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Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles!

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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptySun 04 Apr 2010, 4:57 am

It was market day in Sunagakure and the streets were full to bursting with citizens eager to find the next bargain. The brightly-coloured stalls, their equally vibrant displays of items and the throngs of shoppers filled all of the village's main streets. Waiting a short distance away from the first few stalls was a young, female Jounin. Her slender frame leaning against the sandstone wall, she let her head loll backward as she gazed up into the clear blue sky. A few strands of long, dark-brown hair fell across her face as she did this, and she blew gently up against her cheek, the air pushing the hair away from her pale silvery eyes. The woman wore a golden-yellow shirt with black markings and trims, ash-black trousers with yellow-gold thigh markings and elbow-long black gloves. Her name was Kasumi Satake, kunoichi of Sunagakure and soon-to-be sensei to three young Genin.

The Genin in question were due to arrive shortly and Kasumi was eager to discover exactly who she was going to be tutoring. Of course, she'd been given the individuals' basic details by the Kazekage, and she had some knowledge of those who had progressed through the academy already. Adair Shouyuuki, Renjiro Senju, Satoru Testuya - not one of the three had Kasumi met already, but she had at least heard of them. Knowing a little already about their skills, it would be an interesting test of her own abilities to take charge of these three. The Idaten within her would negate their Kekkei Genkai abilities unless she reeled it in to cover only a metre radius from her body. No sooner had the thought struck her than she realised it was about time to do so.

Closing her eyes and bringing her hands into a circular shape in front of her solarplexus, she let her thoughts drift away until she could feel the Idaten within. The dull noise that it made and sensation of it projecting itself... Changing the seal now and holding her hands in a clasped position, she focused on drawing in the energy, pulling it back toward her. The noise became louder in her head but more refined, and the sensation began to tickle a little. And then, as soon as she had started, the technique stopped. Her hands dropped slowly and silently to her sides once more, and her eyes flickered open. Kasumi calmly resumed her sky-gazing, content in the knowledge that her negatory ability was restricted to the minimum range.

She had organized the meeting earlier that week, dropping a letter to each of the her students' residences. They would know who she was and who to look for at the meeting point, but that was it. She expected they would ask any pressing questions once they were all assembled. At that very moment, her ears caught the sound of approaching footsteps, and Kasumi listened carefully for when the newcomer would arrive. She couldn't help it - the corner of her mouth twitched into a half-smile.


Last edited by ~Fox~ on Fri 23 Apr 2010, 5:52 am; edited 4 times in total
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Age : 35
Posts : 1492

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyTue 13 Apr 2010, 6:52 pm

((Seans post has been deleted since he has been given Jounin rank. Fox, your new team will post shortly.))
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 16 Apr 2010, 12:00 am

Renjiro had received a message earlier that week from his newly awarded sensei Kasumi Satake and immediately went to the villages’ library to find any additional information he could get on the lady, however his search revealed no extra information that was any good at making a reasonable analysis of a shinobi’s abilities and fighting styles. Today was Renjiros big day and a good chance to make some friends as well as additional personal training he couldn’t get anywhere else but from a Jounin sensei of Kasumi’s standards.

Renjiro had arrived five hours early for that meeting but was helping around the stalls for four out of those five hours. His help was with the elderly stall holders who found it hard to lift and carry the heavy containers of goods they had to sell but Renjiro was more than happy to help the elderly. When the four hours had passed he decided to scout for his sensei whilst kneeling at the top of a building looking over the other buildings and stalls in the marketplace. His medium length brown hair was dry and perfectly formed into his spiky style, whilst he wearing his classic Japanese clothing which consisted of a thick gi top and a hakama around him legs and waist with golden embroiled symbols on both of them.

As he was scouting the market place he had the message in front of him with a picture of his sensei to see if he could notice her but his search went unsuccessful for an hour. He decided to wander on ground level around the market place and finally stumbled across her at a stall as she was gazing into the sky. Renjiro raised an eyebrow asking the lady "Excuse me are you Kasumi Satake?" he said whilst checking the woman’s appearance against the photo.


