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Shinobi Falls

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptySun 22 Aug 2010, 6:22 pm

Shinobi Fall's

Shinobi Falls 1093d1196164071-landscape-wallpaper-waterfall-landscape-wallpaper

    Mission Title: Secure Shinobi Falls
    Mission Type: Wargames Mission
    Mission Location: Shinobi Falls in the Forbidden Valley.
    Shinobi Requirement:
    Blue Division ~ Team of up to 3 Shinobi. No more then one Jounin+. Team to be assigned by Blue Commander
    Red Division ~ Team of up to 3 Shinobi. No more then one Jounin+. Team to be assigned by Red Commander
    Mission Start: Sunday, 29th August 2010
    Mission Objective: Defeat opposition Nin and claim control of Shinobi Falls. Killing or Capturing other Nin is not permitted.
    Info: Shinobi Fall’s is a 300ft waterfall down a sheer cliff over-which the main river flows into a small reservoir like lake below. It’s a great view point and key control point for the area. It is a territory of cliff side ledges, abundant water and dizzying heights. Water is everywhere and danger is afoot. Teams start 150m away from each other on opposite sides of the falls This conflict takes place at 12pm and it is so hot the rocks are practically steaming
    Territory Danger: Thunder Falls. The river flows strong and swift and as result the falls are very dangerous. Anyone who comes into the contact with falls takes a c rank water tech of damage. Should they fall and be caught at the bottom they will take a B ranks worth of damage. Furthermore while within 10m of the falls the sound is so deafening that nothing but the fall of water can be heard making communication very difficult.
    Min post Count: 3 per Shinobi
    Mission Rank: B
    Time Limit: 3 weeks
    Reward: The winners will gain Shinobi Falls as a territory

All Shinobi who participate and do the minimum post count will be awarded mission points as if they attend a regular

Last edited by Hugh on Sun 29 Aug 2010, 2:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptySun 29 Aug 2010, 2:49 pm

TURN 2 ~ IN PROGRESS. TURN 3 Starts Monday 11th October

Mission has formerly started. Participants are encouraged to post asap, posting order will be established after the first round of posts. Sides for this conflict are:

    ყoυɴɢ вяιтт - вяιтт


    Renjiro Senju

Last edited by Hugh on Tue 05 Oct 2010, 2:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 27
Posts : 613

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyTue 31 Aug 2010, 3:23 am

It was time. Cielco had waited for what seemed like forever for it to begin. And he was a very impatient young adult. Notice how he called himself young adult instead of what people always seemed to call him. A child. He actually didn't think of himself as one, and he really didn't like to be called one. It made him mad. Like, really really mad. He arrived at the scene of which he was designated to go to, shinobi falls. This wasn't really his type of scenery though. A waterfall? Seriously? It looked really peaceful... Ciel hated it. He looked around and from what he saw, he was alone. Which was good, since now he had time to think of his strategy. The main quest that rang in his head was if he should use it. With his left hand, he scratched his eye patch. It was funny, though, how he could scratch it and it didn't affect his actual eye. Some things were just so weird, it didn't make sense. Oh well, that was life. He glanced at the water, and sighed. But why water? Don't they know it could ruin his attire? And his clothing stained easily. Although, the stain of blood was an exception for him. With just the thought of blood, he licked his lips. As the afternoon progressed, he became more and more excited. When are the others going to arrive? Don't they know that it was rude to keep others waiting? He thought to himself, his patience growing thinner and thinner. Other than the fact Cielco was standing there with his arms now crossed, waiting for the others arrival, it was a really nice day. The genin heard the faint chirps of birds, though there were not many. The hot blazing sun shone down upon the rocks, soil, and the Sunagakure shinobi. He glanced at the crystal blue water, and in his mind he imagined it turning into a blood bath. No. He shouldn't go that far, he couldn't. It would get him in much trouble. And being a ‘good’ boy, he didn't want that to happen. With a small sigh, he closed his eyes and relaxed. “Might as well relax for a bit before the excitement begins... He mumbled to himself, waiting.

Word Count: 381

Note(s): Sorry for the short post. ):
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyTue 31 Aug 2010, 10:04 pm

Initake awoke from his humble abode in which he had constructed the night before. It was consisted of twigs, leaves, and made on solid rock, on the cold, damp, hard, forest floor. It was slightly uncomfortable, but he didn't mind. At times like this, shelter was shelter.

Considering Initake was recently promoted to being a chuunin, he had to balance his workload. One half training, or one half mission. Or, maybe at some point he would have to do them both at once and multitask, something in which he has no difficulty at all dealing with.

Securing a waterfall should not be too hard, considering he is able to utilize the many helpful abilities of the water element. He can use it as a weapon, as a hindrance to his enemies, or to help himself. Plus, with loads and loads of earth around him, he would have no regrets using full force on the enemy, using his two different elements. Plus, if you added his clan's jutsu, the Inuzuka, and his taijutsu, he himself was a force to be reckoned with. And he was getting stronger every day since he now harnesses the powert o use better skills and techniques, such as a chuunin could, not like a genin as he once was before.

He knew he had on jounin, which he couldn't wait to meet, and a genin, which he wished to stay away from, considering the description in which he was given about them. He wasn't sure how they were in combat, which is what they really needed to know about each other, and vice versa, but they did not. it would all be iomprovisation, and after a while with one another, they would learn how to work together, in unison, harnessing all of the power in which they all wield; indibidually and as a team.

He ran from his abode, through the heavily forested area in which surrounded him, dodging a few trees, and a few traveling traders in the area, hoping not to hurt himself before the big mission. He decided to use the less populated treeline.

He jumped on top of the nearest, lowest tree he could find, and decided to hop from treetop to treetop and from branch to branch. He thought himself a monkey. As he heard the sound of the rushing on rapid water in close range, his heart began to race, and his thoughts run amok. Was he going to do well? Would he be hurt? Would his team find themselves victorious? All would have to be found out, he told himself.

As it became fully into view, he jumped from a tree branch, doing multiple back flips, trying to show off to the people that he hoped were already at the designated position for his team. 'FUCK! I DIDN'T PACK ANYTHING TO EAT! DAMN!' He thought to himself. he then shook off the thought. He could gather water from the falls if needed, and he could also get food from the forest. Berries, bananas, and maybe some sort of vegetables if he looked hard enough. Most likely mushrooms.

He saw a boy, at least he thought it was a boy, sitting down in front of the falls, and he seemed to be meditating.or he could just be relaxing, Initake couldn't tell. He decided to approach the boy. He could already tell he was the genin, the one he wished to avoid at all costs, but seeing as how they were the only two here, he had no choice.

He stood in front of him, and spoke. "Initake Inuzuka, Sunagakure Chuunin. And yourself?"

