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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed}

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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 1:57 am

Gabriale Kyru's Official Application

Last edited by Gabe on Tue 16 Mar 2010, 11:40 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 34
Posts : 232

Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 1:57 am

Basic Information:

    Name: Gabriale Kyru
    Secondary Title:
    -Rain:This title was bistowed upon him due to his ability to make it seem to rain offensive and defensive jutsus upon his opponet.

    - Grand Lord Senshi: This is in reference to his prestigous position as Lord of the Metaru clan and his deeds done in the village. Having recieved high honnor from the Hokage on various instances has granted him the title of Grand Lord Senshi (Soldier)

    -Mind Freak: This title is known to a select few who have encountered GTF (Gabriale's True Feelings.) Thoes who have encountered GTF know the mind games he can play will an opponets head or even an ally. Manipulation is something of an expertice with GTF. Gabriale has no idea of this title.

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance:

    Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gray_Fox_Trophy_by_zinkadesh

    Gabriale is around 6'2" so he is a bit above average in height. His appeal is entirely black. Starting from the outer layer down Gabriale wears a Large Black Cloak with a hood attached. The front usually is open and tied up at the top around his neck. The purpose of this is to help conceal himself in the shadow's at night. Below the cloak is a completly mataclic suit that is capable of being strong enough to keep basic weaponary from penatrating it. One feature that is not shown in the pic above is his Round hat. This hat is special in the fact its not normal like other hat's many wear. Gabriale's hat is lined with a blade made from volcanic ash. This material doesn’t require to be sharpened at any time. Volcanic ash is extremely sharp and can easily cut through a tree, piece of armor, or basic katana or sword. One thing people often get confused with is Gabriale's age. Due to his extremely well taken care of skin and body he appears to be around the age of 18 or 19, however he is actually 32 years old. However Gabe rarley showes his natural body to the out side world.

    Gabriale's face is an angelic one, something most wouldn’t suspect due toe fact of how much he has been through in war's, battles, and over all fights. Gabriale bar’s no scares and looks to have always just bathed. His skin contains no blemishes and holds a minor tan. One provident feature is his light blue crystal eye's. Often when meeting him people suspect some sort of alteration due to the unique unusual color of his blue eyes. When wearing his hat little of his hair is shown, usually he always has his hat or hood on. Due to being in a battle however some times this isn’t possible and his hair does show. Gabriale has long Blond hair. Similar to his looks of appearing to just have bathed his hair often holds the same quality. His hair reaches’ down to about his mid back.

    As far as battle attier goes nothing really changes. Gabe will take off his cloak if the fight is a serious one. This leaves just the metalic suit and his unseald weaponry. On his back is the Large Quiver. This quiver holds every arrow type of Gabes, and is easily visable. On his left hip is a smaller quiver that holds select few of arrows. This quiver stays sealed untile needed, like if his back quiver was taken or lost. The last key detail to him is the large bow he carries either in his hands of strapped to his back.

    Gabriale acts older than he really is. Due to seeing things a normal child shouldn’t and being forced to fight in wars at a young age Gabriale is a 'hardened' man. Often when speaking he speaks in a monotone voice. When in a battle he tried not to lose his composure and show no sign of it. Gabriale is a straight up soldier in the sense he will do what ever he can to complete a mission given to him. He is loyal to the leaf unlike any other person around, however he is even more loyal to the Kyru clan as he see's it at the ultimate clan needed in defense for the leaf. When in a battle he also often follows a 'plan' or series of steps. First is assessing the opponents skills with out using his own. Second, neutralize the opponent’s skill and gain the upper hand. Final step is end the fight. These methods have served Gabe very well when fighting an opponet he has no information on. However during combat various things can happen making his plans not go 100% as thought out.

    Gabriale works best with people who are not arrogant or cocky. He see's these people as people who will only surcum to their arrogance and ultimately die one day due to it. With in his mind however he does have confidence in his skill and thinks highly of him self but doesn’t voice it. The difference between some one who is arrogant and some one who is confident is the arrogant person speaks so. Where as a confident person only keeps in his mind how skilled he is, he doesn’t go around gloating how strong he might me. Gabriale works best with soldiers, people who are committed to completing the mission no matter what.

    Gabriale's True Feelings: This is simply his alter ego. Gabriale is pleaged with a mental disease, this 'illness' isn’t life threatening. Because of every thing Gabriale has experienced in life his concise and mind couldn’t handle he forcefully created this alter ego to help deal with every thing unknown to him at first. Over time however he became aware of this due to the consistent blacking out. The majority of time he blacked out was at home, he had little concern for it because when he awoke he would be only a few feet from where he last was. To him he wasn’t creating any real trouble in this estate so he never mentioned it to any one. Any information this alter personality learns of is keep with in Gabriale's mind but only to the alter personality. The over all intentions of the alternate personality is selfish and evil, when the alternate personality takes over he leaves to plan and to arrange meetings with people. He only can stay in control for about 4 1/2 hours.

    During Combat GTF may take over just to unleash a particular jutsu he thinks may win the fight. His methods for combat are the same, however he becomes more cocky. Rather than boasting about his talents, he deminish's his opponets and uses mind games. GTF's ultimate goal is war, to start war between nations so that he will enter more combat and spread his disease accross Gabes mind untile he can gain complet controle. After that his sight is set on Hokage where he plans to make the politics in the village a dictatorship. From there he'll begin a conquest against every other village.

    Catch Phrase:
    "Let it Rain."

Last edited by Gabe on Tue 16 Mar 2010, 8:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 34
Posts : 232

Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 8:42 pm

Clan Information:

    Clan Name:
    Clan Location:
    Suna and Konoha
    Clan Traits:
    -Angelic looking bodies & well taken care of skin
    Kekkei Genkai:
    -Advanced Weapon knowledge
    -Archer's eye's (Doujutsu)
    -Secret Technique’s. Often members develop their own 'special' type of jutsus unique only to them to make them more suitable for other means of combat.
    -Clan summoning (Optional) (Scorpion Nation)

    Secret Clan Jutsu:
    Quote :
    Name: Archer's Eye's
    Rank: A
    Description: The Kyru Clan developed their own doujutsu over time to help assist with their long range combat. When activated the user's eye's become enveloped with the pupil highly increasing their vision. The user can now see up to a mile in detailed vision. When used in close combat the user may be able to predict taijutsu soley based on muscel tension in the user's skin. When you go to life a hand muscel's tense up so it becomes capable of lifting up, the user can see these muscel's begining to lift or move ergo they can in a sense predict some taijutsu move's. However due to speed they may not beable to do any thing nor beable to see the muscel's tense up at times. One example of this working would be when an opponet throws a punch, as they do that they begin to throw a leg kick even before the punch is done, as result various muscel's in their body would tense up pointing at a leg begining to move so the user may be able to counter properly or set a 'trap' for the opponets attack. One last key featur is the filter of light. The user's eye's being enveloped by the pupil (Black portion of the eye) The pupil naturaly filters out light to its best ability. Now it is enhanced to the point the user could look up at the sun and have it appear as a bright circle or object for no more than 10 seconds before they would start to squint and have damage like a normal person begin.

    Name: Arrow expantion Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: This is a Kyru clan jutsu. The Kyru created this in an effort to fight large quantities of people at a time. The user will fire a basic arrow or arrow of any other kind before the seal is used. The arrow once the jutsu takes affect will grow to the size of a large balista's arrow. A balist's arrow usualy is as long as a car and weight's around 175 pounds. This arrow when it hits can cause extreem damage inernaly as well as becomes more of a blunt force object rather than attempt to cut them, although the blade is still capable of cutting the opponet some what.

    Name: Summoning Arrow
    Rank: C
    Desctiption: The Kyru Clan created this arrow to aid them in creating an opening for a summon to attack. The Kyru clan member will first obviously draw blood and wipe it on the feather portion of the arrow (end of the arrow.) From here the user will fire the arrow at the target and about mid flight they will activate the summoning contract. The summon will emerge with momentum flying at the target, the arrow will also be flying just ahead of the summon and often causes an opening for the summon to attack.

    Name: Arrow Clone Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The Kyru clan created this in a similar method to Kage Bushin as well as SHuriken Clone Jutsu. The Kyru clan are anabled to create real copies of any type of arrow they fire. With a single use of this jutsu the user can create 10 cloned arrows, past that extra chakra would be needed.

    Name: Chakra Arrow
    Rank: B
    Description: The Kyru clan realized at times they would either run out of arrows or their quiver is taken from them. So in retunrn they developed this jutsu. The members are able to generate a arrow comprised from chakra. This arrow is stronger than any basic normal arrow and can peirce a target on another side of a tree of boulder. Elemental Chakra could be added to create a more devistating arrow.

    Clan Weapons:
    Quote :
    Weapons :
    Name: Kyru Bow (Gabriale's)
    Rank: S
    Description: Each Kyru member develops a bow for their use. Over time the members my create new bow or adjust their current ones to new. One key feture to each Kyru Bow is it can channel chakra through it. Gabriale's weapon is way more advanced than most other Kyru member simpley becuse he's had more time to adjust it. First key feature is the blades hidden in the handel. Should some one out side the Kyru clan pick up his weapon the blades would erect out from the handel slicing through the hands of the target. Another promidant feature is the bow can fold in creating 2 dual curved swords. These curved blades can appear and reappear in a second. These blades hold the capability of having Gabriale's elemental chakra run through them. When Lighting is pumped into them they can stun or paralyze some one. They give off trieddnals or lightning. These trieddnals reach out 3 feet away from the blade. When Earth Chakra is pumped into the blade an odd even occurs the blade's will begin to burn with extreem heat. If another blade is put up against Gabriale's blade's his will burn or melt right through them in 1.5 seconds. Cloths often catch on fire if the blade comes into contact with them. One last featur is the 'string' of the bow, the tension is pulled taightly to the point most cannot pull it back very far. The string is made from a special material not common to find or on a bow. This material is perfect for a bow as it creates its own above normal tension. The highly increased tention allows a arrow to fly faster adn farther than any other bow around. This tension is what gives Gabriale the capablility of shooting his arrows up to 1 mile.

    Name: Kyru Hat
    Rank: D
    Description: The kyru clan makes an abundant supply of valcanic ash due to the fact the material is hard to come accross. They use this material to refine into a blade. This blade is easily sharper than steel and most swrod materials naturaly. The Kyru clan use it to line their hats around the edges with. At times they make take their hat off and throw it at the opponet, the hat could pass through several trees before comming to a halt.

