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Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin]

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Posts : 150

Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:20 am

Basic Information:

    Name: Sabure Chishio (She-She-O)
    *Literal Meaning of First Name- Blood

    Secondary Title: Chihana *Literal Translation - [The] Blood Flower*

    Age: 32


    Physical Appearance:
    Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Kunoichi_1
    Chishio stands at a total height of 5’5” and weighs 118 lbs, with a lean athletic build and is slightly busty. Her skin is slightly paler then normal for a Sunagakure resident, with layered white hair cropped to just above her shoulders that frames a normally blank face with brilliant blood colored eyes which are the cause for her name. In the light her eyes can almost glow a golden color. On her neck she wears a very small scarf with very thin fabric so it doesn’t get to hot. This scarf covers a scar the reaches from the right side of her neck to the back of her shoulder. There may be times she will remove it while she relaxes, but otherwise she wants to avoid drawing attention or people asking questions. Along her body are multiple scars left behind from her intense training. The most noticeable besides the neck scar is a scar on her right left ankle that looks like a burn mark about an inch long and half an inch wide. Both ears are pierced with small dark brushed gold hoops she's never seen not wearing, and these match the metal used to make the two rings on her right hand; one is on her pinky finger with the symbol for 'Loyalty' on it, the other on her middle holds the symbol for 'Determination'. The one on her middle finger also holds up the fingerless glove she wears, made from the material used in her training gear, and wrapped with thin pieces of leather that make it able to withstand extra damage from weapons before actually tearing then the rest of her gear. This reaches to just an inch below her elbow, and is only on this arm.

    Her clothes keep to a constant theme of red, gold, and dark brown material set in a fashion that seems old to the modern day kind. The main piece is a slightly faded red dress that stops mid thigh. The bottom edge is a faded black color and tattered as if torn off; the sleeves match the bottom of the dress but are feathered with a golden pattern of flowers that match the ones on the right shoulder of it. This dress is actually worn over a pair of short work out shorts and a work out top, both made of a thin but very tough material that can withstand more damage then the dress itself. When she is fighting, all she has to do to open the dress to fight more comfortably is untie the 2 straps on the leather halter like piece of clothing around her middle, and the dress can be worn as a cloak. This halter around her midsection is of the same material as her work out clothes, and the same color, but has a golden flower pattern across it. It is not attached to the dress.

    Just below the edge of the dress on her right leg is a small leather strap around her leg held together by a lace tie. This is not just for show as hidden between the 2 thin layers of leather that make it up is where she hides her 2 medical scalpels. As well, if she came across a patient that was bleeding profusely from a limb, she could use it to cut off the circulation to that part of the body, or at least slow it, when tied tight enough. The rest of her legs are bare down to her feet, where she wears a pair of traditional sandals, though with small heels on them.

    When she is out traveling beyond Sunagakure and it's abundance of sand, she will wear a large gourd across her back as to not be handicapped of any of her abilities. The gourd itself is light and easy to carry, though takes up the whole of her back, and a light brown mud color with a thick leather strap around its center that attaches it to the strap she uses to carry it. This is about 2 inches wide and made of an extremely durable type of leather, strapped across her chest so as to not restrict her movements to much and not worry her about falling off while in battle.

    Chishio is a person who lives in a state of mind fueled by logic and survival. To survive in this world you need to be logical and outsmart the obstacles that block the path to furthering ones self, to be without weaknesses that can be exploited and used to break you and all you have worked in your lifetime for down in mere moments. This is her way of thinking both on the battle field, and in every day life around the village. Everything she confronts is with a neutral, calm, and unbiased attitude and overall demeanor. As she confronts something she will study it, assess how to react, and act in the most logical way she sees fit with the outcome she favors.

    Along this kind of behavior she has become observant and aware of everything that happens around her, though she appears to act separately from it. Because of this, people see her as antisocial in a ways, do not often confront her. She does not talk or interact unless she sees it as necessary to get her job done the fastest, or is confronted openly. While she can not say she has complete control over her emotions, she will never yell from her anger, cry from her sadness, or most likely not even smile from her happiness. She has learned to overcome nearly every fear she has ever been faced with, except for her fear of being alone the rest of her life. This she still tries to overcome by placing herself in a position that forces her to live and work alone.

    Within the village, she holds loyalty not to it's people as a whole, but only to the Kazekage himself as of now. For her to find the need to be loyal to someone, they would need to earn her trust and respect. He has done both in his actions as Kazekage, which can be said for few others because of the difficulty of it. Her unrelenting determination pushes forth her loyalty to the point where she would sacrifice her life for her Kazekage so that his knowledge and abilities may live on and further better the ninja world. This is the only situation where she would give her life for a person in a logical decision. As of this point, no other life holds as much importance to her.