WC 305
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Age : 29
Posts : 66

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 16 Apr 2010, 9:26 am

The sun shone in from Adair's window and onto his headband which then lead straight to his eyes. Disturbed by the intrusion of light Adair cursed loudly, and began to wake up. Adair picked up his headband and stared at it for a while, thinking about all the years of the academy he had gone through. Adair had something important to do today, but he couldn't remember what it was though if it was really important he would have it on his calendar and then his father and mother would be pestering him to get ready. Adair put his headband on and walked over to his closet looking for which shirt he should wear and finally decided that his plain black one would be fine. Adair then rushed to put his pants and his pouches on, with all of his clothes and ninja gear in place Adair rushed out of his room and down to the kitchen.

Adair's mother was holding two ramen cups at the base of the stairs when Adair started running down them, Adair was able to dodge his mother by running into the wall at the end of the stairs. Adair fell on to his back and lost his breathe. Slowly Adair got up and regained his breathe, Adair grabbed the two ramen cups and some chopsticks. Adair told his mother that he loved her and then went to check the calander, on this day there was the note writting Meeting with new sensei at market Adair's jaw dropped as he began to hurry out of the house with his two ramen cups. With a rushed goodbye Adair was out the door and headed towards the market.

The market was buzzing with people during the market day. Adair had already finished his first ramen cup on the way to the market, and had started his second one when he began to look for his sensei. The amount of people at the market was making the search for Adair's sensei very hard, if not impossible, and Adair decided to finish his ramen cup before looking again. Adair had no idea what his sensei looked like since he was too lazy to read the file on his sensei, but he was smart enough to bring it with him. Finished with his second ramen cup Adair pulled out the file from the backpack he had put on earlier, inside this backpack were the profiles of the other two genin in his team as well as a canteen filled with water. The file had all the descriptions of his sensei, whose name was Kasumi Satake, even her breast size which made Adair blush that the Suna government was so thorough. Adair instantly thought of his profile, what if they had info about his... Adair shuddered.

Adair remembered the letter that his sensei had sent him about the location of where she would be, maybe this would help out alot more. Reading the letter Adair finally figured out where his sensei was and began to walk towards there. Once he reached the location he saw the woman in the picture with another person, who looked to be a genin, deciding that he should know if this person was among his team Adair looked through the two remaining files he had been sent. Finding the one with the teen's picture Adair took the the teens features to heart and remembered the name. Adair then walked up to the two and bowed slightly then spoke loudly against the crowd of people by them. "I'm Adair Shouyuuki, nice to meet you Kasumi-sensei and Renjiro-kun"
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyTue 20 Apr 2010, 11:31 pm

[OOC: Sorry for the wait guys, got to have that all-important third Genin before we continue!]
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Posts : 191

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyTue 20 Apr 2010, 11:36 pm

((OOC: Slyfox, just a future note, unless they've stated their name and you hear it, or if you recognize them from the past, don't say someones name. The jounin I could understand you recognizing, given that shes a grown woman. but I don't know how you would have been able to identify Renjiro. Its probably nothing, but just keep in mind for future refrence))
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Age : 31
Posts : 1490

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 3:42 am

Satoru gazed quietly up at the calm sky as he carefully picked his way through crowded market, his eyes intently picking out the rare wisps of a few cloud in the sky above Sunagakure. Despite having his attention being focused more or less on the sky, he moved warily through the crowd to avoid bumping into people. He was curious, although not the slight bit excited about the new team he was coming to meet. He had received the notice from Kasumi Satake earlier in the week that he was to come here to meet her and two other Genin to form a team.

Satoru was sure he was at least somewhat late, although the exact time he was unsure given that he never wore a watch and rarely paid attention to any clocks he might have seen. Yet despite know he was late, Satoru didn't quicken his pace any, keeping it the same slow and mellow level he always kept it at. Eventually he got bored of the sky and turned to look around for any other Genin and possibly his Sensei, the problem with this strategy is that there were so many people around, all of whom wore different styles of clothing, ranging from casual clothing to ninja gear, so it was rather difficult for him to point out anyone with any exact accuracy. After a moment of looking he walked over to a wall, leaning lazily against it about two feet away from a woman.

As luck would have it, he noticed two other Genin come near the woman, both speaking one giving his name and the other asking if the woman was their Sensei. He gave Adair, the other Genin and the woman he assumed was their teacher a lazy nod. "Satoru Tetsuya" he said lethargically as he returned his gaze to the sky.
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 5:51 am

The first to arrive was the Senju. Thick brown hair styled to spikes, white black gi and hakama garb and an earnest yet affable expression - Renjiro stood before Kasumi, his gaze flitting between a photo clenched in one hand and the kunoichi currently peering down at him. A moment later, he posed the inevitable question, one that Kasumi murmured silently to herself exactly as he spoke. "Excuse me, are you Kasumi Satake?" He raised one eyebrow quizzically. The woman gave a knowing smile before replying. "You'll be Renjiro Senju then?" She asked, though she already knew that this was indeed him.

