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Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin]

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Kumo Nin

Age : 34
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Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] EmptyThu 13 Sep 2012, 3:43 am

Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Guy-01-anime-guys-7728922-240-335

Mikado, Kaze.


Name: Kaze Mikado
Nickname: N/A
Age: 13
Gender: Male

Kaze Mikado is the name of the boy who stands before you. His stature is unassuming, standing no more than 5'3'' and looking to weigh somewhere around 90 to 110 pounds. His short stature taken with his rather light weight gives the boy a somewhat scrawny appearance. Unlike most of his peers, Kaze does not possess the athletically toned physique that so many young ninja sport, but rather his muscles seem lax and his body, while slim, is definitely not the picture of excellent health and condition.

Kaze's face is a bit more noticeable than his body, being somewhat more unique and impressive. The boy possesses a set of light hazel brown eyes that are bordered by high cheekbones and slightly narrowed eyelids. His eyes coupled with his angular nose, narrow face, and slightly wider mouth give him a rather intimidating visage that, due to his inexperience, often betrays his feelings to the outside world despite the common stereotype that ninjas are adept at hiding their emotions.

Sitting atop the boy's head is a mass of messy blonde hair that hangs low, often times hanging in front of his eyes from the front while reaching down to his cheeks on the sides and well past his ears from the back. While the hair is predominately blonde in color, it is not hard to see several streaks of "dirty blonde" and even a bit of brown here and there signaling the start of an all too common darkening phenomena for the boy's hair.

As if matching his hair, Kaze's skin is pale, almost pasty white, holding very little tan within its substance. Whether this paleness comes from the boy not spending enough time outside or is just natural is hard to say due to his mother sporting a healthy tan while his father and brother both hold rather pale complexions. In terms of his skin's integrity, one would be hard pressed to find any sort of scar or blemish on the boy's body. Indeed his skin has yet to experience the marks of battle, yet another sign of the boy's inexperience.

In most circumstances Kaze's attire tends to follow a constant rule which states that one should always dress for comfort and mobility rather than appearance. Following this rule Kaze has adopted a very simple dress code. Kaze can usually be seen wearing some type of short sleeved shirt, dark in color paired with a set of cargo shorts, usually khaki or equally as dark as his shirts. The cargo shorts possess a total of six pockets, two on the legs, two near the waist in the front, and finally two in the back. Along with these pockets, the boy also carries around a kunai holster on his left leg, strapped on the outside of the shorts and also carries a satchel that is strapped around his waist and located behind him on his lower back. With so many compartments the boy is able to store items and tools as needed. Finally for footwear, Kaze tends to wear a pair of standard dark blue shinobi sandals that are taped from the tops to about half way up his shin in order to provide some slight protection to his exposed lower limbs. While Kaze tends to wear these cloths on most occasions, he is not above dressing appropriately for certain situations and conditions.

Forehead Protector: Tied around his upper left arm right above the bicep.

Personality: People are complex beings, their minds and emotions running in a wide range of possibilities. Kaze is no different, being a rather complex being when sufficiently analyzed. Rather than describe his personality as a whole it is far easier to break up his more usual aspects into smaller sections, though one must always keep in mind the dynamic nature of humanity and realize that when one speaks about the human mind it is almost impossible to nail every single detail.

  • Confidence: Kaze is a confident individual who believes in his own strength and when that fails he will believe in his ability to grow stronger. Kaze's confidence is what gives the boy the courage to move forward and is what keeps him from falling prey to depressing thoughts. Though confidence is a great aspect for many to have, one must always be wary of overconfidence, or arrogance. In Kaze's case his confidence can often get him into trouble as it is not tempered with wisdom and as such the boy rarely acknowledges his limitations and can come off as somewhat arrogant to others who don't truly understand him.

  • Tenacity: There is a lot to be said about a tenacious person. Such a person will rarely give up once their mind is set on something. Kaze is a very tenacious individual, rarely giving up on a goal once he has decided upon it. This quality allows the boy to move forward without being deterred by the innumerable obstacles he may encounter on his journey. Once again, tenacity, while a great characteristic to have, also needs moderation. One who is overly tenacious can often time become so focused on their goal that they lose site of everything else around them. While Kaze lacks true focus, he does tend to have a one track mind when he truly desires something and can often time become rather thoughtless or careless to other factors along the way.

  • Amiable: Kaze is a friendly person and is one who is easy to talk to if someone is able to get passed his big ego. Kaze is not usually one to throw insults at people nor is he one to tease of put others down. Kaze knows all too well the feeling of being insulted and put down and how much it can hurt and as such he has cultivated an over all friendly personality that allows him to easily approach and talk to people and even forge strong friendships and rivalries. Of course, while being amiable is good, it can result in awkward situations as he often likes to drop all the formal pretenses when addressing others.

  • Blunt: Tactfulness is not something that Kaze is really familiar with. The boy is a very direct and simple individual and as such will seldom hesitate to speak his mind. Beating around the bush is not something he is good at and so when asked for his opinion, he will usually give it in a very straightforward manor even if he knows that his words may sting. In his opinion it is better for people to know the truth earlier and directly from its source rather than find out later and through here-say.

