Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City]

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Posts : 509

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyWed 11 Aug 2010, 12:05 am

Late For Work
Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] 46

A light breeze swept through the village, forcing the brittle wooden blinds in each window to creek with sudden movement. The sun beams blurred by passing clouds creating harsh flickers of golden flares, too sharp for the eye's to directly withstand. As the light divided through the window blinds it repeatedly swept across Saigo's closed eye lids. His peaceful expression instentaneously shifted to one of shear annoyance. This however was not enough to wake the lazy ninja from his deep and much deserved slumber, unconciously blocking random beams of sun light with a wave of his hand. It wasn't until a letter was pushed under his front door, the unique sound of paper sliding across a polished wooden floor is one Saigo didn't hear very often. His eye's opened, vision still hazy as they adjusted to the afternoon bliss. He placed both hands, open palmed on his face and pressed down as they drifted and finaly fell, lifeless back into their original posistion. First slowly inspecting the wall infront of him, he turned to oversee his entire bedroom. Nothing was out of place or broken, at first he thought he'd woken himself up from snoring to loud again but then he sighted something white on the floor. In no rush he subconciously bullied himself out of bed, muttering and groaning to himself as he did so. Hoping there was a perfectly good reason for literring his recently polished oak flooring. Picking it up he realised it wasn't just another one of those 'Naughty night club' chain letters that all life members recieved. It was signed by the Mizukage himself, Saigo's eye's fell on the neatly written text...

" Kouzetsu, Saigo... You have been chosen to aid in Sunagakures strategic development, this is mandatory and any disagreement will result in punishment. You were selected because you posses the unique skills required to best carry out this mission. You're destination is the River country, once there you'll recieve further instructions. Please be aware that relations with Sunagakure no sato are, at the moment, stable. This however may change at anytime so make sure you're prepared for any out come. That does not mean you cannot continue to act on a friendly basis, just be mindful. Leave immediatly! "

Below that reads the Mizukage's signature emblam, Saigo paused for a moment to reflect, he shook his head. That didn't sound like the Mizukage but only he could give the signature of approval, something didn't seem right but with the Mizukage gone Saigo didn't have much choice. Plus, he was thinking of taking a vacation, almost ironic really.

After preparing the equipment he thought important (vodka, cigars & a clean pair of socks) he sat down to eat breakfast, the room was silent. Saigo slowly rolled his head around his shoulders, trying to loosen his stiff neck. It was becoming an early morning ritual these days, after a depressed sigh he stood up and walked back into the bedroom. Once changed into his mission clothing he stretched out and it felt great. Filled with a rush of energy he grabbed his bag, throwing it over his shoulders while running at the door. Launching himself forward Saigo exploded into a cloud of smoke (Shunshin no Jutsu) and appeared on the opposite side of the door. At last he'd been granted leave from the village, after all his hard work and effort towards training his Genin he needed some time off. He rushed to the gate as quickly as he could, with no one to say good bye to there was no reason for him to feel anything but excited. His transport vessel was already at the port ready to set sail, he'd been their since morning expecting Saigo to be on time, what a fool. Saigo simply ignored the captains angry glare and returned eye contact with a cheeky grin. Just as he did so a well armoured figure caught the corner of his eye, an intersting sight to behold. Saigo hadn't seen someone wearing a mask since his time training under Konoha's Anbu unit. A well armoured individual, waiting around at the docks was to ironic to be a coincidence. Saigo smiled. 'Looks like i'm right on time for the mission briefing'

Last edited by Commander on Tue 17 Aug 2010, 10:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyMon 16 Aug 2010, 8:46 am

Fully dressed in her combat finery, Saya was always a sight to behold. Though her weapons laid hidden beneath the full bulk of the steel plated cloak that covered most of her body, but the demonic mask still made her something of a horror to see. Her description was easy enough, so she relied on most people to pick her out in a crowd, instead of vice versa. As stoic as a statue Saya simply stands there and waits, tucked away in a discreet corner of the Kirigakure merchant ports. The multitude of ship traffic kept a steady flow of buisness and wares flowing in and out of the crowd, but standing in the direct sunlight Saya stood out like a beacon.

