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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation]

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Kumo Nin

Age : 30
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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptyTue 26 Jul 2011, 7:07 pm

Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Celtic_dragon

Hansha:Cho Onsoku

Masters Of Raiton Release

Clan Name:Hansha

Location:Previously: Kumogakure, Getsugakure. Now: Scattered.

Signature Traits:
Physical traits: The members of the Hansha clan tend to have a very dark appearance, their hair being a very dark shade of any color. Their eyes are an exception, however, and are always a very bright color, most dominantly either a bright Amber/Gold or a nearly luminescent shade of blue. When describing their physical traits, one would say they are on the slim side, favoring slim compound muscle and speed over bulky brawn. People born with the Hansha bloodline are extremely sensitive to atmospheric pressure as well as the rises and drops of humidity and dew points. This is due in part to the lightning coursing throughout their beings from birth, their sensitivity both a curse and blessing.

Born of Lightning: The Hansha clans members are strictly Raiton born, only rarely containing a secondary nature. Not only are they born with said element, but after generations of advanced training they have managed to actually integrate it with their entire body, which leaves them able to train the element to such extremes.

Masters of the Blade: Another odd facet of the Hansha clan is the level of fascination its members share with bladed weaponry. Nearly all of them can be found carrying one or more weapons, most using swords while a select few prefer smaller ones. Said members are always extremely lethal and well trained with the ways of their chosen weapon.

Kekkei Genkai: Chō Onsoku

Introduction: This clan has the ability to control Raiton and electricity in all its forms, including actual Lightning when the user reaches a higher level of mastery. Their bodies are always charged with electronic energy, although users have to consciously increase the power of said energy levels to actually cause harm to others. Due to this unique and passive power any Raiton or electric based attack used against them is less effective, sometimes completely ineffective. This also allows for rapid movement as the muscles absorb the charge, the user being able to perform rapid movement of not only limbs but their entire body. Boosted thought process accompanies these changes.

Activation: Calling on the power of the Cho Onsoku requires the attaining of the first level via immense amounts of training (Levels explained below). Once activated, the user will experience two things; One, the ability to process information and react to it at an astounding rate. This does not elevate actual intelligence, but rather boosts the speed at which thoughts process and can be executed. Said speed also spreads throughout the body to match the brains signals. That said, users must train their body in the way of speed (Special Characteristic of Reflex or Speed)to to use this ability, otherwise their mind will calculate too fast for the body to compensate for, leaving the user unable to fight effectively and actually dampering their abilities. Two: Electricity visibly covers their body, allowing the user to channel it into weaponry and even use it as a shield against physically attacks(Meaning the electricity will shock anything that touches it, not forming an actual shield) without consciously activating it. The levels of this depend not only on the level of the Kekkei Genkai, but the users power level as well.

Levels: There are three main stages to the Cho Onsoku bloodline, A fourth being achievable only through special means and intense continued training. For each level of Kekkei Genkai trained, a Special Characteristic must also be trained (Speed or Reflex)

Stage One - Shocking Reflex: This level is attained simply through unlocking and/or discovering the kekkei genkai within them (500 word training session plus the before mentioned requirements). At this stage the bloodline is in its weakened form, its static defense only able to cause minor shocks through direct contact and the metal speed boost only occurring in minor ways. Most times the user will barely be able to sense the upgrade until reaching the second stage. Channeling of chakra into a weapon at this stage makes no difference, as the electric current is too weak to actually boost the power of said blade.

Stage Two - Superior Reflex: Unlocking the Superior stage of the bloodline allows the user much more power in both his thought speed and shield skill. The shield can now generate enough energy to cause mild shocks and in rare cases extremely mild burns. Thought process and the bodies ability to react to it also increase, the users ability to dodge and strike at high speeds increasing slightly. Chakra channeling will now yield results, although it is still not on par with conscious activation. Stage Two can be obtained through 750 words of training.

Stage Three - Lightning Reflex: This is the final normally obtained stage available to those who work for it. With the final level obtained the user will have all aforementioned techniques amplified exponentially. Reflexes, as well as metal processing and thought are boosted to their near maximum threshold, the user experiencing not only the uncanny ability to dodge at ridiculous speeds but the ability to strike at increasingly fast intervals. The Raiton based current dancing across their bodies also increase in powers, now able to create powerful electric counter attacks that actually damage, the maximum output about as strong as a C-rank ninjutsu technique. Using the maximum output, however, damages the user equivalently, and as such is rarely used. Channeling chakra into a blade is now second nature, it's power no different from conscious activation. This is likely to happen automatically when the bloodline is activated without the user noticing. Stage three can be achieved through rigorous training: 1000 words. Users Must have Ninjutsu as a specialty to access this level of the Kekkei Genkai.