Before the boy had a chance to respond, the two of them were approached by another youngster. The newcomer had similarly styled hair to that of Renjiro, although the clothes were less traditional, though not unusual. He seemed to have sussed the situation out already, and as he came to a standstill before the Genin and Jounin, he inclined his head to greet them both. "I'm Adair Shouyuuki, nice to meet you Kasumi-san." He added. It would have been an awkward situation had his gambit not paid off, and he had approached the wrong woman. Of course, he could well have comitted Kasumi's image to memory before venturing out to the meeting...

Almost simultaneously, the third and final member of Team Two arrived, albeit rather nonchalantly. Sidling along the wall to reach the two Genin and the kunoichi, dressed in a white gi not dissimilar to Renjiro's, the young male addressed the party with a half-hearted nod. Kasumi couldn't resist cocking her head a little and raising an eyebrow at this apparent apathy, but she chose not to say anything for now. Regardless, the boy introduced himself as Satoru Tetsuya. The female Jounin gave him a friendly smile, designed to encourage him just as much as to greet him. Now, with all three Genin present, she saw no reason not to kick off the day's proceedings.

Clearing her throat softly for a brief moment, she soon addressed the her gathered charges. "Renjiro," She nodded to the boy on her left, "Adair," She turned and nodded to the central boy, "and Satoru." She gestured toward the final boy, on her right. "A pleasure to meet you all. As you know, my name is Kasumi Satake - your new sensei and leader of Team Two." Her gaze drifted from one Genin to the next as she spoke. "I'm not gonna ask you all to do the whole 'let's get acquainted' thing just yet. As it happens, I've got a practical task to start you off." Kasumi was well aware that most teams would meet for the first time and exchange pleasantries, special skills and perhaps a few techniques. It was a standard drill and it worked - mostly. But the kunoichi tired of the commonplace regime and although she knew better than to do something completely new, she though she might add something different to liven things up. Kasumi then explained the first of these changes to the Genin before her.

"We're not in the middle of the main market for kicks, you know. I brought you here to do a little shopping." With that, she withdrew her purse from her hip pouch and began to delve inside. "I'd like each of you to find yourselves one item in the market that is important to you as a shinobi. Don't forget that last part." Starting with Satoru, she handed each of them a small sum of money - enough for a few simple items, but nothing too fancy. "I suggest you traverse the market together, get familiar with each other. But make sure you bring back one item each." She finished handing out the money and stepped backward a tad. After a few seconds' pause she smiled and gestured to the marketplace. "Well get on with it! Kasumi laughed.
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 3:30 pm

Renjiros question was met with another question, a typical counter question. He went to answer and another male approached with spiky black hair and stood 5'9" tall. His question to the woman and Renjiro himself was quite puzzling considering the information handed out didn't contain any information of the Genins in the team and Renjiro himself made sure none of his information was readily available to anyone but Jounin rank and higher. Another problem was the boys greeting, if he had got the wrong group of people than this could have gone horridly wrong for the boy and would of likely to of resulted in some sort of Female shinobi type super punch to the face.

As soon the boy named Adair finished speaking another lad arrived slowly and lazily. The boy looked to the 3 of us already here and replied only stating his name. Renjiro turned and looked at the boy named Satoru and raised an eyebrow. Turning back to face Kasumi he noticed her change in facial expression and the tilt of her head but she soon changed it to a happy expression with a smile.

