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Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin]

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Age : 34
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Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin]  Vide
PostSubject: Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin] Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin]  EmptyThu 29 Nov 2012, 8:04 am

Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin]  Henri



Name: Henri Bijous
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
The first thing that is noticeable about Henri is the fact that he constantly uses black solution to keep his usually white hair black, a solution usually made up of dissolved coal and an viscous agent. This combination of ingredients leaves his hair naturally prone to dreadlocks and he wears them proudly. The sides of his head are shaved but he wears sideburns blackened as his hair is to give him a unique look that he feels represents him best. The dreadlocks reach down just to his nipples or between his shoulder blades and are often tied up atop his head with a ponytail created using a strip of leather to bind the unruly dreads together. His eyes are a deep emerald and his left eyebrow is pierced with a simple stud. Other jewelry that adorns his body include traditional ceramic pieces from the Kaguya clan beaded into a few of his dreads as a respect to his mother and a barbell stud that pierces his left nipple. His ears are slightly gaged and the rings usually in them are onyx black. His skin is paler than most and could be considered fine as it has yet to be marred with any scars or marks. He falls into a class of thinner shinobi whom mostl of whom rely on their lithe bodies for speed and flexibility, but does not show the definition of one who works out strictly to gain muscle. Rather than focus on the bulk of muscles or the ability to lift weights, he instead pushes his body naturally against itself to develop muscles for fighting, running, and climbing that pertain to his style of movement. On his shoulder is a tribal tattoo that he had his brother design and ink into his arm upon becoming a graduate of the academy. The general consensus is that his body and clothes normally smell of burnt cinnamon, chili powder, and rosemary (The same smell people said came from his father’s pipe). Henri, a lover of the sounds of the world, hates his voice. It has been described as a soft and at times feminine noise that often fades to a whisper when he speaks outside of reading things aloud or for an audience. He does not seem to ever mind that his voice, due to its pitch and softness, can sometimes get lost in the general hum of a crowd.

Henri keeps to his own standards of tactical uniform. Preferring the color black, the boy dresses head to toe in blacks and grays to allow for hiding whether in the shadows and in the depths of water. A black vest is layered outermost on his clothes, a vest of tactical design with several pouches for equipment and storage of items as well as with thin metal plates sewn beneath the cloth to provide some protection against minor projectiles and attacks. Rather than wear them connected to a mesh, Henri prefers to keep his mobility and flexibility at the maximum and avoids any extra weight when possible. Underneath his vest his a short sleeved gray shirt of unremarkable make and design. His wrists and forearms are usually wrapped in tape to provide an extra sturdiness for the joint and help lessen the risk of injury due to strain on it. His hands are kept bare except for the tips of each finger being wrapped in tape as well as an homage to his father. His pants are black with pockets on each thigh and hip. The thigh pockets are easily noticed as they are colored gray but are normally empty of any actual equipment. The sandals on his feet are black and open toed standard shinobi sandals. His equipment pouches are located in two separate locations, one long square looking pouch is almost always strapped to his right bicep and a more rounded pouch is attached to his belt just below his spine. Of course Henri is a known weaponry shinobi and one wonders where he keeps his chosen weapons. An umbrella rests just over his right shoulder with its handle pointed skywards. On his left hip is where his Dagger Flute is sheathed.

Forehead Protector: Henri keeps his village headband draped around his neck not only to show his allegiance to Kumogakure, but to also provide some protection from attacks to his neck.

Loose and free willed, Henri is a boy who indulges in his enjoyments and worries little. He maintains an almost constantly positive attitude while remembering the dangers of being a shinobi only occasionally. To him his life is one meant to be enjoyed and can sometimes lack the seriousness or concern that some situations warrant. Overall he is a competent individual with his skills as a ninja despite his nature occasionally getting in the way of the duties assigned to him. Though he likes to exercise his skills in combat and perform missions around the village, he has yet to experience the death of any individual (be it friend or foe) and some think he truly has suppressed the reality that any mission could result in such. Henri is loyal to Kumogakure no Sato and to his fellow man. His relationships with people quickly develop from simply friends to a type of brotherhood only true compatriots could ever achieve. Beyond that he feels a sense of duty and honor that he must uphold. Regardless of all these emotions swelling within his young mind, the boy smiles nearly incessantly. Whether he is reading a book on poetry, speaking his own works, listening or playing music, working on a mission or simply wandering the grounds of the academy and reminiscing of good days with good friends; Henri simply enjoys life to the fullest that he can.