    Name: Kyru Shoe's
    Rank: D
    Description: Due to the advanced knowlege of weaponry the Kyru clan is capable of inventing various gadgets. One being the Kyru Shoe's. Each member wear's a pair of these. In the bottom of the shoe is smaller spike's. This allows the wearer to turn on a dime with great percision. Should the person need to stop all momentum and turn they can do so now as well as pick up more speed due to better traction and the spikes digging into the ground giving more leverage. If a kick is thrown the spike's may add more damage if hit directly with them.

    Name: Triple Blade Spinner
    Description: Developed by the Kyru Clan this blade folds up into a very small round disc about the size of some one's hand. Gabriale holds 4 of these on his belt. When taken out or off his belt 3 blades erect out, once thrown with a small bust of chakra not even close to a E rank jutsu the blades will begin to rotate at high speeds adding damage. These blades are also made from valcanic ash so they may cut through several trees or clothing/armour before 'stopping.'

    Name:Kyru Quiver
    Description: Each Kyru member holds this quiver but may adjust it accordingly over time. The quiver may be located on various places on each member. Gabriale holds 2 quivers, one on his back (Largest one) and on his hips (Smaller one.) The one on his back holds 10 arrow slots while the on on his hip holds 5 arrow slots. Slots doesnt mean the amount of arrows. Each slot holds a seal on each slot. When an arrow is taken from the spot the seal opens up to replace one arrow to that spot, this seal is/has been made by Kyru members only.

    Name: Kyru Wriste Blades
    Description: At times the Kyru members have had a need for close combat or deflection purposes. In turn they have invented these wrist blades. They act like any other pair of wrist blades in their fast ejecting motion however they are made from the same material as the swords in the Kyru Bow and as result can channel their elemental chakra into them resulting in whatever they did in the sword form only on a smaller level (wriste blade being smaller than the swords.)

    Name: Dragon Arrow
    Rank: D
    Description: A basic arrow of the Kyru Clan this arrow's head is shaped in the fashion of a dragon's head. It is flat like any other arrow would be, the only real unique thing about this arrow is 2 things. Its shape being that of a dragon head and its unique featur to "Sink teeth" in its target. When/If the arrow hits any thing the arrow will erect 2 small blades that appear as teeth, this makes it harder to pull the arrow out if it's in some one.This arrow takes up 3 slots in Gabriale's Large quiver and one in his small quiver.

    Name: Nara Arrow
    Rank: B
    Description: Using the Clan's advanced knowlege of sealing the Kyru created this arrow. The Kyru clan wanted to hold an arrow that would represent each known clan in the leaf. As result they began to work with the various clans to seal effects of their KKG's. This is the only arrow the clan needs to work with a member of the Nara clan to create it. When working with the Nara Clan the Kyru develop an arrow that would essentialy trap an opponet as a normal jutsu of the Nara would. The nara clan member need's to charge their specific chakra into the Kyru seal for this arrow to generate. The pupose of this arrow is to be an advanced arrow for trapping of catching a target out side a basic net arrow. This arrow must either hit the opponets shadow or get hit by the seal's extending shadow. When the arrow hits the ground the seal activates either trapping the opponet or sending out a small shadow towards the opponet that can only travel up to 5 feet. If caught the target becomes in-modile for up to 4 posts for genin, 3 for Chuunin, 2 for Jounin, and possibly 1 for Kage level. Gabriale has one slot on his back quiver for this arrow.

    Name: Inuzuka Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description: Similar to Fang over Fang jutsu the Kyru clan created this jutsu in resembalance to it. This jutsu isnt required to have a clan member work on to create, the seal the Kyru members placed on it cause it to replicate the jutsu. Once the seal activates the arrow will begin to have a vortex form around it of high speed winds. This jutsu or arrow will appear to look like the Fang over Fang jutsu the Inuzaka's use. This jutsu also act's like a drill as it can cut through tree's as well as rock. Gabriale has 1 slot in his quiver on his back and one quicker in the on his hip.

    Name: Hyuuga's Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description: This Jutsu or arrow was developed off of the Hyuuga's Gental Fist jutsu. Due to the fact the Kyru lack the Byakugan they often dont get to hit all or most of the opponets chakra points. The user will first take the arrow and use chakra to activate the seal on the arrow. After firing the arrow at the target and the seal activates the arrow will break up into 361(exact number of chakra points in the body) smaller tooth pick type arrow's. These 'arrows' have chakra on their tips that when hitting the body they send into the opponet, similar to how the Hyuuga do with their gental fist. Often opponets try and use their hands to sheild the on comming berage, this often results in several chakra points in their hands being periced. Any location that takes the brunt of the berage has an increased chance of having several points hit. Never have no chakra points been hit nor have a number less than 20. With these points being hit means chakra must now find a way to travel around that blocked point. Should the hands be blocked then it would become almost impossible to use a large aray of jutsus. Gabriale has one slot in his back quiver for this arrow

    Name: Aburame Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description: This arrow is one of the Kyru clan's most unique arrow's. Inside the seal is some (30) special flying bug's the Aburame Clan gather for the Kyru clan from time to time. Once fired and seal activated bug's will begin to pour from the seal and attempt to feed on the chakra of the opponet. The arrow my peirce the opponet and cause damage if the opponet doesnt avoid the arrow's path. Gabriale has one slot on his back quiver and 1 on his hip's quiver

    Name: Akimichi Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description The Kyru clan wanted to create a arrow or jutsu based on the Akimichi clan but already had an Arrwo expansion jutsu. Instead they used a seal that when applied and used helped the shaft of the arrow to extend. Once fired the shaft of the arrow extend forward. Becuse the arrow is already moving forward and its shaft is now extending forward often opponets get hit by it becuse of misjudging its speed or its sudden jolt forward causes damage to the person due to again its sudden speed in take. Gabriale has one slot on his back quiver and one on his hip quiver.

    Name: Black Powder
    Rank: C
    Description: This arrow is qunique only to the Kyru clan. Through the advanced knowlege of science's and weapon knowlege the Kyru clan learned to use black powder with arrow's. A Black Powder Arrow contains enough explosive power to clear a 10 feet radius. (Total of 20 feet diamiter for thoes who dont know what a radius is) How it works is just behind the arrow head is a small peice that igites the black powder which is stored in the shaft of the arrow. Gabriale has one slot in his back quiver and one in his hip quiver.

    Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Images_f4576ea8282670c58677f75ed26a

    The Kyru clan was Birthed out of various members of the Sand who sought to increase the defenses. The members all had extensive knowledge of weaponry while half were masters of Ninjutsu while the other half masters of Fuuinjutsu. Over time during Wars with other Shinobi villages the new Kyru clan had developed what they thought was needed most, long range combat. Archery was ideal for the clan as they could not create a fast array of ninjutsu that they could use at a long range, the same with Fuuinjutsu. The original members all had their knowledge of weaponry and began to think 'out side the box.' If they could improve the use of weapons to the point they could combat advanced shinobi and win then they would set what their goals would be. First thought was obviously archery. Using an bow and arrow was ideal for long range combat.

    Firstly the clan members needed to perfect using the weapon to the point missing a target was rare. Once accomplished the clansmen began to experiment with the Ninjutsu and Fuuinjutsu masters. From this was the clans first KKG many came to know as Arrow jutsus. Over time the Kyru clan began to be revealed as a deadly clan and key defense for the Sand. One thing the Kyru realize they needed was to either develop something that enabled them to see long distance better. With increased vision the members could hit targets farther away. Slowly the members developed a doujutsu that became legendary as it enabled the clansmen not only to increase their range of fighting but help in close combat surprisingly.

    During war times clans often sought out their own survival by offering their services to various employers, sometimes this included Nations. The Kyru had begun to work with the Leaf village alot more. Having regular missions and relations with them caused the clan to become divided. Several remained loyal to the Sand while the other half honnored the survival of the clan and saw the leaf as their best bet. Eventually the clan split down the middle. This occured once the Nations stopped fighting and clans were forced to choose who their loyalties belonged to. These two clans are now rivals enduring a secret war.

    Clan Details:
    Open, PM me for details

    Base Location: Center of the Village in a rather Large Tower.

    Pupose: Should an invasion occur the Kyru clan is use to repel the invaders. Being atop of a tower located in the center of the village gives them the perfect archery spot as it over looks the entire village. Invaders often don’t know of this location and get beaten back due to it. Another Clan is said to be located close the Kyru for close range purposes. Should invaders reach the tower or Kyru HQ this other clan is meant to repel them as well as be the 'Calvary' as they come running down in attack formation from the tower with the Kyru covering them.

Last edited by Gabe on Mon 08 Mar 2010, 9:48 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 34
Posts : 232

Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:09 pm

Rank Information:

    Village Affiliation:

Special Information:

    Character Speciality:
    You may pick 2 skills:
    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: Weaponry
    Elemental Affinity:
    Main: Lightning
    Sub: Earth
    Special Characteristics:
    -Advanced Hand Speed: Similar to how boxers work on a speed bag to improve their swing speed Gabriale has practiced his forming jutsus he know's and is capable of doing a set of hand seals with in half the time a normal shinobi would. As long as Gabriale has 3 second reaction time Gabirale is able to send out some sort of jutsu.

    -Quick Tactician: Gabriale has developed a large intellect. Using several methods. First is schooling. In school Gabriale studied hard and was sent to attend schools most shinobi don’t attend due to the fact they don’t see it as something they need. One way is playing the ancient game of Chinese chess. His mentors taught him how to control and move people around in a time of war, basic tactics and advanced one. Another way is often being in combat he may be forced into close range combat so he would need to think quickly on his feet in order to beat some one who excelled at close range combat at their own game. This has enabled Gabe to think at a high speed under pressure.

    Advanced Finger and hand movements: Between ninja training and archery training Gabriale has developed an advanced speed in his hands and fingers. A single hand sign can be thrown out in half a second. Gabriale can also fire arrows at over 2 a second. A tremendous feet.

Last edited by Gabe on Mon 08 Mar 2010, 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 34
Posts : 232

Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:15 pm

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.


