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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed]

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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyTue 16 Aug 2011, 4:04 pm

Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] D-kamo11

Clan Name: 神反り一族, Kamisori Ichizoku (Kamisori Clan)

Location: Anywhere, formerly Kuma no Kuni

Signature Traits:

Members of the Kamisori Clan never come with dark-colored hair. The darkest their hair can get is sand-brown. After what is called the 'Awakening Ritual', their hair turns white. Aside facial hair, it is rare to see a Kamisori sporting body hair. Their apparently hairless skin is slightly tanned (by default) although individuals with darker skin shades may exist (due to intermarriages and the likes). Note that skin color, no matter how dark, will have nothing to do with the lightness of their hair.

Members of the Kamisori clan almost always possess fit, healthy bodies; it will be hard to see a skinny or obese member of the clan (unless starvation, steroids or diseases are at work). Also, the members of the clan tend to be tall and well-built, though there may be exceptions (which are few).

In the way of clothes, the Kamisori favor few or flowing clothing articles; this attirbute generally stems from a mindset based on the philosophy of the 'Yang' principle. Since 'Yang', as opposed to 'Yin' (in Chinese tradition) is free and expansive, Kamisori clansmen will prefer to be dressed in attire that will generally cause no inhibition at all. Some who prefer to wear fewer clothing articles may be assumed by outsiders as having racy tendencies, but they don't seem to regard this as an issue.

Due to the amount of vitality these unique people possess, the Kamisori are known for their large appetites, even though they do not usually get fat, as much of the food is burned up in their daily activity, or during battle, as their unique chakra type is known to leech food reserves even when they are not using chakra actively.

Of greatest importance is the fact that a Kamisori clan member must be good in terms of alignment; it is extremely difficult to harness their unique chakra type if one's mind is tainted with hatred or evil.

Kekkei Genkai:

陽遁, Yōton [Yang Release]

Yang Chakra: The nature of the vitality of Yang chakra promotes health. It is believed that if Yang chakra is flowed into a living creature, it will grow well and quickly. Yang chakra has been noted to speed up growing plants. In a living creature with inherent Yang chakra, such a creature will grow well and quickly, and will be very healthy. As a result, members of the Kamisori clan possess a very great amount of vitality. It is speculated that they are related by ancestry to the Uzumaki clan.
Based on their 'life-supporting' chakra, it is quite easy for a shinobi with Yang release to toe the path of the healing arts. Even those who do not eventually become medics discover that their wounds heal at a quicker rate than the average shinobi.

Yōton:Yōton (Yang Release) is not particularly an elemental type of chakra. Actually, it is simply the physical energy that governs vitality. Yōton governs the physical aspect of chakra. A user of the Yōton has an intimate connection with chakra at a fundamental level, making him a natural sensor. With their deep affinity to chakra, Kamisori clansmen can sense the presence of others through their chakra, detect a technique's chakra nature, identify whether a target is under the effects of chakra (covert or otherwise, and with the development of their powers, can learn to detect animosity from other people. The general range of this ability is 50 meters, although if a Kamisori trains his sensory abilities (gaining the 'Sensor' characteristic), he can triple the range of his abilities.
But perhaps what makes the Yōton fearsome is the 'creative' ability of the shinobi that possesses it. A Yōton user can use their chakra to create a white 'shroud' or chakra cloak round their body, from which they can mold extensions to form various shapes and constructs. The most common constructs formed are limbs, which can attack, defend, or even mold chakra. This means that they can execute more than one jutsu at a time. Shields and temporary weapons may also be formed, but it should be noted that once severed away from the chakra cloak, the construct can only last a while before dissipating.
Finally, using the expansive nature of their chakra, Kamisori clansmen can cause stored chakra to expand greatly, and thus become unstable and exit the container in which it is stored. The explanation for this is that power, if not controlled, can become useless, or even hazardous. The Kamisori simply instigates the target chakra (via his own chakra) to expand uncontrollably. While this will not work on living beings, as their natural chakra flow will impede the ability of the Yōton to expand their own chakra, something like a clone or a charged weapon will lose the chakra within it, making it useless. This ability works with limited success on seals.


