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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin]

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Posts : 33

Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 9:24 am

Basic Information:

    Name: Khael Shikyo
    Secondary Title: Khael, Wraith
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Physical Appearance:
    Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] KhaelHeian

    Khael is a simple individual in appearance. He has a kind face and skin complexion is normal. His dark gray hair is often free, being naturally straight, it tends to have a mind of its' own. His eyes are brown with a tendancie to shift between variations in color and brightness. Changing as far as a greenish color or a hazel. His body structure is very fit, constant training has developed a strong muscular structure. His hands are often covered at the palms with bandages, this does not cover the entire hand, but roughly two or three inches on center.

    He wears layered clothing, often everything on him has many logical reasons for existence. He gets his clothing custom, despite his passive nature, he is not naive. His top layer of clothing is simple. A blue male kimono made of very strong silk material. The material is waterproof and seems to withstand against light piercing. The Kimono has a special hood with a face mask that allows Khael to hide his face, which is what he uses on missions, in combat, or whenever neccesary. Two black straps come across his shoulders which appear to over his Kimono. There are easily undone buttons underneath the straps allowing him to easily remove the Kimono. However, the straps are part of his under support. Made of strong leather reinforced with a close-knit chain, the straps can be used to halt blades coming at moderate speed. The straps act as a secondary support for his sheath and weaponry belt as well.

    He wears a chain belt around the waist of the Kimono which is able to be used as a rope or tiedown, its' extremely durable structure can hold up to 300 lbs. He wears a black shirt underneath his Kimono which accompanies strong forearm bracers similiar in design to the shoulder straps. These forearm bracers are a multi-layered structure consisting of a black exterior leather followed by a close-knit chainmail, a metal plate structure, and an underlying later of cloth. These are designed to allow full movement of the wrist, elbow, and arm, effectively causing zero obstruction. He wears an under belt that contains his miscellaneous weapons and equipment, complete with easy access pouches and spring-loaded kunai/shuriken containers for quick arming. He wears black pants that have a large amount of pockets, tho not visible. He is over-armed constantly, so the many pockets helps keep things organized.

    His boots are black with steel reinforcement on the tops. The bottoms of the shoes are custom designed to allow no sound from underneath them to escape. The intricate patern was formed to stop any sound from traveling more than 2 feet in any direction. He has two sheaths on his back and one on his side. The two on his back contain swords, the other is an empty sheath. His sheaths are made of a reinforced metal and leather allowing them to block blades as a regular weapon would.

    Khael's personality is very complex. He tends to see things in logical ways without thought of the emotional conflict. He evaluates everything he sees, regardless of what it is, who it is, or where it is coming from. He scans everything for flaw, piecing apart everything and everyone he meets. He keeps his thoughts to himself, unless directly asked for his opinion. Often he wont express his true opinion, however will speak in a manner that states the awnser in an abnormal form avoiding the question, thus avoiding the act of sharing his opinion. He is very cruel in thought, and constantly developes ways to inflict mental or physical harm upon anyone who crosses his path, including his own friends.

    Khael is constantly at thought, his mind always racing about something that happened, could happen, should happen, or will happen. He is unable to control the wild and uncontrollable being that is his own mind. Often restless, he has lower levels of insomnia from evaluating everything about the day, or what may happen the following day. Lacking true emotional concern, his thoughts are often how to win or defeat in any way, whether noticeable or not, anyone, everyone, and everything. He despises people who act supirior, however is hypocritical in that he feels anyone who cannot keep up with him in any one state is inferior. He expresses most of his feelings in the form of thoughts, as he lacks the ability to express true feelings. Due to this, any feeling he appears to express is considered a lie. His lower ability to reveal how he feels to anyone, or about something leaves him often alone.

    Despite his thoughts, he is a very kind hearted person. He acts for others before he does himself. In his mind, even though the world is corrupt and will never function, the smaller acts of kindness create a chain reaction which does not end. In his thoughts, he has ruled out any reason for existing at this point except the preservation of idea. The idea that however unlikely, or nearly impossible it would be to help build a world where people care for eachother, regardless of relation to another is what most of his actions are based on. Although he has few emotions, he cannot break the sympathy he has for everyone around him. He gives to those who cannot provide for themselves, he helps those who cannot help themselves, and, although difficult, opens his heart to everyone around him.