    Quote :
    Name: Round Hat
    Rank: D
    Description: Gabe has an abundant supply of valcanic ash (stock up on it) due to the fact the material is hard to come accross. He uses this material to refine into a blade. This blade is easily sharper than steel and most swrod materials naturaly. Gabe use's it to line his hat around the edges with. At times he make take the hat off and throw it at the opponet, the hat could pass through several trees before comming to a halt.

    Name: Kyru Bow (Gabriale's)
    Rank: S
    Description: Each Kyru member develops a bow for their use. Over time the members my create new bow or adjust their current ones to new. One key feture to each Kyru Bow is it can channel chakra through it. Gabriale's weapon is way more advanced than most other Kyru member simpley becuse he's had more time to adjust it. First key feature is the blades hidden in the handel. Should some one out side the Kyru clan pick up his weapon the blades would erect out from the handel slicing through the hands of the target. Another promidant feature is the bow can fold in creating 2 dual curved swords. These curved blades can appear and reappear in a second. These blades hold the capability of having Gabriale's elemental chakra run through them. When Lighting is pumped into them they can stun or paralyze some one. They give off trieddnals or lightning. These trieddnals reach out 3 feet away from the blade. When Earth Chakra is pumped into the blade an odd even occurs the blade's will begin to burn with extreem heat. If another blade is put up against Gabriale's blade's his will burn or melt right through them in 1.5 seconds. Cloths often catch on fire if the blade comes into contact with them. One last featur is the 'string' of the bow, the tension is pulled taightly to the point most cannot pull it back very far. The string is made from a special material not common to find or on a bow. This material is perfect for a bow as it creates its own above normal tension. The highly increased tention allows a arrow to fly faster adn farther than any other bow around. This tension is what gives Gabriale the capablility of shooting his arrows up to 1 mile.

    Name: Small Spiked Sandles
    Rank: D
    Description: Due to the advanced knowlege of weaponry Gabe has he is capable of inventing various gadgets. One being the Small spiked shoe. Each member wear's a pair of these. In the bottom of the shoe is smaller spike's. This allows the wearer to turn on a dime with great percision. Should the person need to stop all momentum and turn they can do so now as well as pick up more speed due to better traction and the spikes digging into the ground giving more leverage. If a kick is thrown the spike's may add more damage if hit directly with them.

    Name: Triple Blade Spinner {Sealed}
    Rank: C
    Description: Developed by Gabei this blade folds up into a very small round disc about the size of some one's hand. Gabe holds 4 of these on his belt. When taken out or off his belt 3 blades erect out, once thrown with a small bust of chakra not even close to a E rank jutsu the blades will begin to rotate at high speeds adding damage. These blades are also made from valcanic ash so they may cut through several trees or clothing/armour before 'stopping.'

    Name: Missile Spear {Sealed}
    Rank: C
    Description: Gabriale keeps several of these sealed in a very small scroll kept on his belt. When pulled out of the seal the spear will resemble a tekie tourch. This is very accurate as the tip top container contains a flamable liquid. When the user goes to throw a spear they will press down on part of the spear's saft. This will cause a spark to flare up and start a 5 second timer. After the 5 seconds the liquid will expload with the force of 5 exploading tags. He developed this while working in the village prior to his isolation.

    Name:Kyru Quiver
    Description: Each Kyru member holds this quiver but may adjust it accordingly over time. The quiver may be located on various places on each member. Gabriale holds 2 quivers, one on his back (Largest one) and on his hips (Smaller one.) The one on his back holds 10 arrow slots while the on on his hip holds 5 arrow slots. Slots doesnt mean the amount of arrows. Each slot holds a seal on each slot. When an arrow is taken from the spot the seal opens up to replace one arrow to that spot, this seal is/has been made by Kyru members only.

    Quote :

    Name: Dragon Arrow
    Rank: D
    Description: A basic arrow of the Kyru Clan this arrow's head is shaped in the fashion of a dragon's head. It is flat like any other arrow would be, the only real unique thing about this arrow is 2 things. Its shape being that of a dragon head and its unique featur to "Sink teeth" in its target. When/If the arrow hits any thing the arrow will erect 2 small blades that appear as teeth, this makes it harder to pull the arrow out if it's in some one.This arrow takes up 3 slots in Gabriale's Large quiver and one in his small quiver.

    Name: Nara Arrow
    Rank: B
    Description: Using the Clan's advanced knowlege of sealing the Kyru created this arrow. The Kyru clan wanted to hold an arrow that would represent each known clan in the leaf. As result they began to work with the various clans to seal effects of their KKG's. This is the only arrow the clan needs to work with a member of the Nara clan to create it. When working with the Nara Clan the Kyru develop an arrow that would essentialy trap an opponet as a normal jutsu of the Nara would. The nara clan member need's to charge their specific chakra into the Kyru seal for this arrow to generate. The pupose of this arrow is to be an advanced arrow for trapping of catching a target out side a basic net arrow. This arrow must either hit the opponets shadow or get hit by the seal's extending shadow. When the arrow hits the ground the seal activates either trapping the opponet or sending out a small shadow towards the opponet that can only travel up to 5 feet. If caught the target becomes in-modile for up to 4 posts for genin, 3 for Chuunin, 2 for Jounin, and possibly 1 for Kage level. Gabriale has one slot on his back quiver for this arrow.

    Name: Inuzuka Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description: Similar to Fang over Fang jutsu the Kyru clan created this jutsu in resembalance to it. This jutsu isnt required to have a clan member work on to create, the seal the Kyru members placed on it cause it to replicate the jutsu. Once the seal activates the arrow will begin to have a vortex form around it of high speed winds. This jutsu or arrow will appear to look like the Fang over Fang jutsu the Inuzaka's use. This jutsu also act's like a drill as it can cut through tree's as well as rock. Gabriale has 1 slot in his quiver on his back and one quicker in the on his hip.

    Name: Hyuuga's Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description: This Jutsu or arrow was developed off of the Hyuuga's Gental Fist jutsu. Due to the fact the Kyru lack the Byakugan they often dont get to hit all or most of the opponets chakra points. The user will first take the arrow and use chakra to activate the seal on the arrow. After firing the arrow at the target and the seal activates the arrow will break up into 361(exact number of chakra points in the body) smaller tooth pick type arrow's. These 'arrows' have chakra on their tips that when hitting the body they send into the opponet, similar to how the Hyuuga do with their gental fist. Often opponets try and use their hands to sheild the on comming berage, this often results in several chakra points in their hands being periced. Any location that takes the brunt of the berage has an increased chance of having several points hit. Never have no chakra points been hit nor have a number less than 20. With these points being hit means chakra must now find a way to travel around that blocked point. Should the hands be blocked then it would become almost impossible to use a large aray of jutsus. Gabriale has one slot in his back quiver for this arrow

    Name: Aburame Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description: This arrow is one of the Kyru clan's most unique arrow's. Inside the seal is some (30) special flying bug's the Aburame Clan gather for the Kyru clan from time to time. Once fired and seal activated bug's will begin to pour from the seal and attempt to feed on the chakra of the opponet. The arrow my peirce the opponet and cause damage if the opponet doesnt avoid the arrow's path. Gabriale has one slot on his back quiver and 1 on his hip's quiver

    Name: Akimichi Arrow
    Rank: C
    Description The Kyru clan wanted to create a arrow or jutsu based on the Akimichi clan but already had an Arrwo expansion jutsu. Instead they used a seal that when applied and used helped the shaft of the arrow to extend. Once fired the shaft of the arrow extend forward. Becuse the arrow is already moving forward and its shaft is now extending forward often opponets get hit by it becuse of misjudging its speed or its sudden jolt forward causes damage to the person due to again its sudden speed in take. Gabriale has one slot on his back quiver and one on his hip quiver.

    Name: Black Powder
    Rank: C
    Description: This arrow is qunique only to the Kyru clan. Through the advanced knowlege of science's and weapon knowlege the Kyru clan learned to use black powder with arrow's. A Black Powder Arrow contains enough explosive power to clear a 10 feet radius. (Total of 20 feet diamiter for thoes who dont know what a radius is) How it works is just behind the arrow head is a small peice that igites the black powder which is stored in the shaft of the arrow. Gabriale has one slot in his back quiver and one in his hip quiver.

    Name: Gravity Arrow
    Rank: A
    Description: Often the Kyru come up against an opponet who move's very fast or they need to combat but cant seem to get any thing to hit. AS result they created this arrow and seal. After being fired and seal being activated a 30 yard diameter area is set up. Within this area teh wright or gravity is increased drasticly for a set amount of time. The area become's weighed down by 3 times its normal amount. For instance bench pressing 100 pounds now becomes close to 300 pounds. Walking now becomse more of a hard event. Often people are forced to 'slow down' when in the arrow's affecting area. Lifting an arm, breathing, walking/running, hand jutsus, these all are drasticly slowed down to the point They appear in slow mo. Gabriale only holds one slot for these in his back quiver.

Last edited by Gabe on Mon 08 Mar 2010, 9:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:18 pm

Background Information

Role-Play Sample:
(Average post, on the low side)
Gabriale stood off in the far distance. He had is Doujutsu: The Archer's eye's activated currently. Although this would be near impossiable to see due to the fact he wore a metalic mask. This mask gave off the appearance that he had only one eye. Gabriale wasnt like the other ANBU. He alway's wore this mask as it conected with his metalic suit he wore. From time to time Gabriale did change the looks of the mask to 'throw' people off as best he could. Today Gabriale was training his close combat capabilities. Gabriale had both of his wrist blades erected and with the aid of his Doujutsu Gabriale was both deflecting throw shuriken as well as repell some rather experienced swords men. (NPC's)

Off to the side laid Gabriale's back quiver, side quiver, and large bow. Since this exercise was to work on his close combat capabilities and the use of his wrist blades he would need to set them to the side out of the way. Gabriale still wore his round 'straw' hat. However being out side and see as the sun seemed to be bright today his hat gave off a minimal reflective shine. This was due to the fact that Gabriale's hat was lined with refined valcanic ash. This made it into a weapon and capable of cutting through simple shuriken, kunia, or even a basic katana. This hat was pushed back a bit more so than normal. This was so Gabriale's vision could be maximized to its normal as well as fullest potential and as result this showed much of Gabriale's metalic mask. It was obviously conected to the clothing Gabriale wore below it, a black metalic suit. I would appear as though it would be for defensive purposes however this wasn't true as it was desinged for it aerodynamic's and increase in speed for Gabriale. At best the suit could defend against thrown shuriken and kunia.

