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Makoto Baratunde[Complete]

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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 11 Mar 2010, 11:38 pm

Basic Information:

Makoto Baratunde (B-ah-rah-toon-day)
Secondary Title:
"The Inferno", "Of the Hands"
Physical Appearance:
Makoto Baratunde[Complete] MakotoShishio

Makoto is a very tall, thin individual. His body is lean and muscular and he is surprisingly strong in spite of his frail appearance. His skin was originally dark and made even more so by the burn woulds that cover the majority of his body. As a result of not letting these wounds have enough time to heal, and because of the necessity of his abilities, he has continued to cover his entire body in a leather based bandage wrap that also doubles as a series of scrolls. His entire body is thus, shrouded under this second skin, with the exception of his face, where his lips nose and eyes can be seen, and evidence of his dark skin shown. Though still, he will wear a blue robe like clothe that slings about the left shoulder and hangs limp on his right side. The robe drapes down his legs to about shin level, and is most commonly a blue in color. He wears a pair of iron clad sandals, or simply remains barefoot most of the time, and his hands are often gloved. It isn't uncommon to see him smoking a traditional ceremonial pipe, and though his talent isn't with Kenjutsu, he carries around a blade as many shinobi do, though will rarely use it for combat purposes despite it's rare nature. The bands about his head are loosely wrapped enough that his unkept hair spouts through at places, making him appear to be almost sloppy and lazy in personality.

Additional Pictures~

Shishio is extremely ruthless and coldblooded. Living by the belief that weak only exist for the benefit of the strong, he generally appears heartless, though in reality he isn't. For all of his ruthless nature, he is still able to form working agreements, and bonds of allies to a certain extend depending on the ends. If he feels as though an individual will work in his favor to have befriended he will gladly take the opportunity to side with them, however, he will just as quickly dispatch of the individual should they fall out of general use to his cause; whatever it would happen to be at the time.
Shishio displays very high intelligence, in some ways giving him something of an evil genius persona. He is extremely crafty, being able to hide sealing experiments from the hidden village of kirigakure despite their investigations into his shady actions, and his plans nearly succeed in bringing them down. He also learns from his mistakes; after his brush with death from being knocked out with a kunai to the head, he takes to wearing the of Kirigakure hachigane (iron headband) to keep that weakness from being exploited.
While he is a coldblooded individual, he is also very calm in almost all situations barring combat. He moves about at his own sluggish pace and observes with close detail everything around him as reason of habit. Should one be observing him, they would almost find his methodical movement lazy in origin, however, while he is often relaxed, his hatred of the lazy, fat, and trivial would be enough to convince any man that he is far from lazy. He has a strong personality and strong ambition to fuel his goals.
In battle, his emotions can escape him more easily. Though he still takes the role of the stronger personality in most situations, he attacks and fights with anger and darkness; overwhelming his opponents with a sense of malice that alone can break the spirit and cause those unwilling or unprepared to drop sword and flee for their lives. It's this latent intensity that also drives Makoto's passion to weed out the weak according to the 'laws of fire'.

Catch Phrase:
"Everything burns in the end.",
"To build, you must first destroy",
"Return to dust.",

Clan Information:
Nenshou Clan
Rank Information:

Rank: Jounin
Village Affiliation:Kirigakure

Special Information:

Character Speciality:
Main: Ninjutsu
Sub: Puppetry

Elemental Affinity:
Main: Fire
Sub: Wind[Void]
Advanced: Ash


Name: Body Cloak of Tempered Bandages
Rank: A
Type: Defensive-Enhancer
Natural Abilities: This is essentially a body suit in which the entire body is wrapped is bandages that is functional to the body. In this case, it has been tempered with the ground scales of the Fire Salamander, making it highly resistant to fire by increasing it's specific heat many times. While it can still technically 'burn' it will not absorb heat quickly, allowing the user to move though fire without burning themselves. Prolonged exposure (more then one post) to any level of fire will however, begin the burning process.

