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Fangorn West

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptySun 22 Aug 2010, 6:14 pm

Fangorn West

Fangorn West APRIL_Fangorn-Forest

    Mission Title: Secure Fangorn West
    Mission Type: Wargames Mission
    Mission Location: Fangorn West in the Forbidden Valley.
    Shinobi Requirement:
    Blue Division ~ Team of up to 4 Shinobi. No more then one Jounin+. Team to be assigned by Blue Commander
    Red Division ~ Team of up to 4 Shinobi. No more then one Jounin+. Team to be assigned by Red Commander
    Mission Start: Sunday, 28th August
    Mission Objective: Defeat opposition Nin and claim control of Fangorn West. Killing or Capturing other Nin is not permitted.
    Info: Fangorn West is a dense forest area with a tall and shadowry canopy. Its claustrophobic area of thick woodland dotted with trees, undergrowth and hiding places. For the purpose of this encounter teams are assumed to be deployed a half mile from each other at the start in thick woodland. Its 5pm and the sun, or what little light that breaks through the canopy is beginning to wane.
    Territory Danger: Tree Song. All Territories have indigenous dangers and Fangorn West is no different. The wind carries strangely in the depths of this part of the forest and whispers flicker upon the wind. It said the trees sometimes sing drawing wanders ever further in where they are lost forever. Be on guard for voices in the air
    Min post Count: 3 per Shinobi
    Mission Rank: B
    Time Limit: 3 weeks
    Reward: The winners will gain Fangorn West as a territory

All Shinobi who participate and do the minimum post count will be awarded mission points as if they attend a regular. Victory not necessary

Last edited by Hugh on Sun 29 Aug 2010, 2:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptySun 29 Aug 2010, 2:54 pm

Mission has formerly started. Participants are encouraged to post asap, posting order will be established after the first round of posts. Sides for this conflict are:




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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyTue 31 Aug 2010, 2:19 am

Blaize Ryuzaki was intended to start the wargames soon. For now he was standing in His position. He was told that he would compete to claim the Fargon West Territory here in River. That would be some accomplishment although he did not mind owning a territory but he did want to remain in Suna. The motherland instead of the new world but what will you do. Now is not the time to think about something like this. Blaize was starting to look at his surroundings. The climate had mid to mild winds coming n and out of the area. The sun was starting to show signs of setting and the entrance to the forest just there alone as is there was nothing to Disturb its peace. Little do the area's know is that a battle is going to take Place.

Blaize started to wait for his order from his team leaders. While waiting he made sure he had hs ninja gear packed. For this mission he decided to mix up his order of weaponry. His scrolls which he carries 8 four for the left upper pouch and four for the right upper pouch of his Chuunin vest. The eight scrolls contained the following. The first one hides the radio scroll were the scroll is with two short range radio frequency. The radio should be able to contact anyone within the Forest. The second provided Weapons. The scroll held three seals. The first seal contains 10 mikishi spikes. The second one holds 10 Kunai, and the third seal contains one mirror. The third scroll contains writing materials for writing notes and messages. The fourth one contains a blank scroll with a small amount of Blaize's chakra for detection. He would offer his scroll to his teammates to use the scroll as they wish and its hidden objective to detect the location of its team mates. The fifth scroll contains another blank scroll with its small amount of chakra for detection. The sixth scroll contains a knapsack filled with an ointment jar and a box of food and a change of clothes.
The sixth scroll consists of ointment jar and box of bandages. The seventh Scroll contains 2 boxes of food and two canteen full of waters. The eighth and final one contained five small concealed mouth ember.

Thinking about his items in his scroll he remembers his kunai, roll of wire, shrunken, and his six potassium bombs. On the next pouch he contained one concealed mouth ember, exploding notes and exploding pouches. and the final thing is exploding smoke grenades. He then stopped and blinked as he waiting on his commander to set up the final rules and main objectives. The two teams knew they were going to get each other but as for the details it matters to the captain of each. For that he calms his breathing and waits for his instructions as he tries to observe the forest from its angle.
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Big Sean
Kumo Nin
Big Sean

Age : 31
Posts : 208

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyThu 02 Sep 2010, 3:12 am

Hanging from a branch on a random tree on his team’s side, Shadow was nonchalantly leaning on the trunk of the tree with his left arm leaning on his levitated left knee and his right hand holding the small book he was currently reading, his onyx eyes scanning ever word on the pages. His right leg was slowly swinging back and forth beside the tree branch he was sitting on until it eventually stopped after a while. He also had what seemed like a couple of Windmill shuriken strapped to his back, showing that he had some preparation done beforehand despite the fact that he just seemed rather bored at the moment instead of alert.