{Word Count= 595, seems longer, but short paragraphs.}
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyThu 02 Sep 2010, 4:05 am

The day had begun as it always did on such occasions - early. For Kasumi Satake at least, this was always the case. Her internal 'body clock' seemed to have an innate alarm that woke her much earlier than necessary if any significant event was to come later that day. Today was, in fairness, somewhat significant. The Sunagakure wargames began today, and Kasumi had been given the honor and responsibility of leading one team against another. To make things even more challenging for the female Jounin, she had been required to split her division in two. Half would attend the challenge set in an eerie forest, where vision would be limited and any other useful senses could not be entirely trusted. The other half, the squad that Kasumi had assigned herself to lead, would be heading out to a skirmish atop a roaring waterfall. There would be little chance for tricks and traps at such a location, with the teams starting out within sighting distance of each other. To complicate matters just a little more, Lord Ichushiro had involved a small number of Kirigakure shinobi too, presumably in an effort to build friendly relations between the two villages. All this put together, Kasumi Satake had quite a lot on her mind when she awoke to a barely broken dawn.

The kunoichi had bathed, eaten, dressed and geared up in just over twenty minutes. A personal record, if she'd been in any state to bother recognizing it. She had donned her usual attire for combatative missions; a short -sleeved, golden-yellow shirt with black markings and trims. Underneath this, she wore a black netting undershirt, only noticeable from the ends of the sleeves that surpass those of her overshirt's. Both garments were relatively tight-fitting, framing her figure neatly. The final addition to her upper body wear was a pair of elbow-long, black, fingerless gloves. Below the waist, she wore tight, black trousers with yellow-gold markings at the thigh. Thin, barely noticeable shin guards had been strapped just above her feet, on which she'd chosen to wear simple black boots, reaching just beyond her ankles. In and around these garments were strapped or hidden various weapons and items, all quite likely to be useful for the day's mission. Kasumi liked to be prepared, but was wary of taking too many items and being laden down with them. She packed light wherever possible, leaving an unneccessaries in the temporary accommodation. As the sun began to spread slowly across the expanse of land in which the soon-to-be combatants rested, Kasumi performed one final check for forgotten items or garments, before confidently heading out in the direction of Shinobi Falls.

The walk gave the kunoichi plenty of time to mull over potential environmental hazards, team strategies, individual abilities and the like. Walking without paying much attention to the path, her mind on other things, it wasn't long before the Jounin arrived at the starting location. Unfortunately, having not paid enough attention to her route, she found herself on entirely the wrong side of the area. A long walk around the ravine down which the waterfall tumbled finally brought the woman to the starting point. Despite the detour, she had arrived in plenty of time. She mentally thanked her body clock for waking her so early, though she still secretly wished she'd been permitted another hour of rest. With no one from her squad around, Kasumi cast her gaze over the stunning environment. The waterfall took pride of place, cascading down with an almighty, ongoing roar. The noise was quite intrusive, and Kasumi could quite clearly see bright green waves of light floating up from the rushing water into the air. This was not something any of the others would see, of course - the kunoichi's auditory-visual synaesthesia causing her to see colours whenever she heard sounds. In this case, the fast-flowing river and crashing waterfall emanating a bright green. Fortunately, Kasumi had long since learned to ignore such distractions. She'd been this way since birth, and after so many years... to her it was just another sense. There was plenty of lush green grass and moss around, though this grew thin as it got nearer to the rocks around and beneath the falls themselves. The large ravine, or crater - whatever it could be called - into which the waterfall landed was a deep depression in the earth, the rocks framing it as if a giant hand grabbed a piece of the land and simply lifted it away.

The environment thoroughly checked, Kasumi looked casually around for any others from her squad that might have an early-rising disposition like herself. Seeing no one, she shrugged and sat down in the short, slightly damp grass. Her thoughts turned once more to the day ahead, to what she could expect from the opposing team. She knew all of the Sunagakure shinobi by name, face and in some cases, ability. All Jounin did. But she did not know who had been placed in charge of their team for this wargame, and furthermore who would make up the rest of the squad. Another glace around gave the woman a small surprise - two young shinobi had already arrived on the opposite side of the waterfall. Presumably from the Blue team, or two rather confused members of her own team. Looking closer and squinting, Kasumi realised neither looked like those she had assigned to the red team for this war game. The kunoichi was slightly taken aback that the younger members of the opposing team (on closer inspection, it was obvious neither was the team's commander) were the first to arrive. Perhaps they're more keen than my charges... She thought momentarily, before banishing the thought entirely. She had complete faith in her squad, whether they were early or not made no difference to her or the mission. Her mind finally settling, Kasumi lay back and stretched her slender frame out, before tucking her hands behind her head and closing her eyes. There was nothing to do now other than wait.

[Word Count: 1,009.]
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Age : 30
Posts : 152

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 6:34 pm

Waking up that morning was far from a good thing. Hinoko knew what lay ahead that day, and she did not look forward to it at all. She mumbled to herself and leaned up from her bed set, stretching full, and groaning a little as her back crawled. As Hinoko frowned to herself, she rubbed her eye ruefully, trying to wake as quickly as possible. She licked her left leg over the edge, setting her foot down into a cushy carpet, then the other ''Nngh...foots asleep...'' She must have slept on her foot during the night, it felt funny, almost tickling. As she lifted herself up, she wandered over to her dresser and picked her daily attire out from the massive heaps of unfolded clothing articles, purposefully moving quite slowly. After dressing in her simplest garb, leaving most accessories behind such as earrings and other unneeded jewels. Hinoko sat down on her bed, and pulled her shoes on quickly, lacing them up to the tongue, and tightening them with a double bow. She let out a long sigh and stood up again, hurrying to the kitchen to grab a take-a-way meal, and prepare for her trip to the River country.

Hinoko traveled down a worn path, probably a traders route used commonly, and nibbled on a small honey rice cake happily. She sighed a bit, and scanned the canopy of scarce leaves and forestry. They were abnormally still, but the air seemed cool and almost breezy. She frowned and little, and listened. There were birds, and cicadas chirping, plus some bullfrogs from a nearby small bog, so it wasn't completely still. Hinoko scratched her head a bit, and shrugged, frowning confused at the leaves above her head. She shook her head, and focused on the path head of her, putting a little bounce in her step. She did however, have a map in her pocket, but she preferred to find her own way, thought that method, would take far longer. Singing to herself seemed to pass the time, and swinging her arms was rather the most amusing thing so far that morning. Hinoko began singing one of those old fashioned songs. She kicked along a rather large pebble, pushing it down her path slowly. Groaning quietly, she quickened her pace, keeping a thorough eye on the sun in the sky, making sure that she beat the sunset to the river country, though sunset was hours away from now.