Gabriale's suit was covered by a green ranger's cloak. This was somthing a type of archer might often wear. Due to Gabriale's large amount of movement's and various amount's of wind comming in, the cloak appeared to be blowing all over the place. Gabriale flipped and moved about blocking various shuriken thrown at him from some fellow shinobi up in the tree's. As he did so he also went about blocking various sword blow's from other shinobi Gabe asked to help. At one point while deflecting a ariel sword blow Gabriale took notice to 2 specific shinobi off in the distance. One being the Silver Leaf and the other being a more than advance fuuinjutsu master. Gabriale knew nearly every one in the village as well as their most of their preferred skill's. Being an ANBU Gabriale needed to keep tab's on every one 'just in case.' Knowing their capabilities helped greatly. One it provided potential ANBU canidates. Two should some one begin to rise in power then it could mean a 'closer eye' is needed on them.

Gabriale knew both of these people and knew both were near future ANBU canidates due to their great amount of skill. Knowing both were fuunijutsu users Gabriale thought it would be benifitial to drop in due to the fact he was pretty decent in using fuuinjutsu. He was the most superior one in his clan at least in using fuuinjutsu. "That is enough." Gabriale commanded just as he blocked the man's latest attack. Instantly all the men stopped and took a head nood in a sing of respect and fleed from the area. From there Gabriale quick made his way over to his stuff and quickly grabbed it all and suited up. The duo were off in the distance, far enough that most people would just be capable of seeing blurry image's but due to Gabriale's Doujutsu he was capable of seeing them perfectly clear.

In a matter of moment's he was upon them up ontop of a roof top. He was unsure if they would know who he was or not. Most of the time Gabriale was to keep off in the back round away from 'public' veiw. Usually only the higher up and more informed shinobi of the village knew of his existance and capabilities. However one of the 2 may know of him or they both may not. Gabriale decided to drop in from the roof top that was off to the side in the distance. "You, are a Fuuinjutsu master are you not?" Gabriale said in a very manatone soldier like metalic voice. As he walked twords them he carried him self much like a 'proper' soldier would with his shoulder back and chest out. He appeared to be very stern in his walk but not as if he was faking, more like it was his acctual normal way of walking.
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:23 pm

    Pre-Life Arc: The Kyru clan was Birthed out of various members of Suna who sought to increase the defenses. The members all had extensive knowledge of weaponry while half were masters of Ninjutsu while the other half masters of Fuuinjutsu. Over time during Wars with other Shinobi villages the new Kyru clan had developed what they thought was needed most, long range combat. Archery was ideal for the clan as they could not create a fast array of ninjutsu that they could use at a long range, the same with Fuuinjutsu. The original members all had their knowledge of weaponry and began to think 'out side the box.' If they could improve the use of weapons to the point they could combat advanced shinobi and win then they would set what their goals would be. First thought was obviously archery. Using an bow and arrow was ideal for long range combat. Firstly the clan members needed to perfect using the weapon to the point missing a target was rare. Once accomplished the clansmen began to experiment with the Ninjutsu and Fuuinjutsu masters. From this was the clans first KKG many came to know as Arrow jutsus.

    Over time the Kyru clan began to be revealed as a deadly clan and key defense for the Leaf. One thing the Kyru realize they needed was to either develop something that enabled them to see long distance better. With increased vision the members could hit targets farther away. Slowly the members developed a doujutsu that became legendary as it enabled the clansmen not only to increase their range of fighting but help in close combat surprisingly.

    During war times clans often sought out their own survival by offering their services to various employers, sometimes this included Nations. The Kyru had begun to work with the Leaf village alot more. Having regular missions and relations with them caused the clan to become divided. Several remained loyal to the Sand while the other half honnored the survival of the clan and saw the leaf as their best bet. Eventually the clan split down the middle. This occured once the Nations stopped fighting and clans were forced to choose who their loyalties belonged to. These two clans are now rivals enduring a secret war.

    Birth Arc: Gabriale was born into a small family within the leaf. Gabriale was born into a bad time, a time of war. He was born into the high family, his father the leader of the Kyru Clan-Leaf Branch. The leaf was in a war time with Suna. The kyru clan was used greatly for the defenses of the leaf. Often when invaded the Kyru Clan was the Clan to cause the enemy to retreat.The leaf was in dire need of shinobi and fast. The rate at which students were taken in was increasing younger and younger. Several turned out to be a good thing as they developed into strong powerful shinobi. Gabriale was accepted into the ninja academy at the young age of 6. Gabriale struggled to learn basic academy jutsus due to his young age. However he did show improvement with each year and excelled where others his age didn't.

    Often Gabriale and his father would play chess as his father sought it was important to educate his young mind with tactics as he grew up rather than the same old basic academy teaching. Gabriale began to develop a 'higher' intellect because of his advanced learning. His farther enrolled him into an academic program where he was learning to become a ninja but he studied far longer than other future shinobi would who were enrolled in regular Academy Classes. Gabriale studied all sort's of things from various forms of mathematics’ to various science's like physic's and Biology/anatomy of the human body. This help Gabriale to become highly intelligent above close to all his age, he wasn’t a cocky intelligent person nor was he a nerd by any means. Still he had to prove his physical dominance. In his spare time he was pushed onto a strict work out routine lifting weights and running. Often he was kept from having 'social' time with his 'friends' due to his strict schedule.

    This did indeed affect his personality as he was brought up. He had no real image of a normal childhood. Having been brought up like he was made the way of life seem normal to him. He knew some people didnt train as hard or have the responsibilites he had but that was put under laziness. Play time was just an excuss to not be training thus being lazy and slefish. You could always be working to better the clan or your self.

    Genin Arc: Gabriale completed his advance academy schooling around the age of 10 proving he had mastered the basic knowledge of the academy teachings. Around this time Gabriale had began to show his mature side in the sense he didn’t act any where near a 10 year old, more like a late teen age. Gabriale joined a genin team with Seto Uchiha as leader, Akuma A sakura a fellow genin. and Kurayami another fellow Genin. Gabriale and Akuma grew into a close bond or friend ship quickly, most likely due to the fact the pair acted similar and had similar personalities. Both drove each other and developed a competitive nature between them. Often the pair would attack each other randomly at a moments notice. The believed this to help develop their reflexes and helped them to prepare for any thing. Over time the three gennin all learned various jutsus and skills most wouldn’t. This was due to the fact that they were taught my an uchiha. Seto had picked up many abilities over time due to his unique sharingan capabilities. Seto wanted to teach each of his genin something special that no one or very few would know or seen. For Akuma it was various medical jutsus and techniques. For Kurayami it was Kenjutsu, along with various jutsus to improve his fighting style. For Gabirlae it was Scorpion summons and related jutsus.

    Each was meant to help the person in what they were weakest at, however Kurayami was already a Tai user so kenjutsu was just adding weaponry to his list. Seto was the opposite in personality as far as Gabriale and Akuma were concerned, he was a social person who liked to joke around and have fun. Often Gabriale and Akuma would get upset with their sensei due to his tendency to want to screw around and have fun, he was very opposite to the normal Uchiha. The team went on to train their KKG's, current strength's, weaknesses, and even the abilities Seto was attempting to train them. The team went on several higher rank missions than the genin should have been going on. Due to the dire need for shinobi it was almost required the team take on these missions. The leaf was holding its own set of chuunin exams so they could promote their higher ranked genin to chuunin and send them on missions by themselves allowing more students to come up to genin. Gabriale and his teammates were offered up to the chuunin exams after being genin for a good term. Their sensei truly believed they deserved to be labeled as Chuunin and could handle the responsibility. However they still had some time before the exams began and were sent on a missions. During the mission

    Gabriale and Akuma were tag teaming a higher rank ninja while Seto and Kurayami went on to battle another set of shinobi. During their battle Seto and Kurayami ended up breathing in a deadly poison from a Suna poison specialist. At first they both believed it to be just a haze or thick fog, day's before the Chuunin Seto and Kurayami came down ill. They were quickly hospitalized with only a few hours to live. Gabriale and Akuma were completely distraught by this occurrence as by the time they arrived at the hospital Kurayami had already passed on and Seto was inching closer to his last breath. His last wish was for Gabriale and Akuma to become chuunin.

    Chuunin (ANBU) Arc: Gabriale was fired up for the Chuunin exams as his former sensei wanted him and Akuma to make it. The exams went on as normal. ANBU on alert due to the several pending wars and Bijuu incidences. Gabriale excelled through these exams. He passed with ease into the tournament, most don’t know but he actually won that tournament. His skill displayed was not that of a chuunin but a lower ranked Jounin. So for further training he was sent to the ANBU to partake in their training and to become one. For a while he did not go on any missions due to the fact he was training and learning to work with his fellow ANBU. Essentially Gabriale never got to experience the normal chuunin life, just as soon as the exams started they ended and for the most part Gabriale lost touch with Akuma. Gabriale went on to experience many techniques on his body as well as learning many techniques.

    The ANBU life was rough for Gabe as he was only around 16 years old. This is around the time when Gabriale began to develop a small mental disease, this 'illness' wasn’t a life threatening one. Gabriale's mind couldn’t cope with every thing going on around him so his mind began to create an alternate personality Gabriale often refers to as "Gabriale's True Feelings." Going from a young age being pushed so hard by his father, war going on, talks of bijuu attacking, and such high expectations is what has forced this alternate personality to surface. Often the normal Gabe black's out when Gabriale's true feelings takes over. Any thing that he does during this time normal Gabe is unaware of. Over time this seemed to not really prove to be a problem, Gabriale would black out mostly at home and reawake at home close to the same position he left in.

    Eventually Gabriale was allowed to partake on actual missions, thought they were not the most dire or dangerous. While on these missions Gabriale demonstrated his superior skill for leadership, scout, re-enforcements, long range specialist, and loyalty to the leaf. Because of this he gained trust from the Hokage and higher ups enough to allow him to lead missions and guard the hokage during dire times. ANBU naturally attempt to have no records so people may not form plans against the leaf based on the ANBU Gaurds actions. Gabriale however was what the leaf saw as a trump card. His skill was tremendously good. He rivaled the Kage and most other shinobi in his village, so the leaf decided instead of adding him to some famous group to keep him hidden and use him as a trump card incase any invaders came.