    Khael's relationships with people however are limited. He trusts no one, and instead evaluates percentages of action success. Often having to implement a lack of concern to permit things people are constantly doing that make absolutly no sense. His popular thoughts and feelings are, "If you can do nothing, than do nothing.", "When the last tear falls, would the first have been worth dropping?", "In the end, there will be peace, for if we continue on this path of chaos, we will have nothing more to wage our wars.", "When you are lost, follow the wind. When you sad, see to the skies. When you are dieng, forgive those who would not forgive you, and leave this world in peace.".

    In combat, Khael is very passive. He does not act without provocation, orders, or feeling it is neccesary (he often times conflicts in his personality, because he has a low patience meter for instigators) and is scarcely the first to strike. He has a very strong sense of control on both his actions and his anger. Very few people can irritate him, and those who are able, are those whom he has let get too close. He feels that nothing should ever make someone back down, fear is an emotion that breaks the mind and body simultaneously; In order to maintain ones compusure and ability to properly function, one cannot take in the existence of fear.
    The only individual he trusts or feels trusted by is his brother, Dameon.

    Catch Phrase:
    "Have you met my sword yet? He's heard a lot about you."

Clan Information:

No KKG has been discovered.

Rank Information:

    Rank: A Ranked Jounin
    Village Affiliation:

Special Information:

    Character Speciality:
    Main: Genjutsu
    Sub: Weaponry
    Main~ Swords
    Sub~ Ranged
    Elemental Affinity:
    Main: Doton
    Sub: Raiton
    Special Characteristics:
    Enhanced Chakra Reserves/Fear- Like his brother Dameon, Khael has an incredible amount of chakra, so much so his chakra literally freely flows out of his body from his chakra pores. The exact amount extra he can actually use in 20% but the way it comes out of his body shows just how much chakra he has. When this happens opponents of any rank even without sensing can feel it for up to a hundred feet away and usually causes a momentary feeling of fear. The energy itself can be hidden as to help with not being detected.

    The Wraith Complex:
    ~This is a special 'complex' given name to Khael's odd features and the way he carries himself, amongst other things. Showing nearly no emotion on the face during interrigation, interigating, combat, etc. The lack of facial expressions makes him seem cold and emotionless.
    ~While moving, it is very hard to predict what movements he will make, possibly confusing even some movement following Doujutsu. The reason for this is his spontaneous actions. He thinks ahead about his movements before performing them, moving at the last moment which gives the opponet less time to react and predict, but in certain situations is not used because it may also effect his ability to react. He also intentionally uses muscles that would make him seem as if he would be going a different path or direction. Though an extremely skilled opponet with, for example, the Sharingan could figure only a certain amount of moves plausable, it still broadens the zone he might be thought to move in.
    ~Another factor of this is his extensive mental training, as shown in the character history, Khael primaries in Genjutsu, having few techniques in anything else. Using genjutsu to the extent of ignoring the handsigns required to create genjutsu, and extending his chakra without needing many handsigns to perform the Genjutsu. This makes seeing him first very difficult, as he is able to create a single handsign to activate, another to specify the genjutsu and nearly dissapear, should the Genjutsu permit. All of Khael's Genjutsu take effect when he is looked at, in any positon. Eye contact with Khael, regardless of where is an activation of Khael's genjutsu, he must of course be performing a genjutsu. Sort of like the Uchiha and their Jewlery, Khael uses the area he occupies as a Genjutsu link. Khael gains the nickname, "Wraith or The Wraith" this way. Due to the larger area of sensory activation, however, the Genjutsu require the equiveant of 1/5th chakra extra to use. Note* A Rank Genjutsu require 3 handsigns, S rank will require 4.