Straining her ears a little bit, Hinoko finally started to hear the rushing of a waterfall, but she wasn't exactly super clear on the sound, It seemed as though she should have been traveling far longer than this. Hinoko stretched fully, lifting her arms up over her head, bending back a bit. She shivered a bit and gave the stream on the side of the path a sidelong glance, longing for a quick sit down. She bit her lip a little, taking a quick look around and strode over, bending down near the bank of the stream. She unhooked her water bottle, popping the cap open, and dipping it into the stream. The bottle filled up quickly whilst it being held against the surprisingly fast current. Hinoko nibbled on another rice cake in her pack, cutting it in half with a pocket knife, throwing the other half into the woods in front of her, seeing a wary bird flit down, take the rice cake bits and fly off, to disappear into the trees once again. Hinoko sat up, taking a swig of her water bottle, reattached it to her pack, and set off again, following the sound of the waterfall in the distance.

Hinoko trotted along the path quickly, though no faster than before. This was more like a casual speed walk. The managed to find her pebble again and set off kicking it down the trader road once again. As she rounded a corner, the site almost hit her full on in the face. She wasn't expecting a full on change in scenery. Sure she didn't notice the flecks of blue water through the leaves and branches, since she was busy watching elsewhere, but this was surprising. She stepped around off the traders route, her eye following it until it disappeared somewhere to the west. Hinoko took a look around and spotted only a few other ninja, one from another village it looked like, and another from her own. She moved quickly, closer to the waterfall, eyeing it quite warily, keeping a distance of about 10 feet from the edges. The river ahead and behind the water fall seemed to stretch off into oblivion, though she was not keen to find out where just yet.

As she took a quick scout of the area, and finally, yes finally noticed a woman, probably much older than she, looking deep in thought, wandering over to a rock, looking around and parking down on the sloop. Hinoko was moderately suspicious, but her semi-friendly nature was more dominant. She called out a greeting but it was immediately lost in the roar of the rushing waterfall. Hinoko frowned heavily, and decided to inch closer, getting a good look at the village symbol bout her attire. She sighed relieved and stepped more confidently towards her, careful not to drag her feet, or seem intimidating in anyway possible. She was about 2 feet behind the woman, and probably, without the waterfall, any normal shinobi would have noticed her by now, so she kept any criticism to herself. Hinoko had to raise her voice higher than usual, she was quiet for the most part, preferring to keep a low tone, as it went hand in hand with her stealth attributes. She waved a hand a bit, hoping to catch the womans attention, opening her mouth slightly for a near yelling greet. ''Err...Hello there!! Are you on...'' Hinoko looked down at a small scroll that she had unfolded into her right hand, she squinted at the writing on the page, and looked up again. ''Team 'Blue' by chance? I'd hate to wander over to the wrong side. Sorry if Im talking a lot, I do that when Im nervous. Oh, Kuroi, Hinoko by the way, nice to meet you...'' Hinoko let out a small, nervous laugh and rubbed her head awkwardly, staring back down at the ground, distracting herself with the scuff of her feet on the ground, whilst waiting for a reply. Tiny little pebbles skittered away from her boot, as she scuffed the ground, her hand, still on the back of her head.

(Sorry for the short ass post, I know I could do better....Word count: 1100)
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Posts : 509

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyFri 10 Sep 2010, 1:28 am

(OOC: Sorry for the wait guys, i wasn't informed of this topics creation.)

Saigo suddenly awoke flailing and gasping for air, it would seem Saya thought it time he got up. With a swift, yet gentle kick to the stomach of the young Jounin. The initial shock was impossible to overcome as Saigo sleeps like a rock, infact he'd been known to sleep through earthquakes. As his eye's focused his confusen was put to rest, his glare fixed on Saya. Saigo had never met a Chuunin with so much attitude, once this was all over he'd have to give her some lessons in salvery. Never the less, she's done him a favour, maybe for once he wouldn't be late for a mission.

" It's time to get up sir.. you don't want to be late again do you? " - Saya

Explaining as she walked past in the opposite direction to Saigo, her words eventually fell silent. Saigo didn't believe her question required an answer, even if it did, he wouldn't put in the effort. Yawning and stretching out Saigo almost felt a sense of calm, this land felt so alien to him. He almost liked having his squad mates around to remind him of home, if Kirigakure could even be called that. Shaking his head as if to wish the thoughts and emotions away. He never did like thinking about his past, although it seemed to happen rather frequently.

With his mind at ease, for now, Saigo zipped up his Jounin jacket and fixed his sword holsters tightly around him. Taking a final deep breath he prepared himself mentally for the trial he was about to undertake, as he took his first step towards the forbbiden valley. Before his foot could touch the soft soil beneath it his chakra sense irritated him, he felt a gathering of individual chakra's ahead. At this point Saigo became extremely anxious, his head filled with visions of his opponents. It wasn't very often Saigo was allowed the oppertunity to hone his abilities these days, excitement set in. Walking to his destination just wouldn't do, his pace doubled, then trippled. The Jounin rushed towards the falls with fire in his eye's, wind brushing against him as he charged onward. Saigo couldn't predict exactly how many people had gathered, only that there were multiple chakras. Too blurry to make out he could only hope that his squad mates had already reached their destination safely and were taking note of the terrain.

After a short period of time the locations terrain became visible, four figures could be made out in the distance. It wouldn't be wise for Saigo to charge in recklessly, atleast he didn't intend to this time. Although the thought had crossed his mind previously, he thought best that this situation called for a more 'intellegent' touch. Just then, Saigo had a brain wave, one of his clans oldest techniques for labour transportation. Deciding it best that he remained out of sight for the moment, he took a large scroll from his back and opened it out across the floor. Taking a small sharp piece of dark/black chalk from his pocket he drew the necessary symbols across it inwhich to perform a sealing technique. Once finished, he took a few steps back. Covered by the shaded edge of the lush forest to his back he made hand seals and performed Riaru Bushin no Jutsu. Two clones exploded out, either side of Saigo, surrounded by white mist. They then stepped forward onto the large scroll, laid out across the floor. Stepping directly into the circle symbols the seal markings were activated and the clones became sealed within the scroll.

Letting out a deep sigh, Saigo stepped forward and re-rolled the scroll up, placing it back onto the belt hook on his lower back. Taking a quick look through the tree's at the others, he decided at the moment his best option was to wait until everyone had gathered before approaching. This of course also allowed him to do he did best, reconnaissance. He often liked stalking travelers unaware of his presence, this was just like one of those times. It amazed him what information could be optained simply by analysing a persons physical behaviour. Keeping an eye on the group he awaited for the final person to arrive, the distance between was easy enough to Shunshin incase of emergency but hopefully not close enough to alert everyone of his presence. Taking his small gourd of water from his side pouch, he began to drink, hopefully he'd get a chance to rest before the action started.

Jutsu Guide:-
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Age : 30
Posts : 1256

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptySun 12 Sep 2010, 6:46 pm

OOC: Renji, please make your post so this topic can continue.
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptySun 12 Sep 2010, 11:54 pm

(Wasn't informed of the topics posting nor was a pm sent to me. Family situation = low post quality and word count. Sorry just lost my brother a few days ago and mothers on her way out and im dealing with this all by myself)

The sun rose on the camp in which the whole group had been partying together in. Red teams and Blue teams members was chosen and announced to everyone. The two teams separated and headed to their teams start areas. When arriving the team members were told and given their missions, the missions goals and achievements as well as rules of engagement.