Many a night the lilting tune of a violin or the squeal of a trumpet can be found escaping Henri’s father’s house. A boy of the arts, with his brother’s artistic ability and tattooing alongside his father’s expert craftsmanship, Henri had to find his own niche that caught his interests and kept him tightly bound to his family. His love of sounds, music, poetry, and traditional kabuki theater quickly set him apart from some. Living a life of culture is easy to miss when there is a sea of people willing to walk past a-chirping without hearing the music in every warble that escapes its beak. A world always spinning faster, demanding more, giving less time every day to enjoy the small things in life like the pull of a bow across the strings or the piercing of brass through the night; but these were the things that Henri knew and enjoyed while trying to slow his own world down enough to enjoy them. He can often be found searching out sounds of interest to him or sitting atop rooftops reading from books on poetry. Only occasionally does he scrape together the time or the money to go to the theater for a show more tasteful than the circus acts that usually pass through villages.

On the other end of the spectrum is Henri’s dislike of things such as ignorance, vagabonds, even celery. He is not one for fine dining, and perfectly satisfied with the working man’s meal, nor is he full of greed or a lust for glory. His constant seeking of personal enlightenment leads him more down a path of self discovery rather than pleasures of the body. Neither a glutton nor letch, nor scoundrel or thief, Henri is what some could call honorable. Perhaps naïve, perhaps too inexperienced in the ways of the world, but altogether fiercely protective of his ideals and quick to push those who stand against those ideals out of his life; he is altogether seeking a new path forward that he wishes to forge from the sheer strength of his willpower and belief that there is such a path for him to walk. His future is an unknown and he prefers it that way so long as he is allowed to walk down the path he believes is waiting for only him to discover.

There is no bond stronger than Brotherhood. Henri’s honor and sense of duty can only be stretched so far, but without Brotherhood he considers himself nothing. He is a man who finds a bond with his fellow man and wears that bond proudly. There is no task too great or small, no risk he would not take to assist someone he considers a brother. The title to him extends far beyond family and as such may at times overshadow his duties towards those related to him by blood but not by this sacred bond. A brother may be struck but will never be killed, a brother may be challenged but will never be broken, a brother may walk down the wrong path but he will not be abandoned. Henri is a man of duty and understands he owes a service to the village that provided his family with shelter, provided his father and brother with a job, and allowed them to live inside the walls in the protection of their military. His service as a shinobi is his way of paying his debt to those whom he finds himself indebted to as he seeks to find his place in this world. He is a man of honesty, honor, with reluctance towards homicide and at times regretful of any violence he had to commit upon another whom he feels did not deserve it. As for the people he comes across who are labeled to him as “Brother”, he is quick to mar his skin with ink in their honor so that the bond is one of everlasting. Such marks have yet to be placed upon his skin, but he looks towards the future and the day he can have his brother set ink to flesh in celebration of such an honor.

In a world so full of treachery and this desire for personal gain, Henri wants nothing but the bonds he creates and the constant improvement of those bonds through various means. Whether it is sharing a meal, watching the stars, celebrating a wedding, fighting in the trenches; the Kumo boy wants to find his bonds and hold them tight in a cherished grip that no wound, physical or otherwise, or military order could ever break. His feelings and philosophies lean him towards a path of protection and intervention, one based around the protection of individuals rather than the assassination of them. His style of combat may be a deadly one, but it is also one he engages in almost reluctantly at times. As he walks through life seeking these unbreakable bonds he is happy to work towards a brighter tomorrow for his family and his community.

Clan: None
Nindō: “There is no curse upon the world greater than Silence.”