    Chishio, being the logical person she is, hates the illogical aspects of life and people to a severe degree. Yet another reason she furthers herself from common society and its nuisances. The thing she despises the most is death without a reason, slaughter without a valid cause. She herself must have a reason to kill a person, whether they are just a small threat to the Kazekage or have killed someone without a valid reason themselves, she will not hesitate to cut them down. But even she stop to admire the illogical things of nature like the sun, stars, and moon.

    Beneath all this is a woman who holds herself strong, refuses to except help from others, and can at times actually be enjoyable company. She takes the time to relax and sit back around the village when off duty, and enjoys a drink or two every now and then. As much as she tries to appear like everything she do has a reason, she can't help but enjoy helping people, and may even at times go out of her way to do so.

    Catch Phrase: N/A

Last edited by Allie-Chan on Mon 15 Feb 2010, 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 150

Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:21 am

Clan Information:

Clan Name: Sabure

Clan Location: Suna

Clan Traits: -

Kekkei Genkai:

Sand Manipulation

The members of this clan have a very unique ability to manipulate sand as though it were an extension of themselves in terms of ultimate defense and ultimate offense. It is said to be one of the most dangerous and effective tools a ninja of the sand village can have. The members of this clan have unique chakra with in themselves that allow them to do this, and it is not a mix of two elements, rather it is a new off set basic element and as such is the main element of all ninja who wield it. (This meaning that all ninja in this clan can only have sand and a sub element contrary to advanced element clans which allow three elements.) However, they can not create sand just from their chakra (another difference from advanced elements) and need a source of sand to use their jutsu. For this reason, many find a way to carry sand with them at all times.

This ability is largely tied into their history and founding from the ninja Gaara, the very first Kazekage and founder of the Village Hidden in the Sand as well. The man was imbibed with a demonic beast known as Shikaku, the sand demon. Having the demons influence his entire life, it altered his very genetic structure, granting him the natural ability to manipulate sand with his will at the expense of chakra. Being that the demon provided a mutation on a genetic level, this trait was passed to his children, and the children of his children. Being that this derived from one person alone, and by comparison is a relatively new clan, it is small by comparison to other clans, but is abundant enough to be considered a clan.

Secret Clan Jutsu:


Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmpireLogo

The clan started with the man Known as Gaara Sabure, Ironically his last name meaning sand. It is unknown if this was his given last name at birth or a change made later on with the birth of his children and the underlying creation of the clan. At birth the man was imbibed with a demon known as Shikaku who was known to all as the demon of sand. It was a fairly wicked demon, but precautions took by the family of the child and thier friends created barriers to which the demon could not come out and control the child as it would have liked. In desperation the demon tried to fuse itself physically with the boy at a genetic level but was not able to over come his strong will. In the end this only granted him the ability to manipulate the sands of the earth and gave the demon no more control then before.

The man later became known as one of the greatest Shinobi of his time and became the founder of the village in the sand, creating the structures and everything from the desert itself using his powers granted by the accursed demon. He was known as a hero and was one of the most respected founding Kage's. He eventually wed and his wife bore unto him children. Three. These three all showed the natural talent to manipulate the sands and so was revealed that the ability was a dominant trait and that it would be passed down through the ages so long as his children and their children and so on continued to create new life. With the passing of Gaara also came the passing of the demon, and his death day became known as a holiday for a celebration of his life and also the destruction of a threatening demon who was no more.

Clan Details: Open

Rank Information:

    Rank: Jounin

    Village Affiliation: Sunagakure

Special Information:

    Character Specialty:

    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: Medical

    Elemental Affinity:

    Main: Sand
    Sub: Fire
    Special Characteristics:

    -After long hours of continuous concentrated training, Chishio has heightened her chakra control and endurance beyond that of most ninja to increase her healing abilities and performance in battle.
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Posts : 150

Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:22 am

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

    Jutsu Template:





Last edited by Allie-Chan on Mon 15 Feb 2010, 1:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 150

Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:22 am

    Weapon Template:

    Quote :
    Name: Medical Scalpel
    Quantity: 2
    Rank: D
    A basic medical utensil made from stainless steal with special chakra metal infused within it to increase its durability. It is nearly half the length of a human palm and half an inch width wise. The small scalpel is flat with ripples near the tip of it which go across a small indention which is from one end of the blade to the other. The blade of it is sharp and rounded slightly.
    Special Abilities/Characteristics: N/A
    Origin: The medical scalpels were created in Sunagakure as a small favor long ago to her mother, and had been used constantly while they were on active duty. It was something she salvaged from her parent’s belongings after the fire. She didn’t see the need to waste them when she needed them in the future, so she decided to keep them for herself after fixing them up.

