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Ayaka Clan (Done)

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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 16 Sep 2011, 4:48 pm

Clan Name: Ayaka

Location: None main, leader of the clan resides in outskirts of the village at Chateau de Sang

Signature Traits: Blue hair is common for those with both parents from the clan, however if at least one parent is from other clan or clanless, various different, often exotic colours are inherited.Males of the clan ussualy have bulky physique or very clear muscular body build.Ussualy members of the clan are tall, about 2 metres.Females have no exclusive traits except, of course, blue hair, if full-blood.

Members of the clan tend to be aggressive and battle-loving, usually trying to make excuses for constant fighting, if for any reason, their opponent seems unworthy for them, they will not fight, even to point of dying in battle or not saving their teammates if that involves fighting an unworthy opponent, for that reason Ayaka clan isn't liked by both shinobi and ordinary folks.They also have a very twisted manner of pride, if it is broken, it is common for a member to commit a suicide.Twisted pride includes: if a clan member is deceased, relative must avenge in any mean possible, even if that means certain death, avoiding battle with equal, stronger opponent is inglorious, using Kekkei Genkai means exclusion from the clan and a bounty as a honorable opponent between clan members.Following those rules has been crucial within the ranks of the clan in the past, however these days as a mean to cooperate with the village, clan leader loosened the rules a bit, allowing members not to follow them if it contradicts their common sense.

Outside the battle, Ayakas are known as good people, often assisting the villagers with common tasks also they are difficult to befriend however once Ayaka befriends someone, he/she devotes all of him/herself to it.

Kekkei Genkai:Every person born in Ayaka clan has a special type of chakra, created by their Kekkei Genkai.When some sort of kinetic energy from a moving object comes within range, the user's chakra reacts by absorbing it.A jutsu known as Seishin Shoheki.That grants Ayaka clan resistance to physical damage, absorbing any type of physical or weapon attack's kinetic energy.
The user is only capable to absorb energy that hits them making range almost 0.The damage of a physical, weapon hit is completely absorbed, the user remains unfazed, however if strike is very strong, user may be propeled off the ground or thrown away but no damage from hit itself is done.
Advanced users can make rifts of chakra on their bodies, making absorb energy of moving objects from about almost a metre away.At a single time different amounts can be absorbed, a shinobi can absorb up to 50% his maximum chakra worth of energy, however it cannot be used for user's own jutsu as body repels it.The energy is stored within user's center chakra node and can be disrupted by a Gentle-Fist sort of jutsu, a body can only keep the energy contained for up to few minutes, however chakra is wasted by holding it absorbed for longer periods of time, best the energy would be released instantly.
The energy can be released in multiple sort of taijutsu-style attacks, that specialise in not only striking with greatly stronger hit one would normaly do but also when the energy is released a shockwave of chakra is formed within opponent's body, numbing his body and making impossible to use jutsu for about 5 seconds.If user absorbs energy, they cannot absorb more for about 5 seconds, therefore if another hit is taken from a different source of energy, like another opponent, the resistance is slightly reduced.

History: Founded by a legendary shinobi Hizumo Ayaka, whose contraversial actions in the past made him be erased from history of Konoha, only remebered by his clan.Originaly intended to be just a group of followers of the founder, who he would use for his various agendas.Hizumo closely worked alongside Shodaime, however after founding of Konoha dissapeared as settling in was not his style therefore he vanished, confused that Shodaime would do such thing like live in one village in peace.He later challenged Shodaime to a friendly fight, to prove him how piece weakens him, viewed as an assasination attempt by historians, the outcome of this battle is unknown.After it founder dissapeared without a trace.Next leads of the clan appears when travelers started coming to Konoha one by one.At some point of history, they found out being siblings by blood and recreated the clan, writing it's own rules from books written by Hizumo himself.They trained for decades in order to re-create the style used by the great Hizumo, passing results to the next generations until present fighting style was invented.It remained unchanged ever since.During Fourth Shinobi War, Ayaka clan has done it's role in the battlefield, however it's role once again had been ignored because of lack of people trust.After the war, current leader of the clan - Uragi Ayaka contacted Hokage with request to finally blend his people in the village.Since that day Ayaka had been living and working together with the villagers, trying to fix reputation that they had gained throughout the ages.