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

    Jutsu Template:




    Weapon Template:

    Name: Blade of the North Winds
    Quantity: 1
    Rank: A
    Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] More_swords_hohoho_by_Wen_M-1 (Sword on the Left, the right sword is in the other sheath with no special properties)
    The blade is extremely light, but super durable. The strong material flexes slightly to allow leverage and disarm of an opponet. The blade is long, extending roughly 4.2 feet. and 8-12 inches wide, depending on the location. The hilt and handle prevent hand contact with another blade, and the curvitures help to disarm an opponet.
    The second sword is as shown in the description, with the same specifications as the first, but different material was used to craft it and it possess no special qualities.
    Special Abilities/Characteristics:
    Poisoned Mind: This ability occurs upon cutting or scraping with the blade. If the blade draws blood from an individual, it releases a chakra-bred poison that immediately enters the bloodstream. Traveling quickly, the chakra-poison attaches itself to the opponet's chakra stream. Visible through the Hyuuga eyes as a differently colored chakra, this chakra-poison has no medicine or medical cure. The chakra acts sort of like Genjutsu, requiring chakra to purge it from the body of the infected. Due to the poison being unique, only those who have weilded the blade or have been effected by it know what the effects of the toxin are and how to rid of it.
    Curing the poison is a moderately simple task, the user or another must perform the Kai technique using the neccesary chakra to purge an A rank genjutsu.
    The effects of the poison are rough. The target begins with blurry vision and loss of feeling in the limbs which quickly climbs through the entire body. The numbness occurs almost immediately, begining at the hands and feet, making the cut nearly unable to walk or grasp. Roughly 2 minutes later it effects the legs and arms, and finnaly travels through the entire body creating paralysis. When the poison begins to effect the legs and arms, they begin feeling dizzy, with blurry vision that momentarily leads to double, then tripple vision. They gain a fever, and once their body goes numb, they fall unconscious. The whole process takes approximately 12 minutes. *Note that the poison is a genjutsu activated when the target is cut automatically consuming the equivalent of A rank chakra from the weilder, not an actual poison, and lasts a maximum of 6 hours.
    Origin: The blade of the Northern Wind was given to Khael by his older brother Dameon. There were several swords to which would be given to the newst clan leader, Dameon, and one was passed to Khael by his brother.

    Name: Shadow ore
    Quantity: 1
    Rank: C
    Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] More_swords_hohoho_by_Wen_M-1 (Sword on the Right)
    The blade is extremely light, but super durable. The strong material flexes slightly to allow leverage and disarm of an opponet. The blade is long, extending roughly 4.2 feet. and 8-12 inches wide, depending on the location. The hilt and handle prevent hand contact with another blade, and the curvitures help to disarm an opponet.
    Special Abilities/Characteristics: None
    Origin: The sword was given to Khael by his older brother Dameon. There were several swords to which would be given to the newst clan leader, Dameon, and one was passed to Khael by his brother.

    Item Template:

    10xexploding tags
    50ft of Wire (2x 25ft lengths)
    3xFlash bangs/Smoke grenades
    Demon Wind Shuriken

Background Information


    Birth Arc
    Khael was the second son born to his family. So he was told, he was actually adopted, though the origin is not currently known. The first being his older brother, Dameon. He wasn't as praised as his older brother, who was to become the leader of his clan, but his mother and father ensured neither of them were neglected. He was born happily in to his family, accepted by all. His older brother being 2 when he was born gave Khael someone to grow up with and compete with. He wasn't father's favorite, but he was certainly the one eyed by the uncle.

    Pre Academy Arc
    Growing up was simple for Khael, being raised by his father in the ways of his clan while his brother was out training with another family. His uncle took great part in teaching Khael as well, being a master in the arts of Genjutsu, he took great pride in showing his nephew how to screw with people's heads. They became great friends and laughing at other's misery was one of the key ingredients to this family bonding. His father taught him the art of the blade, Kenjutsu, of course, as he likely did his brother Dameon. When his brother Dameon returned, it was Khael's turn to leave and extend his knowledge. He did so, and was fortunate enough to end up with a Genjutsu based family, who taught him not just the ways of Genjutsu, but the ways of the mind and body. How they are one, and when used as one can fool anyone. Teaching him about the conscious, subconscious, and other forms of the body to which Genjutsu can effect, he quickly began to love it and praise the extension of his knowledge in these fields.