The finely crafte scales of her steel cloak maintained a shining mirror finish, and the full rays of the sun caused her to glow with such brilliance many sheilded their eyes as they passed her. Saya paid them no mind, however, as behind her mask she was quite comfortable. The weight of her cloak was nothing, all things considered, and the shade it provided was even a little cooling. In her mask she breathed clean, filtered, air, and saw the world through a pair of strong tinted lenses. The dome shaped hat only helped add to the traditional look her clan was quite famous for, and also born in bright gold the proud symbol of Kirigakure. Ashigaru were world renown for their tenacious warriors, and Saya certainly fit the part.

She had been waiting for the past hour for her new partner to arrive, though she was not impatient. He was not due for another hour, but Saya was always the anxious sort. Her orders were pretty simple, just to follow orders, and watch out for the teams safety and well being. She'd gotten here well early to be sure she did not miss her chance to be spotted. She had little doubt that the genin had been given at least a vauge discription of the people he'd be working with, so she would let his investigative jobs do the rest. Once the genin caught up, they could both board up, and be on their way to a different land.
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Posts : 110

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyThu 19 Aug 2010, 10:46 am

Masato had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, so to speak, because when he finally managed to open his eyes, it was well into noon, and he had this crushing feeling that he had to be somewhere for something. He deftly rose out of his bed, throwing the sheets of of himself, and as they came back down, it seemed as though he had made his bed almost. He suited up in his normal ninja gear, which was a denim looking dark green kung fu robe, some dark green sweat pants, and normal ninja tabi. His black, silky medium length hair was the only thing about him that broke the green arrangement, that, and his diamond blue eyes. As Masato looked in the mirror, he noticed his gold Kiri symbol on his chest glaring sun into his eyes. Below that, still in bright gold, read "Fan the Flames" in kanji symbols.

Masato's eyes also drifted towards his left arm, which had the lightning bolt shaped scar, which was mostly covered by his bandages, but whenever he looked at it, the scar felt like it was burning. He shook the strange feeling off when he noticed that something had been slipped under his door. He picked it up, and opened it, realizing that it was a mission letter. Usually they were sent in scrolls, but it was real regardless. Masato had to meet his team mates at the docks, and follow their orders. Masato tucked the letter into his robe, and headed towards the docks. After a little while of travel, he met a chuunin guard, who asked him what his business was. Upon showing the guard the letter, Masato was let passed, and began walking towards the boats.

As he looked around, he saw a particularly shiny person, who was coated in mirror like scale mail, which reflected light extremely well. This was most likely his team member, and he walked over there towards the person. As Masato approached, he looked around, and realized that he was probably late there. "Uchiha Masato reporting for duty." Masato said to the person, and patiently waited for a response. He took out the mission letter just in case, and hoped that they would get to travel somewhere. He looked very muscular for his age, even though he did not practice taijutsu. It also seemed that this person that he was talking to was skilled in using weapons, and maybe Masato would ask for some teaching in the weapon arts.
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyThu 19 Aug 2010, 9:59 pm

Saya stands up a little more straight as the Uchiha approaches, and nods her head once as he finishes introducing himself. "Well met, I am Saru Saya of the Ashigaru clan." she says, to introduce herself as well. "I have always wished to meet a uchiha, to see if they were all the legends said they were. Perhaps you and I can spend a little time fighting each other, once we are done dispatching whoever our target might be." she says, and shrugs slightly. She steps away from the where she was standing and turns to step deeper into the dockyards.

Their ship was one of the larger ferries that escorted the droves of people from the Kiri islands to the mainland to the west. She had grown to know each one of them well, and as Saya leads the genin through the dockyard, it becomes clear that somehow she knows this place well. Her own ship was tied and anchored in the opposite direction she was leading them, though it seemed she wouldn't be embarking on it today.