Clan Jutsu:


Last edited by RukaAyaka on Tue 20 Sep 2011, 3:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 28
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 12:48 am

I'm not really sold by the idea of this clan - we already have a special characteristic that allows you to be Faster & Stronger... so really, what is the point of having your character harmed, when you can have those two things for free? Yes, maybe being able to absorb physical attacks is a nice idea, but then... there is no feasible explanation for why you can do that.

So please, explain and sell away. Convince us that this clan is better than the Special Characteristics that give you the same advantages, and explain, how this clan absorbs physical damage.
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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 9:13 am

Well theoretically the clan member can get stronger and faster to almost unlimited levels, depending on one's chakra level and pain tolerance.The absorbing of physical damage is energy taken from attacker's own attack or in weapon's case kinetic energy.This is kind of Sebastian Shaw syndrome, that is why the second attack launched at the same time get's through.

Besides that this clan allows user to get other Special Characteristics, without bothering to master those, one can get increased chakra capacity to increase one's strength limits even more or get some mental Special Characteristics to resist genjutsu as this is a major weakness because the clan is kind of a tank-role on a mission.
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 9:49 am

Quote :
Since use of clan's Kekkei Genkai is forbidden within the clan, Ayakas developed a set of Hijutsu which involves channeling chakra within their muscle myotoms to increase their activity and as a drawback, their fatigue as well as causing pain after use.
This statement is kind of contradictory to actually stating a KKG in the first place. The hijutsu would most likely spawn from the KKG ability anyway so its either placing the description in the Special Traits section under a Hijutsu ability or crafting a KKG.

- Regarding the idea of your ability. As it stands I have to agree with Enma in the fact that it doesn't make too much sense. But that is fine, with some editing you should be fine. I would prefer to see you elaborate/expand on the idea of Kinetic energy. If you can base your clan around that idea and have it nerf'd in the corrects regions then you should be fine (I could see it having a similar system to that of Pein's gravitational ability).

Quote :
Besides that this clan allows user to get other Special Characteristics, without bothering to master those, one can get increased chakra capacity to increase one's strength limits even more or get some mental Special Characteristics to resist genjutsu as this is a major weakness because the clan is kind of a tank-role on a mission.
We don't permit abilities in a clan that can be accessed somewhere else e.g Special Characteristic. :/

If you need help with anything just holla. Smile
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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 10:17 am

Fair enough, if I give the clan an ability to absorb kinetic energy from moving objects to a certain degree e.g. physical attacks or weapons, then release it in some sort of manner would that be OK? If it would, I'll get to work after school Smile (if not I still will get to work XD)
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 1:35 pm

Yeah that would be a good idea. Make note of the range that you can absorb from your body (should be within a meter), how much can be absorbed at a single time (per rank), and in what form it can be stored (and for how long and how much etc), and how it is released (a unique taijutsu style?). Smile
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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 7:14 pm

OK so I would still like some consulting, could it be if Seishin Ryu increases opponent's chakra cost for 1 post or disables him using certain types of jutsu?
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyTue 20 Sep 2011, 4:56 am

Quote :
Ayakas are capable of channeling chakra throughout their skin on a thin layer, capable of absorbing other chakra upon contact.A jutsu known as Seishin Shoheki.That grants Ayaka clan resistance to physical damage, absorbing any type of physical or weapon attack's kinetic energy.
Elemental damage is not absorbed, however if some energy is absorbed before, damage is reduced.
Instead of channeling chakra through your skin to absorb physical damage (because that doesn't make too much sense) I would think that your clan has a unique type of chakra born from your KKG which when kinetic energy comes within a certain perimeter of the user your chakra reacts by 'sealing'/absorbing that energy into your own chakra. That would make more sense. Regarding the elemental damage that needs to be removed as kinetic energy is only physical damage e.g weaponry and taijutsu.
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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 23 Sep 2011, 9:21 am

OK done that, can someone check it?
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptySun 25 Sep 2011, 8:34 am

- Make a note of how much kinetic energy one can absorb per post e.g say with multiple attacks, I would think within rank you could absorb it all. (just make a note of it).

