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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin]

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Age : 36
Posts : 1004

Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyThu 24 Mar 2011, 5:30 pm

Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Uub

Hyuuga, Hado


Name: Hyuuga, Hagane
Nickname: Hado
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Same as most member of the Hyuuga clan, Hagane has his dull white eyes and camouflaged pupils. However unlike most member in this clan Hagane has in developed a somewhat darker skin tone in which make him a cast out within his clan. Not only that but Hagane is the only clan member to wear his hair in a Mohawk style which also cause him to stand out more and be cast away from the inner circle. Hagane stands about 4'11" tall meaning most people in general are taller than him with exception for he few girls of his age group or below. Despite his size Hagane has a very mature body for his age and has one of the best physical shapes of all the people in Konoha.

For clothes Hagane tend to wear loose fit pants in which he feels this is to create more mobility for him. These pants are usually a white set that make him look like a young M.C. Hammer or maybe a genie. Never does Hagane wear these pants without also wearing his precious gold belt in which he wears as a reminder that he his a champion. For this he always try his best even when he is against the wall. Hagane also wear a light set of soft boots that allows him great mobility and doesn't slow him down. As for Hagane's upper body he usually wear nothing but a half vest that shows off his muscular body frame. This vest is black with the outer trimming of gold.

Hagane is something of an enigma whose history and personality are only hinted threw his actions and quirks of his everyday life. An anarchist revolutionary and classical Byronic hero, well-versed in the arts of medicine, subterfuge, robotics, and others; he also has a vast literary, cultural and philosophical intelligence. Though he is vastly intelligent in these subjects, he is very uniquely quiet person that sees to never talk to anyone. At first glance at he will appear to be nothing less but a clam, quiet person that rather be left alone. But, once you get to talk to him. He seems to become some what of a chatter box of knowledge and a dictionary of explaining on how everything works in the world.

He still terribly shy around the opposite sex, as his throat will dry up and her words seem to begin to get twisted up saying the opposite of what she truly means. Being calm and collective under any situation, Hagane has the knack of getting himself involved in every single possible situation of trouble out their you can think of. Even if he is standing in a crowd of people, trouble would be able to pin point him out and challenge him to a fight. Being somewhat of a crude person he won't help out anyone no matter the situation or cost, he has somewhat of a dark side that has never be seen yet by anyone.

Being a Hard working individual that wishes to be stronger in everything he does, but not in only physical strength but mental to. Hagane has gotten himself a obsession of always having a book in his hand's reading it every chance he gets, if he is unable to at least read his book once a day. He will snap, and go into a berserk furry of rage n' anger and will be un-approachable for the rest of the day. This is because of his OCD of always reading books, he is able to read six books previous book he had read and re-read them again subconsciously again the same time he reads another book in his hands.

It is cause of this gift she is able to quickly pick up things and take quick note of how they work, since he mind works at a unbelievable rate. His ability has advance so much that he is able to fight in a combat situation and be able to read five books at the same time and still be able to perform actions, that are equivalent of an Olympic-level gymnast performing a gold medal routine while simultaneously beating four chess computers.

Being quite resourceful Hagane can use any form of item or information to his own advantage in any situation. Having a lot of good qualities, he also has a lot of bad qualities that may lead him to his downfall in the near future, if he is not careful on how he controls his emotions. Having the same level of stubbornness that his mother had, he will never accept defeat or acknowledge the fact that what ever he does will never have the impact he wants it to have.

Being deprived of any kind of human relationship, Hagane might grow a bit jealous of people from either their success, or relationship. It's cause of that he rather spend time to himself then bother with being with people to feel that emotion and having it ripped out of him when something goes astray. When he becomes enrage and angry he can go on a path of destruction destroying everything he hates and everything he loves to rubble.

Clan: Hyuuga Clan
Ninpō: No, sympathy for the weak


Origin: Konoha
Affiliation: Iwagakure
Rank: Genin
Specialties: Taijutu, Weaponry
Elemental Affinities: N/A
Combat Style: Close Range [Hyuuga Style]
Special Characteristics:

Name: Improved Speed
Rank: C
Type: Physical Based
Physical Requirements: N/A
Training Requirements: A 600 word training post is required to gain this special characteristic.
Description: The first level in the art of speed accessible to those who have undergone intense training in high speed movement. The possessor of this talent has an increased speed of 20% which makes them slightly faster. They can cross distances quicker than others would expect and outrun others with little effort.


