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Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin]

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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Vide
PostSubject: Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] EmptyWed 23 Mar 2011, 10:17 pm

Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Tobitatsu__in_times_of_peace_by_shirayuki_no_mai-d30k388-2

Usumoto, Azien


Name: Usumoto, Azien.
Nickname: Azzy - Shichibi
Age: Seventeen [17].
Gender: Male.

Azien is a stunning young fellow with beautiful skin and athletic body frame. He is quite small in comparison to most boys his age, being a height of 5'11 and weighting approximately 185lbs. His skin is cream colored with blush cheeks and subtle pink lips. There are no discrepancies in his skin whatsoever that would tarnish it's natural marble appearance. Azien inherited his fathers moon crescent eyes which are gray in color. They've been said to compliment his somewhat pale appearance and sport a wiser look. He has a small round nose and a square masculine jaw. Still transitioning through puberty he has grown noticeably facial hair on his attractive face that covers his jaw, upper lip and side burns; the full package. His hair is pure silver and is seen as a natural symbol of young beauty. It extends to ear length and is sported in flowing narrow spikes. Physically Azien is well framed and can be seen as highly athletic granted his good training regimens. Every muscle on his body is cut lean and curvy to equate to a slender and excellent build.

Being brought up in a somewhat tribal society such as Kusa, Azien possess various tattoos on his body which symbolizes both his kinship with nature and his people. On his face are three green markings that are on both his cheeks and one going down his chin. He also has a tattoo of three leaves on his left wrist and tribal markings on his left chest, all green in color to represent to evergreen lands of his country.

His uniform is quite average for a typical Kusa-Nin although he adds a mixture of his own design into the mix. Over his fishnet shirt is a long sleeved black shirt which extends a little pass wrist level. He wears a pair of neat black gloves as well which are covered in a armor like material which blends in with the glove. Over the shirt is a forest green traditional flat jacket with a high collar. He then wears calve length sweat pants which are met with bandages which go down his leg. Like most ninja, he wears a pair of black sandals. His most noticeably accessories however is his unique metal headband mask which covers the outline of his face. He occasionally wears a unique silver trench coat during cold weathers. On the coat is a lose fitted hood and his village symbol engraved on its back in green, a symbol of pride.

Azien although being young is very mature and level headed. However at times he can be very childish and let his motives be driven by his spicy enthusiasm, which often times makes him unpredictable. He tackles situations using his highly intelligent mind and always thinks things through to a positive outcome, at least for himself. His mind is a big melting pot of imagination and vivid perceptions, which makes him an extract and complicated thinker. This makes him fond of reading between the lines of people with communicating, and over analyzing nealy everything in his life. Talking to people wasn't something he was use to until recently with his more open personality, and so far he's rather enjoying it. Although still the quiet type as many of his peers claim him to be, he loves to hold casual conversations with his villagers and help anyway he can.

One of Aziens favorite things to do is clean his weapons by the edges of Kusa's rivers. Its a very spiritual place for him and he enjoys hearing the sounds of nature singing in his ears. He would usually prep himself near the water and take out a weapon of his, and gently rub it clean to crystal reflection. Another of Azien's favorite activities is socializing with his fellow comrades in the village restaurants. He always had a liking of public eating places with a friendly environment. Although with his love for restaurants he hardly ever orders food, but takes it more of a socializing event. He likes taking his teammates or superiors to restaurants to talk about nearly anything. He is very fond of the many waiters in Kusagakure, so much that he doesn't even need to tip them. His favorite food to order is a garden salad with fish sauce as dressing, which tends to weird most people out.

Azien's motives is to be fully excepted for being what he is, a jinchuriki. For most of childhood he was alone, with only a few hands extended to him to offer him friendship. Now a young adult he is mature enough to understand why people treat him the way they do and hopes to win them over by being a great protector of his village. Changing from his dull and sad personality into something more positive, he has gained new friends in his village and is already on his path to being seen as equal to his villagers. Another thing he wants to do is travel the world and see things that no one has ever seen.