The ship they were destined too would have been packed with commoners, riffraff, and other such civilian types that only got in the way when warrior's work needed to be done. "Why we must rely on others to transport us around is fully beyond me. We are an island nation.. Kirigakure needs a suitable naval fleet to represent this. Relying on merchant vessles and civilian ships is below the status of a great nation." She says somewhat offhandedly, just filling in the time it takes to find the proper ship with idle chatter. In no time they'd be where they were going, and hopefully the Jounin would already be there.
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Posts : 509

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyFri 20 Aug 2010, 8:35 pm

From Saigo's point of view he could easily make out both the armoured figure and the young muscular male walking towards them. From what Saigo could remember the the there were ment to be three others with him. His hand raised up to scratch his chin as he thought back, not long before he realised. One other was still missing but Saigo was bored he couldn't be bothered to wait any longer. Instead of walking over he wanted a much more stylish entrance and had just the technique to do so. Taking a deep breath he performed the required hand seals, as they were completed Saigo vanished into a cloud of smoke.

" Shunshin no Jutsu! "

Saigo re-appeared inbetween the two, leaves blowing as if caught in a tornado, flowing around Saigo. His expression was superior, arms folded, striking one of his poses. Not many could perform Shunshin was such finesse, Saigo knew this all to well. With a smirk he looked left then right, looking the two up and down. His head slightly tilted forward, eye's relaxed and glazed. " Well, what do we have here? " Saigo asked with cunning but his tone carried authority. Turning either direction, expecting an answer from either.

Jutsu Guide:-
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Age : 31
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptySat 21 Aug 2010, 8:10 am

Waking up in the morning was rather easy for Lark this day, because this day he was to go with a group of ninja to the River Country. Of course he never really needed permission to leave... its not like anyone would stop him if he was up in the clouds when he left the village outskirts, he was already dressed and had his scrolls in his pockets as well as his items. When he left his house he walked down to the gate and left his yard, he had his trench coat on like normal and was always on his way to the village gate. When he got to the village gate he found 2 ninja and what looked like a Solider, having walked abit closer he found that it was actually the female ninja that was going as well. With everyone there Lark stayed back out of site ready to fly off at a moment's notice to follow them, of course he was officially going with them he just liked flying. With the Jounin in the middle of the Chuunin and the genin lark thought to himself... should i just walk over and get this over with? His alter ego responded saying "hell no you do that ill be bitching the whole trip you here?" lark said to it "hm so you a black man now?" and the answer came "Bro im whatever your imagination wants me to be..."
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyMon 23 Aug 2010, 2:02 am

Masato listened patiently to his superior, saying that she hoped that they would get to fight afterwards, because she wanted to see the skill of the legendary Uchiha. "I will spar with you afterwards, if you wish." Masato said, humbly. He didn't like how some people boasted about their own abilities. There will always be someone better than you, even if you are a Kage, so that is by no means to gloat. Masato was about to respond to her about the navy, when suddenly someone appeared in between them with some sort of shunhin or variant of it. Masato's first response was to grab a kunai, and his hand reached for it instinctively, but he stopped it when he noticed that the person was a Kiri jounin. Masato was a bit confused when the man asked what he had there, because he was pretty sure this man was supposed to lead the mission. As the man waited for a response, Masato decided to break the silence by simply explaining the situation.

"Well sir, we will be accompanying you on this mission, if you are the one who is leading the said mission of course." Masato said, respect and almost no emotion in his words. The young lady that challenged him to a spar after, Miss Saru. Masato wondered what she would say to this new person. Already, he could tell that Miss Saru was a very proud and noble person from the way that she talked, and even in the way that she stood tall and proud. Masato felt that he needed to train harder in that instance, or at least be a little less humble around people. He was confident in his abilities to decipher and analyze tha battlefield and opponents, but he wasn't sure if he could put those skills to the real test, because he had never truly been in a real fight. Masato started thinking back, and he noticed that he hadn't even sparred anyone yet. All his knowledge and tactics came from outside the battlefield, and from private tutoring from war generals.
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Posts : 730

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyMon 23 Aug 2010, 9:16 pm

"mmhm, what he said." Replies Saya behind her mask, smirking just slightly. She steps only slightly away from the group, giving herself the bit of room she prefered between herself and others. Her eyes flick over towards Lark next, as he arrives. Quite the gathering, it seemed. "So we are all going, then? I'm begining to wonder if we are walking into a mission or all out war with the weapons they seem to be gathering. Lark, it is good to see you again." she says, and gives him a polite little nod. "I thought this was to be some simple assassination mission, but I recieved notification that orders had changed."

