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The Metaru Clan WiP

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyTue 26 Jan 2010, 1:42 am

Clan Name: The Metaru Clan
Clan Location: Suna
Clan Traits:

Wealthy: This does not mean much in a life or death struggle but its give the clan more clout then it otherwise would and ensures its members are well equipped for the task at hand

Contacts in River: Some its members travelled to Iron instead of River and set up shop there. With the financial support of the clan leadership in Wind they have become successful mine and forge owners with considerable influence in the country. The Metaru Clan are well informed about movements there, are treated warmly and have access to the quality goods the River Country provides.

Finally all Metaru Clan members who have ESMM tend to resemble in personality the metal which they manipulate. The often come across as pitiless, remorseless and unyielding, especially in battle. They a hard men and women all, prone to showing few emotions and tend to be dedicated to their roles. This is because strong magnetic influences on the limbic system in the brain serve to numb their emotional responses causing them to appear less ethical, even heartless and often cold to a causal observer. Ironically most Metaru Clan members are innately kind individuals but like the Aburames of Konoha they struggle to show their true nature behind the hard countenance. This should not be confused with arrogance which is a trait which is ironically very rare, an odd thing given their small size in comparison to their wealth and influence

Kekkei Genkai: ESMM (aka) Iron Sand – Iron Sand users possesses the ability of Electro Static Magnetic Manipulation or more commonly dubbed as the Iron Sand Kekkai Genkai in honour it’s of most famous technique. What this means is a user is able to produce an adaptable magnetic resonance simply through charka manipulation and concentration or in short he can warp, twist and otherwise manipulate metal in ways other people can only dream of. The affect of this Kekkai Genkai is myriad providing Hiero with a number of unusual traits and access to a considerable amount of unique linked Jutsu. Unless stated the traits cost no chakra in themselves to maintain. In reality Iron Sand places a substantial drain on the Iron Sand users however much like a Nin who trains every day with weights the constant strain on the system leads to Iron Sand users building up particularly potent reserves. This serves to negate the drain of using its passive abilities but does not serve to give Iron Sand Users more Chakra to freely use. Most of the Jutsu require no hand seals to perform, the metal moving by force of will rather then as a result of complicated seal usage. Most offensive moves cost additional chakra and require the user to move an outstretched arm in the manner and direction he wishes the technique to move (not dissimilar to Gaara’s sand or Magneto). Techniques require not only great concentration but they tend to use up one hand meaning all but the most basic Jutsu that can be performed with one handed seals or none can be used concurrently. Most users for this reason will never perform a Jutsu at same time as actively using ESMM

Those with this ability are noted for having pupiless iris the colour of liquid silver. This is a purely aesthetic difference and has no effect on their vision. It is believe to by cause by mild but non harmful absorption of metal over a sustained period into the blood stream. It usually starts developing around puberty with a silver sheen and slowly but surely the silver with become more opaque till the original colour and iris completely disappear. This is often considered more of a disadvantage then a advantage since those familiar with the colouring can instantly recognise them as members of the Metaru clan and he frequently henges his eyes as a result.

Name: Magnetic Aura
Rank: N/A
Type: Passive Trait (Active at all times)
Element: N/A
Description: All Iron Sand users exhibit a spherical magnetic aura with the user at the centre, the size and strength of which is directly comparable to the strength (Rank) of the user. Any magnetic Jutsu that goes beyond this aura counts as a rank up to reflect the difficulty to control metal outside the aura.
C Rank – 10 m radius
B Rank – 20 m radius
A Rank – 35 m radius
S Rank – 50 m radius

Name: Metal Sense
Rank: D
Type: Passive Trait (Active at all times)
Element: N/A
Description: Within their magnetic aura an Iron sand user can sense all metal objects from swords to bobby pins, feeling them react to the aura they project. The object needn’t be in plain sight to be felt.

Secret Clan Jutsu:



The Metaru Clan WiP Symbol

The Metaru Clan is a very recent arrival to Suna in the scheme of things. The Metaru were originally a family of civilian blacksmiths who lived in villages along the on the Iwa and Grass border. Technically they were part of Iwa but at this point in time few villages truly controlled as much land as they claimed on map and the Iwa Nin did not patrol this far nor too did Ame forces. Caught in a no mans land between the two factions the region embroiled several bloody wars and frequently taken advantage of by raiders and slavers. The Metaru were one of many families who choose to emigrate to safer lands. Over the generations they had developed a deep distrust of both Iwa and Grass under whom they had suffered great hardship and so the Metaru were one of a few families to travel to the Rain Country. Being weapon smiths of some skill the Metaru’s travelled all the way to Suna where they would be ensured a good demand for their goods and services, though many travelled on to River to take advantage of countries famous ore reserves