Clan: Usumoto Clan [Regular Clan]
Ninpō: "Live too your hearts content, and don't settle for less."


Origin: Grass Country
Affiliation: Kusagakure

Rank: Chūnin
Main: Ninjutsu
Sub: Weaponry
Elemental Affinities:
Main Element: Fuuton [Wind Release]
Sub Element: Raiton [Lightning Release]
Additional Element: San [Acid Release]
Combat Style: Azien is a very powerful combatant who is skilled in long range fighting with his giant fan and elemental attacks. Creating slicing winds and flattening gales, Azien specializes in killing multiple targets or an area rather than a single target solely. Mentally he is rather calm and articulate. He looks for flaws in his opponent and exploits them to his advantage. Being a jinchuriki, Azien is capable of unleashing monstrous power when angered or focused enough. When in his tailed-state he becomes noticably faster and stronger, which changes his fighting style to more close range.
Special Characteristics:

Fuuton Ninjutsu

Chakra Flight


Arashi no Mēkā


One would find it difficult to find such a bright and enthusiastic individual such as Zigato Usumoto. He was a kind and simple man, he didn't indulge himself in ninja politics nor seek the life of honor as many claim to want but never fully possess. He lived in the village of Kusa all of life in a apartment complex near the marketing district. He was a stunning man with long black hair, tan skin and a masculine face. He was born into a traditional clan is Kusa who weren't a spectacular but they were well known for their friendliness. Zigato made his living by selling herbs which he would pick during weekend near Kusa's forest area. He had a natural talent for agricultural studies and he sold his herbs for ryo at a small shop he had off the corner of his home. Back in that time Kusa was still a some-what poor civilization, and everything was a bit more rural.

One day when out in the forests near the countryside of Kusa, Zigato was heard footsteps into the darkness as he placed his final pickings inside his basket. Startled, he quickly covered his items and looked around to see what was around him, but all he saw were the shadows of the night. Laughter broke out between the trees across from him, and five men appeared from the trees, all wearing masks and twirling weapons. Zagoto wasn't a ninja, and he didn't know how to protect himself, especially from rogue nukenin. Backing up into couple of shrubs, he was cornered, and the nukenin were slowly approaching with murderous intent in their eyes. One of them took their chained hook and lunged it at Zagato, and before the blade touched his skin, it was grabbed by a woman who appeared with instantaneous speed. She was remarkably beautiful, flowing white hair, marble white skin, gray eyes, and tattoos going down both her arms. Zagato was startstruck, and before he finished his speechless admiration, she quickly leaped over to the nukenin and defeated them effortlessly. The bandits ran away with broken arms and ribs, receiving their karma for their dishonorable ways. The woman turnned back to Zigato and smiled. The two locked eyes, it was love at first sight. Her name was Amai, Amai Gichiga.

After their first encounter the two of them became a remarkable couple. They fell in love rather quickly and eventually moved in together after a few years of intense dating. Both Zagato and Amai now lived in a large home in the hillsides of Kusa, with had a beautiful scenery with a perfect sunset. Zagato continued his profession in selling herbs and plants at his local shop, and Amai continued to perform her Jonin tasks in the village. Eventually Amai became pregnant, which caused her to leave her ninja duties and stay home to tend to her health. Zagato was ecstatic to become a father, and from then on the small soon-to-be family lived what many would call a perfect life.

Bijuu Arc - Sealing of Shichibi:
Something happened during the time of Amai's pregnancy, dark energy swarmed the entire country side of Kusa which was felt by nearly anyone. The sky became dark with raging black clouds and the winds turnned into roaring gales which blown the fine trees of Kusa off their roots. Amai, who was in labor during that time was unable to flee her home on the countryside to avoid what was coming. Zagato and her stayed within their small home and prayed that Kusa's military would come to their aid. From the eclipse of the great darkness, a ominous buzzing sound echoed across the valley. The animals raced across the field around Zagato's home, endless numbers of them all of which fleeing the unstoppable power coming their way. Zagato knew something was wrong, and he'd have to react quick to save his wife and unborn son. He lifted his wife with all of might, and raced out of the house carrying her in his arm. Running across the grassy fields he looked behind him, only to see the great bijuu Shichibi swarming in on him from the distance, spraying acid onto the sacred gardens of Kusa.

