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The Oparu Clan

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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

The Oparu Clan Vide
PostSubject: The Oparu Clan The Oparu Clan EmptySun 17 Jan 2010, 7:07 pm

Name: Oparu
Location: Any
Special Traits:

Piercing Tolerance:
Oparu children have their bodies peirced through at a very young age, thus they grow accustomed to piercing pains that assault their bodies. Oparu do not feel discomfort from metallic objects that are put into their body, and are not hindered from movement due to it. This allows them to use their clan abilities without severe damage to their physical abilities.

Suicidal Tendencies:
Oparu are raised around death, suicide is a viable way to die in the clan, so they are not affected by the use of death to intimidate or frighten them. Oparu are not affected by techniques, typically Genjutsu, that use death in order to induce fear, nor do they respond to threats of death in any desirable fashion.

Burden Bearer:
A standard Oparu member carries anywhere from 25 to 200 pounds of chains on their person, and due to this most Oparu walk in a very slow fashion. An Oparu member is treated as one rank lower for the purpose of Shushin and Kawarmi. An Oparu member also uses Shushin at half the speed of a normal ninja and moves at the speed of a ninja one rank lower than their true rank.

Double-Helix (Chain) Chakra:
An Oparu member, due to their Kekkei Genkai, has a certain amount of chakra forced into a chain shape. This chakra is not affected by typical attempts to block chakra, unless the jutsu is specifically designed to halt double-helix chakra. See the Kusarisuki for more information on this chakra.

Kekkei Genkai:

Kusarisuki (Chain Eyes)

Oparu members are born with insect-like segmented eyes, except that each segments separating lines intercept each other, causing the eyes to look like interlocking chains. This is not noticeable without being within 2ft of the Oparu, otherwise the eyes simply appear to be a single solid color. Unlike some other clans, Oparu members have no pre-requisite to receive their Doujutsu, though advanced stages require special conditions to be meet.

The Kusarisuki (Kusu) enables the weilder to channel their chakra in an unusual way, causing chakra to form into a chain shape, similar to a double-helix. In order to do this, chakra is channeled into the eyes and then re-channeled out into the body, like blood to the heart. A more direct method is also possible by sending chakra out from the eyes in its chain form, though this requires eye contact.

When this chakra is put into an object whose shape matches it, the chakra 'melds' with it, enabling fluent control of the object it is housed within. This enables clan members to manipulate chains that are attached to their body as they would their own limbs, causing many outsiders to believe that the clan was made of powerful ninja whose level of control was so powerful that they could do this. In actuality, it is simply the form of their chakra, they have no more or less than the average ninja.

The Kusu is effectively the transistor for the body's chakra in an Oparu member. The Kusu can also be used to control chain, double-helix, or interwoven objects that the user mantains eye contact with. This ability, however, is limited to only 5ft of a single object at one time.

This strange chakra, however, is not a perfect creation. The chakra will destroy non-metal materials it is channeled through in its double-helix form, thus only metal chains are attached to the body, though over the course of a few years even these will be destroyed. This is because the chakra is being forced into a shape that is not a natural shape, thus, many Oparu struggle with chakra control if they use this chakra for other jutsu.

An Oparu who attempts to use double-helix chakra for a jutsu will damage whatever area the chakra is channeled to. The Oparu member's chakra system is designed to house this powerful chakra, but if it is concentrated, it effectively 'bursts'. The formation of a hand sign is frequently halted when the clan member's fingertips burst open and blood forces its way out.

Luckily, not all of the bodies chakra is in double-helix form. At any time, only 10% of an Oparu member's chakra is in double-helix form, since the manipulation of the bodily chains does not actively consume chakra much chakra (the amount used is not even measurable by standard devices.) The last portion of chakra is always this 10%, so woe to the Oparu member who uses too much chakra and must rely on the double-helix chakra.

Koudo Kusarisuki

Koudo Kusarisuki (Kou) is the advanced form of Kusarisuki (Kusu). This is achieved through an unusual method as compared to other Doujutsu techniques that advance through training or through unsavory methods. Since Oparu are naturally suicidal, this advanced Doujutsu can only be achieved through the denial of this tendency. This is not an easy as one would assume.

In order to do this, the Oparu member must first find a reason to live, any reason or cause will do so long as it remains constant (if the reason fails to exist, suicide is likely.) They must then confront their own mortality and learn to fear its absence. This is achieved through a drug induced state that is easily induced by an Oparu member. They are taught from a young age to not eat the leaves of the Juka plant, this plant is the sacred clan plant and is used to induce this state. Stealing a single Juka leaf is punishable by being bound to a stone and left to starve until near death, and then being feed, in a constant cycle until the person dies of old age.