    Academy Arc
    After returning home, he entered the Academy 2 years after his brother. Being very good with his mind and having to control his chakra due to his Genjutsu teachings, Khael felt the Academy was a useless occurance. Quickly getting through it with ease, he enjoyed toying with his friends using minor illusions showed to him by his uncle. One specifically allowed him to create or hide objects/beings, making people see things, or hear things at random. It was good fun until he got caught by the teacher, who made him run laps. Though, with his strange natural kinetic abilities granted to him by his clan, laps were just as easy as playing tricks on people's minds. He graduated with flawless ease and moved on to become a Genin. Toying with people's minds came to him naturally, more often than not, he didn't need genjutsu to make someone do as he please, or see as he pleased. Changing the opinion or belief was merely a matter of setting the person in to an enviornment that they feel comfortable in, talking to them in a manner that they feel close to, and slowly molding them as you pleased.

    Genin Arc
    Khael became a genin 2 years after his brother. His older brother was a fearless warrior, as Khael would soon become. Looking up to him, he held patience when given tasks of nearly no importance. He ignored the majority of the duties, and simply performed the tasks. He met each individual with kindness and acceptance, which brought his image up in the village. Often times he was asked to help someone not with gathering or find, delivering or recieving, but with talking. He was nearly unmatched in making those around him feel a sense of ease and happiness in his presence. Often, he was able to talk someone out of talking about their problems, in turn having them forget about their problems by side-tracking them and making them enjoy their situation. Once they were comfortable, and could approach their problems with a smile and a clear mind, they easily solved whatever the situation was and went about happily. Over time, he was able to take a person apart just by looking at them, telling their life's story by sheer recognition. He was almost regarded as a psychic, but denied the title. Knowing almost everyone's secret's in the town, almost everyone became attached and friendly to Khael.

    One day his brother came home from a task given to him, a prisoner escort. Dameon approached the family, and Khael greeted him as he would his brother any other day, "Sup bro.". Dameon was promoted to Chuunin after the mission, due to extreme expressed ability during life or death situations in which impossible odds are overcome. Sort of like a custom Chuunin exam. Khael met the news with congratulations to his brother, however, couldn't help but want a piece of his own impossible odds life or death stuff. Taking it to his team leader, he requested a difficult mission, as many as he could get. Over and over he met stupid complicated situations, often being solved by a simple hat trick and a talk down. Most of the time his team wasn't even needed. From stopping criminal escapades, to provoking and trapping known criminal fiends, the missions poored out as his team became more and more known. Shedding blood however, had a different impact on Khael. Each death seemed to make him more and more cold, he became accustomed to feeling no remorse, often no emotions at all. He developed a small level of Psychosis, the chemical bypass of emotions in the brain, in which the mind understands and can reproduce emotions, but the body cannot truly feel them. Major emotions still effected him though, like anger when his brother is discussed improperly, or his family is dishonored. This caught the Kage's eye, and he pulled Khael aside for a special mission.

    The mission involved an assassination, requiring a perfect mask of character to infiltrate and deliver a killing blow, while being able to deny and be unquestioned, unfaltered by interrigation. Khael accepted the mission and infilitrated a large organized crime syndicate. Taking up in the ranks, he flawless performed the tasks asked, and quickly made his way to the top. Having no one in his way, he became known to them as, "The Wraith". The name was greatly feared when mentioned, and he became accustomed to looking someone in the eyes when they doubted him, only needing to say, "Have you met my sword yet? He's heard a lot about you..". He quickly killed the leader of the organiation and managed to lie his way out of fault. The blame went on another individual, however, he was the first suspect and was interrogated brutally. Blood flowed from his veins in to the earth as he was tortured for two months. The Kage could do nothing about it, and finnally Khael made his escape, convincing the guards to kill eachother and one to help him out, because he was the only way the guard's family could live.

    He returned home, greeted by the Kage in secrecy. The mission was successful and he too was granted Chuunin by his brother. Unfortunately, he was unable to share this mission's specifics or reasonings, given the nickname "Wraith" permanently, and returning home with combat scars, the story being a single handed defence on the Kage's life, destroying an organized assault quickly and infiltrating the ranks, killing the leader and disrupting the assaults.

    Chuunin Arc
    Khael had mastered the art of Genjutsu, furthering his knowledge was all now needed. He became so adept, that using handsigns seemed like a waste of time, able to extend his chakra as needed, he kept a barrier on his body, activating the chosen genjutsu should he even be looked at. This only added to his title, which was dreaded by those he was sent to destroy. Between him and his brother, crime rates lowered drastically, and destroying the enemy became an art, not a skill. Unlike his older brother, who already knew the arts of Kenjutsu theroughly, Khael began developing the ways of the blade under his father. He became adept quickly and was able to further in self-teachings.

