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Shokobutsukon (Complete)

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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Shokobutsukon (Complete) Shokobutsukon (Complete) EmptySat 16 Jan 2010, 11:14 pm

Clan Name: Shokobutsukon (Plant Souled)
Clan Location: Kusagakure
Clan Traits:

Plant Element: The Shoko clan is the sole user of the Plant element, originally based on the Mokuton element which later branched off due to a clan war. The Shoko element is similar to the Mokuton element, but due to the centuries provided for the two clans to grow apart, so have the elements, so that while Mokuton requires a combination of elements, Shoko element has become an advanced form of the Doton style, though Suiton is still recommended for better use of the Shoko element. When Shoko element is mentioned in jutsu, it is referred to as Nature, a habit of the Shoko clan who prefer to not think of their jutsu in such 'limited terms'.

Shoko element, like other clan-based elements, does not take up one of the two elements that a character is allowed to use. Shoko clan members are physically incapable of using the Katon element, and it would be unwise for them to do so even if they could due to the flammability of the Shoko element. The strengths and weaknesses of the Shoko element are below, please be aware that the differing styles have different resistances and strengths, also provided below. These are LOGICAL weaknesses, and do not play into direct benefits or detriments.


Plant Telepathy: Shoko clan members are innately able to converse, telepathically, with all organic plant life, including those created by jutsu. This ability gave the Shoko clan the edge when it conflicted with the Senju, enabling them to confuse their own Mokuton jutsu to the point that they were unable to accept commands with chakra. The strength of the ability has diluted over time, however, and no longer allows the same level of mental control.

Natural plants are very dull, barely able to remember recent events and without any form of logic or numerical system, making it very difficult to converse with them. Chakra infused plants, typically those created with jutsu, are more intelligent but have a slavish obedience to their creators, they can be distracted or confused by cannot be brought to perform in direct disobedience. Resistant plants take one rank more chakra to utilize, which is noticeable by the user and educated ninja are usually aware at this point that the opponent is a Shoko clan member.

Gift of Gaia: All Shoko clan members, after graduation from the ninja academy, are considered mature members of the Shoko clan and are brought into the temple for the purpose of a clan ritual that causes bodily alterations to the clan member and grants them new abilities. These abilities match their main style, and are listed below:

Flower Palms
Floral: Floral Style Shoko clan members are gifted with a flower on both of their palms that can either close into a bud when desired or lay flat against the palm and spread out its petals. The specifications of the flowers appearance varies, but all flowers have the ability to expel bullet-like jutsu (ex. Endan, Air Bullet, Water Bullet...) or spherical jutsu without the need for hand signs OR the flowers can expel any of the poisons the ninja knows, with a D Rank chakra cost, in a gaseous form that comes out in a 10ft cone.

A C Rank amount of chakra must be used for poisons that are A or S Rank. Also, any jutsu expelled from the palm must be known by the user and on their application.

Thorn Scalp
Vine: Vine Style Shoko clan members have unusually coarse hair which is broken off into thick strands. These are actually organic thorns growing out of the scalp of the Shoko clan member, which can be used for appropriate Vine Style jutsu and also can attack with mental commands. The vines regrow if cut or damaged by 5ft per post, and the ninja may have up to 15 vines, but may only have 25ft of vine in total, divided among as many vines as they please. This decision is permanent, vines regrow according to their initial pattern, and fill up the longest vine first (Ex. A ninja has four 4ft vines and a 9ft vine. If all the vines were destroyed, the 5ft regeneration would go to the largest vine, the 9ft, regaining 5ft of it.) if there is no longest, the user may decide how to divide up the regrowth.

The vines are as hard and powerful as a weapon two ranks below the user's rank. They are chakra infused, therefore they are difficult to break, but are still flammable. Ignited vines never burn the scalp, instead breaking off when set on fire and dropping to the ground.

Acid Touch
Carnivore: Carnivore Style Shoko clan ninja take on some of the acidic properties of the carnivorous plants they utilize. All Nature Style jutsu used by the ninja take on an added acidic film over the manipulated object(s), this may be cancelled for jutsu that the user does not wish to have th acid added to. The acid damages those that contact it and burns the flesh on contact, takes three posts to sizzle beyond the skin, at which point the pain increases incredibly for a moment and then the acid is diluted by the blood that comes out of the wound. The acid can be washed off by Suiton jutsu, removed by Katon jutsu by heating and evaporating it, or by removing the skin the acid taints. Adding this acid consumes a D Rank amount of chakra per use.