Shadow continued reading a few of the pages In the book, licking his finger before closing the top corner of the page to know where he left off should he continue to read the book later on. Once he had done that, Shadow leaned up a little bit so he could slip the book back in his back pocket before surveying the area once more. Not too long ago, Shadow had placed several weapons that included shuriken, kunai, windmill, paper bombs, smoke bombs, pretty much all the basic weapons any shinobi can get in select areas that his team should know, just in case of a shortage.

Now, it was time to set up a real strategy, before setting up an offensive or defensive plan, he needed to know anything he can about everything and everybody in this battle arena. Personally, Shadow always preferred to work individually, but there were times that he had to work as a team and he didn’t have too many problems with that in the past so this should go by rather smoothly. Of course, he’s never been chosen as a team leader of anything so he had little experience in commanding others or giving out orders based on abilities other than his own, but he didn’t let that hinder his confidence and by association, the team’s chance at winning this thing.

Shadow went inside his right pocket and pulled out the rolled up map of the area that was given to him prior to coming down here in the first place. Instead of looking at it himself, he tossed it over in the direction of his teammates to let them have a look at it. Since he’s already looked at the map before, he didn’t need to see it again due to his photographic memory and was already setting up some ideas in his head.

It seemed like it was time to set up some sort of strategy now. But instead of coming up with an offensive or defensive plan on the spot, Shadow had to be aware of his surroundings, knowing anything he can about everything and anyone around him. Shadow looked straight forward as he started to address this necessity by addressing his team. “As you all probably know already our goal is to defeat to opposing team and claim this area. This should be simple enough for us.” Shadow then hopped off of the branch and faced everyone that was on his team. “Alright, before we continue on, do any of you have your own thoughts or suggestions based on your skills? Before we move out, it’ll probably help to know your suggestions. After that, I can properly assign a part in this for us all.”
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Age : 35
Posts : 1492

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 7:22 pm

((OOC: My bad, my bad. Sudden rush, Ill have the post up by tonigth in this post. If Wind and team could finish their travelling thread also, thatd be great))
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Posts : 730

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyWed 08 Sep 2010, 12:30 am

(Kiri nin are ready to roll, will edit this post for my post when Cara is caught up.)
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptySun 19 Sep 2010, 3:07 pm

Suggestion: Let Kiri Nin post and wait for Cara to post last in your team as we wait for Lark to finish in our team. Our character's are in a standstill right now. We need to get moving
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Age : 30
Posts : 1256

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyMon 27 Sep 2010, 3:46 am

OOC: As of right now, everyone in this topic needs to post. As Hugh said in his 2nd post, posting orders will be decided once everyone has posted. So I urge everyone to post as soon as possible.
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyThu 30 Sep 2010, 12:01 am

OOC: Due to general slowness of the wargames threads a new rule is now enforce. Rather then clear posting order, the war~games will be conducted on a turn basis where by everyone can post once a turn. A turn comprises one real life week. If you fail to post in this time frame you character is deemed to have not directly impacted on the battle and furthermore takes automatic c rank of damage. 3 C ranks of damage gained in this way and you character will be considered unconscious. All you need to do is post once a week, order does not matter, however fail to this and you risk losing this conflict.

Turn One is considered in effect. Turn 2 begins Monday.
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyTue 05 Oct 2010, 3:52 pm

OOC Thread Update

Just so people are aware Turn 2 started Monday, if you havent posted already this week you have up till Sunday or risk losing out. Turn 3 starts beginning of next week. Keep up the good work all. I apologise if people feel the new weekly round system is putting unnecessary pressure on those concerned but I want to avoid the threads lagging more then necessary

Accumulated damage as a result of not posting:

Lark = C Rank
Cara = C Rank
Wind = C Rank
Aries = C Rank
Akuma = C Rank
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Age : 36
Posts : 1004

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptySat 09 Oct 2010, 7:31 am

So do we start on a new day or just continue from the earlier post
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptySat 09 Oct 2010, 8:57 am

Blaize thought hard on his captain's questions. To give a brief summery on what you can do or even suggest to do in this place, in this landscape. Blaize knew that he was in a territory that would be at a great advantage to his fire jutsu. His only issues was the landscape was also good for any shinobi or earth and due to the place genjutsu users would have a great time here. The land was new and if the team did not know much about genjutsu then they would be at a great disadvantage. As he thought of his plans he raised his hands. He wanted to give out as much detail if possible on this situation, on his ideas.

