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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete]

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Age : 33
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptyFri 12 Mar 2010, 8:27 pm

Clan Name: Ninjou Clan
Clan Location: ~Kirigakure
Clan Traits:
~Must have Fuuinjutsu Main skill specialty in order to use secret clan jutsu.
~May only have a single element
Kekkei Genkai: This main ability of the Ninjou clan is their special white chakra. Their chakra has the ability to adapt to any sort of ability and can handle many forms of stress that involve its changing and adapting. As a result, the chakra acts almost like an independent being; able to change itself to fit the mold of any form of ability; even if that ability is one foreign to the user. However, this passive ability is one that would be otherwise taken for granted it it weren't for the expansion into the power of the clan via Fuuinjutsu.

The Ninjou clan have developed fuuinjutsu in order to seal abilities into the form of mask. By wearing the mask, they gains the KKG sealed into the mask as a sort of third party ability. This fuuinjutsu must be used on a fallen individual, in which the KKG element of the fallen individual can be sealed. The fuuinjutsu will then seal the body and manifest into the form of a mask. As stated, by wearing the mask, the user gains access to the KKG; even if that ability has no relation to the original power of the user. Any jutsu with this new ability must be trained as normally, and can only be used while the mask is worn. While one can manifest up to five masks and, can only carry around three masks per thread. By destroying or discarding a mask, one can make 'room' for a mask to replace it. In addition, one can only manifest a single(1) doujutsu, and two(2) Advanced Element based KKG among their mask inventory.

In some cases, Kekkei Genkai have abilities that are not only foreign to the user, but foreign to the users body as well. For example, the Aburame's ability to use Insect. In these rare cases, the body of the user will be physically changed while wearing the mask (This is a result of the sealing of the body to make the mask). In most cases, the physical changes will come to resemble that of the fallen individual personally, showing some traits that are similar to that person upon changing. Along with physical changes one can also obtain a single skill special for Kekkei Genkai use only. For example, a KKG that is considered 'ninjutsu' will allow the user to use ninjutsu specific to the KKG while wearing the mask. Any other ninjutsu could not be used in this way.

As seen, this has alot of power, in that the use of masks allows the user to have up three KKG abilities with them at any one time. Masks themselves, once created, are C-ranked 'items', and physically splitting the mask itself breaks the seal upon it and prevents the use of the KKG, thus one must prevent damage to the mask to keep the masks effect. The only problem is obtaining the mask in the first place. One must kill an opponent to seal their element into a mask because living chakra prevents such an exchange. Thus if the user never kills anyone, they will never obtain additional abilities. These masks can only be obtain in RP, and one cannot start with any mask KKG. In addition, a mask cannot be put on and taken off in the same thread, meaning that to switch masks, it would require on post to take it off, and a second to place another on.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Name: Ascending Soul Mask Ceremony
Rank: A
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This is the fuuinjutsu sealing technique in which a fallen/dead individual is sealed and their physically body manifested into a mask, allowing access to their Kekkei Genkai by wearing the mask. The user will form the sealing circle around the fallen individual, with their body at the center. They will then form the needed hand signs, causing the seal to glow and the body to seemingly slip into the seal itself. One the body is completely enveloped in the seal, the seal itself will shrink until it collapses to a point. Finally, a brilliant light will shine, and as it ends, the mask will be at the center point, already made. The process of making the mask takes at minimum 1500 words in the post. In any case, the body technique must be used within a chronological hour of the death of the individual. With the body of the individual sealed away, the body is allowed safe passage into the after life.

History: The Ninjou clan has a history that, like many clans in Kirigakure is lined with a trail of blood and tears. The name of the clan itself is a memento to their trials and struggles, as it has a double standard meaning; Ninjou means bloodshed in some contexts, while in other ninjou means understanding. While two completely different and competing ideals by definition, it is surprising how often these two meet in the shinobi world. It is also somewhat of a pun as 'nin' is a prexfix for ninja on many accounts.

The Ninjou clan didn't always have its name. In the beginning their abilities were for the most part kept a secret, and lay dormant. Their white chakra was otherwise a mystery and was enough, in those archaic times, to cast them off as outcasts of sorts. While they were not openly hated upon, the inequality was apparent enough that the clan was molded out of discrimination. Hereditary traits such as the white chakra was considered abnormal and thus those of the same family stuck to their own kind. It wasn't long until individuals were able to begin studying chakra itself as an art form, however, and it was then that the strange white chakra was seen to become something more of a gift then a curse. The white chakra could react and mold with any elemental affinity, even if that affinity wasn't of their own, as a person. Theoretically, a member of the clan could use any element to their disposal, however they were faced with the problem that their was no way of obtaining new elements.

