Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin]

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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptyMon 19 Apr 2010, 3:00 am

Basic Information:

    Junsho Shingouki
    Secondary Title:
    Physical Appearance:
    Flash has two different poles to his personality. On one hand he is usually an energetic, bright, and almost playful spirit. His positive attitude makes him appear cheerful, and naive in an infectious sort of innocent way that is meant to bring a smile to those around him. His outward appearance is not at all shy, and he is very quick to be flirty and friendly to almost anyone, especially if they are of the same positive temperament or physically attractive. His attitude if also very endearing and brings him to never give up or to keep trying, even if it is a situation that is seemingly impossible. His stubborn attitude brings him to dream big and he sets his goals very high... however...

    There is also a very serious side to the otherwise happy-go-luck appearance. He is very analytical, thinking even when he doesn't mean to be. He takes note of small details that he think may be of interest or that he recognizes from different scenarios. He can become visible depressed, as displayed by his physical features. This depression is usually a result of disappointment in people or scenarios. Though he will never admit to such a thing as being upset. He is a deep thinker, and when not in public or in a place where he is by himself, he is constantly organizing thought in his mind; trying to make sense of what he hasn't yet discovered.

    His two separate thought patterns also reflects on the field of battle. Though their are many constants. He preaches understanding and rejects the idea of killing. In battle, he will prevent killing and much rather neutralize his opponent. He also believes in forgiveness and redepmtion, and as such, believes there are some acts that are unforgivable. He is either very relaxed in battle, seemingly not taking it seriously as he plays around and teases in a battle, sometimes tauntingly, while in serious situations he assumes a more silent and serious.
    Catch Phrase:
    "There is no greater weapon then Speed!"
    "I hope you can keep up!"

Clan Information:

Clan Name: Shingouki Clan
Clan Location: Kumogakure
Clan Traits:
-10-25% faster then the average shinobi (Due only to a heredity of being faster. Like, for example, how black people are considered faster because of their physical adaptations)
-Must have lightning and wind affinity to have KKG ability.
-Must have Ninjutsu.
-Blonde - White hair
Kekkei Genkai:
Advanced Element: Pulse Release[Aizuton] (Wind + Lightning)

This is a potent advanced element in which the Shingouki clan members can access; a combination of both Lightning and Wind. Those with the pulse element can use a variety of electromagnetic pulses to trigger neurological supplementary effects on ones self and the opponent. In many cases, these are genjutsu reminiscent effects established through ninjutsu. The length in which these effects can be granted depends on the skill of the user, by rank as expressed in the chart bellow. These apply to all pulse element techniques that target an opponent.

C- 20 meter radius
B- 30 meter radius
A- 40 meter radius
S- 50 meter radius

The pulse elements abilities can be defined in two 'types'; either inhibitors or exciters. Inhibitors reduce or constrict certain functions on a neurological level, slowing or stopping processes that can help or hurt ones performance. Exciters increase or promote the function of some neurological processes, increasing ones abilities or senses; however can also be used as weapon, as hypersensitivity can cause damage to the bodies processes. However, all of these effects aren't necessarily active in that they aren't attacking techniques, rather status afflicting techniques. Most of these effects end should something come between the user and the target to break the signal.

Each technique is by default linear; in other words, it can only effect and target one individual at a time. There may be exceptions but only on a jutsu by jutsu basis. The effect of the signals can stack, as in one can be hindered by multiple afflictions at a time, however all techniques that require pulse signal are broken simultaneously when something interrupts the feed.

Because of the affinity of the Clans element, they have the sensory capability to sense living things by their heart beat; one of the steady and constant neurological processes of the body. In this way, they can track living things at close distances (equal to the rank to signal range above) with easy. Also, those in the clan have a built in compass of sorts that is in tune with the electromagnetic pull of the world itself. They will thus, be able to tell their north, south, east and west, at any time, from anywhere.

Most techniques require that the user form a number of hand signs that shape the effect and then release a signal that the targets body picks up on. These signals are chakra based and are hardly visible to the naked eye, however those with chakra sensory abilities can notice them as a wave of chakra. Though they are hard to stop these waves cannot pass through physical (solid) object. Thus while it can travel through water and air, any sort of physical defense will stop the advance of pulse element waves. Thus while it is hard to recognize, it is easy to defend against. For instances where the techniques are used on the self; no hand signs are required.