Renjiro was given his scroll as did the other 2 members of Team Fox. Their location ... Shinobi falls and with that he set off from the main areas gate and arrived late somehow. Everyone of them was there and so was all of their opposing team. "Well it seems as if I'm late then. Sorry" he laughed as he looked at his team members. He formed three handsigns and looked at his opponents and his Jounin squad leader and his genin team sensei "Hey sensei, use me and my abilities as you wish"

(shitty but meh too much on atm ... WC 155)
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyThu 16 Sep 2010, 5:10 am

[OOC: Firstly, I'm sure I speak for everyone in wishing you the best Renji. *hugs*

Right, we do need to keep this moving onwards. We have a posting order now, as follows:

ყoυɴɢ вяιтт - вяιтт
Renjiro Senju

So, er, begin! Smile ]
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptySat 18 Sep 2010, 5:11 pm

[OOC: Same Renji, we hope for the best for you. And, we are waiting on Britt for about two weeks now, shouldn't we just continue, and not start anything serious until she actually gets back? and Fox, you forgot the last bracket. xD]
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Age : 30
Posts : 1256

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 27 Sep 2010, 3:49 am

OOC: Please skip Britt for the time being, it will move the topic along.
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Posts : 509

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 27 Sep 2010, 8:34 pm

(OOC: Master Ini is also away, i'm not sure how long for :/ it's pretty much just myself, Fox & AmayaHikari. I have no problem continuing this topic for the sake of Fox and Hikari if they wish to.)
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 27 Sep 2010, 8:56 pm

(Renji is here!!)
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 27 Sep 2010, 10:13 pm

{OOC: Excuse me if I make a mistake, saying something i already have, or something somewhat irrelevant, it's been a while.}

Initake, now standing, brushed the grass and dirt off of his pants, and introduced himself to the Kirigakure ninja he would be on a team with. It would just be he and Initake, since the other Sunagakure ninja had to go do something important. He outstretched hand, and introduced himself formally. "Initake Inuzuka, as you can easily tell. Sunagakure Genin for about a year, Sunagakure Chuunin for a few weeks. Pleasure to meet you."

As he waited for a response, he was pondering what the other team was doing at the moment. Maybe they were already on their way to begin the mission, maybe some of them haven't arrived, he could never know for sure, but he hoped for the worst of them. Considering he and the Kirigakure Ninja, not being able to laebl him on a first name basis as of now, were only on the step of introduction, it couldn't look more bleak for them. Initake then reminded himself of something he had forgotten to do. "Also, I forgot to mention other things. I am quick to temper, quick to revolt, and i undermine authority, though i do tend to disregard direct orders. my specialties are Elemental Ninjutsu, primarily water, and some earth, Bunshinjutsu, and some Taijutsu. There, now you know all you must.

"Though these things are true, if they are smart decisions, I tend to do them. I am a militaristic genius, so, follow my plans if you wish, because mine are usually superior, no offense if it seems like I am speaking condescendingly of you, or anyone else."
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyWed 29 Sep 2010, 5:39 am

Despite the constant noise from the waterfall, Kasumi found her current surroundings rather tranquil, and could easily have drifted off to sleep had the first of her two team members arrived just before she did so. The girl caught her somewhat by surprise, and at first all the female Jounin could manage was a startled "Oh!", before scrambling to her feet and brushing herself down. The newcomer proceeded to introduce herself, albeit with a degree of nervousness, as Hinoko Kuroi, a Chuunin of Sunagakure no Sato. She also unfurled a small scroll in order to check what team she had been assigned to. It was the first time Kasumi had actually met with Hinoko, and immediately took stock of her appearance. She was a little shorter than the kunoichi herself, with a simple hairstyle made much more interesting by the addition of a braid at the side. Her face was partially covered by red fabric, though only the bottom half. This was a first for Kasumi, meeting someone who dressed as such, but she thought nothing particular of it. What she could see was a few freckles and Hinoko's blue-green eyes. Her attire was not especially unsusual, and she looked well kitted-out for the trial ahead. She openly admitted being nervous, though Kasumi had already realised this was the case from her speech and body language. "Hey, relax a little Hino-kun. You're in the right place; although if you check that scroll again you should find that it says you're on the red team." She laughed gently, trying to ease the younger woman into a more comfortable manner. "I'm Kasumi Satake, your squad leader for today." She added. Hinoko had very little time to reply however, as moments later the final member of their small squad turned up.

"Ah, Renji-kun." Kasumi muttered as she spied the distant Genin. He happened to be a member of the Jounin's squad under normal village conditions, and so the introductions would be easier and much swifter. Wearing his usual gi and hakama combination of clothes, he was most recognizable for his wavy, mid-long hair. He arrived in a bit of a rush, but promptly apologized and greeted the two women. Indeed, Renjiro was hardly late at all - the action hadn't begun and both teams still had plenty of time to strategize. Speaking of which... Kasumi thought to herself, flashing a quick glance at... the three members gathered in the distance. It was nearly time to get started. Renji then suggested that Kasumi use his abilities in whatever way she thought best, which was uncanny - because she would soon be asking him to do just that. "Don't fret Renji-kun, so long as you don't make it a habit when I'm leading you!" She joked, smiling kindly at the boy. "Renjiro-kun, meet Hinoko-kun. You guys are obviously both with me today." She finished a little lamely, instead letting the two younger shinobi greet each other.

Pausing as if to scan the horizon for other team members, even though she knew no more were coming, Kasumi soon turned her attention back to the group. "Right, I know enough about you to be able to strategize with you both on my squad, but you definitely ought to know one or two things about me before we begin." She began, aware of the implications she herself had on those battling around her. "I possess the ability to negate a person's ability to utilize their Kekkei Genkai. Unfortunately, I can only exhibit control over the range. It works passively on all within a certain distance, with or without my influence." She paused again, ready to explain further. "What little I know of our opponents suggests that I won't need to use this ability, and I currently have it restrained to the minimum range of 1 metre from myself. Anyway, the important thing is this - if I need to use it -" She looked specifically aat Renjiro at this point. "- then I'll do my best to alert you to it before I do. Hino-kun, you'll be unaffected, Renji-kun, not so lucky." She glanced from one shinobi to the other, checking they understood. In all honesty, Kasumi fully expected to be able to keep her ability hidden for this wargame.