    Jounin Arc: Gabriale was around the age of 22 when he decided to drop out of the ANBU. The leaf had 'other' needs for him now. All wars seemed to be dying off and Bijuu were quickly becoming the focuse concern. Gabriale was to partake on missions concerning Bijuu as well as take on a take of genin as the leaf's newest Jounin member. Need for a secret weapon or trump card wasnt somthing they need currently. Gabriale has never recived a genin team acctualy due to the fact he's always been busy off with higher ranked missions with chuunin or jounin as well as gathering information on Bijuu and how to either beat them or how to neutralize them. Around the time of the Kyuubi's sealing Gabriale had gathered much information for the Leaf on him due to the fact he was roaming around in their territory. During the battle Gabriale was called up to assist in battling the monster, he proved to be extreemly use full as he saved several people from death as well as helped the other shinobi in giving the kyuubi a run for his money.

    Gabriale now looms in the darkness watching over the sand, waiting for the day he will once again be needed to rise up and save them from the oblivion they have stood on the door step so many times before. He has began to build a team in secret that would be built from talented shinobi who have 'essentialy' keept off the radar as best they could/can. This team wont be somthing that needs a name nor would it be a team that operates as so often. The purpose of the team would be to work together when needed only.

Last edited by Gabe on Tue 16 Mar 2010, 9:21 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:24 pm

Scorpion Summons/Related Jutsus

Name: Scorpion Bushin
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Gabriale created this jutsu personally. He will create several bushin comprised of regular sized scorpion. These bushin can only take a single hit before being destroyed. When the clone is stricken it will decay into around a hundred scorpions who may attack the foe with their poisionous venom. (Poision is the same as the other scorpion summons) Should the bushin be destroyed not around the opponet, the scorptions will still make their way to the opponet. They will scurry at a fast pase. They will last for 10 min before breaking apart. Their venom if inflicted will slow the motor skills of the opponet for 3 turns. After that the venom will begin to become deadly. Within an half hour of the venom coursing through the opponets body their vision will become blurred and their motor skills will be even more slowed as their joints begin to swell. This will begin to worsen with every post the opponet makes. After about an 2 hours paralasis will begin to set in. Very small movement will be able to be made by the opponet. Things like hand signs wont be able to be made. Speech will barley be plasable. Finger movements will be barley plasable but major movements wont. After another hour of this the opponet will be dead from the venom shutting down various major organs.


Name: Sasoriso Do
Elements: Earth/Fire
Looks: [spolier]In description [/spoiler]
Description: Sasoriso is a scorpion given to Gabe at birth. This scorpion travled with Gabe through out his life and began to grow on him. Over time both Sasoriso and Gabe began to grow older and larger. Sasoriso now measurs in at roughly the size of a rather large Tank. Gabriale is seen mounting Sasoriso at all times he is summoned. If Gabriale has too leave his back then his opponet must be a rather hard one. Sasoriso is considered a A rank creatur due to its deadly capabilities and chakra supply but takes roughly B rank to summon. His venom is the same as the other summons. Their venom if inflicted will slow the motor skills of the opponet for 3 turns. After that the venom will begin to become deadly. Within an half hour of the venom coursing through the opponets body their vision will become blurred and their motor skills will be even more slowed as their joints begin to swell. This will begin to worsen with every post the opponet makes. After about an 2 hours paralasis will begin to set in. Very small movement will be able to be made by the opponet. Things like hand signs wont be able to be made. Speech will barley be plasable. Finger movements will be barley plasable but major movements wont. After another hour of this the opponet will be dead from the venom shutting down various major organs.


Name: Tail extention
Description: Yoigo can send his tail triple the distance it can normaly reach. The tail can wrap around an opponet or simply sting the opponet with its poisiones stinger

Name:Poision Feild
Description: Yoigo contains a posiones sack within his lungs. He will inhale a deep amount of air. Then using Chakra to increase the posion amoun in the air he will begin to expel it. This quickly envelops a large area. A regular city block in length is enveloped.

Name: 8 Leg increase
Description: Yoigo will double his leg speed. Each leg provides him with the great speed he has. Now with the use of this jutsu each leg will seem to double in the rate at which they move.

Name: Moguragakure no Jutsu - Mole Hiding Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Doton
Description: Doton • Moguragakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. This technique allows the ninja to burrow into the ground and hide out of sight. This allows them to avoid attack or travel underground.

Name: Domu - Earth Spear
Rank: B
Doton • Domu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Kakuzu. After forming the needed Snake handseal, Kakuzu will harden his body using the Earth Element. This provides greater defense against attack and will also strengthen his arm to increase his striking ability. Like other Doton based jutsu, it is weak against Raiton attacks.

Name: Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
Doton • Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.

Name: Bicachu
Rank: C
Elements: Wind
Description: Bicachu is a vary unique scorpion. His size comes in at roughly a around a puppys size. Gabe meet this summon around his early 20's. Bicachu is used for speed not power. Bicachu's speed is double that of any human. This is just his natural speed, this is becuse of the position his legs are at and the amount of legs he has. Bicachu looks very repulsive but is indeed loyal to the contract of the scorpion nation. He has become especially fond of Gabe. He has only a few select amount of jutsus. His tail carries the same deadly venom the other scorpions do. Their venom if inflicted will slow the motor skills of the opponet for 3 turns. After that the venom will begin to become deadly. Within an half hour of the venom coursing through the opponets body their vision will become blurred and their motor skills will be even more slowed as their joints begin to swell. This will begin to worsen with every post the opponet makes. After about an 2 hours paralasis will begin to set in. Very small movement will be able to be made by the opponet. Things like hand signs wont be able to be made. Speech will barley be plasable. Finger movements will be barley plasable but major movements wont. After another hour of this the opponet will be dead from the venom shutting down various major organs.


Name: Tail extention
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Bicachu can send his tail triple the distance it can normaly reach. The tail can wrap around an opponet or simply sting the opponet with its poisiones stinger

Name:Poision Feild
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Poision?
Description: Bicachu contains a posiones sack within his lungs. He will inhale a deep amount of air. Then using Chakra to increase the posion amoun in the air he will begin to expel it. This quickly envelops a large area. A regular city block in length is enveloped.

Name: 8 Leg increase
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Bicachu will double his leg speed. Each leg provides him with the great speed he has. Now with the use of this jutsu each leg will seem to double in the rate at which they move.

Name: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Wind
Description: Fuuton • Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing his hand to his mouth, Orochimaru will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way. A variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.

Last edited by Gabe on Tue 16 Mar 2010, 11:27 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:25 pm


Name: Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Summoning Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. There are many ways in which the ninja can sign a contract with a summon but it is usually done with the ninja signing a blood contract with the animal species. This allows the user to summon different size and skilled animals to fight along side them, or on their behalf.

Name: Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu/Chakra Control
Element: N/A
Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed.

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu/Chakra Control
Element: N/A
Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.

Name: Ayatsuito no Jutsu - String Reeling Technique
Rank: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Ayatsuito no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing wire. This string can be used in rappeling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent. The Uchiha clan also utilizes the wire in their Sharingan Soufuusha Sannotachi technique. The wire allows the clan member to pin down an opponent, and then unleash a torrent of fire upon them.

Name: Bikou Ninjutsu - Shadowing Stealth Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible.

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Nawanuke no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope or wire binds.

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu - Replacement Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.

Name: Beast Form (Gabriale's True Feelings)
Rank: A
Looks: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Werewolf-4
Description: Gabriale's alternate personality created this jutsu. This was created incase he needs to go in a short range combat. First Gabriale's alternate personality will take over, this alternate personality Gabriale consider's just the beast inside of him however it is him only with evil intentions. He will begin to appear differnt by having all his hair grow longer on his body. Both his hands and feet will erect sharp nail's capable of being compared to steel swords. His teeth will also grow longer and sharper. His strength becomes doubled as if the first 2 gates become opened giving him double the speed as well as double the strength. He may speak normal like a human but most think he is a monster due to hsi personality change along with the physical change. Similar to when Alternate Gabe (GTF) takes over, real Gabriale awakes from a 'black out estate' This causes much confusion as a sudden fatigue, loss of chakra (due to any jutsus used) and displacement. In this estate Gabriale doesnt use his arrow's or bow. Due to his size increasing drastically his cloth's become's torn and tattered. His metal suit is pushed off his body when this is used.


Name: Thunder Roar
Rank: B
Description: Being in the state of the beast GTF has created some jutsus that go along with his new physic. One being mixing his vocal cords with chakra when giving off a roar. The sound wave's now become violent to every thing in hearing distance. If the roar last's more than 30 seconds a person's ear drum may pop. However this is unlikley as GTF's new body does not have the lung room to sustain the roar. A person affected by the roar would be imobile while it occure's once it finish's the target would be highly disoriented and in pain. If this jutsu is persisently used the target may begin to bleed from their ear's as they begin to lose their hearing or the target may have a ruptured ear drum.

Name: Snoute Tracking
Rank: C
Description: At times a target may run and hide in fear or togather their thoughts. As result GTF created this jutsu. Using chakra GTF will activate the superior smelling capabilities of the new physical form and highten them. A average inuzakae clan member would be at half the level this jutsus's tracking capabilities. This jutsu allows the user to pick up on their target's sent and locate them with ease. Seeing as humans smell differnt than that of the natural world it becomes easy for GTF to locate a hidden opponet.

Name: Spike Shot
Rank: D
Description: Using the sharp claws on GTF's new physical form GTF will launch them from his hands at a target with great aim. With in a matter of 3 second these claw's regrow through the use of chakra. These claw's are capable of standing up against shuriken or kunia as far as sharpness.

Name: Kakuremino no Jutsu - Cloak of Invisibility Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kakuremino no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja uses a camouflage cloth to cloak themselves in the background.

Name: Explosion Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The user will activate an explosion tag. Normally, the tag will be placed by them, so they know where it is and can easily activate it.

Chakra Suppression
Rank: D
Description: Ninja are trained to sense other’s presence and Chakra. Allowing them to sense when danger nears. This Technique was created by ANBU to facilitate Assassination missions and Covert infiltrations. By Calming their Chakra flow though focus and momentary concentration, the ANBU member can minimize the “Ambient noise” created by their chakra, reducing it’s delectability, allowing them to move without being sensed through such means. Even the most Chakra sensitive Shinobi will have difficulty detecting the ANBU member using this technique approaching them. This however does not conceal the ANBU member physically, they will be just as visible as usual.