An Oparu member who wishes to achieve this advanced level must ingest a single Juka leaf (anymore is lethal), and then enter a catatonic state. They will lose control of their bodies for 8 days (4 days in real life) and during this they will meet Death, face to face. The Reaper takes a different form for each person, but no matter what it is a she.

Death will then set one task before the Oparu member to complete before regaining consciousness, this must be done in 5 posts, or else the Oparu will physically die due to the Reaper's displeasure. The task is usually something with a simple, but often overlooked, answer. If they complete this task, they will return to their body at the end of the 8 days.

When they open their eyes, they will find the lines in their eyes that cause them to appear as chains have darkened (visible within 10ft.) In addition, whenever an Oparu member feels an extreme emotion (a single emotion that ties into the task they had to perform) the lines in their eyes will 'drip' out and cover their face. They have a different shape and color depending on the user, and the more powerful the emotion, the more space the markings cover. This does not hinder of aid the Oparu, it is purely cosmetic.

The Kou enables the use of A-S Rank Oparu jutsu, these cannot be used before the Kou is obtained, under any circumstance. When the Kou is achieved, the Oparu may add a single Oparu Clan jutsu to their character, without training, as a gift from Death.


The most powerful evolution of the Kusarisuki, and also the most peculiar to obtain. The Keraime, Slave Eyes, is gained only through an ancient ritual that only a select few Oparu know about. The information can be only be obtained through another visit to Death, this time, after a near-death experience. Death will visit the Oparu, offering them a fraction of Her power, in exchange for souls to serve her. If the deal is accepted, Death will return the Oparu to consciousness and heal any inflicted wounds that are not severe (ex. losing a limb could not be healed.)

The Oparu is now aware of the Keraime Ritual. This ritual requires the user to bring an opponent to a position of minimal fighting ability (ex. paralysis, binding, etc.) and then ask them if they are willing to serve the Oparu member for eternity. Any ninja is able to sense a disturbance, a ripple of dark energy, when the question is poised, informing them that something is terribly wrong. If they agree, they are instantly slain and their soul is taken out of their body by a spectral bone hand. The hand, the hand of the Reaper, places the soul inside the Oparu member's eyes with a thrust.

The soul is then forever sealed in the Oparu member's eyes. This has a variety of effects, first of all, the Oparu member's eyes become even more segmented so that they are visible from within 25ft. The Oparu is also able to recognize other Keraime Oparu due to a faint ringing in the ears whenever they are within 100ft of one another. The Keraime also allows for the Oparu to use three jutsu of B or lower rank from the ninja whose soul is sealed in their eyes, regardless of specialty or element (though Kekkei Genkai jutsu cannot be used.)

Ninja who are able to see souls, which is an incredibly rare ability that may not even exist, are able to see the soul of the ninja sealed in the Oparu member's eyes. It appears as the ninja did in life, except with a white robe and with a chain through their heart that is bound to the Oparu member's heart. The soul, however, cannot be used for jutsu, nor does it have any intelligence or substance.

Oparu Body Map:
Since Oparu Clan members have unique abilities, they also warrant an addition to the standard character template when created. An Oparu member is required to attach to their application, the following template, filled out:

Oparu Body Map
Head: (The chains peirced into the head area.)
Neck: (The chains peirced into the neck area.)
Shoulders: (The chains peirced into the shoulders.)
Back: (The chains peirced into the back.)
Chest: (The chains peirced into the chest.)
Arms: (The chains peirced into the arms.)
Legs: (The chains peirced into the legs.)

The below is to be used for each individual chain, placed into the above template for the area the chain is actually located in:

Material: (The material the chain is constructed from.)
Length: (The length of the chain.)
Damage: (What occurs when the chain is forcefully extracted.)


[size=18][b]Oparu Body Map[/b][/size]
[b]Head:[/b] (The chains peirced into the head area.)
[b]Neck:[/b] (The chains peirced into the neck area.)
[b]Shoulders:[/b] (The chains peirced into the shoulders.)
[b]Back:[/b] (The chains peirced into the back.)
[b]Chest:[/b] (The chains peirced into the chest.)
[b]Arms:[/b] (The chains peirced into the arms.)
[b]Legs:[/b] (The chains peirced into the legs.)

