused on the side of the body were his last kick was. It was good because that was the closest his body was to Kyo’s. Now kyo only has one engulfed flame and that was on his hurt leg. He thought to himself, thinking of what to do as he waited on the results from the flame.
“If I use the Ryuzaki inferno again it should provide me coverage for a short time. If I don’t I leave myself defenseless. Then again I don’t know how long this match is going to last. And also this hurt foot, with this its going to slow me down until I can regain full function, is that why I should do the inferno again, heh I just answered my own question.”
He then started to snap his fingers as his hands and legs were engulfed in flames, the flame with the hurt leg seems to have a darker color red then the rest of them. He looked at his opponent and started to pant as he then started to take out a small little ball from his pocket. He look over to see his results.
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 01 Nov 2010, 8:38 pm

Karamu was happy that his kick landed, he could see the surprise in Kyo's face as he was instantly in front of him and throwing a kick. He noticed Kyo's fire blocked his chakra so only his leg got through, that was good enough, he just wanted to get him. He then threw his second kick and was pleased to see that his full chakra enhanced kick landed and it seemed to cause Kyo some discomfort and this let Karamu know he was able to stand against those who knew some incredible ninjutsu and not be completely overwhelmed. He was not ready for what happened next, before he realised it, his left side of his body was engulfed in flames. He leapt back but he was still on fire, he lay down and rolled on the floor to kill the flames, he succeeded but not swiftly enough.

He looked down at his body, his left arm, the left side of his chest and torso and his left leg were all visibly burnt, he was in severe pain, he had never faced pain like this nor an opponent like this. He pulled himself up, both arms were almost useless as his right one had a hole in the shoulder and his left one was burnt. He slowly got up, his trousers were burnt on his left side and parts had came off, leaving holes which revealed burnt flesh. He looked at Kyo, this guy was an impressive ninja, he was strong and was easily in better condition at the moment. Karamu said to Kyo "Very impressive, I think you are going to do well in the chuunin exams. Can we stop this now? I love sparring but if I take it further I will probably die, I mean look at me, I accidentaly blew a hole through my right shoulder and you have managed to leave me some nasty burns. I'm sure we are both low on chakra and I really need to find a medical ninja. I have enjoyed our spar and I think we have shown the students a thing or two." He leant against a nearby intact tree and awaited a response, he hoped this was over as he knew he was at his limit.
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptyMon 01 Nov 2010, 11:04 pm

"He-he.. I guess we did good enough hua. I like your style Karamu. Yea we can stop now"

He said as he viewed his legs. He made sure that not many more pressure was going to go on his leg. Now that his spar was over he could now focus on his leg. He then started to pant as he did a hand sign. There was a poof in the tree, there the clone that was taking hiding from the time he summoned the clones. He then started to sit down on the ground. Extended his legs. he winced some as he then started to take his hand and place it on his legs. he then focused chakra as the red flame turned white as he was doing a medical ninjutsu. He was focusing chakra on his injured leg and helping build calcium on his legs. As he waited for the jutsu to take effect he looked up at his opponent.

The spar cost both of them a lot, Lost of chakra, hurt body parts, and burns. He looked at Karamu as he was talking about he needed a medic. He then started to nod as he then started to speak. "Its fine we can do that, come over here i can stop the burning sensation and give you some quick first aid. Afterward we can take you to the infirmary as the academy medics can look at you. It was a good spar but it seems we must do a lot more training for the exams. It was good to have the spar with you now come on so we can treat that burns of yours.

Kyo started to reach for a scroll in his pocket and then unrolled it as he then started to place his hands on his scroll as it poofed as a medical cabinet with various medical supplies were inside of it. As that happened he took out ointments, bandages, liquid medication, and a bottle of water. He to was a shinobi, but also in training to become a medic as well.
wc =347
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptySun 07 Nov 2010, 2:14 pm

(OOC: Sorry I took so long to post)

Karamu was relieved to know that the spar was over, it had been fun but he now faced the reality that he was quite damaged and the exams were swiftly approaching. He watched as Kyo made a handsign and a poof of smoke came from a nearby tree, he had had another clone in wait for the spar, Karamu was surprised at how prepared Kyo seemed to be, Karamu wondered what was next, a means to heal himself? He then stared in disbelief as Kyo healed his leg up with medical jutsu, this guy had impressive techniques, unbelieavable fire jutsu for attacks and defense and then medical jutsu to patch up in and after battles. Karamu was envious, taijutsu was all he knew and he would love to pick up some other skills, like ninjutsu or medical ninjutsu, he could probably handle medical training as he already knew how to control his chakra but he had the problem of limited chakra. He sighed a little and slowly limped over to Kyo when invited to be healed up.