With that out of the way, she brightened up once more and prepared to outline the strategy. "We will be engaging with one opponent from Kirigakure and two from our own Sunagakure in this game. I do not yet know who they are and thus have no awareness of what to expect. However, this setting is designed for stark combat. There are next to no places to hide and our opponents are already within sighting distance. I don't expect the wargame leader to have assigned shinobi who cannot cope with close combat to fight us." She gave the two shinobi a moment to process what she'd told them so far. "What we will aim to do is discover as soon as possible the order of ability in our opponents. I do not want us 'pairing off' unless forced to, but should an opponent threaten a target we know is below their level, the appropriate ranked member of our squad can intervene. For example, their leader launches at Renjiro. I'm well aware that he or she is their Jounin-level shinobi, and so I - not Hinoko - move to block the attack and engage that target. If their Chuunin-level shinobi does something similar, I will stand back and leave Hinoko to do the same. If I had, then it would leave Hinoko open to their Jounin, see? This isn't part of the strategy to win, just something I need you all to do as a foolproof defence. It stops them picking us off and unbalancing the numbers." She stopped to let Renjiro and Hinoko digest this information. It wasn't that complicated a tactic, but all three of them would basically need to pay the most attention to whomever was their equal in rank.

After a while, the two seemed to have understood Kasumi's first and most difficult to explain tactic. "Secondly, no one tries to be a hero. Simple." Nothing else needed to be said about this rule, they were a team and the kunoichi was going to ensure they stayed as such. "Third. We've got no single battle strategy." She looked at the surprised faces before her. "We know too little about our opponents, who they are and what they can or will do. There's no predictability and making assumptions here would be foolish and undoubtedly would cost us. I anticipate, given the surroundings, both teams will end of skirmishing somewhere in the middle of the distance between us right now. Also, I expect myself and the other Jounin will probably end up focusing on each other, but don't think I won't call for your help, he or she won't call for theirs, or you or they won't need one of us. Instead, we win by working as a slick team. If you can use a technique to aid a teammate - without being caught out yourself - do so. Renji-kun, you could pin someone down momentarily with wooden stakes or poles while Hino-kun can deliver a final Taijutsu blow; for example." She suggested, before realizing the two shinobi were likely unaware of each others' capabilities.

"Which reminds me. No, wait... oh!" She exclaimed. "Renji-kun, the Mokuton seeds. Can you provide us each with one now, please?" She asked, and turning to Hinoko, "He'll explain in a moment. While that's being done, you both need to know what your teammates can do! Myself, I'm going to be utilizing Genjutsu and Taijutsu. If I see that you are falling under illusion or need physical support, I'll be there to help. Or just yell for me if you need to. Ah!" She finished, noting that the seeds had been readied. As Renjiro explained their use, Kasumi decided to finish her long-winded talk. "You know the rules already, so I've nothing else to explain. Whatever you guys might be feeling right now - eagerness, nerves... please remember that I personally selected you two for this mission myself, so I know you'll do a good job. Luck, everyone." She smiled encouragingly at the two capable shinobi before her, finally feeling ready to begin.

[Word Count = 1,390].
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyThu 30 Sep 2010, 12:02 am

OOC: Due to general slowness of the wargames threads a new rule is now in force. Rather then clear posting order, the war~games will be conducted on a turn basis where by everyone can post once a turn. A turn comprises one real life week. If you fail to post in this time frame you character is deemed to have not directly impacted on the battle and furthermore takes automatic c rank of damage. 3 C ranks of damage gained in this way and you character will be considered unconscious. All you need to do is post once a week, order does not matter, however fail to this and you risk losing this conflict.

Turn One is considered in effect. Turn 2 begins Monday.
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Posts : 509

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyThu 30 Sep 2010, 11:49 pm

(Sorry about spelling errors i'll fix them at a later date, i'm really trying to keep this going.)

Meanwhile, in the distance, eye's burning with anticipation scanned the horizan. Sizing up the opposition before hand was always helpful before making your location known. Saigo knew he had the upper hand when it came to shear team mass, however this didn't mean it would be an easy battle. He wondered just what the Suna Jounin would be like, hopefully they'd be a monster of a man, a brute, someone Saigo could respect. His eye's rolled as he fell into deep thought, looking down at the ground his expression changed. Looking dissapointed, knowing his luck they'd put him against a woman. Saigo hated fighting women, it wasn't that he didn't want to hurt them, infact it's the complete opposite but he considered them unworthy of the battle field.

Shaking his head he reminded himself that it wasn't the time for such inapropriate thoughts, he had a task to complete. Checking his equipment was prepared ready he stood up, still hidden by the lush, thick vegitation surrounding the far side of the waterfall. The roaring echo of water colliding with the rock face was almost deffening. Saigo certainly wouldn't vacation here, that was for sure. Taking a deep breath he began to stretch out, as if he'd just got out of bed and was doing his daily morning exercise. Saigo felt refreshed and was now in the mood for some action. Getting excited before a fight was something he'd always relished ever since he was a young boy. This was no different, he just had to raise his game. He turned to face the three Suna ninja across the waterfall, judging from their movements they were at ease, or atleast they seemed to be. This would be the perfect time for Saigo to make a suprise appearence, he smiled at the idea.

Pausing for a second, he stood dead still doing his best to remain undetected. Then exploded into a string of hand signs, his body began to warp out of shape. He let out a gasp as his half of his body pulled to one side, no sooner that a real clone fell to the ground beside him. Falling down on one knee, the clone was breathing heavy. Saigo turned to the clone and placed his hand on the clones shoulder. Taking a final deep breath in an attempt to take control of his breathing he ran over tactics in his head, instantly transferring the knowledge to his clone. Saigo would perform a suprise attack on the opposition, something that would ensure victory as soon as the battle started, or so he thought. Saigo himself made his way through the lush forest until he reached the edge of the cliff face. He looked down, suprised by the distance, it almost scared him. Maintaining focus he started Leaping down to a lower paths that ran across and under the waterfall. Hopefully they'd lead him to the other side where he could approach the Suna squad from behind.

Meanwhile his newly created real clone stepped out into the open for everyone to see, he approached Inuzuka Initake. The closest squad member to him, putting on a fake smile and generaly trying to look as harmless as possible, he gazed over at the Suna squad. By the time he'd walked close enough to speak to Initake everyone would of noticed his arrival. He stood to the side of the young Chuunin, drawing one of his katana he gave Initake a stern look. " Hello Initake, I was given very little background information on you by your Kage. I assume you know how to fight? Recently being promoted to Chuunin rank i expect great things from you. I, myself, preferr straight face to face combat but i lack the ability to detect or defend against Genjutsu. So i'll need you to stay close to me as my aid during this battle. " The Jounins words carried authority. He turned to see Cielco lazying around relaxing, Saigo's face turned red and smoke began to rise out from his ears. With gritted teeth Saigo took a running kick at the Suna Genin aiming to send him flying up into the sky. As the Genin vanished out of sight, Saigo raised his fist to the sky and verbal filth soon followed in Cielcos direction.