  • Naive: Being inexperienced in both life and the ninja arts, Kaze is a rather naive and even gullible individual. He will rarely second guess someone's story or explanations as to why things are simply due to his lack of exposure and his belief that people are generally good. While Kaze has been the target for much ridicule, he still moves through life believing that people are good and as such he is often the first to fall for traps and deception as long as they aren't too obvious or contradict something someone who is closer to him has said.

  • Ambitious: Ambition is a driving force for so many actions that people take. The ambition to be successful and strong. Kaze holds such ambitions deep within his heart, desiring power and respect of all those around him. This, to many is a great characteristic, but taken in hand with his tenacity it can be a dangerous mix and an excellent breeding ground for evil if one is not careful. Those who pursue power are often corrupted by it.

  • Arrogance: While this goes hand and hand with confidence, it deserves to be discussed a bit further. Those who are arrogant think rather highly of themselves, finding little to no fault in their own person despite the words of others. Kaze's confidence breeds his arrogance, leading him to think that he is far superior than those around him, even in the face of a defeat. It is rare for him to get too down about a loss as long as he is able to walk away and fight another day. The loss is rarely due to a lack in his own strength but rather unfavorable conditions. This arrogance is a very dangerous characteristic as it leads to extreme levels of narcissism, stagnation, and over confidence in his abilities which can lead to rather dangerous situations.

  • Hotheadedness: Despite being friendly, it is worth noting that Kaze does have a bit of a temper when pushed around or aggravated and as such may come off as a rather unpleasant person when someone gets on his wrong side. This hotheadedness also comes with a healthy dose of thoughtlessness. In times of great anger, Kaze may often act without thinking which can lead to some troubling situations.

  • Stubborn: Those who are stubborn are seldom persuaded out of their way of thinking. They will often insist that their way and their methods are the right way with little regard for anything different. Kaze is a very stubborn individual who will go through great lengths to prove that his way is the right way if the situation calls for it. Despite this though, Kaze can at times show maturity and shelf this rather bothersome characteristic when he really needs to.

Clan: N/A
Nindō: "What's a nindō?"


Origin: Kaminari no Kuni
Affiliation: Kumogakure
Rank: Genin
Specialties: Taijutsu, Medical Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinities: Fūton Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] 18px-Nature_Icon_Wind, Raiton Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] 18px-Nature_Icon_Lightning

Combat Style:

What is there to be said about Kaze's combat style? Not having had any prior battle experience save for the occasional spar within the academy it is hard for one to truly describe how Kaze truly fights. Within the academy Kaze wasn't too great with the complex disciplines of ninjutsu and genjutsu, lacking the focus to pursue these to a proficient level. As such most of his focus went into his taijutsu training where he, due to his arrogance, didn't pay attention to a damn thing he was told. It is for this reason that Kaze could be described as a close range, melee fighter.

Kaze tends to rely on his own strength in the form of sloppy kicks and punches all while trying to appear as though he is some sort of bad ass fighter. It is not uncommon to hear him yell randomly as he strikes, as though he were a true martial artist rather than some kid imitating fighting moves he has seen over the course of his youth. Kaze will often charge head fist into battle with little thought of strategy or repercussions, leaving himself wide open for counter attacks due to his insufficient knowledge of any and all fighting styles.

If one had to truly describe the boy's fighting style it would simply be to charge in with fists swinging in every and all directions in an effort to hit someone while doing his best to endure an onslaught of brutal attacks. In the end, all that matters is that he will be the last one standing.

Special Characteristics:

Physical Based:

Chakra Based:

Mental Based:

Miscellaneous Based:



Roleplay Sample:



Academy Jutsu:




Name: Genin Kit
Rank: C
Quantity: 1
Contents: 6 Kunai [6], 10 Shuriken [5], 9 Senbon [3], 10 Makibishi [2], 4 Exploding Notes [4], 3 Exploding Pouches [1], 3 Smoke Pellets [1], 12m String [4], 1 Windmill Shuriken [5], 1 File & Scissor [1].




Character Claim: Fabian
Source: Senko No Ronde: Rev.X
Image URL: Link

Last edited by TOPKite on Sun 21 Oct 2012, 3:36 am; edited 4 times in total
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Kumo Nin

Age : 34
Posts : 1209

Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] EmptyFri 14 Sep 2012, 6:17 pm

Alright, I think I'm done now. Just a few things to preemptively address:

  • I know I am allowed one SC to start. I chose not to have one at creation for RP reasons.
  • I know I am allowed up to 15 free jutsu outside of my academy jutsu at creation. Again, RP reasons as to why I didn't take any.
  • There is no "Genin" arc in my character as he just graduated and is fresh out of the academy.
  • I know my scrolls are empty. I want them that way.

That should be all I think, hopefully this isn't a long process. Thank you :3
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Age : 28
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Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] EmptySat 15 Sep 2012, 4:39 pm

Looks very good. I'm curious to see how far and where this character will go.

Approved 1/2
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] EmptySat 15 Sep 2012, 6:18 pm

Very well done. Don't forget to make an Account.

[2/2] Approved!
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The Boss

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Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] EmptyWed 20 Mar 2013, 8:28 am

Archiving due to updated application.
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Mikado, Kaze [Kumogakure, Genin] Vide
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