Origin: Rain Country
Affiliation: Kumogakure no Sato
Rank: Genin
Specialties: Genjutsu/Weaponry (Midrange/Close Range)
Elemental Affinities: Fuuton (Wind, Primary), Raiton (Lightning, Secondary),
Combat Style:
In combat the Kumo Genin is something of a pliant individual. His style is incredibly flexible as he attempts to keep combatants at a middle range with several weaponry jutsu and genjutsu. Often he seeks to cause temporary missteps and take advantage of the situation as quickly as possible with a well placed blow to crumble any defensive measures an opponent might have and further his own advantage. This of course leads to Henri actively engaging opponents in longer fights that tire out those with less stamina. This long and drawn out process gives him time to analyze and find the weak spot in the offenses and defenses of an opponent for him to assault with an almost surgical precision tactically. Using his techniques to keep a good range from opponents allows him to continuously push them off of their own game plans and force his agenda in combat upon them.

As a solo combatant versus a single shinobi is when Henri most often shines, using his genjutsu to spread paranoia and worry in the mind of his enemy. This worry causes hesitation which usually results in Henri speedily attempting to overtake the opponent. Whether with a technique at the middle range or a quick and accurate assault on the off balance victim, Henri presses his advantages hard and is ready to tactically retreat once they are out of the equation of combat. His style can best be described as a lure, constantly reeling himself back and tempting the enemy forward into his decided plan.

Henri best fits in a team as the mid range support and distraction, especially as he lacks the taijutsu skills and close ranged ninjutsu that allow for him to act as a front line assault. Instead he takes his role as the distraction seriously and focuses almost entirely upon his genjutsu to provide openings for his teammates to take advantage of and keep the battlefield separated. He can often be found guarding the team medic or fuuinjutsu user while assault technicians work their brutal magic on the front lines. This combination often leads to shorter fights than Henri typically enjoys, but it is none less efficient.

Being outnumbered is never a beneficial situation and Henri has no qualms quickly making himself scarce. Once again his genjutsu comes directly into play in helping him hide and avoid detection from those pursuing him. Running them in circles, using the infamous hit and run tactics of guerilla warfare; it is far from ideal from Henri’s perspective but in times of need one cannot turn down a chance at victory.

Special Characteristics:


A curiosity
Henri Bijous is not above average. Throughout his life he was underestimated and accidently overlooked quite often due to his inability to stand out. His childhood was something of a constant struggle for recognition. He played with other children, ran around the village, but altogether was simply unnoticeable for the most part. Even with his genetically gifted looks with his snow white hair and cream pale skin, he simply was not set apart from the other children as he associated with them. Despite the lack of attention from others in the community, Henri had a loving family and a fine early life.

Marguerite Kaguya was a fine woman with a taste for fine dining and skill with a knife. Far from the battlefield did she use those skills as she prepared gourmet dining for the people of her village. It was her cooking that got her noticed by her future husband Daniel when he visited the restaurant she worked at. Throughout her own life Marguerite had to deal with the pressures from her clan to become more than a simple chef and instead go into the military where she belonged. Hers was an inheritance of a powerful kekkeigenkai and her reluctance to ever use it let alone study it and join the military was frowned upon by her relatives. While many of them gave their lives for their village, all agreed she was an outcast and a coward for not following in their footsteps. Disconnected from her family but in love with this man Daniel, she quickly distanced herself from the Kaguya name and quickly sought to start a family with the love of her life. Over the years she had not one but two children, both males born with the kekkeigenkai and carrying on her family line. Unfortunately before the youngest son, Henri’s, fourth birthday was when Marguerite was struck ill and never recovered. She passed away peacefully in her sleep and left her lover Daniel and the boys behind with a smile on her face. Her only regret was that she would not live to see her boys grow up.

Henri’s father is the source of his unique name, requesting it be as unique as his own last name, Bijous. Daniel was a craftsman by trade, having left the military at the rank of chuunin to pursue a career in blacksmithing and carpentry. He had excelled at the academy with his weaponry and fuuinjutsu abilities and had fought on the front lines for years before he met Marguerite that fateful day in her restaurant. He had been sitting with his friends enjoying sushi rolls hand rolled by the lovely woman and had stated, quite boisterously, that he would marry any woman that could cook this well and had the looks to match. Upon presenting herself to the group of chuunins provided Daniel with a reason to leave the military and seek out a living with less risk. Unable to totally detach from his past they settled on him taking up smithing to provide the military with fine weapons and metal goods while his tables, chairs and artwork with wood brought the village a moderate amount of pride and a higher standard of furniture. His happiest moments would be the birth of his boys and both of their graduations from the academy. The years have started to catch up with Daniel but he is far from retirement as he sits in his workshop with his grey hair and continued to churn out his craft while supporting his sons in any way he could.