Saigo noticed the look of horror on Initakes face and fist still clenched began to scream in his face.. " what are YOU looking at? YOU WAN'T A PIECE OF THIS!? "

Still gritting his teeth and snorting uncontrably Saigo turned his attention to the Suna squad members and pointed his index finger directly at Kasumi.
" You!.. girl!.. where is your squads Jounin? I haven't got all day here, i want to get this over with so i can beat the crap out of your Bitch-Kage before tea! It's not everyday I get a chance to go down in history as 'the man who killed a legend'. Has a nice ring to it..Don't you think? " Saigos words directed at the young Jounin, as he smirked he awaited a response now completely calm. Or so it seemed.

Jutsu Guide:-

[Word Count: 800+] ( Just for Z Wink )
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 12:08 am

Renjiro looked at his sensei as she asked him to create some seeds for them. With the handsigns done already he focused chakra into the palms of his hands and opened them to reveal 2 wooden seeds a size of a quarter or a 2 pence piece. "Ingest one and we'll be able to communicate mentally, usually its only with me to allow for single one line communications but i'll open it up so all three of us can communicate together". He outstretches his hand his right hand out for each of them to take one.

As the pair would ingest them and Kasumi would finish her speech he decided to test his connection with the pair 'Hey guys and gals!'. The oppositions jounin started screaming at Kasumi and about the kazekage. "Continue with that line of communication and this friendly non-killing war game will become kill on sight!" he formed three and handsigns again 'this guy goes down NOW!'
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 04 Oct 2010, 10:37 pm

Initake saw Saigo approaching before Saigo saw him. Initake was good with sensory details, and he always had a feeling when he felt someone approaching. When Saigo was trying to be sneaky, Initake had already known he was there, but, since Initake was sometimes a people pleaser, especially to those he considered friends, he would give Saigo what he wanted, The element of surprise. As Saigo approached, Initake noticed him, as did the others. So, as Saigo spoke, again and again, seemingly to never shut the hell up, all Initake did was control his impulse, which was to pimp-slap this muthafucka to get him to shutup, he just merely listened.

Learning of Saigo's battle skills, and what he was good at, Initake was similar to him in ways, but very different in others. As the rush of the waterfall seemed to be growing louder and louder by the second, Inityake had to try harder and harder to make his disappearing hearing to hear Saigo's words. He knew he would have to listen to him, him being Initake's superior, but his words were almost intelligible. Initake didn't care. He was smart enough to know what Saigo was trying to say.

Initake merely replied to Saigo's first bit involving him with, "Yessir. I am Inuzuka Initake, I am specialized in Ninjutsu, particularly the water and earthen elements, and I am also skilled in bunshinjutsu, and sometimes Taijutsu if I have to. So, if you are in dire need of help, I may be of much assistance. Though I fear a medic would be a necessity for people like us. But, we will have to use my epic escape tactics to get us away if need be, and, also, you seem to be the mediating type, since sometimes I have anger management problems, you may have to guide me down the right path if i get too out of control. But, that's basically all you need to know about me. For now." He, after speaking, realized that last portion came out a little bit rude and cocky, but he brushed it off, Saigo knew what he meant.

After he spoke, Saigo still continued to speak, on and on and on and on he went, about nonsense, even yelling at the other team, which was obnoxious and uncalled for. But, eventually, he looked at Initake with his katana clenched tightly and pointed at him, and yelled 'DO YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS!?!' Initake's reply, of course, had to be sarcastic and a smart-ass remark.

"Well, of course I do, buddy!" He spun around the sword, and Saigo, and appeared nearly instantaneously behind him. He took out a small hand knife, and stuck it to Saigo's back, just barely poking him with it, and laughed, retrieving it, putting it back in his sheath, and laughed. He whispered this in Saigo's ear, "I know you were kidding, but I'm not. We need to be serious, I've seen both of these guys practice, or heard of their talents, and they are no laughing matter, no need for humor." Initake chuckled once more, sarcasm had always been one of his true talents. "I'm just shittin' ya, man! I love humor. Ya gotta admit, I had ya scared shitless there, eh?"

Though, Initake heard something he didn't like from Saigo. Initake liked everything else about him at first glance, his work ethic, his personality, sense of humor, amongst everything else, but this was the one thing that ticked him off the most. He was sexist.

Right after his condesceding words had been spoken, Initake shot at him, not literally, but with words. "Hey! Motherfucker! You do NOT speak to a woman like that! Do it again, and I rip out your innards and shove them up your ass so far, you'll-- nevermind, you won't feel it. You'd be dead." He disregarded the comment about his Kage, for his honor came to women before his Kage, considering his Kage was a male. He had much respect toward women, and hated when men treated them like Saigo does. He just looked at Saigo and smirked. "We keep this strictly business. Get the objective done, and that's it. Deal?" he outstretched a hand, offering a somewhat friendly gesture. He had not made a good impression, for that one comment made him go under to Initake. {Word Count = 718. D: }
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyTue 05 Oct 2010, 4:52 am

It seemed both sides were, for all intents and purposes, ready to get things underway. The three approaching figures had not escaped Kasumi's notice, despite the fact that she had most of her attention focused on the two squad members before her. Soon however, the opposing team discarded any attempt to approach quietly, making no effort to disguise the shouting and general commotion. In any other circumstances, this would have been regarded as odd. But considering both teams began only two hundred metres from each other, approaching unnoticed would have been nigh-on impossible. Three pairs of eyes all flitted, albeit momentarily, to see what on earth was going on. From a distance it was tricky to be certain, but to Kasumi at least it appeared that the Jounin was berating one or more of his charges. Renjiro quite abruptly announced the completion of his Mokuton seed technique, snapping Kasumi's attention back to her teammates. "Ingest one and we'll be able to communicate mentally, usually its only with me to allow for single one line communications but I'll open it up so all three of us can communicate together". He explained, though mostly for Hinoko's benefit - the female Jounin had a little experience with this particular jutsu of Renjiro's. "Thanks, Renji-kun." She murmured, placing the seed into her open mouth and swallowing. She still a little distracted by their opponents. "Arm up, the both of you. It looks like we're getting started." She muttered brusquely. There was little time for pleasantries on the battlefield, and since it appeared as though things we about to kick off, Kasumi thought it best to start as she meant to go on. Once again, Renjiro's voice pierced the silence, though not in the usual manner. "Hey guys and gals!" He said... or rather, thought. Kasumi immediately tested the connection for herself. "Form up, on me. Expose no vulnerable areas." She instructed, stepping forward and taking the central position herself, expecting her charges to take either side of her, slightly angled to cover each others' backs.