Quote :
Born Genius:
There once was a clan in the Konohagakure Village, a clan that was very well known and known as one of the best. Hyuuga was the clans’ name and this clan was stationed near the forest. Not many could travel through the village without seeing a member of this clan training. The clan was very prosperous up until the time of the nine tailed attack.

Hagane’s mother, father, uncle, aunt and three cousins were the last of the clan. Hagane was the last one born and was only an academy student at the time of the attack. After the attack, Hado lost his father. His mother took over his training, but along with the training began more life learning lessons about women. In the first year of his training he learned a lot about the clan. He was taught that the clan was not only very quick learners, but taijutsu was their strongest skill. The clan learned taijutsu that was taught specifically to the clan. Each art mimicked tai chi in which they controlled when fighting.

Hagane was the youngest clan member to be taught the clan's taijutsu. His mother had learned the arts and was the holder of the scrolls, in which the clan jutsu secrets were held. By the age of seven, Hagane had begun to learn one of the many art forms of the clan. At the age of seven he had joined the Academy. Hagane was made fun of because of his inability to really mold chakra too well. This like all things began to pass as he learned to mold chakra. This was something of a shock to his mother, as the clan wasn’t really built to mold chakra. Hagane wasn’t the first, but he was the first Genius in the clan that could mold a bit of chakra. His mother couldn’t teach him anything about molding chakra, but that was what the Academy was for and that’s what he used it for mostly. Projectile weapons were a hardship for Hagane. Hand held weapons were nothing to him and came almost like second nature.

Hagane was ten years old and had already mastered the basic taujutsu art styles he was taught in three years. This proved to his mother that he was a pure genius. Hado was going to graduate a year early, but he decided against it since he still had trouble with the chakra molding portion of his training. In the next year he had begun training for the next level of taijutsu art styles he was beginning to learn.

Hagane had grown so much since he was a child; had gotten stronger in his ability to mold chakra and his skills in weaponry were above the bar for a kid his age. He graduated out of the Academy at the age of eleven. He didn’t get a Genin team until the age of thirteen, by this time Hagane had mastered all of the many clan C-Rank taijutsu arts.

Roleplay Sample:
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Yuketsu stared out through the long tunnel that would take her to the arena within the coliseum. The pathway itself was a long dark passageway that curved slightly right and then again to the left. The style of how it was made was all in all a waste of time, energy, and money, but all in all, it was a creative and new way to do things, and for this she would give it its do respect. Her breath was hollow and deep. She was slow to take the air in through her nose and then hold for about an eight count. Then quickly she would exhale, breathing out softly yet with enough force to make a noticeable difference in the amount of gaseous waste in her lungs. It was a technique of the ages which was to keep the nerves as calm as possible. Yuketsu being at surprising peace with in herself, still used this, because it only seemed to further enhance her ability to keep focus. It was an alarming fact. She had the blood and instincts of a killer, and had the skills which made her quite adept at it. The fact that she was at such peace within and not in utter mental turmoil said a lot. It was what made him one of the deadliest things on the earth. Not much would or could stand in his way. Anything that dared try would be quickly swept from her path with an iron fist. Yuketsu did not folly, ever, and any mistake she did make, she could turn to his advantage, for nothing went to waste in his eyes. She had the mentality of a messiah, but the heart of the Antichrist.

She began to walk down the winding corridor, her footsteps echoing against the walls, regardless of the fact that she tread as lightly and carefully as possible, while maintaining a swift speed. Her breath never wavered in the least. The exact science of this skill she was using was flawless, and none could understand it better than her. It all had to do with blood, the one thing she was most in tune with. Blood carried the oxygen, and an abundance of oxygen is what brought on the calm and peace for her muscles. It would not waver her in the least. No amount of pressure could move her to panic. It was simply not something she could do. Not that she had ever tried of course.

