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Mission: Escort the Cargo [p]

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Age : 31
Posts : 107

Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] Vide
PostSubject: Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] EmptySun 07 Nov 2010, 5:05 am


Waking up on a cold day in the Mist village Mizuki got herself out of bed and started to get dressed then went off to have breakfast, having eaten breakfast she walked back over to her wardrobes and took out her gourd and strapped it to her back. Walking out of her house Mizuki started to walk around town because she had an hour before her mission was to start. With her items inside of her Trench coat she was ready to ether look for trouble or look for something to do while she was waiting. She started to walk off towards the gates of Kirigakure to sit on top of the Walls and watch as the Chuunin and Jounin protected the Village gates, watching as they were stopping people at the gate and checking there ID's to make sure they were allowed into the village and not just some Refugee, she laughed abit when she saw a whole family get denied entry. Standing up now noticing time had flew and was now already up to its one hour mark Mizuki left the walls and walked off towards the Mizukage's tower were she was to get her mission scroll. Walking through the village she noticed children running around and one was not looking were he was going and ran into Mizuki almost knocking her over "Sorry" he said in a hurried voice "yes you better be" she said in a sweet voice as she walked off towards the Mizukage's Tower. Entering the Mizukage's Tower she went to the main desk and asked were was the mission area, she was told it was around the corner, so off she went around the corner to the Mission Conductor and asked for her Mission Scroll. Taking the scroll she saw it said Escort Cargo, a caravan that needed to be Escorted containing medical supplies and food to a village. "hmm this should be easy enough". she said to her self walking out of the Tower.

[332 words]
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Age : 31
Posts : 107

Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] EmptyMon 08 Nov 2010, 1:51 am

Leaving the Tower of the Mizukage, Mizuki started to walk off through the village. Having the Mission scroll in her hand she was allowed to leave the village at will without any one else, so she made her way to the village gates slowly as the caravan would be waiting outside. walking threw the village was easy enough as there was no one pushing her and barging past her to get somewhere, it was just a casual walk towards the gates of Kirigakure. Following a path she had taken before on her way to the village gates she took a turn that would take her right to the gates instead of up some stairs and onto the walls of Kirigakure, Now coming to the gates of Kirigakure Mizuki walked threw the gates and off towards the Caravan that was parted near by. As she walked over to the Caravan gourd on her back and trench coat on as well she looked like a weird, "So is this who will be escorting me?" said the driver of the caravan "Indeed my good sir, I shall be escorting you from here to your destination" she said with a smile. So off the driver went into his Caravan and Mizuki started to walk off after him and stand up and sit on the roof of the Caravan, it was a simple wooden caravan that was pulled by horses so it was a easy enough ride. "No matter what keep driving" she yelled down to him as he got into his driver seat and took the reigns, off they went off to a town in the Water country that did not get travellers much. Watching as the tree's went by Mizuki closed her eyes and started to open her mind letting her chakra sensing start working, doing that she had her hands on the hand holds on top of the caravan and just held on not caring at all. Keeping a good hand hold Mizuki was ready for anything, as they went a couple of bandits showed up, of course this was known by Mizuki for about five to ten minutes as her Sensing was working over time on this mission. She opened her eyes and forced the cork on the Gourd to pop off and land in her hand so she could place it in her pocket so she could seal the thing after she had finished. The bandits stood in front of the Caravan and the man stopped driving, a thing she had told him not to do, he started to plead to her that he could not run people over. She jumped off the Caravan and started to walk towards the men, before they could say anything her sand had already shot out of her gourd and was creeping up there legs holding them tightly "I am really sorry for this guys...." she said with a frown. The sand was now enclosing around them flowing up there chests and around there necks and finally covering there heads in a sand cacoon on both of them, Sand Coffin this jutsu was called. The men were now struggling and screaming but all Mizuki did was close both of her hands imploding both of the men, “good bye” she said with a smile as the sand fell away revealing a huge flow of blood from both Cocoons, with that done Mizuki started to walk back towards the caravan and the sand that was used started to flow back into the Gourd and she then placed the lid on top. Now they were back on there way to the town, getting to the town Mizuki waited as the Man gave out the supplies.


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Age : 31
Posts : 107

Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] Mission: Escort the Cargo [p] EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 12:46 pm

Mizuki was waiting on the Man who was giving out supplies and food to the villages of the town, he was a nice man by the looks of him, but must be troubled from watching her kill the two men. Walking threw the village Mizuki say children sitting on the ground eating the food that was just given to them from the man, they looked anorexic and in need of food so she kept walking. She found a small dog that decided to follow her it was a cute little dog but Mizuki got annoyed, "Dog go away" she said in an annoyed tone. The dog looked up at her and cocked its head to the right and wondered what she said, Getting more annoyed Mizuki moved some of the sand on the ground to hit the dog in the face to make it run off. With the dog now gone Mizuki continued to walk around the village, seeing nothing she liked she started to walk back towards the entrance and the caravan, getting there she jumped on and sat beside the driver as he took off out of the gates. Speeding off back towards the village hidden in the mist Mizuki guided the man into the village gates that were open, getting inside of the village Mizuki jumped off and the man went back to his home. Finally back in the Mist village Mizuki walked off towards the Mizukage's tower, getting to the area she told them the Mission was complete with the Man's Signature on the scroll so now that was a Mission Marked on Mizuki's list of completed mission's. With that done she went off back to her home.


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