"I trust you will be able to inform us of our new orders, sir?" she asks, and focuses her attention on the Jounin. There had to have been a reason he was sent to lead, after all. Inwardly Saya had suspected there would be a change from the begining. Sending more than just Saya on a simple assassination mission was such a waste of resources, when undoubtedly she could have acomplished a single death on her own. Beneath her armored cloak her fingertips trace lightly over the hilt of one of her swords. There were two katana under there, and two more short swords. Really, beneath her cloak Saya was carrying more weapons than anyone one girl should ever really need.

"This seems like far to many people for some quiet assassination mission, I must say. Are we going to be waging open war at last against the fools of Kumo and Suna? Has our illustrious and wise and glorious leader finally pulled down the walls stopping the crashing tide of Kiri's forces, and allowed us the sheer pleasure.. nae, joy.. no, utter rapture of rending enemy nations to peices?" she asks, clearly quite hopeful.
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyWed 25 Aug 2010, 1:38 am

Saigo paused, his facial expression almost fixed in place. He didn't know what to expect from this group, their personal information was in the mission log... Shame Saigo never bothered to read that. His smirk quickly became undone, the Genin didn't seem to be impressed by his big entrance. "Tough crowd" Saigo muttered to himself. Suddenly his words were interrupted as the armoured figure began to speak.

"I trust you will be able to inform us of our new orders, sir?" - Wind

Her tone held no emotion, she was straight to the point and very serious. Although this was the total opposite of Saigo, perhaps the squad would benefit from them both. Saigo smiled then nodded slowly as his hands fell to his hips, he began to walk in a circle. Clearing his throat before a speech always helped, his expression fell plain and his tone lowered.

"That would be correct, my name is Kouzetsu, Saigo. I trust you've all heard of me? I was responsible for the assasination of the previous Hokage. I expect you all to fulfill your orders to the best of your ability, at all times. Everyone fights, no one runs. If you run from a battle i'll kill you myself, do i make myself clear? " Saigo hesitated for a moment incase any of them were feeling brave, lifting his head he awaited a reply.
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Posts : 730

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyThu 02 Sep 2010, 7:53 pm

Behind the gathering of Kiri shinobi a loud cry echos out, the foghorn of the large ferry ship they were destined to designating a five minute warning before the crew shoved off and set sail. Saya casts a short glance over her shoulder before looking back up towards Saigo. "With all due respect, sir, if we do not depart presently and place ourselves firmly on the ship we have tickets for, none of us will have the chance to flee from battle. We should likely get going now, before we end up holding this boat, and the citizens upon it, up from completing their own business." she states rather flatly. Indeed there was little emotion in her voice, and behind the steel mask, any emotion in her eyes was also well hidden.

Saya takes a small step back, but waits for the group. If they didn't get moving soon this gathering would be all for nothing. Of course, Saya had her own ship, if she really needed to use it, but her orders did not include being the captain of this voyage. The foghorn lingers long, and the last few citizens embark onto the ship. It wouldn't be long before they were all left behind. As such, Saya takes another step towards the docks. Once the group was following, Saya would rush for the boat, and board it. She required no seat,but a long walk across an ocean was not was she was looking for. The ship would get them there quickly enough.

(Alright, we can end this with a few more posts. If everyone involved could please post that they are getting on the boat, this topic is over. We've well exceeded the required word count for travel.)
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Posts : 509

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyThu 02 Sep 2010, 9:41 pm

Quote :
(Alright, we can end this with a few more posts. If everyone involved could please post that they are getting on the boat, this topic is over. We've well exceeded the required word count for travel.)

The awkward tension was soon lifted as Saya reminded everyone of their mission, which they were extremely late starting. Not that this bothered Saigo, it was his unique ability that got him to where he was, not his motivation. He centered himself and took a deep breath before addressing the group (even tho Wind already had.)