Background Information

Makoto was born in the bloody mist era and it is assumed that much of what makes up her personality and goals was formed from being brought up in a society where survival was the primary priority of any individual. With this cultural force driving how he was raised to live, he to this day continues with the idea that one must crush their foes to prevent being defeated themselves. He was brought up in the Nenshou Clan within their boundaries and always imagined becoming a powerful shinobi. He was taught will the power of fire and how the uncontrollable force behind it could easily be a force of chaos. He was taught what were known as the 'rules of fire' not as a form of learned about fire physically, but rather, principles of the soul and the human spirit. To be truly powerful, the raw potential of the body and the mind must be released, however in doing so, one also runs the risk of losing themselves to a state of confusion and chaos. It was something that was emphasized, however a young Makoto only realized the potential for power, and thus grew up with the willingness to throw away himself in order to harness the power of the ambition that rested in the soul for the power to survive.

Through his Genin years he was far more advanced in the arts of fire jutsu that was basically a trait of his clan. Though the element of fire itself was unpredictable when undermasterd, Makoto made a point to use them in full offensive ways to prevent himself from taking damage from his own technique; a method known to many shinobi as "High risk, high reward." tactics. For such low level shinobi, this strategy worked out well, as his offense made up for his lack of defense simply by over powering his opponents into impossible situations for their skill. As he progressed, Makoto became considered a genius of his time and a hopeful for the next generation. In the chunnin exams, he was scorched many of his classmates to death in order to obtain what would be the next steping stone after that... the next year would be that of the final Mist chunnin exams, where Zabuza Momochi slaughtering of his entire class would bring an end to such practice.

However, in his chunnin years, his progression in power was halted by a swing in cultural expectations. The brute force tactics that he was prized for quickly became unacceptable as the 'bloody mist' era came to an end. Makoto was outraged at such a change from power to weakness, as the countries morals changed, his attitude remained in the passed that he was rooted in. In a rash move, he fled from the main Kirigakure to his clan village, stealing its most powerful jutsu and taking hiding in a system of tunnels carved out by an active volcano to train away from the 'influence of the weak.' Here, he hoped to master the clans most powerful and destructive jutsu in order to become powerful enough to change kirigakure back to its old ways; by force if necessary. It was in the body of the volcano that he met his soon to be summon as he trained in the vacant magma chambers. He spent all of three years in seclusion, lost and isolated from the changes of the outside world. He slowly mastered his KKG element and build upon is ability to use fire until the day came that he thought himself powerful enough to master the secret forbidden jutsu of his clan. On a fated day, he went to the center of the vent, and attempted to jutsu for the first time. The result was amazing, blasting the base of the volcano to the point that it literally collapsed and caved in on itself, however it wasn't perfected, and not only had he suffered from first degree burns, he was caught in the falling array of rocks and earth that would crush him if it weren't for the the fire salamander that saved his mortal life. He spent the next six months of his life nursing his burn wounds and wallowing in his failure. He blamed his situation on the future, and was forced to return to Kirigakure, where he was more surprisingly resented but accepted. Because he didn't allow his body to heal fast enough, and thus is now forced to live in the shroud of bandages that cover his body as a second skin.

It was here that he began looking for more interesting alternatives under the technology branch of Kirigakure. As far as advances in future technology there were few to be found, but still, he wanted to find was that he could possibly heal himself to full capacity. IT was then that he discovered the potential of puppetry and chakra strings and their ability to mimic the muscle system like a system of pullies and levers in the body. He had multiple interesting puppets made and designed while he made a point to train himself in the puppet arts; the last real step to completing his fighting style that we see today. However, once again, before his progress was completed, and the ideal of replacing parts of his own body with puppetry was considered, he sunk once again into the darkness that was the drive to destroy. In his research, he also look up the history of his clan, tracing it back to further events that he had considered to be another uncontrollable reason as to why he was in the situation that he was today. Though his injuries were healed, he would be forever scarred by the chaos of fire. Makoto set out once more, with ambition to crush the modern world and ideals of peace in order to reform the past; to burn away to present to make way for his future that he feels as though was stolen from him. It was then in his life that he changed his last name to "Baratunde" (Meaning "Self Exhiled") as a tribute to his life.

Role-Play Sample:

Last edited by WTFlash on Thu 01 Apr 2010, 4:23 am; edited 12 times in total
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptySat 13 Mar 2010, 7:18 am


Common/Normal Ninjutsu-

Fire Ninjutsu-


Uncommon/Exclusive Ninjutsu-


Ash Ninjutsu-


Last edited by WTFlash on Wed 31 Mar 2010, 6:13 am; edited 16 times in total
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptySat 13 Mar 2010, 8:16 am


Name: FloorMaster Collection
Rank: (C, A)

Description: The FloorMaster Collection is a series of identical 'puppets' that are all modeled to look like and mimic the dexterity and usage of a human hand. They come in a variety of sizes that decide their rank, from the small (C ranked) version that is the size of a normal human hand, to the large (A ranked) version that is the size of a modern day civic.