They've made it to the village safely, and took refuge at the village hospital. The baby was coming quickly, and Amai was about to conceive in the midst of a great attack on such a small village. Shichibi had arrived, and caused massive destruction on Kusagakure. She rained acid down onto the wooden buildings, and destroyed landmasses with her menacing chakra ball. When Azien was born, his mother had passed away in labor which left Zagato in a comatose state of depression. A councilmen had an idea which would forever change the life of Azien, and the village. Azien's mother, Amai, had special markings upon her arm which were not tattoos, but ancient clan seals. The council wanted to transmute those seals onto Azien, and serve them as a seal to capture and seal the Shichibi within Azien. Since Azien was linked to his mother by blood, transferring the seals were a quick and easy process by the user of jutsu.

The Shichibi finally arrived at the village hospital, where she fell right into the villagers hands. All nine council members chanted a powerful fuinjutsu spell which caused the Shichibi to become sucked into baby Azien's seal located on his stomach. It was a gory process and the Shichibi screamed with rage a final time which created a shockwave around Azien. The wave blown the council members acres away, and destroyed a large quarter of the hospital, including his Zagato. With the long trial and tribulation completed, the young Azien now hosted the Shichibi within himself. The village was rebuilt over time, but blame and intolerance would forever plague the young Azien for hosting such a terrible creature that destroyed many.

Childhood Arc:
Azien spent most of his childhood alone. Even at his early years of adolescents he was looked down upon by his fellow villagers, being seen as an abomination to this world. He was teased and beaten by his peers, which caused him to suffer from low self-esteem and self hate. He stayed at a village foster home with other kids who've lost their parents in the field. He was horded inside a room with four other young kids who were terribly afraid of him, claiming that they were bunkering with a demon. Azien nights were full of tears and sorrow. He had no family, no mother, nor father, simply him and his growing hatred.

Life got better for Azien as he fell into the arms of a newly acquired friend, Kaneko. He was a nice old man who was sort of a father figure to Azien. He was one of the only individuals whose treated Azien like a human being and has shown kindness to him during his hard times. He continued to reside in his foster home but would usually spend some nights and Kaneko's home which he didn't mind. Upon reaching the age of five, Azien enrolled in the academy.

Academy Arc:
]Azien was a quite student in the Academy who displayed excellent talents in nearly all forms of ninjutsu. He was a natural in at nearly everything that was learned to him, including being an adverse thinker and strategist. The other young kids in the academy didn't seem to mind Azien too much. Their ignorance was bestowed to them by their parents which knew the secrets of the Shichibi and Azien's pass, but to their children, Azien was just a hated kid for no apparent reason. However there were some individuals who liked the idea of Azien being different, such Yishini and his friends. All of them formed some sort of clique in their academy, four young boys causing mischief and mayhem across the academy. Having the idea of 'friends' uplifted Azien very much so, and it was nice doing normal things for once instead of brooding.

It was also this time that Azien started to come into the attention of the Kusakage, whose been keeping a close eye on Azien's activity. One day when when Azien left the academy after late training, he stumbled into the Kusakage who was waiting at the entrance just to see him. He was a bit weirded by the random appearance and interest, but he knew that she had answers that Azien needed to ask. The two sat on the playground swings and had a long discussion. It was odd seeing the Kusakage sitting on a swing like a regular shinobi, but Azien wasn't a fool, there were probably about twenty ANBU watching from the trees. The Kusakage didn't sugarcoat anything, she told him what he was and how important it was to believe in yourself. Taking these words to heart, Azien had a more positive outlook on life.

