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Wound System

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Age : 31
Posts : 299

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Wound System Wound System EmptySun 15 Apr 2012, 8:58 pm

Quote :

All Nin are assumed to recover from minor injuries without need of medical attention thanks to heightened metabolisms and the natural healing aspect of chakra coursing through their bodies. Scrapes, mild cuts, bruises and sprains etc. only affect the user for the duration of the battle and are not factored into any following conflicts, thread or missions.

[Significant injuries such as broken bones, deep wounds, organ damage. Indeed anything akin to a severe and sustained beating will take time to recover from, if not overly long thanks to the miracle of medical jutsu. Such injuries last for a full week during which the time the nin can not train, go on missions or engage in further battles but may take part in social/non strenuous threads.]

Loss of limbs, body parts and irreparable organ damage can not be healed save by specific approved jutsu which are directly applied by approved characters.

Lost limbs/parts may be replaced with synthetic equivalents or regrown/reconstructed by approved characters with the requisite skill base. Where this is not done it is assumed that the limb/part is replace by a conventional systhentic part designed to exactly replicate the component's nature. Standard replacements add no additional functionality, may only be made of mundane materials and are chakra conductive.

Death can not be healed save by specific approved jutsu that allows it.

^This is what I have found as a "Damage" system, in all of your guides.

What I am suggesting is a Wound/Damage system, the theory is a system based on the amount of damage done to a specific part of the body, (arms, legs, torso, etc), in a single attack, or stacked attacks. The reason being is, it's another way to prevent godmodding, or bad rp in fights.

The idea is that after your character is struck, you suffer a wound on whatever appendage that strike may have landed, and then you must also consider trajectories for higher-level jutsu as well. For instance, if someone nicks you with a sword, it doesn't really penalize your character, but it still happened, and it still is a cut on your arm or whatever, however if someone has a massive sword and swings it at you, and you decide to attempt a parry but fail you may not only lose half your arm, but have a serious wound to your torso as well.

How would you do this? You already have a chakra system, follow the same pattern you did there.

End of suggestion (:
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Age : 48
Posts : 1036

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptySun 15 Apr 2012, 10:34 pm

Couple problems I can see with something like this right now.

1) How would you determine the damage from non-ranked attacks? For jutsu it would be easy enough to say "X rank does Y damage" but what about a cut with a kunai that nicks the femoral artery? A solid kick to the kidney? A big sword strike that just cuts into muscle? There are so many factors such as location, type of injury, and physical condition of the victim that have a serious effect on how dangerous an injury is. To calculate them all, add in randomness, etc would require a moderator or dice unless one leaves that up to the victim. In which case we're right back to the whole problem with metagaming that the system was supposed to correct.

2) A CP-type system for damage has all the problems inherent with "hit points" in other games. Primarily in that it encourages PC's to metagame with the thought of "well it's only X hp, I can take this attack and survive instead of dodging." I know in AD&D that was a big problem I had with some players until I added a critical hit system where even a lowly 1/2 HD Kobold could kill a level 20 character with a little luck.

3) How would such a system handle threads that occur over several days instead of just one? Would minor damage stay with the character even if several days had passed or would there be a "regeneration/ natural healing" rate and if so how much over how much time? How would one define "minor damage" in terms of hit points lost?

4) Any system like that would need to take into account that we don't have a stat-based system here. That would pretty much require that rank determine a character "Hit points" (plus maybe a small allotment for certain SCs) pool. That creates a bit of a problem - if attacks are balanced so that genin aren't "one shots", then anyone higher ranked (with more HP) is going to be able to laugh off anything short of a Chidori-grade attack.

And those are just the problems I can think of off the top of my head.

Personally I think a CP-type "hit point system" would be the wrong way to do things for this particular site. I'm more inclined to favor a system that adds something of a scaling penalty determined by the strength (as in rank) of the attack and the defenders resilience. If it's refined enough such a system would provide a framework to keep players "honest" about injuries while still allowing them wiggle room to write things out.

Below is an example from a system I'm working on to illustrate the system I mentioned above. Keep in mind that this particular example does use (and references to) a number of basic stats. However the key point is that the system defines the effect of a successful attack but the description of the injury is left up to the controlling player to determine. Also I haven't gotten around to writing the part about natural healing/ recovery and assisted healing/ recovery yet but part of it is that after so many posts of rest (defined as neither avoiding or initiating attacks) the penalty to a characters stats drop by 1.

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Kumo Nin

Age : 32
Posts : 787

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptySun 15 Apr 2012, 10:46 pm

People to need to use common sense and judgement when dealing and receiving damage to make it appropriate to the attack in question and the manner in which it is applied. If ever there is dispute, the mods are called in and the situation is resolved that way. Battle is much to widespread of a circumstance for there to be a system like this capable of being applicable to a text based rp. Not everything can be governed with ultimatums here unlike with video games and such. It just simply, will not work with out massively limiting the players. Which defeats the purpose of this board.
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Age : 31
Posts : 299

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptySun 15 Apr 2012, 11:06 pm

Quote :
1) How would you determine the damage from non-ranked attacks? For jutsu it would be easy enough to say "X rank does Y damage" but what about a cut with a kunai that nicks the femoral artery? A solid kick to the kidney? A big sword strike that just cuts into muscle? There are so many factors such as location, type of injury, and physical condition of the victim that have a serious effect on how dangerous an injury is. To calculate them all, add in randomness, etc would require a moderator or dice unless one leaves that up to the victim. In which case we're right back to the whole problem with metagaming that the system was supposed to correct.

