Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin]

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Age : 31
Posts : 1036

Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptySun 07 Nov 2010, 6:17 am

Basic Information:

Name: Sokasu Moori

Secondary Title: Wind Demon of the Mist

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance:
Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Uchiha10

Sokasu is one of a kind. Standing to be around 5'11 and weighing about 140 pounds he isn't the average person. To be exact the young Moori, Sokasu has the same distinguish look of that of an Uchiha, because of that he is confused as one of them. The young Sokasu have long black spiky hair all in which slides down his back while the upper side of his hair simply forms as spikes pointing towards his back. The young chuunin have completely white pale skin thus not a single scratch can be seen on it. Though not really part of a clan, the young Sokasu can take care of himself. That being because his body is fully capable of receiving hits of all kind thus he would simply put the pain aside. His long limbs allow him for quick and swift movement in battle, while his mind allow him to do the tactics.

The young chuunin have crimson red eyes, aside form his mouth being a simple shaped line across. While his eyebrows are very thin and are also shaped like a simple line above his eyes. For clothing the young Sokasu wears a black shirt, in top of that he wears his armor, an armor made out of complete iron, in the forms of plates atop his body. He also tend to wear black long pants with the black shirt and gray armor. Lastly he wears black sandals, these sandals below tend to have metal spikes, in which are used for better grip in the ground and more effect in the users move. Along his back there is somewhat of a hanger, where his fan is placed upon.

Sokasu is a very gentle person to those he love. Although he dont like getting soft around others, that only brings him nothing but trouble for him. That being picked on and everything,so since he grew to be a genin he started being more direct and serious about things. This has give him talent and even reputation. He tends to joke around too,although he dont mind when someone tell him something that would bother anyone else if said so. Around his family he's kind,gentle and very warm among others in the family.
He likes to play with his brothers and sisters that being his mom and his dad. He has developed a more strict and rude personality once he saw and gone through as a ninja. Friends being killed and even families in front of him made him strong and not scared of whats outside of where he at now. This pain and sorrow brings him forward to continue his goals in life.

Catch Phrase:

Clan Information:

Clan Name: N/A

Clan Location: N/A

Clan Traits: N/A

Kekkei Genkai: N/A

Secret Clan Jutsu: N/A

History: N/A

Clan Details: N/A

Rank Information:

Rank: Chuunin
Village Affiliation: Kirigakure No Sato

Special Information:

Character Speciality:

Main: Ninjutsu
Sub: Weaponry

Elemental Affinity:

Main: Fuuton
Sub: Raiton
Special Characteristics:

Writer: Sokasu is very skilled in most things. One of his true passions would be of course writing. In everytime he is actually seen, he tends to be seen with a small note book and a pencil on his hands. In this book, the secret of his past, and present are written.

Tactician: Sokasu is very smart because of his intelligence is why he is able to figure out his opponents weaknesses in matter of minutes upon watching their abilities once or twice. Thus he is able to counter attack the opponents movements by creating a strategy in matter of minute.

No Stare Down: Sokasu is the person in which tends to be cautious about everything that is around him. That matter knowing the way ninja are, with their genjutsu, Sokasu has trained himself to watch every movement in the opponents body without watching their face throughout the entire battle.

Weapon Master: Being trained in the art of weapons and crafting of them, he has more speed than the average person of his own rank. Because weaponry training need physical work, it allows Sokasu to become stronger and faster upon training. This training give him about a 10% speed increase over the others.

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

Jutsu Template:
Raiton Techniques
Quote :
Name: Touza no Jutsu
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: A close range jutsu on which the user makes an electric current pass throw the enemy, by touching the opponent with both hands. This jutsu can leave an enemy paralyzed for one post.

Name: Kyuu no Jutsu
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: A jutsu on which the user creates a chakra made sphere of lightning energy in his hands, and throws it to the opponent, giving him a strong electric jolt. This lightning ball will be heavy and thrown in a lateral direction.

Name: Kiba Kyuu no Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: The evolution of Raiton Raikyuu, this time, the sphere turns into a piercing fang when thrown at the opponent giving him not only lightning damage, but also a small piercing wound. If this jutsu hits a preexisting wound, then the opponent will experience immense pain and the muscles in that area will spasm uncontrollably for one post.

Name: Raiton Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.