It was now that the loud-mouthed opponent - the one Kasumi presumed to be the opposition's Jounin - turned his attention to the red team. Or more specifically, to Kasumi. He squared up to her - from a short distance away - and spoke with a condescending, arrogant tone. "You!.. Girl!.. Where is your squad's Jounin? I haven't got all day here, I want to get this over with so I can beat the crap out of your Bitch-Kage before tea! It's not everyday I get a chance to go down in history as 'the man who killed a legend'. Has a nice ring to it... Don't you think?" He near-shouted at her. The kunoichi raised an eyebrow, wholly unimpressed. But before she could even begin to reply, a younger-looking member of team blue interjected angrily. "Hey! Motherfucker! You do NOT speak to a woman like that! Do it again, and I rip out your innards and shove them up your ass so far, you'll-- nevermind, you won't feel it. You'd be dead." He yelled. Rather surprised by this turn of events, Kasumi wasn't going to miss an opportunity to stick her oar in, too. Ignoring the Jounin and his words, she merely looked at the man's two teammates and pursed her lips. "Boy, you two really lucked out with this one." She quipped, her voice oozing both sarcasm and amusement. Silently, inside her head, she communicated with her partners. "The younger two have been placed under an illusion. It stops them realizing something has happened until a few seconds later, but it will not last long. When I give the signal, you need to engage both of them. Do not let them aid their leader." She explained.

Her plan was far from foolproof, but it was designed to give her team the upper hand without expending too many resources - chakra-based or physical. Of course, it was entirely up to Renjiro and Hinoko as to what they chose to use in combat themselves; it would do no good Kasumi telling them how to fight. They already had their strengths, weaknesses and tactics. She had to trust that they would get the job done. The instruction had been clear and simple enough, though the kunoichi couldn't help worrying a little about the two taking on their counterparts while she kept the Jounin at bay. Perhaps it was some innate, motherly instinct that led her to want to bear the burden all by herself. Whatever the case, the female Jounin knew that now was not the time to ponder. It was no her place to be so concerned - her teammates were very capable. She was certain that one day, they both would have surpassed her. She'd given them a helping hand by putting the Chuunin and Genin targets under a minor Genjutsu, but a very effective one nonetheless. She'd chosen it wisely, noting as she had the Inuzuka markings on one shinobi's cheek. The Genjutsu she had placed fooled the senses, so even one so astute as he would fall under the spell. Despite all that, Kasumi was not going to commit completely to one attempt or attack just yet however - she knew too little about her opponents' abilities, and whether there were things for her and her partners to be wary of.

Two illusions already in place, it was now Saigo's turn. She looked at him and smiled. "Girl?" She spoke with mock incredulousness. "Such a pity." She sighed, shaking her head. Arrogance was such an unappealing trait in a person. "I was expecting you to be so much more than what you are, fella'." She taunted, her Genjutsu already having taken hold. It wouldn't have any effect just yet, but quite soon Saigo was sure to realise. Making this eventuality even more imminent was not a problem for Kasumi, as she hoped to have gained a slight edge by then. "Now." She spoke loud and clear inside her head, though to all observers she remained silent. Simultaneously, she flicked the latch on her item pouch and whipped three kunai toward the Jounin before her. With the Genjutsu in effect and no time to realise the illusion and dispel it, the kunai were sure to hit home - that being each thigh, and one shoulder - at the same time. Beside her, Kasumi felt her partners make their move too, though the two younger members of team blue would not realise anything of note had happened yet.

The kunoichi was quick to dart in behind her kunai, aiming a fleeting punch at her target's midriff, hoping to drive the wind out of him. If all went according to plan, she could incapacitate Saigo with little difficulty and her charges would take care of the others. That said, the man was a Jounin, and no shinobi reached that rank without skill to show for it. Of that the young woman was more than aware, and kept herself poised to respond to any counterattack.

[Word Count: 1175].

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyTue 05 Oct 2010, 2:49 pm

OOC Thread Update

Just so people are aware Turn 2 started Monday, if you havent posted already this week you have up till Sunday or risk losing out. Turn 3 starts beginning of next week. Keep up the good work all. I apologise if people feel the new weekly round system is putting unnecessary pressure on those concerned but I want to avoid the threads lagging more then necessary

Accumulated damage as a result of not posting: N/A

Warning for Renjiro ~ Please increase word count, you are currently failing to meet basic minimum word requirements expected of you
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Posts : 509

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyWed 06 Oct 2010, 12:53 am

(Renji has serious problems in real, just letting you all know.) [Word Count: 800+]

Saigo's jaw hit the ground, the look of shock on his face bordered embarrassment. His pale face quickly turned tomato red with anger. Never in his whole life had anyone found the ordasity or courage to speak to Saigo in the way Initake had. Saigo was lost, he didn't quite know how to respond, placing his open hand over his face as if to shield his emotion, Saigo let out a sigh. While attempting to control his temper he wiped droplets of waterwall mist from his face, for a split second he felt relaxed. As his hand moved away, Saigo was smirking quite mischiviously. He'd convinced himself that this simple Suna Chuunin didn't know who he was dealing with, Saigo was going to enjoy 'educating' him once he was finished with his opponents. His twisted visions were interrupted as his attention drifted to the spritely female Jounin. "I was expecting you to be so much more than what you are, fella'."

Saigos smirk faded and his tone turned sarcastic. " Well, i must say you've suprised me, your cute when you fail to be funny." Raising his Katana and pointing it at Kasumi, he winked playfully. No sooner did the Kiri Jounin let his guard down that Kasumi launched three Kunai in his direction, quickly following them up. Saigo was taken by suprise, he'd underestimated the young female. A mistake that could prove fatal for him, never the less. He wasn't afraid, infact he was quite thrilled. The journey had been a long one and he was eagar to find some real action. After all, if this was really the end for him, who better to kill him than a cute girl like Kasumi. It'd certainly be better then being killed by a giant brute with so much facial hair you could hide a kitchen sink in it. Shaking his head, Saigo realised this wasn't the time to be daydreaming. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted as he noticed the immpending pain of being hit with Kunai would cause. Only centimeters away from him now he thought it best that he avoid them, simple enough. As he attempted to Shunshin out of the way his body shuddered. Saigo didn't understand what was going on, he tried again but his body simply flailed. Wild thoughts filled Saigos head, something had happened to him, then it dawned on him, Kasumi had paralyzed him. He wasn't exactly sure how she'd managed it but never the less, Saigo was dissapointed in himself. It was to late, Saigo had been caught out. He let out a shreek, a shreek that would shock most, especialy coming from someone matching his appearence.

Saigos last moments were to be him staring helplessly at the Kuani about to pearce his flesh, when a loud, painful, screeching sound appeared from nowhere. The Kunai fell into pieces just infront of Saigo, while still shocked he managed let out a sigh. The thin line along the ground caught not only his attention but everyones. As they curiously traced it back to it's source, there stood...Saigo!? The sun light ironicly lighting up the area inwhich he was standing, with Katana in hand he smiled playfully at Kasumi. " Pretty impressive for a Suna Jounin and not bad looking either. Try not to get too dirty while were doing this, wouldn't want to ruin that outfit now, would you? " Saigo's words of mockery were well timed. Hopefully he'd provided his squad members with an openning, although he didn't have much faith in their abilities. " What's the matter girl, you seem suprised? Haven't you ever met a member of the Kouzetsu clan before. Ha! I think you'll find we 'get around'. " The Saigo infront of Kasumi had now regained control over his body and was eagar to join the conversation. " Almost had me there didn't ya? " the Saigo infront of her confidently stated.