The below is to be used for each individual chain, placed into the above template for the area the chain is actually located in:

[b]Material:[/b] (The material the chain is constructed from.)
[b]Length:[/b] (The length of the chain.)
[b]Damage:[/b] (What occurs when the chain is forcefully extracted.)
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

The Oparu Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Oparu Clan The Oparu Clan EmptySun 17 Jan 2010, 7:09 pm

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Basic Clan Jutsu:

Name: Kusari Shintai - Chain Animation
Rank: D
Type: None
Element: None
Description: All Oparu member's are able to manipulate chains attached to their bodies. These chains are manipulated at an incredibly low cost and with a level of fluency on par with the human limbs. This is a passive ability and is always active. An Oparu member can manipulate a number of chains, and certain amount of length, according to their letter rank, as detailed below:

Oparu RankNumber of ChainsLength of Chain

Name: Kusari Chiri - Chain Dirt
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The user knocks up dirt, grass, mud, etc. from their environment and uses chakra to guide the materials onto the user's chains, covering them up so that they resemble they're environment when stationary. They blend in until they are moved, but by then they opponent is usually close enough that it doesn't matter.

Name: Kusari Myaku - Chain Pulse
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The clan member places their hand on an object and channels pure double-helix chakra into it, causing the object's chakra to disrupt and fail and the chakra to burst out at weak points in it. If used on a tree, for example, the chakra causes the tree to die (though this is not visible) and causes the leaves to break off the tree as that is the weakest point where the chakra can break free. Doing this causes the finger tips to bleed.

Name: Kusari Gansho - Chain Letter
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The Oparu Clan member runs their hand over a single chain link, causing the chakra within to break out at certain points, creating markings that resemble scratchy letters on the interior of the chain link. The link can then be given to another ninja who can put chakra into the link and read the indentations. A single link can hold 15 characters.

C Rank Oparu Clan Jutsu:

Name: Kusari Orochi - Chain Serpents
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu clan member devotes more chakra into their eyes, creating an additional amount of double-helix chakra. This excess chakra stretches out the metal that the chains are constructed out of, but due to the excess chakra's presence, it does not lose durability. This adds 5ft of length to a single chain, per use of this jutsu. For each rank above Genin, another use of this jutsu may be used simultaneously, so that a Jounin could use this jutsu thrice in one action and increase three chain's length by 5ft, or one chain by 15ft.

Name: Kusari Gonsunkugi - Chain Spikes
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu clan member causes their double-helix chakra, within they chains, to break through certain portions of the chain through increased concentration. The chakra comes out in the form of small invisible spikes, though the breaks are visible in the chains. The chakra spikes are able to inflict minor cuts on opponents when the chain gets close to an opponent. The spikes stick out a half an inch from the metal.

Name: Kusari Shuuzen - Chain Repair
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: An Oparu clan member places fragments of metal, typically waste metal that has no other use, and fuses them to their chains with a small concentration of heat that causes it to melt and meld into its surrounding metal. This can be used to repair damaged chains, though it has little combat use. 5ft of chain can be repaired per day, +5ft per rank above C.

Name: Kusari Vijon - Chain Vision
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu clan member uses their chains, about 5ft. of them, to create a small condensed sphere of chains that is about 2in in radius. The small ball is attached to the end of a chain and can be moved around the battlefield on that chain. The chain the ball is attached to must be peircing in the eye, eyelid, or beneath the eye. When the user closes their eyes, they are able to see through the chain ball as if it were one of their own eyes. This enables them to see around the battlefield where they can not normally see. If the chain on which the ball is attached is severed, the vision is halted and the jutsu negated.

Name: Kusari Kemushi Tane - Chain Caterpillar Seed
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu clan jutsu that causes one, or multiple, chain to snare around an opponent's entire body. The amount of chain needed to bind an opponent effectively is 25ft of chain, therefore, a single chain must have 25ft or more to be used for this jutsu, or multiple chains must total to 25ft or greater. The chains cover the complete body, every part, including even the head, but the sections of chain have small break, since chain links have holes in them, that allows for air to enter and exit so the opponent cannot suffocate within the chains.

Name: Kusari Mayu Futaba - Chain Cocoon Sprout
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu clan jutsu that is used in conjuction with Kusari Kemushi Tane. This jutsu causes the chains around an opponent to snare around the individual limbs and body of an opponent trapped with Kusari Kemushi Tane. This binds the opponent so they are unable to struggle, nor can they attempt to forcefully break the cocoon of chains around them since they're muscles are bound. The chains are treated as B Rank for purposes of damage as long as this jutsu is in effect.

Name: Kusari Kochou Hana- Chain Butterfly Flower
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: The final jutsu of the Metamorphosis Trio (Kusari Kemushi Tane, Kusari Mayu Futuba, and Kusari Kochou Hana). This jutsu causes the chains that bind an opponent within the chain cocoon to constrict in a split second, forcefully tearing the body apart and allowing spurts of blood to shower out from the holes in the cocoon. Death is almost always the result, since few can withstand the force with which the jutsu is executed.