A C Rank amount of chakra must be used for poisons that are A or S Rank.

Blade Claws
Grass: Grass Style Shoko clan members lack the cartildge in their fingernails like most human beings, instead they have chakra infused grass which resembles a green metal. The finger nails give off no clues about their substance beyond being green, but on mental command they can extend anywhere from their base size to three inches. The grass blades are as strong as the rank of ninja using them, able to cut through lower ranked defenses easily. The grass blades can be used for Grass Style jutsu when applicable. Extending or reducing the claws consumes a D Rank amount of chakra.

Fungal Regrowth
Fungal: Fungal Style Shoko clan members have their bodies tainted with various small chakra spores. These spores reside as symbiotic organisms within the clan members own cells, increasing chakra by 5% and also allowing for the regeneration of minor wounds. Cuts and scrapes close themselves rapidly, and the cells resist anti-cougulants and poisons one rank lower than the user. Larger wounds are not effected by the regenerative powers of the spores.

Chakra Synthesis: An ability of the Shoko clan, clan members are able to convert sun energy into pure chakra through a unique ability of their cells, a make-up for the Senju clan's cellular ability to manipulate Biiju and change their flesh into Mokuton. The clan member relaxes their body, though they may remain standing and armed with using this ability, and halve their reaction speed while doing so. They become vulnerable with this loss of reaction speed, but often create some defense before doing this. The clan member must have access to sunlight, artifical light will not do, and must have access for the whole post they wish to benefit from. Only a certain rank of jutsu can be used or maintained, including weapons (such as puppets) while this effect is active.

Outside of combat, this ability allows the regeneration of minor wounds, such as cuts and scrapes so that the body is considered to have 'accelerated healing' when in fact it does not and the bodily chakra is simply repairing the body it is housed within. Shoko cannot hold this ability for more than three posts in a row, nor may they use this to gain more chakra than they have.

The chakra gain is worked out into a chart below:

Shoko RankChakra Gain (Per Post)Max Rank

Kekkei Genkai:

Itonamimetsuki (Life Eyes)
Unlike some other clans, the Shoko clan does not focus on its unique Doujutsu abilities, and thus lack advanced levels of its eye techniques. The Itonamimetsuki is relatively simple and has no differing appearance when it is active. It is constantly active and cannot be repressed, serving as a passive ability.

The Itonamimetsuki enables the vision of chakra within all plant life, and does not include human beings or animals in its abilities like the Hyuuga clan. Along with the ability to see the chakra, the Itonamimetsuki enables the Shoko to also hinder a plant's chakra system or aid it. These are explained in individual jutsu that clan members use, and the effects of the eye, beyond the passive ability to see plant chakra, are used through jutsu.

Through the use of the Itonamimetsuki a Shoko clan member can alter and manipulate plant chakra, resulting an increased variety of attacks. As with the supressing and increasing of chakra flow, however, this also must be done in individual jutsu. Itonamimetsuki is used in botany frequently, since some plants are very difficult to extract herbs or poisons from without incredible precision and direct manipulation.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

The Shoko clan, being a plant-based clan, naturally has a very wide range of abilities, and in order to represent this they are divided up among styles. Most Shoko clan members have a personal preference, and they lean heavily on their chosen style. Similar to Elements or Specialties, a Shoko clan member may pick two of the five available styles for their use, one is their Main style, the second their Sub style. Nature Style is basic and usable by everyone, thus any Shoko clan member can use 3/6 styles, excluding any potential custom styles. The sub style can only be used up to B Rank.

The base style is Nature Style, all clan members use it, and there is no debate bettween clan members about the values, merits, advantages, or disadvantages of the style compared to other styles, which is more frequent in the other, non-base, styles. The other styles are as follows:

Floral Style
Vine Style
Carnivore Style
Grass Style
Fungal Style

These are the present styles, though further styles have the potential to develop, though it make time as many as twenty years of use before it becomes accepted as one of the Shoko clan's styles. Thus, they are usually personal styles that only a single ninja, or a small group, utilizes.