- Instead of using second use posts as a unit of measurement.

- Could you please fix the syntax and format of your KKG as it can be confusing at time. Be more descriptive on what Kinetic Energy actually entails etc.

Quote :
Name: Seishin no Ryu (Spirit Style)
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Close
Element: N/A
Description: After absorbing energy with Kekkei Genkai, Ayaka have developed a powerfull style involving powerfull blows and crippling locks, which they use to release the energy, creating shockwave within opponent's bodies resulting in crippling bones.The shockwave disrupts chakra so for about 5 seconds, user feels numb or if he/she is tired even stunned, also performing jutsu is harder for about 5 seconds.
Chakra Cost: (Only after absorbing energy with a Seishin Jutsu) 9
This needs to be put in the style template found in the miscellaneous section of the custom registry board.

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The Boss

Age : 30
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptySun 25 Sep 2011, 8:48 am

Absorbing attacks like this resembles Preta Path's abilities, this will not be permitted on Ultimate Shinobi.
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptySun 25 Sep 2011, 9:55 am

It is Kinetic Energy Adam, which means all non-chakra based attacks. Preta absorbed the opposite, which is chakra based technique's.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptySun 25 Sep 2011, 10:09 am

I said resembles. I know what Kinetic means and none the less it is a ridiculous way for one to godmod out of roleplaying a fight properly. Taijutsu and Weaponry can already be considered to be at a disadvantage when it comes to fights on Naruto RPG's when we don't allow immunity to Genjutsu or Ninjutsu why should Taijutsu and Weaponry be any different?
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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptySun 25 Sep 2011, 11:17 am

Well its not immunity, if an attack is strong enough, one can't absorb it
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyThu 29 Sep 2011, 11:42 pm

But who defines what is a 'strong enough attack'? You? As I said above, we don't allow things of this sort against Genjutsu or Ninjutsu, so we wouldn't allow it with Tai either.
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 30 Sep 2011, 5:21 am

Strong enough attack is determined by the amount of chakra released i.e same or equal rank. Its the same as any kind of absorption or defensive based technique?
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 30 Sep 2011, 12:44 pm

It's not a technique its a Kekkei Genkai which is usually passive, even if it wasn't though the grounds of this clan isn't acceptable.
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 30 Sep 2011, 4:26 pm

Todd wrote:
Strong enough attack is determined by the amount of chakra released i.e same or equal rank. Its the same as any kind of absorption or defensive based technique?
What you said doesn't really make such sense. It is still gonna happen the same way, the way you described it made no sense. Not all KKG are passive, most of them aren't actually, the grounds of this clan seem fine as long as theu are within the required limits.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 30 Sep 2011, 4:47 pm

There aren't limits though because we don't allow immunity to this level.
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Posts : 2032

Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyFri 30 Sep 2011, 4:59 pm

There is no immunity, that is what we have been saying this whole time. If there are no limits to this degree especially to what it is no point then it wouldn't happen. I can't even get a simple thread across without it be sucrosised in every single way for doing nothing wrong.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptySat 01 Oct 2011, 4:13 am

It's absorbing the actual physical contact, so if you actually do get past a defensive jutsu, you'd still have to deal with the ultimate defense.
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Age : 32
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyWed 05 Oct 2011, 5:07 pm

What about if instead of absorbing the impact itself, it would de-grade it by 1 or 2 ranks like from a C rank physical attack it would make E or D rank, I mean a moving object possesses not only kinetic but other types of energy like potential and that energy would still affect the impact.
If that isn't a valid idea for a clan, I don't know what is...So should I edit it or is it closed down?
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ayaka Clan (Done) Ayaka Clan (Done) EmptyMon 09 Jan 2012, 4:48 am


Due to inactivity.
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Ayaka Clan (Done) Vide
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