History: Originally, the Shingouki were thought to be somewhat cursed. They were born with the lightning and wind affinities, but the incomparability of the two element resulted in an unusable version of both, the pulse release that was seemingly unknown to them at the time. However, the clan itself couldn't remove this as the trait seemed to be a dominate one. As a result, this clan carried it's curse for many generations before it was discovered that it was not as much of a curse as once imagined.

As scientific processes increased in the world of chakra, and fuuinjutsu was invented, individuals soon discovered that this seemingly clash of two elements was an advanced element in itself, and that its power came in a fashion unlike brute force that was so commonly known. Before this was discovered, genjutsu was the great unknown art; now other powers were being discovered, and for the clan, this meant new life. Though over the years, the advanced element had been lost as a result of attempts to remove what was otherwise a hereditary curse from the clan. In current day the clan members are attempting to make good their mistakes of the past; researching and creating jutsu to make the best of what they had so underestimated before.

As a result of the complex nature of their KKG ability, heavy amount of training is need, usually uninterrupted, in order to master the Pulse element in it's completion. Many members of the clan use the mountains of Kumo to find solitude during these times in which they must train; and many of the monk clans that exist in the mountains happily except those of the clan. Over the years, a friendly bond between the clan and the monks have been formed, as they approve of the less violent forms of ninjutsu that they practice to master. The level of mastery is often higher then other elemental forms of its nature and thus when leaving the training the ninja return with chakra capacity and control equal to or better than the average Jounin.

It is found that there are many ties between the Pulse element and electromagnetic spectrum. The ability to sense direction was a clue into that ideal. It has been found that many minerals that were conductive had many possible uses in advancing the art and jutsu to new abilities including tracking and metal sensory. Also, minor metal manipulation dealing mainly with magnets has been researched but little success has come in these areas. For now, the members of the clan restrict their use to the manipulation of the human body in many interesting ways; many of which are being considered to be possible forbidden technique due to their inhuman effects.

Rank Information:

    Jounin - A rank
    Village Affiliation:

Special Information:

    Character Specialty:
    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: Weaponry (Kenjutsu)
    Elemental Affinity:
    Advanced: Pulse [Aizuton]
    Main: Wind [Fuuton]
    Sub: Lightning [Raiton]

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

Mental Reasoning:
Flash is very much at peace with himself as an individual and knows his own thought pattern and personality very well. As a result, he can think calmly and clearly in panic situations. As a result, he can work his way out of most illusionary genjutsu that effect emotions only simply by the reasoning that his emotions are foreign to him. By having mastery over his own mental state he can keep his emotions under control.

Natural Speed:
As a member of the Shinjouki clan, his heredity is one of exceptionally fast individuals. He himself is 20% faster then the average shinobi of his own rank, giving him an edge in fast paced battles.

Flash has a very strong will and human spirit. This Ambition developed in his personality is the gustiness to never give up, and even continue fighting when he couldn't physically be able to continue. This may also bring him to take unnecessary risks and play daunting odds to achieve his goals.

Born Leader:
His personality brings him to be a decisive leader. He has solid goals and can quickly and accurately formulate strategies and plans to achieve a successful mission. In the case of disorganization, he can be counted on to take the wheel.

Weapon Template:

Name: Stymphalian Feather
Quantity: Single
Rank: A
Appearance: It is quite simply a grey feather
Special Abilities/Characteristics: The feather is a very powerful an unorthodox for of blade. On the surface, it is simply a large gray feather. However, the feather is conductive to wind element chakra. When wind element chakra is surged through it, it becomes stiff and inflexible; taking a density as hard as steel. Also, the blade can no cut through air, making the wind itself a weapon via combinations of Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu known as Keninjutsu. Without knowledge of wind chakra, the feather is a useless item in other peoples hands. Also, the weapon is basically weightless; making it easy to carry around and use with little amount of strength or skill needed.
Origin: Mythic Birds known as Stymphalian birds are said to be those with wings of steal; flying tanks that can level forests by flying by them with their razor sharp wings. Upon his adventures in the mountains of Kumogakure, he found a single fallen wing of a giant bird, and claimed it to be a weapon in place of a traditional sword. He named his new 'sword' the "Stymphalian Feather after these otherwise mythic birds, though it is unknown as to the actual origin of this feather.