Name: Discharge Technique
Rank: C - S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Descriptions: After performing the necessary hand signs the user will release electric particles from his body. Letting them float around into a large cloud that anyone that is caught on it will be paralyzed and shocked. The lightning follows metal, so any metal that his opponent has will get him paralyzed. After activating the jutsu, this cloud will last up to 4 posts.

Genin : Minimal amount damaged and Paralyzed for 1 post. Large cloud of about 10 ft radius.
Chuunin : Paralyzed and mild damage for 1 post. Large cloud of about 15 ft radius.
Jounin: Large amount of damage and paralyzed for about 2 post. Cloud of 20 ft radius.

Name: Close Electrocution Technique
Rank: B - S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Descriptions: After you form handseals, the next thing that hits you in close range combat will be electrocuted. Power raises with rank, B rank and over will cause a brief stun, A a slightly longer one and S will paralyze the offender for they're whole next post.

ame: Shocking Snap Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Descriptions: After snapping their fingers, the attacker sends out a thin, wire-like strand of electricity that shocks the opponent. This works best when fighting someone with a metal weapon. The electricity will numb the point of impact, where reaction time on the specific part of the body hit will be slowed considerably for 2 posts.

Name: Thunder Shock Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Descriptions: A Lightning element jutsu. The ninja will focus their lightning elemental chakra to their hands. When the desired amount of chakra is located within the hands, the ninja will release it from their palm at the target in the form of a single bolt of lightning for each hand.

Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: After shotting a large lightning attack at the sky, the sky will begin to move the clouds. The clouds will begin to move and move. Until for like two post, then after the sky is dark and cloudy it will release about 7 rays of lightning strike down in the floor. Around the area where the opponent is. This technique can only strike where the opponent was last standing on a 3 meter diameter per 3 seconds. After 3 strikes have been done the jutsu will be completed.

Name:Gentle Step
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: After concentrating the user will begin to use his electrical element to act as a magetic force. Forcing his body to repell from the ground, and basically walk on air for about 5 posts,without no sounds, but a small cracking sound underneath his shoe from the lightning taking effect.

Name:Ground Discharge
Rank: B
Description:By emitting lightning in the ground by punching the floor with great force, the user will make several craters on the ground. As well as to paralyze anyone who gets hit by it for about a turn.

Futon Techniques
Quote :
Name: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Description: Fuuton • Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing his hand to his mouth, Orochimaru will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way. A variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.

Name: Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Description: Fuuton • Reppushou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Nagato will send a strong gust of wind towards his target. When acting in conjunction with another thrown weapon, the wind can increase its power and deadliness.

Name: Renkuudan - Drilling Air Projectile
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Description: Fuuton • Renkuudan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. The user inhales a large amount of air into his chest and then slams his fist into his chest to expel it. When expelled it forms concussive spherical projectiles capable of inflicting large damage.

Name: Dai Kamaitachi - Great Cutting Whirlwind
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Description: Dai Kamaitachi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Sand ninja Temari. Named after a mythical creature, Temari uses her fan to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with her chakra. This technique is a bigger version of the normal Kamaitachi no Jutsu, having the ability to cause a great amount of cutting damage to the nearby area. This requires a fan.

Name: Senpuu Hashira no Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Description: This encircles the opponent with a spiral of wind, then the wind starts to rotate and is focused in rotating more and more fast. Once the opponent is imprisoned inside the spiral, the user can add projectiles, which will also encircle the opponent, effectively cutting them. That can make this jutsu deadly. This requires a fan, and will last one post.


Name: Wind Pulse
Rank: C
Element: Wind
Description: This move does not require hand signs the user will simply stand and use the wind around him to give him a boost and get pushed towards the place that the person is facing. This will act as a canon or some sort. The wind will form around his leg and allow him to jump higher and move faster with the speed. The wind will simply give a push that increase the speed of the user.

Name: Petal Blade
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: After performing the necessary hand sign the user will focus his wind chakra on a petal leaf. This will somewhat harden the petal leaf and sort of give it a shine to it. This petal leaf can be used as a small blade and thrown at high speeds. (It has the normal cutting effects as a shuriken)

Name: Wind Chains
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Fuuton
Description: After doing the hand signs the user will manipulate the air around the opponent. Then manipulating it to a certain density and wrap the opponent with the air creating chains to wrap the opponent until they are unable to move.

Kiri Jutsu
Quote :

Name: Hidden Mist Jutsu
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target.

Basic Ninjutsu
Quote :

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.