Yuketsu waltzed into the stadium, the sudden light blinding her for a mere moment, and instinctively shutting her eyes, though she continued forward toward the center where the opponent had already stood, using her other senses to safely guide her. Yuketsu had caught only a brief glimpse, but that sliver of a mental picture and the feel of his presence told her all. It was in fact the infamous Kagyua, Ichi. She had felt the presence many years ago during his time in Kirigaure. It seemed as though they had followed similar yet very different paths. She had to take certain precautions here. As much as she detested the Kagyua clan, for all their arrogance that was not rightfully granted, she did have to take note that their power was substantial, and she had to be wary of it. There was no telling exactly what this opponent would be capable of but for sure, she had to protect her eyes, and it was for this reason that she did not reopen her eyes after she had been temporarily blinded by the sudden light after emerging from the tunnel which had led her here.

As Yuketsu finally achieve her destination, ten feet in front of the Kagyua. Yuketsu could hear the spectators going wild. They could sense that they were about to receive a show. She could not help but smirk. It was not arrogance, but simply joy of his blood-lust awakening. This arena was perfect, for there was no where for her prey to run.

Upon her entrance into the stadium battle field she felt an all too familiar chill down her spine, Yuketsu had done her research on the battle field and the history of it was enough to unnerve anyone. Better yet anyone who didn't know how to steal her mind from fear. The rusted metal parts lying around the the field from previous fights and the suspicious walls that are supposed to have spikes inside them. Konoha ninja had been incredible in the exam stadium so far and Yuketsu didn't expect to give any less effort than they did. Whatever happened in this fight, Yuketsu knew that she had to make sure her emotions and frustration didn't get a hold of her and make her lose control.

It's was then when a sudden chill ran down her spine and her knees buckled. The world suddenly went deafeningly quiet. Each step was measured and carried a sense of purpose. Each echo ripped mercilessly across the virgin void of the silent world like a spiteful demon from the darkest depths of hell. The crowd was so intense the wall of the arena were shaking as if it was an earthquake.

The young genin cracked her eyes and calmly scanned the area with no haste. There wasn't much to see really and it was obvious what the holes in the walls were for. The ceiling was enclosed from the oval dome that lied just above. Yuketsu then stopped, her view rested in the eyes of her opponent. Time stopped. Yuketsu and Ichi were in a world of their own now. Genin vs genin. One of them had to win but neither of them wanted to lose. They wanted to prove to their clans they were both worthy of becoming great shinobi. For this they would would fight until the other couldn't stand any longer.

Yuketsu broke eye contact for a moment and then put her hands in her pockets. In them she held some kunai, a few senbon, and explosive tags. On her left and right hip she carried a custom made Shiruken and her father's mask. Each of her fingers had nails upon them strong enough to gash into trees. Then their eyes met again. Yuketsu would then flash her mask and stare into his opponent eyes trying to send an eerie chill of fear upon her opponent as he stood across from her.

Yuketsu would then pull out a single kunai and prepare it just in case of any soon incoming danger. Her Giant Fan that she usually carry on her back Yuketsu decided to leave it backstage and start the match with out it. Holding a kunai within her left hand she raised the other to solute her opponent. Congratulations it's an honor to battle someone of you liking. I wish you the best. Yuketsu informed this to her opponent considering they were elite genin of their respective clans. She then would hold a single handsign and prepare for the worst,


Open Academy Jutsu:
Quote :

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu • Clone Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: This technique creates identical clones of the user. However, they hold no actual substance and will disperse upon impact of an attack or contact with an opponent. They cannot disrupt the area around themselves with their movements; won’t kick up dust, crush grass, etc.
Chakra Cost: 1

Name: Henge no Jutsu • Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: This technique transforms the user’s appearance to that of another person. However, it is not a permanent transformation and a mental image of what they are transformed into. Certain aspects of a ninja will not change merely by transformation, these things may include injuries, tool pocket placements etc. The jutsu will dispel should the user be injured.
Chakra Cost: 1

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu • Body Replacement Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to alter places in a speedy manner with another nearby object. This is done mere seconds before an attack lands, thus making the attacker believe his or her attack was a success. Whatever object was used to alter places will receive the brunt of the enemy’s attack instead.
Chakra Cost: 1

Name: Explosive Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to activate an explosive tag they have planted somewhere. Preferably they should be within close to mid range and visible to the user. You cannot activate another persons explosive tags unless your chakra has been channeled into them beforehand.
Chakra Cost: 1