Model by Rank
~The C ranked versions have no functioning slots.
~The A ranked version has all shown slots.

There are as of now, Two(2) A-ranked models, and Ten(10) C-ranked models.

~All joints made ball joints and can move about freely on axis.
~All joints made of rubberized cores to help absorb physical impact and nullify lightning based damage
~All joints detachable and replaceable.
~Each individual part can be made to self destruct

Makoto Baratunde[Complete] FloorMaster

Body Slots:
Slot 1: Thumb ~ Retractable Katana Blade
Slot 2: Index Finger ~ Spring Loaded Explosive-tag Kunai
Slot 3: Middle Finger ~ Demolition Firework
Slot 4: Ring Finger ~ Pressurized Smokescreen
Slot 5: Pinky Finger ~ Retractable Katana Blade
Slot 6: BackHand ~ WindMill Shuriken
Slot 7: Knuckle ~ Retractable Katana Blade(x3)
Slot 8:
Slot 9: --
Slot 10: --
History: This history is one that is very simple in that there is no mystery to their creation. Makoto had assumed that the area of the body with the most control would be the hands; where the dexterity was most potent. With that said, it would also be much easier to control puppets that mimic parts of ones physical body. As a result, he formulated the blue print for the hand puppets, whose sting based 'muscle' system mimiced ones natural hands perfectly. Before this point, he had only ever used ninjutsu and fire based techniques, however, it was at this point that he began using Puppetry and the many rigged hands as a part of his usual attack scheme.


Puppetry Jutsu


Puppet Summoning Techniques


Last edited by WTFlash on Thu 01 Apr 2010, 12:23 am; edited 4 times in total
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptySun 28 Mar 2010, 4:26 am


Name: Sal' Des
Rank: A
Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Firesalamander1
Of the Salamander species in general, these are somewhat smaller in size. Sal' Des, thus, is about the size of a normal modern elephant in scale; large enough to comfortably ride or stand upon. As seen, it is easily spotted as a black salamander with orange streaks decorating it's scaled skin.
Contract Type: Blood + Summoning jutsu
Species: Fire Salamander
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Special Abilities/Characteristics:

Scaled armor - The scales that make up the outer layer of their skin are made of a very powerful and high specific heat material. So much so that the Fire Salamanders live quite comfortably in volcanic environments. This makes more fire techniques useless against them.

Flammable Secretions - The Salamander can secrete a lipid based that is very efficient and allows a slow, controlled burn.

Background: While training, he took refuge within the walls of an active volcano. In this way, his forbidden use of clan techniques in his training would be considered nothing more then signs of a healthy living volcano and disregarded by those who noticed. But he wasn't the only individual that lived with in the hollow magma vaults of the volcano. It wasn't long until he found himself face to face with the only other living thing in this volcano, a lizard like beast; body literally on fire. It was wingless and it's skin wasn't as jagged as the armor of the normal reptile. After staring each other down, the beast retreated into the rock of the volcano by melting it rock and simply walking though it. It was a beast that he thought treasured to his cause.

The had many other chance meetings form that point on; though eventually one spoke to the other and managed to discuss their own situations; including how they both managed to survive in such climates. Soon after Makoto bluntly asked if the beast would join his personal cause. The beast declined at first, saying that until the volcano was dead, it would be his home. Makoto, using the forbidden S-ranked justu that he had been attempting to master, destroyed the main vent of the volcano, strangling it and killing it (But his failure to master the technique resulted in almost killing himself in the process). The Salamander had no choice but to allow himself to be the personal summon of Makoto. After the long recovery process, Makoto returned to the now dead volcano, and retrieved the summoning contract of the Fire Salamander.

Summons Jutsu:

Name: Pyroclastic Blast
Rank: A
Type: Nintaijutsu
Element: Fire [Katon]
Description: A fire based technique in which one inhales deeply, then exhales a stream of fire that quickly, after coming out of the mouth, turns to smoke creating a jet of superheated smoke that both scorches and burns everything it comes into contact with.