Name: Kai - Release
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed hand seals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu – Body Flicker
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kage Bunshin is a Jounin level Ninjutsu technique. When Naruto stole the scroll of seals, he learned this technique as well. The normal Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja that lacks any substance. The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones. This makes Kage Bunshin an excellent training method if the ninja has the chakra capacity and stamina to maintain the Kage Bunshins for an extended period of time. This allows the ninja to essentially reduce the time it takes to train and learn with each clone added. This is especially true when used with Tajuu Kage Bunshin.

Name: Bunshin Bakuha [Shadow Clone Explosion]
Rank: A
Range: Close, Medium
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: At first glance the clone appears to be a normal Kage Bunshin, but one can detonate the clone at any time to form a very large explosion. The chakra used for this clone is not the same as a regulat Bushin. It is far less.

Owner: Hageshii Ame
Name: Laughter of Loki
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: The user causes their voice to rebound off every available surface in an enclosed area, making it difficult to locate the location of the voice. This jutsu does not function in an area that is open.

Owner: Hageshii Ame
Name: Eye Attraction Jutsu
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A very simple jutsu that aids in Genjustu, a ninja will use a small spark of chakra to go into a small pellet that will burst in a colorful and see through smoke. The eyes of a viewer, regardless of their will, will be drawn towards the explosion as it is specially created to make it nearly impossible not to be drawn towards (exceptions would be blindness, color blindness, etc.) This is used to trap an opponent in Genjutsu, since this makes a ninja meet their own eyes, though other uses exist.

Owner: Hageshii Ame
Name: Innocent Rain Drops
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Any
Description: A ninja will gather a handful of senbon and charge them with pure chakra. The senbon will then be thrown into the air. 3 posts later, they will fall down as regular looking rain drops, though their metallic sheen is a giveaway for ninja who are experienced with rain and water. Each senbon is charged with chakra and will hit an opponent and deliver a slight pain as the chakra rushes out. Repeated strikes will cause more serious effects, similar to a speed up acid rain, eventually corroding the flesh off an opponent within 5 posts.

Owner: ~Fox~.
Name: Ninpou • Netsushi [Ninja Art • Thermal Vision].
Rank: C.
Type: Ninjutsu.
Element: None.
Description: By completing hand seals and focusing chakra to their eyes, the user's sight is changed so that they can see temperatures of objects as colors rather than their normal eyesight. With hot objects producing a red color and cold objects producing a blue color, this is useful when the user is trying to find a hiding opponent or such but also has the downfall of losing depth perception and environmental details.

Owner: ~Fox~.
Name: Kouki no Chakra [Chakra Ropes].
Rank: C.
Type: Ninjutsu.
Element: None.
Description: The user forms the seals and flings their hands toward the target in an energetic gesture. Multiple ‘ropes’ of thick blue chakra surge from their hands and through the air, covering a distance of up to twenty metres. Upon reaching the target they wrap themselves around it (around their arms, legs, hands, torso and neck) and binds it in place. Once the target is caught, the user can remove the ropes from their hands and attach them to a solid object instead – they will hold just as sturdily but allow the user to perform other techniques.

Last edited by Gabe on Mon 22 Mar 2010, 1:40 am; edited 4 times in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:26 pm

    Clan Jutsus

    Name: Archer's Eye's
    Rank: A
    Description: The Kyru Clan developed their own doujutsu over time to help assist with their long range combat. When activated the user's eye's become enveloped with the pupil highly increasing their vision. The user can now see up to a mile in detailed vision. When used in close combat the user may be able to predict taijutsu soley based on muscel tension in the user's skin. When you go to life a hand muscel's tense up so it becomes capable of lifting up, the user can see these muscel's begining to lift or move ergo they can in a sense predict some taijutsu move's. However due to speed they may not beable to do any thing nor beable to see the muscel's tense up at times. One example of this working would be when an opponet throws a punch, as they do that they begin to throw a leg kick even before the punch is done, as result various muscel's in their body would tense up pointing at a leg begining to move so the user may be able to counter properly or set a 'trap' for the opponets attack. One last key featur is the filter of light. The user's eye's being enveloped by the pupil (Black portion of the eye) The pupil naturaly filters out light to its best ability. Now it is enhanced to the point the user could look up at the sun and have it appear as a bright circle or object for no more than 10 seconds before they would start to squint and have damage like a normal person begin.

    Name: Arrow expantion Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: This is a Kyru clan jutsu. The Kyru created this in an effort to fight large quantities of people at a time. The user will fire a basic arrow or arrow of any other kind before the seal is used. The arrow once the jutsu takes affect will grow to the size of a large balista's arrow. A balist's arrow usualy is as long as a car and weight's around 175 pounds. This arrow when it hits can cause extreem damage inernaly as well as becomes more of a blunt force object rather than attempt to cut them, although the blade is still capable of cutting the opponet some what.

    Name: Summoning Arrow
    Rank: C
    Desctiption: The Kyru Clan created this arrow to aid them in creating an opening for a summon to attack. The Kyru clan member will first obviously draw blood and wipe it on the feather portion of the arrow (end of the arrow.) From here the user will fire the arrow at the target and about mid flight they will activate the summoning contract. The summon will emerge with momentum flying at the target, the arrow will also be flying just ahead of the summon and often causes an opening for the summon to attack.

    Name: Arrow Clone Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The Kyru clan created this in a similar method to Kage Bushin as well as SHuriken Clone Jutsu. The Kyru clan are anabled to create real copies of any type of arrow they fire. With a single use of this jutsu the user can create 10 cloned arrows, past that extra chakra would be needed.

    Name: Chakra Arrow
    Rank: B
    Description: The Kyru clan realized at times they would either run out of arrows or their quiver is taken from them. So in retunrn they developed this jutsu. The members are able to generate a arrow comprised from chakra. This arrow is stronger than any basic normal arrow and can peirce a target on another side of a tree of boulder. Elemental Chakra could be added to create a more devistating arrow.

    Name: Assasin's Shot
    Rank: B
    Description: Often the Kyru have been used to assasinate some one or need to conceal the trace of noise and over all presance of their arrow, as result this jutsu was created. The user will store chakra into their shaft of the arrow. Once fired the user will activate the jutsu, instantly the chakra inside will begin to mask all trace's of the arrow. The arrow will become black as it is enveloped in the chakra to mask it. The arrow will now not give off any wind trace or noise. Should a byakugan user be looking at it they could still see the chakra in it as well as a trace from the origin of the arrow. Often opponets never hear nor see this arrow fly from the user and as result get hit by it.

    Name: Spike Shot
    Rank: B
    Description: Gabriale Kyru created this jutsu personaly. Using his earth chakra Gabriale charge an arrow with it. Taking aim Gabriale will fire his arrow either at or near an opponet. The arrow will appear to be normal as it soars through the air untile it hits the ground. Once the arrow hits any object it will begin to send out its earth chakra, this chakra can travel through a person or tree and will go straight for the ground. Once this does reach the ground spikes will errupt from the ground surrounding in a 15 foot radius. These spikes are around 15 feet high as well. Should one peirce an enemy however it will stop from its eruption.

    Name: Electro Charger
    Rank: B
    Description: Gabriale Kyru created this jutsu using his advanced knowlege in what most consider 'book smarts.' Gabriale is able to charge his arrow with negative ion's of electricity, usual lightning or electricity are charged with positive ion's. As result when this arrow is fired at or past another lightning jutsu this arrow will attract it. For instance, a lightning bolt flying past this arrow would change directions to follow the arrow or hit the arrow. Often Gabriale may attempt to aim it up just right so the arrow is aimed at the opponet as well as in the attack's path.

    Name: Tracing Arrow
    Rank: B
    Description: This is an arrow created personaly by Gabriale Kyru. First Gabriale charge chakra from the tip of the arrow to the feather end of the arrow. Gabriale will fire the arrow at a target and activate this jutsu. The chakra enables the arrow to move in a whay arrow's dont normaly do, as in it is now able to bend to a certian degree. The arrow will now attempt to seek out the opponet by following his/her chakra source. This arrow will stop once it hits a target, however this is hard as it is able to move around objects. Once the the arrow hits a target it will expell its chakra into it causing a small addition of damage.

    Name: Electric Cage
    Rank: B
    Description: Gabriale Kyru created this jutsu personaly. Similar to other jutsus he will begin by firing the arrow, only up into the air. When fired it will be alinged perfectly to the point it would land 15 feet away from the opponet. When the arrow reaches the point at which it begins to assend from the air Gabriale will activate the jutsu. Upon activation the arrow will split into 10 clones that will go off and land all around the opponet perfectly 15 feet away from them. From here the opponet may think its over or try to leap away from the area. Each arrow is charged with both positive and negative ion's. The negative ion's are to draw in the positive ion's in the air. The positive ion's are use to create an invisible cage. Should an opponet try to jump up, out or away from the circle the positive electricity or ion's will erupt from the arrow(s) and hit their opponet with enough force to repell them.

    Name: Illusion Arrow
    Rank: D
    Description: The Kyru clan created this arrow based off the basic clone taught in the ninja academy. Seeing people become confused as to who the real person was. Once the arrow is fired the Kyru member will activate this jutsu, once activated several 'illusions' or fake copies of the arrow will surround the real arrow. Each arrow is aimed at a differnt spot on the opponets body so pin pointing where to block becomes hard.

    Name: Beam Drill Arrow
    Rank: A
    Description: This jutsu was created by Gabriale Kyru personaly and is seen as the Kyru's trump card. The user will first charge the arrow with enough chakra that it obviously becomes a 'higher rank' jutsu (A rank.) The arrow will begin to glow blue a bit as result. THe user will take aim at the target and fire. Second after firing the user will activate the jutsu. Quickly the arrow will begin to spind at a rapid rate creating high speed rate, the chakra will begin to form around the arrow. As the 'arrow' continues to spin it will pick up speed for its rotation and the chakra stored in the arrow will continue to leak out forming a drill like object made of chakra. Once all the chakra has leaked out of the arrow the arrow is disperse and break apart. This arrow will take on similar essance as Rasengan however the attack is longer and flater like the shap of an arrow. The tip is sharper like an arrow and can cut the opponet to a smaller degree, like a single senbon worth of damage as far as peircing the opponet.