The greetings were complete and everyone was introduced and now came the testing. Renjiro had prepared a couple of things for the upcoming day like ninja tools and stuff like that but the women’s request to go find her a gift which best suits their personality shocked him slightly. She handed all of the money out to them and he spoke to her with a sweet and mellow tone "Kasumi-sensei ... I find it rather pointless to do that. I know this market and its good very well and I know nothing here suits me perfectly so I’ll create it myself." With a swift clap of his hands he formed the snake handsign and in his hand formed 3 wooden seeds. He then tilted his hand so the seeds would fall into the palm of his right hand, and then he opened them the seeds were in his right palm. "This is my gift to my team. A seed full of so much potential like any beginning genin. For my sensei, the same seed to draw us together where-ever we are and whatever we do. To harness these seeds ability of long range communication with me you need to ingest them ... Eat them ... and it should stay working for roughly 3 days to a week depending on your body’s metabolism. Each one of you take ONE each ... you too sensei. That is my gift to myself. The gift of friendship and the ability to protect my team and my sensei ... Which money can’t buy." He holds the cash back to his sensei "You can have that back I don’t need it"


Name: Mokuton: Seed
Rank: 3 x C
Element: Wood
Description: Renjiro will produce a seed in the palm of his hand. This is filled with his own chakra and is usually ingested by someone else which allows Renjiro to communicate with them as if he was standing next to them. This seed also allows Renjiro to know exactly what direction and how far they are away from him. The communications range of this jutsu is almost limitless in the sense of that it can stretch the length of an entire country.

WC:464 (excluding jutsu)
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Age : 29
Posts : 66

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 4:24 pm

After Adair's head bow another boy lazily walked up to the group and lethargically spoke out his name. "Satoru Tetsuya" Adair was rather shocked at this boy's attitude of laziness, even when he was meeting his new team. 'I have a person like him on my team? ugh it's times like these that make me wish we could pick our own teams.' A phony smile appeared on Adair's face as he faced towards Satoru and he bowed slightly as he greeted his new teammate. "Hello Satoru I am Adair Shouyuuki" He then faced back towards his sensei and waited for her to do or say something.

The sensei cleared her throat softly for a brief moment, she then addressed Adair and the rest of the genin gathered "Renjiro, *the sensei nodded to the boy to the right of Adair* Adair,*the sensei turned and nodded to Adair,* and Satoru." The sensei gestured toward the final boy, on Adair's left. "A pleasure to meet you all. As you know, my name is Kasumi Satake - your new sensei and leader of Team Two." Adair nodded as if to affirm that he felt the same way. "I'm not gonna ask you all to do the whole 'let's get acquainted' thing just yet. As it happens, I've got a practical task to start you off." Adair was surprised, he had never been in a team before, but he assumed that the usual thing was for them to meet and greet. Adair was a little confused by this situation, as he had no idea what would be asked of him to be done.

"We're not in the middle of the main market for kicks, you know. I brought you here to do a little shopping." once that was said, Adair's sensei withdrew her purse from her hip pouch and began to search around inside. "I'd like each of you to find yourselves one item in the market that is important to you as a shinobi. Don't forget that last part." The first person that Adair's sensei gave some money to was the lazy boy, then Adair, and then finally the first person that was there. Adair counted the money and noted that it was just barely enough to buy anything, but Adair knew that there was probably a reason."I suggest you traverse the market together, get familiar with each other. But make sure you bring back one item each." Adair just stared at the money after hearing what the sensei had to say. "Well get on with it!" Adair heard his sensei begin to laugh, but he really had no idea what "defined" him.

Just as Adair was about to turn and head towards the market, the boy named Renji spoke up. "Kasumi-sensei ... I find it rather pointless to do that. I know this market and its good very well and I know nothing here suits me perfectly so I’ll create it myself." with a small clap of the boy's hands, he revealed three seeds and began to explain what it meant. "This is my gift to my team. A seed full of so much potential like any beginning genin. For my sensei, the same seed to draw us together where-ever we are and whatever we do. To harness these seeds ability of long range communication with me you need to ingest them ... Eat them ... and it should stay working for roughly 3 days to a week depending on your body’s metabolism. Each one of you take ONE each ... you too sensei. That is my gift to myself. The gift of friendship and the ability to protect my team and my sensei ... Which money can’t buy." Adair was furious, he was outdone by a person he barely knew and it only took about a minute. 'so I have someone better than me and someone lazier than me. Great I'm the one who is always second best.' Adair looked up at his sensei and frowned. "Does this mean that the test is finished, because HE already got an item?"

Adair looked around nearby, because even if the test was off he stilled wanted to show what he was to the group. He spotted a toy that was rather simplistic, but was a time old classic toy, a ball and a cup. Adair walked up to the stall and bought it as it was surprisingly cheap. "Ok I am like this Ball and a Cup, because I like to give people smiles and simple amusement. While I am fun at the beginning, after a while of failing I get annoying. I am trying to become a Medical Ninja as my clan wishes, but my Ninjutsu is very rusty and so I normally just use my kunai during a fight. I am currently in the process of creating my very own poison so that I will be all the more useful." Adair didn't know how to finish so he just did a light bow and then looked at the lazy boy to see what he would do.