Name: Fire fang drill
Rank: B
Type: Nintaijutsu
Element: Fire [Katon]
Description: This is a technique in which the users flaming body is made to turn and spin making a drill like fang similar the "Gatsuga" technique. This, however is a fire based fang and can drill through rock and thin metals, allowing one to tunnel through the ground if necessary.

Name: Ignition Skin
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire [Katon]
Description: This is a technique in which the user grinds two objects using fire element chakra to increase friction; either forming a superheated area or creating sparks. In either situation, the ultimate goal is to catch or light something to flame.

Name: Burning Secretion
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire [Katon]
Description: This is a technique of the Fire Salamander Species. At anytime, they can secrete a lipid based, gel like substance that is highly flammable, though not explosive. This slow burning substance acts as the natural defense mechanism of the user. With this technique, their entire body will perspire this substance.

Name: Oil Spill Shot
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire [Katon]
Description: This is a technique in which the user breathes in lightly then, all at once, releases a jet of blackened oil, coating anything withing the 20-30meter range in oil.

Last edited by WTFlash on Thu 01 Apr 2010, 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyTue 30 Mar 2010, 10:09 pm

Completion Bump
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Age : 30
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 2:02 am

Special Characteristics

Fire Proof: Not enough detail and this would be an item not a S.C. Why would fireproof leather prevent cold too? How heat resistant is this leather?


Manipulate Advancing Blades: This is a puppetry technique.

Under Water Motion Technique: How does it mask the users presence and why wouldn't it disrupt the surface? Propelling yourself through the water would no doubt send ripples to the surface.

Listening through walls technique: What about reinforced walls? P.S: Thats a funky name.

Art of breath holding: How would the body work without breathing for that extended period of time without using medical abilities?

Art of walking anywhere : This is fine except for walking across extremely hot things like magma, just because your feet are protected doesn't mean that the rest of your body wouldn't burn.

Fire jet tech : The jet dissipates once reaching its full length right?

Heat touch technique : Without medical, this is seemingly impossible.

Phoenix substitution technique: This uses up one substitution, correct?

Fire Snare Technique: I'm gonna have to say B-rank with this one.

Fire Eater technique: Ok for the avoiding B or lower rank fire jutsu by inhaling them, no on the mixing the inhaled fire with chakra and spitting out steam. Mixing two types of chakra to create another type would be a combination element which would be KKG related.

Flame Testament: Making the ground arid would take some time to happen and I don't see how it would effect the chakra cost of Suiton jutsu at all really.

The Laws of Fire : Instead of making these jutsu, I think it would be easier to put them into clan traits, which are as I see it, free power ups. ( Needless to say, I dislike them.)

Leaching The Dead : Sounds too Medical to me.

Shadow Arms Technique: How would this be performed without first knowing the basic shadow clone jutsu?

All the ash jutsu are pre approved right?
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 2:30 am

Fire Proof: - i've made an item. It isn't necessarily "fire proofed" just the fact that the specific heat of the material is very high. This means it take more energy (or lack of energy) to change the degree of the material by one. Many materials like this exist in real life; as space shuttles returning to the earth atmosphere must be able to withstand many thousands of degrees Fahrenheit in temperature.

Manipulate Advancing Blades: - Well thankfully I have the puppetry specialty. In any case I'll remove it from that section as it is also in the puppet section as well.

Under Water Motion Technique: - kakashi is seen able to swim under water, even under his opponents feet (while they are standing on the water) without disturbing the water about him; this is evidence by the lack of ripple/breaking of the surface of the water. This is only taking THAT basic technique and putting it into a written jutsu form.

Listening through walls technique: - Do you really feel that I need to go as far as describe WHAT kind of walls one can listen through?

Art of breath holding: - In the battle between Might Guy and the Pseudo Kisame, his team members were trapped in the water prison technique for quite some time; several minutes at least, while they fought. It is only assumed that the lung capacity of a shinobi enables them to hold their breathe for extended periods of time.

Art of walking anywhere - I think your brother said the same thing, And I understand.

Fire jet tech : - Yup

Heat touch technique : - It is quite possible with fire element chakra, why could fire element chakra not only heat, but buffer ones self from extreme temperatures as well? I mean earth can make ones skin rock hard (as seen by Kakuzu).