B Rank Oparu Clan Jutsu:

Name: Kusari Soshi - Chain Element
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Variable
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu whose effect differs according to the element that is used when the jutus is put into effect. A single element is chosen when this jutsu is used, one the user must possess, and the following effects occur according to the element chosen:

Katon: The Oparu member's chains are heated up so that all attacks from the chains are treated as C Rank Katon attacks, in addition to a normal chain attack. The chain emit a wave of heat around them, causing a slight distortion in vision. This makes it difficult to judge when to dodge an incoming chain, or where the chain is exactly, making the use of precise jutsu impossible and making dodging equally difficult. This effect is negated by any ability that enables the sight or sense of chakra.

Suiton: The Oparu member's chains are filled with chakra-infused water, increasing the weight of the chains and making them much more powerful should they hit something. The chains are able to destroy B Ranked defenses with a hit, and go through C Rank defenses. The chains also gain a strong swishing sound when they are swung, should an attack, even if it misses, lead a chain to the head area, the sound will magnify and deafen the opponent for 2 posts.

Raiton: The Oparu member's chains become charged with electrical energy. The chains are coated with sparks of electrical energy and should the chains come within 3ft of an opponent, they induce a minor paralysis that prevents that from moving long enough for the attack to collide with the opponent. When the attack hits, this sends an electrical pulse in the body, causing them to involuntarily twitch, losing control of any long-term jutsu and also dropping any weapons they are wielding.

Fuuton: The Oparu member's chains are surrounded by a flowing double-helix of solid air. This air is used to cut through other air particles, reducing friction, and increasing the speed of attacks with the user's chains immensely. The chakra controlled wind also unwinds itself and splits off to hit an opponent with the equivalent of a C Rank Fuuton technique that dodges the chain. If the chain collides, the wind instead drills into an opponent, knocking them backwards 10ft and causing them to land on their backs.

Doton: The Oparu member's chains increase in weight drastically, causing them to drop the ground. The chains are unable to be used for quick attacks, but they no longer possess the hole in their center and can be used to defend against attacks as B Rank defense. The chains can move rapidly within 5ft of the user, but moving any farther causes them to slow down to a crawl. This enables the chains to quickly move to defend, but they are useless to attack with unless your opponent is within 5ft. Attacks with the chains are treated as B Rank Doton attacks along with normal attacks from the chains, the chains can crush bones with their weight.

Name: Kusari Bunshin - Chain Clone
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan member creates a clone out of chains by causing the chains to form into the outline of a humanoid and then wrap around this outline, gradually forming an identical clone. This jutsu requires 15ft of chain to be used per clone created, this length of chain is broken off by the jutsu and forms into an identical clone of the user. A Chain Clone is able to interact with its environment and is able to use C Rank Oparu Clan jutsu with it's own body. The clone is not destroyed unless the chains are destroyed, meaning that simply punching the clone will not harm it, it would harm your hand instead because its made of metal. The Chain Clone does not have the pierced chains of the original for its own use, though they are present for appearance.

Name: Kusari Kabuto - Chain Beetle
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan member uses 25ft of chain to wrap around their body, creating a perfect suit of chain mail armor. This armor is able to negate C Rank attacks but cannot be manipulated for Oparu Clan jutsu without cancelling this jutsu. If desired, the suit may shift to resemble the user's normal outfit, or it may be made visible as chain mail.

Name: Kusari Karasu - Chain Raven
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan member directs a chain link, or multiple, at an opponent and releases some of their control over the chakra within their chain, causing it to fire off the end chain link at an opponent at bullet speeds. The links aren't capable of great damage individually, but the links cause great pain and disrupt focus, breaking any continuous jutsu or jutsu they are still using. This can be used to interrupt jutsu before they are used as well.

Name: Kusari Omori - Chain Weight
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan member uses chakra to fill any chains (or chain links) that were once of the Oparu's person but are now on an opponent (typically through Kusari Kurasu) to greatly increase in weight. The weight makes it difficult to perform melee attacks, making it impossible to perform the opponent's highest available rank of Taijutsu or Weaponry.

Name: Kusari Dageki - Chain Strike
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan member sends one of their chains into the earth and then detaches it from their body. They store a reserve of chakra within the chain so that when an opponent walks within range of the chain, it attacks them. The length of chain used is the maximum range of the chain, though if an opponent steps within 5ft of a chain longer than 15ft, the chain can instead of directly attacking, burrow through the ground rapidly and then peirce the sole of the ninja. The chain then tears through the body and pierces the heart, moving upwards at a diagonal to go through it.