Over time they resorted to seemingly dark arts in order to obtain what they wanted. It was a technique born from greed and ambition in which the users would have to sacrifice a human life in order to extract their elements. The techniques were incomplete, and harbored the souls of the individuals within the seals, in the forms of masks. The members of the clan would then be driven crazy by the influence of tortured souls trapped in the masks that they wore, and as if possessed, those who were weak minded were made to cause chaos and destruction... this was the time in which the history of the 'ninjou' clan was known as bloodshed, as not only did human sacrifice fuel the increase in power for the clan, but the power itself drove them to the extremes of sanity... however in this time in Kirigakure's history, corruption and darkness was only held together by the strings of violence. The military clashed with opposing forces and what held the nation together was nothing but a series of civil wars. The clan fit right into the mold of the nation in chaos.

However, the masks became a commodity of war. The ability to have new and sometimes rare masks with strange powers were instantly a way in which to enhance ones abilities. They became a weapon. And as these cursed masks grew in power, as they were surrounded by the madness of bloodshed, the evil filled these masks and in turn increased their power and bloodlust. It wasn't too long after that a few masks became too powerful; but thankfully the ceremony in which the masks were created was completed. The clan itself was separated into two sects; The dark side of the clan, that still practiced the incomplete version of human sacrifice, and the new side of the clan that seek to purify these masks. There became an effort in which they started hunting down and destroying corrupt masks. The result was a battle between the two, those who abused the power for ambition, and those who wanted to take responsibility for the mistakes. The only problem was that the cultivating darkness of the masks had made their evil influence powerful. So much so that the clan itself and the island that their foundation was almost completely destroyed. As for the event in question? They were never properly recorded.

HOWEVER THIS IS A HISTORY! So was lost in the records will be seen here... The masks power were distributed from five different masks. These masks were powerful and considered the most evil incarnate. Each was hunted down and broken, and their evil relinquished. Only the fifth of the mask, a mask so full of evil that it could effect the entire island, was enough to threaten the existence of the clan. The island was made volcanic, and those who fought for redemption found themselves in a race against time to save themselves and the island. In the last moments the volcano was subdued, as the owner of the fifth mask was cast away into the very magma that he had summoned forth from the ground. It was the only mask that was nor properly purified, and some say it's evil intentions could still exist in some form... but that is only folklore.

With the island in ruin, the remaining members of the clan voted that the masks only be used to heal the souls of those passing into the after life, and that their masks be living memento to their life; like a epigram on a tombstone. They no longer taught the mask sealing techniques, and established it as a forbidden art. This is what was preached and taught in the clan from that moment on, and stability settled in. The clan returned to Kirigakure from their ruined island, and re-established themselves into the nation as it settled under the force of a single ruler. Though it was a dictatorship of sorts, the nation would at least be stable, and though the nation would undergo man trials in their near future, the members of the clan stood and waited for their chance to contribute. After taking the Oath of Order, and in recollection of their history, they established the name 'Ninjou' as a surname to all living members, and their legacy extended from there.

Clan Details:
Open with Permission [1/3]
At the decision of the staff, any attempts to exploit, augment or ignore the rules and guidelines of the clan can be punished by having their KKG privileges stripped from them.

Last edited by Lament~ on Sat 27 Mar 2010, 7:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 2032

Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptySat 13 Mar 2010, 5:46 am

This is an interesting clan idea which in the wrong hands could be grossly OP. So I ask that you co-operate with the staff on this idea, as the thought of having multiple KKG's is pretty ambitious. But I trust you to keep it under control.

- Firstly, under clan traits please state that all clan members must have fuuinjutsu as their main speciality.

Quote :
While one can have as many masks as they like, they can only carry around three masks per thread.
Having an unlimited amount of masks (having an unlimited amount of KKG's) is too OP and this will need to be changed. There will have to be a maximum number of total masks which a single clan member can possess. I am thinking around five/six in total. This would need to be further limited by what type of KKG that clan member can possess. For example, for you to obtain multiple doujutsu (which are recognised to be powerful KKG's would be OP). So, I put forth this limitation. Members can possess only one type of doujutsu, only two types of advanced element, and the rest can be either a chakra manipulation related or other. The number of masks that the user can carry around per thread is acceptable.

