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Heboushi Clan

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Age : 31
Posts : 1036

Heboushi Clan Vide
PostSubject: Heboushi Clan Heboushi Clan EmptyThu 28 Jul 2011, 12:37 am

Clan Name: Heboushi

Location: Scattered

Signature Traits:

Pale White: Members of the Heboushi clan are known for their usual pale white skin and their scaly texture. Because their skin is so scaly because of their snake tendencies their skin serves more like an extra layer of protection, simply deducing damage by 5% depending on the kind of damage.

Dark Eyes: Member sof the clan are also known according to their eyes. Though not really with a Doujuts members of the clan possess a very unusual color of eyes. Ranging from gray and red pupils.

Kekkei Genkai:

The Heboushi clan member's body it's very different from that of a human body. Clansmen of the family are able to manipulate their bones to different parts of their body thus making them bigger, smaller, and even with no bones at all. Because these clansmens are like snakes they are able to somewhat transform into large snakes. Their bodies become boneless thus can stretch up to long ranges and move faster than normal humans in this form. In this snake form they look exactly like a snake thus they are able to have their bodies like a snake. This is similar to Orochimaru's technique when he transform into the large snake. As the user ranks up the user will be able to increase his own body length in human form as well as their snake form. So in every point of their lives they are growing every rank up. A genin will be only able to manipulate his bones to somewhat extend his body longer, though they aren't able to transform their bodies part snake. A chuunin will activate the phase one and will be able to 'draw out' his bones out of his body to turn his whole body boneless and become like a snake. Their bodies are very scaly like a snake, and will approximately have a length of about 7 feet long. In normal human form they will be an average height of about 6'2. A Jounin will have the same as the chuunin abilities except that it will have a length of about 12 feet long. And in human form he will be about 6'7. Because their bodies are very scaly when they are hurt they are able to regenerate and cover minor wounds. ( because they can re arrage their bones, they are able to make their bodies stretch to long ranges)

Another very common of the clansmen of this family is their blood. Their blood are different. Meaning their blood has a very large portion of poison on it(Cobra Poison). Just like snakes they are able to pass this poison on their bodies throughout their teeth. Because of that any clansmen are immune to any poison that is used against them. A simple bite from any clan member of this clan can be fatal. An academy student poison would take about 3 post of medical treatment on the person to extract the poison and it will take about 8 minutes for the poison to kill. Some other genin who bit someone else would need to have about 5 post of medical treatment to extract the posion and would take about 5 minutes to kill. A chuunin 7 post of medical treatment and would take about 3 . And a Jounin poison can take about a minute before it goes though the whole body. After this poison gets throughout your whole body it cannot be extract in time thus causing death to whom ever has been bit.

Because every member of the clan are so close to snakes in every way. They are able to manipulate the snakes. More often they have them connected to their bodies and use them as weapons. The reason they have some snakes around their bodies is because when they are little their blood cells are mixed with that of snakes blood cells. Since then they have snake characteristics as well as some snakes grown in their bodies. They use these snakes to attack by taking them out from their sleeve etc. This is similar to what Orochimaru and Kabuto do with their snakes.

The Heboushi clan was invented by serious killers of the Konoha village. In search of the great vessel for the leaf. A perfect form to make one of the legendary sannin back in the days. Because they wanted to recreate this ability a bunch of scientist came together and formed a group of scientist that would be able to take the job. In that same time they had also taken a few other people that were willing to be experiments for this job. Though that way nobody were to be in danger the people that volunteered to be part f this experiment were either almost dying or were disease with a disease that cannot be cured.

For long periods of time these people were drugged to be put on a comma. While they were on a comma the scientist began to roll and mess with their cells. They messed with their bodies so much that their face cannot be no more be known by their families. At this point the scientist had done what ever they could. These vessels were now different, they didn't remembered anything before the operation, thus were completely different. Their bodies were now to be about snakes. The scientist had mix their genes with that of snakes and now they had the ability to use these snakes, create them and battle with them along side them. They have very serious personality and often are used for secret missions. Because they aren't many of these they are trained seperately by someone else or their Jounin. They aren't able to show their skills until they reach the age of 15 or higher.

Clan Jutsu:

Name: Particle Gathering Technique
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Mid Ranged
Element: -
Description: A ninjutsu technique that helps them very much in every occasion. Because they have almost every charasteristic of a snake. They are able to use their tongue to gather particles from the air to locate enemies that are around the area via heat.
Chakra Cost: 3

Name: Snake Binding Technique
Rank: D - S
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: -
Element: -
Description: After performing a hand sign the user will be able to stretch their necks up to a long range close to their opponents. They are able to stretch out limbs or any part of their bodies to reach to opponents or to bind them. An academy student would be able to strecth any part of their bodies to about 4 feet longer. A genin is 6 feets, chuunin would be 10 feets and A rank would be about 15 feet in length. An S rank would be able top stretch up to about 20 feets.
Chakra Cost: 3, 6, 11, 21, 35

Name: Snake Replacement Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: -
Element: -
Description: A Heboushi clan technique. This technique its used without the use of hand signs. Just like the replacement technique the user will be able to replace himself with any other snake nearby. The snake must be on sight from the user, and one can only replace himself up to about 50 meters away from his current location.
Chakra Cost: 2