Name: Kusari Jiten - Chain Spin
Rank: B
Type: None
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan member rotates their body around in circles, allowing their chains to spin out at an increased speed. The chains are able to protect the user from incoming attacks in a radius around the Oparu equal to the length of the shortest chain the Oparu possesses. This spinning deflects solid projectile attacks back at opponents, but cannot halt attacks such as Endan, since the flames would go between the chains.

Name: Kusari Unari - Chain Roar
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The user uses a segment of chain and allows the chakra within it to break it individual links. Exploding tags are then withdrawn and thrown into the air, along with the chain links. The tags attach to the links mid-air and then scatter all over the battlefield. The jutsu affects a 15ft radius from any central point within 10ft of the user, the 15ft radius representing where the chains fall. If the tags are detonated, they explode violently and disperse powerful metal shrapnel.

Name: Kusari Hiru - Chain Leech
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Zakuza Musami. The user channels their chakra through their chains and wraps their body with them. The chakra is not the double-helix chakra, and this chakra is pushed into the body from the chains in order to reverse, damage, or halt foreign jutsu that are currently affecting the chakra system.

A Rank Oparu Clan Jutsu:

Name: Kusari Busshu - Chain Bush
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. This jutsu is an advanced verison of Kusari Dageki. The user breaks a chain and disperses its links out, rather than setting a whole chain, these links cover a 15ft area around the user. Should an opponent come within this area, or an attack that can be physically deflected, a chain made of chakra develops from the planted link and attacks. The chakra chains are visible and the amount of them able to be created is equal to the number of feet of chain used for this jutsu, divided by 5. A 25ft chain would allow for 5 of these chains to be created.

The chakra chains can develop out of any of the links within the area, effectively creating a mine-field around the user. Should an opponent move within it, dodging these chakra chains becomes a near impossibility if their is a quantity of chains that can be created.

Name: Kusari Kyohaku - Chain Star
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The user creates 5 clones of him/herself, with whatever clone jutsu is designated, and the clones appear around an opponent in the points of a star. Each clone directs their bodily chains to form into a solid interlocking wall of chains, similar to a wrestling ring's bars. More chains are directed underground, these chains pierce through the ground and attack from below. Other chains are directed upwards and then fall down to tear an opponent apart. And still more chains are directed directly in front of the clone, attacking within the star shape that is formed by the wall. This attack forms a death trap that is notorious for successfully killing opponents.

Name: Kusari Mentsu - Chain Face
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. An Oparu Clan member purposely induces their facial marks provided by the Koudo Kusarisuki and causes them to reach their maximum potential, covering the whole face. Chakra is then used to manipulate the markings so that it reassembles the exterior appearance of the face. The emotion need not be held once the jutsu is complete and the face becomes a sort of veil, it can be torn off the face at will for dramatic effect. This jutsu can imitate any known face or any random face the user desires to create.

Name: Kusari Shinsei - Chain Divinity
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The user creates an animal out of chains, a number of feet being used equal to the dimensions of the animal. The animal created functions like Kusari Vijon, except that it need not be attached to the user to function. The animal can be used to spy on targets or to gain a better view of the battlefield.

Name: Kusari Tama - Chain Sphere
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: An Oparu Clan jutsu developed by Camuraki Oparu. The user gathers all of their bodily chains around them into a perfect sphere. The solid sphere is made of the chains, and the ball can be used for Oparu clan jutsu while defending the user from incoming attacks that are not S Rank. Only 1/4th of the total length of chain on the Oparu can be used for jutsu while still maintaining the sphere, anymore will cause the sphere to fall apart.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

The Oparu Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Oparu Clan The Oparu Clan EmptySun 17 Jan 2010, 7:10 pm

The Oparu clan was started when a single man returned home to find his entire family murdered by rouges. The man underwent severe mental shock and realized the pitiful state of life; he began to pierce his body once a day to reminder him if he was alive or not. Eventually, he ran out of room to pierce, and instead started adding a link to a piercing each day. He did this for an unknown amount of time until one day he looked into a puddle of his own blood. In it he saw the face of a god, who told him the secrets of the animating chains jutsu.

After learning and mastering the art from a vial of his own blood, from which the god appeared to teach him everyday, he killed himself. The blood seeped into the ground and the mountain he lived in began to produce the sacred metal that the Oparu clan uses in current times. A civilian came by, and noticed the dead mans body. Upon looking at the blood pool, the secret to the man’s jutsu was revealed to him and he fled in terror. When he told his family the story, they all set forth to set his mind at ease and prove to him that nothing had occurred. They all gazed into the pool of blood, an their minds were forever warped and the Oparu clan’s jutsu became known to them. They began to abduct people, forcing them to look into the pool and become demented themselves.