But I would ask that the changing of masks per thread would be altered as well. Their put a limit on how many times a mask can be changed per thread, or put a physical or mental or chakra drain on the user each time a mask is changed. The fact that you can alter your body (e.g aburame) would permit some kind of draw back if the mask was changed, thus changin your body again etc etc.

- Please mention something somewhere that masks can only be obtained in current role-play. Users may not start with any masks, they must actually get them in role-play.

- Also what happens with the elements and specialities of the user. I know that one can take on a speciality like ninjutsu while a mask is changed but is that the final extent? All clan members must have fuuin as their main, so does that mean they can only change either sub speciality? also, regarding elements. Do members start out with no elemental affinity, and gain them/change them through each mask? or do they start with a base element and can also change between elements for different KKG's (e.g for an advanced element)
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Age : 33
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptySat 13 Mar 2010, 6:40 am

-Okie Dokie, Clan trait of 'fuuinjutsu' added.

-Five total masks is cool with me. Though I'd like to explain that the idea of having 'multiple KKG' is toned down by the fact that you can only have ONE of them at a time. So at any point in time you're only using on KKG at a time.

-One doujutsu, Two Advanced element clause added.

-Limited changes so that you can only harness the power of each mask once per thread, thus a max of three effective mask switches. Hopefully I can avoid drawbacks this way.

-elaborated that mask must be live-RP obtained.

-Allow me to explain further. The individual will have their two Specialties (E.g. Fuuinjutsu, Genjutu). When a mask is on, these do not change, and the user does not obtain or lose specialties, they simple are able to use clan based techniques. Thus if they have Fuuinjutsu and Genjutsu, but a KKG calls for ninjutsu to use, they will be able to use those ninjutsu and ONLY those ninjutsu, not any other generic, canon, or custom ninjutsu. It's something of an exception and I hope it makes sense.

-As for elements, I will make set it so that the member of the clan can only have a single element of their own. Advanced elements (now limited to two) can be added as the second element while wearing a mask that awards it as a KKG. That way the only ever have two element.

Thanks for your thoughtful comments, I hope I've covered everything that needs to be altered. I thought it was a concept worthy of a bad guy, haha.
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptyWed 17 Mar 2010, 6:44 pm

For such an advanced process and the power it gives, Im going to say that 500 word minimum is way way way to minimal of a word count for this kind of thing. Its basically prcuring a new item/weapon to be used. Im going to ask you to up this count to at least 1500 to do it justice.

Also as the clan jutsu is A ranked, does that mean that only A ranked jounin can even use this clans abbility at all. Also there should be an explination as to how the mask does its work. You can do this easily by creating another C-B fuuinjutsu to do so. Obtaining a different KKG, like Todd says is pretty advanced, and a bit of a chakra cost is a small price to pay I think. And like I said, this is solely because you need to explain the HOW of this clans KKG.
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Age : 33
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptySat 27 Mar 2010, 7:28 pm

Alrighty, increased to 1500 words, though I can almost promise you that by increasing the word fold most of it will be meaningless filler.

And yup. A-ranked only.

I'm confused as to what you mean by 'how the mask does it's work'. The KKG is simple, it's the secret tech that the bulk of the power comes from. Do you want me to explain it in like... 'scientific' terms?
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptyMon 29 Mar 2010, 7:51 pm

Just how exactly the mask does its magic. How does it activate exactly. It wouldnt be active all the time because for it to be in distance of proper use, it would be affecting your body at all times when just carrying it with you. It has to have some kind of trigger. And also yes, a slightly scientific view or explination on how its effects are applied. In a nut shell

-how is it triggered (best way id go with this would be an activation jutsu)
- how does it make you able to use the KKG with in.
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Age : 33
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptyMon 29 Mar 2010, 8:44 pm

Unfortunately, I made something of a mistake in that I changed my character to Nin/Puppetry to tone him down so that he wouldn't be OPish... by doing that, he can't use Fuuin, which this clan requires. THUS I just another, simpler clan...
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Age : 31
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Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] Ninjou Clan[Remix/Complete] EmptyTue 30 Mar 2010, 8:54 am

I'm going to assume that means you don't mind that it's moved. Archived
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