He was surprised when Kyo summoned himself a load of medical supplies, he truly was resourceful. Karamu slowly and carefully lowered himself onto the ground with a sharp intake of breath next to Kyo, he looked at the inventory of medical supplies, there were some things he knew of, like the obvious bandages and such but some things he could not even pronounce let alone know what they do. He said to Kyo "You are quite the ninja, those fire jutsu you used earlier were unlike other fire jutsu I've seen and now I see you have some level of medical skill, you seem as if you will do fine in the exams. I'm not sure about me though, as you may have noticed, the only ninjutsu I know are the simple ones taught at the academy and other than that I only have taijutsu." He looked out at the sky as he awaited Kyo's response.
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptySun 07 Nov 2010, 3:40 pm

"Me fine?" he said as he looked at him and then shakes his head as he was just finishing up the last of the bandages. "No, not really. You see I had to learn my own style. The reason why you probably have not seen this style of fire ninjutsu is because me and my little brother were raised by a family friend. We never had real academy training until I requested to come to Kumo. Here there was a friend i knew and her father decided to be my mentor. Thats where i learned the basics and then medical ninjutsu. I am not all that great though, I am still learning. But you have quite the arsenal in your hand Karamu. You have limited resources as i can tell and thats not a bad thing. You see with different type of styles you need to train your but off just to get to a simple level of mastery, but you my friend have taijutsu. Thats one section that you can master all on your own. With that you can be one of the strongest taijutsu users in the shinobi world. Now you know basic ninjutsu that is good two and you seem to put two and two together. Now all you need to do is learn how you can help yourself better. If you want I can try to help you out with training. We can try to help you learn other simple ninjutsu until you choose on that could help you with your taijutsu. Hmmm well what other type of skills would you like to learn, I mean did any of them catch your eye? Do you want to learn anything else"

He asked him these questions as he started to take a bag and filled it up with some basic medicine, bandage wraps, ointment, and two water bottles and then gave it to him. As he gave it to him he started to get up, feeling the effects of his jutsu working. He started to help Karamu up as he started to lift him up from the ground as he spoken.
"Come on you time to go to the infirmary"
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Age : 31
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
PostSubject: Re: Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P EmptySun 07 Nov 2010, 5:28 pm

Kyo was a good guy, he was powerful but he kept a sort of kindness to him, it made him approachable and worthy of being a ninja of Kumo. Karamu listened to Kyo talk of his abilities and his background, Karamu did not know Kyo had a brother but was not going to delve into the subject in case it was a touchy subject. Karamu felt more positive when Kyo had told him that with taijutsu he could become really powerful by himself and be a great taijutsu ninja, he rarely thought about it as he was not one to have thoughts of grandeur but it would be cool, he had wanted to join the flash force some day as they were great ninja who were like the Raikages right hand but he too things one day at a time. He was then asked if he wanted to be taught anything by Kyo. Karamu thought about this but one thing in particular came to mind, medical jutsu. He knew that medical jutsu would be a great help for he could use it to help others and he could also use it to make himself more powerful. He also knew that he should take careful consideration making a choice like this but he felt confident aboout this as it would help him help the village and that was the most important thing.

He was handed a bag of medical supllies, basic stuff which was good as he would not have found a use for stuff he had little knowledge of and he guessed Kyo knew this. He was helped up by Kyo whose leg looked to have healed fairly well. As they were heading to the infirmary, Karamu said "I would be honored if you would teach me medical jutsu. In return I could help train you physically." He limped along with Kyo as he awaited an answer on if he could learn some medical jutsu and take another step towards being a successful ninja.
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Spar! The Kumo Genin Trains for the Chuunin Exams (Kyo Vs Tailbone) P Vide
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