For many years the remained humble blacksmiths and traders till one of the clan’s strange behaviour was finally revealed to be a new Kekkai Genkai. The Metaru Clan have since come a prominent element of Suna society and is wealthy beyond measure thanks to its ties to River, its extensive trade contracts, mining rights and the iron sand users ability to mine precious metal with astonishing ease. That said they are relatively small and many considered their increasingly influential clan to be nothing more then jumped up newcomers though few day say so openly. Compared to the greater clans of Suna they are still very small indeed and have only a 50 or so members including children and the elderly

Clan Details: Open




The Metaru Clan WiP Symbol

The Metaru Clan is a very recent arrival to Suna in the scheme of things. The Metaru were originally a family of civilian blacksmiths who lived in villages along the on the Iwa and Grass border. Technically they were part of Iwa but at this point in time few villages truly controlled as much land as they claimed on map and the Iwa Nin did not patrol this far nor too did Ame forces. Caught in a no mans land between the two factions the region embroiled several bloody wars and frequently taken advantage of by raiders and slavers. The Metaru were one of many families who choose to emigrate to safer lands. Over the generations they had developed a deep distrust of both Iwa and Grass under whom they had suffered great hardship and so the Metaru were one of a few families to travel to the Rain Country. Being weapon smiths of some skill the Metaru’s travelled all the way to Suna where they would be ensured a good demand for their goods and services, though many travelled on to River to take advantage of countries famous ore reserves

For many years the remained humble blacksmiths and traders till one of the clan’s strange behaviour was finally revealed to be a new Kekkai Genkai. The Metaru Clan have since come a prominent element of Suna society and is wealthy beyond measure thanks to its ties to River, its extensive trade contracts, mining rights and the iron sand users ability to mine precious metal with astonishing ease. That said they are relatively small and many considered their increasingly influential clan to be nothing more then jumped up newcomers though few day say so openly. Compared to the greater clans of Suna they are still very small indeed and have only a 50 or so members including children and the elderly

Clan Details: Open

Last edited by Hugh on Sun 27 Mar 2011, 10:49 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Age : 30
Posts : 1701

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyTue 26 Jan 2010, 10:47 pm

Problem with metallic vibrations. It affects the rank above the jutsu, when it should only be able to affect it's own rank or lower.

Again with magnetic flight, the chakra cost is one rank, but the speed is a rank above.

EMP is questionable, technically, all humans have electro magnetic fields, and thusly this would affect them

Electrical Phantasm is OP. You say it is highly avoidable, because the ninja could just remove the item, however, doing so in battle would be metagaming. Any technique that doesn't require you to hit them that isn't dodgeable is questionable in it's allowance. Please edit

Iron rain shower shouldn't technically be affective against an earth wall. I mean, tiny grains of metal wouldn't be enough to eat through it.

Iron sand manipulation should have size limits corresponding with the amount of chakra you put in it.

Your death attraction techniqiue is more like gravity. Some of the things you stated wouldn''t be affected by electro magnetic pulses.

Your history should be 1 or 2 paragraphs longer
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyFri 29 Jan 2010, 11:06 pm

Quote :
Problem with metallic vibrations. It affects the rank above the jutsu, when it should only be able to affect it's own rank or lower.

Again with magnetic flight, the chakra cost is one rank, but the speed is a rank above.

EMP is questionable, technically, all humans have electro magnetic fields, and thusly this would affect them


Quote :
Electrical Phantasm is OP. You say it is highly avoidable, because the ninja could just remove the item, however, doing so in battle would be metagaming. Any technique that doesn't require you to hit them that isn't dodgeable is questionable in it's allowance. Please edit


Quote :
Iron rain shower shouldn't technically be affective against an earth wall. I mean, tiny grains of metal wouldn't be enough to eat through it.

Couldn't it grind it to dust. Its a b rank tech that does limited damage I thought it was reasonable it would go through c rank defences at least. I can change it to hail and make them large sharp hail stones if you like

Quote :
Iron sand manipulation should have size limits corresponding with the amount of chakra you put in it.

Given that all Iron Sand manipulation involves is shaping iron sand and making constructs from it, not even moving them it seems excessive to require scaled costs. This technique would need to be used in conjunction with metallic flight, emp or one of the iron sand pretty much ensuring it will be B plus in cost. Given gaara and people seem to shape sand for no cost I think D is more the sufficent whatever the amount.

Quote :
Your death attraction techniqiue is more like gravity. Some of the things you stated wouldn''t be affected by electro magnetic pulses.

List things you dont believe are and I will change it

Quote :
Your history should be 1 or 2 paragraphs longer

Its already meet the min reqs but I can make it longer. It was twice as long but had 2 paras had a lot on a character that doesnt exist in US and so were removed
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Age : 30
Posts : 1701

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyFri 29 Jan 2010, 11:36 pm

Hail stones would be better.