Shoko clan members are adressed by a title in their clan according to their main and sub Shoko elemental styles. They are listed and charted below, and are used in place of a family name once a Shoko clan member becomes a ninja.

Main StyleSub StyleTitle

Nature Style

Floral Style

Grass Style

Fungal Style

Carnivore Style

Vine Style

Last edited by LightAdonis on Fri 22 Jan 2010, 4:21 am; edited 17 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon (Complete) Shokobutsukon (Complete) EmptySun 17 Jan 2010, 3:52 pm


Offshoot From The Tree

During the time predating the organized villages, when the many clans that were to rise to greater power were simply wandering families of ninja, trained by the Sage, and left to their own devices, the Senju clan made its way through the lands using their environment to their advantage and easily making their presence known. They would later find aid with the Uchiha clan and form the shinobi village of Konoha, and the bloody war that emerged from their eventual 'disputes' left the clan weakened. During this time, many young Senju, lacking a plethora of educated older ninja, used their abilities naturally, and began to experiment in ways the elders of the clan had never seen.

They utilized their abilities, as any other Senju, combining the Suiton and Doton styles into a more natural form of chakra that allowed the creation of life itself, but they began to alter the life they created. They were watched by the more suspicious Senju, and though they did nothing wrong, a bias began to develop leading many to personally educate their offspring in the Senju Mokuton style. This was the first sign of the division, and over a few decades the division became distinct, in both abilities and style.

The new members, calling themselves the Shokobutsukon for their more natural form of life creation and their distinction from the old Senju clan abilities. The stricter Senju began to enforce laws upon the Shoko, limiting their abilities in clan politics, and barring them from participation in Chunnin Exams under the name 'Senju'. This would lead to the clan's eventual rebellion.

The Senju Rebellion

With the clamp down on the Shoko, unrest and anger began to develop. The Shoko clan members gathered together by night in the Konoha forests, using their justu to hide themselves and to ensure that no Senju would disturb them. On one occasions, however, a Senju was discovered amongst the Shoko upon being asked to create a bush in order to prove which side he was on. He was unable to do so and was immediately slain with a thorn through the heart, the meeting continued afterwards without any further delays.

When this was discovered by the Senju clan, it was far too late and the rebellion started with a surprise attack on the Senju side of the clan territory over the crucified body of the Senju spy. The battle was over fairly quickly, when the Senju tried to respond to the Shoko, they were overcome by their specially designed counter-jutsu and their jutsu defeated with ease. Senju sympathizes were slain with brutality and the battle was over in a day, with the Shoko leader with a kunai against the heart of the Senju leader.

The Shoko made their demands clear, already written out before hand, and cut out the blood of the Senju leader, signing his name on the scroll and then shoving the kunai through his heart, killing him, and then kicking his body off into the distance. The Senju who did not fight were spared, and the entire affair was covered up by the village in order to keep everything from collapsing into chaos when the Uchiha caught wind of the now weaker Senju clan's recent failure.

The Shoko were banned from the village and exiled to other lands, and they left with their heads held high and smiling the whole way out of sight.

Into the Grass

After their expulsion from Konoha the clan took up residence in the Grass Village, finding their lack of ninja to be highly beneficial in ensuring that they had a niche to fill. The nature abilities of the clan easily meshed with the village's terrain and quickly made them one of the powerful clans of the village, establish their presence in the government and making them a clan known around the world, similar to the Uchiha or Hyuuga clans. They still harbor their hatred for the Senju clan and actively avoid them, when they cannot, they kill them.

Clan Details: Open With Permission From 'Z'

Last edited by LightAdonis on Tue 19 Jan 2010, 4:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon (Complete) Shokobutsukon (Complete) EmptyFri 22 Jan 2010, 4:30 am

Compiled Approval:

Post One+Two:

Post Three:

Post Four:

Post Five:

Post Six:

Post Seven:

Last edited by LightAdonis on Fri 22 Jan 2010, 4:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon (Complete) Shokobutsukon (Complete) EmptyFri 22 Jan 2010, 4:30 am

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