As he raised his hands he put his free hand into his pocket and then spoken. "I am Ryuzaki Blaize, a Chuunin in the hidden sand village. You asked for suggestions and i believe i have some that may be beneficial to our team. First off, I am a decent user of Katon ninjutsu. The landscape is mostly tress and i can use that to my advantage. Second point, Is with the teams that are assembled i think we should be split into groups, if we have to the groups should have no less then two in a group. I am learning how to become a sensory shinobi and the one use i have now is able to tell the location of my ally if they are holding something that has my chakra, weather it be a kunai with my fire chakra or my potassium bombs. My specialty relize in Mid to long range type combat. If i can't use chakra then my Kenjutsu is my back up.

The ideas i have involve scouting out the enemy early but to make sure we have plans for scenario's that might happened. Also we need a plan of attack, defense, and a means of retreating as well. Also with a quick bio of everyone we can tell where our strengths and weaknesses are. Teamwork is going to help be our triumph in this match and without it we would be powerless. We also need to have something that tells us who we really are. In an area like this an enemy can just transform to an ally and get us with our guard down.We should all have something to make sure we are in the same group."

Blaize started to take out five small round objects. He extended his palm out so everyone can get one. "These are my bombs that i was talking about earlier. These will send out a burst of flames that takes shape of a tornado. The flames itself will can be used against water because of the Potassium Properties of the water. I suggest you guys use this as a last resort. if any of us uses this then it is a sign that we need help. Also the bomb can be used to tell us apart from the others. If we see each other in mid combat we will show each other our bomb and then thus proving who we are. The third advantage to this is I can locate you guys if any of us is lost or captured by the enemy, amongst other uses of course."

He stopped and then looked at his leader and gave out a small sigh. "I am sorry i speak to much and I think on my feet. So if anything sounds repeated I am sorry, just thinking about the possibility that could happen, you know?"
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Age : 35
Posts : 1492

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyTue 12 Oct 2010, 3:55 pm

Ibuki stretched as he looked around the area he was now expected to use as a base camp. Trees, branches, humidity, and a strange whistling one could not expect to attribute to any sort of wild animal surrounded him. Now that he thought about it, Ibuki really couldnt sense any sort of wild life beyond bugs around him, something that was very strange for the large amount of wilderness surrounding his group.

Sighing, Ibuki flipped through the massive mental inventory of his known seals, looking for something that would make a decent base camp and allow the people of his squad to not have to sleep on the ground. Who knew what kind of insects laid around in the forest floor waiting for someone to do exactly that? It was something Ibuki did not want to wake up to; bugs crawling on his skin and biting him.

Nodding as he found one that suited his purposes, Ibuki turned back behind him to the squad he was supposed to be leading. Not much of a squad compared to some ofthe missions he had led and been in before being assigned to this task. He shrugged.

"Alrighty guys, heres the deal. Im not much of a front line fighter. In all actuality, I could be given the Genkai I have, but Im not. Thats going to be a disadvantage here given the possible diversity of the other team, but we will deal with it.

Now a few rules here. Once you leave this encampment and we start the actual games, there is no coming back in until the games are over. Im a Fuuinjutsu master, not nearly on the level of Kazekage-sama, but good enough. If you do plan to come back here, you better make sureyou have supplies to sleep on the ground because there will be no way in this basic area."

Stretching, Ibuki looked around the group for their reactions. "Basic skills, anything you can bring to the table, etc. In order to be able to win this, we need to work cohesively as a team and that means knowing yourself well enough to assimilate with the others here, so Ill go first.

As I said, Im a Fuuinjutsu master. I also am probably the last Sookato alive at this point. I have massive chakra reserves, and a large jutsu repetoire, AND Im a Jounin. I know that sounds concieted, but its true."
He really wasnt trying to be all stuck up, it was just facts. That was how Ibuki worked, his entire personality was almost a contradiction to everything else that everyone went by. It was quite fun to throw people off with the way he acted, but now wasnt the time for any of that, this wac actually serious and the last thing Ibuki wanted was to get the Kazekage annoyed because the Genin became crazy.
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Age : 36
Posts : 1004

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyWed 13 Oct 2010, 6:57 pm

It was still semi-early in the morning and the second day of the war-games we about to begin. Seoul didn't participate the first day due to the fact that he had a stomach illness. A bad case of diarrhea had him sitting the sidelines unable to perform his special duties. Even though he wasn't really over his illness Seoul still decided to perform his mission out for the day. Not only his team needed him too compete he also a few weeks earlier had heard about the upcoming chunnin exams and this would be good practice before the big showdown.