In The Beginning: The Stuff of Legends
Legends tell of a man long ago, called the First Legend in some circles, who was the first to discover chakra, whose abilities forged the skills and bloodlines we have today. It is believed that he had children to whom these abilities passed onto. It is said that one of his children gained the powers of his eyes, and the other gained the powers of his body. To the child who gained the powers of the First Legend's body, two children were born. It is said that the first of the two had a special chakra type that was called 'Yin', while the younger child's chakra was called 'Yang'. Our tale does not concern itself with the folk who descended from the Yin-chakra user, because the Kamisori do not claim descent from that one. Rather, they proudly claim to be descendants by blood of the Yang-user. The tales may or may not be true, but at least they give an idea of where this clan has its roots.

In An Age of Yore: Chronicles of Yesterday
The Kamisori Clan was not exactly an indigenous clan in the Kuma no Kuni, in the past; their exact place of origin is simply based on various speculations. The members of the clan were not given to looking for trouble or flexing their military muscles, although at the time, fighting among ninja clans was a must. However, due to the unity of the clan, and the fact that they possessed a unique chakra, other shinobi were afraid of declaring outright war on them, though the Kamisori had many enemies. In time, a number of villages banded together to declare war on the Kamisori, led by a powerful shinobi who envied the powers of the clan and sought this power for himself. Standing alone, the Kamisori managed to defeat all their enemies in an epic battle that cost both sides greatly. Seeking to preserve themselves, as they were aware that their enemies were still many, the Kamisori relocated to the Kuma no Kuni. It is said that the then leader of the clan used an unknown summon to transport his fellow clan members through the toxic fumes of the caves bordering the Kuma no Kuni by creating a secret tunnel deep underground. Protected from their foes by the poison fumes around the borders, the clan survived in peace for hundreds of years.

In Recent History: Gathering Clouds
Hidden for a while from the rest of the world, the Kamisori Clan had lived in relative seclusion until the first son of the clan head, Shiro by name, decided to explore the outside world. He was gone for many years, and when he returned, his father was already with a foot at death's door. By default, he was supposed to take over leadership of the clan, but it seemed that his wanderings in the outside world had altered his priorities. He had returned with a dark-skinned foreigner, who he declared to be his wife, and he spoke of leading the Kamisori to find their place in the world, among the growing Ninja villages. His idea was rebuffed by some, who were especially chagrined that he had brought a stranger to the clan. Yet others accepted Shiro's views, leading to a schism in the clan. At the death of the Kamisori clan head, it was revealed that he had named his daughter, Fuyu, as the next clan leader. Shiro was incensed, but he held his peace. For the next seven years after the death of the former clan head, the Kamisori clan lived in a peaceful but tense atmosphere, with Shiro focusing more on his own family and ignoring much of the clan's activities.

In Civil War: Darkened Skies
In time, Fuyu ordered the arrest of her brother, as she stated that he was causing unrest in the clan. She also called for the execution of his wife, who she claimed to be a spy. Whether this was true or not, Shiro declared that this was too much for him to bear and decided to fight, calling those who believed in him to rally behind him. What had been mere tension immediately escalated into an intra-clan war, which claimed many lives. But Shiro's supporters were not as many as Fuyu's, and he realized he was fighting a losing battle. So he sent a secret message to a friend he had made in the outside world (who, coincidentally, was a clan head), calling him to aid him, as well as giving descriptions as to how to find entrance to the Kamisori Clan's sanctum. In time, Shiro's friend arrived with his troops, and they began to change the course of battle. Realizing the new additions to the war were from outside, Fuyu attempted to solicit for aid from outside as well, and contacted a clan at rivalry with that of Shiro's friend. Unfortunately, this action resulted in the undoing of the Kamisori Clan, for the clan Fuyu called was related to one of the ancient enemies of the Kamisori.