Background Information

    Flash was born in a transtional period in Kumogakure. Kumogakure was allowed to prosper, as it was the only hidden village of the five great nations that hadn't participated in any of the past ninja wars, and hadn't contributed any members to the Akatsuki, or criminal forces in general. In fact, the isolated status of Kumogakure allowed it to grow economically and allowed it's rich culture and populous to flourish. During the end of this time, Kumogakure also began increasing it's military ability; as peace was often the calm before the storm. This mobilization of not only individuals, but also ninjutsu knowledge was another contributor to Kumogakures prosperity; as with jobs busy and people hard at work, the gears were always turning toward the future. This was the sheltered world that Junsho was born into; a world that was sheltered high in the clouds as the world bellow it faught tirelessly for position. It was also this isolationism that allow Kumogakure take second place to Konoha during this period. Need less to say, however, it was a life that many would wish to have.

    Junsho had a large family. His immediate family was only his brother and sister, and mother and father. He was the baby of the family by a long shot, as his bother was already 11 years old and his sister 14 when he was born. As a result, he lived a life much like an only child. His siblings were both shinobi; his brother more so then his sister, and seeing as though he got to watch his genin of a brother become a chunnin at the chunnin exams, he had from a young age been instilled with the will of lightning. However, his sister for the longest time had little to do with him. His father was a hard working man, and though was a great shinobi in his time, was now much older, and unlike many of the more stubborn individuals of his age, had retired to the life of a citizen, and his family. Compared to many other individuals, he had a very normal and healthy up bringing; scolded when he was bad, praised when he was good. His parents were honest and fair and he learned right and wrong through lesson and experience, not tragedy and pain. He was a happy kid, and had a childhood that many only dream of; a normal one. But, as soon as he got the chance, a year earlier then the norm, he began the shinobi academy; and his own path down shinobi life. As a kid he was positive and upbeat most of the time. He wasn't necessarily a class clown but was happy to contribute to the silly antics that younger children often value. He was for the most part well liked and had his own little group of friends that all had their own crazy, but not so distant ideas of what they would be like in the years to come as they became even greater shinobi. Even then, as he learned about the basics of shinobi arts, he was ignorant to the brute cruelty of the world around him; still very much sheltered and naive. It was the naive nature that the majority of his gutsiness came from; as he simply didn't understand, or care to understand, the boundaries that were set up in front of him.

    He eventually passed the academy, a year early, as he had entered a year earlier. Eager to begin missions, he was quickly assigned a team of a jounin and two other genin that were once in his class. His master was a swordmen and thus carried his own blade about with him. But whatever standard, they all adapted to his style and got their own katana. It was common that Kumogakure shinobi adopt the style of their master, and even more common that they be proficient in the use of a sword. Thus, he was, from a young age, instilled with the idea of becoming a swordsmen, though his talent was obviously else where. Also, they never gained any training from their master in this area, and all he knew of using a blade was from simply watching and attempting to mimic. Though they were trained to master other common arts, there was no reason in a time of peace to stress the power of self militarization. However, this was going to end up being the downfall of him and his team in the near future, as their encounter with a natural enemy would present them with a situation that they weren't prepared to deal with. A giant bear, native to the mountains, appeared after feeling that it's cub was threatened and attacked the squad, creating a rock slide in the process that injured their jounin sensei. In the rampage of the mother bear, the squad was defeated; his two squadmates killed, and himself and another in critical condition. He eventually made a recovery, however the other surviving member lost his legs in the attack. It was the first traumatic experience that shattered his confidence and left him feeling hopeless and weak. His family and clan did their best to comfort him, but it wasn't until the elder of the Shinjouki clan took him on as his personal student that Flash had the drive to continue with his own personal quest.

