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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin]

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Age : 30
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyThu 21 Jan 2010, 3:50 am

Basic Information:

Name: Kakougan Kaiku

Secondary Title: -0
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance:
Height: 6'3
Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Gears_of_War___Grenadier_by_BlkBull
Kakougan isn't exactly a 'pretty person', and he realizes and embraces that. His clan, the Kaiku, have evolved to a point that they are on the verge of being another species. Needless to say, this effects their appearance greatly as shown with Kakougan. Kakougan's skin is very pale and has numerous oddly colored craters littered all over it's surface. Kakougan's face isn't significantly better then the rest of his body, it may even be worse. His face is extremely bony and has a reptilian look to it. Kakougan's teeth are all canines on account of his strict diet of wild animals.Kakougan has small gray eyes that lack pupils and are ovular in shape to match the design of his face. Kakougan's hard skin and muscles are visible all of the time. This is because Kakougan doesn't believe in shirts and insists on living without them. Due to his clan nature, the ability to resist paralysis, Kakougan's skin is very vascular, more vascular then it would normally be. This causes Kakougan to be even more grotesque then he already was originally, especially when he flexes or gets angry. When this happens, his veins seem to burst from the skin and pulse up and down disgustingly.

What little clothing Kakougan wears is located below his waist. As pants, Kakougan wears a pair of armored leggings in which he keeps all of his equipment. These leggings are made of titanium and have no abilities beyond their base material. The only visible equipment on Kakougan's belt are the grenade that he keeps dangle around in case he needs to use them quickly.
All over his body, Kakougan bears depictions of crosses. Kakougan tatood his body with crosses after converting to worshiping ' The Divine' one. Kakougan made this a very slow and painful process, but it was all symbolic and it made him a better ninja in the long run. Each tattoo has a seal on it that Kakougan keeps weapons in. Each cross has one weapon in it except the one on his face, which holds his poisons. The only tattoo seals that are not on on his skin are the crosses on the heels of his boots.

One his back, Kakougan bears a large black scroll that is stretches diagonally from his shoulders to his rear. The scroll is held by two metal bands that latch onto Kakougan's shoulder and waist. The scroll is not very decorated, but it does have a large silver cross across the back of it. This cross is symbolic of his position in Hellsing and he refuses to inform anyone of its meaning. The scroll holds a multitude of dead bodies that Kakougan uses for some jutsu. To prevent any incidents that may be provoked by his frightening face, Kakougan wears a gas mask while inside villages and for meetings most of the time. This gas mask has nothing special about it and is just a generic brand black gas mask that covers Kakougan's entire head. Kakougan's superiors also suggested that he wore a shirt, but he shrugged them off and continues to walk around the city shirt less.


Kakougan’s appearance is not the exact opposite of how he acts, but it is very far off. If someone were to base an opinion on someone from looks alone, people would see Kakougan as barbaric or demonic. There was a point in his past where both of those statements would be true, but Kakougan has digressed from such ways. The only part of Kakougan’s appearance that can give a direct link to his personality are the cross shapped tattoos that cover most of his body. Although those cross shaped seals have a combat purpose, they are also symbolic to Kakougan’s dedication to his religion. Each cross is linked to a prayer that Kakougan says while meditating.

The thing about Kakougan’s personality is that he is very elegant and respectful of his elders and superiors; even if he dislikes them. Kakougan doesn’t believe in friends and enemies and often refers to them as comrades and opponents. Most ninja have a nagging doubt in their mind, something that makes them want to betray their village or kill without reasons. Kakougan is above such behaviors and has long past his phase of betrayal and killing in his past. Kakougan has sworn his life to protect his home, the desert, or more specifically Suna. He doesn’t enjoy this task of constantly defending, but he doesn’t despise it. Kakougan is simply content with things he does. Some may say he’s indifferent about things, but that is slander. Kakougan cares about the people and things he protects, he just doesn’t expect them to care that he is protecting them.

Kakougan will constantly go on speeches about his beliefs, trying to convert or change others. He has never succeeded once, yet he continues to preach. The only thing that sets off Kakougan’s killing intent is someone insulting his beliefs. Kakougan has little to no tolerance for this and often tries to kill them, regardless of position or strength. Most of Kakougan’s kills after his conversion have been because of this. Kakougan isn’t happy when he has to kill someone and always mourns the dead.

Catch Phrase:


Clan Information:

Name: Kaiku

Kekkei Genkai:

Members of the Kaiku clan have adapted and evolved to a point that they are almost a different species then most of the ninja race. Kaiku clan members have extremely pale and rough skin along with some reptilian features. Their teeth are adapted to be carnivorous, which eliminates molars and replaces them with more canine teeth. Kaiku clan members also lack fingernails and instead have long retractable claws that are stronger then steel.

Chant Signs:
Because of their superior intellect, Kaiku clan members can perform chants instead of handsigns when needed. These chants are so silent that only the user can hear them. There is a one syllable chant for every kind of hand seal and each one corresponds to one hand seal. A kaiku clan member must say them in succession in the same way another ninja would have to make the hand seals. This makes Kaiku members able to be combat effective even when their arms are taken up.

Super Skin:
The skin of Kaiku clan members is extremely tough and durably. This skin is tougher then most metals, meaning regular weaponry would simply glance off Kaiku clan members. Depending on the rank of the Kaiku, the skin is harder. Each rank of Kaiku can block weapons that are one rank below them as a passive ability (ex: B-Rank Kaiku can block C-rank weapons.). This is completely passive and costs no chakra since this is just their normal skin. There are three types of Kaiku super skin, each with a certain ability that comes with that type. One type of Kaiku clan members stayed in the volcanoes to live, giving them burn resistance. Others went to the top of mountains where thunderstorms occured often, giving them paralysis resistance. The third group went to the bramble forest where they were cut on a daily basis, forcing their bodies to develop protections from these cuts.

Burning: Living in a volcanoes for most of their life, Kaiku members are immune to burns and could even walk through magma without hurting themselves. This does not stop the impact force of an attack, but does protect from the heat. Kaiku members from this origin are usually darker in coloration, giving their normally pale skin a tanned appearance. This change in appearance can give away their skins abilities if someone that knows about the Kaiku clan were examining them.

