Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]

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Age : 30
Posts : 614

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 4:57 am

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Robe_o11

Keesho, Aero


Name: Kessho, Aero
Nickname: Some of his friends call him Dainou, meaning Brain. He came to acquire this name simply because he has always been one of the more intellectual pupils, and has always attempted to learn from every situation as well as being one to share his learned knowledge with others around him.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Due to his passion for intelligence, Aero is always outside, absorbing the radiant rays of sunlight while observing things in nature. Over time, his skin has simply adjusted and seems to be stuck at a permanent sun-kissed tan, and has built a resistance to sunburns. His skin is complemented by his soft, black, unkempt hair which he has been growing out for quite some time although not allowing it to obscure his vision. His eyes are one of his more interesting features which have been recognized as a signature characteristic amongst his clan. They are gradient and give great contrast to his hair and skin both. [Aero's Eyes] In addition to what he considers 'stunning' facial features, Aero has quite the physical attractiveness too simply because he is always running and exercising. Since he finds that a body should not go to waste in any one way, Aero has become quite the runner causing extremely strong legs, and one who constantly does push-ups which has resulted in built biceps and great upper body strength. All of his muscle is in great proportion to his height of five feet and six inches, leaving him at a stead one hundred and thirty four pounds.

In terms of clothing, Aero wears a loosely bound black robe with a turquoise brim that extends the whole length of the robe. [reference the picture above for a glimpse of the robe]. This robe is split down the center, and has no pockets or anything of the sort, but does have straps that originate at the back of the robe so that it may be fastened somewhat closed. Underneath his robe, Aero wears a black tank-top that is skin tight, and is without any harsh texture. On his legs, rather than wearing the traditional jeans, shorts, etc. Aero wears skin-tight wholesome black leggings that extend from his waist to his ankles. Although these leggings may seem awkwardly tight to others, Aero has grown fond of them because they do not impede his movement. On his feet, he wears a pair of standard ninja combat shoes, not traveling sandals.

Facing forward on his waist is his utility pouch in which he stores his kunai, wire, smokebombs, and explosive tags. He also keeps a journal and pencil in his pouch so that he may write during his adventures.

Forehead Protector: Worn around his waist as a belt buckle, his headband straps are turquoise rather than the traditional black.

Personality: Aero considers himself to be moderately nonchalant and open when it comes to who people are in terms of personality. Generally speaking, in terms of what people know, Aero usually considers others to be lesser and ignorant. He has made it his personal goal to enlighten all those who he encounters along the way, sharing with them the things he has learned.

To his friends, Aero is a greatly generous person who holds very little value to the items of the material world, and would much rather trade material items for things such as happiness. He does not believe in making people suffer, or going without. Some of his friends think that his ability to sympathize for others in every aspect is his greatest characteristic, Aero disagrees.

Aero believes his greatest ability to be in his wit and humor, because although he enjoys enlightening people, he will not do it harshly. Due to the fact that he does not deliver things without delicacy, he generally employs humor or witty riddles beforehand. This wit is also used to relay facts to both friends and enemies alike, or greatly concealed riddles about his future moves.

While he enjoys people with the will to learn, books, food, training, learning himself, observing, and traveling there are also things he dislikes and fears. His biggest fear, is the fear of ignorance which is closely followed by death. He fears both death and ignorance simply because there is no knowledge with either.

Clan: Kessho

To bring knowledge to everyone, even to those on the battlefield. To save those who fight against him, and if he cannot then he must deliver them peace through teaching before they have died.


Origin: Kumogakure
Affiliation: Kumogakure
Rank: C-Rank
Specialties: Ninjutsu; Weaponry (Main: Swords, Sub: Ranged)
Elemental Affinities: Doton (Main); Raiton (Sub); Shōton (Crystal) [Clan]
Combat Style:

When Aero is using his jutsus, he prefers fighting from a distance so that his jutsus will give a more wholesome effect by the time they have been completed, but it also gives him a chance to be a bit more defensive. When he must fight up close because his chakra is running low, or because there is very limited space Aero will use his weapons since he is more than proficient with them.

His weakness is dealing with more than one enemy at a time because it diverts his ability to analyze into more than one place. Thus, he can be greatly susceptible to distractions. On the other hand, not all distractions will work because he is such an observant fighter. Also, he has a knack for remembering hand signs in accordance to the jutsus they produce.

In the event that he ever comes close to death, or that he must come down to it, Aero would use a counter-kamakazi attack. This simply meaning, he will appear weak enough that his opponent will rush in to finish him off at which point he will use his 'Omiwatari' jutsu in order to create a wall of sharp and rigid crystals in front of him, hoping that his enemy slams into it, impaling him or herself.

