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From Wave to River

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Posts : 730

From Wave to River Vide
PostSubject: From Wave to River From Wave to River EmptyMon 06 Sep 2010, 11:29 pm

Once the ferry had finally allowed them to leave the ship, Saya was so well rested she was quite restless. Being aboard someone else's ship was an ordeal she did not enjoy, as it was often boring when there was no work to do. The vast expanse of the sea had lost it's charm after the first hour of flat water, and the trip was just.. a voyage. For the entire trip Saya stood stoicly at on the bow of the ship, peering off ahead in anticipation of the moment land would be seen. She didn't much speak, not bother with the peasants around her, nor did she give anyone a drink.

Once land was spotted and the group had disembarked, Saya decided it best to seize leadership for herself, at least until she had gotten to the mission she was promised. She is off the ship with ease, ignoring the boarding ramp between ship and shore, and simply leaping over both railing and water. She lands as deftly on her feet as any other ninja would, and looks back to the ship expectantly. She had no need for lines.. it was not as though she'd checked her baggage. "Lets get a move on, all this waiting is growing tiresome." she shouts over the din of the crowd, easily heard with her rather commanding voice. She didn't seem to seem bossy, but she'd simply grown up around people who yell, and speak with such powerful voices.

Saya waits for the others to gather, then leads them onwards. The land of fire, esspecialy the souther reaches near river, were her homeland, so she knew them well. The trip from Ashigaru keep to the ports of Wave were second nature to almost every ashigaru soldier, so she could lead them quickly over the rolling grasslands and woods. "These are my homelands. I can show you all a great short cut if you can keep up with me.. I do hope.. you two can keep up with me.." She says, seeming much like a turtle beneath her heavy cloak, steel hat, and steel mask. However, a turtle she is not. A moment later, Saya leans forward and takes off running. She does not openly sprint, but a chuunin at a brisk jog is still quite quick when it needs to be. If they managed to keep up with Saya, she'd lead them at this pace all day long through the wide land of FIre, and into River country. They'd be tired, but they'd be there in a night.
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Posts : 509

From Wave to River Vide
PostSubject: Re: From Wave to River From Wave to River EmptyTue 07 Sep 2010, 12:30 am

"Lets get a move on, all this waiting is growing tiresome." - Saya

The Chuunins voice loud and commanding suddenly reached the ears of a very unsuspecting Saigo who woke up in a dramatic panic. His eye's shot open, the sunlight slightly irritating at first. Until he stumbled out of his bed, doing so causing his headband to slip over his eyes. The shock of Saya's voice drove Saigo into frantic flail, sword in hand he lashed out in no particular direction. His actions quickly came to an end with echo's of laughter from the ships crew all around him. Freezing for a moment he raised his free hand up to his temple and lifted one side of his headband, revealing a rather confused expression. Saigo's pale white complection quickly lit up, his colour now associated with that of a tomato.

Shaking his head as if to shrug off the embarrisment, Saigo collected himself and sighed. Getting up slowly he looked around the ship's deck, it seemed unusually empty. Scratching his head he tried to figure out what was missing? Then, it struck him, like a bolt of lightning...' Sheep! ' Saigo knew Konohagakure was renown for their sheep, or maybe it was Sunagakure. Face palming himself in despiration he often wondered if he was dropped on his head alot as a child. His childhood visions were rudely interrupted by a familiar voice, his head spun around to face the direction inwhich the noise was coming from. At this point he'd was willing to wait until a more private moment to grow nostalgic before currently returning his attention to Saya.

" These are my homelands. I can show you all a great short cut if you can keep up with me.. I do hope.. you two can keep up with me.." - Saya

Suprised, Saigo smirked and folded his arms to give the impression he didn't care and wasn't prepared to move anytime soon. Thankfully the squad all seemed to missed their sensei's rather embarrising scene, lucky for him. As Saya turned her back to run, Saigo quickly performed hand seals and vanished, concealed by a thick sand cloud. A random smoke cloud exploded directly infront of Saya. Saigo jumping forth from it's blinding haze, his expression was mischievous. His arm's stretched out, palms open as if to signify a human blockade. Saigo shook his head and sighed in the face of the young Chuunin, lifting his head and making eye contact he began to speak..

" Where do you think your going? I don't remember giving you permission to lead the squad. I'm your superior, not just in rank but in everyway and when i tell you to lead us in the right direction, then you can go. "

Saigos stern voice quickly turned sarcastic, folding his arms, he smirked. " Okay, you can go ".

Jutsu Guide:-
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Posts : 110

From Wave to River Vide
PostSubject: Re: From Wave to River From Wave to River EmptyTue 07 Sep 2010, 2:16 am

Masato awoke to the unpleasant sound of giggling. He sat up in his small bed, and looked around, his eyes still barely open, trying to take in the scene. He had a kunai in his hand already, and looked out toward the front of the ship. Two girls, around the age of fourteen were seen staring back at him from just outside of his door. They realized that he had seen them, blushed, giggled, then ran away quickly. Masato was getting slightly tired of women, and he hadn't even tried to get one yet. He wondered if it was because he was an Uchiha, or if it was because he was muscular and attractive for his age. Masato, being fairly modest, shook off the idea and got out of his bed, and quickly put on some pants.

It was fairly warm outside, and he stepped out without his shirt, showing off his muscular body. As soon as he got to the part of the ship that was fairly deserted, he noticed that his squad members were already outside, and onto land. Ah, the Fire Country, the place where Masato's parents came from. It was truly beautiful, and a welcome sight from the dark gray and dreary area of the Mist village. He swung his shirt over his shoulder, waiting to put it on until it got colder, so that it would be nice and warm when he put it on. He met up with his team, and Saya had told them to follow her, and started running in some direction. Masato looked to his team leader, the jounin, and it had seemed that he had shunshined in front of her and stopped her, saying something very cocky and insulting before letting her continue.

Masato knew how he felt, having someone that was a lower rank trying to boss him around, even if she was very experienced and noble. Masato stopped and stared, wondering how Saya would handle this, and hoped that it wouldn't escalate into conflict. Masato might have to try and use genjutsu on them, even if they were strong, he hoped that they were weak to genjutsu. It seemed that Saya was more practiced in the art of weaponry and power than she was in the more intricate details such as genjutsu, but looks could be decieving.
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Posts : 730

From Wave to River Vide
PostSubject: Re: From Wave to River From Wave to River EmptyTue 07 Sep 2010, 5:52 pm

(Topic closed, travel complete, Let the Wargames begin!)
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From Wave to River Vide
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