Looking around Seoul noticed a few familiar face from within the village. Not familiar in the fact that he personally knew them but he had seen them around town on occasion. The most familiar face of the bunch was a slim guy just shorter than Seoul himself. This guy in every way reminded Seoul of a vampire. He had red-hair, creepy blue-eyes, and skin so pale that you see through him if he were standing next to a light-bulb. Not to mention the fact that all this guy wore was black clothing. Not just sometime but all the time.

Seoul watch as the guy stretched his elongated arms and stared into the trees as if he didn't enter the war-games on his own will. Then the creepy guy stood there with a started with an even more dead look upon his face as if he was thinking too hard for his brain to comprehend. Immediately Seoul thought of this guy as a weakling. This bastard can't have any kind of experience. He's more lost that the man on the moon. Seoul though to himself just before they guy turned and started speaking.

"Alrighty guys, heres the deal. Im not much of a front line fighter. In all actuality, I could be given the Genkai I have, but Im not. Thats going to be a disadvantage here given the possible diversity of the other team, but we will deal with it.

Now a few rules here. Once you leave this encampment and we start the actual games, there is no coming back in until the games are over. Im a Fuuinjutsu master, not nearly on the level of Kazekage-sama, but good enough. If you do plan to come back here, you better make sureyou have supplies to sleep on the ground because there will be no way in this basic area."

Then with a slight pause.

"Basic skills, anything you can bring to the table, etc. In order to be able to win this, we need to work cohesively as a team and that means knowing yourself well enough to assimilate with the others here, so Ill go first. As I said, Im a Fuuinjutsu master. I also am probably the last Sookato alive at this point. I have massive chakra reserves, and a large jutsu repetoire, AND Im a Jounin. I know that sounds concieted, but its true."

Seoul was stunned as this guy mention his abilities. Not only that, he stated that he was a jounin. This guy was the team leader of the mission. Seoul was shocked and amazed at the same time seeing that he even mentioned himself to be almost as great a the late Kazekage Howl. Sheepishly Seoul began to speak but not with much confidence as he had before.

H, Hi, I am Seoul Yazamaru. I also as well may be the last descendant of my clan. Seoul started to regain confidence as his speak lead forward. I guess you can say I'm some-what of a beast. That's not a metaphor, I really am. I specialize in summoning and ninjutsu. Summoning is my favorite. I have these cool primate that I call forth that helps me in battle and when I call upon them no one can beat me. Not only that, as I mentioned before I am a Yazamaru. You all have probably heard of my clan name. I have possibly the oldest and most well-known clan in this village. You guys are lucky to have me as a partner because this type or environment I can dominate. Well, actually in all type of environment I'll dominate. It's nearly I'm possible to hide from me and as for hand to hand combat well, good luck. Seoul waited for the others as he had just confidently spoke upon himself in the most arrogant way.
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyWed 20 Oct 2010, 1:53 am

OOC Announcement: Unless people have any objections I intend to end this part of the war-games at the end of the week and move Suna back home. Though I feel the potential inactivity by a significant proportion of PC's is beginning to impact her.

Mission points were up for grabs and will be awarded on a basis on involvement to date

If everyone is happy it will end Sunday and I will do a travel thread on everyone's behalf back to Suna (you will not need to post and can count as a free lift back home). Once there I suggest people train up in anticipation for the upcoming CE's and the possible special forces exams. If people would like to team for a mission as well that too can be arranged
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West EmptyMon 01 Nov 2010, 11:53 am

This round of the war-games are officially over. It was close but I decided to give victory to the Blue Team who claim Shinobi Falls for their division. Points awarded as follows:

Blaize = 3 Marks ~ 2 marks x B Rank (3) = 9 Mission Points
Aries = 1 Mark ~ 1 marks x B Rank (3) = 3 Mission Points
Sean = 1 Mark ~ 1 marks x B Rank (3) = 3 Mission Points
Cara = 1 Mark ~ 1 marks x B Rank (3) = 3 Mission Points

A faction wide travel thread will be posted soon moving people to Suna. There will be no requirement for you to post personally in it unless you want to
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Fangorn West Vide
PostSubject: Re: Fangorn West Fangorn West Empty

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