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Tamashī no kuiiru yō ni miru shizoku • Saidoken Clan {WIP}

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Tamashī no kuiiru yō ni miru shizoku • Saidoken Clan {WIP} Vide
PostSubject: Tamashī no kuiiru yō ni miru shizoku • Saidoken Clan {WIP} Tamashī no kuiiru yō ni miru shizoku • Saidoken Clan {WIP} EmptyMon 11 Apr 2011, 2:53 am

Clan Name: Tamashī no kuiiru yō ni miru shizoku • Saidoken (A.K.A. Soul Devour) Clan

Location: Anywhere. Usually hang out near Graveyards.

Signature Traits: Usually has dark colored hair, dark colored eyes, and tends to wear darker clothing. But can be highly varied.

Kekkei Genkai:
*Read spoiler for all actual number calculations*

Soul Devour -
Soul devouring is the art of drawing souls of the fallen out of the ground. More experienced ninja may draw a small part of their opponent's soul. As everyone knows, there is a large number of souls that are both positive and negative. Positive souls refill your chakra and allow you use of clan Jutsus. without them, you can only use the clan jutsus at the minimum rank. Negative souls either steal your chakra, or impair you else wise through your physical. IE: weaker, slower, less intelligent, or other similar effects. Negative souls are scarce around 10ft under, and become much more common at about 20ft down. but you can steal up to 25ft underground. The more energy you put into it, the more souls you'll draw, and the further you'll go down. Although, positive souls are scarce 20 ft down, they are much stronger. Each time you draw from the ground you remove another soul. You must draw all the souls from the area underground, before you can continue deeper. When you draw all remaining souls, you must descend another 5 feet, the next time you draw in that area.


The Saidoken Clan was created many years ago when some nukenin gathered together in a graveyard and decided to experiment with the souls of the dead and their own chakra. They knew that chakra was the energy of one's soul and even the dead had souls. They practiced for days, weeks, months, and years on end to pull the souls out of the ground to strengthen their own souls. They wanted power, they wanted speed, they wanted intelligence. They began to gain excitement once they started to actually pull the souls from the ground. Until one of those souls was an evil soul and corrupted one of the nukenin, causing him to go insane and kill his partners.

As that lone nukenin grew in age and had children of his own, he began to sense the souls in the ground, and the power of the souls of the living. He led his family of saidoken through countless tests to push the extent of one that could devour souls. His children grew and passed on the bloodline of saidoken. The saidoken are a rare few, and most don't tend to stay in one place for too long. They are scattered throughout the world and prefer to be near graveyards of the strong. Most Saidoken live in these graveyards and attempt to scare away any person that enters the graveyard, if they cannot scare them, they attempt to kill them and devour their soul as well. Most ninja that can devour the souls of the fallen, and occasionally of the living, are mentally insane from the screams of the souls that enter their brain when they devour. But even the screams aren't enough to stop someone who wishes for that much power. Most ninja of the Saidoken clan, tend to utilize both Ninjutsu and Weapon Mastery.

Clan Jutsu:

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