Paralysis: Kaiku members are immune to paralysis because their evolved skin does not conduct electricity, it actually has a weak repelling force to electrical attacks. This prevents clan members from being paralyzed with electrical attacks, this excludes anything else. Kaiku clan members that have this skin attribute are more vascular then the other types of Kaiku. These veins protrude from the skin and are very visible from close to medium range. This change in appearance can give away their skins abilities if someone that knows about the Kaiku clan were examining them.

Bleeding: Kaiku clan blood is extremely thick. Because of this, cuts that clan members have do not bleed and instead scab up before any blood can even flow out. The viscosity of this blood is due to the high concentrates of iron in it . Kaiku with this trait don't bleed red like other ninja or kaiku. Instead they bleed a medium shade of purple when they actually do bleed. This blood color is also shown in their scabs because it makes the scabs look like dark purple patches. This change in appearance can give away their skins abilities if someone that knows about the Kaiku clan were examining them

Partial Body Metamorphosis:
Kaiku clan members can have the ability to morph parts of their body into desired forms. This is not a ‘basic’ ability and can only be used if the Kaiku has medical as a specialty. This is not shape shifted, which would be completely morphing into another shape. There are six categories of partial body metamorphosis, Arms, Legs, Torso, Internal, External, and Head. At D-rank, a Kaiku can only access two of these. At C-rank they can access three. At B-rank they can access four. At A-rank five. And at S-rank all six. All six of these categories can be used at once to create a form like a full body metamorphosis, but there is still a fine line of difference. These do cost chakra and must be put into the jutsu template. Here is a run down of each type of metamorphosis:

Having access to arm metamorphosis technique means the Kaiku can morph their arms into different tools to help in any battle situation. (Ex- arm blades, shield arms, axe arms.)(Note: Once an arm transformation is used, it Stays the entire topic.)

Leg metamorphosis is usually used to help a Kaiku traverse terrains or gain speed or dexterity. It is not impossible to use this offensively though. Using this type of metamorphosis correctly can give a Kaiku a major advantage in a battle. (Ex: Swimming legs, jumping legs, tails)(Note: Once a leg transformation is used, it stays the entire topic.)

The torso category consists of everything but arms and legs. Basically everything above the waist except the arms( Tails fall into leg metamorphosis). This is possibly the least limited type of metamorphosis and can be used for offense or defense.(Ex: Wings or horns)(Note: Once a Torso transformation is used, it stays the entire topic.)

The head category is a category that is mainly fixed on vision changing jutsu, but can be used for other things such as horns.(Ex: Eyes, Hair, Horns.)(Note: Head transformations stay the entire topic they are used. Vision is an exception to this however.)

The external category covers the entire outer layer of the body, skin. External transformations are used to change skin types and are very limited due to this one category of use.

The internal category covers everything under the skin excluding muscles. This category is somewhat limited but can be used to avoid fatal damage in most cases.(Ex: Blood vessels, organs.)

Here is a quick run down of each rank metamorphosis jutsu and what level they should be at.

C-Rank: Change in shape, no abilities or second functions.
B-Rank: Change in shape, an ability OR a second function.
A-Rank: Change in shape, an ability, and a second function.
S-Rank: Change in shape, multiple abilities, multiple functions.

Hyper Evolution:
Kaiku members, being of a different species, have the ability to evolve or adapt to a situation in a matter of seconds. This is done by exposing themselves to a certain type of attack until they gain an immunity to it. To do this, Kaiku clan members must be HIT by that type of attack three times and then wait one post for the transformation to occure before they become almost completely immune to it. This immunity is only as strong as the Kaiku's rank, meaning this immunity makes them immune to attacks of their rank and below (excluding S-rank. The one exception to this rule is ' Perfect Evolution', a clain trait only S-rank Kaiku can use. 'Perfect Evolution' allows the Kaiku to pick one type of hyper evolution and increase it's power to be able to block S-rank attacks). An example of this is if they were hit by a katon element attack. Once they’ve been hit with a fire ball for example three times, they become almost completey immune to the element and can walk through fires without harming themselves in any way. This works for certain specialties as well as elements, this is elaborated more here:

After being hit by three fire attacks, Kaiku members develop fire proof skin for one topic. This skin is very black and rugged, as if they have been charred by the fire. After the skin is gained, that Kaiku member is completely immune to Katon based attacks, meaning they can not be incinerated. However, this does not protect from the impact forces of attacks. This can only block katon jutsu up to the Kaiku's rank once activated unless the Kaiku has picked katon as their 'Perfect Evolution'.

After being hit by three lightning attacks, Kaiku members develop small spikes all over their skin that repel electricity. The spikes are essentially reverse lightning rods. Instead of being made of material that attracts lightning, they are made of skin that repels lightning. These spikes also utilize positive and negative charges to repel raiton attacks. These small spikes are so powerful, that lightning can't even touch the clan member and is instead diverted away from them as if they were protected by an orb of some kind. The lightning looks as if it hit the side of an orb and the flies off the sides of it, making the attacks shoot past the Kaiku. This gives them immunity to raiton for the entire topic. This can only block raiton jutsu up to the Kaiku's rank once activated unless the Kaiku has picked raiton as their 'Perfect Evolution'.

After being hit by three wind based attacks, Kaiku clan members develop an immunity to the element by hardening their skin to a point that it can not be cut by wind attacks at all. This is like an advancement of their normal super skin, making it even tougher then normal. This prevents wind from cutting into it no matter how powerful it is. The Kaiku can still be blown back by the jutsu though. This can only block fuuton jutsu up to the Kaiku's rank once activated unless the Kaiku has picked fuuton as their 'Perfect Evolution'.

After being hit by three water based attacks, Kaiku clan members grow gills, fins, and scales onto their body. This makes them able to battle on land and underwater with ease. The Kaiku member breaths underwater like a fish would, using scales and gills in place of lungs to process oxygen. The fins that the Kaiku grows are located on their arms and legs and are different sizes depending on the size of the user. These fins help the Kaiku move very fast underwater, faster then they would be able to run on land. This can only block suiton jutsu up to the Kaiku's rank once activated unless the Kaiku has picked suiton as their 'Perfect Evolution'.