Name: Henge no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation jutsu is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy, this jutsu allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up.

Name: Genjutsu Kai
Rank: E-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: D-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination.

Name: Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu/Chakra Control
Element: N/A
Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed.

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu/Chakra Control
Element: N/A
Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.

Name: Ayatsuito no Jutsu - String Reeling Technique
Rank: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Ayatsuito no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing wire. This string can be used in rappeling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent. The Uchiha clan also utilizes the wire in their Sharingan Soufuusha Sannotachi technique. The wire allows the clan member to pin down an opponent, and then unleash a torrent of fire upon them.

Name: Bikou Ninjutsu - Shadowing Stealth Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible.

Quote :
Name: Coiled Serpent
Type: Weaponry
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: Using a polearm, this attack uses a twist and snap motion to attack. The twist motion breaks down the defence of the enemy, while the snap strikes the enemy at full power. This is combined with an element by stronger ninjas to deal some real damage.

Name: Cutting Weapon
Type: Weaponry
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: The user sends chakra through the blade/weapon, which releases in a burst of energy. The energy is visible, and flies off the blade when slashed through the air. This is a simple and almost has no effect at all though it has a long range of 20 feet.

Name: Star Shower Technique
Type: Weaponry
Rank: B
Element: Wind
Description: This allows for the user to use a bow and shoot out about 30 small start like bullets at his opponent of wind in about 3 seconds. This can all be shot continously or one at a time so it last longer. This reaches up to 20 meters. The wind will simply shot out so it doesnt need the use of put an arrow or nothing. The user simply needs to do like if they are using an arrow and wind will form a long arrow will form and then split into 30 small parts and shoot out. These arrows make the same effect as a normal arrow when they are all thrown at one time. Though when they are split into sections and are thrown 5 at a time when they come in contact they burst into a cutting wind that slightly scratches body parts in the body.

Name: Crush Slap
Type: Weaponry
Rank: B
Element: Wind
Description: Using a pole arm gale force is made sending a burst of air from the weapon in possession to blow the opponent back. Can get incredible results upon impact being able to send the opponent flying into a wall or obstacle.

Name: Rapid Crushing Technique
Type: Weaponry
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Description: Using a pole arm the user will strike the opponent rapidly. Every hit its harder because the user gathers speed as he keeps on going. The last hit the pole arm will shot out a blast of chakra to the opponent sending the back about a few meters away.

Weapon Template:

Quote :
Name: Gunbai
Quantity: 2
Rank: B.
Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] OH2182
Special Abilities/Characteristics: The fan is used to accelerate the speed of weapons that have been already thrown. By swiping this fan across in mid air pointing directly towards the opponent, the fan will create a gust of wind strong enough to knock them off their feet where they stand. The winds created by this fan simply increase the speed of the item thrown for about 20% faster than usual. One is able to deflect items that are thrown at the user by creating the strong winds with the fan. The winds are strong enough to actually cut through the opponents skin, though hardly cut through much. It might make simple scratches in the skin.
Origin: Bought in a small black market in kirigakure. Said to be ancient and very powerful the fan itself came from the land of winds.

Name: Chain
Rank: B
Special Abilities: The Chain Saber is twelve inches overall with a six and a half inch blade, and is made almost exclusively of titanium. It stretches up to 15 feet.
Origin: Hand made. Refer to the history.

Name: Trident Pole Arm
Appearance:A weapon normally around 5 to 8 ft in length. the handle is what makes up most of the size which can be either wood or some metallic material around one inch thick. with one long point that is sharp on both sides. similar to a knife with two shorter ones on the side. the large point is around six inches to one foot
Rank: D
Special Abilities: N/A
Origin:Hand made. Refer to the history.

Background Information

Sokasu was born in the hidden mist village. Among the coldest days that have ever happened. By two poor shinobis that lived there. Both poor, but still did everything to get Sokasu what he needed to be as healthy as a pineapple. Unlike many Moori’s he wasn’t born on the Konohagakure. As his parents tended to move alot in lookout for a great place to live in. As they traveled from Konoha to the moon country. A sudden burst of tears came upon Sokasu's mother. She screamed in pain as she hold on to her stomache. His father knew that she had to deliver the baby safely therefore he took her to the nearest village. The hidden village in the mist. There she was taken care for. She delivered Sokasu and they both stayed there as that was the village that Sokasu had been born at. Although they wanted him to be born in a better village, it was not be helped that Batanga was born in the Mist village.