(As a desire, Aero wishes to work more on his Taijutsu)
Special Characteristics:

Chakra Capacity



Academy Arc

Genin Arc

Roleplay Sample:

Aero took a deep breath of the refreshingly clean Kumogakure air allowing it to pass through his lungs and out of his nose. The feeling it produced was almost intoxicating each and every time that he walked into the open air. It was one of his most favorite places to be other than in the library reading scrolls. Today, he felt that he could go and watch some of the wildlife that surrounded the city since he had not been asked to do any missions, nor did today feel like a particularly good day to buff up on any of his skills. So, with a belated sigh and a dazzling smile toward the sky, Aero began to walk. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. This seemed such a strange pattern to him, after all nobody ever told him 'you must walk this way', and so he thought he'd try a new method of walking as he made his way out of the village through the northern gates.

Right hop, right hop, left hop, right hop. Nope, there was no doubt about it for Aero, there was just nothing else that seemed like walking and was as efficient. He proceeded to walk normally again, perching his hands crisscrossed like meshing cogs behind his head as a supportive device as he tilted his head back just enough to catch a fair portion of the sky.

There were no clouds in sight, birds flew freely, and the sounds of the happy villagers filled the air. As great as this was, deep down inside Aero felt that something was missing, and then like always, he knew. He hadn't made a point of sharing knowledge with anyone today, he had been to selfish in pursuing his own desires. So, he made an abrupt stop and looked around. Women with their babies, soon-to-be academy students, and elderly villagers roamed around him. He could speak to the elderly, but might be crushed by their wisdom accumulated through the years. His next choice would be a passing by woman, but then he would receive some sort of lecture about birthing children and he didn't particularly want to hear that at the moment. So, then he decided that it must be a child that needed his knowledge the most today. He cleared his throat, and approached the nearest group of huddled children, who to no surprise were talking about the academy.

He squatted down, a smile on his face. His robe slid behind him, tracking a bit of dirt on the tail, not that he minded too much since he washed it every night he returned home. "So, you're all excited to be a great students when you enter the academy I hope. See, there's things they don't always tell you because it's assumed, but I know how it is.. Sometimes when you're a ninja you just want to shout in excitement all the time, but you can't always. When you're in a stressed combat situation, and when they're testing you in the academy, always take the highest point of cover to get a better perspective and remain silent." He had done it again, he had closed his eyes and began remembering his blissful days back at the academy and when he opened his eyes, only one of the three children remained. Apparently, her other two friends had ran away.

She looked at him, his tender blue eyes reflecting off of his oddly colored ones. "Hmm, you're odd. I like it!" She shrieked in her prepubescent, high pitched voice. And then she gave a more tense, serious, studious nod. "I will always remember!"

Aero laughed gentle, bringing his hand up to pat her on the top of the head, before spinning upward on his right leg back into a standing position. "Good! Now, get back to your friends!" He was delighted to hear someone say that they would always remember his words, and with that he dashed back toward the north gate hoping to see something interesting happen when he had managed to take his place in the canopy of the trees.


Academy Jutsus

Doton Jutsus

Raiton Jutsus

Shōton Jutsus

Kumogakure Specific Techniques



Character Claim: Gintoki
Source: Gintama
Image URL: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=Sinsenor#/d41whg5

Last edited by Brett on Tue 01 Jan 2013, 7:11 pm; edited 15 times in total
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Posts : 115

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 5:18 am

The thread title is not formatted correctly, it needs to follow the same format that...every other character has. Please fix this.

Kirigakure is not an active village on this site. Your choices are Konohagakure, Kumogakure, or Nukenin.

Please copy-paste one of our starting kits for your weapons. They can be found in the Encyclopedia.

Quote :
Character Claim:
Image URL:

This needs to be filled out.
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Age : 30
Posts : 614

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 6:12 am

All has been fixed to the best of my knowledge! (:
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Posts : 115

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 7:14 am

History: Most genin enter the academy around the age of six or seven. Exceptions are often made but why would an intelligent child born to two shinobi parents who had high hopes for their son...keep him out of school for an extra seven to eight years? Either flesh out the circumstances there for how that happened or you should make the age a little more logical for that time in his life.

You also typo'd the Kessho link.

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Age : 30
Posts : 614

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 7:59 am

Character age reduced, age in the Arcs has modified accordingly.

Typo has been corrected
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Posts : 115

Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 8:17 am

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Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyFri 20 Apr 2012, 10:06 am

Discussed Edits over Skype - solid application.

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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptySat 01 Dec 2012, 10:26 pm

Due to staff permission to modify character.
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Age : 37
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Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  EmptyThu 03 Jan 2013, 11:41 pm

Archived due to new character App
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Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin] Kessho, Aero [Kumogakure Chuunin]  Empty

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