    He trained with his new sensei, who attempted repeatedly to teach him how to better use chakra, and more so, how to use elemental chakra. It was discovered that he had the two affinities of his clan and thus could master the third, but required training that would require chakra control that he was not yet ready for. He could used lightning element chakra for a variety of destructive, non constructive techniques, but could hardly even grasp the idea of using wind chakra, and so, him and his sensei left Kumogakure (him at the age of 14) to the cold north, deep in the mountain range. Here, only monks and massive birds lived. It was cool and peaceful and any one sound made echoed between the walls and caverns of the place for miles. It was the chime of Kumogakure; the hollowed lands that even speech itself was controlled and it would become the training ground for Flash. The clans element was known as the Pulse element and had little to know physical destructive properties, but rather, worked at an incredibly complex level to effect the body in crippling or enhancing ways. As a result, he had to have the utmost control to pull off the delicate use of the element. Here, had a three level training regiment. The first was the sensory ability to sense things by their heart beat alone. This exercise was meant to allow him to become in touch with the third affinity. It was difficult, because he had little control over less destructive forms of lightning techniques. As a result, he was forced to meditation in an underground mine of the mountains. Here he was disoriented by the caverns and had to find his way out of the labyrinth. It would have taken years for him to do this without having the ability to sense the electromagnetic signature of the mountains; as the copper rich walls surrounded by the conductive clouds turn the place into a living breathing cavern. Flash would either have to die in the cave, or map himself a way out by navigating with the pulse element. After three days of trial and error, he finally grasp some of the concept of the sensory ability and th hidden advanced element form. However, he soon collapsed from starvation, having to be saved by his master, however at this point, he was ready for his first real training method.

    Now that he could use pulse chakra to see directions, he now had to meditate in order to locate living things by their heat beat. The heart beat has a steady rhythm to it that made it the perfect thing to look for; however, unlike the strong conductivity of the cavern he was in before, the heart beat was many times more subtle. He thus had to focus in order to pinpoint the subtle beat of the heart, this alone too three months to accomplish; mainly as a result of the measure in which he had to 'see' direction. However, onces his sensory ability was to par, he was allowed to continue his training at long last. The second stage was a bit more difficult. He now had to practice shaping this chakra. The first meditative stage, to his surprised, allowed him to summon up Pulse chakra quite easily, but it was the specific techniques that he had to master. His sensei now game him the task of simply learning what they knew about the body, the brain and neurology. This requires actual learning; like school and classes, however much more advanced seeing as though he only had to focus on that subject. After three months time, he was cleared for the second step of training; the ability to project sensory chakra. At first, this was just done to embed chakra into objects as practice, but it was the shaping and commanding of chakra that was difficult. This is where hand signs became the base of his training, and coupled with his experience and knowledge of the neurological system, could begin using techniques much like genjutsu. At the same time, he was learning more and more about how to tweek the processes of his own body. It was now that he could begin forming new jutsu...

    It was in this stage of his training that he found the feather that he would make use of as his sword. It was only by mistake that he learned of it's wind affinity; as before then, he had little control of his own wind affinity. However, after learning how to channel Pulse element chakra (about the age of 15 at this point) he simply experimented with the feather as a way of testing aerodynamics. When the feather reacted positively he began learning how to use the feather as a blade in place of the katana that he had. It was also about then that he had started using the Keninjutsu as his method of molding wind element chakra instead of normal ninjutsu. As a result, he could only use wind element chakra with the use of the feather like a baton, or like a blade. This was a distraction from the last part of his training; the ability to harness the destructive force of the element. Though it was incredibly uncommon, the pulse element had a final ability to simply end the lives of others with touch. It would make him an elite of his clan, by learning it, however, he was forced to return to the village at the age of 16 to take his place in the draft as a multitude of events put Kumogakure on guard. It was thought that he would eventually return to finish his training, however it would turn out that many years later, he would be unable to complete the final step of the elite Shinjouki Training.

    In current day, the 18 year old, Jounin status "Junsho" the Flash, is one of the elite shinobi of the village; though the villages military strength is faltered by many political failures, he stands firm to protect what he believes in, and hopes that the day will never come that he has to defend his homeland in the skies; as the mountains had cradled and protected them for so long; One can only hope. He also wishes to one day complete his training, and knows that the day will come that he can do so. He knows that he must stay alive, and that Kumogakure must remain in tact for it to matter. He also managed to create a powerful technique of his own, though not perfect nor complete; it was better then nothing. He wishes to continue the legacy of power that Kumogakure has presented and become a legend and hero on his own merit as well.