As Sokasu grew bigger, he was tarined by his mother and father at the same time. They knew that they had to train him well if he wanted to survive in this terrible village too. And them both being former Jounins of Konoha it would be a great training for him to start off with. As he reached the age of 6 he already had learned a few jutsu of his own. Although he tended not to talk much, as he was raised somewhat and sometimes treated badly. Both his parents were pretty strict and when he did something wrong he would pay with his blood. Let alone the marks of burn marks he covers up with his clothing. His knuckle marks show great and hard work. But this had somewhat traumatized him in the past few years. Although he has been stoped being treated badly. He still thinks of the horror nights he went through, although he knew that this was just for the best. Till this day forward he barely speaks or make an emotion.

As he reached the age of 10 with endless training, he had already had a chakra control of a genin. Or even a better chakra manipulation, with his black strings. He had already started using his strings therefore he himself along with his father and mother’s permission enlisted himself in the academy. And yet he has seen a toy or a smile from nobody in the mist village but his mothers. His mother was great women, although sometimes she took training too seriously ending the situation with a smack on Sokasu’s face.

Academy Arc: As he reached the academy arc, as expected he confronted many problems as he wlaked along the road of a ninja. Although as expected he would clear them up by either fighting or just ignoring the problem. At this point of age he had recieved the same rage his parents had and showed towards him. As when he had the opportunity to kill someone he would do it no matter what has happened. He shows no respect but only to his elders and upper level ninja. Although it doesnt mean he would go along carrying stuff for them when they want to.

After three long years of pain and struggles he finally graduated form the academy school. At this point he had made himself stronger physically and mentally. And when fighting he always had a strategy to get himself out of the situation or to end it. And as he finally turned genin he began to think of the team he would have and the jounin itself.

Genin Arc: As a genin, Sokasu was quite unfortunate. He fell behind in skill and stamina compared to his teammates and fellow ninja. Even with increased training, he found himself constantly falling behind and started to become desperate. So much so that when he crossed paths with the Uchiha that longed before trained him, he immediately took up the offer for training. He recovered somewhat by the time the chunnin exams came around and when he was permitted to join, he decided to prove his true worth.

Being trained by an Uchiha still has let him very much training skills that he has used frequently, to good hand signs, and great speed and agility. This all has made him a better person in every aspect and now he has become less foolish ly than before. Now working his ass off to prove himself and the Mizukage he is worthy of adquiring such position like a Chuunin. However even then he was thrown a curveball. Through a series of rather unfortunate events, he was promoted to chunnin without a chance to prove himself. While training with the Uchiha he had apparently started to learn the art of the Taijutsu even more and throughly. Giving him the chance to develop his battle skills in Kiri as well as his ability to expertise on his clan methods. Allowing you to create a great defense without having to do very much in combat. Then in precise timing striking the opponent, destroying their opponent's organs.

Role-Play Sample:
Wazuma had just received a word that the Chunin Exams would soon start in about 2 days form now. He was getting frustrated at the fact that he has yet not trained for any elemental jutsu. All he has done would be fighting and the little training he got with the Kage himself. He felt like he himself was slaking, ever since he graduated form the academy his abilities to train has gone down the drain. But of course he needed to get prepared for this Chuunin Exams if he would ever like to pass it. At this very moment he was at his house, though it wasn't too long before he grabbed everything he needed and headed to the do where he would train his new jutsu. He had a few on his mind though he didn't have much time to train them all. So by training the more effective ones it would help him in battle. After picking up his shirt, he would put it on, then after put on his sandals. Taking in consideration that he was going to train he would also take his Usanagi. Just in case something happened to pop up at his training section. After gathering everything he needed, such as weapons and training materials he would quickly head out the door, quickly locking it after doing so.

"Got to start training before sun down,” he would said after leaving his home, his body disappearing as he entered the buildings. As he walked across the building she could see a few black markets, of course famous for their rare weapons and artifacts that they bring from other villages. He would smile to the people that were around, giving a small wave as he strolled past them. One thing he knew was that he loved Sukai and its people. Most of them were very good with others. Treating them as if the young Wazuma was part of their own family. Being part of the village since he was a baby, he was well known and he knew most of them too. After walking through the buildings of Sukaigakure he would begin to see the Dojo. A sight of relief came across his face. He was tired, and didn't really felt like training at all but he needed to. After several minutes of watching the Sukai Dojo he would approach the door, slowly twisting the doorknob and opening the door. Opening the door soon created a beam, that went straight to his face. Covering his face as he walked inside the door. The place was covered with various lights, which enlightened the whole entire area in front of him. He would walk inside and wondered what was going on, the place was rather dark in some areas, though a few lights lit up the place with joy, as they were rather colorful.