    When Khael was 16, his mother and father died in a boat accident, this came as a high-impact to both him and his brother Dameon, who was 18. Growing closer to his brother and training, he showed no mercy to those he was sent to remove from the lands on missions by the Kage. It was rare he was given any escorts or other grunt work jobs. Him and his brother were known not for their mercy, but their flawless executions. Slowly fading from the eyes of those around him, his name was known only to those who knew him in his previous state, being commonly refered to as, "Wraith", his enemys were legened to never see anything past his boots, for once their eyes met them, that was the last thing they saw. His blade moved and the opponets were dispersed of.

    Khael became known to the villagers again as less and less needed to be removed from the lands. His false emotion expressions and warm as ice presence made everyone around him feel as they did when he was a genin, comfortable without flaw. He was soon granted the rank of Jounin, and moved through after his brother.

    Jounin Arc
    Khael followed in his brothers footsteps as far as ability went. He became a Jounin at a young age as well, and knew only victory in the face of defeat. He accepted all missions his older brother requested of him, and the two worked together flawlessly. They hadn't been given many missions together, it seemed like a waste of manpower. One was enough to do the job. His older brother became leader of the Shikyo clan, and Khael was proud once more to be his younger brother.

    Dameon handled nearly everything in the clan, and they both caught news of possible Genin assignments. Khael didn't mind teaching others, he'd been used to handling those around him quite often. His role in the clan was as requested by his brother, handling a lot of the mercenary requests and informing his brother of the cases.

    Role-Play Sample:
    The glistening moon settled behind the mountains as a spark of light was seen forcing its' way in the opposite direction. The clouds moved as they were pierced by the great force of the rising sun, strands of light released through like brilliant golden spears tossed in to the darkness. The clouds swirled back, and the forest became illuminated. A light breeze blew past the trees, leaves caught in the wind russled a beautiful sound similar to wind chimes. The peaceful morning eradicated the lands of all that was wrong, a sense of clarity overcame him as he walked. Gentle, nearly unheard footsteps tattered the soft grass below him. The blades bent back under his weight, which was significantly reduced due to the structure of his shoes and the way he carried himself. They just as soon became erect once more as his pressed forward. Earlier that evening he heard a Caw and spotted a bird with a note attached to its' ankles. Eyeing the beast as it headed towards him, he assumed it had news for someone else. The majestic outstreach of the creature's wings was always a wonder to see. It seemed to be nearly 3 feet wide, wing tip to wing tip. A beautiful being, no doubt. As he pressed on, the bird followed him, circling his position no matter where he ended up. Shaking his head, he stood still and called for the winged messenger. It dove from the sky, the air visibly rushing around its' body. As it reached the tree-tops, it slowed down, finnaly swooping on to a low branch in front of him. The branch swayed as the creature expressed its' might, grabbing the branch as a seasoned lumber-jack would an axe. It exposed the letter as Cirrus approached.
    Gently reaching forward, he ran his hand lightly down the creature's head, showing he was friendly. Then, moving his hands towards the note, he grasped it, removing it from the birds' great ankles, noting the glorious talons which flexed, nearly crushing the enclosed branch below it. Opening the letter, he raised an eyebrow and nodded lightly. The words appeared in front of him as he was summoned to Konoha. No thoughts ran through his head as to the cause, he was on his way back and whatever it was would soon be discovered. Placing his right hand around the legs of the Eagle, it let go of the branch. Raising his arm and releasing, it flew off with haste, circling him once more before proceeding back to its' origins.

    Standing tall, he advanced towards Konoha once more. Each step as silent and swift as the next, he ignored his sorroundings and went in to a moving trance. The world around him seized to exist as practiced pathfinding flowed through his veins. Slowly the sound of people came nearer and nearer, until he found himself at the gates, walking in. He nodded to the guards as he entered and proceeded straight towards the Administration Building. People gave him a curious look as he went through, as if they were looking at a ghost. He was once well known to these people, he dropped off the face of the earth to them long ago. His return was.. confusing, they weren't sure if it was him or someone else. His unmistakeable perfect hair exposed the truth. A smile rested on his face as he remembered all the beautiful days he'd had here as a kid. Growing up in Konoha was as fun as it could get, the wonderful land was full of mysterious passages and surprise fences or tunnels around every bend. There wasn't a day that passed without excitement of a new kind.