Phoenix substitution technique: - Yup

Fire Snare Technique: - reasonable, B-rankified

Fire Eater technique: - Ohh snap, my fault, the copy/paste got me on that one. Tweeked it.

Flame Testament: - It is from the air that the water is fled via the heat, and many water technique require vast amount of water (as seen by the 2nd Hokage vs the 3rd) If the air lacks water, it will be harder to pull off those techniques and thus force one to use MORE chakra to gather said water.

The Laws of Fire : - Ehh i'll just remove em

Leaching The Dead : - what about this is medical?

Shadow Arms Technique: - I could argue a point, but rather I'd just ask... could it be approved otherwise or is it really necessary that I c/p SKJ into my app?

Haha, and TWO of the ash tech are pre-approved... everything else is custom.
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Posts : 487

Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 5:25 am

Art of Breath Holding - Might Guy's team just could hold their breath for a few minutes, which is the normal human breath limit. I dont see how this could be possible without further explanation...

Hidden Mist and Dispelling Hidden Mist both need the water element and ninjutsu, no?

Leeching the Dead seems medical, since you're taking the chakra from an individual. That requires not only medical knowledge, but a good hand with it as well. Can you please remove that.
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 5:53 am

Leeching the Dead - Alrighty, I'll remove this.

Hidden Mist and Dispelling Hidden Mist - This is actually not a water release technique. I have ninjutsu as a specialty, an as far as I know the only requirement is that I be in Kirigakure.

Art of Breath Holding - This is just defining it for purposes of the site. If that is the normal human breathe limit then I am well within what I would be able to do. Five posts of holding breathe, after all, usually doesn't equate to more then a minutes or two in "real time".
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Posts : 487

Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 6:06 am

So then the Art of Breath Holding would be better off if removed, unless you'd prefer to be spending chakra. If anyone says you cant hold your breath that long, have them talk to me and/or look at your app :3

And I'm not sure. I'll need another staff's opinion on the Hidden Mist Tech thing.

Once those get done, I dont see why I should approve it :]
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 6:14 am

Allrighty! I've removed the breathe holding tech and await orders on the Hidden Mist Tech, I'll even double check myself should I be wrong.

I'm sure that if a second mod is going to be looking they will find more to have me fix. Bring it OOOOOOON! haha.
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Posts : 487

Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 6:16 am

Lol, well I see nothing else, but a second opinion never hurts. I'm sure you'll be approved by tomorrow's eve ;]
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyWed 31 Mar 2010, 5:02 pm

Alrighty, ready for found two of judgement!
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Age : 35
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 12:13 am

Hidden mist does need to have the water element to utilize.

How does Ignition skin work with the Salamander? This is more of a curiosity question.

Name: Kugutsu no Jutsu - [Puppetry Technique]
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: Kugutsu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to use a puppet to attack from afar. Using their body's chakra, the ninja emits strings of chakra that run from their fingers to the puppet. The puppet itself can be loaded with many weapons and tools, allowing the puppet master to remain hidden while the puppet moves and attacks the target.

This jutsu is needed to be able to manipulate puppets.
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 12:25 am

Tech added.

There is a species of Salamander known as the "Fire Salamander" (easily googleable) that has the ability to sweat an acidic liquid that burns those that touch it when it feels threaten. Instead of an acid, I made it a flammable substance!
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Age : 35
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 12:27 am

Quote :
Name: Ignition Skin
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire [Katon]
Description: This is a technique in which the user grinds two objects using fire element chakra to increase chakra; either forming a superheated area or creating sparks. In either situation, the ultimate goal is to catch or light something to flame.

That technique I meant. Im curious as to how a salamander would do this o.o
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 12:28 am


Not 'increase chakra' i meant 'increase friction' jeeze, my bad.
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Age : 35
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 3:44 am

Flash, Flash, Flash. Roleplay sample Roleplay sample, Roleplay sample. I cant approve you otherwise.
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Age : 33
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 4:26 am

Haha you got me! Posted it as a link.
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Age : 35
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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptyThu 01 Apr 2010, 4:26 am

Just remember. We hold you to 200 words of your sample, so Im using the second post for reference.

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The Boss

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Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Makoto Baratunde[Complete] Makoto Baratunde[Complete] EmptySun 09 May 2010, 2:24 am

Archived due to user receiving a new character.
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