After entering the dojo he would place himself in the middle of the room. And quickly began to focus all his chakra around him. By doing this he would only focus his chakra and mold it into raiton chakra. "Think electricity." he would say to himself in the middle of the dojo. Then he inhaled, then exhale as he exhaled he would begin to rub both hands together. To only notice small sparks flying around his hands and body. Soon after he would begin to close his eyes after a few seconds of concentration he would open his eyes, slapping both palms together he would supposedly send this electrical energy around him flying towards his surroundings. But instead the shock quickly surged throughout his body. Giving him the hard time of withstanding the pain that was caused by his own jutsu. He felt like his muscles completely went numb and useless, his body rapidly dropped in the floor. He shrugged as he began to try to lift himself up, placing his katana on the ground he would lift himself up, by placing both hands on the handle he would bring himself up.

After getting up he would begin to shake while his breath began to grow heavily. "If Im not careful i would end up killing myself.,” he would say before placing his Usanagi by his right side of the waist. After doing so he would begin to stretch grabbing his arm by the elbow and start rubbing it. "Ah lets try this again. He would say as he began to spread his legs a little open, allowing him to prepare and focus for the moment. After doing so he would begin to slap his hands together, trying to figure how he would prepare for the jutsu. After slapping both hands together he would begin to close his eyes and begin to rub both palms together against each other. With enough chakra he would begin to create lightning around his palms, as a large energy that being lightning would surge throughout his body.

Last edited by Strange Ace on Fri 19 Nov 2010, 5:30 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 31
Posts : 1036

Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyFri 12 Nov 2010, 5:22 pm

This is finally done. I had received permission for this rank via MSN from Adam not long ago.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyFri 12 Nov 2010, 6:30 pm

Quote :
Sub: Weaponry

We have different specialties of weaponry that you may pick from. Please select 2;

Swords - All forms of Sword
Axes - All forms of Axe
Polearms - All forms of polarms, from spears to halberds
Blunt - All blunt weaponary, such as hammers, maces, ninchucks etc
Ranged - All ranged weaponary such as bows and advanced forms of shuriken/kunai
Exotic - Any weapons that don't fall into the norm such as whips and chains. Really odd shaped weapons of whatever variety count as exotic

Quote :
Name: Discharge Technique
Rank: C - S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Descriptions: After performing the necessary hand signs the user will release electric particles from his body. Letting them float around into a large cloud that anyone that is caught on it will be paralyzed and shocked. The lightning follows metal, so any metal that his opponent has will get him paralyzed.

Genin : Minimal amount damaged and Paralyzed for 1 post. Large cloud of about 10 ft radius.
Chuunin : Paralyzed and mild damage for 1 post. Large cloud of about 15 ft radius.
Jounin: Large amount of damage and paralyzed for about 2 post. Cloud of 20 ft radius.

How long does the cloud last until dispersing?

Quote :
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: After shotting a large lightning attack at the sky, the sky will begin to move the clouds. The clouds will begin to move and move. Until for like two post, then after the sky is dark and cloudy it will release about 7 rays of lightning strike down in the floor. Around the area where the opponent is.

I'm a bit skeptical about this technique. Would if be alright with you if you made it so it strikes the place where the target was last standing in a 3mtr diameter per-say?

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Age : 31
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyTue 16 Nov 2010, 5:34 pm

It has been fixed and added what you suggested to Humoba.
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Age : 31
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyThu 18 Nov 2010, 5:08 pm

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Age : 31
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyFri 19 Nov 2010, 5:01 pm

Do someone check applications here? O.o
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Age : 29
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyFri 19 Nov 2010, 5:29 pm

Your elements are Fuuton and Katon and you have raiton jutsu.

Fix that and I'll get the rest later.
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Age : 31
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyFri 19 Nov 2010, 5:30 pm

It has been fixed now.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyFri 19 Nov 2010, 11:42 pm

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The Boss

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Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] Sokasu Moori [Kiri Chuunin] EmptyThu 20 Jan 2011, 8:56 am

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