" That's right Saya, what an awesome plan of action...glad I! thought of it, pure genius. " Saigo laughed with arrogence as he walked passed Saya, hands swinging back and forth. He seemed to catch her eye as he walked past, although there was no sign of emotion, perhaps he'd struck a nerve. Atleast, he hoped so. Saigo loved nothing more than tormenting people he considered weaker than himself, tho this often put him in harms way, he couldnt help himself.

With a final deep breath of sea air he lay back, placing his hands behind his head as the visions of Sunagakure lead his imagination into a spiral. Closing his eye's he called over to Saya. " You take the first watch...oh! while your at it, get me a drink". Without waiting for a reply he closed his eyes and began to snore.
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Age : 30
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 12:56 am

OOC: Commander, all of your posts in this topic are below the Jounin posting minimum (450). This is a warning.

[08:37:34] @ Commander : Z you can take that warning and shove it dude

This is also not the way a moderator should behave, neither is deleting posts.x6
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Age : 37
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 12:57 am

OOC: Z comments relating to post count are applicable. Please ensure all posts meet the min word count standards expected of this site. Continuing to fail to do this could lead to a penalty of future missions points. Post will be deleted in 24 hrs
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 11:04 am

OOC: Real Life and Roleplaying are too different things, I would normally request that if you were having a crisis in real life, you had a short break from the roleplaying scene, a few days, even a week. However, in this situation; Brad had to continue to post so Wind, Lark and Akuma were not effected by his inactivity. James, I'm under the impression you were informed about these issues in little detail, but enough so you would respectful 'get off his back' about it, Hugh I dunno what you know. I really dislike people posting under the post limit and would appreciate it if everybody could do all they could to get over it, but when it comes to warning somebody about doing so, your approach needs to be a good one; or else it turns into something like this. James, the comment you displayed above from the chatbox happened after you and Hage decided to tag-team my blue-comrade which in all fairness, is a scary thing in itself if you know how well Richard can rebuttal. People get defensive, you provoked him; "This is also not the way a moderator should behave". Brad, please do all you can to pass the limit, everybody in this topic should be peaking 450 because your all capable. James, approach situations softer, especially when they don't require a firm attitude.
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Age : 35
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 12:22 am

Adam, given Commander deleted the warning post 4 times prior to Z's edit about moderation, i believe it is just. Posts will be deleted in 6 hours
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Posts : 110

Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptySun 05 Sep 2010, 6:13 am

(( Umm, If I'm not supposed to keep going, then just tell me, but...))

Masato simply watched the arrogant jounin rant on about things, until the chuunin informed everyone that they had to get on the boat quickly. Masato nodded, then started walking towards the boat. The sea air and the sounds of gulls were very pleasant to Masato's ears, and he loved the ocean. As he was walking, looking out into the sea, he wondered what this mission would be exactly. Masato had very little details about it, and this started to make him worry a bit. The mists had accumulated a bit of water on his face, so Masato wiped it off with his hand, briskly flipping his wrist to rid himself of the excess liquid.

Masato then stepped on the dock, the slightly rotting wood crunching slightly under his feet as he stepped. He kept his pose formal as he stepped onto the large ferry, and slightly nudged passed the other people, assuming that they wouldn't get violent over such things. He found his way over to a few empty seats, and sat in one. He placed his ninja pouch onto one of the seats, saving it for the chuunin. He respected her noble nature already, and wanted her to be comfortable during the long trip. He was also hoping that the other genin the two were speaking about would get on the boat soon, as the air was getting colder, and Masato wanted to hurry the whole ordeal along.
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Age : 35
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptySun 05 Sep 2010, 5:29 pm

As Lark is in the process of making a new character, we can assume he is on the boat now. . In order to get to River, a second travelling topic needs to be made to go from Wave, which is essentially in Konoha, to River.
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Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] Late For Work [Water Country / Wave Country - Port City] EmptyMon 06 Sep 2010, 11:30 pm

(Continued Topic is RIGHT HERE.)
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