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Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing]

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Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
PostSubject: Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] EmptyMon 28 Jun 2010, 6:21 am

Akuma was standing out in the middle of a leafy park, one of the few places in Kiri that he loved to be in, all the time. He sent out a mass invitation to the park, inviting people to come and meet him. Well, on the invitation it said that he wanted to meet new people, and it was true. He hadn't made many friends in kiri over the many years he had lived there, and it was about time, because he wanted a team. He was sitting in the park, alone, and was getting a little worried that no one was going to show up. It didn't matter all that much to him, because things would just go back to the way they were before.
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Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] EmptySun 14 Nov 2010, 12:16 pm

Nana appeared in a cloud of smoke infront of the shinobi, uhhhhhhhhhh achoo!!!! I got you!!" she sighed sneezing and coughing simotaniously... "In hindsight using 5 smoke bombs might not have been a good idea" she said to herself laying on the ground dizzy. When things came into focus she seen 5 boys rubbing there eyes, dancing and turning into one."Ahhh your not him, you didnt like see a stupid looking boy go past here did you" She said explaing how a totally immature boy pushed her down and ran this way. The boy just looked at her stupid it was then nana noticed he was covered in black ash from the smoke bomb."oooooohhhh im like so sorry hun it looks like i got you by accident but dont worry i can fix that go raging waterfall jutsu" She did some handseals then summoned water to wash over the boy. "Ahhhhh it looks like that was too much" she said as it threw him into a nearby tree. She quickly rushed over to the soaked guy grabbing him by his shoulders and shaking him back awake."Oh no wake up, Im like so sorry Ahhhh" When he came to shed introduce herself as Nana tenshi and hope he was one of the 5 people who didn't hear that her father was a alleged psycho killer.
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Age : 27
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Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] EmptySun 14 Nov 2010, 12:57 pm

[OOC:- Akuma, where is your approved character? I suggest you both wait for your rank & colour before you start roleplaying. nana, I've seen you character is approved, but I can't find your approved character, Akuma.]
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Posts : 12

Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] EmptySun 14 Nov 2010, 1:13 pm


here it is aaron Wink
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Age : 27
Posts : 2538

Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] EmptySun 14 Nov 2010, 3:39 pm

[OOC:- That application has been archived.]
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] EmptyMon 15 Nov 2010, 8:38 am

Akuma has become inactive on Ultimate Shinobi 2.0 and therefore cannot roleplay; as his character was archived. Nana, I suggest that you check the date of somebody's topic before posting in it.

Topic Locked.
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Expanding Horizons [Open;No Killing] Vide
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