After being hit by three doton based attacks, Kaiku clan members develop extreme strength and endurance to combat the earth element. Their body covers over with calluses that seem to armor them. This adaptation allows Kaiku members trudge over any terrain without any trouble. This also makes them able to completely demolish the earth with a single punch. Another ability this gives them is the ability to extend their calluses into shields on their arms, guarding them from attacks. This can only block doton jutsu up to the Kaiku's rank once activated unless the Kaiku has picked doton as their 'Perfect Evolution'.

After being struck with three Kenjutsu/Weaponry/Puppetry attacks(Struck as in cutting the skin or making contact with the skin.), Kaiku members skin starts to swell up and down, representing the change in their body. When a sword tries to strike them after the change, the sword is immediately stuck to the skin and gets absorbed into the Kaiku’s body. This new skin works like a glue trap. When a weapon comes into contact with the skin, it gets stuck in it and pullTo do this however, a weapon has to make physical contact with the skin, if the chakra protruding from a blade hits the skin it does nothing. This effectives puppets physical attacks, like swords or kunai they may be equipped with. Any jutsu or techniques a puppet has that uses another form of attack are exempt ( Like poisons or flames.). Once the sword has made contact, there is no way to pull it out. The weapon is absorbed and grinded up inside the Kaiku and is then excrete as a pile of useless scrape. This can only block Kenjutsu/Weaponry/Puppetry attacks up to the Kaiku's rank once activated unless the Kaiku has picked Kenjutsu/Weaponry/Puppetry as their 'Perfect Evolution'.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Metamorphasis Jutsu:





Long ago, in a large village in demon country, there was a giant volcano that erupted daily. This daily eruption endangered the nearby village but was block by a squad of ninja that were specifically trained to combat the lava. For years that was how the village lived, under daily assault of an angry volcano. Years passed, and the number of ninja able to combat this lava daily decreased by the day. Eventually there weren’t enough of these ninja to block the lava and the village was almost destroyed. In a despite attempt to save the village, the elders prayed to the demon lord of the volcano to stop the constant attacks. The demon lord demanded human sacrifice and the villagers hastily complied. The next day, at the normal time the volcano would erupt, there was no eruption. Happy, the villagers celebrated for weeks while a dark plot was unfolding in the administrators building. The leader of the village was devising a plan to attack the volcano and it’s inhabitants, making sure that there was no more threat.

A week later, the attack was launched and a group of 20 ninja entered the volcano. Angered, the volcano god emerge to meet the attack. The demon lord of the volcano was the first of the Kaiku clan. Every attack the ninja tried, he would only gain an immunity to and then they had to try another. This went on until all of their attacks were useless and remaining ninja were cornered. Feeling pity on the ninja, the demon lord sent them back with a note. This note demanded the immediate sacrifice of the survivors to the demon. Scared, the villagers did what they were asked to do and continued to live their lives.

The volcano lord was no fool, and knew that the humans would try to attack again someday. To protect the volcano, he created a race of demonic humans and started his own ninja clan known as the Kaiku.

Clan Symbol:(The symbol of your Clan. This is also optional.)

Rank Information:

Experienced Jounin
Village Affiliation:
Unknown Village (Demon Country)
Special Information:

Character Speciality:
Main: Medical
Sub: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity:
Main: Doton
Sub: Fuuton
Special Characteristics:

Name: Experienced Jounin
Type: Rank Trait
Description: A character with this trait are highly experienced by the standards of their rank. To reflect this they are consider 10% faster, stronger and tougher then the average Jounin without this trait. This trait is automatically lost on joining any of the special forces

Dry Skin:
Due to extended stays in the wilderness of the desert on multiple occasions, Kakougan's sky is very dry and his body maintains moisture better then most ninja. Kakougan can go at least two weeks without water as long as he filled himself up before doing so.

Muscle Bulk:
Kakougan is not only genetically 'enhanced' to be super strong; he has also gone through vigorous training to hone his strength. This muscular mass does make Kakougan much stronger then normal ninja of his magnitude, but it also makes him travel much slower. This doesn't effect his dexterity, only his movement speed. Kakougan's strength is also drastically increased simply because he has master the art of chakra fists.

Prayer Distractions:
Kakougan has a high tolerance to pain due to his prayers and dedication to the chosen one. This doens't give him any 'real powers', but praying improves his will power which in turn allows him to ignore most pain. This needs no real activation, Kakougan needs only to strive to please the divine one in his mind.

Chakra Repulsive Skin:
Thought all of the Kaiku clan are mutants of the human race , Kakougan has gone ones step further; he has forced his skin to evolve to a point that it actually resists pure chakra that comes into contact with it. This makes all medical techniques that involve applying chakra to the skin ( Like mystical palm.) a rank less effective. This also makes other attacks made of pure chakra a rank lower if the hit his skin. This occurs because when the chakra hits Kakougan's skin, it disperses and the attack is spread out, making the jutsu less effective. This does not apply to elemental chakras.

Surgeon General:

Surgeon General isn't really an ability or a power that Kakougan has gained, it is more of a rank or title that gives him more authority over eijutsu and shows his extreme devotion to the subject. Just the title alone allows Kakougan to enter labs in Suna that most ninja wouldn't have access to. Along with new access to places, Kakougan also gains publicity with the public in general. Although the characteristic is a title, it is also a representation of how much time and devotion Kakougan has put into medical research and jutsu. His knowledge over them is larger then most other ninja. To represent this Kakougan gains two effects, all medical jutsu being trained require 1/4 the word count they would normally to train, and all medical jutsu cost one rank lower amount of chakra (excluding S-ranks.).

Partial Body Metamorphosis:
Kakougan can utilize the following types of metamorphosis: Internal, Arm, Torso, Head, External.