    Name: Arrow Earth Wall
    Rank: C
    Description: This jutsu is a general use of the Kyru clan, but Gabriale created this jutsu. Gabriale charge earth chakra into an arrow before releasing it from his bow. Once the arrow is let go Gabriale will activate this jutsu. The arrow is used mostly as a defensive jutsu, Gabriale will aim at an impending attack or object and fire the arrow at it. The arrow will fly at it with great speed and can be used 2 ways. One is it hits the attack or object or Gabriale may cause it to erupt or be used upon his command. When used or hit the arrow will expel the earth chakra and the earth will quickly bring up a wall made of the earth, this wall is 4 feet thick and 10 feet tall.

    Name: Blocking Sun
    Rank: A
    Description: This jutsu is basicly the same Arrow Clone jutsu only on a much larger scale. The user will charge chakra into a arrow and fire at the correct angle up into the air. The angle needed it so that once it begins to desend from the sky it will be able to come down on top of the opponet. Once the arrow begins to slow down due to gravity and begins to revert its corse to the ground this jutsu will activate. Rather than 15 or 30 arrows being created hundreds are created and begin to rain down from the sky, this usualy last's around 30 seconds or so. This jutsu is named properly becuse the arrow's are so tightly packed that it essentialy 'block's out the sun'

Last edited by Gabe on Mon 08 Mar 2010, 9:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:28 pm

    Lightning Jutsus

    Name: Destructo Disk
    Rank: B
    Range: Close-Far
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu.
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning.
    Description: In this jutsu Gabriale holds one of his arms upwards and focuses lightning chakra above his palm once he dose so he can make a spinning disk of pure lightning he can then throw this at a target it can hone in on them but if timed right you can dodge it before it hits you then it will fly by and keep moving till it hits something. The disk can be one large one or many smaller ones depending on the chakra amount put into it.

    Name: Swords Of Honor
    Rank: B-A
    Element: Lightning
    Description: Gabriale will create several sword made from lightning. Thes swords surround Gabriale on all sides. He can use them for basic defense or direct them to attack. A simple flick of the wrist and all the swords will go flying at the target in a sabbing motion. Or he can have them attack a target in a slashing mannor. Gabriale can create up to 15 swords at one time. 7 swords created makes this a B rank jutsu.

    Name: Raiton • Raijuunida Inmetsu [Lightning Release • Lighting Wolf Pack Destruction].
    Rank: S.
    Type: Ninjutsu.
    Element: Raiton [Lightning].
    Description: The user forms a couple of hand seals before quickly gathering lightning chakra in each hand. Swiping both hands at the target will then cause ten separate channels of lightning surging towards a target or targets. The direction of each lightning channel can be controlled by the user. Once each one leaves the user’s hand, it takes the form of a feral wolf. Until the attack is complete, the ‘wolves’ leave trails of lightning leading back to the user’s hand. Upon contact, each ‘wolf’ explodes with enormous electrical force, sending wave upon wave of deadly lightning blasting through the target’s body and the surrounding area. Like similarly powerful Raiton techniques, it is said that the lightning in this jutsu can pierce any material or object.

    Name: 6 Chamber Bolt Fire
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: The user will state a distance and firing speed, then he/she will launch 6 lightning bolts of the speed/distance at the target, maximum speeds of 70 Mph, maximum distance of 70 meters. The user can control when the bolts are fired and can target different ones to different distances. If the target isn't at the same distance the power will be lessoned if further, strengthened if closer. It has enough punch to throw a person several meters off their feet and knock the wind out of them.

    Name: 6 Chamber Bolt Fire, Mass Produce
    Rank: S
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: The user will duplicate the amount of chambers to a maximum amount of 20 (Thus 120 Bolts) they all can be targeted at different ranges and speeds also at different targets or points they wish to fire. This will kill someone if more then 18 bolts hit them.

    Name: Final Storm.
    Rank: A.
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu.
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning.
    Clan: None.
    Description: This is one of Gabe’s finest Lightning Jutsu he firstly charges lightning around his fist’s once lightning has covered his lower arm he throws his fist’s in front of himself opening his palms as he dose so once he does the lightning around his hands will pour outwards focusing into a beam both beams will fuse together making a very large and powerful beam of lightning that packs a hefty amount of punch.

    Name: Raiton Soutei Kusari [Lightning Element • Binding Chain]
    Rank: C
    Description: The user gathers chakra in one arm and it begins to spark with electricity. The user then thrusts their arm forward, sending forth a chain made of lightning that wraps around the opponent, stunning, binding and injuring them

    Owner: Mr. K
    Name: Raiton: Dendou Jiyuu no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Electric Freedom Technique]
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: A jutsu so simple it doesn't require any hand seals! The jutsu is performed by using the most basic of elemental manipulation to create elecricity, but instead of using the outsides of the hands the user creates it inside a muscle, causing intense pain with no lasting side effects. This jutsu's only real use is for breaking genjutsu, since it hurts the user instead of a target.

    Owner: Mr. K
    b]Name:[/b] Raiton: Dendou Anago no jutsu [Lightning Release: Electric Eel Technique]
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: A basic Raiton technique. The user must perform two hand seals while gathering chakra either in a concentrated spot or all throughout their body. This part may be performed as much as thirty seconds in advance of the actual attack and held in till released. Upon release a high voltage shock will either travel through the point of concentration or through the body as a whole, delivering a shock capable of stunning and causing uncontrollable muscle spasms in the victim. To be hit by this technique a person must be either in contact or withing three feet of the user under normal conditions. While under water this effect widens substantially to withing ten feet of the user. This technique is incapacitating for a full ten seconds (meaning two combat posts) and is strong enough to stop a human heart if concentrated and directed correctly. As the effects wear off a person may feel a burning or tingling sensation all over their body, though the technique does not physically leave more then first degree burns even when focused.

    Owner: Mr. K
    Name: Raiton: Jinrai no Jutsu [Lightening Release: Thunder Clap Technique]
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: A basic lightening jutsu requiring two hand seals. The user performs the two seals and concentrates their chakra into their hands creating a negative charge in their hands opposite a positive charge in the air, created by the release of chakra from the body. The two charges create an area extending one foot away from the charged hands of the user that is filled with miniature lightening. The lightening creates a bright white flash that is capable of blinding, and creates a pressure wave that sweeps forward in a 180 degree ark from one side of the user to the other. The pressure wave can rupture ear drums and at close to medium range can knock a person off their feet (melee-20ft aprox). If a person is actually within the foot range of the hands severe electrocution will follow. This technique is built to disorient, not as a melee attack.

    Owner: Mr. K
    Name: Raiton: Tsuchi Kujono Jutsu [Lightning Release: Earth Destruction Technique]
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: A basic lightning jutsu requiring the use of two hand seals. The shinobi performs the hand seals and uses elemental manipulation to convert their chakra to the lightning element. Then the user transfers the energy into the ground to any spot of their desire within 50 feet of their current position. When activated with a release seal from the user that area, consisting of a three foot diameter circle, will explode due to rapid expansion from heating from the electricity running through the dirt and rock. This is near the strength of an explosive tag when the spot chosen is just normal dirt; however, if a small to medium sized rock outcrop or pile of earth were on top of the chosen location the blast becomes much stronger. Composition of ground is important when using this technique as rock will create small fragments that act akin to shrapnel, while plain dirt will act more like a concussion grenade. This technique can be used against constructs created by earth specializing ninja.

    Owner: Mr. K
    Name: Raiton: Mayoko Rakurai no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Ark Lightning Technique]
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: A long range technique requiring four hand seals. The user builds up an electrical charge, usually in the hands, via elemental manipulation of lightning chakra. This is done while the hand seals are being performed and can be seen by electricity arcing between the hands. The user then simply directs their attack by pointing at the spot they wish to attack, unleashing a blast of lightening from said pointing finger at the target. This attack is strong enough to severely burn the point of impact, throw a person several feet through the air, or make rock formations explode as they rapidly are heated. As usual with a lightning element there is a considerable shock at the end of this lightening bolt. People hit often lose consciousness, convulse, froth at the mouth, smoke from the hair, and can possibly have their heart stopped. This jutsu is effective at up to 100 feet away, but becomes less accurate over distance. At 50 feet it is very accurate, at 75, moderately, and at 100 it requires some luck to hit a person sized target.

    Owner: Mr. K
    Name: Raiton: Seidenki Ittai no Jutsu [Lightening Release: Static Zone Technique]
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Lightning
    Description: A technique that requires four hand seals. The ninja uses elemental manipulation to disperse lightning chakra into the air, creating a highly charged environment for 150 feet in all directions from the user. This zone is prone to static discharge and can be triggered by the smallest of movement. The discharge isn't harmful more then getting shocked on a car door in a windy day, instead this shock alerts the user of the static field to the position of the discharge, making this zone almost impossible to hide in effectively. This technique acts as a sort of radar for the user, giving him a sixth sense that can't be fooled by traditional genjutsu. However, this does have its disadvantage in that the field cannot distinguish what created the discharge, often getting discharge off of nearby animal life or teammates. The more objects the user has to track at once the more stressful a situation can be, leading to headaches if the user is subject to many discharge sources over an extended period of time. Lasts five posts before the user must recharge the field with more chakra or let the jutsu end

Last edited by Gabe on Fri 19 Mar 2010, 6:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 10:29 pm

    Earth Jutsus

    Name: Doton Ishi no Yari - Earth Element Stone Spear
    Rank: B
    Description: By using chakra to control the earth below and around them, the user turns it into sharp spears. This jutsu can be used both offensively and defensively. The user can either create a spear to block an opponent's movement or they can hurl the spear at their opponent using chakra. The spears cannot be pulled from the ground without using chakra. The user can pull out up to 25 spears from the ground at a time.