    It was then he realized how much he loved this place, these people. The crimson stained darkness had clouded his mind, it pressed against his judgement and forced him in to submission. Only, the force was a self-hatred far beyond anyone's compromise. He approached the Administration building, entering through the tall doors and stared in to the well-known palace. He stood in the main hall, someone should be waiting for him, someone called for him...

Last edited by Đαмηαтіоп on Wed 31 Mar 2010, 12:24 am; edited 7 times in total
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Dameon Shikyo

Posts : 59

Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 7:23 am

For now please remove the sensory special ability also remove all ninjutsu as it is not a specialty.
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Dameon Shikyo

Posts : 59

Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 9:56 am

1st Approval as corrections I insisted upon have been made.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 12:44 am

Break up your appearance and personality, they're giant text walls at the moment and they don't look very good like that when you could insert some breaks. They look better and longer that way.

Also, please fix the bolding on your jutsu. Capitalize the names of your jutsu, other nit-picked things that should be done to make the app look better need to be done.

Kenjutsu is merged with Weaponry, pick two weapons. One to be your main, the other to be your Sub. Mains go up to your rank, Subs go up to B Rank. The choices come from the following choices:

Swords - All forms of Sword
Axes - All forms of Axe
Polearms - All forms of polarms, from spears to halberds
Blunt - All blunt weaponary, such as hammers, maces, ninchucks etc
Ranged - All ranged weaponary such as bows and advanced forms of shuriken/kunai
Exotic - Any weapons that don't fall into the norm such as whips and chains. Really odd shaped weapons of whatever variety count as exotic

All your weapons should be detailed in the site template unless they're implied, and some of those on your list aren't.

Your sword can't be poisoned, you don't have Med. or Kugutsu, so remove that.

Wraith Complex: How does your facial expressions absence confused Doujutsu techniques? It doesn't make much sense, besides, the Sharingan uses your muscle movements so any movement you make they'd know what it corresponds to regardless of how different your body movements are. Also, why is your character like this?

Genjutsu without handsigns is a different ability, separate it out and give it a reasoning. What gives you the ability to do this? Was it learned? If so when, how, why? Details are your friend, they want you to love them!

Empowered Strike: How much chakra for how much more power? Usually things are measured by letter rank, so that would be the best way to put it.

Blink: Need a maximum number of clones. Also, please measure in clones created per post, seconds are almost useless as a time measurement in posts. Keep it under 25 clones, its C Rank afterall.

Decaying Scent: I've never been disoriented by scents, I don't believe that happens most, if any, of the time when scents are introduced. Everything else is fine, though it's up to the other character to react to it, don't expect to bother Medics or high ranking ninja with this, they're used to the smell of death.

Ripples of Insanity: B Rank. Also, be aware that you can only induce things you know about because its still your jutsu. You can't make someone hear their friend telling them to hurt themselves if you don't even know their friend or their relationship.

Mirrors of Fear: What shape are the mirrors in? Can they be harmed? Also, creating the mirror itself would be a C Rank jutsu, adding things into it makes it more B Rank due to the difficulty of manuveuring in mirrors, especially when you have other distractions.

Fall of The Titans: I don't believe falling is going to break anybody's mind unless they're terribly afraid of heights, if you intended that as flavor text fine but as an effect it doesn't make much sense.

Instability: With no real limit assigned to the Genjutsu beyond not inflicting pain this is more likely B or A Rank than C Rank. Even at A Rank some limits need to be placed on what you can and can't create, in what quantity, and where or when.

Phantom Touch: Its not a combat style, its a jutsu. How much chakra for what kinds of effects? Its listed as variable rank but you don't explain what each rank is capable of doing that makes it different from the previous rank or how much chakra is consumed for certain effects. Details, details, details.

Subconscious Wounds: What happens post by post?

Desecrated Kings: You say it lasts for hours, is that within posts like slowing down time within the Genjutsu or is it a justu duration? If its within the Genjustu then this is A Rank.