Super Skin: Paralysis

Last edited by Z on Thu 18 Feb 2010, 11:55 am; edited 18 times in total
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Age : 30
Posts : 1256

Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyWed 27 Jan 2010, 3:48 am

Skill Information:

Academy Level



Last edited by Z on Thu 18 Feb 2010, 12:33 pm; edited 28 times in total
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Age : 30
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyWed 27 Jan 2010, 10:31 pm


Air Lock Style:

Last edited by Z on Thu 18 Feb 2010, 12:05 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Age : 30
Posts : 1256

Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyThu 28 Jan 2010, 4:35 am

Weapon Template:

Name: TSOKR Suit
Quantity: 1
Acquisition: All Suits are owned by Suna and can only be issued out by the Kazekage to full and acting TSOKR operatives
Rank: A
Appearance: TSOKR suits vary in size, nature and colour but invariably are based on the classic suit design. The exact nature is picked by the user and the suits TSOKR members wear often give some idea as to their nature

Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Tsokr10

Special Abilities/Characteristics: Other then being smart and sophisticated the suits have the following special abilities:

  • Water proof
  • Fire Retardant ~ Can not be set on fire by techs of less then B rank
  • Change sizes to meet the wearer’s needs
  • Never Creases
  • Machine Washable
  • Light Weight ~ TSOKR suits never impede movement
  • Absorb Light ~ TSOKR suits are designed to absorb light making them as suitable to use on stealth missions as when on guard duty
  • Reactive Weave ~ TSOKR suits are designed to harden on the application of chakra into steel like composite capable of mitigating considerable damage. For a C ranks worth of a chakra a user can reduce by one rank the power of the next tech that strikes them. This ability can not mitigate damage caused by S ranks. Furthermore the stress it puts on the material is considerable meaning it can only be used once every 3 posts to avoid damaging the suit or worse the Shinobi who wears it.

Furthermore all TSOKR suits have the following seals:

    Self Repair Seal. To ensure the suits can be maintained even during the heaviest conflicts
    Strengthening Seal. This doesn’t make it any more useful as a piece of armour since this seal gives no benefit to the user but it does keep the suits in one piece. Thanks to the strengthening seal it can take an S ranks worth of damage before being damaged.
    Two Mass Storage Seals. Located on the inside cuffs of every suit


Origin: The original design was conceived by Lord Ichushiro as a means for allowing TSOKR operatives both to infiltrate and better observe civilian society and so that they would make more appropriate guards in public. Egotistical in regard to his appearance he was tired with being followed about by what appear to be a small army of armoured Shinobi. At first there were but a few, highly prized and treasured by those who possessed. These immaculate yet functional suits soon caught on partly due to their effectiveness and partly in the imagination of those who saw them giving a subtle yet nonsense perception of those who wore them. In time they have become a TSOKR stable and these once incredibly rare and highly prized suits are now standard issues among Suna’s elite forces

Name: TSOKR Shades
Quantity: 1
Acquisition: All Shades are owned by Suna and can only be issued out by the Kazekage to full and acting TSOKR operatives
Rank: A
Appearance: TSOKR shades vary in size, nature and colour but are all invariably tinted glasses. The exact nature is picked by the user and the suits TSOKR members wear often give some idea as to their nature

Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Neo%20Shades%201

Special Abilities/Characteristics: Other then being smart and sophisticated the suits have the following special abilities:

  • 3 Vision Modes (Regular, Night, and Thermal) ~ Regular as standard but can activate either night or thermal at will be channelling chakra into the shades. Costs a D rank to do so and last 5 posts
  • Gen Confusion Coating ~ The shades have a coating the renders TSOKR operatives wearing one more resistant to eye contact based genjutsu. Such genjutsu take twice as long to apply
  • Flash Reactive Lens ~ These shades are reactive to extreme light, turning the lens entirely opaque and impossible to see through when exposed to high levels of light. This reaction screens the wearers eyes from particularly bright lights that might otherwise stun or confusion them. The downside is that during the duration of the flash the user is blinded

Furthermore all TSOKR suits have the following seals:

    Self Repair Seal. To ensure the shades can be maintained even during the heaviest conflicts
    Strengthening Seal. To help keep them in one piece


Origin: Not long after suits became standard issue then a number of TSOKR started to sport shades too being both stylish and highly sensible in Suna’s sunny climbs. When Lord Ichushiro saw them he was intrigued by their nature and liked them so much he decided to make pairs for all agents. That said he wasn’t impressed by the simple use and decided to tweak them a bit. A month’s development later and TSOKR shades was the result

Name: Body Scroll
Quantity: 1
Rank: -
Appearance: Kakougan’s body scroll is a large black scroll with a silver cross marking on it that he carries diagonally over his back at all times. The scroll doesn’t weigh much, but is considerably bulky in comparison to other scrolls.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: This body scroll has one function, storing bodies. Sealed inside the scroll, are a multitude of dead bodies of different types. Kakougan uses this for some of his jutsu as a source of dead bodies.
Origin: [Did you make it? Where did it come from? Why did you make it? This also requires a detailed description.]

Name: Cross Sword
Quantity: 1
Rank: D
Appearance: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Cross_anime_sword_540
Kakougan's cross sword is exactly what the name suggests; a cross shaped sword made of stainless steel. Although the sword has no special abilities, the shape of the sword is enough to make Kakougan respect and beleive in it's strength. The Cross Sword is kept in the large cross tattoo on Kakougan's left arm.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: N/A
Origin: The Cross Sword was given to Kakougan as a gift from Hellsing.

Name: Cross Claymores
Quantity: 2
Rank: D
Kakougan's cross claymores are exactly what the name suggests; a cross shaped sword made of stainless steel. Although the sword has no special abilities, the shape of the sword is enough to make Kakougan respect and beleive in it's strength.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: N/A
Origin: The Cross Sword was given to Kakougan as a gift from Hellsing.

Poison Name: Eye Acid
Rank: A

Solid Form:
Eye Acid, in its solid form. Is a small pill like most poisons. Since the poison needs to enter the eyes, this form is not used often by Kakougan.

Liquid Form:
Eye Acid in it’s liquid form is kept in a small spray bottle by Kakougan. This can be used by spraying it into a targets eyes.

Gaseous Form:
In it’s gaseous form, Eye Acid is nearly invisible and can only be noticeable observed by someone who has experienced the acid before or has prior knowledge of it. It can be expelled by Kakougan by breathing it out, making it look like he just took a breath instead of expelled deadly acid into the air. The acid creates a 30 feet in one direction.