D sufficient in cost for using mass amounts of iron?

trees and boulders. Neither of them contain enough metal to be attracted. Instead, that amount of attraction would pull the metals from the objects. Same with humans.
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 10:33 pm

ρατrìcκ wrote:
Hail stones would be better.

D sufficient in cost for using mass amounts of iron?

trees and boulders. Neither of them contain enough metal to be attracted. Instead, that amount of attraction would pull the metals from the objects. Same with humans.

Hails stones done. Changed description

Raised to C rank but given its spending chakra to do nothing more then shape stuff with it that one needs to spend more chakra to use it giving to higher a cost doesn't seem proportional to its effect

Change death sphere attraction tech.
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Agent Hashbrown
Agent Hashbrown

Age : 28
Posts : 114

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 11:08 pm

Quote :
Name: Iron Sand Clone Technique
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Metaru Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes Iron Sand to create a Bunshin. Unlike a basic Bunshin, the Metal Bunshin have the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. They are not capable of performing their own techniques and do not retain memory like shadow clones do and are for more like crude elemental clones, capable of physical form but not much else. However despite there crude nature they are brutal in their effect and particularly resilient capable of taking far more punishment then lesser clones requiring an A Rank Jutsu (or equivalent accumulate damage i.e. 2 B Ranks) to dissipate. While within the Iron Sand Users aura they are capable of great bursts of speeds by using magnetic currents, to reflect they move at the speed and close combat abilities of an A Rank Taijutsu expert and may shunshin every other post though within their creators magnetic aura. Should an Iron Sand clone be dispersed it will change back into formless cloud iron sand which can be used for iron sand based techniques should the Iron Sand user wish. It is also possible for this to be done at will be the iron sand user himself. This is most commonly done when the clone is locked in close combat with the intended victim or better still when grappling them, thus making it incredibly difficult to evade the subsequent iron sand technique. Like the Iron Sharks an Iron clone only works effectively when operating within the users magnetic aura. While they don’t simply collapse it becomes much slower with a speed comparable to a C rank taijutsu user and can not shunshin at all leaving them far more vulnerable to attack.

~ Taking two B Rank blows before disperssing is a bit much, either change it, making them be in the users aura OR they can take two C Rank Blows or 1 B Rank Blow.

Quote :
Name: Iron Hail Storm Technique
Rank: B Rank
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A Iron Sand user gathers his chakra and both his hands and then releases it upwards into the air. This causes a great amount of iron sand to appear in the air above Iron Sand user. The user then hardens and the iron sand in the air above him into razor sharpe shards of metallic hail. These projectiles can then be used to attack simultaneously across a wide range (But only staying within the magnetic aura Iron Sand user creates). The magnetic forces will speed the iron sand projectiles up in an instant, making incredibly fast, this makes them difficult to see as they are small particles of iron sand that are travelling at high speeds. The range and speed of this attack make it almost impossible to defend against but it does do only relative minor damage for a B rank technique though exposure can rip flesh off the bone

C Rank and lower defensive jutsu will be pierced by this attack. Where as B Ranked + equivilant defensive jutsu are more then capable of staving off this attack

~ How sharp exactly? By this I mean what kind of damage can it do? Like minor cuts.. etc.

Quote :
Name: Iron Shield Technique
Rank: C - A Rank
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Purely defensive. A Iron Sand user gathers Chakra in one of his hands and gestures upwards with a wave of it. Metal objects or sand were the user is A Rank or higher will fly to form a metallic wall to block incoming attacks. The strength and density of the wall is directly proportional to the Chakra used to make it (this is stated at is creation, either C or B Rank). It is less effective against area affect attacks since it provides a defensive screen rather then all out defence.

~ State how much they can defend, for example:

C Rank Jutsu: Can witstand two D Rank jutsu...

Quote :
Name: Iron Skin
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: One of the first tricks one adopts after learning to manipulate iron sand is in times of need is to wear it like second skin. Pulling the Iron Sand towards them it then settles about the body as dark metallic layer, giving greatly increased damage mitigation (equivalent of an A Rank defensive ability) while it is active. Ordinarily this would be crushingly heavy if it were not for the chakra pumping constantly through it to strengthen the magnetic forces that bind it and support its weight freely. Even so it slows the user down 25% as the added bulk has the tendancy to get in the users way and needs a C ranks worth of chakra to maintain for every turn after the first its still active to bare the weight. It is also vulnerable to lightning based attacks given its conductive nature

~ Same as before.
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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 11:24 pm

Done as requested
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Agent Hashbrown
Agent Hashbrown

Age : 28
Posts : 114

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 11:25 pm

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Agent Hashbrown
Agent Hashbrown

Age : 28
Posts : 114

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 11:34 pm


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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptySun 27 Mar 2011, 10:50 pm

The following app is due to be heavily ammended
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Posts : 1084

The Metaru Clan WiP Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Metaru Clan WiP The Metaru Clan WiP EmptySun 05 Jun 2011, 1:33 am

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