    Role-Play Sample:
    The Shinobi World consists of many different continents. Though the world that the naruto-verse exists in only shows shinobi, there is a world away on the otherside of the globe that houses forms of 'ninjutsu' that many have hardly even imagined in the world of ninja. Far from the "Five Great Nations" other civilizations existed that could easily rival their strength in populous, military and economic strength.

    The Jaru are a tribal like civilization in the new world. These individuals live in what is classified as the "hidden jungle" village, though it isn't just ONE village, rather a series of military/religious cities constructed around brave and powerful monuments. These many warriors live in a world threaten by the stigma of many powerful gods; trapped by their obsession with their beliefs, the people there are driven to extremes to protect themselves against the powers that be and to gain their favor. As a result, rituals and ceremonies have been created to please the gods with a series of sacrifices, and from these ceremonies, their own brand of 'ninjutsu' was formed.

    Even their righting reflects their culture. A combination of photographic hieroglyphs and a complex symbolic alphabet has made a universal form of fuuinjutsu that invokes the power that they carve into stone and written in books. Every individual that can write and record thus has the ability to make potent and powerful seals. The Jaru have no form of hand sign, rather, form all of their techniques with some form of sacrifice; most of which in some succession of bloodletting or forced pain. Because such extreme measures were taken in forming these techniques, not only incredibly potent, but increasingly specific. By targetting the specific qualities of an element, the Jaru clan can create extensions of elements in the same way that Heredity and Kekkei Genkai do for shinobi. With these advanced element possibilities, in fuuinjutsu that is increasingly powerful, the Jaru have chakra abilities that easily rival that of the great nations.

    Also, their weaponry is a sign of their area. Unlike the shuriken and kunai wielding ninja, they have become increasingly potent with spear, bow and arrow, and the blow gun. While kenjutsu isn't a part of their normal vocabulary, many exotic summons and taijutsu based on these summons have been developed. Powerful natural toxins with very specific antidotes exist in the surrounding forests that they not only use for ritual purposes, but also as a weapon against enemies. They are also proficient in use of traps and snares and, like shinobi can set up very elaborate traps on the fly.

    Dangerous adversaries, this is a new world civilization that is bound to be a faction of incredible strength.

    The next civilization is a booming metropolis that was surprisingly untouched by the influence of ninjutsu for many decades. As a result, it aged and grew just like a real modern society; discovering technologies through a series of industrialization periods and scientific discovery. Today, they have a city that has exceeded the technological growth of Amegakure. The Hidden Steel Village as it has been coined is the home of leading "scientist-nin". These are the individuals that have just recently begun combining the rules and laws of chakra to the technology that has already been invented. Mechanized weapons an Hydrolics systems that are far ahead of any other shinobi village, and such technology far surpasses the art of "puppetry" However, they lack the ideal of brute strength, making kenjutsu, taijutsu and normal weaponry increasingly weak.

    While outfitting technology with chakra, and vice-versa, they have discovered ways in which to exceed physical boundaries and maximize chakra usage. Weapons have been outfitted with the ability to focus chakra and powerful defenses have been generated using chakra as an energy source. To make matters more impressive, use of gunpowder, C4, and electricity have allowed these more modern 'ninja' to use more then just chakra to their advantage. Also, many forms of technology has rendered illusionary defenses much higher. The scientist-nin work feverishly to find new and more impressive forms in which to manipulate the potential of both technology and chakra. They also use guns, modern explosive suck as grenades and C4 along with their arsenal of Chakra weaponry.

    Delving into elemental research the member of the Hidden Steel have learned how to temporarily splice elements in different percentages to gain possible advanced element combinations. They also have increadible technology to replace parts of the human body, including organs, with automated mechanical units; or automail. In this way, they can dramatically decrease their mortality by making themselves less and less human. The major weakness of all forms of technology is the chance of break down. Should technology break or fail, the one using it will find them self in an extreme disadvantage.

    An advanced industrial society that pushes the boundaries of chakra and the mind, this faction has incredible potential for the future.

    The next noble civilization are known simply as the nights. They are the most similar to the make up of the modern shinobi village with a few staggering differences. The must manifest and master three aspects of their chakra into physical tools. The first is the sword, the second, the shield, and the final, is ones armor. Having no knowledge of hand signs, the knights only form of using chakra is through these three aspects. Without a sword, they lack all physical attacking ability, including their element. Without a shield, the lack a dependable defense, and without the armor, the lack the speed, strength, and durability of an accomplished warrior. However, with all three in their arsenal, they are an incredible fighting force that can not only perform impossible bouts of might, but show super human stamina.