Poison Effect(s):
[ Post 0 / Turn of Infection/Injection] Eye Acid is a poison that enters the body through the eyes. Since most poisons enter through the mouth or through injection, this poison can be applied without the target realizing they are afflicted. During the post of infection, nothing happens to the infected target.
[ Post 1 / Effect] At this point, the targets body realizes there is something in the eyes and tries to cry it out, causing the target to lose body moisture and eye sight due to the unstoppable water clogging their eyes.
[ Post 2/ Effect] During post 2, the targets eyes begin to melt. The acids corrosive properties are to blame for this disintegration of the targets eyes. By this time, the target stops crying, but can still not see correctly due to the extreme pain in their eyes and the rapid loss of sight. This also stops Doujutsu from working.
[ Post 3 / Effect etc] If the target has not removed the poison by the 3rd post, their eyes will be permanently damage and they will go completely blind. This is irreversible without acquiring new eyes and implanting them.

Name: Hellsing Badge
Quantity: -
Rank: -
Appearance: See Logo.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: A simple badge that is recognized by many ninja as the sign of the former organization Hellsing. It commends respect from the citizens who know of it, distrust from those who fear it, and reverence from the religious community.
Origin: -

Name: Silver Kunai
Quantity: -
Rank: E
Appearance: A silver kunai.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Silver Shuriken
Quantity: -
Rank: E
Appearance: A silver shuriken.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Silver Senbon
Quantity: -
Rank: E
Appearance: A silver senbon.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Silver Tag
Quantity: -
Rank: D
Appearance: A white explosive tag with silver writing.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: When the tag detonates, it detonates as a normal exploding tag except that silver powder is expelled with the explosion, making it impossible for users of dark chakra or demonic energies to regenerate the wounds inflicted by this explosion and prevents their body from healing the wound in other ways, such as blood clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Hellsing Edge
Quantity: -
Rank: D-S
Appearance: A small dagger with a simple black hilt and a silver blade.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Hellsing Arrow
Quantity: -
Rank: D-S
Appearance: A simple arrow with a silver head.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Hellsing Scythe
Quantity: -
Rank: D-S
Appearance: A curved scythe with a silver blade.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Hellsing Axe
Quantity: -
Rank: D-S
Appearance: A standard woodsmen axe with a silver head.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Silver weapons are designed to counteract the dark chakras of those Hellsing fights against. When a silver weapon contacts a user of dark chakra or demonic energies, or someone whose powers descend from such a clan, they feel a burning sensation that causes great pain and prevents wounds from regenerating or clotting.
Origin: -

Name: Holy Water, Level I
Quantity: -
Rank: E
Appearance: A vial of water with the Hellsing logo on the vial depicting a cross over it.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Holy Water inflicts damage upon those who use dark chakra or have demonic traits, or hail from demonic descendants. The water burns the flesh that it is thrown upon, and also prevents regeneration of the wounds inflicted by it or otherwise healing it. The water sizzles on the skin upon contact and causes pain.
Origin: -

Name: Holy Water, Level II
Quantity: -
Rank: D
Appearance: A vial of water with the Hellsing logo on the vial depicting a cross over it.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Holy Water inflicts damage upon those who use dark chakra or have demonic traits, or hail from demonic descendants. The water burns the flesh that it is thrown upon, and also prevents regeneration of the wounds inflicted by it or otherwise healing it. The water burns the flesh upon contact and will consume it if left without removal, causing great pain.
Origin: -

Name: Silver Taint Vial
Quantity: -
Rank: D
Appearance: A vial of liquid silver labeled with the Hellsing logo.
Special Abilities/Characteristics: The silver can be poured out onto substances, giving them the same properties as natural silver against opponents.
Origin: -

Name: Concussion, Gas, Stun, Smoke, and Incendiary Grenades
Rank: D
Type: Other
Natural Abilities:
Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] 416px-Grenade [/spoiler]

Grenades are simple devices that exploded after a certain time once a pin is pulled from them. Kakougan's grenades are no different except for the fact that the pin has been replaced with two buttons that are on the handle and must be pressed at the same time to activate the grenade, making them much safer then traditional models. Once the grenade is activated, it actually explodes on contact rather then being fit with a timer. Another difference is the shape of the grenades; instead of being small balls, the grenades are flail like to optimize throwing distance and accuracy. Kakougan carries 3 of each kind of grenade into battle around his belt in a varying pattern so opponents won't know what kind he is about to toss.

Concussion Grenades

(Middle Grenade in the picture)
Fragmentation Grenades are the most basic of all of Kakougan's grenades. They're function is very simple, exploding. Once thrown they are very lethal and make explosions that are as large as 4 paper bombs all exploding in the same area. Since the explosion radius of these grenades is very large, Kakougan must use them carefully or he may be caught inside the explosion along with his target.

Gas Grenades

(Right Grenade in picture)
Gas Grenades are basically just flails unless they are fitted with a poison capsule. There is a spot on the impact end of the grenade where a capsule of poison is to be put so that the grenade can detonate and spread it in its explosion radius. On the downside, the explosion radius of these grenades is about half the size of a frag explosion.

Stun Grenades

(Left Grenade in picture)
Stun Grenades are usually used for escape but can be used for offensive purposes as well. When this grenade explodes, it releases a flash of light that blinds and deafens anyone looking in its direction, even if its only in their peripheral vision for one post (including friendlies).

Smoke Grenades

Smoke Grenades are another type of grenade meant to help Kakougan escape sticky situations. This grenades creates a large cloud of thick smoke to cloud enemies visions so that Kakougan can make a quick get away.

Incendiary Grenades

These grenades do little more then create a small flash of fire. This flash is meant to catch grass or trees on fire and start a fire rather then directly harm a target.

Background Information

Role-Play Sample:
“ Storming…..? That is an annoyance…” A blood thirsty Z sighed as he sat atop a large bushy tree. Z standing on top of a tree seemed was a problem, but not one he was unable to solve. Being almost fully coated in black metal meant that a lightning bolt would strike Z if he continued to lounge above everything in the dense forest. Z however, was not afraid of this at all. The Lord of Lightning just stood and looked into the storm, laughing loudly as the lightning struck near him and demolished a tree. Pointing his hand at the sky, Z let a swarm of mosquitoes fly out and into the storm. In a little more then a second, the storm turned darker then it was previously and the rain ceased in falling. In place of this, there was lightning; black lightning. Once the storm was taken care of, Z stared down at his targets. Putting his hands together into a Z hand sign, Z shot sparks of static electricity around him to scout out the area. Before he could start, he needed to be sure there were no witnesses.