WC without others words: 497
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyThu 29 Apr 2010, 2:18 am

[OOC: Satoru has explained that he is particularly laden with other responsibilities at the moment and will post as soon as he can. I'd like to wait a little while longer before continuing (and if we do, it won't be more than social interaction as I don't want Satoru to be left behind), but I'll keep you updated.]
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Age : 29
Posts : 66

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyThu 06 May 2010, 1:29 pm

OOC: (should we just leave this topic? I mean it's been about 2 weeks and still no RPing)
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyThu 06 May 2010, 1:30 pm

[Or we should just ignore the vacant team members posts]
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 07 May 2010, 3:00 am

[OOC: I've spoken with Satoru and we will continue without him for now. We should roleplay as if he left to purchase an item and is taking a long time to return.]

The kunoichi had barely started handing the money out than Renjiro piped up. ""Kasumi-sensei... I find it rather pointless to do that. I know this market and its goods very well and I know nothing here suits me perfectly so I’ll create it myself." At this, the female Jounin pursed her lips but allowed the boy to continue. The Senju brought his hands together and performed a simple jutsu, clearly one of his clansmen as the finished product was a trio of seeds. "This is my gift to my team. A seed full of so much potential like any beginning genin. For my sensei, the same seed to draw us together where-ever we are and whatever we do. To harness these seeds ability of long range communication with me you need to ingest them... Eat them... and it should stay working for roughly 3 days to a week depending on your body’s metabolism. Each one of you take ONE each... you too sensei. That is my gift to myself. The gift of friendship and the ability to protect my team and my sensei... Which money can’t buy." He said, dutifully explaining his actions to the team. Kasumi took one of the seeds and examined it closely, before opening a small pouch on her shirt and securing the seed inside. She fully intended to make use of the seed, but now was perhaps not the time. Thank you, Renjiro - it's a thoughtful gift. It tells us a great deal about you, too. Ensuring that your friends can always be around to look out for each other is certainly a worthwhile cause. However, I must say it was rather hasty of you to disregard the market so quickly. Never believe anything to be as you expect it, because the day you do it will surely surprise you." She spoke, of course, in reference to Renjiro's decision that the market held nothing for him. Kasumi knew the boy would understand, and left the comment there.

Shortly afterwards, Adair and Satoru set off into the bustling marketplace, in search of an item that described, personified or simply suited them. In the meantime, Renjiro returned the money Kasumi had lent him, explaining that he had no need for it. The kunoichi smiled and accepted to money, wondering if the young Genin had ever heard that one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth... No sooner had the thought crossed the woman's mind than Adair, looking distinctly unsure of his purchase, returned to the group. Satoru had yet to return, and after some time of waiting, Kasumi decided it would be best to continue as they were. After all, she was no babysitter and the boy could look after himself, she was certain. Adair had returned clutching a simple wooden toy - a ball and cup. "Ok I am like this Ball and a Cup, because I like to give people smiles and simple amusement. While I am fun at the beginning, after a while of failing I get annoying. I am trying to become a Medical Ninja as my clan wishes, but my Ninjutsu is very rusty and so I normally just use my kunai during a fight. I am currently in the process of creating my very own poison so that I will be all the more useful." He elicited, sounding a little as though reading from a list. "A really apt choice, Adair." The kunoichi responded. "You really didn't need to tell us all that about you, the cup and ball says more than you know." She smiled at the enthusiastic youngester and continued. "It tells me that you see yourself as someone who tries hard, but knows he needs others to put effort into helping him attain his goals. And that you are honest and self-aware, two traits that will stand you in good stead." She explained.