" By the look on your all your faces i'll take it your impressed, well, i've got another trick you might like! " Both Saigo's spoke at exactly the same time, the Saigo closest to Kasumi tilted his Katana, channaling the suns rays into her eyes. Then with his free hand began a frenzy of hand signs. The other Saigo (the real Saigo), immediatly lept into mid-air and drew a scroll from his side pouch. Activating it above everyone, Kunai and various projectile weapons began to be launched all around the area. As the first one hit the ground it caused a chain reaction, soon filling the surrounds with uncontrolable explosions. Saigos real clone had finalized his hand signs and vanished, leaving behind a small wooden log. The pair, hit the ground, back to back. As the explosions continued their display of destruction the two Saigo's stood ready for a counter attack.

Jutsu Guide:-
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 11 Oct 2010, 1:12 am

[OOC: This should be fun! Oh, and you'll find many Genjutsu Kasumi uses are custom, and I think you confused the one I used in the previous post with a canon paralysis one. Doesn't matter, the end result would be more or less the same, just giving you a heads up for future reference. Razz

Also, apologies, the content isn't my usual quality.]

A piercing screech echoed across the battlefield, its pervasive sound rising above that of the waterfall. A bright and vivid, unattractive green colour burst into Kasumi's vision, her audio-visual synaesthesia both helping and hindering her with the jagged, neon burst of viridian light. At the same moment, she felt a gust of air rip through the ground just in front of her, shrugging her kunai off as if they were little more than twigs. The Jounin herself pullde up just short, digging her heels and halting her run just in front of the wind blast. There was no time for the woman to be surprised or even to note how close she'd been to the attack, there were more pressing matters to attend. First, where the heck did such an attack even come from? There was little effort involved in discovering this particular answer; following the attack's destructive path, not far from where Kasumi and Saigo now stood was... another Saigo. A clone, or so the kunoichi presumed. She knew it could also be the 'real' form of her opponent, though she didn't like the idea of having to work out which was which. Second question. Exactly what type of cloning technique was this? The woman was certain she had not seen her opponent use such a jutsu since the two had caught sight of each other, which meant the clone had been formed before the fight. Damn, that doesn't narrow it down at all. She thought in frustration. Worse still, with all the time in the world to prepare before the wargame had begun, Saigo could well have performed a complex and powerful cloning jutsu, making this a more dangerous situation than it at first seemed. Or it could just be a Kage Bunshin. She reminded herself, wrinkling her nose in uncertainty. One thing she knew for sure, this was no illusion.

Whatever the case, Kasumi knew going over it again and again would do no good. Action was the answer. Standing some distance apart but still in front of the female Jounin, Saigo and his clone seemed to synchronize their speech in what the woman could only assume was an attempt at bravado. In her peripheral vision, Renjiro and Hinoko had engaged their counterparts and were busy fighting their own battle. She had to trust in their skills, as the Jounin before her was going to take her full attention. She resigned herself to this fact and felt a weight lift from her shoulders - she could fight undistracted and to her full ability. The kunoichi breathed a sigh of relief, which was swiftly cut short when Saigo and clone made their move. The one closest to her flicked his katana and caught the sun's rays, directing them straight into the woman's eyes. "Ah! She exclaimed reflexively, turning her face away from the source of the irritation. Aware of the dangers this presented, she quickly attened to the chakra within her body, directing a little to her central nervous system. A mere second later and she let out a quite audible gasp as a shiver ran up and down her spine, the jutsu having taken effect. When without a primary sense, Kasumi tended to revert to this technique, as it allowed her to sense her surroundings without that particular sensory modality - amongst other things. These, Saigo would discover soon enough. She'd activated it not a moment too soon either. Her expanded sensory range recognized that one Saigo had disappeared from before her, but how and where to, she did not know. The other was unaccounted for. Blinking slowly, Kasumi opened her eyes. She was greeted by the sight of kunai grenades hurtling towards her. The barrage was so widespread, she knew she'd never be able to subsitute out of this. A second later, the impressive salvo of weaponry exploded around her, firing metal in all directions. There was more than enough of it rushing toward the kunoichi's body to kill her outright.

Her previously applied technique would, thankfully, save her. No sooner did a single kunai or explosion pass into her sensory range than her body reacted instantaneously, making swift and fluid movements to avoid the numerous threats rattling around her. As she did so, the kunoichi weaved her way between the destruction at breakneck pace, quickly escaping the blast radius. Even at her greatly increased speed and with her reactions being controlled by her technique, one or two kunai still caught her and the explosions buffeted her body a little, but she could live with a cut on her forearm and bruised shoulder. If there had been a way to avoid this too, she was sure the Juunseidou no Jutsu would have found it. To an outsider, her body would have appeared a blur as it moved faster and faster, the patterns of movement intricate yet each perfectly placed. Of course, despite Kasumi's extensive dexterity training, she could never have done this alone - most of the work was being done by her jutsu. As the last kunai fell to the soft earth, it buried buried itself some distance behind her, a marker for how far she'd travelled in such a brief time period. She looked up and scanned the area, searching for Saigo and his clone. Sure enough, the pair were not far away now, wisely having distanced themselves from the blast but not anticipating the speed at which Kasumi had escaped their trap. Taking half a second to catch her breath, Kasumi smiled at her opponents and promptly kicked off from the ground.

Her body moved at impossible speed, faster than the eye could follow. A mere blur was all that could be seen as she appeared behind the two forms of Saigo, who were stood next to each other after their destructive trap attack. With a swift motion, she lashed out with a vicious kick to the head of one target, followed by a backhand to the other, using the momentum from the first strike. Both strikes were designed to injure and perhaps cause concussion, but what she really wanted to know was the type of clone technique Saigo was using. Almost all those that she'd encounted, bar a select few, would be dissipated with such an attack. Kasumi confidently put a great deal of strength behind each strike, aware that she already had an exceptional defence prepared with the Juunseidou no Jutsu active. The kunoichi was too experienced to rest easy, but it was some comfort to know that until it wore out, she had protection. With Kasumi engaged however, the same couldn't be said for her teammates, who were still battling it out in the distance.


[Word Count = 1115].
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Shinobi Falls Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobi Falls Shinobi Falls EmptyMon 11 Oct 2010, 6:13 pm

{Fox, if you don't know, this is Ini. I was wondering, and i brought this up to Commander, if we should try to get you a new partner. Maybe Kyo or ES, or someone to that effect. If not, you're alone. But, for now, the question I pose is: Should we skip Amaya and Renji for good? Until you get a partner, then we can include them in the posting order somewhere.}
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