    The sword, shield and armor are all physical manifestations of the soul. Each can over time heal or regenerate if harmed, though the it any one part is completely destroyed, it is permanently gone. Any break in the soul also effects ones chakra capacity. Also, because they are limited to their sword for the majority of offensive capability, they are unable to perform techniques without it. The sword is also the manifestation of ones element. Usually a knight only has a single element in his or her arsenal. In rare cases, knights are born with two swords instead of a sword and a shield. In these rare cases can multiple elements be formed, and even a fusion of the blades to form a third, advanced element.

    While the shield is obvious, the armor of a Knight has a variety of different supplementary and passive effects that it gives the user, once again based on attributes of their soul. There are no two Knights alive with exactly the tools, both in looks and in ability, as even among swords that share the same element, they will appear differently and interact with the shield and armor in different ways. These tanks can take the front line and capitalize in one versus one situations. There are few tricks that can penetrate their defenses, and even fewer defenses that they can't steam role through. To fight a knight is to fight all or nothing. These knights do not have a 'hidden village' but rather, but many have begun coining their Head Quarters, as the Hidden Cliff Village.

    With a will and guts that rivals even the greatest of shinobi legends, the Knights faction's conquest is an impossible wrath to face.

Last edited by WTFlash on Sat 24 Apr 2010, 8:40 am; edited 10 times in total
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptyMon 19 Apr 2010, 3:19 am






Last edited by WTFlash on Sat 24 Apr 2010, 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 33
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Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 6:36 am

Bumpu no Jutsu!
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Posts : 2032

Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 8:20 am

Holy Shizz is that a Zelda pic?!

- Just another small thing, would prefer if you didnt link the clan and just posted it please.

Quote :
Mental Reasoning:
Flash is very much at peace with himself as an individual and knows his own thought pattern and personality very well. As a result, he can think calmly and clearly in panic situations. As a result, he can work his way out of most illusionary genjutsu that effect emotions only simply by the reasoning that his emotions are foreign to him. By having mastery over his own mental state he can keep his emotions under control.
If you are going to use this as a concrete way of getting out of genjutsu then you better explain the extent that you can get out of an emotion based genjutsu i.e the rank/s at which this ability is effective.

Quote :
Name: Malfunction Explosion Technique
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Pulse [Aizuton]
Description: This is a technique made specifically to counter the effects of explosive techniques and explosive tags. This is done via pulse elements lightning based affinities and pulses ability to transmit these electro magnetic forces. Like an "EMP" one can form a single hand sign to deactivate explosives and render them useless. The rank of the technique is equal to the explosive it is defusing, otherwise the default is "C" ranked.
Is this one of the techniques which doesnt need to be used in a linear fashion?
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 8:24 am

Lol, based off it yet, not too shabby fo MS freakin Paint huh?

Mental Reasoning is basically like... If there is a genjutsu that makes him feel emotions foreign to him, then he will recognize that he is in a genjutsu by the logic that he feels things that he normally doesn't.

Malfunction Explosion Technique - Nope, still on a one to one basis, i will right "a single" instead of putting it plural.
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Posts : 2032

Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 8:33 am

Haha not too shabby at all. ^^

Quote :
Mental Reasoning is basically like... If there is a genjutsu that makes him feel emotions foreign to him, then he will recognize that he is in a genjutsu by the logic that he feels things that he normally doesn't.
Ahh ok so your character can just react to emotion based genjutsu quicker because of the logic he feels.

- Just post the clan fully and you will get my approval son.
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Age : 33
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Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 8:38 am

Alright, I posted all of the stuffs clan stuff with the exception of the Secret Clan Jutsu because thats alot harder with all the code and stuffs. lol Horray laziness.
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Posts : 2032

Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 8:43 am


Approved. Welcome to the Yellow Army, we have complimentry tea and cookies at the reception desk.
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The Boss

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Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] EmptySun 04 Jul 2010, 3:58 pm

Archived due to User Inactivity.
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Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Shingouki, Junsho [Kumo Jounin] Empty

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