Graduation time had finally approached and it was time to see who was skilled enough to become Genin. Azien graduated at the top of his class, displaying temondous feets of strength, speed, and flawless talent. Many Jonin that attended the ceremony said he was the spitting image of his mother, who also was a talented ninja. Then, something strange happened which Azien didn't expect. He graduated the academy, but unlike the other graduates he didn't receive a team. Apparently there were other plans, as Kaneko walked into the room. Azien knew how this story was about to unfold, he was going to a student of one of the most powerful ninja in the village, Kaneko Hohenhiem.

Genin Arc:
After the academy, Azien spent some time doing freelance missions by his own some or with his sensei. Earning enough ryo he bout himself a small apartment in the village, it was small, but his. Leaving his foster home and living on his own was a great accomplishment for him. Although the last few days he was there, he made peace with his peers. Azien received a visit during that time from a man with looks similar to his own. Although it was really Aziens grandfather, he claimed to be an old friend of the family that Azien didn't have anymore. With his he carried a large fan, and gave it to Azien and said it was a possession of his mother. With his fan Azien trained hard in the village valleys, twirling it around and creating powerful currents beyond that of what the fan normally produced. With further training with Kaneko, he learned that he had the fuuton affinity, which made him capable of using wind based techniques with his fan.

During a mission in sound village Azien was confronted with many enemy ninja. Fighting a good battle, he was attacked by a enemy weapon which pierced his femur which made him feel immense pain. With death possibly near, Azien felt the presence of the Shichibi for the first time and succumbed to its power. He could hear he melodic voice in his head, and chakra surged through him a red cloud. Without knowing it, he spit a torrent of acid at the enemies which burnned them to the bone. Eventually the chakra was suppressed and was shocked at his new talent. Developing the Acid Release element, he learned some basic techniques revolving around it, but didn't dwell too deep into its power as he thought it was corrupting. Months later he started to learn about the raiton element from a Jonin in his village, and he was shown proficient in that as well.

The Chunin exams had finally arrived and Azien was stoked to join. He trained vigorously for the upcoming challenges and with the help of his sensei Kaneko he became quite powerful. His knowledge of what he was, a jinchuriki, exceptionally grew. He understood what is was to be one and why the villagers treated him so. With that, he hoped that if he won the CE's, he would respected by his village. When the exams started, he breezed through them like the excellent shinobi he was. Not many people knew his secret, but those who did were fascinated with him as they watched through the stands. Facing his last opponent, Azien eventually made away with him and won the final match, making him the victor in the CE's. After that, he was promoted to Chunin, and something else as well. The Kusakage decided that Azien's talents could be put to good use somewhere else, and she decided to let Kaneko train him in the ways of the ANBU. It was a perfect coincidence, and Azien marveled that idea.

Chunin Arc:
Azien never considered himelf a Chunin, but more of a ANBU in training. Having the ANBU Captain as his sensei he was highly trained in the art of assassination and further trained in the abilities he already possessed. He has yet to master his abilities as a jinchuriki, but he became talented in quite a few feats. Its been six months since being involved in the ANBU world of Kusa, and he's learning quickly with his master.

Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Elder Sage on Sun 27 Mar 2011, 9:55 pm; edited 14 times in total
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] EmptyWed 23 Mar 2011, 10:45 pm

Basic Jutsu

Fuuton [Wind Release]

Raiton [Lightning Release]

San [Acid Release]

Fan Weaponry

Last edited by Elder Sage on Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
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Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] EmptySun 27 Mar 2011, 9:55 pm

Okay, done.
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Age : 30
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Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] EmptyMon 28 Mar 2011, 5:45 am

Very Simple App, No bad details to pound out. Of course, I am very tired, and could have missed something.... ALL THE SAME

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Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] EmptyMon 28 Mar 2011, 11:19 pm

2/2 Approval
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PostSubject: Re: Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] Usumoto, Azien [Kusa Chunin] EmptyMon 25 Jul 2011, 8:00 am

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