Name: Snake Clone Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: -
Element: -
Description:After peforming the neccesary hand signs the user will manipulate snakes to form into clones made out of snakes. As usual this clone its very different and can be seen that it is different. The clone has just a little less strength than the user and can pack punches and kicks. After the clone is hit about the least of 2 times the clone will release long snakes from it attaching to the opponent in contact or upon dispersion the snake will gather around them and tie them up.
Chakra Cost: 7

Name: Dual Snake Assault Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: -
Element: -
Description:A ninjutsu technique of the Heboushi clan. After performing the necessary hand signs the user will summon two large snakes that length in about 10 feet from his sleeve. The snakes will shoot out aiming for their opponent. Upon contact they will wrap around the opponent and squeeze them cutting their air away and causing breathing problems. The snakes will then carve their long sharp teeths on anything they can catch as much as they can.
Chakra Cost: 9

Name: Needle Barrage
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Mid Ranged
Element: -
Description:A jutsu that the user will spit out several small needles. These needles are dipped on the clansmen own posion and are very fatal. After the needle is carved into the opponent skin the posion will travel around the body for a day maximum, if the posion isn't extracted at that point the person will die. This also causes 2 post of paralyzation to the opponent.
Chakra Cost: 7

Name: Demonic Spray Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Mid Ranged
Element: -
Description: The user will expel a spray of poison at the target from his mouth. If it hits, the target will be poisoned. The poison will continuously harm the target's body until it is removed, and will cause death in 24 hours. After 4 posts or two hours, the target will be completely paralyzed.
Chakra Cost: 15

Name: Snake Arm Technique
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long Ranged
Element: -
Description: A technique that doesn't require hand signs the user will manipulate his own bone structure to create his arm to form into a snake shaped hand. The user will use this hand to defend themselves to shield from attacks. The hand gets pretty big and is able to deflect B and lower rank jutsu.
Chakra Cost: 24
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Age : 31
Posts : 1036

Heboushi Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Heboushi Clan Heboushi Clan EmptySat 30 Jul 2011, 12:25 am

Completion Bump. ^^
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Posts : 2032

Heboushi Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Heboushi Clan Heboushi Clan EmptySun 31 Jul 2011, 12:18 pm

Quote :
Clansmen of the family are able to manipulate their bones to different parts of their body thus making them bigger, smaller, and even with no bones at all.
To manipulate your bones is going to far into the realm of the Kaguya. Like a snake, you would be able to dislocate your bone structure in the sense of a contortionist but not the extent where it would be described as "manipulation" to the extent written. Please edit everywhere that it applies.

- If you are referring to Orochimaru a canon character can you bracket it to make sure it is known as just being used as an example.

Quote :
Because of that any clansmen are immune to any poison that is used against them.
Remove this as it is a SC. You would only be automatically immune to your own poison at the most.

- Your poison would only kill at an S-Ranked level and nothing else. No way is an academy student having a poison that can kill. It should work as a bell curve from the point of injection there is a point where it peaks and then leaves the system naturally. Also, you time lengths need to be extended greatly. Please edit.

- Your poison also needs to be detailed more about what it is actually like. Perhaps you should put it in the poison template and post it in a spoiler in the KKG section.

Quote :
Name: Particle Gathering Technique
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Mid Ranged
Element: -
Description: A ninjutsu technique that helps them very much in every occasion. Because they have almost every charasteristic of a snake. They are able to use their tongue to gather particles from the air to locate enemies that are around the area via heat.
Chakra Cost: 3
This would need a chakra cost for extended use added to it. This should only have a maximum range of 10m as there is also other specific abilities based around this. Please add.

Quote :
Name: Snake Binding Technique
Rank: D - S
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: -
Element: -
Description: After performing a hand sign the user will be able to stretch their necks up to a long range close to their opponents. They are able to stretch out limbs or any part of their bodies to reach to opponents or to bind them. An academy student would be able to strecth any part of their bodies to about 4 feet longer. A genin is 6 feets, chuunin would be 10 feets and A rank would be about 15 feet in length. An S rank would be able top stretch up to about 20 feets.
Chakra Cost: 3, 6, 11, 21, 35
There would need to be some general times added for which they can stretch out and back like that of Luffy's rubber body on One Piece. The longer they stretch the more vulnerable they are, make a note of that in the technique.

Quote :
Name: Snake Replacement Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: -
Element: -
Description: A Heboushi clan technique. This technique its used without the use of hand signs. Just like the replacement technique the user will be able to replace himself with any other snake nearby. The snake must be on sight from the user, and one can only replace himself up to about 50 meters away from his current location.
Chakra Cost: 2
50m for an E-Rank? sorry. Edit it to 10m at most.

Quote :
Name: Needle Barrage
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Mid Ranged
Element: -
Description:A jutsu that the user will spit out several small needles. These needles are dipped on the clansmen own posion and are very fatal. After the needle is carved into the opponent skin the posion will travel around the body for a day maximum, if the posion isn't extracted at that point the person will die. This also causes 2 post of paralyzation to the opponent.
Chakra Cost: 7
Poison needs to be edit for this technique.

Quote :
Name: Snake Arm Technique
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long Ranged
Element: -
Description: A technique that doesn't require hand signs the user will manipulate his own bone structure to create his arm to form into a snake shaped hand. The user will use this hand to defend themselves to shield from attacks. The hand gets pretty big and is able to deflect B and lower rank jutsu.
Chakra Cost: 24
needs an additional chakra cost attached to it.
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Posts : 2032

Heboushi Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Heboushi Clan Heboushi Clan EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 7:03 am

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Heboushi Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Heboushi Clan Heboushi Clan Empty

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