‘ Target one… Target two… Y… those stupid bugs…and another target… in the distance.’ Z said in his mind as each bit of information came to him. ‘ Three eh? Good catch.’ Z said to himself, drawing his scythe into his hand. Z didn’t want to bother himself with the stray target, he wanted to focus on the two clumped together. Making a quick hand sign, Z created a raiton clone and sent it towards the stray target as the real Z leapt tree to tree until he was standing behind the two targets. “ Salutations, I hope that you fight for your life well, it won’t be any fun if you don’t. I am happy to meet you on your dying day and you may call me Z. Also, don’t make me mad, fair warning.” Z said courteously as he took a small bow and pointed his scythe at the two.

“ It would seem that you two are trying to leave the village? Am I close? Did I hit the nail on the head? Did I win? I love games you know, and toys. To me, fighting is the ultimate game… extreme duck duck goose came close… So lets play the game! The rules are… no crying, no whining, no shitting yourselves, and no un needed drama. Whomever dies loses, and the winners are the ones that are alive. Use whatever survival techniques you’ve learned from your pathetic training to help you survive. One more thing… I would just like to make a statement. I’ve never lost this game, and I don’t plan on having my win streak broken by some punks like you two. I am a professional. You heard me pro. I have a lot of experience. More then you could even imagine.” Z said in a half talk half laugh kind of tone. “ Game on.” were Z’s final as he summoned his Musami pincer and laid his scythe over his shoulder. Z planned on letting them react first as he usually did do. “ Ladies first.” Z laughed.

Meanwhile, Z’s clone pin pointed the third target and walked up behind him. Deciding to make quick work out of the target, Z’s clone pulled out its scythe and attempted to cleave his neck. The way the clone went about getting behind the target was quietly, meaning he remained undetected the entire time so that nothing but some sort of sensing jutsu could find him. The storm also covered the clanking of the clones armor. Z’s cleave was silent and fast, considering Z was as powerful as a kage also helped in his attack. Even if the target dodged the attack, which Z doubted, he would still be an easy kill for Z. Everything was.

Last edited by Z on Mon 15 Feb 2010, 2:22 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySat 13 Feb 2010, 2:33 am

Background Information


Why Does it Storm?

“ Why does it storm?” A young boy asked in a puzzled manner, perfectly portraying his innocence and curiosity on the subject. “ Well… Storms aren’t just weather. Don’t listen to anything else anyone tells you. Storms are meaningful and they all carry a message with them. Down in the underworld, men fight day in and day out. There is no peace, there is no forgiveness. There are no friends, just enemies and spies. All of the hatred that is released by these men floats into the sky and begins to blotch it like ink on paper. The tears shed because of this hatred, provide water for the storms. Once enough has built up, it simply rains back down; renewing the cycle of hatred. That is where storms come from.” A large village elder replied to the child, explaining it as well as he could. “ Will the storms ever stop?” The child asked in a shaking tone. “ No.” Was all the elder said before turning and going into a back room, leaving the child alone in the room. The child sat for a few minutes, thinking about everything he had just been told. First, the child laughed at the men’s misfortune. After a few burst of laughter, his mind gave way to prudence and reason. In a moments time, the child felt the pain, the suffering, and the violence of the world below. The violence of a storm.

The previously mentioned child’s name was Kakougan. A short tempered boy of the Kaiku clan branch in the mountains. Kakougan wasn’t exactly a bad child, but he wasn’t a good one either. He would always start fights with the other children even if he was at a disadvantage. Kakougan wasn’t the best fighter, he actually lost most of his fights, but each lose made him stronger. Every time he lost, he would analyze the opponents attack styles and then use them along with his own. By the time he was 10, Kakougan had already mastered over 20 fighting styles through this method. At age 11, Kakougan had has his fill of brawling with the other children and instead started to talk to the elders to increase his understanding of the world. The elders told him many things, some of which Kakougan remembered well. One of these was the story of the storms, but another one was about the Divine One. “ The Divine One looks down on all of use from far up above; so high, we will never be able to reach him in our mortal bodies. He created us and everything around us one step at a time, making sure he didn’t miss a thing. There was one imperfection in one of these creatures however, man. During man’s creation, The Divine one realized that they were much to powerful and could be dangerous to the rest of his creations if he didn’t limit them. Sadly, he stabbed a hole in our hearts. Not normal hole that can be filled, but a hole none the less. This hole is made of seven cracks, each of which limit us as humans. Pride, Anger, Gluttony, L, E, Greed, and Sloth. No matter how holy a man is, they always commit these in one way or another. Can we prevent these? No, we can not. All we can do is have faith that someday… someday the Divine One will find us worth and fill our hearts with grace.”. This speech was engraved into Kakougan’s mind the first time he heard it, yet he couldn’t believe it. If someone loved them so much, why would he damn them? Why would he look down on us? Couldn’t he stop the storms?

Here Comes the Storm!

There were no academies in the Kaiku mountain village. Instead, each child or children were trained by their parents or elders. Kakougan began training with his father at the age of 13. His training was vigorous and having a bad relationship with his father didn’t help at all. Kakougan was insulted by his father daily along with beatings. His father would say “ This is the only way you’ll get stronger you piece of shit!”, but Kakougan never believed that. Everyday after training, Kakougan would go to the elders for a story of some kind. Kakougan did get a story, but he also got a lecture about the Divine One as well. These lectures usually led to arguments and the elders ending up telling Kakougan that he is “ Like one of them!” while pointing down the mountain. Kakougan was growing in mind and body at a steady rate until ‘they’ came. The elders told of a tribe of enemy Kaiku clansmen, an unknown tribe among the others. They said the tribe would rise from sea in numbers so great that the stars in the sky would only be a rough estimate of their armies. On their coming day, the elders alerted everyone and told them to look down the mountain through the viewings scopes. From the sea, rose an army, an army of reptilian creatures, an army of Kaiku.

After seeing this army, Kakougan’s tribe prepared for battle. Part of this preparation included hiding all of the children under the age of 10 underground. Kakougan was placed on the front line along with his father and a group of close friends. The tribe from the sea came and massacred most of the city, killing Kakougan’s friends and taking him and his Father as prisoners of war. Kakougan and his father were dragged to a dark and damp den inside the mountain. Days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years. All the time Kakougan and his Dad were trapped, they were plotting; plotting revenge.