In Civil War: Genocide
Fuyu's call did not go unheeded, and 'help' came, bringing a decisive end to the battle. Shiro was captured and Fuyu was ultimately victorious. But in that moment of glory, Fuyu's 'allies' turned on her and cut her down, and another massacre began. In the fracas that ensued, Shiro managed to escape. Unwilling to allow the butchering enemy-nin to have the secrets of the Kamisori Clan, Shiro used a Doton of immense proportions to seal the Kamisori grounds under the earth. He ended up blocking the Kamisori exit tunnel and killing almost everyone, friend and foe alike, as the earth swallowed the once-great clan. Before he was swallowed up by the earth, he made some moves to save his only child, though it is not known whether the youngster survived.

It is said that a few members still live. But that is merely speculation. All that remains of the once-legendary but well-hidden clan is its history, its name, and the rumor that a handful of the Kamisori may yet exist.

Clan Jutsu:


Yōton Jutsu


Clan Peculiarities:


Clan Items:


Clan Status: Nearly extinct but open [0/2] [Permission Required]

Last edited by Inari on Mon 29 Aug 2011, 4:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyFri 26 Aug 2011, 1:50 pm

Okay, I'm done. This app is good to be reviewed.
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyFri 26 Aug 2011, 8:23 pm

Quote :
Since 'Yang', as opposed to 'Yin' (in Chinese tradition) is freer and expansive,

Yang Chakra:
Quote :
The nature of the vitality of Yang chakra makes things grow.

You say this and then you continuing talking about it while leaving it pretty much a mystery to the reader. This doesn't relate to your KKG so I don't really see a need for this to be mentioned. I think it would be better if you left out the word 'grow' and just stated that Yang chakra promotes health. I think that's what you're going for.


Give a range for this sensory ability and seeing as this is a special characteristic already I think you should make this more of an extension onto that characteristic, making them superior sensors who can gather a lot more detail when they have that characteristic.

The last ability, makes little sense when put with the rest of the abilities. First off, wouldn't it affect the user as well since they also have chakra in their body? Second off, it clashes with what you said before about the chakra promoting growth and prosperity.
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyMon 29 Aug 2011, 4:40 pm

Typo fixed. geek

Dealt with the 'growth' issue.

As to the last ability, the concept behind this is that everything at an extreme becomes unusable, and harmful in worst case scenarios. A cancer for example, is simply when cells begin to multiply at an abnormal and uncontrolled rate. And it cannot really affect the user. The reason is given here:

Quote :
Finally, using the expansive nature of their chakra, Kamisori clansmen can cause stored chakra to become unstable and exit the container in which it is stored. While this will not work on living beings, as their natural chakra flow will impede the ability of the Yōton to make their chakra unstable, something like a clone or a charged weapon will lose the chakra within it, making it useless. This ability works with limited success on seals.

All the same, I have edited that section, hopefully to make more sense.

Any other issues?
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyWed 31 Aug 2011, 4:18 pm

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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyMon 05 Sep 2011, 1:30 pm

Bump... again.
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyFri 09 Sep 2011, 8:08 am

The clan is crafted and it is explained to a well enough level, however I am not sure about the fundamentals of it. The actual Yang Release in question.

What we have seen so far is that Ying and Yang are not advanced releases which can be categorized as unqiue to certain families and clans. It is the fundamentals of chakra itself and the fact that you are limiting this to a clan I am not sure about.

I shall consult my council. ^^
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyFri 09 Sep 2011, 3:14 pm

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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 7:02 am

I think the focus of Yang Release will not be permitted. Although the jutsu and idea itself are fine I think purely the limitation of it into a clan would not be allowed (seeing as we have Yin Release as a SC and it is included in such clans as Senju/uzumaki).
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Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] Kamisori Clan: Yang Release [Completed] EmptyMon 09 Jan 2012, 4:46 am


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