Purge of Pharaohs: A Rank, how many posts does it take? What happens each post? If this is all instant then this jutsu is S Rank. Far too complex to be anything lower than that.

Fatality: No. Genjutsu lasts as long as the Genjutsu lasts, once Kai'd your chakra is removed from the dispellers body, thus there is no way to continue the effect since the body is no longer under your control. Anything that remains of bodily reaction is of the character's reaction to the jutsu, the effects are gone.

Hold: See the above about lasting effects.

Fake Hands: Definitely S Rank.

Your RP Sample is 700 words, remember that you are obligated to post within that amount, anything off by 200 or more words (lower of course, post higher if you want) and this application will be revisited.
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Posts : 33

Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 2:54 am

Kakuhan wrote:
Break up your appearance and personality, they're giant text walls at the moment and they don't look very good like that when you could insert some breaks. They look better and longer that way.
But I likes them.. >.> kk.

Quote :

Also, please fix the bolding on your jutsu. Capitalize the names of your jutsu, other nit-picked things that should be done to make the app look better need to be done.
Didn't know that was relevant, but kk.

Quote :

Kenjutsu is merged with Weaponry, pick two weapons. One to be your main, the other to be your Sub. Mains go up to your rank, Subs go up to B Rank. The choices come from the following choices:

Swords - All forms of Sword
Axes - All forms of Axe
Polearms - All forms of polarms, from spears to halberds
Blunt - All blunt weaponary, such as hammers, maces, ninchucks etc
Ranged - All ranged weaponary such as bows and advanced forms of shuriken/kunai
Exotic - Any weapons that don't fall into the norm such as whips and chains. Really odd shaped weapons of whatever variety count as exotic
Sweet sauce, didn't know that. =D

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All your weapons should be detailed in the site template unless they're implied, and some of those on your list aren't.

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Your sword can't be poisoned, you don't have Med. or Kugutsu, so remove that.
It's actually a Genjutsu induced by the cut, as was implied. I'll specify it more.

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Wraith Complex: How does your facial expressions absence confused Doujutsu techniques? It doesn't make much sense, besides, the Sharingan uses your muscle movements so any movement you make they'd know what it corresponds to regardless of how different your body movements are. Also, why is your character like this?
Oh yeah, that'd be a grammatical error, i'll edit that. The period would be the end to that comment, it was making the statement that his facial expressions are rather dull and unshifting.
As for the confusion on say, Sharingan, essentially, the muscles or bodily functions required to make the movement would be blended in with other movements or not performed until the action.

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Genjutsu without handsigns is a different ability, separate it out and give it a reasoning. What gives you the ability to do this? Was it learned? If so when, how, why? Details are your friend, they want you to love them!
Yeah, it's in the character history browski. The genjutsu without handsigns may be a different ability but it falls under the same 'catagorization', or specified name, whatever floats your boat. The Wraith Complex basically provided a few abilities given a single name to produce the name of the complex, dividing it wouldn't do much good. I could bullet point it for ya. =)

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Empowered Strike: How much chakra for how much more power? Usually things are measured by letter rank, so that would be the best way to put it.
It is measured by letter rank. Razz
If he's using a C rank amount of chakra, it would provide a boost enhanced by the equivelancy of C power. I think the tech says like D-S or something.

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Blink: Need a maximum number of clones. Also, please measure in clones created per post, seconds are almost useless as a time measurement in posts. Keep it under 25 clones, its C Rank afterall.
The clones aren't tangible or existant in anyone elses mind but that specific person. A C rank GENJUTSU as a C rank NINJUTSU is still a killing technique (technically), but will put a limit anyways. Will do on time.

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Decaying Scent: I've never been disoriented by scents, I don't believe that happens most, if any, of the time when scents are introduced. Everything else is fine, though it's up to the other character to react to it, don't expect to bother Medics or high ranking ninja with this, they're used to the smell of death.
Of course =)

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Ripples of Insanity: B Rank. Also, be aware that you can only induce things you know about because its still your jutsu. You can't make someone hear their friend telling them to hurt themselves if you don't even know their friend or their relationship.
Of course =)

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Mirrors of Fear: What shape are the mirrors in? Can they be harmed? Also, creating the mirror itself would be a C Rank jutsu, adding things into it makes it more B Rank due to the difficulty of manuveuring in mirrors, especially when you have other distractions.
It's a genjutsu. He doesn't create the mirrors, it's like a D rank technique to create a basic illusion (a mirror), but I didn't read this technique before I added it, i'm deleting it. I dun like it anymore, lol.