Eventually, the clan was large enough and the abductions stopped. The Leaf village investigated the matter, but no investigators ever returned. Eventually, a ninja was sent to see what was occurring, and he was impressed with the clans abilities. He promised not to reveal their secrets as long as they would surrender a few people to use as test subjects for his immortality jutsu, this was agreed to and soon afterwards the Oparu clan was official. The Leaf village tried to make use of them, but the men would act chaotic and kill themselves at random moments. The Leaf village quickly caught on to this habit and tried to remove the Oparu clan members from the military ranks before they caused anymore trouble. They failed, as word of their plan was leaked and the Oparu killed everyone in their platoons, classes, or towns and then killed themselves.

Frustrated and annoyed, the Leaf village decreed that no Oparu could ever join military ranks unless approved by the Hokage himself. The Leaf village would only accept ninja who were of sound mind, and this was a feat for the Oparu clan. It has continued this was for years, and is to this day, occasionally an Oparu will be sane enough to become a ninja, but these occurrences are very rare, once every decade or so.

The bodily damage inflicted by the clan’s habits reduce their average lifetime by about half, meaning that an Oparu clan member who lives to be 60 is typically regarded as incredibly unlucky and suicide is suggested. Suicide is the primary answer to everything in the Oparu clan, if crops fail, more people need to commit suicide to appease the gods; if more people are living to be older, they need to commit suicide; if a natural disaster occurs, more people need to kill themselves so that the gods won’t reduce their numbers on their own.

After the initial birth in Konoha, the clan spread itself out, settling itself in various villages throughout the world. The home village in Konoha meet its end however, each member committing suicide but one, Camuraki Oparu. The single boy left alive changed his name to Iron and left his homeland in order to commit himself to serving Death and her wishes.

Iron would later join the Akatsuki and continue his work and gain infamy for it. Iron was close friends with a Musami ninja, and thus most Oparu are cooperative with their neighboring Musami tribe in honor of that. Iron dissappeared from the ninja world a while afterwards, but left behind a tribe of Oparu in the Iron Village which claims direct descendancy from him.

This tribe would later branch out to neighboring lands, and thus the Oparu clan has come to be in existence in almost every part of the world. Iron has come to be a symbol of the clan's power, and Zakuza Musami, a Musami clan member who obtained the Kusarisuki is a symbol of the clan's unity with the Musami. Both of these persons are seen as powerful ninja and are the idols of most young Oparu children.

Clan Details: Open With Permission From 'Z'

Clan Symbol: A bleeding eye with a chain link through the iris.

Clan Life and Hierarchy

The Oparu Clan has a variety of systems and a differing lifestyle than other clans. The Oparu clan lifestyle is evident directly from birth. When a child is born into the clan, it is seen as a horrible act, creating a new life to be tormented through the curse of life. Village elders typically take the new born child away from their parents, these clan members being the only members of society which lack suicidal tendencies, and give it to the clan blacksmiths.

A hot iron is inserted directly through the top of the spine, an incredibly vital and sensitive spot on the body. Should the child survive, the odds of which are hideously low (less than a single percent), they have a chain pierced in this location. This applies to half-blood children only, however, since true blood Oparu members are able to endure the pain and survive due to their natural intolerance.

The child is then returned to its family, who are forbidden from killing themselves as long as the child remains unable to fend for itself. Every month until the child is a year old, a single link is added to the pierced link in the body. After this, he/she is brought before the tribe and hot coals are placed in their hands. If the child cannot bear the pain, they are deemed unfit and returned to their family, should they endure however, they are given to the clan elders for training as an Oparu Clan shinobi.

Young shinobi are trained to fight mercilessly, taking a life as easily as they would take their own life if it were permitted. All Oparu Clan members in this training program are monitored day and night, should they make an attempt to kill themselves, special guards will use a jutsu to paralyze them and remove the threat. Shinobi are regarded as the ruling class of the village, and only pure blood children are allowed to become a shinobi within the village.

Oparu Shinobi are divided into a variety of categories according to what they are best suited to do...

Blacksmith: Oparu Shinobi with access to the Katon and Suiton elements are typically employed as the clan's blacksmiths, since they are able to both heat and cool metals with their bare hands. These ninja are the most respected members of the village since only a handful of ninja possess the necessary elemental affinities to be blacksmiths and they are vital to the clan's success.