    Item Template:

    Quote :
    Name: Sand Gourd
    Rank: C
    Type: Supplemental
    Natural Abilities: It’s a basic gourd used to hold sand when traveling outside the village to places where the element is scarce. It holds no special properties or enhancements and weighs very little, though can take multiple hits and not break open.

    Poison Name: Dark Breath
    Rank: A
    Poison Description:
    Solid State: The solid state of this poison appears to be tiny black sand particles after being crystallized after the initial creation of the poison.
    Liquid State:
    Gaseous State:
    Poison Effect(s):
    This poison is most commonly used with sand jutsu to grind the black crystals that create a lingering cloud of the poison around the sand. When the sand is used to attack the opponent may inhale some of the cloud where it gets into the lungs and dissolves there releasing the toxins within them. The infected’s heart rate begins to beat more rapidly as a signal is sent to the brain telling it it’s not getting enough oxygen, so it tries to compensate for it by increasing the flow of blood through the body. This is because the poison irritates the lungs and forces it to create mucus rapidly, therefore making it harder and harder for the lungs to work and take in oxygen as it builds up.

    [ Post 1 / The Infected will find their breathing becoming more difficult, and that the more they move around the harder it is to breath. As well as their movements begin to slow, and their heartbeat increasing slightly. They are still able to fight and function as these are small symptoms, and could be dismissed as the heat of battle or getting tired.]

    [ Post 3 / The infected will start coughing from the build up in their lungs, and while it is possible they could cough out the mucus, the heart is already beating more rapidly and is overcompensating for the constant movement of the body and the chemical adrenaline which speeds up the heart rate itself while fighting. At this point it will continue to beat more rapidly the more the infected moves and the more adrenaline that rushes through their body.]

    [ Post 4 / By this time if the infected has not stopped moving or attempted to calm themselves their heart rate will reach a dangerous level. If they were unable to get the mucus from their lungs before it built up to badly, they could possibly drown in it in this post. If hey had, their heart will continue to increase its rate until it eventually just cuts out completely, also during this post time.]
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Posts : 150

Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:23 am

Background Information






    Role-Play Sample:

    “I fail to understand your motives Brother.”

    The voice was low, vibrating through the icy air to the man shadowed in the corner of the small dimly lit room. He said nothing, but stood there hunched over the small frame of a child lain across the floor. The scent of blood was evident, if not potent enough, to distract her lingering mind from the actual source of it. Although, she knew it’s source all to well. From where she stood feet from the man there was still a clear view over his shoulder to the pale face of the young girl, still dressed in a now stained white night gown as if she were asleep, except for the growing red flower blooming across the chest.

    “It’s simple, but I shall explain it again. Had I not killed her, the illness would have spread through her body and caused her more pain and suffering then I could have ever caused her. If she were to have survived the illness, she would be too weak to evolve in a world of war and blood. Those who show weakness are singled out, and used against the ones closest to them.”

    This answer didn’t satisfy her still. She could have protected her like she always did, cut down anyone who touched her, and nurse her back to health again. All she had was her brother and sister, and they had her. To lose one would destroy them all inevitably. Through the flickering light flooding in from the doorway, her crimson eyes flashed in her heated anger, her pain, and her confusion.

    “But why did she have to die now if she still had chance?! Kaname you’re not making any-!”

    Kaname had stood and turned to her, shaking his head to tell her it was useless. The girl was gone, and not coming back no matter how much she yelled. Her lip quivered slightly, but she knew not to cry. In truth he did make sense, but she refused to understand it. Let alone, to acknowledge it. And this wasn’t the first time this had been done. Her mother, her father, her entire clan. All of them except for herself, her brother, and until recently her sister, had been unharmed by the taint that plagued the clan name. It was no use to be ignorant and reject it. They could only help themselves, and do their best to do what they were meant to do. Survive. The man walked past her, brushing her shoulder silently as he moved, until he disappeared through the doorway. This was just another day on the job for her, no different from any other. She turned away from the body and followed her brother out the door.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

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Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 1:38 pm

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Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptySun 21 Feb 2010, 2:41 am

As to not halt your rping, since your in the middle of a topic already, and because this is non-negotionable I handled this myself, but you had two clan jutsu which are S rank, ranked as A and as part of the jutsu your character knows. I removed them from your characters jutsu list (not the clans). Dont let this happen again, Im going to believe this was an accident this time.
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The Boss

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Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] EmptyFri 02 Jul 2010, 10:15 am

Archived due to User Inactivity.
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Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Sabure, Chishio [Sunagakure Jounin] Empty

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