Have weapons do damage too? I dont see why this is such a problem, a good hit is a good hit, a bad hit is a bad hit, if its good it does the weapons amount in damage, if bad it does half or something.

Quote :
2) A CP-type system for damage has all the problems inherent with "hit points" in other games. Primarily in that it encourages PC's to metagame with the thought of "well it's only X hp, I can take this attack and survive instead of dodging." I know in AD&D that was a big problem I had with some players until I added a critical hit system where even a lowly 1/2 HD Kobold could kill a level 20 character with a little luck.

Exactly my whole point of taking wounds. Yes, players are then encouraged to sacrifice an arm if they know they can kill their opponent in their next strike.

Quote :
3) How would such a system handle threads that occur over several days instead of just one? Would minor damage stay with the character even if several days had passed or would there be a "regeneration/ natural healing" rate and if so how much over how much time? How would one define "minor damage" in terms of hit points lost?

This is already in the system?

Quote :
All Nin are assumed to recover from minor injuries without need of medical attention thanks to heightened metabolisms and the natural healing aspect of chakra coursing through their bodies. Scrapes, mild cuts, bruises and sprains etc. only affect the user for the duration of the battle and are not factored into any following conflicts, thread or missions.

Quote :
4) Any system like that would need to take into account that we don't have a stat-based system here. That would pretty much require that rank determine a character "Hit points" (plus maybe a small allotment for certain SCs) pool. That creates a bit of a problem - if attacks are balanced so that genin aren't "one shots", then anyone higher ranked (with more HP) is going to be able to laugh off anything short of a Chidori-grade attack.

You definitely don't need stats to have an HP, you may need to make some SC's for it, however players should all be given the same amount of HP.

I dont like your system because it utilizes stats, like i have said, dont need stats to have HP. In fact, you don't even need HP to utilize this system. If you take a "Serious" wound, then you took a serious wound, face the consequences. NONETHELESS a "Serious Wound" should have a description, and provide examples so that players can realize what types of wounds they have if they have them.

Quote :
People to need to use common sense and judgement when dealing and receiving damage to make it appropriate to the attack in question and the manner in which it is applied. If ever there is dispute, the mods are called in and the situation is resolved that way. Battle is much to widespread of a circumstance for there to be a system like this capable of being applicable to a text based rp. Not everything can be governed with ultimatums here unlike with video games and such. It just simply, will not work with out massively limiting the players. Which defeats the purpose of this board.

There is no reasoning here besides "It will not work", disregarded.
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Age : 35
Posts : 1492

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptySun 15 Apr 2012, 11:13 pm

Quote :
There is no reasoning here besides "It will not work", disregarded.

Not disregarded. like he said, common sense applies. If you get stabbed in the arm, then you should account for that regardless. The board is pointless because you are trying to implement a system that would make this more of a MMO based system. "You get stabbed in the arm. Youre right arm is unusable for X posts. You take X amount of damage. you lose X amount of health."

Thats not the type of site this is.
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Age : 31
Posts : 299

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptySun 15 Apr 2012, 11:15 pm

Nah, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is:

Player 1 hits player 2 in the arm, takes x damage to arm, his arm might be alright or whatever, but say he takes another hit to that arm, now he's fucked in that arm, probably losing blood etc,

Oh i see what you mean now Caranore, however I would never go for something that only made players suffer during combat posts, players who get serious wounds/wounds in general should suffer the full effects until treated.

And i'm not so much trying to make it an MMO, i'm looking to stop Godmodding, which is a large problem with TRPG's, but this was only a suggestion, dont have to listen to me. =p
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Kumo Nin

Age : 32
Posts : 787

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptyMon 16 Apr 2012, 12:38 am

There is all the reasoning in the world, however it is simple and does not take a long burnt out explanation to provide. I told you exactly why it will not work. Whether you choose to regard it or not, however, is totally up to you. Like you, I merely put my two sense forth. Good day.
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Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

Age : 29
Posts : 4301

Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System EmptyFri 04 May 2012, 11:02 pm

Including a Wound System seems to be leaning more so to an actual RPG Game rather than a text based roleplaying forum, it's not needed really. Like Saint and Caranore have pointed out, damage and wounds should be taken into account through common sense. If a person takes an arrow to the knee, they're not going to just pull it out, they'll instead have to quit being an Adventurer. Cereally though, common sense applies, if you take a fireball to the chest, you're not going to just stand up and act like nothing happened. If you're ever worried about members godmodding, metagaming or performing unrealistic reactions to an attack, then you're more than welcome to contact the Staff through PM's or within the Forum Assistance topic. So to finalise my point, the system really isn't needed.

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Wound System Vide
PostSubject: Re: Wound System Wound System Empty

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