Blacksmiths are rarely trained for combat, they are instead educated in the use of metals, they're properties, and how best to manipulate them. Some blacksmiths are released from the village if they request it, though few rarely do so. Blacksmiths that leave the village often work as free lance smiths in other villages and are rivaled in their prowess of metals only by other Oparu.

Watchers: In the Oparu clan, its base philosophy encourages suicide, and this is problematic for the ruling class who are aware that if this idea were encouraged, the clan would cease to exist. Watchers are Oparu shinobi who are trained to watch the population of the Oparu clan, ensuring that the clan does not go extinct. They wander between established groups of Oparu, ensuring that they do not dwindle to much. If the number of members is unsatisfactory, the Watcher will establish himself in the village, halting any suicide attempts until the numbers are more ideal.

Watchers are one of the privileged class of ninja that are aware that the Oparu philosophy is ineffective and false, but due to the time that the ideal has had to root itself, they do not make active attempts to remove it, instead they curb it. Some rouge Watchers are known to have established Oparu clan territories that lack these beliefs, but these are rare.

Priests: Oparu shinobi who prove to be too firmly insistent that Oparu beliefs are wholly correct and perfect are trained as the clan's priests. This religous zeal is used to preach and control the clan, to an extent, preventing it from any more violent actions as have occurred in the past. The Priests are also able to speak with Death on the behalf of the clan members. This is achieved through the drug induced state used by other Oparu to achieve the (insert name).

Priests are intentionally kept out of the loop of clan activities, they are to remain a solid and stationary force whose belief is unshakable. Any weakness or change would be visible, and thus priests are made ignorant of any information that would create this. They serve as the controllers of the clan's mentality, and this ignorance is also used so that the Priests are unaware of just how much power they truly have.

Druids: The Oparu clan has access to a variety of herbs around their village, and due to this, they rely on herbal remedies to their medical problems. Druids are Oparu shinobi who possess both the Doton and Suiton elements, using these to move the earth about in the best way to grow the plants needed, and using the water element to rejuvenate dying plants and to water them. Clan Druids are typically Watchers or Priests who are too old to continue their old line of work.

Miners: Due to the Oparu clan's vast need for metals, it is only logical that Miners would exist in the village. Miners must have the Doton element, as this aids them greatly in their work, and access to Weaponry (Misc.) which gives them the expertise needed to properly handle chemicals and explosives that are used in their work.

Miners are skilled in recognizing metal ores and valuable gem stones. Their work provides the majority of the clan's wealth, through the obtaining and eventual sale of valuable metals, gems, or stones.

Elders: All the Oparu Clan's history, techniques, jutsu, styles, weapons, and other information is vital to the clan's success. Due to this, written records are not trusted as paper can easily burn, and the information of the clan is not only stored in scrolls and by word of mouth, it is also known to the Oparu Clan Elders. The Elders do little more than stockpile information given to them, and they are aware of inter-village politics as well as the way a lady bug's wings work. They are effectively the clan's encyclopedia.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

The Oparu Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Oparu Clan The Oparu Clan EmptySun 17 Jan 2010, 7:10 pm

Clan Weapons:

Name: Standard Chain
Quantity: x?
Rank: E
Physical Description: A metal chain.
Natural Abilities: None.
Powered Abilities: None.
History: It's a chain.

Name: Cicada Shell
Quantity: x1
Rank: D
Physical Description: A Cicada Shell is not really a weapon, it is merely a storage device for the chains of chain using ninja, especially the Oparu clan. It takes the form of a large box that has the capacity to hold over 100 feet of chain within it’s container (the container being about 3-5 feet tall, depending on the height of the wearer.) Large Cicada Shells can be made for more experienced chain user’s.

An Oparu clan member’s Cicada Shell must be specially built with intimate knowledge of the user, in order to put entry holes in the correct place for the user’s chains. This special construction, however, all ensures that even if the Cicada Shell is broken, the chains, being specially routed, will be useable even afterwards, since they are still attached to the Oparu. For all intents and purposes, chains within a Cicada Shell are attached to the user.

The top of the container contains a hole, which a chain tip sticks out of, and three curved, hollow, portions that stick out like an insect’s legs, three of each side of the Cicada Shell. Each leg has a hole at the top to allow the chains out. All the chains have the majority of their length stored within the Cicada Shell and about 3 feet worth of chain goes into each leg. Each chain has it’s own length stored in the shell, each of which typically having an equal length ( about 15 feet a piece, since there are seven separate chains.)

The six insect legs stick out and are highly visible, though the user can retract the chains entirely into the container to hide their function. The seventh hole in the top of the container can be easily hidden by long hair, making it a secret weapon of sorts.