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Fall of The Titans: I don't believe falling is going to break anybody's mind unless they're terribly afraid of heights, if you intended that as flavor text fine but as an effect it doesn't make much sense.
Genjutsu create effects, that's their purpose. It may not do it in reality, though panic does make people 'crack', pretty much works through that. As seen, Genjutsu has forced effects, keeping your cool in a genjutsu by not being afraid of something inside it doesn't mean you're not effected by it, but of course it would give hint to it being a Genjutsu (falling randomly does that too Razz haha). I comprehende =)

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Instability: With no real limit assigned to the Genjutsu beyond not inflicting pain this is more likely B or A Rank than C Rank. Even at A Rank some limits need to be placed on what you can and can't create, in what quantity, and where or when.
Well, realistically, if it doesn't make sense for a sky-scraper to appear with a C rank amount of chakra, even in a genjutsu, it wouldn't be plausable nor would it occur. The limit is stated within the rank, but will bump it to B rank.

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Phantom Touch: Its not a combat style, its a jutsu. How much chakra for what kinds of effects? Its listed as variable rank but you don't explain what each rank is capable of doing that makes it different from the previous rank or how much chakra is consumed for certain effects. Details, details, details.
Why wont anyone let me call it a combat style!? I like it better that way. Will add details.

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Subconscious Wounds: What happens post by post?
Will add.

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Desecrated Kings: You say it lasts for hours, is that within posts like slowing down time within the Genjutsu or is it a justu duration? If its within the Genjustu then this is A Rank.
States it is within the Genjutsu. Will increase rank.

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Purge of Pharaohs: A Rank, how many posts does it take? What happens each post? If this is all instant then this jutsu is S Rank. Far too complex to be anything lower than that.
You're aware the definition of an S rank technique?.. Though, I suppose the problems this would cause for someone could classify it as such. I understand, will add that in.

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Fatality: No. Genjutsu lasts as long as the Genjutsu lasts, once Kai'd your chakra is removed from the dispellers body, thus there is no way to continue the effect since the body is no longer under your control. Anything that remains of bodily reaction is of the character's reaction to the jutsu, the effects are gone.
Exactly! The body retains the effects due to the body/mind's reaction to the technique. The effect doesn't continue by the user's will, but by the post-effects of (usually all genjutsu have these, otherwise it'd be useless) the technique. It's simply stating you're not going to be like, *Shrug, that was a genjutsu, i'm a happy guy now*, it's saying you're like *omgemo.?*. It's like.. reducing the PSI on an air compressor, slowly the pressure goes down and down and down, but requires the handle being turned again, to return to its' previous state.

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Hold: See the above about lasting effects.
Roger that.

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Fake Hands: Definitely S Rank.
Hmm.. If I make it S rank, i'll have to say that they expel chakra until they are removed from the technique (by Kai). So.. I think i'll just delete it fer naow. =D Will do boss.

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Your RP Sample is 700 words, remember that you are obligated to post within that amount, anything off by 200 or more words (lower of course, post higher if you want) and this application will be revisited.
Psh, Posting within the range of an average Jounin is what shall be done. I just thought that was a fun post. 600-700 words is easy. I si comprehende =D

All edits made boss man.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 5:51 am

Looks fine, second approval given.
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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptySun 14 Mar 2010, 1:10 am

Unapproved due to the unapproval of the Shikyo clan.
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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 2:09 am

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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 12:24 am

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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 1:23 am

Unapproved. Nothing is wrong. Its the clan.

I believe Dame does not wish it to be used anymore from waht i know. I need admin's input becasue I believe the clan is no longer usuable.
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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 1:31 am

Travis, he has the clan name, but nothing relating to the clan. he removed it.
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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 1:37 am

Sowy, didn't see that...><

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Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 1:43 am

Hum... Moved to the proper area.
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PostSubject: Re: Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] Khael Shikyo [Kirigakure Jounin] EmptyFri 02 Jul 2010, 7:16 am

Archived due to User Inactivity.
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