Satoru was still weaving his way through the crowds in the market, and Kasumi was beginning to worry a little about the boy. Not wanting to abandon her other pupils, she decided to set an accomplice the task of watching over the wayward Genin and bringing him to her when he was finished. With little warning, she brought her fingers to her mouth and issued a sharp whistle. At first, nothing seemed to happen. But to those with keen eyes, a small cat made its way methodically along an archway nearby. He had creamy white fur and sooty black paws, nose and ears. He wore a small red cloth around his breast and a short, ash-black scarf. "Rinji-san, meet Renjiro Senju and Adair Shouyuuki." The woman said as the feline newcomer landed softly on her shoulder. Kasumi spoke gently to the cat, who was clearly a close friend of the kunoichi's. Rinji sniffed disdainfully at the two Genin and cocked his head a little. "Hello." He purred as cheerily as he could.The kunoichi loved hearing the cat speak - not because of his particular demeanor, but being an auditory-visual synaesthete, she saw sound as colour too. When Rinji spoke, a creamy, tan colour drifted across the area and the woman took great delight in such mellow colours. She used her arms to make a bridge for the little cat to walk down onto the ground level as she spoke. "Job for you, Rin. My other charge, Satoru Tetsuya, is struggling to finish a task I set him, in the market. Could you watch over him for me, and perhaps bring him back to me when he's finished?" At first, the cat looked unhappy at this request, but the kunoichi gave him a gentle tickle behind the ears and stroked his glossy fur. "Very well, Kasumi-san." Rinji yawned, about-facing and heading out into the marketplace.

Once the brief interruption was over, Kasumi turned back to Renjiro and Adair, who had been waiting patiently for her to finish with Rinji. "Now then, we all know a little about each other - perhaps you've even interpreted something yourself from the items your companions chose - and it looks like you're eager to move on." She said, gauging the expressions on the pair's faces. "Let's convene elsewhere then - the sparring grounds will do nicely." She suggested, gesturing for the two of them to follow her. As the made their way swiftly across the town, away from the hubbub of the market, Kasumi handed a single red sash to each of the Genin. "When we get there, I want you to take a few moments to discuss how you will protect these two items from me. I, of course, will be trying to steal them and will use whatever method I deem appropriate. I'll let you convene away from me, so that I cannot hear your plan. I will offer you one bit of advice - do not rely on any one idea too heavily - be flexible." She grinned as she motioned for Renjiro and Adair to tie their sashes to their waists. Before long, the sparring grounds loomed and the second task was about to begin.

[OOC: In the next post, if you'd like to RP anything you want to mention up until now, and then please go into your little 'planning meeting'. It helps the thread along nicely. After the next post, I'll evaluate your RP so far and make any suggestions I can to help you improve - although you are both doing a fine job thus far.]
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Age : 31
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Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 14 May 2010, 4:05 am

Satoru walked off nonchalantly after taking the money his sensei had handed him, not really paying attention to what Renjiro was saying. ”"This is my gift to my team. …...” was all Satoru heard before he walked off. His mind was miles away, specifically on the opposite side of Suna, in his nice comfortable bed within the south east section of his small one room apartment. He looked up absentmindedly at the sky above, the occasional whips of cloud could be seen, but the sky was as blue as ever, no hint of rain as usual. A bump from his left brought Satoru's attention back to ground level, he had wandered into the crowd surrounding several of the stalls while he wasn't paying attention. The bump had come from a small, shrimp of a man, at Satoru's left, who was walking carefully away from the stall, the man held a large antique vase in front of him in a position which blocked his vision entirely.

The sight of the man and the vase was hilarious to Satoru for a reason unknown to him, perhaps it was the fact that the man, who was scarcely four foot tall was carrying a vase at least twice a foot talker than he was. After a moment of laughter, Satoru's mind refocused on the task he had been given, and he walked up to the stall in front of him. He ran his hand across the old wood in the stall, feeling each crack and dent in the wood as he surveyed the items. His eyes fell upon a sword in place on top of a silk cloth, sitting in position beside it's sheath. The blade itself was about 4 foot long, curving slightly to a sharp point at the end, it was well kept, shiny, obviously polished and it held not dents or scratches, buffs, nor any sign of use. The hilt of the blade was about a foot long, and ornamented with several gems, and like the blade it was also well polished. Satoru shook his head slightly in disgust after he had finished examining the weapon. The sword was obviously for show, to make it's 'wielder' look as if they were skilled and rich. Swords like these annoyed Satoru. A weapon's beauty should be in it's use not it's appearance.