The container does not affect a chains use or prohibit jutsu using it (although it could alter the way a jutsu looks due to the container) and has minimal effect in combat. It simply serves as a way to focus the chain user’s chains, rather than having them about haphazardly. If the user has more the seven chains (as the Oparu clan always does) they break apart their chains and reassemble them into seven chains, some even detach them from their bodies, removing the need for special holes.

The container attaches to a user’s back by a strap that is tied to the back. It can also be secured by additional straps if desired. At higher levels of experience, more legs can be added to a Cicada Shell, this is often coupled with a size increase. The leg increases must always be by an even number and legs must be attached to either side, this is to keep balance and to keep the Cicada Shell functioning.

A Cicada Shell can be made of any material the creator has in plenty, often wood or metal. Wooden shells are often given to smaller children before they are trusted with a metal one, usually given to them after they have achieved something worth the gift.

Natural Abilities: None
Powered Abilities: None
History: The Cicada Shell is based off of a design created by an Aburame clan member who studied insects through metamorphosis. The Cicada was a species he enjoyed, and he studied their shells intimately. His research was documented and stored, where an Oparu clan member came upon it. He mistook the drawings in the book as drawings for a weapons design, and so he "corrected" the design and created the Cicada Shell.
Since a cicada lives undergound for years, and then emerges to live a short while before shedding and dying, the Cicad Shell has a similar meaning. After years of childhood, the ninja emerges, graduates, sheds his old skin, and a short life is wished upon the ninja.

Name: Chain Tips
Quantity: See Natural Abilities
Rank: D
Physical Description: A bag filled with a variety of chain tips.
Natural Abilities:
Each type of chain tip has an ability, and a ninja may only use three different kinds of chain tip at once. The chain tips may be changed, however, outside of combat. The following are the tips and their abilities. The limit on the number of chain tips depends on the users rank, as follows-

Academy Student - 1 chain tip (Academy students must pick either Kunai, Shuriken, or Talon)
Genin/Chunin - 2 chain tips
Jounin+ - 3 chain tips

Kunai: A basic chain tip that is common among chain users. If a jutsu states that you may fire a chain link as an attack, you may instead substitute this chain tip. The Kunai can also be detached, if need be, and used as it normally is.

Shuriken: A basic chain tip that is common among chain users. This chain tip has the same abilities as a Kunai chain tip, it just simply has a different shape and can be used for different jutsu if detached.

Talon: A less common chain tip that is almost purely offensive. Chains tipped with a Talon are very effective at rending and slashing and are also capable of stabbing, although not designed for it. Talon’s are much more painful and damaging than any other chain tip, and most chain users have at least one Talon.

Disarm: Another unusual chain tip, this one designed to disarm an opponent by catching the weapon in it’s multiple spikes and hooks. If used to defend against a thrown weapon, it can be caught and used against the thrower. In the case of a large melee weapon, such as a sword, the Disarm will catch the weapon, but force will need to be applied to pull it out an opponents hands.

Speed: The quickest and most light-weight chain tip. A Speed is very agile and does not add enough weight to the end of the chain to slow it down, making it a prime choice for ninja who favor quick attacks. It is also useful for assassinations.

Censor: Easily the most peculiar of all the chain tips, the censor contains a desired smoke that is released when the ball is moved to quickly or with too much force. The ball slides open on a hinge and releases the contained gas which can be any gaseous thing that the user desires, often a poison.

Stopper: This chain tip is designed to embed itself into a target and to stay put. The multiple spikes ensure that once it enters, it stays. The rear hook ensures that it doesn’t sink in farther than it’s hilt. It has uses as a grappling hook of sorts if embedded into walls and the user climbs up it.

Yo-Yo: A rarely seen chain tip that acts just like a normal yo-yo, except it’s bladed. The tip shoots out past the chain’s end and then retracts after slicing it’s target. This chain tip has a few obscure uses, but is not well known for its combat use.

Shield: The only defensive chain tip. The Shield guards against attacks with it’s wide face and its light metal makes it very quick. It cannot be effectively used for combat, however, and is often included in a chain users arsenal.

Powered Abilities: None
History: Chain tips were created by the same person at the same time as chains were, although the Oparu clan created many of the specialized chain tips. They are used by ninja everywhere now, although the Oparu clan is the only clan capable of making them out of the clan’s sacred metal.
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Posts : 2032

The Oparu Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Oparu Clan The Oparu Clan EmptyTue 19 Jan 2010, 2:33 am

This clan is a transfer, so it has been previously approved.
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