The way Kakougan’s dad saw it, only one of them was going to get out of there if they attempted to escape. Kakougan’s dad made it very clear that Kakougan would escape. The next time the jail keeper came in to feed them, Kakougan’s killed him and rain straight towards the incoming patrol. Kakougan on the other hand was given a small emblem and a prayer; “ Oh Divine One, bless this child like you bless all of your children. Protecting him from the storm and be his safeguard from all of the hatred and war below as he ventures into it. Amen…”. Kakougan took the back entrance and raced down the mountain side until he saw a large village, Iwa.

Hellsing, we’re on a mission.

Kakougan reached the town safely, but was chastised by its citizens and quickly became a street urchin. Kakougan’s meals became uncertain and everyday was a test for survival. One day, Kakougan walked by a street vender that was selling apples as he was examining the emblem he was given by his father. The vender took note of the emblem and yelled at the boy. “ Hey you! Kid! What price do you think these apples should be?” The vender said. Kakougan turned to acknowledge the main, but he wasn’t sure what he was talking about; the sign said 99 cents, why would his opinion about the price matter? The vender looked happy for a minute, but then became puzzled. With a nod, the vender called Kakougan over and Kakougan complied. Taking Kakougan to the back room, the vender opened a secret door and pushed him through it. Kakougan had no time to react and instead started to scream. None of it made sense at all, and Kakougan was scarred.

“ Welcome brotherine!” A friendly voice said from the corner of now lit room. The voice came from a man in a yellow cloak and orange armor. “ Wh…Where am I?” Kakougan asked, frightened. “ Where are you? You should know… wait… your not brother One! Who are you?! Where did you get that emblem?!” The man said as he drew his sword and walked towards Kakougan. “ The emblem? My dad gave it to me.” Kakougan replied. “ Your dad… well, welcome to the organization.” The man said, sheathing his sword and extending his hand for a shake. Kakougan shook the man’s hand and looked around, “ Where am I and what organization?” he asked. “ Your father really never told you? This is Hellsing, a private organization with one mission; killing monsters. We fight everything from demons to demi gods, and now your one of us. We are an elite fightning force and we will train you in our ways. Proceed to the training area and you can start. Or… you can leave now and we’ll erase your memory, your choice. By the way, my names Rag.” Rag said as he pointed towards a door behind him. It didn’t take Kakougan long to decide that he desired more power, and this organization, Hellsing, would help.

Prepare for Glory.

Kakougan trained for 10 years with Hellsing, which brought him far into his 20s. Kakougan’s training was vigorous, often involving beatings to increase endurance and life or death situations. This training change Kakougan from a wide eyed child to a man of steel. Kakougan excelled so much that he was put in Hellsing’s elite trash disposal unit. As soon as Kakougan was placed in the unit, he was sent off to dispose of a stray monster in snow country. Using underground tunnels, Kakougan and his squad traveled to snow country and confronted a group of demonic chakra users. Unfortunately, the enemy was ready.

After luring the ninja into a large opening, Hellsing attacking from all directions. The ninja however, was ready. With a large roar, five other demons were called into the clearing. Kakougan’s squad of five was no match for the powerful ninja, yet they still fought to their last breath. “ Four casualties, no survivors.” Was Kakougan’s report on the incident. “ No survivors? What about you?” The Hellsing leader asked. “ I’m dead on the inside…” Kakougan replied as he turned and walked to his chamber. For the next few weeks, Kakougan sat in his room and meditated. He was often accompanied by Laikeze, but to Kakougan, he was only a nuisance. During this time, Kakougan had many inspirations and ideas that he shared with his comrades. When they asked how he came up with these things, Kakougan laughed and said, “ The Divine One speaks through me.”. Most of the members of Hellsing either didn’t believe him, or were simply jealous that he was so close to the Divine One. At an amazing rate, Kakougan became more intelligent and strong, and no one could explain how. After about a year of this, all of Hellsing declared Kakougan a prophet.

Destination Unknown

On a day that Kakougan now calls ‘The Day’, Kakougan’s world was completely changed. While he and operative Green Blade were out on a mission, everything Kakougan knew was destroyed. When they were returning back to base, it was gone. The whole country was gone. Iwa had been destroyed. Kakougan thought of restarted the organization, but decided against it and traveled to the desert as Green Blade went to sea. Kakougan traveled through the desert and eventually came to Suna. He was admitted as a genin and eventually climbed to the rank of Jounin.

Last edited by ﺿLol Whalesﺿ on Sat 13 Feb 2010, 2:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySat 13 Feb 2010, 2:33 am

Completion bump~
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySat 13 Feb 2010, 3:15 am

- Firstly, Clean-up the multiple History titles you have around the application. I can see three. Make the last section more neat in that regard.

- Remove the poison Carbon Monoxide as it is S-ranked, and you are only A-ranked...for now.

- Please add your clan into the application using the template. It is approved so it wont take long.

- I would like your summons to be seperately approved via the Summon Creation area before they are in your application. So re-post them their for approval.
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySat 13 Feb 2010, 2:36 pm

All right, re-posted summonings into correct area. Fixed the history things. Removed carbon monoxide Razz
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySun 14 Feb 2010, 6:05 pm

Quote :
Gaseous Form:
In it’s gaseous form, Eye Acid is nearly invisible and can only be noticeable observed by someone who has experienced the acid before or has prior knowledge of it. It can be expelled by Kakougan by breathing it out, making it look like he just took a breath instead of expelled deadly acid into the air. The acid creates a 30 feet in diameter AOF when breathed out.

~ People who can see Chakra would also notice this, but being nearly invisible and having an Area of Effect of 30 feet in diameter is too much. Lower it to 30 feet in one direction please.
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySun 14 Feb 2010, 6:07 pm

okey dokey, changed Razz
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptySun 14 Feb 2010, 6:28 pm

Quote :
Name: Cross Style: Crucifixion
Type: Medical
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Description: Cross Style: Crucifixion is holy jutsu made by Kakougan. When this jutsu is activated, Kakougan summons a large crucifixion cross and slams it into the ground. This jutsu is extremely hard to hit with due to one thing; the target must be 5 foot within the large crucifixion cross. If an opponent does get that close to it, they are drawn onto the cross and stabbed in the hands, feet, stomach, and head with large chakra nails. This is a killing jutsu and Kakougan scarcely uses it unless he is serious about something.