Satoru shook his head suddenly, realizing that his train of thought was heading in a different direction than he needed. He looked at the sword, refocusing his purpose. Given that he had little experience with any weapons other than the basic Kunai and Shuriken, he realized it would be rather pointless to bring this back to his team and even if he was skilledi n the art of Kenjutsu he doubted he would pick this item anyway. After all, what would it say? “I enjoy the appearance of things instead of their underlying use.” He chuckled slightly, and moved on to the next item, a whip, coiled into a round circle. ”No” he said in his head, moving on to the next item. This item struck his interest, it was a rather ornately designed chess piece. A Knight to be specific. His hand moved over it, getting a feel for it's texture. Reaching into a pocket on his left side, he pulled out the required amount of money and handed it the man tending the the stall and then pocketed the piece.

Having his newly acquired treasure 'in hand', Satoru picked his way out of the crowd, only to find a small cat waiting outside of the crowd, and his team standing off in the distance. Walking around the cat he made his way across the sand in the crowded market back to his team members and sensei, only to hear, "When we get there, I want you to take a few moments to discuss how you will protect these two items from me. I, of course, will be trying to steal them and will use whatever method I deem appropriate. I'll let you convene away from me, so that I cannot hear your plan. I will offer you one bit of advice - do not rely on any one idea too heavily - be flexible ”

Satoru chuckled loudly and spoke, "Weren't planning on leaving without me were you?" he said still chuckling slighlty, "Sorry I took so long....." he let out a yawn and reached into his pocket pulling out the Knight peice, "Anyway, I chose this because it shows how one should act in battle. The knight is often hardly payed attention to by any opponent, therefore it allows them to sneak in and make a devestating move. I specitficly chose this because I believe it is how a Ninja should act within battle, a ninja, as the knight should move unexpectedly.....in the shadows if you will and move in to make the killing blow when it is least expected." Satoru let out a rather large yawn as he stuck the piece back in his pocket and awaited the response.
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 14 May 2010, 5:00 pm

Renjiro looked at Kasumi as she spoke and then moved on to the task she had thought out. He thought back to the previous day where he had read through extremely brief profiles on the people in the Senju archives. Then the 3rd member of the team, Satoru, arrived after spending awhile looking for his item and replied with his reasoning behind his purchase. He would wait for his sensei’s reply to his speech (covering ourselves here), and then gestured for the three of us to speak.

When we were far enough away Renjiro would 'huddle in' to stop the Kasumi reading into the conversation. "Well guys, I believe it’s about time we genin show this Jounin what this generation has to give. Oh and id suggest you digest those wooden seeds I gave you two. It'd be extremely helpful to use them to communicate and co-ordinate an attack without saying a single word." He winks "It means there can't be any way for her to know our plans". He waits for them to ingest the seeds and then closes his eyes siphoning of chakra connection between him and their sense's seed but also enhancing the connection between the Genins.

Inside his mind he thought (and they can hear it as if he's speaking into their heads) "Well as you can see this is a very good way of communicating. I've cut off her seeds connection to me but not mine to hers. So it means I can still hear her thoughts but she can't her mine or yours. Well I am a Senju so my elements are water, earth and wood. My specialities are Ninjutsu with a sub speciality of Fuuninjutsu. I suggest our plan of attack is that someone goes straight in, head on. With assistance with a second using short range Ninjutsu support. Once that is in mid-flight I can then use my long range Ninjutsu, either elemental or wood based, to assist precisely where it’s needed. Anyone got any other ideas?"


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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 14 May 2010, 5:42 pm

[OOC: Looking good guys. Good to see you Satoru. Quick note Renji - Kasumi hasn't actually ingested the seed yet. The only reason being that there hasn't been a need for it - I promise she wouldn't spurn a gift!]
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 14 May 2010, 5:43 pm

[OCC: im covering bases just incase she ingests it Wink]
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Age : 35
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Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptyFri 14 May 2010, 7:32 pm

[OOC: No problem. Considering the odd timestamp the thread has sortof worked around, that's wise. One last thing. You mention attacking in your post and if I might offer some advice, attacking me might not work out. Or it might. Consider that your task is to protect the bells you already have. I'll have to attack you - twist on the classic, as it were. But I digress, and you probably figured this already. I'll be ready to post once Sly's done.]
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Age : 29
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Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptySat 22 May 2010, 11:47 am

ooc: (sorry for the late reply...kinda had to work myself up to this. I'll do this during the weekend for sure... )
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Age : 35
Posts : 1113

Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! EmptySat 29 May 2010, 7:14 pm

[OOC: *pokes Sly to see if he's alive*]
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Meeting, Greeting, Shopping Spree: Team Two Assembles! Vide
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