Though he goes by Remmy with his friends and comrades he was born Renauld Bijous to Daniel and Marguerite. At the academy it was quickly realized that he was destined to follow at least partially in his father’s footsteps as he showed an ability with Fuuinjutsu and the use of taijutsu paired with his Kaguya bloodline. Throughout life he had always cared for his younger brother and would easily lay down his life for Henri. The brothers seemed inseparable from birth and are often found conversing or practicing with each other around the village.

His time spent before the academy were days of play and discovery. Still being a child meant that he had time, and the desire, to experience many different things to find the passions in his life. While some focused on playing ninja or tag along the village streets and marketplaces, Henri sought out books and opportunities to listen to music. He developed alongside other children, simply forgotten more often than not by his absolutely average nature. Like his brother, and for the honor of his mother and her clan blood that ran through his veins, he decided to go to the shinobi academy instead of traditional schooling. He would follow in the footsteps of his family and until it was time to blaze his own trail through his life. So with an armful of books and a headful of thoughts, he stepped foot into the classroom and changed his life.

A Sense of Duty
Henri’s decision to attend the shinobi academy came from two things, the honor of following his brother and father down the same path and a sense of duty instilled in him since an early age. That drive moved him to quickly integrate with the class and become a true member of the academy. While he had friends and enjoyed his time there, he connected to none on the level that he personally sought to find in the world. Despite that lack of true connection, he enjoyed his time spent among the other students and quickly became friends with several. These friends worked together to push the other to surpass their previous bench marks. Being supported by an entire group of individuals

With his fabled bloodline, it was no surprise to any of the staff when Henri quickly showed that he would excel at anything involving a weapon. He was a proficient student of such arts but also surprised many of his peers and the staff of the academy when he showed abilities with a knack for illusionary talent. Though he lacked any true skills for Ninjutsu, his abilities with chakra projection and control was quite competent for his age group though by no means absolutely noteworthy. With his brother’s help and his father’s know-how he worked on trying to show the students that he deserved to be amongst their ranks by utilizing his father’s skills in crafting to design a weapon both unique and useful. With this in hand Henri made his studies and worked hard every day he walked into the school.

What never appeared in practice or to the staff was Henri’s actual bloodline. Despite being a Kaguya he showed no ability to manipulate his bones or body in the way the fabled bloodline should have allowed. Many said this was due to his half-blooded nature and as such did not fret over it. In fact Henri himself eventually dropped the Kaguya from his name, since he truly had not inherited the clan gift as his brother had, and simply became Henri Bijous. It was under this name he graduated, but as a reminder of his mother he was careful to wear the traditional Kaguya ceramic jewelry in his dreadlocks.

Into the Fray
Graduated, armed with weapons, ready for a mission or a duty to uphold; the anticipation ate at Henri for several weeks before receiving word via courier what the problem was. Despite his training and his scores in the class he was found without a team from his graduating class. Of course, or so the letter said, the Kage was seeking to quickly remedy this problem by finding a new element to add the weaponry specialist to. Though the news was disheartening, it did allow time for Henri to relax and enjoy some of his own time. Always a lover of various sounds and musics, he dove headfirst into researching ways to apply his love to the world of combat. During this time came the collaboration between him and his father for the Daggerflute, a mid ranged weapon that seconded as a flute.

With his current lack of a team, Henri seeks to become active as soon as feasible and move towards his own personal goals in life. To find the bond with fellow man that is simply too powerful to deny, to find his place in the world and find himself through his own life experiences. He marches through life at a steady pace in hopes that he might indeed walk a path that is both fulfilling to himself and helpful to the people around him.

Roleplay Sample:

Click this for a Sample


Character Claim: Raik by Lolita Art
Source: Deviantart
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Age : 34
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Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin]  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin] Bijous, Henri [Kumogakure Genin]  EmptyThu 29 Nov 2012, 8:05 am

Academy Techniques:

Kumo Techniques

Genjutsu Techniques

Weaponry Techniques

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