Stage Four - Master Reflex: Upon reaching this level the user will have full mastery over all aspects of the bloodline. Thought precessing and reaction times are easily two times that of a normal shinobi, the bodies ability to react to said thoughts now at it's peak. Lightning now freely runs throughout the users body without restraint, allowing for specialized techniques only someone of this level could hope to achieve. The shield can now cause actual death in rare cases, its absolute maximum output now able to reach B-Rank with only C-rank recoil. Even at this stage in the development using such power can still harm the user. The only way to possess this level of the Kekkei Genkai Cho Onsoku, One must max out the training requirements for both Speed and Reflex Special Characteristics, plus a large amount of training (1500 Words).

History: The history of the Hansha clan is very short, as very little was known about them even when their clan flourished. Secretive as any other clan, Hansha members first appeared in Kumogakure, its natural lightning storms and overall Raiton Affinity allowing them to blend in efficiently. Soon after settling in to the midst of the village their abilities were found out, causing the users of the Cho Onsoku to branch out in hopes of hiding. The reason for this is simple; Cho Onsoku users hate publicity. They wanted nothing to do with the pampered life other clans were rumored to have, nor did they want to become complacent by allowing things to be done for them. This caused parts of their clan to reach out and take root elsewhere, a noticeable chunk presenting itself in Getsugakure. For them the village was perfect, as very few countries knew of it's existence. This allowed them to train and live in peace, which they did for a number of years.

Then, seemingly overnight, everything changed. A rival clan, the name of which is still unknown to this day, attacked their base in the outskirts of Getsugakure. Taken by surprise many fell to the first wave, very few managing to stay alive long enough to retaliate. It was a long and bloody night, a night in which almost four fifths of the clan was wiped out. Once word of this reached the much smaller base still located in Kumo, the surviving members of the clan went into hiding. Fortunately a Fuuinjutsu master was among them. With his vast knowledge he devised a seal, one that would lock away the telltale clan characteristic they all held. Said seal was user accessible, allowing it to be turned off at will so long as the individual wished it. This allowed for complete blending, which is why the Cho Onsoku and the Hansha clan itself has never graced a history book. Now scattered across the elemental countries, Hansha members are few and far between. This will continue until the clan is avenged, the attackers brought to light and punished for their actions.

Clan Jutsu:

Name:Curse of Decadence
Description: The Curse of Decadence, the aptly named seal used to help the Hansha clan go into hiding. This user freindly technique, when activated, can completely mask any physical aspects belonging to the clan, locking them away until such a time that the user wants or needs them. This includes eye color, hair color, Cho Onsoku techniques (Both passive and Conscious). due to the process in which this seal was created any user can operate it efficiently without needing a Fuuinjutsu specialty. Said seal is located on both the users back and on the abdominal area up front. The seal will also glow a deep crimson red upon activation. Seal:
Chakra Cost:1

Name:Perish Canon
Range:Mid 5-10m
Description:Using vast amounts of the energy already coursing through their bodies, members of the Hansha clan use this technique through their weapons. Created to deflect and/or outright destroy oncoming jutsu, this attack is heavily guarded and treasured by its users. By focusing intensely one channels high levels of chakra into a blade, pushing it into the tip of the blade to create an extremely dense concentration of chakra. Once gathered, said person then forces the chakra to destabilize outwards from the tip, unleashing a huge beam of energy that Raiton. If used against a technique of the same element of a lower rank it can actually consume it, pushing it back with double the force (+1 Rank up in power and destructive capabilities). This can be said for the opposing technique as well, as if it used against a stronger technique it will backfire with the same results.
Chakra Cost:

Name:Tenbatsu: Chō Onsoku Kaminari Ryū - Divine Punishment: Supersonic Lightning Dragon
Range: 0-15M
Description: The most deadly and powerful technique available to normal stages of the Cho Onsoku bloodline. To begin the user charges chakra, using not only their chakra pools and all available static energy in the air, but also the electricity flowing through their own body. From there they begin altering the atmospheric pressure, causing storm clouds to rise seemingly out of nowhere at a rapid pace. Random lightning strikes follow, a maelstrom of natural storm conditions stirring up as the user continues gathering chakra. Once complete the user will begin glowing a blazing deep gold, ancient kanji similar to runes running down each a appendage with the clan symbol appearing on the forehead with a Luminescent Blue. With a shout the actual attack begins, the user clapping their hands together as they announce the technique. The clap is used to clear a straight path through the altered Ozone, ensuring almost pinpoint accuracy. The clouds above would open breifly, a rage filled roar shaking the very ground as if a miniature earthquake were taking place. Then from the opening a dragon shaped bolt of lightning would strike down, the space cleared by the clap the target area.
Chakra Cost:40

Name:Tempest of Thunder
Description: created for weapon users, this technique begins by channeling chakra into the weapon. From there they charge, waiting until the opportune moment to unleash the attack. when ready the user plunges the blade of their weapon into the ground, unleashing the power of the charged technique all at once. Four pillars, each easily as thick as an average human and two times as tall, erupt from the earth below, each bolt tearing through the ground on a destructive path towards whatever the user desires. This attack cannot be redirected once launched, however the four pillars provide an ample amount of range, more then making up for it.
Chakra Cost:
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Kumo Nin

Age : 30
Posts : 356

Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptyFri 29 Jul 2011, 9:22 pm

Bump for completion.
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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptyFri 29 Jul 2011, 9:34 pm

In honesty, I can say that this kekkei genkai cannot be considered something that is unique . A shinobi who is not from this clan could easily possess the specialities of taijutsu and ninjutsu. If their element is lightning then this gives them the opportunity to be a raiton master which allows the skill set of this application contains possible.

I say this because as I read into this application, I saw similarities to the Raikage's abilities to manipulate lightning not only internal to the body but also external as well to that extent.
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Kumo Nin

Age : 30
Posts : 356

Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptyFri 29 Jul 2011, 10:13 pm

To some extent I agree but at the same time learning the abilities as a jutsu or in some other way is impractical, especially when comparing it to the Raikage's abilities. Learning such high level techniques would take a ridiculous amount of time, even with the specialty in ninjutsu. As for not being unique, I can see where you get that to an extent, but at the same time your comparing it with a KAGE. At that level anybody could master ANY element to such a degree.

But regardless, if being similar to someone that powerful means I'm being unoriginal then so be it.
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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptySat 30 Jul 2011, 12:02 am

Lunar wrote:
To some extent I agree but at the same time learning the abilities as a jutsu or in some other way is impractical, especially when comparing it to the Raikage's abilities. Learning such high level techniques would take a ridiculous amount of time, even with the specialty in ninjutsu. As for not being unique, I can see where you get that to an extent, but at the same time your comparing it with a KAGE. At that level anybody could master ANY element to such a degree.

But regardless, if being similar to someone that powerful means I'm being unoriginal then so be it.

As you stated, yes I have compared it to the Raikage's ability which is full mastery. What I see is the progression from the beginning to that level of power. It doesn't contain anything that would make this a distinct kekkei genkai, which are usually techniques that no other shinobi possess in their arsenal and is kept in a tight-knitted group, advancing an element by combining them or utalizing them that no other shinobi possess or a genetic mutation which allows techniques such as doujutsus to exist. This is mind says to me and other moderators who look upon the application that there is no need to make a clan which can be achieved via special characteristics.
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Kumo Nin

Age : 30
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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptySat 30 Jul 2011, 12:13 am

Quote :
As you stated, yes I have compared it to the Raikage's ability which is full mastery. What I see is the progression from the beginning to that level of power. It doesn't contain anything that would make this a distinct kekkei genkai, which are usually techniques that no other shinobi possess in their arsenal and is kept in a tight-knitted group, advancing an element by combining them or utalizing them that no other shinobi possess or a genetic mutation which allows techniques such as doujutsus to exist. This is mind says to me and other moderators who look upon the application that there is no need to make a clan which can be achieved via special characteristics.

I see your point. Due to recent enlightenment I shall be editing to meet the criteria. Thank you for the constructive criticism.
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Age : 30
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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptyFri 05 Aug 2011, 8:50 pm

I'll take over this app, just tell me when it's ready for review.
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Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] Hansha Clan [Advanced Raiton Manipulation] EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 7:04 am

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