~ If they are sucked onto it when within 5 feet and cannot stop themselves, then no.

Quote :
Name: Magic Wind Style: Primitive Thought
Type: Ninjuts/Medical
Rank: A
Element: Fuuton
Description: By using fuuton along with medical chakra, Kakougan can send his chakra with the wind to strike their mind with medical chakra, causing temporary amnesia. If the target is hit by this wind, their mind is put under assault by the medical chakra. One post later, the knowledge of any jutsu above B-rank from the targets memory for the duration of the topic. This restricts thought and use of A-Rank and S rank jutsu unless they have it written down or use something besides memory to take the jutsu from.

~ It is very unlikely that Jutsu would ever work, since causing something like this at a distance with Medical Chakra is highly unlikely.

Fix these for the moment, please.
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 4:42 pm

Umm... your silver weapons... so you know, silver is a pretty soft metal and will deteriorate pretty quickly over time.

The only thing that really need to have a look taken at are your jutsus, and there are a lot, so I'll come back to those after I check over some less extensive apps Smile
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 7:53 pm

I'm aware of silvers properties, but it is effective against demons and that is what I will be using it for Razz

Ok, im just rearing and ready to get this RP train going. CHOO CHOO!!!
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:58 pm

Paralysis shouldn't be instant, It should be the post after they are hit.

Pupil Digress should be B, given it's effects

Guillotine slice is too akin to Chakra Scalpel, which couldn't even cut through Metal, at B rank

For the jutsu after, why would yellow be invisible? It would just be a part of the gray scale

all of your crush and alteration style are too powerful for their rank

Remove Expel Ailments, it gives you an immunity to poison, more or less

Chakra Scalpel pulse would be at least B rank, if not A

same with your other chakra scalpel variations
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 9:18 pm



There actually is a difference between this and chakra scalpel. Chakra scalpel is design to cut muscles and organs under the skin and damage them. This jutsu is somewhat what Sakura does in manga except instead of making it brute for to crush the ground and what not, the chakra is sharp, giving it the ability to slice instead of impact.

True, but things that are bright enough would be a white-ish color and would blend in with the suns rays if they were looking at them from the right angle. I'm adding more detail to that. Nvm actually, I'll remove and re-work it for a later addition Razz

I think this is too vague to correct, I need reasons why =P

Medics have the ability to remove toxins from their body, this is just a unique and effective way to do it ._.

Chakra Scalpel Pulse, Explosion, and Launch all have to be used after a type of chakra scalpel is used. Meaning that to use Pulse, I'd have to use a at least a C-Rank jutsu as a pre-requisite to use these jutsu. Plus, the chakra scalpel dissipates after using these jutsu, forcing Kakougan to make another. So the really I would have to use 2 C-rank jutsu to use any of these.
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyWed 17 Feb 2010, 12:26 am

Medics cannot do it to themselves, and it takes a long time, and usually an antidote as well (as seen when Sakura treated Kankuro) It's too overpowered, as a post is a matter of seconds, in most cases. Add in the description that it quickens the pace in which they can be removed to something like a half hour or an hour and it would be okay. But as it is it's too powerful.

Simply put, all of your crush and alteration style jutsu give abilities or do things that are too powerful for the rank you've given them. Just up the rank on them or power them each down a bit.
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyWed 17 Feb 2010, 1:01 am

Guillotine Slice: I explained it.

Sword Knee: Pretty much the same as guillotine slice, but less useful.

Organ Transfer: Very simple taking into consideration my KKG, moving organs slightly out of the way isn't very difficult. This is in internal

Skin Wire: Once again very simple, uses external.

Sheen Skin: Yet again, simple alterations. External.

Hollow Wind Tunnel: Specified how very brief it is.

Wind Slate Cover: Same, literally. COPY PASTA!!! Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] 287405

Earth Grinder: Simple and worthless against most opponents. Kinda like a smaller version of Stone Lodging Destruction.

Half Sphere: Its a half sphere... really?

Boulder Shard Barrage: Lowered from 50-30.

Boulder Shard Rain: Like the C-Rank umbrella jutsu, with rocks instead of senbon. Half as much rock shards.

Detonation Spikes: I don't see a problem with this one.

Expel Ailments: Added this: " This jutsu is not instant and takes two posts to go into effect. This jutsu also can not expel poisons that are not in organ systems like eyes or on the skin. The effects of a poison being expelled are not stopped while the jutsu is working."

Rapid Decay: Added a 2 post delay.

Adrenaline Bonus: Changed from tripled to doubled.

Organ Multiplication: Added post delay.

Breath of New Air: Simple. Uses head category changes.

Heat Vision: Changed from B to A rank.

Body Repair Transformation: Post delay, again xD

Sand Shifting Winds: Just stirs up stand, like any wind technique would do in a desert o.o

Sandy Wind Hammer: Can only be used after a B-rank prerequisite

Earth Wind Collision Cage: Sounds large and fancy but it is very simple.

Catacomb Crush: Pretty basic for an A-Rank doton.

Great Earth Eruption: Very obvious to notice and has a delay already.

Rock Levitation Field: Simple jutsu, just upwelling wind.

Well, thats about all of them... Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] 287405
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 3:04 am

whats the bumping rule on U.S 2.0 anywayz?
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 12:36 pm

Added some jutsu and a S.C.

Jutsu Added: Wind Slide (D), Bacterial Breath (D), Chakra Corruption (C), Chakra Scalpel ( Didn't know what rank it was supposed to be =P), Chakra Retaliation Strike (B).

S.C: Chakra Repulsive Skin

Most of the jutsu are edits from Z and should be pretty familiar though Razz

I'm having a burst of inspiration so I may add more or just save them for an update later =P
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 12:46 pm


Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] APPROVED
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Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] Kaiku, Kakougan [Suna Jounin] EmptyFri 20 Aug 2010, 10:27 pm

TSOKR Suit & Shades Added
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