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu • Escaping Skill
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to free themselves should they be tied up. It is extremely basic. This technique can only be used if the user is a higher rank then their captive.
Chakra Cost: 1

Name: Kai • Release
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close (0m - 5m)
Element: N/A
Description: By stopping the flow of chakra in their body, and then applying an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the caster's chakra; the user may dispel the effects of a genjutsu. This can also be used on another individual that is stuck in a genjutsu by preforming the necessary hand seal and then touching them.
Chakra Cost: 4

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza • Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: D
Type: N/A
Range: N/A
Element: NA
Description: This technique allows the user to balance themselves on water by focusing a constant and steady stream of chakra to the user’s feet or hands. Because of water’s nature, this requires the user to be quick to adjust the amount of chakra they must emit to their feet in order to maintain a constant balance. Users may also walk, run and “skate” across the water when using this technique.
Chakra Cost: 3

Name: Kinobori no Waza • Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: D
Type: N/A
Range: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to balance themselves on trees and vertical walls by focusing a constant and steady stream of chakra to the user’s feet. Gravity can easy be defined if this technique is mastered, allowing people to even stand upside down. If too much chakra is exerted the user will be pushed away; bark breaking and causing the user to then fall. If not enough chakra is exerted the user will lose their footing and fall.
Chakra Cost: 3

Clan Jutsu:

Quote :

Name: Flash Kunai
Quantity: N/A
Rank: D
Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Sealed_Kunai
Special Abilities/Characteristics: This weapon has no more ability than any other regular kunai. The only exception to this is that Hagane attached flash tags along the handles of each of these causing a bright blinding light to flash among contact with anything and temporarily blind whomever is looking it's direction for 1 post. These are Hagane's personal kunai.
Origin:This was Great idea of Hagane by attaching flash tags onto a kunai. Weapon made by Hagane himself.

Quote :
Name: Tinted Shades
Quantity: 1
Rank: D
Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Shades.icon
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Dark tinted shades which are a perfect blend with Hagane eyes. These shades ability are merely nothing more than blocking bright light. They allow the user to see within bright flashes and keeps the opponents from seeing directly into Hagane's eyes. They are small and tight to the face and can fit perfectly under mask of any sort.
Origin: Bough from the village merchant just for the looks.

Quote :
Name: "Trench Knives"
Rank: C
Type: Knives
Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] NarutoAsumaTrenchKnife2S
The blade of a Trench Knife is roughly as long as half a human forearm, which allows for easy concealment inside loose sleeves or boots, and allows greater maneuverability when spinning and rotating during close-quarters fighting. Trench Knives are usually wielded in pairs. A pair of swords will often be carried side by side within the same scabbard, so as to give the appearance of a single weapon.

The butterfly sword has a small cross-guard to protect the hands of the wielder, similar to that of a sai, which can also be used to block or hook an opponent's weapon. They may also be used as a knuckle duster when non-lethal application of the weapon is desired.

Traditionally, the blade of a Trench Knife is only sharpened along half of its edge - from the middle of the blade to the tip. The blade from the midpoint down is left blunt so that it can be used to deliver non-lethal strikes and to block without damaging the sharpened edge.
Quantity: 2
Storage: Both Hips
Special Abilities: The natural ability of these two knives are actually nothing at all. They are as sharp but slightly more durable than any regular sword in the shinobi world. These blades do nothing but serve the purpose of damaging and cutting serving as an assist in any situation. The only extra ability these seem to have is that the handle have chakra conductive inserts that can be place along the handles in time if bought making this a chakra conductive weapon.

Last edited by Mr. Sinister on Fri 27 May 2011, 12:07 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 32
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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011, 1:22 am

1/2 Approval!
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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011, 2:49 am

Add at least two paragraphs to your appearance.
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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011, 2:52 am

Forgot to mention. Also place Academy Arc and Genin arc in your history.
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Age : 36
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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011, 6:09 am

Don't have too because I'm a genin....I haven't made a history yet
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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011, 6:27 am


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Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] Hyuuga, Hagane [Iwa Genin] EmptyMon 25 Jul 2011, 8:01 am

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