    Name: Earth Style, Imitation of Nature Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Using earth chakra the user creates imitations of other objects, excluding cloning the user. This jutsu could be used to make a scale diagram of something a ninja has seen, for example. This jutsu can also imitate living creatures, but cannot move unless directly manipulated.
    This jutsu is often used by recon ninja to accurately describe what was seen. This jutsu relies on subconscious memory, which means that even if it was seen for only an instant, it can be perfectly replicated as the subconscious remembers nearly everything.
    Complex shapes, such as those will moving parts, cannot be made to function unless the user also saw the inside of it and how it functions (ex. This jutsu could not replicate a working puppet just by seeing it, the user would have to also see the exact mechanics and inner workings to make a working replica.)

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Ghost Walking Jutsu
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: By using the subjects Earth elemental affinity the user is able to cover up any tracks or markings made in the earth by the user’s passing. Other elements, however, are unaffected such as smell. This jutsu does not function over water or over worked stone, only natural earthen materials.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Earth Pillars Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: An earth chakra using ninja strikes the ground and causes three large pillars to rise in front of him, each three to four feet tall. Although this could stop an attacking opponent, this jutsu has another purpose.
    Closer inspection reveals that the pillars are separated into twelve pieces each. The ninja who created the pillars then sweeps his hand around in a circular sweeping motion and strikes the top portion of each pillar, sending it flying off towards an opponent. This is repeated twelve times before the pillar is expended, not necessarily successively.

    Name: Doryuu Taiga - Earth Flow River
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Doton • Doryuu Taiga is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and transform the ground upon which the enemy stands into a river of mud.

    Name: Domu - Earth Spear
    Rank: B
    Doton • Domu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Kakuzu. After forming the needed Snake handseal, Kakuzu will harden his body using the Earth Element. This provides greater defense against attack and will also strengthen his arm to increase his striking ability. Like other Doton based jutsu, it is weak against Raiton attacks.

    Name: Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
    Doton • Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.

    Name: Mother Earth's Fist.
    Rank: A
    Description: Without noticing, at fast speed, a X (each takes more chakra) amound of earth hands will come up out of the ground and wrap around the enemies legs. It will begin to keep wrapping around till the hands reach the head. And slowly the earth hands which are fully wrapped around the enemies begins to slowly crush them or simply bind them. This jutsu may also be used to bash into the opponet. They travel at speeds around 40 mph if done from a distance.

    Name: Spikes of the Earth
    Rank: A
    Description: With the name being an exaggeration, Gabe is able to create hundreds of earth spikes in the area around him. Reaching from heights of 3 feet to 10 feet, they'll vary in size. The spikes will last for about 3-5 minutes before colasping back into the earth.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Ghost Walking Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: By using the subjects Earth elemental affinity the user is able to cover up any tracks or markings made in the earth by the user’s passing. Other elements, however, are unaffected such as smell. This jutsu does not function over water or over worked stone, only natural earthen materials.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Earth Wave Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: The user touches the ground and sends a sudden burst of a large amount of chakra into it. This causes the ground to send out a wave from the initial point and knock over or disorient opponents.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Earth Pillars Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: An earth chakra using ninja strikes the ground and causes three large pillars to rise in front of him, each three to four feet tall. Although this could stop an attacking opponent, this jutsu has another purpose.
    Closer inspection reveals that the pillars are separated into twelve pieces each. The ninja who created the pillars then sweeps his hand around in a circular sweeping motion and strikes the top portion of each pillar, sending it flying off towards an opponent. This is repeated twelve times before the pillar is expended, not necessarily successively.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Ant Lion’s Funnel
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: A ninja strikes the earth and causes it to rapidly change into a funnel similar to an ant lion’s with the user at the bottom. The sides of the tunnel are made of loose earth, making escape difficult without aid or chakra. The size of the funnel is based on the chakra used to perform this technique, ranging from a few feet, to nearly 20ft. at it’s widest point.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Mud Bubbles
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: A ninja spits out bubbles made of mud filled with chakra. Upon impact, the bubbles burst and the chakra explodes out, damaging whatever it hits. The bubbles can be created in the mouth without any external materials.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Imitation of Nature Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Using earth chakra the user creates imitations of other objects, excluding cloning the user. This jutsu could be used to make a scale diagram of something a ninja has seen, for example. This jutsu can also imitate living creatures, but cannot move unless directly manipulated.
    This jutsu is often used by recon ninja to accurately describe what was seen. This jutsu relies on subconscious memory, which means that even if it was seen for only an instant, it can be perfectly replicated as the subconscious remembers nearly everything.
    Complex shapes, such as those will moving parts, cannot be made to function unless the user also saw the inside of it and how it functions (ex. This jutsu could not replicate a working puppet just by seeing it, the user would have to also see the exact mechanics and inner workings to make a working replica.)

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Witch’s Cauldron Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: A ninja with chaotic chakra, or expert chakra control, can place their palms on the ground and cause the earth to stir and spin like a whirlpool of earth. The whirlpool spreads out at about 5 feet per post if the user is Chunin, 10 feet if Jounin, and 15 feet at any rank above. This includes the first post, meaning the initial use is that large.
    Anything captured in this whirlpool is drug down into the center, which they are trapped in if they reach it. A ninja with enough psychical strength could swim against the current of earth, or attempt to jump out. If a ninja is caught in the center, jutsu and movement is impossible and only an immensely powerful ninja could break free by sheer force.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style. Stone Shard Impact
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: By striking a large rock, boulder, or other stoney substance, a ninja is able to shatter it into shards which will embed themselves into a target, causing immense pain and adding nearly 5lb of weight to a ninja per use of this jutus due to weight of the stone shards stuck into an opponent. Multiple uses can leave a ninja’s body to heavy to move.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Great Spiked Destruction
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: By using the subjects Earth elemental affinity the user is able to imbue great earthen spikes into normal earthen weaponry. This jutsu enables barbs to grow out of stone and increase the deadliness of stone weapons. The barbs are able to be used to grip weapons, enabling an attempt to pull a weapon out of a ninja’s hands.

    Owner: Hageshii Ame
    Name: Earth Style, Restoration of Nature Jutsu
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Due to the immense damage that some ninja deal to their surrounding environment during combat, it was inevitable that a jutsu to repair that damage by invented. First the user spends an hour meditating, gathering information as to how the earth was like before the damage was dealt. This may be skipped if the ninja viewed the damage being dealt.
    After the meditation, the ninja is aware of the original structure of the earth and then by touching the earth, and relinquishing all but a few scraps of their chakra, they are able to reform the earth as it originally was.
    Although invented to repair damage from Shinobi wars, this jutsu is just as easily used to cover up damage dealt by ninja who strive on not leaving a trace. This jutsu can repair damage within a 3m radius, but the damage must be less than a week old.

    Name:Mutli-Shields of Stone
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Using the earth element, Gabe can create several 6 ft x 3 ft walls of earth random anywhere he wants. This is a pure defense move but can also be used in offensive ways if used correctly.

Last edited by Gabe on Mon 22 Mar 2010, 1:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyTue 16 Mar 2010, 11:39 pm

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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyThu 18 Mar 2010, 6:37 am

Kanashibari no Jutsu [Temporary Body Paralysis Technique] is a banned jutsu.

Jounin are not allowed to have 'S' Rank Jutsu.
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyThu 18 Mar 2010, 5:20 pm

Really? No S? Thats debatable, but no problem. I put a strike through them if thats alright so that I can have them stored some place for future use.

And removed the other jutsu.
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyFri 19 Mar 2010, 6:31 am

Gabe wrote:

Name: Swords Of Honor
Rank: B-A
Element: Lightning
Description: Gabriale will create several sword made from lightning. Thes swords surround Gabriale on all sides. He can use them for basic defense or direct them to attack. A simple flick of the wrist and all the swords will go flying at the target in a sabbing motion. Or he can have them attack a target in a slashing mannor. Gabriale can create up to 15 swords at one time. 7 swords created makes this a B rank jutsu.

Name: Raiton • Raijuunida Inmetsu [Lightning Release • Lighting Wolf Pack Destruction].
Rank: S.
Type: Ninjutsu.
Element: Raiton [Lightning].
Description: The user forms a couple of hand seals before quickly gathering lightning chakra in each hand. Swiping both hands at the target will then cause ten separate channels of lightning surging towards a target or targets. The direction of each lightning channel can be controlled by the user. Once each one leaves the user’s hand, it takes the form of a feral wolf. Until the attack is complete, the ‘wolves’ leave trails of lightning leading back to the user’s hand. Upon contact, each ‘wolf’ explodes with enormous electrical force, sending wave upon wave of deadly lightning blasting through the target’s body and the surrounding area. Like similarly powerful Raiton techniques, it is said that the lightning in this jutsu can pierce any material or object.

I believe you crossed out the wrong jutsu by mistake.
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyFri 19 Mar 2010, 6:41 pm

I did thank you, also I know each village gets 3 S rank to start (Including their kage) My question is do you know if the leaf has all three S rank filled?
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyFri 19 Mar 2010, 9:05 pm

Theyre appointed afterwords Razz
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySat 20 Mar 2010, 2:01 am

ραττýcακëš wrote:
Theyre appointed afterwords Razz

Seems fitting ^^
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 21 Mar 2010, 6:39 am

Gabe wrote:
    Earth Jutsus

    Name: Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Doton • Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.

This jutsu appears twice under your Earth Jutsu section.

Quote :
Name: Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Summoning Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. There are many ways in which the ninja can sign a contract with a summon but it is usually done with the ninja signing a blood contract with the animal species. This allows the user to summon different size and skilled animals to fight along side them, or on their behalf.

You need this jutsu if you want to be able to summon anything.
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptySun 21 Mar 2010, 3:06 pm

Gabe wrote:
Grand Lord Senshi: This is in reference to his prestigous position as Lord of the Metaru clan and his deeds done in the village. Having recieved high honnor from the Hokage on various instances has granted him the title of Grand Lord Senshi (Soldier)

I was just skimming your app when I notice this bit. You may want to change the clan mentioned in line with your own one.
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyMon 22 Mar 2010, 1:40 am

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Age : 30
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyMon 22 Mar 2010, 2:16 am

Does destructo disk have to be called destructo disk? xD damn krillin. lmao
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Age : 34
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyMon 22 Mar 2010, 2:28 am

Lmao! YES IT DOES! hahaha The jutsu acts like Krillens real attack hahaha so I called it that lol. Wink
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Age : 30
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Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Vide
PostSubject: Re: Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} EmptyMon 22 Mar 2010, 2:58 am

Fair enough.

you've done well my child...


Gabe; Jounin Application for Konoha {Completed} APPROVED
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